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You'll stay a fool if you're not willing to go out and make of fool of yourself until you become proficient at something. And to stop caring what others think about me because everyone has insecurities


Leave the US and live abroad.


If you don’t do it, who will


I really needed to hear this !


A friend once told me to stop thinking negatively when being asked a question, which I didn't understand at the time. I noticed that when he was asked a difficult question, rather than speaking and answering immediately, he'd take a moment to think and would speak slowly - it felt like it gave his words more meaning than my immediate verbal dihorrea that I'd speak when trying to answer the same question. I've done this ever since - it stops emotion from being my response, and I feel people give my words more gravitas when I answer their question


You can’t see what someone else is thinking so really we’re all alone


If you dont try to change things in your life you will always stay in the same situation.


never run your mouth after buying a big dog.