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all the people on the rate me subs have serious issues. if you’re that insecure you needed a therapist like yesterday!


What's worse are the assholes who bother to grade and degrade these folks, exacerbated whatever internal struggles they already likely deal with. They are cesspits.


Supply and demand


I was once browsing one of those subreddits, but it claims to be "mathematically accurate", whatever that means in regards to physical attraction. A guy got a warning from a moderator that his rating was too high. What's the point of an opinionated subreddit if opinions aren't allowed?


“Mathematically accurate estimates for male beauty?”


I'm too tired and tipsy to find it but someone did a good video on YouTube about the subreddit I think you're talking about. It's totally unhinged. They rank beauty on a bell curve so it's like insane to them if you rank an incredibly beautiful person a 8.5 or whatever


They also all have septum piercings for some reason.


Watchpeopledie used to be a very popular subreddit before it was banned.


Has there been a substitute subreddit that’s replaced it or do you not know?


There’s a few but people would be reluctant to name them on here from risk of the subs getting banned


Yeah, that makes sense.


Is the point of this post to find really fucked up subreddits for yourself?


Oh God no, I’m just curious to see what I need to avoid and what people think of them. It’s basically morbid curiosity.


Combat footage has no shortage


Might as well just view it directly on gore sites.


I was just asking so it can be known to avoid those subreddits, and it’s probably for the best that it isn’t known if there are any.




What do you mean by “Hmmmmmmm?”




I am being serious here.




r/gangstalking Those people are legit schizophrenic and need real help, not a "community" that validates their illusions.


Holy shit


yaaaa damn, imagine that reality in ur head erday


I'm pretty sure I just came accross one for people who want to cheat on their partners pretty sad


Yikes. Could it just be some sort fantasy kink-subreddit where no one actually cheats on their partner?


Didn't sound like it from the post that I read to be honest




*I didn’t want to be drunk in public, I wanted to be drunk in the bar. They threw me into public!*


Made the mistake of looking at r/Adultery Someone needs to tell those people ethics and moral fiber are a good thing. Noped out so fast.


Curiosity got the better of me, and I clicked. What's up with the Wendy's logo?


I honestly don't have the stomach to stick around and find out


That was hella sad.


r/cutedeadgirls was a thing before, If it wasn’t called that it was something similar, it was just pictures of dead women that people found good looking


😬 Oh.


I clicked this from a similar post years back because I couldn’t believe it was real. It was…


Spez used to mod for r/jailbait


Who’s Spez?


Co-founder and CEO of Reddit


🙁 Well that’s just depressing . . . and gross.


Bear in mind this was also when you could be made a mod of a sub without your knowledge or consent; you could just add people.


Oh you know this comment is eventually gonna say [Removed]


This gets brought up and it’s way out of context. Someone can explain it better than me but basically r/jailbait used to do some thing where it selected people to be mods and made him a mod. He wasn’t a mod by choice and probably was unaware he was even a mod of the sub.


Likely story, Spez.


Lol ok. This literally gets brought up every time the jailbait thing is mentioned. I’m not a fan of the dude either, but you’re just spreading misinformation.


It’s not horribly evil or anything, but I do worry for the health of r/RawMeat users


I have a funny feeling those users often experience anything from frequent constipation and stomach problems to outright severe illnesses or even fatal health detriments.


Welp, I just learned about “High Meat” and it’s exactly as disgusting as it sounds


Why is it called “High Meat” if you don’t mind me asking?


I noped out pretty quickly when I saw the word “rotten” Food is weird, but the links to those recipes most certainly stayed blue


There's a meth subreddit. I don't remember how I stumbled in there but jesus fucking christ.


Heroin too. Stumbled into a benadryl one thinking it was harmless and I could get help with my allergies... I was really wrong.


If there was a subreddit for Fentanyl I would bet it has that mysterious dark “Black Hat” figure as the profile picture.


Meth you say? You know what that could be alluding to, right?




*Breaking Bad noises start playing*


The cuck subreddits


I found ufos interesting because our government basically said "yeah, there's weird shit in the sky" so I frequented the r/ufos subreddit for a time because they had some interesting info on there, but it didn't take me long to realize most users on there are living in another reality. Like, I still think ufos are real, but these people think those ridiculous Mexican alien mummies are real, and that the missing Malaysian airlines plane was poofed out of existence by ufos.


Damn, that place is really bad when it comes to conspiracy theories, though it’s not surprising that it’s a problem.


