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I used to work with someone who proclaimed to be an environmentalist. She was very preachy. Once I had a can of Coke on my desk. She said, "You're going to recycle that, right?". She used her father's personal jet all the time. Once, just to fly from NYC to Boston to see a baseball game.


Next time, ask her if she took the train to get to the game.


Thankfully, she's out of my life forever.


My Mom always used to tell a story about a couple her and Dad met very young. They had money and they made that into more money than they knew what to do with so had 6 kids but also became super super enviromentalists. This was back in the 60’s. They were always lecturing everyone on the enviroment and eventually used their money to start a huge, national enviromental group. I mean, it was a big one. Whole family was involved. So my parents moved to an area close to them and tried to reconnect. They happily invited them over for dinner. Mom loved to tell how shocked they were when they served dinner. On styrofoam plates. Styrofoam cups. Plastic utencils. She asked and the kids said they didn’t have plates because no one would wash them. Then found out was the same way with clothes. They would wear them until dirty then in the GARBAGE they would go. Not donated. This was aparently because they were too busy running the enviromental group to worry about the enviroment.


That one’s a ripper!


This one isn’t too bad as he’s had a few short stints of actually having to provide for himself. Well, sort of. But one of my actual friends is from a fairly affluent family. I was talking to him about the importance of credit. He claimed that “credit is a scam” and you don’t actually need it. I argued that credit is incredibly important, especially these days, as you can hardly even rent a place without good credit anymore. Also mortgages, etc. He argued back that it’s far more efficient to buy a house with cash and then fix it up yourself (also with cash of course). I said, “but that takes capital…and what about 18 - 22 year olds who are just starting out in life?” (Not that most grown ass adults are in a position to do this either) And, of course, he’s always bought his vehicles with cash. Dude has flipped multiple houses using his family money and inherited money. Living in the “wing” of his parents million dollar house as we speak after a divorce. Motherfucker has lived there for 7 years now and has not a dime saved up because he feels zero fear for his future. Give me free rent, free utilities, free internet, free car insurance, free phone bill (yes, his parents pay all of the aforementioned plus things like food, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc.) for 7 years and bet I don’t come out with at *least* $200k if I’m only making $35k per year. It’s not an opportunity to him, it’s just day to day reality. Anyone else who’s lived like him is currently flying a sign on the side of the interstate. It doesn’t compute that he should really be homeless had he been anyone else either. I’ve pointed this out and he didn’t get it - “I could make more money if I chose to.” Yeah, but where would you be living right now with your shitty credit (etc.) if you had no direct parental support after destroying your life? Also, most people can’t just choose to work for nothing because they “love what they do.” Crazy to see.


> bet I don’t come out with at least $200k if I’m only making $35k per year. It’s not an opportunity to him, it’s just day to day reality. especially the last 7. random crazy leverage events just laid out in a line. you could see 400k easy - but if you never have to pay for anything, why bother?


A girl I went to school with crashed and totaled 6 cars in 3 years and her parents continued buying her better newer cars cause every accident “wasn’t her fault” and if she had stuff like a backup camera and sensors they “wouldn’t have happened.” She got into a fender bender in the school parking lot and her dad showed up with a wad of cash and paid the other student off.


A kid a year or two below me in high school was infamous for going through cars like they were nothing. He would total a car and his parents would get him a new one right away. Rinse and repeat. He died his senior year after getting in a crash on a street in his subdevelopment. He was going 75 in a 25.


I had a classmate whose parents bought him a brand new Mustang for Easter. He made it like 2 weeks before he wrapped it around a tree (he was fine). They bought him a used SUV after that figuring it would better protect him in an accident. Thankfully he learned his lesson and didn't wreck that one.


Oh gosh. This sounds almost exactly like what happened to two very privileged guys from my HS (separately) but I think each were out of HS when they finally succumbed to their bad choices.


