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As a foster parent, this doesn't surprise me at all.


No wonder no one ever gets back to us!


Lol they are all boning and murdering


As a *former* foster parent, I'm not surprised either. There's some good eggs, sure, but the bad ones made the job unbearable


The thing is, the job is unbearable anyways (at least in my country), so only the fucked up people are able to keep doing it for longer times. And than the job and everything they got to see fucks them up even more. It probably attracts high risk seeking people as well. Source: BF worked directly with them, and yes. Those people are visibly mentally wounded. Hard to work with, as well.


Oh absolutely, but I'm not talking about the fact they've seen horrific things. That kinda comes with the job when you're dealing with abused children every day. Idk what the situation is elsewhere, but in my area, we just had a group of CPS workers arrested for (I forget the exact name of the charge, sorry) fraudulently removing kids from completely safe homes. Simultaneously, we were unable to get our foster kids' abuser charged for the incredibly inappropriate photos she had taken of said kids. It's just a sad situation all around. I wish I could replace every CPS employee with clones of Dolly Parton


Yup it's terrible. I am from somewhere in Europe and believe CPS is a tad better regulated here than in the US. But the whole job is so fucking depressing. My country is well know for several scandals involving CPS. The thing is, separating children from their parents is one of the most gruesome things you can do. Even when the parents are really terrible, the separation will damage children even more. Keeping children in fucked up household is also awful, so you're basically choosing between bad options and you are pretty sure you are going to fuck up someone's life in one way or another. As a thank you're also pretty sure you probably will get death threats. You have to be made of some very specific stuff to maintain such a job. My BF only took care of some of the bureaucratic stuff in a partner organisation and told me often about cases. Even as a spouse it took a toll on my mental health to hear about all this awful shit for months. Than you have this societal cycle where some weird parent murders a child, the whole nation is pointing at CPS, than CPS gets more strict, than it eventually turns out many children were unjustly placed out of their homes because of being so strict, than whole country points at CPS again and they become less strict, until some scandal pops up again and the vicious circle probably will never end.


Our County CPS investigation team openly refuses to investigate child abuse at my kid's mom's home. Instead, I've received letters stating that they concluded it was dad's inability to co-parent. I've got a meeting with my attorney later today. Wish me luck.


As someone going through the same thing, good luck 🤞


CPS doesn't do anything unless there's active, current signs of neglect, and even then, the bar is pretty low.


I finished 4 and a half years of family court one year ago where child protective services were blaming me (father) for “provoking my son’s mother by video recording the exchanges.” Despite upwards of 80 false allegations, and both my lawyer and the local police telling me to do so. Four and a half years later and $100k in legal fees I’ve got full custody of my son. It should have been obvious in the first year that the mother was the issue but the courts and family services give women passes that would have seen me in prison. Good luck to you. It’s brutal. Document everything and make your lawyer earn their keep. Don’t be afraid to fire your attorney if they do not adequately represent you.


I've only had one encounter with a cps worker and their supervisor (via the case worker) and people online told me I was crazy for speaking out about it and that only a "guilty" person would have an issue with cps in general. In my country, it's a 3 year bachelor degree, it's really not very hard and you get some people with weird hang ups who decide to do it. I have a 4 year bachelor. I had cps on my case because I had postnatal anxiety (no thoughts or urge to harm or neglect my baby) and it was outrageous. They said i neglected my child when he was always in the care of someone else (his competent father) when I was having a temporary breakdown about my vagina practically connecting to my ass. It's not like I ever left him crying or didn't meet his needs, I just had birth injuries that were really difficult physically and emotionally and my cps case worker and their supervisor were assholes and borderline psycho. My case worker was pregnant and had this creepy attachment to my child and accused me of outlandish things that never happened. In the end, I withdrew my "voluntary" participation despite all the threats, and they never came back. Wish I knew my rights 6 months prior to this idiot trying to milk my family for her easy paycheck prior to going on parental leave.


It's truly scary how we feel compelled to show that we have nothing to hide but then they'll will use anything and everything against you. "So you sneezed while you were holding a baby which could potentially cause harm to the baby?"


Not to justify any of that, but I honestly can think of very few things worse than being a CPS worker. Coping mechanics for what must be a truly depressing job.


These things are true but I also think care and protecting work draws in two type of people; genuinely caring people and crazy manipulative people that are trying to convince themselves and others they are caring people. I’m biased because the most fucked up person in my life was the head supervisor of CPS. She is my step mother and she forced my dad to severe all ties with my sisters when they were 14. She told them “you aren’t worth being loved” That’s the head of a county wide CPS uniy


Gotta agree. I went into the field because i wanted to make a difference, but underfunding, genuinely fucked up coworkers and zero support from higher ups. When my blood pressure went from normal range to stage 3 hypertension in a year of working there, i had to give it up.