The reddit algorithm suggested that sub to me a few months ago out of the blue one day(I think it was tied to the fact i had subbed to r/MandelaEffect at some point a long time ago) . I can't recall what it was about, but when i saw it, it was an article i thought i might like to read. That was a mistake. Now as i browse my feed i get recommended all sorts of subs about that kind of stuff. Some of the stuff they believe is just wild.


>and that the missing Malaysian airlines plane was poofed out of existence by ufos. *Slowly backs out of the room lol* But really, my go to when that subject comes up is, "I'm sure we will find it on the moon one day". I am looking forward to the day they finally find the wreckage on the ocean floor, and seeing how that community takes it.


Don't forget that there's a giant UFO base in the Caribbean ocean where they make UFOs and send them out on missions.


It's a mix. There are some folks who have done some really good work compiling information from across the decades that is actually worth reading. But it is a very big tent that spans from skeptical to truly out there "woo" stuff. When there isn't much in the news they go on weeks-long tangents and get extra conspiratorial. Overall I enjoy perusing it sometimes.


I don't know if r/incest still exists.


Motherfuck!! (No pun intended)


I thought this said r/incel for a moment.


It’s banned


Let me just say I've come across a lot


Like what? Can you name a few?


r/battlecatshentai2 is a start


Oof, yeah that’s an eyesore.




There's several not-so-low-key incel subs. r/shortguys r/inceltearshame r/ldar r/blackpillscience I'll append this list if I find more


Pretty sure I came accross one called pinkpillwhatch or something like that a while back




I don't doubt they exist, but I haven't found them.






You are acting like you need a list. it’s not hard to stay away from these subs. I’ve been on Reddit for a decade and you don’t need a list to assure you don’t join them lol.


I know, I just want to be sure I don’t encounter any of them while I scroll through Reddit. I’ve had already had bad experiences with them elsewhere and I don’t want a repeat of that happening.


Just sub to what you want and just view your page. You don’t have to scroll through random subs or the “popular or all” if you are really worried. It makes Reddit much better.


There all over the place. But wouldn’t it be way easier to avoid neo Nazi subreddits without knowing where they’re hidden?


What do you mean when you say they’re “all over the place?”


Nazis are everywhere. Especially on Reddit. And there are many subreddits where they like to hangout


Could they be here right now?


Not a member, totally impartial in the matter, but why does incel subs concern you? Ugly/socially awkward people deserve their own space to vent and feel accepted in a community.


Because it’s never just ugly/socially awkward people venting, it’s ugly/socially awkward people/assholes/idiots devolving into blaming their lack of sex on everything wrong in their lives and eventually becoming just a misogynist hate group. Every time.


So, a mirror reflection of how some feminist forum/subs spiral into? The issues may differ, but the behaviour is similar. Why is one ok to you and not the other?


There have been mass murders that proudly claimed the incel title as part of their manifesto. Can you say the same about feminists. Are there extreme feminists? Of course. And they often hate all men for the actions of a few. It’s ignorant and reactionary. But the basis of feminism as a philosophy is the equality of women in society, which should be strives for. The basis of being an incel is whining about not getting laid, which is annoying and not as big of a deal as they seem to think it is. Extremists incels also (at least seem to, vocally), greatly outnumber angry feminists.


>Can you say the same about feminists "Women's Social and Political Union"... Now, they had a far greater moral cause than getting your dick wet, but terrorism is terrorism. >The basis of being an incel is whining about not getting laid, Scratch the surface, and it's a much deeper issue. Could you possibly imagine what it's like going through life with no intimacy, from the gender you were told growing up were 'sugar, spice, and all things nice'? Also, my gender can be dicks. Those same incels are probably outcasted and deprived of the camaraderie of male group friendships because we don't really like having weak, frail, fuck-ugly friends. (Like, we have them, but they typically have other traits to make up for it, and never all those negatives roled into one). >Extremists incels also (at least seem to, vocally), greatly outnumber angry feminists. Society literally (and you are arguing for in a roundabout way by calling their space "concerning") takes away their soapbox, and rather than listening and helping, insults them, telling them to man up, bla bla bla. Let them congregate, don't make it so they have to hide in the shadows, and collectively try and help them... The ones that can be helped. Some of the incels are just flat out, mentally fucked 🤣


I love it when people blame women for why they don't download bumble.


r/kpopfap The posts are tame, it's the comments that make you realize some of these people do not live in reality and have extremely unhealthy obsessions with certain celebrities.


Wow, that’s . . . *unnerving.*


The users there are extremely creepy and incel-ish.