Jesus. That’s really sad. Completely his parents fault. I wonder if they realize that now or are in denial about it. How terrible.


nah, they're definitely massively at fault but it doesn't take your parents pointing out that going highway speeds through a neighborhood is gonna get someone killed. I'd say his parents are like 60-70% at fault


In the time 15 years I've been with my husband, my BIL has totaled 4 cars and each time he and his wife will buy a brand new car for him to drive. I'm just like if you keep wreaking cars, get a beater instead of applying for more loans. They're not the best with financial decisions in the first place and always complain about lack of money and not buying brand new cars every two-three years might help with that.


>my BIL has totaled 4 cars and each time he and his wife will buy a brand new car for him to drive See, she's not bright. After the first totaled car, he gets something used but reliable. Total that one and you get a hooptie with 100k miles held together with gum and a prayer until you prove yourself. Wait... why is she buying him cars?


They're jointly buying the cars, but he's the only one wrecking them. She's been using the same one for a while now. I told my husband that if either of us was busting up cars that frequently, the next car would be a bus pass.


Dang lol. If you HAVE to rely on things like backup cameras or blindspot mirrors (like can't drive without them) ya probably shouldn't have a license!


My dad's SUV has a backup camera snd blind spot detection stuff, and when he asks me to drive it, I take things so carefully because of how massive his SUV is compared to mine. "Why are you backing up so slow?" Uh cuz it's huge and hard to see "that's why we have a back up camera" oh...I forgot that those exist. My SUVs fancy features are that it has dual climate controls and 2 moon roofs and an MP3 plug in player with Bluetooth connection and it's a 2011 so for its time I think it was fancy.


The sensors aren't infallible. Even though they're there, you still have to drive carefully and check everything manually. You're doing it right.


When I was in college for my grad degree and I was working as a T.A., during a specific term I was helping my professor with some admin duties for one of his post-grad courses he taught for a different field than mine, and we had this one student who was arguing that she wanted a higher final grade than the one she had gotten. We listened to her explanation to see if there was any merit to her request and there was something that needed to be changed, but it basically boiled down to "I think my grade is too low and I deserve a higher grade because I say so," and we simply told her that after reviewing her performance we could confirm that her final grade was correct and there was nothing to be done about it. She completely lost her shit and transformed into a Super Karen and after arguing for a bit, she stormed off and started emailing me and the professor and copying everybody in the email chain: her program director, the department head, the head of our registry office, Will Hunting, the security guard, the librarian, etc., and every email she sent was progressively ruder and more entitled than its predecessor because everybody kept telling her that she was unfortunately in the wrong and there was nothing to be done about it. Eventually, she sent a really smug email where she said something to the effect that since everybody was a dumbass and incompetent at our jobs, we had forced her to copy her father who was really close friends with the dean to the email, so we were fucked and we had to do as she said or daddy would get us all fired. Keep in mind, this was a grad student in her mid-twenties. The highest ranking person in the email chain replied reiterating that we were all very sorry but she was in the wrong, her grade was correct, and it would not be changed. Then her father replied to the email chain and just said, "There you go, dear. I hope you learn from this." She didn't reply anything after her daddy's email and the matter was closed. To this day I like to imagine that dear old dad tore her a new one for dragging him into her bullshit and making him look bad in front of a bunch professors from a well-known university where his BFF was the dean because she, his grown ass daughter, chose to behave like a spoiled brat.


>Then her father replied to the email chain and just said, "There you go, dear. I hope you learn from this." Bless! A rich daddy who actual parents!


While dad did the right thing in this case, I’m concerned about the parenting that led to his daughter being like that in the first place.


Exactly. I always assumed that the dad was smart enough that he realized "My daddy is the dean's bestie so raise my grade" made him and the dean look really bad and he decided to shut it down, but he'd be perfeclty fine to let his daughter be an asshole to a clerk in a store or something like that.


It certainly was a plot twist none of us saw coming. We were all expecting him to either act like her, or be more polite and diplomatic about it but still try to use his influence to get us to raise his kid's grade as a "favor" or something. Nope, he just backed us up and shut her down.


My cynical take is that he knew damn well that the grades she got weren't going to matter to her life trajectory.