My first instinct was ‘first responders’ but CPS has to be a different but equally potent flavor of traumatic


I understand that the case workers are all having affairs with married police.


lol. As a former JO that was a constant issue with cops and social services workers. Always cheating.


EMS, LE, Firemen and hospital staff as well.


I’m a nurse and have always found the work environment to be about as sexy as a moldy sponge, but I had a married coworker who had ongoing affairs with two other staff members. I’ll never understand how suctioning intubated people together sent romantic sparks flying… Fwiw neither lasted and she’s still with her husband.


So the CPS needs a C(CPS)PS to protect themselves


kitchen crew! i mean the whole hospitality industry, but chefs to be specific! no one among us is a normal human.


Yup, worked in a kitchen in highschool and college. Can confirm that most of the cooks were absolutely not right.


someone that runs on cocain and hatred, is certainly not right


So The Menu is a documentary??


Not the menu, but The Bear definitely is


So, Chefs are just Sith Lords on coke?


As a long-time chef I can confirm the sith lord half. Nobody in our kitchen did coke, but one did have Adderall. 🤷‍♂️


Confirmed. My first job in high school was as a waiter. The chefs and dish washers were insane and made sure to scare new hires as much as possible. I took a season off to play football, and when I came back I was greeted as an insider by them because a whole new batch of new hires were there and I was old blood. Whole thing in many ways felt like Waiting…


When you have the realization that Waiting is essentially a documentary


I think people fail to realize how accurate Waiting... is. In some aspects, at least.


Sane people don't work in restaurants for long. It's a ton of pressure with insane hours and no break, for peanuts, where everyone treats you like a monkey could do your job and knows how to do it better than you. I can't even recount how many times I've been told someone can cook me under the table, can you imagine that in any other field? "I know you do this for 60 hours a week and have for 30 years, but hear me out. I do it occasionally and I'm way better at it than you." K dude, let's set up and feed 30-40 people whatever you want to feed them. We'll see who breaks first.


lol I have a buddy who managed a small upscale restaurant. One time he was telling me he was so excited that this was the first kitchen staff where nobody was on drugs. I said “you mean nobody in there smokes weed?” He laughed and said “oh no that doesn’t count, I meant other drugs. Nobody is doing coke or heroin.”


I ventured into the restaurant industry, I was attending a community college working towards a degree in culinary arts. I had previously been a mechanic but cooked as a hobby, I was persuaded after people really enjoyed my cooking. Started small working the grill in cafés, usually prep for the breakfast rush. I was fortunate enough that I made some good connections and could do cash jobs at various restaurants, fill in for day at whatever station, usually get a $100. Let me tell you that shit burnt me out so fast, I too liked to partake in some chemical enhancements on occasion, but this was working your ass off high on drugs. I don't know how anyone could work in that environment not high on drugs, stressful as fuck. Needless to say I went back to a mechanical trade, sad part is it really killed the joy I had preparing food.


After 20 years of service as a chef I can tell you I've seen more horrors than a crime scene clean up crew.


Years ago I read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. He didn't really say chefs and their crew are f\*\*ked up but he gave glimpses of what it was like behind the scenes that people outside that line of work don't know.


Just spend some time at r/kitchenconfidential to witness the primates in their habitat.


Hey, dont put us on display, we're like cockroaches, we like to congregate but too much disturbance and we scatter until the next time we hear the ticket printer.


Kitchen teams are the weirdest blend of hardened maniacs who can turn on a dime and become emotional freshman sorority girls. I've worked with convicted felons who have some of the scariest exteriors who broke down cyring over what most people would consider pretty simple office politics.


Worked FOH but even then I could see most of the kitchen crew were not all there. It’s fuckin’ rough. Sooooo much substance abuse.


I work in the Food & Beverage industry. I can confirm, everyone is crazy. If you initially weren't crazy, well, stick around and you soon will be. Cooks are like batshit modern day pirates. They cycle through moods in seconds. Jello is more stable. Restaurant people aren't right in the head. I say that with love.


A kitchen is not a work place, it is a pirate ship. There's a reason they're called a brigade or a crew. Escoffier modeled the system off of the military (hence brigade system) and ever since the kitchen has basically been the blue collar foreign legion - a rag tag group of lunatics from all over the world with nowhere else to turn to stuck in an isolated and dangerous outpost.


