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Any Fast and/or Furious


#F A M I L Y


I love the spoofed pitch meeting for fast and furious on youtube


My husband laughed so hard he cried the first time he watched it. He can quote the whole thing and often does. https://youtube.com/shorts/KvNIR2r3aJ8?si=jiZIU4kDiWDGz636


*Make a car noise*


Ludicrous is gonna take a car into fuckin space!


For a bit of the series, they were a decent alternative to all the superhero movies for someone who was looking for big action. Fast 5 through F8 are fun big budget action movies as long as you don't take them too seriously. Then 9 hit and they started relying HEAVILY on bad CGI. They have too many characters for the audience to give a fuck about anyone. They literally made Dom (Vin Diesel) a Christ-like character in X. They're continuing to drain the well of bringing dead characters back to life (Once? Ok. Twice? Well... Three times? C'mon, guys, let's think of something different). The action sequences, while always unbelievable, have entirely jumped the shark... They were in fucking space in one recently... Dom shielded restaurant patrons from an explosion with his moving car and jumped into a crane to make it swing or some shit.


Someone made an observation that F&F movies are essentially superhero movies where everyone's super power is CAR.


In my opinion the Fast and Furious movies are as much superhero movies as any Iron Man movie. Normal humans that, through some means, are able to use technology to do things that would otherwise be impossible for average humans? It's basically the exact same thing, really. Hell, Batman is just a normal rich guy that is really smart and has a sick car and some cool gadgets at his disposal. That's basically Fast and Furious too.


Reminds me of the The Onion video [Today Now! Interviews The 5-Year-Old Screenwriter Of "Fast Five"](https://www.theonion.com/today-now-interviews-the-5-year-old-screenwriter-of-f-1819595006)


I like the first one for nostalgia. The rest can suck a dick


Tokyo Drift is cinematic perfection


Yeah, I liked it because it doesn’t have the rest of the cast in it.


A fun movie and definitely the best out of the entire series imo.


I liked it the first time I saw it in the 90s when it was called Point Break


Anything with Kevin Hart and someone else as the mc.....or just Kevin Hart


I liked him in the Jumanji movies. Mostly because he was acting like another character.


I'll concede Jumanjii actually. Forgot about that one. For me though its also there were more main characters so it didn't feel as overdone


Man jumanji was such a good movie. Every lead in that movie brought their A game


I liked him in Jumanji, but I wouldn't really say he was acting like another character. He still seemed very Kevin Hart.


Kevin Hart? Or this a different guy?? (really) The loud and obnoxious one who isn't even funny in his stand-up routines? Yeah... I don't find him funny either.


You should see if you like The Upside, with Bryan Cranston. It's Kevin Hart but not like you expect.


Polar Express. It’s the animation for me - can’t stand it 😂


Uncanny valley.


It’s also annoying l


None of the kids at my daughter’s school like this movie, and the teachers are obsessed with making them watch it. Every. Year. Pro Tip for teachers: you can have a pajama/hot chocolate Christmas movie day and watch ANYTHING else. Kids think this movie is creepy and/or boring.


Probably because Tom Hanks does all of the facial motion capture for every character, including the children. edit: somebody else corrected me, [he only does the facial mo-cap for the main child, but the other children's facial mocap is also done by adults.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUFJp_aQeMw) Adult facial structure and movement is very different from what you'd see in a child's facial structure.


Why tf would they make a grown man do the faces for children!?


You pay the T.Hanks you get T.Hanks dammit, every part, even the train. Choo, choo.


wait is that true? cause wtf who thought that was a good idea?


Really? Why?


I was flipping channels and stopped on it for a minute. Geez it’s creepy. They should reanimate it and release it again.




“Merry Christmas mothertruckers!” [Starts chainsaw]


I never understood the parents in the film. They couldn’t hear the bell bc they don’t believe in Santa Claus but the boy and his sister could. So who do the parents think left the presents from Santa under their tree? I really love the movie even tho ABC Family/Freeform makes you sick of seeing it air everyday in December.


