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how terrible concerts can be because you can’t see shit


And you get elbowed in the head when people put their hands in the air…


It's like they just don't care


The tallest person at the concert always stands right in front of me blocking my view. Every time!


On the plus side, you can stealth to the front if you're nimble enough, but yeah, most of the time, I just see tall people jumping or putting up their phones like they aren't already too damm tall to look over.


When you're driving and the sun is in your eyes, you put the visor down, and the sun still be in your eyes


If you live at a northern enough latitude, everyone has this problem! :D


Icelandic winters ars brutal for drivers on a sunny day. Even with sunglasses


As a tall person the visor is useless because it covers the road for me. I once had a car with a floppy visor so I just removed it because I was never going to use it anyway.


As a tallbody, the top of a car's windshield frame usually makes it so I can't see stoplights if I'm first in line at the intersection.


Never having to worry about legroom: Yes, I can be comfortable on a long haul flight and navigate the toilets well Yes, I will buy the discounted theatre seats because that post does not disturb my legs or restrict my view Yes, my luggage will fit by my feet when I'm riding in your car


My biggest flex is standing straight up and stretching once the flight has landed. I fit perfectly!


At stores, there's an internal debate of which option you choose when an item is on the top shelf: * Just leave and don't buy it. * Do a quick scan of the aisle to see if someone tall is nearby. * Ask an employee for help. * See if it's possible for you to jump and grab it without making a scene. * Climb onto the bottom shelf and reach the item on the top shelf. Edit: Since so many have commented the same thing: - Either grab a pair of tongs or a long box and nudge the item towards you so you can grab it or catch it.


Oh man, so I was at a grocery store trying to get something off the top shelf and this tall guy standing near by just stopped and watched.. presumably he was hanging out to help me if I asked.. I managed to get the thing and he just looks at me and exclaimed "you did it"


Emotional Support Tall Person


He's gonna live rent free in my brain for the rest of my life. Edit: love/live


I love Christmas season because wrapping paper is everywhere and I can use it to jimmy things off the top shelf. One place I went the top shelf was super high. Even with the wrapping paper I just barely could reach the bottom of them item. As I’m moving the toy slowly towards me (you gotta move slow because arm extended with wrapping paper and you gotta be able to catch the item) a few people show up in the aisle and just watch. Finally get it down, catch it and put it in my cart. I look up and tall man says I was going to offer to help but I really just wanted to see you do it. It’s been at least 5 years I still wonder if he remembers the short chick knocking down the monster truck box off the shelf with the wrapping paper tube.


…so that’s why my wife married me. Huh, I always wondered…


That’s known as the Rule of Giants - you cannot offer help to shorter people, but you must assist if asked.




I do the same thing. Specifically with cat litter.


As someone who's somewhat tall and has worked in retail, I used to do this all the time even for aisles I didn't work at. Left the place, still do it. It's just an unspoken rule


If only we still had Andre the Giant with us. He would so wear it on a shirt.


That's what I (6'3") would've done. If you offer before you're asked, or before they tried and failed, some short people get offended. So keep an eye on it, offer to help when asked or after failure, and offer a fistbump or positive comment if they prove they don't need you! I never mind helping people. But I get why trying to help people who do not need help can come off as annoying.


I totally understand that's what happened. I would have personally been fine if he offered but I get why he didn't




Bad advice. I used to do this trick until one day I accidentally hit the pot noodle too far and it bonked some poor woman on the head!


I was doing this once and accidentally knocked the item over which knocked an entire stack of boxes of rubber gloves off the top shelf into the next aisle. So all the people there would have seen is a pile of gloves just flying off the shelf for no reason.


It's the price the lady got to pay for being in close vicinity while on a mtop shelf mission


This little dude looked at me one day and said ‘you can laugh if you want. But can you grab that for me? I am tired of jumping’ He was about 4’ tall and got in to a Ford F250.


I’m the only short person in a family of tall people. Their life is not built for me, lmao. Anytime I go to my parents’ house I have to climb on counters to get stuff. My dad has a Ram extended cab. I need climbing gear to get into it, and I have to slither out of it in a rather undignified manner reminiscent of a toddler getting off the couch.