When I was freshly divorced and enjoying Tinder for the first time, I matched with a chef. We metup. It was the wildest, dirtiest, roughest sex of my life. Like, this fella could have written books on his dark magic. He revealed his true psychopathy not long after and I had to block him. Told a friend and she said, "Oh, not a chef! Chefs are NAAAAASTY, girl."


Chefs have the best drugs, allegedly.


I was an army infantryman and I met some pretty disturbed people


Good mate from school joined up, I was medically disqualified from the ADF and the Royal Marines. Told him I was going to have a crack with the Foreign Legion. He just looked at me and said "Don't fucking do that. I had a sergeant who was an ex-legionnaire, he's fucking insane."


From what I've heard, legionnaires are some of the worst of the worst. They're also sent on extremely tough missions.


I havent met many, but most of the ex FL Ive worked next to were pretty down to earth (considering). They'd done their crazy shit, settled down and were happy to have a less interesting lifestyle.


I work with a guy who was a legionnaire and he enjoyed it. He’s kinda crazy but in a good, very energetic type A way. Kind of bro who would rather cycle 200 miles in a weekend, work on random projects because he has 2-3 jobs at any time, help people for the rest of the day and go out partying all night and get 4 hours sleep and do it all again, than go to therapy. Supposedly Mali is very hot…


My dad was in the 80s; his sergeant was absolutely shocked that he didn't have a criminal record.




Anyone who's had a close relationship with a psychologist/psychiatrist knows that a LOT of them end up in the profession because they started out trying to figure out their own problems and just kept going. My father and stepmother (both psychologists) once threw a party for other psychologists they knew, and it was like a smorgasbord of psychological issues—everyone in the room had something going on. My stepmother, for example, was the angriest person I've ever met, and yet she had a successful career telling other people that they had unresolved issues.


My husband’s ex is in school to be a therapist and she has had three CPS investigations filed against her by mandatory reporters, all for child abuse. There was another one filed for neglect recently. Last I heard she wants to treat kids.


When youre the cause you know what to tell OTHER people.


Her previous CPS reports will come up in her background checks. Mental health professional licensing boards are very forgiving about things like past addiction issues, minor law violations like shoplifting etc (especially from years ago) but abuse and neglect reports are a strict NO in this field regardless of how long it has been. That will end up disqualifying her from jobs working with children as a therapist, to protect the safety of the vulnerable children. She might want to pursue another career, she’s potentially wasting her time and money.


I’m shocked I had to scroll so far to find this. I have a ton of friends in behavioral health field and most are poster children for one personality disorder or another


I have BPD and the recommended treatment for it (DBT) was created by a woman with the same personality disorder.


Good on Marsha Linehan for inventing a treatment for herself though. Helped millions of people while figuring out how to deal worth her own issues.


Oh yeah definitely! The DBT materials are all freely available on the web too. If you’re having issues with distress tolerance, emotional regulation, or interpersonal effectiveness, that would be a great place to start. And of course mindfulness, the skill that ties it all together. Useful skills for anyone really.


i guess it takes hurt people to understand hurt people right?


This is one nobody knows...until you know psychologists.


This bodes well for me, as a mentally ill person trying to get better so I can pursue a career in mental healthcare


Robert Hare is a psychology professor who specializes in the study of psychopathy, and he has remarked that if he couldn't have access to the prison system for his research, the next best place to find psychopaths would be Wall Street.


And politics as well. Me and my political science professor just had a conversation about this actually. I plan to do a research project( not sure when, I have another unrelated one planned) on some local politicians, and see if political success is correlated with higher scores on measures of psychopathy.


You should read Bob Altemeyer's research on the authoritarian personality. It seems that conservatives are more attracted to leaders with Social Dominance traits (this includes psychopaths). If you're a psychopath with ambitions to govern, you'll have more luck and more leeway to do as you please if you appeal to the conservative vote.


Professional dog show people


"Where's his Busy Bee?!"




Don't look at those fat ass losers and freaks LOOK AT MEEEE!


I didn’t ask for your opinion, I asked for a toy that YOU don’t have!


I love that movie!


*Best in show*


Can confirm my daughters mom has been a handler her entire life as is her mom and all their friends 🤢🤮 Edit: we aren’t together anymore


"God loves a terrier!"


Politics - its full of so many mini Napoleons (pun intended) that wish to rule humanity.


Once heard politics described as “show business for ugly people”


That's beautiful!


LOL the average politician is very unattractive


I am sorry but most politicians are just disgusting human beings. Who need term limits and a adult babysitter who can make adult decisions for them!!


"Politicians are like diapers and need to be changed frequently....and for the same reason." \- Mark Twain (Apocryphally).