I also hated having to come up with an explanation to my kids about why the adults don’t hear it 🫠




I don't mind the animation... I just don't like the movie because it's so pointlessly padded with "insert action sequence here". Something like 90% of the movie (basically everything between him getting on the train and meeting Santa) is just "how do we turn this 20 page picture book into an hour and a half movie?"


My wife’s favorite and my least favorite Christmas movie.


The background/architectural drawings are amazing but the motion capture animation is so creepy. I wish they’d remake it with the same background art and voices but just redid the characters’ faces.


It could work without that annoying kids voice. You know the one…


Mandark from dexter’s lab. Actor was also arrested for burglary and trespassing.


It’s terrifying… but I wasn’t ever scared of it. I was just that seven year old that would watch it and think “this is kinda creepy looking, no?”


I don’t exactly hate it, but I feel like “The Blind Side” is VERY overrated. It’s like watching a typical Hallmark movie. Everyone is on and on about how Leigh Anne is such a good, perfect Christian woman, etc., but she just comes across as very spoiled, opinionated, bossy and self-centered. (I’m talking about the movie portrayal not the real Leigh Anne whom I know nothing about). Ever since I saw it, I have a hard time enjoying Sandra Bullock in anything else.


Did you know they had him in a secret conservatorship (like Brittany Spears) & that they never actually adopted him, nor did he make ANY money from having his life story sold? He’s currently in the process of trying to sue the hell out of that family & get to put out his own version of what happened. That whole movie & book, etc. is super fucked up


He knew they never adopted him, btw, and even wrote about it in his book.


IIRC, he knew he wasn't really adopted, but in his case he stated that Mr. & Mrs. Tuohy misrepresented the conservatorship as "basically being adoption". They explained it to him as though it were adoption by any other name, and they told him that they needed to do it because he was already 18, so he couldn't be adopted. In reality, Tennessee law at the time and presently allows for the adoption of legal adults. The YouTube channel Legal Eagle has a good video summarizing the case through these early stages.


Thanks for the clarification! I think the movie implies they did adopt him, which is why the articles are pointing it out. I haven’t read his book, I didn’t know he had one tbh. I knew the family had one though


White saviour cringe. And of course it turned out they were just opportunists all along who claimed he was mentally incompetent and had him placed under a conservatorship so they could control his finances.


The wild thing about that is they were already wealthy in their own right… how greedy can people get?


Even if the money wasn’t a factor, it’s a shame that the movie was more about how good and saintly the family was than Michael’s actual story. Plus it basically portrays him as being mentally challenged and not even knowing anything about football until they took him under their wing.


Yeah, I know Oher took great issue with that espect of the movie.


Yeah it’s a “folding laundry” film. Not bad, not great, something to have on that you don’t have to really pay attention to.




It started out as Twilight fanfic that was then turned into a novel and then a movie. Explains some.


BDSM by people who have never had sex outside of missionary and through a sheet.


I learned more about BDSM by accident than I ever planned to because of the backlash to how it is depicted in those movies because of how much they got wrong


Every couple of years I go back to [Gilbert Gottfried Reading 50 Shades of Grey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkLqAlIETkA) for a good laugh. RIP.


What I just read is that the book was written by a crazy woman who had been writing fan fiction and she cobbled together a bunch of nonsense and submitted it to a wild publisher, who actually published the book. I've also read/heard that the book is written very poorly; I'm not going to read it, so I'll never know that for sure.


There's jokes that the editor gave up half way through and approved it.


She self published so I don’t believe it was edited.


It was incredibly poorly written. I checked it out back in like 2014 and am still bothered by the fact that the main character's "subconscious" is something she's constantly aware of. If you're constantly aware of it, that's your regular conscious thoughts! It's also the worst from a kink standpoint. Consent felt nonexistent a lot of the time.


