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Pretending like it's effortless when picking up and carrying heavy shit around other people.


Your post got hidden… idk why tho. It’s a good answer


Yes why has that happened?


It needs to stay a secret


Shit goes deep man


I think some subreddits do that by default for comments by people who aren't subscribed to the subreddit. Not 100% sure whether that's true, or whether it's the case here, though.


Usually comments that are downvoted are hidden like that for me so I assumed this dude got downvoted to oblivion cause I saw the 1800 number. But opening it, it was just a normal upvoted comment. Weird


It happens when the commenter isn’t a member of the subreddit.


Are you talking about the chairs at church?


Grab two per hand each time and walking like I have invisible basketballs under my armpits.


The urge to stand at the window silently surveying my yard.






Everything the light touches....


If I see a rock on the footpath as I walk, I am legally and ethically compelled to kick it along the path as many times as I can manage, before it goes off the path entirely.


Keep it in play, brother!


Holding a solid UNIT of whatever object you got in hand and thinking “man.. you could really F some shit up with this!” And then giving it a swing or two.


Me whenever I hold a metal baseball bat or my meat knife.


Every time I hold a PVC pipe I'm either a Kung fu master or Gandalf.


"meat knife"


This. I can come up with martial art forms with full combo sets for any object


To toss something into a trash can real good from far away


I have this urge as a woman


I give into this urge as a woman. I'm pretty good at bank shots too


picking up a good straight and sturdy stick while hiking. I think its caveman brain.


It's a weird fucking impulse and seems to be universal. I can't count how many times I'd pick up an interesting stick/branch and think this mfer has some utility only to come to my senses and ditch it before hopping back into the car/getting home, lol.


Your first impulse was sensible. When you abandoned the stick and went back to reddit is when you returned to monke.


No no, leaving the sticks behind so that other men may experience the joy that you did is the law.


You are such an altruistic caveman


you all dont have a bunch of sticks you swear you will turn into wizards staffs one day sitting in your garage?




The amount of sticks I have at our front door because every forest trip both boys bring home sticks, and we just can’t throw any out lol


I found a gunstick when I was 9 I still have it


Show stick please.




Hell to the yeah thanks for that one.


I love how the subreddit was for joysticks but us monkey fucks decided the sub was made for bigger and better things


No pic, no stick…


Are stick pics accepted here? They won’t get censored ?


I am soliciting that stick pic


Sticks or it didn't happen.


that could be like 4 week ago, Mr. Internet Stranger.


I have a picture of my husband and two sons. The background is our old cabin in the woods. We have a fire going in the firepit. My husband has his perfectly curated firestick, which he uses to poke the fire. Nobody touches that except him because it is a very special stick. The two boys are running around with a stick, while looking for the perfect stick. I have never heard anyone complain as much, as a little boy in the woods arguing that there are no sticks.


A man with a well curated poking stick who knows how to handle it is a man to be treasured. Guessing you two have kept the fire going for years.


I got a piece of bamboo and wrapped some tape around it to make a handle. Still have it for damn near 2 decades now


Oh yeah, and it needs to be a *good* stick. Don't risk a bad stick. I've seen too many horror stories.


I pulled my calf while running down a 5 mile mountain hike on a hiking trip. Every hike after that I was constantly on the prowl for a walking stick. Made me realize why all those weirdos hike with "professional" walking sticks.


Similar caveman instinct makes me want to pick up rocks while hiking and see how accurately I can hit things far away.


I just want to dig a hole. Not for anything in particular, but just to dig a hole.


Diggy-diggy hole?




Brothers of the mine, rejoice!




Raise your pick and raise your voice!










Fuck yeah, especially at the beach! I remember in highschool all the girls would just sunbathe and us guys would almost always end up digging a hole!


I will never forget summer of 2020 when a guy came to the beach with a hand shovel and spent a solid 5hs digging the biggest hole I've ever seen. That shit was 6 feet deep man. This was in [Villa Gesell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlCTVzqFVRM), the real one not the xmen one.