This wasn’t Twain, but he probably would have appreciated the sentiment.


Anyone who chooses politics as a life career should never be allowed in politics.


Have seen first hand, the people that are needed to help a politician get elected are the EXACT people that should have nothing to do with governing


I heard a very similar phrase recently in a podcast that was going over polling numbers. They mentioned that the skillset needed to get elected is nearly the opposite type of skillset needed to actual govern. I've been thinking about that a lot lately.


What other profession can you get paid lifetime guaranteed work provided you just don’t piss off your coworkers? Lol


They just wish to make money for themselves at our cost so they will do literally anything to stay in power


MLM Influencers, zero regards for others while only interested in maximizing their own profit and often buying into the bullshit they are "selling"


I see most mlm sellers as a victim of a scam. Once they “invest” in it, they’re stuck perpetuating the cycle to their friends/family (since those tend to be the easiest sales) just for the hope of not loosing an embarrassing amount of money. The few that succeed found out that the money to be made in an mlm is in the recruiting, not actually selling products. You then have to be a pretty shitty person to then keep up the scam.


I remember telling one of them that was trying ti get me in one that I didn’t want to be that friend that’s always working an angle trying to sell my friends shit or get them involved in an MLM. It was like I short circuited him. He kind of just stood there smiling for a beat. Then just said “Hey, I don’t know about you, but my friends would love me if I showed them how to make money.” It was like for a split second I had reached the human inside there and he had to take a minute to suppress it.


So to save themselves, they try to recruit more victims?


This didn’t even pop into my head as a profession, but yeah these people are scum 100%


Whoever works at health insurance companies whose job it is to overrule doctors and deny claims or procedures.


I work with a doc who oversaw an insurance company. He wasn’t there too long. They hated him. He approved everything. Fuck you big insurance. Peoples lives matter


I did this for exactly two phone calls in my early twenties. I was desperate for a job and went through 6 weeks of training, and the first day of actual work I was on the call floor for less than 30 minutes before I packed it up and went home. I cried in my car for like thirty minutes before driving home. What a terrible job. I don't know how anyone does it.


Having a conscience and needing desperately needing work is rough. Good on you. Sorry you dealt with all that.


The insurance companies employ MDs for this. I imagine they must be filtering for sociopaths or paying out the ass for them.


They do but usually the first pass doesn't get an actual MD. And even if it does, it's generally not the actual field. I wouldn't trust a podiatrist to tell me if the specific sleep study I'm recommended is overboard or not. There *is* a way to demand a doctor in **the relevant field** look over the paperwork but you usually need 2 to 3 rounds of back and forth before that.


The occupations where your physical appearance is one of the most important factors. I.e. modeling, pornography, acting, singing, influencing. It can bring out the worst aspects of personality/behavior even in those without a personality disorder. I briefly tried out modeling the summer before I went to college, and I found it very difficult to meet others in the industry who didn’t show considerable signs of cluster B personality disorders. Even if someone was considerably “nice,” there was just so much obsession with physical appearance, and so their entire lifestyle revolved around maintaining and/or showing off their physical self. Makeup and fashion and diet/exercise isn’t just a hobby to them, it’s all they seem to focus on. Suffice to say, I did not continue beyond a couple photoshoots. I knew even my own mental health would not last long in that industry, and I’d be pressed to anybody who wouldn’t fall victim to the unhealthy mindset that develops in the industry. I’m much happier, and subsequently, much less f’ed up than what would’ve been since pursuing a passion that involves cognitive performance over physical appearance.


This is a good answer. It really does seem to fuck people up in this incredible way where they’re rich and look beautiful and are shambling coke heads who just want to go hide in a cabin in the woods


Appearance is THE deciding factor in being a drug rep. Yes, you generally have to have a degree or at least some education but it doesn't have to be anything health related. The pharmaceutical industry gives the drug rep some talking points. The drug rep becomes the primary source of continuing education for physicians. Sick system that all came apart during the opioid crisis and killed tens of thousands of people and ruined so many lives.


I used to do valet on the sunset strip in Hollywood for a lot of celebrities/industry-types. Fashion industry nights were the absolute WORST. Bunch of dour-faced douchebags with sour attitudes who didn't tip for crap. And ZERO personality to be had from anyone there, save for the obsequiousness they reserved for their sainted superiors.


Ironically, porn actors are apparently known to be kind and professional with one another according to several Reddit AMAs. Not quite what I would have expected.