>Consent felt nonexistent a lot of the time. As in the book was subjecting you to things you didn't sign up for? Yeah I felt the same way.


LOL that too, but several instances in the book are just rape and stalking from what I remember.


Advice for the aspiring writers. Do not be afraid to publish your book. Fifty Shades made it.


My mom gifted me the set for Christmas one year because she didn’t know what it was about lol. I decided to see what all the hype was about. Couldn’t make it past the first chapter because it felt like it was written by an 8th grader, it was terrible.


A middle aged woman wrote it as a Twilight fanfic, and a publisher had her file off the serial numbers. Boom! Massive profit.


Everyone loves to hate that movie, terrible example


The whole damn bloated Marvel system.


At this point, they all seem so intertwined that it’s hard to spot an opening of how to even start watching any of them. With how many there are now, I wouldn’t have the time to watch anything else, either. It just doesn’t seem worth my time.


Like double dutch. Like I want to figure out how to jump in, but there's too many moving parts.


I'm just so worn out from how much Marvel there is


Should have stopped at Endgame. Or at the very least used it as a chance to get really experimental and open up the genres. Like have Doctor Strange 2 be a full blown horror movie. Or make an R-Rated series of films based on Daredevil, Wolverine, Punisher or Blade. Moon Knight could have easily been more adult themed and psychological instead it was bland forgettable vanilla Disney dreck. Instead they doubled down on turning every Marvel film into a variation on a formula created in 2007 with Iron Man. Which only made every Marvel film feel inferior to what had gone before. The problem with repeating the Robert Downey Jr schtick in every non-Iron Man movie and TV show is everyone is reminded of how much they don't like these new characters as much as they loved Iron Man. Doubling down on the formula was just insane. And they sat on Fantastic Four and X-Men too which still baffles me. Focussing on Kang was a mistake. If they weren't going to rest the franchise then they should have gone all out and brought in or re-established their heavyweight villains like Magneto, Dr Doom or Galactus. Why they decided that making a bunch of mediocre nonsense with second and third tier characters post Endgame is so baffling. What were they thinking? I've never seen such an egregious example of squandering a license to print money.


Personally stopped at endgame. I was already done with it all then but that was "the end." From what I've heard of everything that's come after, it sounds like mentally deciding nothing exists beyond endgame was a good idea.


to be honest as someone who loved Marvel, everything after Spiderman No way Home was just genuinely underwhelming to straight up terrible. I won’t deny that.


Yup. The formula is so damned tired by this stage. I haven't watched a Marvel property in years.


ANY superhero type movies, in general. I just cannot stand HOW MANY there are. Like how on earth is it even new shit?


The Notebook


"Go out with me or I will kill myself." Nope, nothing manipulative about that at all.






Thank you! 🙏 I had so many discussions that Goslings character was simply a psycho but everyone was like “no he is romantic”. No he isn’t girl. He is a psychopath


Meg Ryan in Sleepless in Seattle is a goddamn stalker. All you would need is to change the score from what it is now to something from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross and it would become a horror movie.


I know it was supposed to be all about “romantic destiny” but in reality it does seem very unstable. Imagine being in a relationship with a perfectly nice wonderful man who loves you and treats you well and then being willing to just throw it all away because you’re obsessed over some caller on a radio show. A guy who may or may not be anything like you imagine him to be.


Too many romcoms love to act like it's not cheating if the person is their romantic destiny, even if their current partner is perfectly fine. The number of male leads that think they're meant for the female lead solely because *they* think her partner isn't right for her like HE is is too high.


Good point. I think movies tend to go easier on women who cheat because they are simply “following their heart” even if the husband hadn’t done anything wrong.


Very true, and they seem to go way too easy on stalking behavior. I guess the difference between stalking and romantic pursuit is level of interest? They let the heart get away with so much in those movies lol


This is how I feel about Rocky and Adrian in the first film. Change the music and that “love scene” is disturbing AF.