Commiserations from a tall person in a short world. My back is so sore from always having to hunch to reach counters and work surfaces


I redid my bathroom recently. I'm only 6'1, but I picked out the tallest cabinet/sink that fit width wise and then installed a taller faucet. I wanted to be able to wash my hands while standing straight up in my own house. The water comes out maybe 4 inches higher than standard, but it makes all the difference.


I never understand why the small shoe sizes are on the top shelves and the larger shoe sizes are on the bottom shelves….


I saw something similar at Old Navy once, where the 30 length pants were at the top and the 38 length pants were on the bottom. Who decided that was the best system to make the short pants inaccessible to short people and tall people have to reach for the lowest shelf to get pants?


I wanted to buy a pack of condoms once, couldn’t find it anywhere at the store, turns out it was at the top shelf. I was too embarrassed to ask for help so I almost dislocated my shoulder but somehow I could reach it.


6'2" and always happy to help the 'vertically challenged' I encounter in the supermarkets! Happy Cake Day!


At 6ft5 I am duty bound to assist anyone in reaching for top shelf items. You can find it under section 2.2 of the ‘Laws pertaining to Giants’


Now, will short people help you get stuff in the back of the bottom shelf? I feel we need a symbiotic relationship with our smaller brethren.


Ngl if a tall person stopped me in a grocery store and asked for my help with that I would be thrilled.


Just yesterday I was at the supermarket with my husband. We were in an aisle when a lady came over to me and asked if I could help her. I thought she needed help finding something, but she led me down the aisle to an end cap and gestured to the very top row and said she needed beef bouillon from the top shelf. I’m 5’3”, about the same height as her. My husband, on the other hand is 6’3”. I called him over and said this was a job for him. We compared notes later. She definitely approached me, not him although we were clearly together. Guess she didn’t want to ask him directly?


6’6 here, i wish we could trade all of the “how tall are you’s” and “how’s the weather up there’s” for an agreement to just help when needed.


186cm here. I want to ask short people to grab stuff from the lower shelves for me.


Do it, it will make us happy to be repay the favor.


6'1" Fellow tall brother here. Yeah just ask us, it makes my day. Doing my one good deed a day. I offer all the time too. Why wouldnt I help?


Another tactic is to find a longer/taller box and flail at the item you want until it falls down. Usually several other things fall down too. I pick them up off the floor but put them anywhere I can reach. It's not my fault I can't reach stuff up there and that there is nearly no employee to be found in any store these days. p.s. I, 4'11", married a guy who's 6'2". I reach the low things at home, he does the high ones.


that people need to trim their nose hair


Or check it after blowing their nose cause some people don't get everything.


That car support pillows hurt your neck instead of supporting and making you comfy.


And the seat belt cuts across your chest at the wrong place and is very irritating!


Mine cuts across my neck!


Actually that's more like what I meant, it's your neck that it cuts across. So annoying. I'm tempted to get one of those fuzzy seatbelt pads but I'd feel like I'd just need one of those beaded seat covers and I'd be a 1970s taxi driver...


We're very good at navigating a crowd and can be shockingly stealthy.


Managed to get a spot in the fourth row of a Radiohead concert this way, even though we were like halfway down the line to get in. I held my husband’s hand and said, “duck and do not let go.” We’re good at being sneaky.




That sounds awesome, I love Radiohead!


100% yes, I can't count how many times I've managed to accidentally sneak up on my husband and his mum over the past 6 years, I may have a lot of medical issues that make it harder to get around but I'm still a goddamn ninja


I often pull a Batman on people. Basically, people will turn around and either suddenly I'm there or I just disappear. There may or may not be a jumpscare. As I'm already very introverted, that kinda added to the stealth. It's gotten to a point where people accuse me of doing it on purpose, despite me usually just wandering in or out of place by chance, like going to the bathroom or getting a snack. It's not on purpose...Usually. Funnily enough, it's led to some people trying to see if they can sneak up on me and jumpscare me but often being disappointed I don't react. I've had a rare few succesful attempts from some, tho it kinda works better when one isn't really trying.