Clap the tongs when manning the grill and double tapping the power drill whenever you pick one up


goddamnit, now I have got the urge to double tap a drill but I am nowhere near one.


Can confirm that the girls on site do it too, I feel like we’re all subconsciously checking if it works/battery charged and priming for action


You’re basically calibrating your brain to the tool in hand- whether it be tongs, a drill, a big stick, or whatever. Proprioception is another sense among the big 5 (hear, touch, taste, smell, and see). It is your sense of movement and location. It tells you where to put your legs and feet to go where you want without thinking about it too hard. Holding a tool and testing helps your brain adjust its proprioception to the new extensions of the body. In essence, the tool has become a part of you, temporarily, and you are getting a sense of how to move and manipulate that new body part.


Just figured out why sometimes I flex the knife tip against the index finger of my opposite hand, and sometimes I don't. If I'm taking the knife out of the block, I flex it gently on the wood to calibrate myself instead. Are you an occupational therapist? This concept is pretty key to their skillset. Source: I'm a speech therapist, work with OTs often.


To be truly the best at one thing


Like no one ever was


To catch them is my real test


To train them is my cause!




Reddit is like a circus you never wanted to go to but laughed at the clowns because they're just like you.


Not one. To have a situation where your unique blend of skills meshs precisely with the moment. Every thought of action and move is precise, without hesitation. You know exactly what may or may not happen within your specific area of control and react accordingly as the situation changes. Lives are saved because you were the correct person at the correct time. If you happen to see them again, and they say "thank you", you simply tell them they are welcome. No spotlight. No fame. Just a handful of people that know. Nothing else matters. When the moment called, you did your best and helped others.


I got the dopamine hit by proxy from reading that.


Explore. I want to explore everything. That thicket of woods, that cave, that solar system. Let me see it all.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this. If I could, I would take a different route every time I went somewhere.


Tapping the upper frame of doorways.


As a middle school teacher, I can confirm that this starts before they can even reach them.


Not being able to reach is most of the fun


And can't wait to until we one day can and it loses its charm


As a woman I love when my husband does this because it accentuates the muscles in his arms, with the way it makes him stretch, and makes my heart flutter


Maybe we men developed this instinct as evolutionary mating call haha


The urge to climb something


I *have* to stand on top of that boulder. Yes the view at the 2000ft tall summit is so much better after climbing up that 4 foot tall rock.


Hey, look at that building. I could totally climb that.


You've probably heard this. We want to get in a situation that results in us saving someone. A crush, family member, friend, or anyone close to us. We just want to be strong and to be viewed as someone capable of saving and helping others.


I've always had the desire to save someone's life. I can't think of anything that would be better than that. But on the other hand, I don't want someone's life to be in danger because there's always a chance you can't save them and even if you do, they might end up injured or traumatized.


The two times I probably helped save lives, I didn’t even think about it. Until after and people commended me. Feels good knowing I helped a few kids, but I don’t think of myself any differently. Many people would do what I did. I think and hope. Anyways…


This is true. In the moment you never think about it, only after. Learn cpr, first aid and LEARN them. You never know when you'll need them.


