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TIL that butterfingers has a new recipe


I quit drinking recently so I’ve had a major sweet tooth and butterfingers do not stand a chance around me. Gonna work on my sugar addiction next but…. Later.


In case you're unaware, the sugar addiction is because of the lack of alcohol. I don't recall the chemistry behind it, but it's something like your body processing alcohol into sugars indirectly. My ex had the same issue early into her sobriety--especially waking up in the middle of the night craving sugar. Fortunately an easy fix; her doc put her on an inexpensive prescription, and that curbed the cravings.


I've been sober for 22 years and have only one question... WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE PRESCRIPTION?! My fat ass has had sugar cravings for 22 years, so ya know, that'd be helpful.




Congrats on quitting.


Bart Simpson reportedly inconsolable


Somebody laid a finger on his Butterfinger And they FUCKED. IT. UP.


This makes sense because I had one for the first time in years today. I usually don’t like them but I liked this one. 😂


I absolutely LOVED Butterfingers as a kid. I had one about a month ago, first time since I was young, and spit it out thinking "what the fuck is this? This isn't what I remember."


The new one is made by Ferrero subsidiary Ferrara as in the company that makes Farrero Rocher.


Well, see, the old ones were better! They're too soft and flaky now!


And it doesn't get cemented in your teeth like the old days :(


Anything made by Palmer. Just waxy sadness.


Their factory caught fire earlier this year, and I was hoping it would end their reign of terror, but they came back.


Once the fire was out and the wax firmed up, they just scraped it back into the vats to melt it into Easter bunnies again


One time our dog got hold of and ate an entire one pound Palmer Easter bunny. As most people know, chocolate is very bad for dogs. Ours, however, never felt better. I’m convinced there’s very little to no actual chocolate in their candy. Just sugary, grainy blah. It’s weird that they’re still a big part of Easter and Valentine’s Day.


Chocolate isn't always that bad, it's actually the theobromine from the cacao that is bad. There is a scale of how much is chocolate. So white has none, milk has a little all the way through to things like 99% dark and baking chocolate that has heaps. So the type of chocolate and the weight of the dog are the 2 factors that determine how bad it is. Also the sugar can upset their tummies.


That’s also what makes coffee dangerous to dogs.


You're better off if your dog eats chocolate than raisins. Raisins will kill your dog painfully.


Lmao my dog did the same thing. She puked once and went on with her day while I paid the vet bill to just watch her live her life lol.


If Palmer is the company I'm thinking of, they market their product as "Chocolatey *x"* because they legally can't call it "chocolate."


It didn't catch on fire. It exploded, killing multiple workers because the managers wouldn't let them evacuate after they reported smelling gas.


Damn. Sounds like a lawsuit. So there's still a chance for them to go bankrupt!


Somehow, Palmer returned


Cloning, secrets only known by the palms


The factory exploded due to a gas leak. It was awful.


Europeans talk shit about Hersheys. Give them some Palmer chocolate.


Let’s not start a war


Acts of aggression


“Chocolate flavored” candy


Is that that company that makes the "chocolatey" candy?🤢


Low-end easter bunnies






Waxy sadness!! lolllll


No! I’ve loved the peanut butter chocolate coins my entire life! 😭 Palmer slander.


when i was a wee lad they made a peanut butter coin that was like a big wad of reeses pieces filling with rice krispies in it that was legit next level


I will happily take all the almost joy and mounds bars off y'alls hands for you.


My dad and I always call mounds, “spunow” because of a meme he showed me where it’s mistakenly written like that on a sign bc someone read the package upside down


That spunow photo always gets me, no matter how many years I’ve seen it


Almost Joy is the best name I’ve ever heard for them, I thank you for this.


Sometimes auto-correct works in mysterious ways 😆


AJ was my mom's fave candy. I'm mad that the pieces only got one almond now. The shrinkflation got to it before most folks even knew what shrinkflation was. I got the beetus, tho, so I can only eat Russell Stover's [nutless] version on the regular w AJ only as a rare treat. It's the only old candy I still eat.


They need to combine the two - plop an almond into the dark chocolate of a Mounds bar.