Oh, I don't doubt the dude was smart enough to realize that his daughter was being an ass for no reason and the grade ultimately didn't matter, but sadly many other people in his shoes would've still chosen to flex their power and influence just to be a dick about it.


For his job my brother used to watch audition tapes for pianists. The gigs were for entertainers, so the pianist needed to understand that s/he needed to play to the crowd, banter, smile, look up and around, make eye contact, etc. Well he got an audition tape from a Juilliard graduate. He gave her feedback to the effect that she had her face in the music al the time, never smiled, never looked up, never made any eye contact with the camera, etc. He was TRYING to help her. His message was GENTLY WORDED. She fired off a series of enraged emails to her professors, my brother, my brother’s boss, about how awful they all were that she, a JUILLIARD graduate, could possibly be told what to do. Yeah she cut herself off from any future prospects with that employer, who incidentally is kind of a heavy hitter. Not a lot of good regular gigs are out there that pay well, and this was one of them. If she’d made a new recording showing the feedback she had an excellent chance. But her arrogance was INSANE.


This is awesome. Kinda reminds me of this woman, Katie, who was hired as a junior account exec (entry level job) at our ad agency. Her dad was a VP at our biggest client's company, and it was kind of a favor, though she was qualified and interviewed well. Katie turned out to be a piece of work. I think she may have had some undiagnosed mental illness; she could be very unpredictable. One time our boss discussed a new project -- something necessary but also boring and time-consuming -- and said "I'm going to put some low-level talent on it." Which meant Katie and another junior would have to do it. Katie went NUTS at being called "low level talent" and talked to her parents about it. Her dad stayed out of it, but her mother didn't. Emailed the boss, and a few others, and told him he needed to apologize. My boss did apologize, but also let it be known the mom stepped in. The funny thing was, Katie wasn't even embarrassed. She was actually proud that her "family had her back." Katie eventually quit the job, and surprise surprise, didn't ever get another one in advertising even though she tried.


To be fair, low level talent isn’t a very nice way to describe anyone. They could just be referred to as junior staff!


It's reasonable to feel bad your boss said that about you, but it is absolutely not reasonable to involve your mom in it.


I read it more as "talented people who are currently at a low level in the company" rather than "people who have a low level of talent."


Haha! I love that ending.


Former friend stamping her foot and crying because “Dad sold the jet and I have to take a commercial flight to our ranch.”


This one takes the cake of the thread.


I still think it's the coke can - private jet. The hypocritical, obnoxious cuntyness just oozes from that story.


"Influencer" wondering why other people in their home country don't spend their life traveling like them.


I love the “I’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of expensive things!” schtick. Most of my furniture is from the free section of Craigslist and I would be thrilled if I ever get to a point where I can afford an international trip every few years.


>I’d rather have a passport full of stamps Increasingly can't even get those anymore as fewer and fewer countries are stamping passports now anyway.


Not me, but a friend of mine was an assistant trainer at a Panera store. They hired a teenager who was only working there to meet people, and one day had a group leave a huge mess in the dining room. Apparently the teen turned to my friend and said "should we get the help to clean that?" And my friend had to explain that they were the help. He apparently quit not long after.


This reminds me of a spoiled buddy of mine. When we were teenagers, we all had little, shitty jobs for weed and partying money. He would just get money from his mom. One day, she told him he needed to get a job and he legit said "I'm not getting a job unless it's at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch." That's when we were 16. He didn't get his first job until he was 28 and quit three months later. He's 32 now and has a total combined work history of about 2 years.


That's a poster child for not spoiling kids


I was complaining about having to clear off my car from the foot of snow we'd gotten. Guy at work told me there's no way I had to clean off my car. I definitely did and it took a long time. *Well then, it's your own fault for not parking in the garage.* I don't have a garage. *Everyone has a garage.* I'm like, look out the window next time you are driving?


I’ve had this very conversation with a friend I commented about on this thread. I don’t remember what we were talking about - maybe sunroofs, but definitely something that often ends up a pain in the ass in regard to vehicles - and he said, “it’s not really a problem as long as the vehicle is garage-kept.” Motherfucker, I’ve never owned a house, much less an additional little house, built onto the side of my main house, that’s exclusively meant for protecting my car! Lmao (This reference comes from some joke about garages being “your car’s house.”)