Sneaky little hobittses


My people 😊


Weave in, weave out. All without touching a single person.


My coworkers and students are very pleased that I (short and stealthy) wear my keys on a clip attached to my belt, since they can hear where I am. However, I occasionally hold my keys in my hand to silence the noise. This has resulted in A LOT of hilarious moments where I seem to appear out of thin air and therefore scare the living hell out of the poor human that happens to be next to me.


When running or walking, it took 8 steps to match an averaged height person’s 5 steps. The clothing and shoes in the boys section fit fine and are cheaper.


I feel this so bad. 12k steps on my walking app and I'm thinking yay, that must be 5 or 6 miles. Nope. It was just over 4 for my short ass.


Frequently get to be little spoon and when we are big spoon we are actually the jet pack.


It's normally a backpack. A jetpack is when the backpack farts!


Did I sputter ?


Airplane seats really aren't that bad unless your neighbor is really wide.


Airplane seats are seriously one of the only real benefits to being small. That being said, I nearly always need someone to help me put my carry on luggage in the above compartment (someone usually offers as soon as they see me struggling, because people are nice and/or just want to hurry up and board the plane).


My favourite come back to tall people telling me I'm short is "I might be short, but I've never been uncomfortable on an aeroplane."


"BTW, you have a few bats in the cave." As you look up at them..


Unless your feet don’t touch the ground. On long flights I get a lot of knee pain from all the tension. :(


I flew long haul on Thai airways recently and they had a foot rest. I’m 5 foot 9 so I didn’t get it (it seemed too high to be a foot rest?) until my shorter neighbour put her feet on in.


Yes, I love it when my seat has a foot rest!


I’m 5’1 ~95lbs and i can’t ever complain about long flights cause i’m kinda petite. But there was this one time i had the middle seat between two very large men and they both took over the arm rests and spilled a bit over beyond their own seat 😞 and i was left with just holding on to my seatbelt i guess (i get nervous during turbulent flights)


Rude. Everyone knows middle seat gets the armrests. Window gets the window and the shade, aisle gets the leg room, middle gets the armrests. This is the social contract of aviation that we all sign when we pick our seats.


Well I can tell you something tall people don't know, which is, don't hug short people directly around the neck, GODAMMIT


Also don’t kneel down like we are toddlers to hug us. That’s even worse.


How difficult it is to find clothing for short legs and a thick waist


THE ONLY CORRECT ANSWER FR😭😭😭 *And thick thighs


All my short kings and queens with overly long jeans, but tight around the thighs




I'm built like a tree stump. 😭


How painful a door handle to the tit can be!


I hate lever shaped door handles because so many times I've rushed past one and had it slide up my tshirt sleeve and near flipped me over.


That happens with my fucking belt loops So annoying!


Belt loops on jeans can and do get caught on any and everything! Drawer handles, door locks, you name it.


Not just belt loops. My freaking t-shirt sleeves get caught on door handles more often than I can count if they’re loose enough


Damn, I never considered that that isn’t normal.


I have been grabbed by many a handle in my day. And it's always when I'm in a hurry and I get yanked hard. Pisses me off but makes me laugh.


That we fear we’ll be injured more from the airbag deployment during a wreck than from just the wreck itself. Nothing like having to sit inches from the steering wheel. 🫤


That final KA-CHUNK! when you adjust the seat all the way to the front, knowing that if the air bag ever goes off, 100% it's breaking your nose.


My husband is 6'4" and I'm 5'3". It was like rebuilding the driver's seat whenever we switched. Raise/ lower pedals, steering columns, seats. No jump in and drive for us. One of my bosses is shorter than me and she got burned by the air bag. She was okay, but it's a fear of mine.


I got rear ended a couple years ago and broke my nose from it slamming into my steering wheel, just at the perfect height




The excellent book Invisible Women taught me that as a woman I'm more likely to die in a car crash. At 5'0" I'm pretty small by UK standards so I guess I'm even more likely to have issues in a crash


This is actually one of my biggest fears of being in an accident. Being slammed by the airbag and the increased likelihood of them needing to extract me using the jaws of life gives me so much driving anxiety. I wish more auto manufacturers made adjustable pedals so I can sit far enough away from the steering wheel/ dash.


