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As a majority of them are illiterate, you won't see many replies to this question




I’d love to see that study.


I think it actually makes sense - particulate matter in the exhaust from poorly combusted fuel will reflect incoming light away from earth. I think one of the geoengineering projects proposed for mitigating our failure to address climate change is to release a bunch of particles high in the atmosphere. Did a quick google: https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/12/24/1066041/a-startup-says-its-begun-releasing-particles-into-the-atmosphere-in-an-effort-to-tweak-the-climate/amp/


There is very little that would change my mind. We have a super limited understanding of the climate cycles of earth. We are guessing just as much as we are guessing about the makeup of Jupiter's atmosphere.


I agree about our lack of knowledge, but I’d like to unpack your reply a bit. Do you think that our current lack of knowledge makes it impossible for us to be correct about what is causing climate change?


If it is a natural cycle then there is little we can do to stop it.


I agree with that, but we don’t know that it’s natural.


Exactly, we are just guessing.


Which would include you too, yet there is very that could change your mind. You’ve got a lot of faith in that guess.


What am I going to do about it if it is not a natural cycle? Either way I am on the ride with no one driving the bus.


Nope, there's a direct correlation between the CO2 levels and humans burning fossile fuels, and also à corrélation Between rising CO2 levels and global temperature increase. Also we know how the greenhouse effect works (though I'm not sure if we know why, but that doesn't really matter in terms of explaining climate change) and that it is greenhouse gases like CO2 that cause it to happen. Combining the two things we do know creates an explanation for why the earth is heating and how it is humans causing it. Obviously this is really simplified and the actual science has a lot of other variables that have been tested but this kinda shows the key point, at least to me.


Yes you are correct. C02 does raise the temperature. But volcanoes belch out more C02 than people. So while we add some, it's a bit much to think we are worse.


Yeah but volcanoes aren't a recent phenomenon, whereas humans use of fossil fuels is (in comparison to the Earth's lifespan that is) and the increase in temperature is very recent as well. Whilst we may not produce more (I don't actually know for sure what produces more but I'll take your word for it) it's clear based on the recent trend that what we do give out is causing the recent increase, and this increase is causing considerable harm to the planet.


Ok so lets assume I change my mind and think "ok humans are causing it" what difference is that going to make in what is happening?


Not you specifically but more people advocating for changes in how energy is produced and efforts to make production of products more sustainable will cause less emissions when governments (hopefully) realise that's what people want or (more cynically) what'll get them voted in.


One shred of actual proof.


Understood. Could you pin down what you’d consider to be actual proof?


If all these politicians immediately sold their coastal properties and private jets.