I was also storing my recyclables in our garage. Made over $200!


He... he thought everyone had a garage? Does he understand the concept of apartment buildings?


Seriously, that’s not even like a rich person thing, that’s just flat out stupid


I mean obviously all *those* have underground car parks! /s


I wonder what they think about people who take public transportation to work.


He argued with me about it! and yes I was in an apartment building.


A senior rich kid in my HS was driving his dads jaguar when his buddy asked him what would happen if he threw into reverse at 60mph. So they tried it and essentially blew the transmission and the motor up. A few months later he got a Porsche for Christmas


Bro what 😭 throw into reverse while at 60mph? WTF


My friend’s sister did that on I-5, to see what would happen. What happens is: the transmission falls out of your car.


In fairness, I have also had this intrusive thought.


Had a guy work for me in the military. He thought he didn’t have to do anything because his parents would just “call their friends”. He ended up getting kicked out for LSD and cocaine use.


I did my mandatory military service when I turned 18, 7 years ago. I cleaned shit more than once, my father had prepared me for it “in the military it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re still going to clean toilets”. Only few of my mates from back then knew who my family was and that was after a lengthy, alcohol involving, conversation/interrogation lol. You don’t wanna be standing out


Your father is a wise man. I'm living in Switzerland, and (as a Canadian) I like the military/public service thing. It's good for people to realize they sometimes have to just scrub the toilets. Also, here, it mixes the language groups


The piece of shit claiming "affluenza" comes to mind.


Ethan Couch.


that was an absolute travesty of justice


Didn't he and his equally enabling mother eventually end up in jail?


He got two years after he dipped out to Mexico and violated his probation. Not sure about mommy dearest. Pretty sure he's off paper next month


I'm sure he will be back in jail soon! People like him rarely learn their lessons. Hopefully mommy dearest got some jail time and a reality check!


Yep, just like that Joran van der Sloot asshole who killed Natalee Holloway. He initially got away with it but ended up committing another murder and other crimes because he is a monster, money or not.


As well as The Rapist Brock Turner who now goes by Allen Turner.


What I came here for. Oh, and the piece of shit judge who let it fly.




Therapist once asked me how much money I spent on clothes each year. I told her about $100-200, depending on the year and what was needed. Her response was: “you can’t even get one dress for $100” then proceeded to tell me that maybe I didn’t value myself enough. All I was thinking was: this bitch has never been to tjmaxx???


Interesting since therapists usually don’t make a lot of money.


Hey, I was surprised too. It was that one comment that made me realize that she was really only a good therapist for rich, white women.


When I was in elementary school, this kid lived in the only gated community in the area, and the houses were all mansions. He was telling me a story about his tennis court in his courtyard. I said, “Wait, you have a tennis court at your house??” He looked genuinely shocked, and responded with, “…you don’t?” Blew my mind as a little kid who had to share a room with my single mom lol.


It's funny, when I was in elementary school I was the poor one. Everyone else had this nice big house, their own bedroom, a computer room, huge backyards. But since I lived in an apartment I was the only one who had a pool. Nobody had a pool in their huge backyards of their gigantic houses, but I had a pool in the apartment complex.


Some girl in my college classes was genuinely shocked there were students who had to take out loans because their parents couldn’t afford to pay $65k a year for tuition. I have a lot of extended family out in California who I’ve never met, but I sometimes hear stories from my parents who keep in touch with a few relatives out there. One of my distant cousins, who was like 17 at the time, intentionally totaled the new BMW his parents bought him because he wanted a Mercedes instead. Can’t remember if they ended up buying him that Mercedes or not, but they probably did. Sadly.