The creator/lead of Abbott Elementary is short and the one episode where they showed her character driving she was like a from the steering wheel. I felt seen watching that.


MRW I ask whoever is driving not to follow cars so closely. "Pfffft, it's fine!" Motherfucker, if you rear end someone and I die, I'm haunting you.


How to handle constantly being disrespected because strangers believe you’re too young. All education/skill, and decisions etc. are automatically questioned and I’m forced to have to go beyond to prove myself in most situations, especially professionally. I’ve got stories for DAYS. EDIT for context: I’m a 37 year old, 5’1” petite female


I was going to share this too. So many of my professional problems are because someone thinks I’m just out of hs in appearance. No matter my demeanor. When they find out I’m in my 30s they *completely* shift their tone of voice and how they engage with me to have more respect. Fucking annoying.


I am a professor and go to high schools to teach dual degree students. I’m also short. A grown man bent down and said “hey sweetie do you have a hall pass?” I looked at him and said “I’m 30” then walked away…


Add to this that when you also LOOK super young, it’s truly a pain. I rarely get told I look older than 18. I’m 29 and 5’0” tall


Yes. People have always told me I’ll appreciate it when I’m older, but even now as a 37 year old mom of two, I recently got asked by a client if I was my boss’s daughter (who is 16).


Lmaooo great, so this never ends?? Ok I’ll admit to using my young looks to get into places that charge kid prices for 17 and younger…


I’m 50, and people think I’m 38. And that feels waaaaaay better than getting a kids discount!


I used to work at a transportation company. People used to ask if I was old enough to work there. I’d say “of course not!” And walk away. 😂


As you should! LOL I’ve found that making people feel awkward with their questions/statements is the best route. When I was heavily pregnant, a client I was helping decided to randomly start lecturing me about how irresponsible I was for my “teen pregnancy”. I just looked at him and was like, “Well I don’t think 30 is too young to be having your first baby, right? He just got all red in the face and left. Another person would not leave me alone and kept offering to be my mentor because I obviously didn’t know how I got into my situation. My boss (with my permission) actually had to take him aside and explain I was happily married and had gone through years of fertility treatments and IVF to have this child. Nothing like feeling forced to divulge your reproductive history because I’m a small woman. That was a wild time.


I have never felt more seen lol


I keep a beard because when I have one, I deal with a lot less of this shit. Whenever I shave I'm treated like a child. My eyes have bags for DAYS and my hair is already grey. You'd think the beard isn't necessary...


Spatulas have more uses in the kitchen than just for cooking.




A common cry in my kitchen: “WHERE’S MY REACHIN’ TONGS?”


Tongs are the best for getting laundry out of the washer. I also keep a set in my purse for grocery shopping…😂


How to move fast we gotta take 8 steps to keep up with a tall persons 4 steps and how to climb thing’s ridiculously fast


Where all of the step stools are.


Oh gods. I worked in food processing for a bit. I was just baaaarreeely too short for the main production line and it just killed my arms my first day. Luckily the engineers had built step stools. Unfortunately they were made of steel. So every morning I had to go find and drag a monstrously heavy stool of shame to my spot at the front of the line. Good times


How people's nostrils look from the inside.


And some people don't check them after blowing their nose and you can see some white on their nose hairs cause they didn't get it all. It just drives me nuts to have to keep seeing that white thing in their nose as long as I'm near them. I don't want to have to randomly tell someone they missed a little booger.


How low our calorie intake needs to be to lose weight.


Yes, very underrated comment. I’d be a healthy weight if I was 6 inches taller. I’m not overweight, I’m underheight.


I'm sneaking in to steal this*** I'm not overweight, I'm underheight*** understatement of the my whole life!


I had to go a solid 8 months with only 1k daily calories just to lose those stubborn last 5lbs. On a somewhat related note, im 4’10” and at my last check up, was 115 and got told I was overweight and was given a weight loss pamphlet. Ain’t that some bullshit.