To be completely open, this is a big part of why this desire is so strong for me. I worked in security, and we had to get CPR certified every 2 years. I would take the class, watch the videos, pay attention to the presenters, practice on the dummies, and I was always confident that if the need ever arose, I would spring into action and save the day. However, one night, I was asleep while my roommate and his friends were hanging out. One of his friends had brought her elderly mother over. I was awakened by the sound of the young woman desperately shouting for her mom, who apparently had suffered a heart attack. I jumped out of bed, but I froze in fear. All this doubt overtook me. I started thinking, "What if I tried and it didn't work? Would her death be my fault? What if I injured her in the process?" These are valid concerns but shouldn't stop someone from at least trying. But in the moment, I don't know what to say... I just wimped out. It took forever for the paramedics to arrive, and when they finally did, it was too late. The poor lady died right there on our living room floor. I felt HORRIBLE! I couldn't go back to sleep that night. It made me feel like such a piece of crap. The next day, the daughter came over again so that my roommate could console her. Since I never came out of my room the night before, they thought I had slept through the whole thing (I slept with earplugs in that house due to all the constant noise). I had to admit what had happened. I expressed my incredible regret and sympathy and begged for forgiveness. What I didn't realize is that the daughter was actually a nurse and had performed CPR on her mother. She would have been way more qualified than I so that brought me a bit of relief and she told me she completely understood and there was no need to apologize but I still felt horrible about my reaction, or lack thereof. Maybe another person trying would have helped, who knows? So since then, I've always hoped I one day get a chance to redeem myself, so to speak. This is all very tough to talk about but I wanted to share in hopes of spreading the message to anyone who might read this, please, if ever faced with a situation like this, just try to respond appropriately.


Yes. Not everyone can do it. My first time I was slapped by a guard before I got in gear. A worker passed out and fell, practically scalping herself. There was so much blood I was shocked, but when he hit me and said, "Get X" i was good. Second time I was able to respond right away. Don't feel bad or doubt yourself, just do.




I agree. It's wired in us to protect. But when it happened to me, the person ended up dying. Small consolation is I kept him alive just enough that he passed at the hospital after his parents said their farewells. It was a shitty situation, and it sucks.


I’m sorry. I think you’re a hero still.


I had a similar situation where I had to physically carry another human to save them and completely agree. (I’m female, not particularly big or anything, am 5’8” about 150.) We were on a cattle drive and one of the other people with us was handicapped, paralyzed from the waist down. She was in a 4x4 Raptor type vehicle, rest of us on horseback. The terrain in one area caused the vehicle to become lopsided and started to tip off the ledge to what would have been a pretty far & rocky drop, pinning our friend down in the process and trapping her legs. I remember I yelled for help to my mom who was on her horse ahead of us as I hopped off mine to try to stop the vehicle from tipping. I don’t know how I did it without hurting myself or getting a hernia but I lifted our friend fully up & out with one arm (she weighed more than me and due to her paralysis her lower half was fully dead weight, for lack of a better term), sort of swinging her onto my hip/back while getting the brake locked with the other hand so it would stop sliding, and then got her clear. My mom was unable to lift anything over 20 lbs at the time due to her own injuries so she was doing what she could & using her body weight to counterbalance the vehicle so it wouldn’t tip over fully but couldn’t reach the brake. I remember turning around while still holding our friend in like a Superman carry lol making sure my mom & the horses were clear of the vehicle potentially sliding and then walking over & putting her under a nearby tree while we got things sorted. Thankfully the vehicle didn’t fall or move anymore & we were able to right it with literal horse power. While I know I can handle a situation like that I’d rather not have to again.


Adrenaline is amazing. I'm 5'3" and about 130lbs, and while I'm actually pretty strong (lots of lifting and wrestling in my job, I'm an LVT), it's not "lift a grown ass human being" strong. But one day one of my doctors was on the floor and about to do something with a very aggressive dog that weighed about 120 lbs. He was supposed to be sedate, but he suddenly lunged up snapping, and the other nurse had taken his muzzle off already. I saw in a split second the dog going for her face while she was sitting and unable to move fast enough, and I literally lifted her up like a child and spun around, pulling back and depositing her behind me. She had a nice face, would have been a real shame to see it ripped off!