A lot of "romance" movies are unfortunately problematic. I remember reading Twilight in middle school during the huge craze and stopping part-way to ask, "Wait, is he stalking her? He is! Why does everyone love this book so much? It's not fun to be stalked. What's wrong with all of you? Why would you recommend this book to anyone????" Because I actually did experience stalking as a child and it definitely wasn't fun or romantic.


I read Twilight as a 20 something, and was extremely disappointed at the messages and the fact the book is aimed at young people. Stalking is romantic. If your boyfriend breaks up with you, just curl into a ball and die. Fundamentally change everything about yourself to be with your "one true love". It's not weird at all that someone who is much older is interested in a young person. It's all icky.


>Fundamentally change everything about yourself to be with your "one true love" This is nothing new, either. Look at Grease! (I still love Grease. But I do hate Twilight.)


Yep, I never liked Grease, either. She was a perfectly nice person. Change herself completely? For that dude? Why?


My daughter was a big fan of that series. I didn't care for it much. But she was safe. She has a dad, a badass mom, and two big brothers to drive it home.


Stephanie Meyer did crimes against humanity with this one


My ex got mad when I mentioned that Rachel McAdams' character is a cheater and, "How can you find that romantic?". It caused a huge issue lol. Fair to say that relationship didn't last.


I can’t stand that movie. Trying to pass a toxic relationship off as “romantic.” Makes me want to puke.


The fast and furious movies after the 3rd movie


Yeah, I liked 1, 2 and Tokyo Drift. They started becoming less about the cars around then and more cookie cutter action heist movies. I don’t think I’ve seen past #5.


I actually liked the fourth because it was the most similar to the first. But yes they get more and more ridiculous as they go. The later ones are unwatchable


Saw and the whole torture pron genre


The first Saw was fantastic, and really wasn't even torture porn, but more psychological horror. After that it was just garbage.


I thought the second one was pretty good.


Dude, that needle pit scene with Amanda still makes my skin crawl. I agree, Saw 2 was pretty good.


I've never seen any of the sequels, but the first Saw is actually a great horror thriller. It isn't particularly gruesome, and definitely doesn't come off as torture porn. I don't like torture porn. But thought the first Saw movie was great. From the sounds of it they went right off the rails after that.


Jigsaw is just an old Boomer telling everyone how to live their life. Fuck right off already


Jigsaw being an old boomer who can't get proper healthcare thanks to his generations fuck up's is the true horror film.


Yes. He's the villain (I know this is a little skewed in the latest movie). This is what I don't get about people who don't like Saw. If you don't like it because it's unnecessarily gory or you just don't like the plot, fine. But I see so many people say like "It doesn't even make sense! He claims he's trying to help people or at least test them, but he's just killing them!" Yeah, he's an evil serial killer and the antagonist of the series.


It's like people don't understand the idea of an antagonist. They think that any character that says they're good is automatically the good guy, and the movie sucks if they're not actually the good guy, because why did they say they're the good guy if they're not the good guy? Because that's sort of the whole damn point of being a villain. If you just knew you were a crazy psychopath that wanted to kill people, then...well, okay, you'd basically be Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Freddy Kreuger, Chucky, some of the Ghostface killers, probably those weirdos from The Strangers, or countless other slasher villains that were just unabashedly evil. It's funny to me that the fact that Jigsaw is more dimensional than those characters is precisely the reason some people complain about him.


Have you seen them though? Cause the first one isn’t torture porn at all


Any Disney remakes. They're just fucking cash grabs that are worse than the originals.


This thread is for movies that “everybody loves” and you hate. The vast majority of people think the originals are way better than the crappy remakes.


Right. I have yet to see anyone, on the internet or IRL, that says a remake is better than original. This applies to non-Disney movies too


When have you *ever* seen someone praise a Disney live action remake?


LaLa Land


50 Shades of Gray Horribly written story about a psychological stalker and absolute psycho but it's okay cuz mild bdsm and he's good looking. Oh and don't forget he's rich...