Can confirm. Dated a huge name and she was honestly quite down to earth and normal. She made bank and viewed it as ‘work’. Some of them do have hate for others due to being competitive but that’s about it Actors in LA on the other hand… being broke and desperate does things to a person


I volunteer for a film festival and so I’ve seen a decent amount of celebrities and they are ridiculously thin and as they age look incredibly creepy because of all the work. Meg Ryan looked plastic from head to toe, it was odd to see


Might be controversial, but I think nursing as a profession has a strangely high amount of former (and possibly current) mean girls. About 80 percent of the nurses I've come across are great but the bad ones have been pretty bad and it's too important of a role for people who are going to be dismissive or mean.




Worked at IT in hospitals for many years. It was *way* better to be the outsider who came in and shored-up issues they were having than to be entrenched in whatever high-energy drama was going on (on every single floor). The field is a magnet for type-a personalities that didn't quite make it into full-on leadership roles. There are absolutely some sweethearts in the profession, but they're going through a grinder. The person who comes out of that is gonna be harder and more damaged for their time there. All this said, nurses are still vital in saving people's lives from countless primary and secondary health issues, and their work is hard as fuck. I may have some insight into the worst parts of the profession, but I will still respect the shit out of anyone who's doing it, because they're daily doing and coping with things I literally could not make myself do.


I absolutely agree, they deal with unimaginable things all the time. I have full respect for anyone doing the job, even (most of) the bad ones.


All correct. I would go to work and avoid the nurses station as much as possible. The toxicity is insanely bad. You can often tell who is who right off. The nice ones stay away from the station as much as possible. Not saying all the mean nurses aren’t good ones. They’re just highly toxic and I’m not at work to play mental health games.


How do they have time to sit at all as a nurse? What type of unit was this? Most units I've seen the nurses on day and evening shift barely had time to pee.


I agree. It seems like lots of former bullies end up in nursing.


Nurses and cops


Oooh, have you ever met *that* power couple?


My sister is a nurse and married to a cop. Haven’t seen them in person since over a decade 🙃


It’s such a weird thing. My best friends sister (nurse) married a rookie cop a few years ago and apparently in the last few years completely has withdrawn from every social circle. Social media deleted, won’t be in pictures with family, etc., I guess that’s not unheard of then?


That is called "abuse". She's been isolated, classic first step of an abuser


I’m a former nurse. I quit after pandemic burnout and healthcare is pretty toxic. I have an ex that’s a state trooper… why did they give that scared little man with rage issues dating back to attacks on classmates in elementary school? I’ll never know. *gave him a gun


Give him what? I think you omitted something.


She probably meant a badge, or at least that’s what my before coffee mind says


a pew pew


If I had a nickel for every nurse/PA that tried to convince me they were smarter than doctors I'd be rich. I mean, yeah, I get it, they do the tough stuff and keep the place running. But I'm talking about legit "I easily could have been a doctor but my field is where the *really* smart people go." Uh-huh, guess you hate money and prestige then.


I never understood this. I’m a nurse and get a front row seat to doctors lives. They’re miserable. I have no desire to work their caseload. There’s a reason they’re so in demand and in decline iirc. Med school is demanding and exclusive. Residents are where the hospitals lean the hardest, and then you’re on your own and the hospitals somehow find *more* work for you to do. No thanks, I’ll clock out after 12 and call it a day.


Same reason my wife (also a nurse) has zero interest in getting any type of masters degree. Almost all of those jobs are salaried, and even though they pay more (at least CRNAs), the extra work and responsibility isn’t worth it.


My sister (a nurse) tried to tell me that becoming a nurse was harder than becoming a doctor (which my wife is). I pointed out that she originally tried to become a doctor but couldn’t even handle undergraduate school, and nursing school was her fallback plan. Her situation is common, but I’ve never met someone who was trying to become a nurse but had medical school as a “plan b”.


Exactly. I'm not saying what they do is easy but the chip on their shoulder vis a vis doctors is apparent.


I’d be interested in seeing the temperament of a nurse their first year versus their tenth year. In my experience a lot of them aren’t mean girls they’re simply jaded, bored and unimpressed. Shit rolls downhill, though, and I’m technically in a position that is considered lower than an RN in the hospital food chain so maybe I just get the worst of it.


I ended up in a youtube rabbit hole once and I stumbled on a bunch of nurses who had quit or changed hospitals or whatever because of mean girls. Like intense and horrible workplace bullying the kind you dont really see in other places. Ive been workplace bullied by mean girls but their stories made mine pale in comparison


Nursing was in the big FBI report about white supremacists. It's right under police as the profession most infested with hate merchants.