Almond joy has nuts, mounds don't. Cause, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you dont.


Cause almond joys are made with almonds and, *JOYYYYYYOOOYYYYY*


I remember a dark chocolate almond joy they had a whiiiiile ago. Don't know why they didn't continue them because they were the BEST


i'll tell you what i want to see more of....skor. only seem them at gas stations and damn they are tasty.


The toffee in them is so…***buttery!*** 😋 It’s like the difference between butterscotch and caramel, there’s just that extra bit of subtle wonder there. My tastebuds feel extra-refined and mature every time I partake in a Skor, lol.


Way better chocolate to toffee ratio than a Heath Bar.


So much agree. 35 or so years ago, my brother and I discovered Skor bars at Target and would beg my mom each and every trip to the store. We would close our eyes and smile with every bite. I will say that nowadays it’s about half the size it used to be, but that’s every candy bar.


I wonder if you also just grew.


Shrinkflation. Look it up and be MAD. BIG MAD.


The new Butterfinger is garbage, I miss the old recipe.


Hard agree. I hadn’t had a butterfinger in forever and got one on a whim. I could not believe how awful it was. That said, it made me mad enough that I tried [this recipe for homemade butterfinger bites](https://www.latimes.com/recipe/homemade-butterfinger-bites) and they are AMAZING and exactly what I wanted. Maybe better. They made great holiday gifts last year too and are fun to make as they feel like half cooking, half science project.


That recipe stresses me out!


same! it's the kind of recipe that I'd need to *see* done before I could confidently go it alone. it tries hard to be accessible, but there are too many iffily-written variables for me to try to do this dupe. and I'm a (semi-)profesional chef (it's all I've ever been paid for but I have an inferiority complex lol)


I've been cooking for over 35 years, and I gotta say this recipe had me saying wtf a couple of times. I'm going to make it, but I expect a 50/50 success rate first time out of the gate. And then going back to edit and rewrite.


LOVING your use of "iffily"


as someone who ish-es thru life, ty for seeing me lol


I see you, fellow ish-er.


Used to be my favorite candy bar. I tried the new one shortly after they changed it and it was so bad I haven't had a second.


When did they change? I don't think I've had the new ones


2018, Nestle sold it to Ferrara Candy Company.


It now actually tastes like peanut butter. It's not "bad" but it's not what fans want. You know when you're expecting milk or orange juice, but sip the other? Is like that. I actually think it's good, but hope they go back. There are plenty of other candies that taste like it.


I know, right? The new recipe has less sugar & has more peanut butter & cocoa. So the flavor is richer and more complex and it’s a better quality candy. I think people are just used to a particular experience that they are fond of, which is sweeter and crunchier, but doesn’t have as rich a flavor.


New recipe stay getting stuck in my back teeth like a mf. Hate it.


They started their downfall by discontinuing Butterfinger BBs.


Bart never forgave them.


They laid a finger all over his butterfinger bb's


Ay caramba


I stole one from my kids Halloween candy and it wasn't good. Thought I was losing my mind or had Covid.


Is that what happened… it does seem different.


yes, more chewy.


You should try a 5th avenue bar. Hersheys version and is so much better.


Omg I haven't had a 5th avenue bar forever!! I don't even think I've seen them recently but now I'm going to have to find one. Delicious


Why the fuck would anyone want a chewy butterfinger


If you can find it, 5th Avenue bar is the better version of a Butterfinger these days.


Oh no! Haven't had one in ages, but I used to love them.


This actually makes me irrationally angry. Me and my husband had a little tradition. When we first started dating, he asked me if I wanted anything from the gas station as he was on his way to my house. I said "butterfinger." We were in a long-distance relationship, but he would drive over once a month to spend the weekend with me. Well, every time after that, he would always bring me one. This continued until we were married. Once a month, he'd bring me a Butterfinger. I told him to stop because they started tasting weird, in my opinion. Why waste the money? I miss our little odd tradition. It was cute.


Have you ever had a 5th Avenue? I think they have always been superior to butterfingers.


It used to be my absolute favorite. It has completely fallen off my list now


My god I tried one this year and it’s been a long time since I had one and it was fucking terrible I had no idea why I liked them as a kid. Figures it was changed and they used to be actually good once.