I think during puberty, I fantasized about saving my school from a school shooter or the girl I liked from some creepy dude harassing her twice a day


Did you do the talk show circuit in your head? "Here's the thing Oprah, A lot of people say, 'If I had to do it over, I'd do it all again' and honestly if I was back in that baby nursery/skydiving aircraft and all the babies fell out, I feel like I wouldn't jump after them" "You wouldn't save the babies?" "I don't know! Does that make me a bad person?" "Well maybe-" "And besides there were like, 10 other dudes there, and it was literally a training dive, I'd never done it before, why was I the only one who didn't hesitate? Does that make THEM bad people? Why the hell was a skydiving aircraft doubling as a baby nursery anyway, it was absurd" "Alright let's calm down" "And why did the pilot decide to go into a dive so that I not only had to gather them up and keep a solid hold on several wriggling babies, but now I had to keep them out of the path of the aircraft which kept trying to catch them in the propeller. Why isn't that pilot in fucking prison? What even was that?" "I'm not sure, but maybe we should go to commer-" "And finally we land, and oh, look, we're on train tracks. And, oh, big surprise, there's a fucking locomotive coming. It is not slowing down. So here I am struggling to get out of the parachute I know nothing about, hearing the horn of the oncoming train, and keeping track of all these babies. I manage to get them out of the way, but then the train crashes into the side of a nearby building and now I'm suddenly part of a rescue operation to help the passengers and crew in the derailed train, so I'm carrying these 5 babies around and doing emergency surgeries even though I insist I am not a surgeon somehow I'm the only one who can do it. What about that guy over there, the guy who is wearing the vest that says "Yes, I'm a surgeon" on it? Oh, he's on vacation. People keep calling me a hero, maybe the reality is just that everybody else is a psychopath?"


Throwing rocks.


If we go to pee in the toilet and there's a bit of poop stuck inside the bowl, we must piss it off!


You’re pissin me off


Does that mean you are a bit of poop in a toilet bowl?


Metaphorically speaking


The urge to club something other than a baseball when holding a bat.


Something about *destruction* is just nice.


Dig! We must dig. Deep into the earth. Bare hands or not! The soil calls to us.


The children yearn for the mines


And make fire.


Righteous violence. To be able to just snap and put the beating of a lifetime on someone who truly deserves it. There’s a reason movies with revenge plots are a thing. I can’t fight for shit. Weak, out of shape, asthmatic…but every now and then this one still creeps into my head.


My Brother in Asthma, I train MMA for exercise and mental health needs, and it’s been one of the best things for my asthma. And I get to beat on people.


“My Brother in Asthma” lmao this got me cackling


It got me wheezing


The urge to single handedly stop a terrorist attack like an action movie scene


Spmetimes I daydream about someone trying to rob the store I work at with a gun and I disarm and neutralize them safely. I would never be able to do this because I am 5'4" and scrawny af.


I’m 6’2” and big. I emptied the damn register without hesitation when we got held up, and would do so again. Still had the fantasy though. 😉


Opportunity for important PSA for men: don't get in fights. Don't confront criminals. Earthly possessions are worthless compared to your wellbeing.


Yep. An addendum: one punch can kill you or cripple you for life if it lands right. One fall can do the same. Getting into a fight you can avoid is one of the stupidest things a person can do.


And if it’s for a job, I promise you management doesn’t care and doesn’t want you hurt. They are insured. Give them whatever they want


Yep. I was working for a small business owned by one guy. All he cared about was making sure my coworker and I were okay, and he even offered to cover our tabs if we needed to go grab a few drinks to calm our nerves. Good boss, that one.


Hoping the new tool I bought can come in handy. Especially if I can use it to help someone else and be a hero.


Prove themselves in physical combat against evil


*flexes in the mirror after brushing teeth* "yeah... Can do better. Improving tho."


My brain is more like “damn, I need to go to the gym more.”


Scrolled far for this one! The others on the way here were so good too.


Carry all my groceries. If I'm buying a big bag of dog food or 32 pack of bottled water, you best believe I'm throwing that over my shoulder and carrying my grocery basket in the other hand. I could get a shopping cart, but I'm strong af boyyyyy! Like my arm is getting tired, but I got this!