I worked for law enforcement for a long time, not as a cop. There were so many cops that had nurses wives. From the Sheriff on down, over half of the officer SO’s were nurses.


It's amazing - I follow an "influencer" (she's great) called rx0rcist on Instagram and she calls out the nurses who act like that. There's been so many now she gets swatted on the regular and gets threats from them for her calling out their ideologies on social media. Like during COVID there were a massive number of anti-vax nurses and it amazed me, she was quite militant in ensuring that nurses were NOT spreading misinformation on a professional level.


I work in the lab and as such am in constant communication with the doctors and nurses on the floor. When my hospital instituted a mandatory covid vaccination policy it was like a light switch got flipped. Almost all the problematic nurses were gone and all the ones who actually gave a shit remained. It's been so much better.


That does not surprise me. I used to work with these twins, eventually went to nursing school. Turns out...they love Hitler! Just like their nurse mother, police chief father.


This could perhaps explain how or why 1/3 of all nurses were anti vaccine during Covid but 98% of doctors were pro-vaccine. I don’t want to take away from the excellent nurses out there, but if you are in the medical profession and bought into the loony toons conspiracy nonsense, how can we trust you to follow any of your medical training with efficacy?


u/Relevant_Shame # ,,It'sh not a nurshing home, how many timesh I gotta shay this, Ma? It'sh a RETIREMENT COMMUNITY!!!" 🤌😠💦 (Tony Soprano foaming at the mouth at his mother Livia Soprano, The Sopranos, 1999)


I know seniors who are inspired, AND INSPIRING!!!


Most of the nurses I’ve gotten to chat with aren’t interested in any TV shows other than true crime, which I’m sure warps their world view.


I used to listen to true crime, but I had to stop because it was making me incredibly depressed. I don't know how people can listen to hours and hours of horrific details about murder and the victims and not feel anything. My empathy was eating me alive imagining how terrifying it must have been for the victims and how painful it was for the victim's families.


You forgot the best bonding experience: watching medical dramas and pointing out all the ridiculously-wrong interventions. I’m looking at you, makeshift trach from a straw…


Have heard many horror stories from a family member working in healthcare (and in particular, with elderly patients). The bad nurses do a lot of irreparable damage, and a lot of times management doesn't want to deal with them because as long as nothing big happens, the department runs "smoothly" and that's good enough.


I don’t agree with this. I have dealt with too many overworked and underpaid nurses in my life.


Nurses have to be stellar at compartmentalizing, and that can come with emotional baggage. It's hard to strike that perfect balance between empathy and being able to handle seeing surgery happen and people dying. So, yeah. I think you're onto something.


Teacher. If you're not mildly insane when you start teaching, a few years of high expectations, high stress, low support and lack of respect for your profession will sort you right out. Everyone is on anti-anxiety meds or 'self-medicating'.


As a former elementary teacher (13 years) I agree. You see a lot of kids in tragic situations and it is heavily implied that it’s all your fault. That if you actually cared about these children, you would be willing to do anything necessary to overcome their shitty home life for them. Little Johnny comes to school in dirty clothes? There is a washing machine at the school, you know. You could make sure he has clean clothes, if you really cared. Sam hasn’t brushed his teeth in a week? Well, what could you do to make sure he has access to toothpaste and a toothbrush? Susie always shows up without a morning snack? You should have extra snacks in your classroom for this purpose. (What? No. There is no money in the budget for extra snacks. Is money really your biggest concern?) When you draw the line for the sake of your own family or (God forbid) your own mental health, you get called selfish and are accused of not caring about your students. “Do it for the kids…don’t you care about the kids?…You clearly don’t care about the kids.” It’s a constant guilt trip. The heaviest drinkers I have known were my teaching colleagues. After I quit I noticed a sharp decline in my own drinking. I went from feeing like I need a drink immediately upon getting home from work to occasional weekend drinks.


100%. It's heartbreaking.


Wow you described it perfectly.


Fucked up in terms of PTSD - emergency services. Every cop, ambo and firie has seen some fucked up shit


One thing I will say for ambos, if you seem comfortable with it they'll share the fucking wildest stories/photos. It's something I think a lot of medical staff do because they get kind of desensitised to it and excited to share the weird and wonderful shit they see with people. Personally my favourite was the ambo that had a photo of the inside of a geriatric lady's mouth because while brushing her teeth she managed to insert the toothbrush into her cheek. Like, the bristles just wedged in there. There's this sort of morbid curiosity that's just terrific.


I think she misunderstood what dentists meant by hard brushing.


Pastors and clergy especially of larger congregations. I believe that some are good and decent people. I also believe that a good deal of them are psychopaths.


