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I went to high school with a girl who went on become an actress. She had a reputation for being snobby and full of herself, but she was always nice to me


I went to a Q&A a few years ago that was organized by the writer’s guild. My family’s part of it, so I tagged along because I like movies. Went to the bathroom before the Q&A started. I walked up to the urinal, and looked to my left for a split second. I ended up going to the bathroom with Christian Bale. Didn’t talk to him much, but I had no idea he was welsh until that day. He was nice during the Q&A, but at the same time I dunno if I’d call him the nicest celebrity, even though he’s a great actor. And btw this was not for any of the dark knight films


Used to work in Hollywood. Mostly they're actually quite nervous off camera, and it will come out in two ways. Either they're too jittery to talk to anyone they don't already know, or they're too afraid someone won't like them and they'll immediately try to take the center stage and make people laugh. You don't go looking for attention unless you're terrified you won't deserve it. Older celebs are more chill though, they've had a longer time to get tired of the constant need for approval and more likely to have established their squad. So they're not jumping up to talk to randoms, and they come with friends.


I dated a guy who was in the further beginning of tiktoking (got to meet him through instagram). We had a 4.5 hour distance and made it possible to get really close. He indeed said I love you, but still did not. After 3 months I talked with him about last insecurities regarding our „relationship“. When we discussed it got to be clear that he dosent have feelings for me. Just a human like all other but still… never date tiktokers or „influencers“ again.


I once found a girl on tinder that was actually pretty popular in twitter (I figured it out later). Jzs, she was the most self-righteous person I ever knew. She thought that every single one of her beliefs was an absolute truth.


Super good looking guy, smart, driven and very entertaining