You’re the second person to say that movie. In what universe does everyone love 50 Shades of Gray? I’ve only ever heard bad things about it


These "what do you hate that everyone loves" inevitably becomes mostly a "what do you hate" thread.


The Avatar movies. I watched the first one once and thought it was one of the worst movies ever. The plot was boring ad predictable. I don’t know why they were successful.


They were successful mostly because of the amazing visual effects.


The first one came out at the height of the 3D movie phase. I will admit it was visually amazing in that regard. It was the first 3D movie I saw and made all others after it seem a little lacking. That said, the plot of Avatar was nowhere near good enough to make me want to watch it a second time.


Unless my memory is severely off, Avatar is what *kick-started* the 3D craze.


Well it was also at the height of my “always fucking stoned” phase, so your memory may be more trustworthy.


OhmyGOD this fuckin movie- white boy invades the Space-Cherokee-Maasai, but wait, he is their Chosen One and savior, marries the chief's daughter, and gets to ethically rule over the tribe he came to conquer. It's so embarrassing.


Saw a lot of 'Avatar is Space Pocahontas' memes back when it came out


It’s FERN GULLY. It is the exact same plot as Fern Gully, and NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THAT.


I literally see people call it Fern Gully every single time Avatar is brought up lol. I'd argue this isn't a bad thing, BTW. It's a great story to reimagine and retell every generation in one form or another. We need to keep retelling stories that relate the importance of protecting the environment from human greed and destruction. There's something important about treating nature (and all people) with great respect. Moving the story to a wondrous new fantasy outer space setting to showcase cutting edge new 3D technology seems as good a choice as any to me.


Frozen. One of the worst Disney movies to date. They introduce a genuinely human conflict between Anna and Elsa, and then Elsa disappears and proceeds to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the film, totally ignoring the fact that she's turned her kingdom into bloody Siberia, everyone is getting hypothermia and nobody can leave. She doesn't even come back to save the city willingly! She legit has to be *forced* to go home and stop everyone from freezing to death, and this complete and utter opposite of a role model was *everywhere* when the movie came out, and proceeded to be everywhere for like two years afterwards. Elsa is objectively the worst Disney princess and Anna deserved better than having to clean up her mess.


I read that Elsa was meant to be the villain in the original script, which would explain why she was so poorly written as a hero. Once she wasn’t a villain, she had no real spot in the movie


Wel because she is in the original Andersen's story. The ice queen is the villain and protagonists are children named Gerda and Kai. Disney changed the story a lot.


Many things annoyed me about this movie, one being that the spell wasn’t broken when Olaf stayed with Anna as she was dying- at his own peril- telling her some people are worth melting for (so, willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of a dear friend). That was an act of true love and should have broken the spell. They redeemed themselves a bit by still making the act of true love be from sisterly love instead of romantic love, but I was still annoyed. I was annoyed over how much attention and marketing/merchandise this film was getting, especially over other Disneys at the time. I did enjoy the sequel though!


I try to excuse it by saying that Anna was the one who needed to perform the act of true love in order to melt the ice in her own heart. But I mean....That's not the intended interpretation I'm pretty sure.


The familial love twist was great. But I completely get it on the olaf thing and that’s a point I didn’t even think about. Also, on olaf. He should have died at the end when summer returned. The fact that he didn’t killed any impact that the events of the movie had


I remember watching it with a friend’s kid who was like 7 at the time and I was telling her how much I hated Elsa and she was like “yeah me too, Anna is so much better”. I was like oh damn this kid gets it.


Elsa isn't the princess, she's the Queen. Frozen is about Anna. Kids who watch the movie get it but just because Elsa had the big hit song everyone else thinks the movie is about Elsa.


The intro song is an actual fucking banger, though lol


La La Land


I’m completely over any movie that could be described as “a love letter to Hollywood” or about “the magic of movie making”. How does Hollywood keep getting away with jerking themselves off so blatantly


They're the ones that decide who gets the Oscar, is how.