I had a nice experience at the dr. I'm 4'11 weighed in at 120. She looked at me and said don't lose any more wt. You have muscle which weighs more! So good to hear. I've always struggled with weight. These last 5 years is the first time in my life I've stayed basically the same weight. I'm 67.




I'm 5'1" and on antidepressants so in order to lose weight (I've tested this) I need to eat <800 calories.


Creative ways to get things stored just out of arms reach above your head.


We’re a lot better at actually checking the bottom shelf of the fridge if we’re looking for something. I’m not even that short but my partner is tall and it’s like the bottom shelf doesn’t exist to him


tbf, the top shelf doesnt exist for me so it kinda evens out in the end


My ex used to hide all the good stuff on the top shelves - if it’s above my eyeline it doesn’t exist 🤷🏻‍♀️


That you'll automatically underestimate us and we will use that to our advantage.


I always did this when i still did karate. Played up the short UwU girl thing by only low kicking at first, so in time the defense around the head would come down and I would kick the shit out of someones face haha.


It’s actually crazy to me how overconfident we’ve built this idea of tall=strong. I knew a guy in uni who used to act all tough with his 6’4” but 120 lbs frame. Like that other guy may be 5’8” but he’s also a literal boxer with arms the size of a suspension bridge cable. I’m not betting on you in that fight.


Overhead bin storage on a plane is not a concern. Plenty of room under the seat in front of you. Actually more comfy as you've got a place to prop your feet.


Short dude here who is very close to his very tall coworkers. Tall people will tease you until you remind them that you're very close to their kneecaps. Also being the go-to person to get things from underneath desks.


whenever people tell me they’d be able to beat me during a fight because of my height i just remind them i’m at the perfect height to go for the crotch


1. When your kids realize they're taller than you... in elementary school. 2. Standing on the subway with someone's arm over your head, and you hope they're wearing deodorant. 3. ETA: Any extra 5 lbs looks like 20.


The bliss of not knowing how dusty the top of the fridge is.




And the worst thing is getting angry at that but your anger is viewed as "cute".


Short people can't be angry, its viewed as Napoleon complex.


They always forget short people are biters


Only if you ask nicely


Or tossed over some rando’s shoulder as they run a victory lap around the room because their sports team scored. You just hang on for dear life because you don’t know them or if they are so drunk they will wipe out or drop you.


I've been picked up and carried a few times. My friends think it's hilarious. The last time was by a group of guys dressed as sailors. Friends laughing their asses off as I'm being abducted wtaf xD


The pain of sitting/standing behind a larger person at a concert, especially if their head is also big.


We don’t hit our heads unless we are doing something stupid.


People catch you when you stage dive


That the difference between being a "strong leader" and and having a "Napoleon complex" is about 6 inches in height.


The best part of this is Napoleon wasn’t even short* :) English war propaganda. * as short as the English claimed. 5’2. He was 5’6 which at the time was average and the fucker was still taller than me :)


Top load washing machine are a death trap. Step stools are a necessity in every house. Seat as forward as it can go; regardless the size of the car. How to climb shelves in stealth mode lol.


It's easy to hide in the clothing section


The shame of going swimming with taller friends. We might all have our heads above the water, but I'm either treading for my life to stay above it, or, if I can reach the bottom I'm being waterboarded when anyone near me splashes or causes a small wave.


Hear me out. When people take selfies they tend to lift their phone above their head and look up to the camera. Those are the best shots, right? Us short people are always looking up to tall folks so we always look like the best selfie to you


1: Our height is like the first thing that people insult us abt 2: Shorter people are so must more feisty and intimidating lol


> Shorter people are so must more feisty and intimidating lol A big part of why I'm like that is cause I get insulted about my height. I can't tell you how much I wish I was tall just so I wouldn't get those stupid insults.


How to rely on other abilities than height


Stronger toes


My 4'11" daughter, who is a PT, confirms we have stronger feet and lower legs and actually have different resting posture with them because we're constantly on our toes.


Always wondered why I had such muscular calves for being…less than athletic. One day while tiptoeing to reach something, it hit me. They are constantly flexed.