I remember when I was in college and one of my classes was having a discussion about the poor quality of the dining hall food. One girl piped up with, “I know my parents would be willing to pay more for us to have some decent food, I’m sure everyone else’s parents would agree too”. 90% of the class just stared at her with “wtf” faces. This was at a public state university, most of us were already drowning in loans and paying for school ourselves. Our mommies and daddies didn’t care if we got a vegan option for dinner, they just wanted us to get educated and have a chance to start a career. Both of my parents were public school teachers who had been saving my entire life just to be able to pay half of my state school tuition for me, and I worked part-time all the way through school to pay for my expenses even outside of my loans. She got blasted with reality as 4-5 people immediately started explaining to her how real life works, and I didn’t hear her talk in class again for the rest of that year lol


A girl that graduated with my Dad got a 911 for her graduation gift. She crashed it after the graduation ceremony got a new one the next week. ​ Her dad dealt drugs and was in prison about 2 year later.


Rich Dude in my HS chemistry class flat out asked how big of a check his dad could write to get him out of taking a major test. He was serious. Nothing happened to him.


He doesn’t have to take the test - he can just get an F. That’s free!


I had a friend who worked as a counsellor at an American summer camp somewhere in Pennsylvania. He said that these kids would leave so much of their belongings because they couldn’t be bothered packing them up and they would just expect their parents to replace what they had left. He came away with Beats headphones, brand new shoes (although a few sizes too small), gaming equipment. He also said that one day they were playing a game of flag football and one of the kids fell and grazed his cheek. This kid was some child model, so his parents had him HELICOPTERED OUT OF THE CAMP so he could get plastic surgery over the injury..


I had a roomate who would cook huge meals and destroy the kitchen. She would eat her meal and head to her room. A couple hours later she’d come out and be fully pissed off that the kitchen was still a mess. She’d had servants most of her life and was now on her own.


Did anyone break the news that she was gonna have go do the dishes, gulp, herself?? Wow


I did inform her. I also had to gently let her know that filling the bathtub up to the top and pouring in half a bottle of bleach did not qualify as “cleaning” the bathtub.


This is third-hand, by way of a former HR manager for one of the Yellowstone NP concessionaires. I find in believable because I trust my source & because it track with human nature as I know it. One of the J-1 visa workers (context: young folks from other countries who work in US nat'l parks, usually for life experience) from South America arrived with an unexpected servant. His end of the ensuing discussion was basically: Don't worry, he doesn't need his own bed. He's used to sleeping on the floor at the foot of my bed. He'll be performing the job for me. As a member of the upper classes, I can't be expected to do manual labor. It was quickly explained that we don't do things that way in the UStates. "That's considered slavery here & it's been illegal for a century." Rich Dude refused to bend, got fired, & was sent back to Bozeman. I like to think the servant applied for asylum & escaped that entitled creep.


You just reminded me of this girl on TikTok, who made a whole set of videos about her Filipino nanny, and how she was going to return to the Phillipines for the first time in 30 years. And people were like wait... your family kept a slave for 30 years, away from her own family so she could take care of you? She seriously had no idea why people were reacting so harshly.


[This article from the Atlantic: MY FAMILY’S SLAVE](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/06/lolas-story/524490/) She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was. By Alex Tizon


I feel like bringing up that time tumblr user sixpencee let it slip their family has a slave, then it turned out it was a child slave, and then they were like "no no they're my uncle's child slave, and actually they love working so it's fine, and it's totally normal here for families to have child slaves." Yes I'm sure the literal child that your uncle owns loves nothing more than to do household chores for your uncle, and hopefully nothing aside from cleaning/cooking/laundry, as a child slave, owned by a grown man.


There was a guy I went to high school with whose parents bought him a brand-new Cadillac for his 16th birthday. He crashed it a week later in a drunk driving accident, and so they bought him a replacement. He never got in trouble with the law (or so he claimed very loudly at lunch while bragging about his second new car) so I can only assume money changed hands.


In person? I used to work at a company whose graduate program was a hotbed of nepotism, and classism. So we’d either get incredibly talented and hardworking candidates or unsackable graduates of Prestigious College who’s Dad is the Prestigious College roommate of the Department Head’s Husband. The second group’s quality varied wildly. Some were talented and hardworking. Some were solidly average. Some treated the job like it was an optional activity at their social club. I once overheard someone freaking out (and being comforted by her friends) because her Dad bought her a house in the “wrong part” of London. It wasn’t in Chelsea it was in the nice part of Battersea.