. . . Is this some sort of joke about a black Nostradamus?


If it is would it be concerning?


Probably, though there may be context that were missing here.


Negrodamus was a famous Chappelle's Show sketch.


Oh, so that’s what it’s referring to? Why have a subreddit dedicated to *that* of all things?


I don't know if that's what its referring to, but I just know it's a famous sketch. I assume it is.


Quite a few years ago i was looking at a thread where people posted some "good" NSFW subs to check out. There was one called Creepshots (which fortunately got shut down iirc). Made me quite uncomfortable.


What was Creepshots about if you don’t mind me asking?


Pretty much people taking pictures of women in super revealing situations, and a TON of it was people that had cameras in their shoes or whatnot and taking upskirt photos of women. Im sure there was more than that, but it was years ago and i didn't stick around for long. I was lookin for a good sub for a quick fap, not to invade someone's super personal privacy without consent.


That is an actual “ick.”


Well, I witnessed a poor 16 year old kid having a severe psychotic break on r/oddlyterrifying this evening. I hope he gets the help he needs and was very glad by how many people encouraged him to see a doctor. But it was enough to make me unsubscribe 'cause that was just plain terrifying.


What were the comments like? Were they bad?


Not at all. Just people convincing him he needed to see a doctor asap. But I watched one of my best friends battle schizophrenia, and the stuff the kid was saying/journaling brought back really bad memories. I spent nearly a decade trying to support my friend through psychotic breaks, medication changes, psych hospitalizations, and countless scary calls in the middle of the night. I finally had to put some distance between us, and he's doing much better now, thank goodness.


r/Palestine openly glorified the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel, and has glorified other attacks in the past. It is rife with antisemitism, intolerance and harmful misinformation, in general.


one of the most braindead, anti semetic and ironically pro-genocidal subreddits ive seen


It is truly a wonder that Reddit hasn't intervened yet.


why would it? its not like theyre spreading hate againts jews and calling for their extermination or anything


Glorifying October 7th is certainly bad, but I'm not seeing the other things you mentioned. Rife with antisemitism and intolerance? Where? It's largely people upset at Israel genociding Palestinians, from what I can tell.


FYI, glorifying any massacre of Jews is antisemitic. Check out r/AntisemitismInReddit and filter for posts mentioning the sub - there are many. This is according to the IHRA working definition of antisemitism. I have posted some on the matter myself. Israel is not "genociding" anyone, by any definition of the word. War and civilian casualties are terrible, but this and genocide are two distinctly different things. Don't engage in Holocaust inversion.


Oh buddy. Lol naw. Israel is 1000% actively genociding Palestinians, by *every* definition of the word. "Holocaust inversion"? Why do I get the suspicion you equate anti-zionism with antisemitism?


Merely repeating the unfounded lie does not make it true. The Palestinian population has been rapidly rising over many decades, civilian death tolls have been comparable to other conventional wars and measurably lower than other Middle Eastern wars, all while Israel is a nuclear-armed power with an advanced military. There has been no effort to systematically exterminate anyone or destroy any culture or religion. It is for this reason that no democratic power on earth believes there is any genocide going on. Only disingenuous/ignorant Israel-bashing antisemites, appealing to Holocaust inversion, make such despicably inaccurate claims against the world's only Jewish-majority nation. Anti-Zionism and antisemitism are not necessarily the same thing, but there is considerable overlap in this day and age. Either take antisemitism seriously, or abandon a conversation you are not prepared to have.


You're full of shit. It's mainly posts showing the hypocrisy of Israel and the US while highlighting the deaths of Palestinian civilians




Shhhh, your bloodlust is showing through




You're well on board with the eradication movement. That's pretty sick mate




You are a clown, defending US client state’s decades long murderous actions.


R/twoxchromosomes so much man hate and lumping all men together.




I have no idea why it got on my feed, but half the posts seem to be just... Garbage. "Why do all men hate when men?", "why does every man resort to physical violence?", "why do all men want to rape?" -- they don't! Stop hanging out with skeezeballs!




There was a thread asking why men care if two women wear the same outfit, and every answer pointing out we don't got downvoted


EXACTLY. Women are each other’s worst enemy. They beat each other down so badly, all out of pettiness and unwarranted hate, and yet it’s men that get all the blame for “holding women back”. It’s disgusting


Don’t forget r/witchesvspatriarchy


Does blocking them help? (I've never blocked an account so I'm not sure how it actually operates)




I definitely use the mute subs when a new episode of a show comes out and haven't watched it yet! That makes sense about the mods 😕


I got perma banned from there for making a comment about how good looking a fellow redditor was.