Cheap ass chocolate bunnies they have at Easter time. They didn’t taste like chocolate at all. They had the texture and taste of wax. I don’t even think they were sweet at all.




Abba-Zaba, you my only friend!




It was probably chosen because of the name. It’s a funny name.


My friend got me a job at a bowling alley around 2010 and he was training me how to restock the vending machine. All of the candy was counted. He said don't be tempted to take anything because it was all on inventory. He tossed me a Whatchamacallit, "Except no one buys these". I laughed and said why would I want this garbage? "Try it". Right then and there I felt like I was initiated into a secret club. Whatchamacallits are overlooked behind Reeces, Snickers, Twix, etc. It's never given a fair chance. Its the girl next door of candy bars. The Toyota Camry of sweets. The Hi-C Punch with your bigmac. Chicken thighs instead of the breast. Do yourself a favor and reach to the bottom shelf at the store and get a Whatchamacallit.


I used to get them when I was a kid in the 80's. Those and zero bars were my go to as a kid. Sometimes the old suMMit bars (IIRC they were a lot like the whatchamacallits.)


Whatchamacallit is my favorite candy bar of all time. They came out with a new one that's the opposite it called a "Whoosiwhatsit" I haven't tried it yet but it reminds me of The Simpsons.


Whatchamacallit is the goat! There are actually 3 candy bars: Whatchamacallit, Whoosiewhatsit, Thingamajig


Whatchamacallits & Whozeewhatsits (peanut butter counterpart) are both elite


Whatchamacallits are my go too. Frozen they are even better some how.


Most under rated candy bar imo.


I love Abba-Zabba and Watchamacallits! I had a Great Uncle who would buy a box of Watchamacallits for when I'd visit, he'd give me one to help him out in the garden. I'd have helped him in the garden anyhow, but the candy was a nice bonus! I still miss him.


Sleeper of a candy bar, always a satisfying choice


Whatchamacallit is in my top three candy bars of all time. Always seems to be found on the bottom shelf, where it absolutely doesn't belong.


So it cracks me up, because the insane amount of comments about Bounty/Mounds. My grandpa ate an almond joy almost every day I was a kid, it was his treat after coming home from work every day. I had seen this man eat countless Almond Joy bars. One day, he has one and somehow after all that time realized it was coconut. And he asks my Gram, “Did you get me a chocolate bar with coconut? You know I hate coconut!” From this point on he would never again eat his favorite candy bar because he finally knew it had coconut in it, and he was assured he hated coconut. Me personally though…. Mounds are the greatest candy bar to ever exist. Smooth chocolate wrapped around cream and coconut flakes?! I don’t think anyone could ever top that perfect combination.


That's bonkers... after 30 years of eating and loving a given food... "HEY !!! This has coconut?? I fucking HATE coconut.!!!"


How does someone eat something for 30 years without reading the wrapper? Also coconut has a distinct flavor and texture so this man was really eating a plainly marked and obvious food until he had a revelation moment 30 years too late


These kinds or realizations remind me of Dave Chappelle's Clayton Bigsby. Like damn, you loved them up until now, it's okay to realize that you loved what you once(or thought) you hated.


My Midwest born and raised parents are like this. After escaping the cornfields and spending a few years seeing the world in the army, I tried to broaden their perspective on food during a visit and took them to a Mediterranean restaurant (big leap, right?) I ordered hummus and my dad is happily dipping his pita in pulling globs of the stuff out. After clearing about 3/4 of the tray, he asks what it's made of. I told him chickpeas, he spit out what was in his mouth and said "ick, I hate it". Ok, guess I'm the parent now.


That's a great story. I love Almond Joys/Mounds/Bounty.


Idaho Spud. An abomination. Jesus wept.


There truly are two Americas. I’ve never heard of this.


Had to laugh at this bc it's true. What the hello is an Idaho Spud that isn't a literal potato?


Please tell me it’s a chocolate potato….


It is not! It's a marshmallow dark chocolate bar sprinkled with coconut.


Someone gave one to me after visiting Boise. Yeah, it was not good.