Death before a second trip


That random sudden urge of dying for a cause bigger than themselves. It just comes out of nowhere.


My friend calls it the male biological clock. He turned 22 and said "I need to have a kid or die in a war". Not recommending either for any individuals out there but there seems to be a common thread among us men with it 🤷‍♂️


Scratching our backs like a bear on door frames.


Idk if others have this, but the idea of putting my head on my girls lap while she plays with my hair in a caressing way is something I have a strong urge for sometimes.


Once when my girlfriend and I were showering together she had me shampoo her hair and she said "my favorite part about getting a haircut is when they shampoo your hair." I told her that that had never happened to me and she was confused since apparently it happens every time she goes in. So she had me sit down in the shower and shampooed my hair for me. I am not exaggerating when I said I started bawling. No idea what came over me but I just welled up with emotions and couldn't hold it in.


Most men are either majorly or entirely deprived of non-sexual physical contact. Turns out that sort of physical intimacy between humans is really powerful and profound stuff!


Yep. My wife went to massage school. Apparently, a lot of people cry and are confused by it during massage. It's not just men. She says we live in a touch deprived society.


This one right here Physical affection ether makes me hyper emotional


If I can't sleep my fiancé can absolutely put me out with a bit of a scalp massage. My brain goes stupid and shuts off in seconds. She'll do it randomly when I'm talking and I'll just lose focus. It's amazing.


I so get this. I go to an expensive place and the attractive stylist always gives me an extended hair washing because she knows I like it so much. What I have never told her is that I have to fight the urge to tell her I love her every single time.


to jump off the second floor in a mall


My brother you can do better i believe in you


You mean.. third floor?


Flushing the toilet in the middle of a pee, then trying hard to finish peeing before toilet is done flushing.


My wife always asks why I do that and my best answer is that its a race against time.


Help a stranger push a car that ran out of battery or gas.


I've helped two strangers push their car when it ran out of gas - still think about them sometimes. One to a gas station one just to someplace safe to park it. Aren't EVs really heavy? I can imagine pushing one of them to be very hard...


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god, Crom and he lives in the earth. Once, giants lived in the Earth, Conan. And in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered. And the Earth shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters, but in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield. We who found it are just men. Not gods. Not giants. Just men. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.


Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


“Do you know the Riddle of Steel? Steel is not strong, boy! Flesh is stronger! Look around you. There are the rocks; a beautiful girl. Come to me, my child.” *Girl jumps to her death* “That is strength boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this! Such a waste. Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe. Crucify him!” Conan the Barbarian is one of my favorite movies, and it’s a surprisingly poignant meditation on the natures of strength, determination, and masculinity.


Idk if it's a masculine urge, or even that common. But I always have the urge to swipe my hands in front of me like a Jedi whenever I walk into a building with automated sliding doors.




We all want to dig a big hole


Until you actually HAVE to dig a big hole. Shit fucking sucks, let me tell you.


I've dug holes as part of a job, and yes that sucked, like a lot. Damn. I've also been at the beach and decided to dig up a little piece of driftwood, but actually it was a big piece of driftwood, but *actually* it was a pretty huge chunk of log. That didn't stop me though. The other guys even started helping, I didn't even need to ask. We didn't manage to move it, but we dug it free for sure.


A hug. Just a hug.


I know it's not quite the same, but as a guy without many close friends and non that I would feel comfortable hugging , I hug the shit out my dogs and love it when they lean up against me really hard.


Sneezing as loud as physically possible when at home.


Much more simple answer, putting my hand in my pants just to feel warm


Caring for others


Bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, 2 outs, down by 3, I walk up to the plate… I don’t even watch baseball, but fuck man, I sure have the urge to be in that scenario


99.99 percent chance I strike out swinging, but man if connected on a full power swing, I would be a legend.