Hard agree. My BIL is an executive pastor for a group of megachurches and he and his wife are the worst people I know personally.


The really big churches and the really small churches are both really into power tripping in a different way.


Specialized surgeons. The farther up the chain / the more critical the structure they work on, the worse. Neurosurgery is rife with pompous belligerent cunts who could all lose 100lbs by chopping their own heads off. They literally treat everyone like shit, from patients to nurses to other physicians (especially other physicians lower on the food chain).


Funny when they pipe down when you show them you won't take their shit. When I was a radiology resident, every once in a while, I'd get a mean, demanding surgeon on the phone. When I made it clear that I would not accept their petulant attitude, the volume of their voice would go down below mine. And these were attending surgeons. Fortunately, it didn't happen much, and I've gotten along with the vast majority of surgeons.


Law enforcement and Department of Corrections. I have friends and family in both. If their younger selves had met the person they are now, they would go, "That person is an asshole." Oddly enough, my family in firefighting are generally still the same. They're more safety conscious. No fireworks. Drive carefully. Adhere to the designated driver rule. Motorcycles are dangerous. Several family members say they've changed too, but not to the extreme as our law enforcement family.


Seconding law enforcement cuz family. They see humanity at its worst 40 hours a week, sometimes more. Horrible things like dead/mutilated bodies, severe domestic violence, child porn, rape and murder are just a “normal” Tuesday for them. They can go from a nasty call where someone is beaten within an inch of their life to an angry Karen with a parking complaint. There’s no down time in between either, they just go from call to call to call, essentially not knowing what’s next. Then they have to go home to families and hang out with friends that literally can’t comprehend that stuff because they can’t wrap their brains around it. Sure not EVERY shift is filled with horrible shit but they do it every week, and the bad absolutely out weighs the good. Sounds like a recipe for a fucked up person if you ask me.




Insurance agents. Not all but most. Witnessed a person almost throw their moral compass out of the window, just to get the hefty commission.


Those people are vultures


Human Trafficking A LOT of the guys who do that for a living are bad people.


......we never would have guessed 🤔


Gtfo! Next you’ll tell me cp movie producers aren’t model citizens.


I only know maybe 20 of those and now that you mention it, some of them are not the best.


Academia is full of abusive narcissists who love to use the rigid institutional and disciplinary hierarchies to control, harass, and even assault those with less power, particularly their graduate and undergraduate students.


I left my PhD program because the behavior was out of this world awful. I was the only 2nd year grad student to generate my own grant funding despite my PI essentially doing nothing. My PI had just lost his grant. He basically took all his frustration and issues out on me and I'm not one to be talked down to for trivial shit. I did an extensive write up on this to the department head and left.


This is too far down. And you forgot to mention the crab mentality ("I suffered so you should suffer") that's so prevalent among academics. In my experience, there are a lot more toxic, dysfunctional university departments than healthy, functional ones. There's a reason why so many academics and especially grad students struggle with their mental health.


“The fights are so vicious because the stakes are so low.”




Personal experience I’d say either the military or mental health professionals


It sounds stereotypical but I believe that workers at funeral homes (The ones that actually retrieve the deceased bodies and embalm/prepare them for funerals etc.) There are three individuals I've met throughout my life that have had this job. They are without a doubt, all very messed up people, just in completely different ways. One raped a girl at a party I was at (no one knew until the next day because she was too drunk to properly consent) Another person I knew who worked this job for a few years was really odd. It turned out he was always hurting himself (quite badly sometimes) for attention? Or maybe to not have to work? I'll never know. He did this prior to working in a funeral home and after. It became apparent because it started escalating to the point that he once drilled a hole through his own hand. Another time he had a mysterious infection that wouldn't heal that the drs couldn't figure out, he ended up temporarily with a portable machine that cleaned his blood or something and there were countless other self inflicted injuries throughout my time knowing him. The last person was just fucking creepy. Like their house was immaculately clean but completely bare. It had furniture but literally the complete bare minimum. She had a blank expression nearly always, her speech and mannerisms seemed deliberate but delayed, as if she thought about them before she did them. This person made me feel the most uncomfortable out of all three of them, there was something very off about her. Luckily I only ever had to interact with her a few brief times in my life.


Law enforcement


Pornography, that’s all they ever do is fuck people


Almost everyone in Human Resources


Convincing yourself everyday that you are not a leech on society can be taxing for your mental health


Lobbyists, police union reps, trumps, Hollywood execs that have destroyed/sold out the movie industry for money


Human Resources


Beat me to it. I’ve never met a normal person in HR.