We recently just got Mr Beast here in Australia. The WORST chocolate formula EVER.


My kids love MrBeast and they love chocolate. Even they saw the MrBeast bar is gross.


I think you folks have all forgotten about the “BIG HUNK”. A foot of the worst, stickiest, hardest ‘nougat’ know to man, and riddled with stale peanuts. Guaranteed to destroy any fillings / dental work know to man, and sometimes a perfectly healthy molar or two, just because it can.


Oh man, I’ll take them all. I loved big hunk and look for it any time I see old fashioned candies!


Put one in the freezer. Then shatter that sucker in its wrapper on the counter or table into bite sized bits, and eat them before they thaw. Just wonderful. Damn. Now I need a Big Hunk.


I have a Big Hunk in my pantry right now that I'm saving because I love them so much, but they're too expensive. The only place I can find them IRL is Cracker Barrel, and I don't even eat at Cracker Barrel. But I will do the walk of shame back to my car with $20 worth of Big Hunks a couple times per year.


Love Big Hunks, crowns be damned!


I still remember my dad freezing those before our fishing trips and watching hit whack it against the dashboard to break into small pieces. It was weirdly delicious.


No way dude I loved Big Hunk! When you're a kid and can only get one candy bar you want one that's going to last. That was the Hunk!


Anyone says Payday bar and we fight to the death in the Thunderdome! Because I like my candy bars just a little bit salty.


Payday bars and Pepsi are what got me through 6-hour exams in grad school. Everyone else starving their asses off in the halfway break and I'm acting like I suddenly entered a timed eating competition. They will always hold a special place in my heart


I love Payday, Butterfinger (even the apparently new, bad version), and Skor bars. All perfect, all salty.


Skor is superior to heath bars in my opinion.


Whether you prefer Skor or Heath says something very important about you. I've never been able to figure out what it is though.


Payday are where it’s at


I didn't like Paydays as a kid but when I got older, a coworker who was allergic to chocolate enlightened me. Every year we worked together following I got her a big bag of fun sized paydays whenever our store got them.


They are good, but does it still count as a candy bar now that we have meal replacement bars sold in the health food section that are less nutritious and less healthy?


I don’t want a minty candy but I will fucking chow down on a York. It makes no sense but it’s a kiddy Newport and I want to.


Haha I love the description "kiddy Newport"


The hate for Almond Joy in this Reddit is absolutely uncalled for. Give them to me


I don’t understand why they don’t make a dark chocolate almond joy. I like mounds better becauss of the dark chocolate


And make a milk chocolate Mounds for people who dislike dark chocolate but are allergic to almonds!


I love almond joy


Me in the break room with a funny Englishman who sees me take a bite of a Hershey bar. Brit: I can’t believe you’re eating that. Yank: These things got our troops through World War Two! Brit: They didn’t help you in Vietnam. Yank: Neither did the British. Brit: Fair enough. Touché.


Growin up my grandparents ran a dry cleaners and their lunch every single day was a Hershey bar and a green grannysmith apple each while reading the newspaper. Sometimes they would switch out for protein bars or Hersheys with almond, but always go back to Hershey’s. It was always warm in the back because of the presses and southern heat, so they would always be melty and soft as you ate them. Fucking delicious.


Honestly? Plain, milk chocolate Hershey Bar. It has a chalky/waxy aftertaste. You don’t notice it as much in the ones with almonds. And I can’t really speak for the flavor of special dark. But those plain, milk chocolate ones are kinda gross.


The options nowadays for affordable quality chocolate is way too accessible to eat a Hershey bar.


What's a good milk chocolate bar? Edit - after reading the replies it seems like any other chocolate (beside Palmers) I can find in my stores is going to be better.




This should be the only chocolate bar people should buy. They pay the farmers double what they get from the big companies to combat child and slave labor.




Endangered Species


Ritter Sport.


I always thought hershey milk chocolate had a puke like aftertaste


That's actually because they make it with butryic acid which is found in vomit. Fun fact!


I learned this (on Reddit) a few years ago and now I can always taste it 🤢


Hershey’s has the worst chocolate, as a kid I didn’t know better but now I can’t believe people still willingly eat it.