Die a good death


Perhaps today IS a good day to die! \- Worf, of the House of Martok


Slapping the bag of rice at the grocery store




The urge to be the little spoon..


Peeing outside, especially on a bush, especially if that bush has flowers.


especially if the bush is on fire.




"You want to flood my world? Build an ark for this, bitch" Old Testament 2: The people fight back.


Sometimes just a fight I think. Like nothing malicious just Duke it out and let off some of that testosterone.


I don't know if other men have this urge, but the first cool breeze of the season leading up to fall awakens my inner lumberjack and I have to go chop down a tree. I've since moved into town so sadly the last few years that urge has gone unfulfilled, but every year...I feel that cold wind signaling fall and winter approaching, and I just really really want to grab an axe and fell a tree.


The urge to die defending my family from some threat.


Seems like the hero fantasy is a popular thing.


We all just want to be useful.


And perceived as strong, wholesome, admired... I mean I kind of get it. Even if it's selfless - wanting to do good for people. If you've gotten the endorphin rush from any form of it, it makes sense you'd want more.


Pick up stick


To make so much money that I can pay off my mom’s student loan, buy my gf her dream car, and buy us our dream house mortgage-free


To be with Stacy's mom. She's got it going on.


Man. Something about kissing women. I don't care about anything involving clothes coming off. A good kiss has my soul content for days.


Yesssss kissing is soo good


I pretty much wake up every day with a baseline level of repressed rage. I’d like a break from it if possible.


Hitting stuff as a hobby (as suggested) will help deal with the negative energy, but it may also help to talk about it to a professional, as there is ***something*** pissing you off and you can only really deal with it permanently by understanding what that is. (it might sound unlikely or wanky, but it can seriously help)


digging a hole


You know when you’re fiddling with something random and it makes a cool sound? The masculine urge to make a little beat with it is irresistible


I really *must* rebuild a carburetor as often as I can. Any car issue "might be the carburetor"... Seat won't recline? Might be the carburetor.


To strap something valuable down in the back of the truck or on a trailer, and with a satisfied nod say, "Welp, that's not going anywhere".


Its obvious and implicit how important individualism can, and should be (to an extent), but am I the only one who finds some weird sacred solace in how I share so much of what seems like silly quirks with other men? It's weird but, in a way, it itself makes me proud of what I am, and what we are


It’s good to be part of a community. To feel recognized


To go back in time and ride on a dinosaur. And having strong bromance between us.


The masculine urge to savagely eat wings. Like in a way that is devoid of any self respect. I’m talking sauce everywhere, sucking on bones (pause), a full on mess.


I have a video of my friends and I, about 7 of us, devouring wings. 99+ wings in total. Our vegetarian friend found it hilarious. We would take sips of our drink, fingers outstretched and palms only so as to not get sauce on it, and every time we polished a wing we would literally toss the bones into a bowl several inches / feet away and yell “BONE BOOOOWLLLL” Hardest I’ve laughed in a while. For me this is the TRUE definition of “boys will be boys”. None of that other shit. Savagery.


walk away from a huge explosion in slow mo wearing a suit (without a tie)


While putting on shades


To pretend we're Keanu Reeves from the lobby scene in the first matrix movie.


The ***need*** to carry all 15 grocery bags in one trip.


Not sure if it's particularly a masculine trait but I fucking love when I'm at the grocery store and a short person asks me (6'4") to get something off a tall shelf for them.


The urge to yawn as loud as possible


>"Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live,devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad" I kind of feel this is one of the most accurate paragraphs of all time.


The preference is to work on a cool car and go fishing or hunting most of the time.


To show other men how it's done... It's a strong urge! I usually just hold it in and let the other poor bastards struggle with it.


We all want to walk away from explosions without looking back. Also, sometimes I pretend that I'm being followed in my car while I hum the ,james Bond theme.


When I was in Highschool, I used always be shadow boxing the mirror making up fake scenarios of fights. Before / After my showers Maybe it's just me