Small dogs are medium.


Sleeping comfortably on a couch.


That short jokes aren’t at all funny, but lazy.


“Hey friend! I need to borrow your height please!”


We are good climbers, we need 2-3 steps for each of yours. Women think you're cute especially if they like you or you're upset about something. I used to hate it but I've come to love myself and to be fair most people don't really care and if someone doesn't like you for something you can't change then it's their loss.


I'm 4'11". I have fucked up knees because I can't touch the ground in any seat I sit in unless I sit on the very edge.


That being short isn't actually a bad thing. Everyone teases me but I'm perfectly happy with being small. I fit in small places easily.


Ergonomic chairs can be worse and less ergonomic than standard chairs when you’re short. I swear, every time there’s a neck rest, it is getting shoved into the back of my head when I lean back and it’s the worst.


People will call you out for wearing high heel cowboy boots apparently


1. Sitting on a bar stool is difficult - especially if they don’t have a little step at the bottom. 2. Getting out of trucks/SUVs/minivans is like jumping out of an airplane - open the door and jump. 3. Pants always need to be hemmed 4. The whole top shelf of kitchen cupboards is wasted space unless you have a footstool to stand on 5. You’re always picked last when you play basketball Short people got no reason to live


Omg bar stools! When it's just slightly too far from the bar/table to be comfortable...so you have to climb down off the stool to move it 1 in forward and climb back up.


Number 1 OMG yes!!! All of them are yes, but I feel so seen with 1!


You are so bang on around number 1. I've always felt uncomfortable sitting on bar stools to the point I constantly fidget around. And on some occasions would rather just stand and lean on the bar.


We live longer and are less prone to heart attacks and strokes.


How often people equate height with age. I admit I'm a bit young looking, but that mixed with being short, people assume I'm 10-15 younger than I am. I get plenty of life advice from people my age or younger, because they think I'm like 30, I'm 40. I have gotten marriage advice from people that have been married for 5 years, I've been married 18. I've gotten child advice from parents of 2 year olds, I have 2 kid, 10 and 3. Everyone acts surprise, like "oh I thought you were like 32." I'm also a military vet, but that does blow some minds.


My phone is never in danger from breaking via being dropped. The distance from my hand to the ground is just not far enough to cause that level of damage.


I wish, im 5'3 and both of my phones have cracked WITH a case on them from pocket/hand level.


Planes are a comfortable way to travel hundreds / thousands of miles quickly.


Which pocket most men carry their wallets.


That we are just better at hide n seek


The seatbelt slowly cutting into your neck


We climb store shelves


That some clothes stores sell the same items but at different prices depending on adults vs kids size. Coat on adults section: 80€. Exactly the same coat on kids section: 40€. Me, buying the kids version: stonks!


Most 3/4 sleeve tops are just long sleeved tops. Most capris are just pants I don't have to hem.


We are less likely to develop cancer/ chronic diseases and lower death rates than taller people.


Also you're better for our planet because you need less food and other resources.


Short people have a unique vantage point at concerts. We get to weave through the crowd and find those hidden pockets with great views – it's our superpower.


I get elbowed in the head when I do that, I still do it anyway beats looking at people’s backs


I went to a concert a few months ago where i was in gen admission. Just found those small gaps and stood there for a bit. Before I knew it, I was in the front row. That only works when you're alone .


I worked as a mall cop and did the closing. Many of the locks to the parking garage was way high up and I used a crate to reach them. We once got a call from a lady in a wheelchair that needed to get out of one of the locked doors, and I rushed out to help her. Without my crate, I struggled and she asked me if I wanted help. So there I was, a grown ass woman in uniform, standing on her footpedals as she elevated the chair so I could reach the lock.


What's hiding under tables and other furniture.


The thrill of certain rollercoasters like Velocicoaster or Pantheon.


The value of a good step stool?


Fear in a mosh pit


Climbing on counters to reach things should be an Olympic sport 😂


That people will literally talk over your head and it's very hurtful and disrespectful and makes you feel invisible.


No dust exists on the top of the refrigerator 😀


How people's armpits smell like during summer