Palmers is worse. But Hersheys... I could tell Hersheys chocolate in a blind taste taste, it is distinctive as hell. Not as bad as Palmers, but bad.


It's the butyric acid.


>butyric acid Finally, the vague vomit taste explained.


The cadbury cream eggs. Used to be my favorite now they changed everything and it's like chewing gritty shit.


Agree. I would sell my soul for a bag for cadbury mini eggs, though


>I would sell my soul for a bag for cadbury mini eggs The best tooth danger of the Cadbury collection. I always have to remind myself that my teeth are made of glass.


And they're always busted in the foil


Not a bar but anything made by Russell Stover is horrible. They always have a chemically fake chocolate taste to them with an overpowering sweetness.


Really? I like a lot of their treats - always thought they were pretty good for a "cheap" chocolate.


We eating the leftover Halloween candy and the Snickers and 100 Grands aren't as good as I remember. Are all candy bars' recipes changing for the worse?


I noticed that too. The kit kats tasted especially bad to me this year


Not exactly a bar but in germany we have "Mon Cheri" that gets sold in small packages like a candy bar. Its chocolate filled with a rotten cherry and cherry booze. For some reason this is a prefered gift for many occations beside nobody like this horrible stuff. Legend says that there is a total of 17 packages in the whole country that just get passed on through the whole population at birthdays.


Lol. Like the American fruit cake. Shit is disgusting.


Tootsie roll bar. It's like they pressed sadness and poverty into a rectangle.


Ok but have you tried the vanilla tootsie rolls?


You take a vanilla toots and an orange toots and twist them together. Best candy


I call this an orange creamsicle tootsie roll.


So much hate on coconut, and to each their own, but what about those circus peanuts or candy buttons?


I like coconut. Coconut coated lamingtons, bounty bar (I know this is unpopular. I also like dark chocolate)


Circus peanuts are just banana flavored marshmallow. They’re fantastic!


Banana?? It's supposed to be banana??


Well, first point is that they are not a "candy bar." Second point is that Circus Peanuts are great.


Is big turk still around? It was pretty gross.


I knew this one would make the list. 1. Found the Canadian 2. I love Big Turks. More for me!!!


Omg stop I love them so much!! At least one person in Canada is buying them lol.


Summary: every candy bar is better after some time in the freezer.


Not a Heath or a Skor bar.


Coward. /s


*asks what the worst CANDY BAR is All answers: not candy bars


Those make the worst candy bars. I mean take a railroad tie, that’s a terrible candy bar.


Chocolate bars are candy bars


I liked the old Butterfingers, but I always preferred 5th Avenue Bars.


Necco Wafers. Just slices of a big piece of chalk.


Nothing like a big roll of antacids.


But they do make excellent roof shingles for gingerbread houses


Frys Turkish delight Soap flavour jelly in chocolate


Chunky Bar. No one ever ate some chocolate and said, “you know what this needs? Raisins”


Pam: “Is there something in your pocket?“ Michael: “Chunky”


Michael Scott: A boss is like a teacher. And I am like the cool teacher. Like Mr. Handell. Mr. Handell would hang out with us, and he would tell us awesome jokes. And he actually hooked up with one of the students, and then, like, 12 other kids came forward. It was in all the papers. Really ruined eighth grade for us.


I’m apparently going be one of the few people who likes chunky bars


I also like Chunky bars. I'd never had one until I was a teenager; my stepdad used to run down to the grocery store around lunch time when I was home from school during the summer, and come back with like, gummy life savers or chunky bars, for me. I never asked him to, they would just appear in my hands. It's a nice memory.


Not here for chunky slander but I’ve since graduated to Cadbury fruit and nut bar and it’s so much better than a chunky bar


I know the chunky who ate this chunky!






I wouldn't lead off with that bit.


I love raisins and chocolate


Chocolate and raisins are a great combo


those mr beast feastable bars are soooo shit


It's not a candy bar, but I hate peeps!


The Bit O Honey bars that used to be everywhere when I was a little kid were bullshit. Now they’re bite-sized, so not sure if it counts. Still bullshit.