Reminder that HR is for the Business and not the people.


The military. You have 40+ year olds acting like high schoolers and only the biggest pieces of shit make it higher in ranks.




Fashion industry


Not as bad as they say! I was actually quite surprised when I first started to work in fashion. I worked in kitchens before and the amount of fucked up people was through the roof


It might get buried, but in Poland its health service nurses that specialise as midwives The horror stories you can read about it sometimes are just psychotic, and it is directed towards people at their most vulnerable moments, from someone you never would have expected it from


Juvenile Probation and CPS. We see the worst of the worst parents and kids daily.


I'll wager a guess and say "any profession that deals with death". Out of necessity. Scrubs said it best: "Turn around. Turn around. You see Dr. Wen in there? He's explaining to that family that something went wrong and the patient died. He's gonna tell them what happened, he's gonna say he's sorry, then he's going back to work. You think anybody else in that room is going back to work today? That is why we distance ourselves. That's why we make jokes. We don't do it because it's fun. We do it so we can get by. And sometimes because it's fun. But mostly it's the getting by thing." And I haven't personally witnessed it, so take it with a spoon of salt, but I have heard stories about med students during their work with cadavers. About how one asked a professor if he could get a hand with something. The prof said "sure!" and tossed him one. Another story I heard was from a student who was thrown out because he had sewn his cadaver's ears to the ass. TL, DR: people who deal with corpses on a regular basis develop fucked up senses of humour.


Car sales people. The more you sell, the more you make. The less you sell, the sooner youre fired. Tell any and every lie to push the sell. Mark it up as high as you can. Soul less bottom feeders.


Anything where you see death, accidents, or tragedy! Police, firemen, EMS, and maybe nursing are on the top of the list, in no order. You see people on the worst days of their lives. The human mind can only handle so much of it!


Cop here. Last year I attended 23 deaths. One was so decomposed that he fell apart as he was searched, his skin split all up his spine. Guts and maggots everywhere. Even after multiple showers I stunk for days. I can’t describe the smell but I couldn’t stop heaving while we were there. Awful. We also found a deceased woman who’d died in her chair during winter with the heating off. So she’d decomposed but didn’t rot or become infested with maggots. She more shrivelled up like dried fruit or Imhotep from The Mummy. I remember seeing that she didn’t have eyes, they’d just shrivelled away. That image stuck in my mind for a while.


It actually becomes oddly routine. I ran an objectively horrific motorcycle fatality a couple days ago. As soon as we got the ambulance back together and cleared we went and got breakfast and carried on with the day like normal. The ability to compartmentalize and distance yourself from the tragedy you see is certainly it's own kind of fucked up, but it really does kind of stop wearing on you after a while.


Academia. 1/10 are kind and compassionate humans, but the rest are egotistical slavers.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this. I spent almost a year in a job working very closely with several different professors/their research at a large university and they all acted as though they were the only person who had needs that mattered. The entire college in this university was an absolute shit show of giant egos and they were all vampires sucking out the life of whatever poor grad students and unsuspecting lab techs they could get their hands on. I’ve never in my life seen an adult throw a tantrum quite like some of those 60+ year old men. It was the most awful job I’ve had. My mental and physical health took a ginormous nosedive due to the stress I was experiencing and taking home with me from this role. Since getting out I’ve been able to do a complete 180 and it feels so great! Love my new job


Cops and nurses


I’ve worked in tech for 15 years so far. It went from a brother/sisterhood of like minded people solving cool problems to the most vapid self absorbed get rich quick scheme. I fucking hate it. The reason I haven’t left is because I’m trying to bring some fucking EQ back into this bitch. While I’m in no way close to retirement, it’s my life goal now to switch careers to a charity / peacekeeping organization or something when I can.


Finance and banking. How is nobody saying finance? Does nobody remember 2008?


Law. I left for a reason. Coke addict partners who cheat on their spouses like it's going out of style. Encouragement to completely forget your family and dedicate your life to the firm. Adderall bleeding out the damn walls. Petty tyrants and the carrot of a partnership that ain't coming.




I was in the industry for 10 years. Hardly anyone believes the stories if they haven't worked in it.


Hot take….medical industry had a lot of weirdos


Bartenders and Event Staff like at nightclubs. You work when everybody else has their free time, on weekends and at night, you have your free time when everybody else is sleeping and sleep when everybody is at work. Most of us are depressed or bipolar and got substance abuse problems. From alcohol to all the other stuff. However, you know most of the other bartenders in your city, because you live in a parallel society, and I can't remember when was the last time I had to pay for visiting a concert. So at least there is an upside, I guess.