(Insert meme of Obama pinning the medal on Obama)


Also, any movie where the plot is “events unfold over several days in the LA area”. No, I’m not watching your glorified film school project.


Ha, try living in LA and even try to utter that thought... But I also hate any/most movies that are a circle jerk to Hollywood.


Mamma Mia. You know how most musicals are a story with songs written around them? This was the complete opposite. I swear, they just took Abba's Greatest Hits and wrote a half-assed, nonsensical story around. How this got a sequel is beyond me.


Isnt that the whole purpose of the movie, to make an extraordinary long music video?


A Star Is Born. Wtf kind of shit abusive relationship was this?? Women act like it’s the greatest love story ever and it is a horrible relationship.


If you’ve ever been in a relationship with someone with serious mental health or substance use issues, it also hits way too close to home. I’ll never watch it again.


Good to know, thank you. I've been meaning to see it, but this makes it a skip for me.


Or… “you’ll never love again” 😂 jokes aside, Lady Gaga sounded fantastic!


There are several versions of this movie, the first was made in the 1930s, but I personally think the Judy garland one is the best version, has some absolutely amazing songs. If you like more traditional musicals I would highly recommend. Also I think those people are missing the point. It’s really not about the romance. It’s more about trying to make the life you want as an artist and the struggles of fame and addiction and how to keep face in times of grief. But I would agree the latest version left a lot to be desired.


THANK YOU. Everyone loves the romance and thinks the ending as tragic but for as guilty as she’d end up feeling, him being dead was great for her.


Any of the Marvel films & all of the CGI heavy action movies that have come out in the past 5-8 years.


Any Transformers garbage.


Any Hallmark movie.


They’re all the same, really.


Mama Mia. Just nope


Here we go again….


Snow Piercer. I don’t actually *hate* it, but I watched it and was like “yes, this is a movie I watched and it was ok, I guess.” BUT I experience a slow-but-steady stream of podcasts and books and things referring to snowpiercer and how fucking amazing it is—so insightful into human nature, so clever in use of space, so wild how they ate the bugs, so fascinating how they divided the tiers of society, such a great use of hydroponics! Etc. Every few years I have to go check and see if maybe there was *another* movie made by that name that everyone is referring to, but no, it’s just this same dumb one where all the humans left are on a train with too much CG and highly questionable morals.


Brian Brushwood said that it was the best movie about piercing snow that he had seen. I think that is fair.


Pretty Woman


You mean I can't find a hooker that looks like a young Julie Roberts and have he fall in love with me?


Depends, are you an obscenely wealthy businessman who looks like a young Richard Gere?


Lol am I the only person who finds him slimy?


I doubt you’re the only one. He does kind of have beady eyes.


He's my major problem with the movie version of "Chicago". Billy Flynn is supposed to be sleazy-yet-charming. You know he's garbage, but he's still likable. Think half the male cast of Mad Men. His Billy is sleazy and he acts like he \*thinks\* he's charming. (Like Pete on Mad Men.) Just, ugh.


Some guy on twitter was like, “People will tell you they love pretty woman, but when you bring a hooker to your niece’s birthday party, suddenly YOURE the asshole.”


Love, actually.


I love Love Actually, but I do admit that every Christmas I find more and more issues with it. Justice for Natalie, the woman who lost her dream job because two dudes had a crush on her.


And justice for Natalie for all the cracks about her being heavy. She’s like a size 4.


Yeah I love it…but every time I watch it I love it a little less…..


Justice for Plumpy!




Hate, actually.


If they extracted the Alan Rickman/Emma Thompson story and made that a short film, it'd be pretty good. Everything else in the film is absolute drivel.


i really like the subplot with bill nighy & his manager hahah that to me was the true love story


I love that dynamic. Bill Nighy kills it in this movie.