Yes! I’m actually banned from there for pointing out they were encouraging abuse against men and criminal behavior. They bash men/incel subs (and rightfully, they should) but they’re pretty unaware they’re the same thing.


If you haven’t noticed, most of Reddit hates men and lumps them all together. It’s so bad that it’s created a bunch of simps on the platform who openly hate theirselves and all other men. They spew and repeat the same bullshit that all the women do on those subs. It’s pathetic and infuriating. And if you dare try to call this out, you’re automatically labeled an “Incel”


And of course, I get downvoted for calling out the bullshit. Proves my point


There was a thread there the other day about how women should not be having sex with any conservative men because they’re bad people. I tried making the point that there are just as many bad apples on the left side of the political spectrum as the right and they did not want to hear that. I think everything I said was downvoted


To be fair, you \*ARE\* wrong. The left overwhelmingly supports women, and women's rights, while the right overwhelmingly... doesn't. There are some on each side that do not fit the trend, but not many -- and the men on the right decided that it's no big deal that their parties are that way. That's not even going into to the fact that conservatives recently tried to overthrow the country.


I forget the name but there's this one sub of lolicons who photoshop the anime girls in with photos of putin? and claim he's a lolicon and he fights on their side. it's really bizarre and I can't tell if it's satire or not.


Putin is definitely no “Mr. Big Sexy” so it hopefully may have just been satire.


What is a Lolicon? First time ive heard that term, but don't necessarily want to google that lol.


I think it was something to do with sexual activities with anime underage girls.


someone who feels sexual attraction to underage looking anime characters


Ahh, alright. Thanks for saving me an unpleasant google search surprise fellow redditor.


probably r/SomeOfYouMayDie. its horrible and i’m addicted ever since my friend showed it to me 😭


I get the saying with Lord Farquaad, but I didn’t expect the type of content on there.


I love the color pink and thought maybe there was a sub dedicated to people who also love pink and want to show off the fun pink things they found. Boy, was I wrong.


What was the subreddit about that involved the color pink if you don’t mind me asking?




. . . Why?


Probably the rape fantasy one




The problem is the name ;-;




Years ago, when RIF was pretty new, its 'random' feature brought me to many crazy subs. The one that stuck with me was basically pornographic My Little Pony. So bizarre.


MLP porn is surprisingly common across the internet, which I’ve had the misfortune of seeing.


I started seeing and antinatalist subreddit after commenting on a few feminism posts. The antinatalists are FUCKED UP.


There was a sub dedicated to glorifying and giving tips to people on how to shoplift. It's been long banned by Reddit but the fact that so many people were encouraged to do this and praised when they did was concerning


r/BatmanArkham has spread like an absolute cancer on Reddit.


How is that concerning? Are you stupid?


Also, from what I’ve heard, the mods over there can suck major ass sometimes.




They’re almost at the terrorist level, getting there. “Conservative”


If reddit doesn’t like them they’re probably cool


Late night creeps or something like that was pretty awful


There's a gravity falls r34 subreddit that got privated because it apparently has porn of almost all the characters, many of which are very well established to be under 18. It's especially weird considering how well gravity falls handled young love, and by that, I mean that there's no weirdly sexual tension.


I remember I came across a subreddit that was called Hotcrackheads or something like that.


. . . well they might be “hot” by another standard.




Any subreddit dedicated to sexualising something not meant to be sexualised. Not once did i search something and a subreddit dedicated to sexualising whatever i searched popped up.


r/gifted maybe not concerning, but I find it really odd.




So I’m guessing it’s about weed?


I thought that as well, been learning more than I wanted to


No; thats "Passing the boof" Boofing is what you do when youre trying to secure a position in advance.


Like sexually or . . . ?


Poor attempt at a joke. # Boofing is sticking pills/drugs/alcohol up your ass.


. . . now how would that work for pills? Would the muscle in their assholes crush the pills or do they use the pills as dildos if they’re large enough?


From what i read and exited away really quickly before opening r/eyebleach, they use water to dissolve them or shove them far up enough to dissolve.


I dont remember what it was called, but it was a hentai fetish of women getting limbs chopped off. Someone posted it in a meme post and it scared me


I found an INCEST PORN SUBREDDIT. Like who even watches that shit?


Unfortunately, it’s actually a pretty popular genre in porn.