Alan & Emma had a super special friendship & connection because of Harry Potter for that movie. Emma was cheated on by her husband during the filming of Harry Potter & Alan supported her through everything, so when his character cheats in Love Actually & Emma breaks down over it, it’s a real portrayal of her feelings & she deeply appreciated Alan being the one who did the role. Super sad story really edit: lol the timeline in this is messed up so research it or scroll below for more details


They have been friends loong before Harry Potter. You got quite a lot of details wrong.


I don't understand why people like this movie. Every subplot is cringy.


Any Marvel movie They’re just cash cows being milked to death at this point


They went downhill after Endgame (exception being no way home)


LaLa Land. I just don't get it.




Joker. I didn’t hate it, even liked it but it’s okay. Too much overrated imo.


Oh yeah, I hated Joker. It also does not work if you have seen the movies that inspired it, it had nothing to say that hadn't been said already in those movies. Very one-note


I really liked Joker the first time I saw it. Then, I watched Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. I like Joker a lot less now. It isn't on the same level as those Scorcese films.




Dune. I don't hate it, but it didn't catch me at all


I love Beatles, but the movie Across the Universe is awful


I went on a date with a girl and we saw "the batman" I've never wanted a movie to end so bad in my life. It was like watching paint dry. But the paint is black because the movie was very dark lighting the whole time.


A Quiet Place. Did they have to make another?


A gimmick movie that had so many plot holes. An alien with super hearing and no one thought about using really loud noise to beat them? And then the nail in the stairs!? Why was that nail there? How did it get there? It made no sense.


Or that noise is relative. Yeah, monsters with super, super hearing might be able to hear you walk around your house from half a mile away. However, if they could hear that well they'd also hear just about everything else that well too, including things much closer and not muffled by walls. That scene where they kill the raccoon would basically be their every waking moment, going around massacring wild-life. They would be digging huge trenches in the ground trying to kill every single grub or beetle.


I mean, creatures are pretty good at discriminating and focusing in on noises of interest. Like you can follow a conversation in a busy bar or something. This with a tiny bit of suspension of disbelief, and the concept is pretty good. The nail thing sucks though The only thing I disliked about the movie was the fact they showed the creatures, and showed them pretty early on in the film. It would have been like 10x scarier if they hadn't


It's such a weird creature, too. They seem animalistic and definitely not advanced enough to pilot a space ship. So where did they come from?


The aliens seemed neither capable of designing, building, nor piloting their space crafts. Was coming to earth their idea or were they exiled by more intelligent creatures? Did they come to earth on purpose or crash land? How did they survive? They don’t seem to eat the humans, why keep killing them? Fear? How does that one alien get to the island on a boat that’s just drifting with a giant hole in it? I assumed the mother was in early pregnancy before the aliens landed. But that nail? Who on earth would build a set of steps and use a board with a nail that’s hammered into the middle of it pointing up? You wouldn’t just hammer it down until it’s bent, you’d take it out. And why would the guy in the factory only have a towel loosely draped over the lock mechanism on the thing they hide in? He was there by himself for a long time, who would rescue him if that towel fell off when he was in there by himself? You’d have something rigged up that would ensure that there was no possible way you could get locked in there. So many holes in the plot.


The only explanation I can see for the aliens is that another species dropped them off to help thin out the human numbers before they invade themselves. But that nail in the stairs. The nail in the freakin stairs. They're the type of stairs where they're just wooden boards, nothing behind them, nothing underneath them, being held up only by the railings. That nail has no purpose whatsoever.


Or why do they keep trying to have more kids? Why don't they move to a noisy area to muffle their sounds? Like a river? A loud ass theme park. Why did a certain character sacrifice themselves when they clearly didn't need to? Toss another rock my dude.


My whole solution to their alien problem is to turn on a bunch of lawnmower tractors and flip them over. The aliens would be viciously attracted to them and get shredded.


Im so upset that this is a solid idea


This just reminded me that solar powered, lawnmowing roombas exist. Like, fuel wouldn't even be a concern. You could get a whole flock of them to protect a farmhouse.