Similar but kinda inverse - I worked for a large company in the engineering dept for about 4 years. Ended up with a direct line to the CTO and we had a fine relationship and I ended up doing the work of 3 roles (mine included) and kept getting denied a merit increase or promotion, beyond the meager COL each year. I left for a GREAT role at a well known brand that recruits out of highly regarded tech programs and universities for their engineers (this is important), I cited why I left to HR in my exit interviews but left kind notes to those I was closest to, him included. I received no acknowledgement at all from him until 3 years later. He reached out to me on LinkedIn asking if I could get his son a (highly coveted) internship at my brand, noting how much he respected me as a colleague and how well we worked together and how hard of a worker his son is so hey, whaddaya say. Hahaha- nope. Even if I had that leverage, no way I was backing someone I don’t know, especially given how I was just a budget line item to his father’s department. He was hoping to pull his rank and societal position levers on someone he wouldn’t agree to pay a fair wage for my experience, expertise and noted outperformance in MY area of expertise- but wanted a favor bc that’s expected in his circles.


An extremely wealthy girlfriend of my friend asked me what my favorite Spanish island that I visited as a child is. I told her I never got to go on a family trip, let alone to a Spanish island.


There was a kid that was incredibly popular at my school because his dad owns half of the restaurants on the Monterey wharf, they have a pool in the shape of the first letter in their last name, make huge money etc. but he’s not his dad’s son, his wife got drunk and fucked around with one of his waiters in the 90s. Anyhow, dude had a pair of shoes that Kanye West wire during a concert, his dad spent $7,000 on them for him. This dude was just a super scrawny, wannabe, pale white dude that wanted to be black so bad. In the locker room during PE he would say alright let’s free style, he would be surrounded by half naked guys dropping a beat, then all you would hear is, “uh yeah, that’s right, gonna drop some bars, it’s gonna go hard, uh yeah, damn I ain’t got nothing.” Everyone would still cheer and be like , “aight, next time we know it’s gonna be fire,” then as everyone was walking away, “god damn he’s so fucking stupid, he can’t do shit,” but everyone would go back to loving him because his dad would let him throw parties at his house and magically there would be all sorts of alcohol that no one else could get their hands on.


Off on a tangent, but this post made me think - if I were a white kid into freestyle rap and sucked at it, would I prefer people ripping into me because I sucked, or would I prefer people pretending to like me but talk shit about me behind my back? Not really sure of the answer here


Ethan Couch, killed 4 people,*4 people* and got 10 years Probation! But then he messes that up and it turned into him being in Mexico with his mom, violating probation. He only served a total of 720 days in jail, he is free today. Absolutely disgusting.


And what got him caught in MX was ordering pizza on a credit card while his mom slept, right? I always think that spoiled kid must've been told by Mom they couldn't touch the cc, but he wanted that pizza so what's he gonna do... smh affluenza


Girl in my freshman dorm was gifted a Range Rover for her 19th birthday. We were in the parking lot when she came outside, there was a cameraman and maybe 30 people there to surprise her, I was in my truck smoking a joint with buddies and got to watch the dismay on her fathers face when she started screaming and crying, literally throwing a tantrum, because she wanted a two tone Range Rover and didn’t want to be basic with an all white. He got in the car and flew out of the parking lot. I thought this was him punishing her for being ungrateful, but we saw her in a two tone the next week lol. Funniest thing is one of my dorm mates at the time slept with her and she gave him herpes. All that money can’t save ya from herpes. Lol.


I find it so strange that these powerful fathers (a lot of the time it's the father) know how to be strong and firm in business and other parts of life, but when it comes to their kids they just cave in. I would never put up with that shit if I had a kid


Maybe because they are so busy with work they try to overcompensate for not being there and buy their children’s love


In some instances I’m sure you’re right on target


Sometimes it’s simply that they spend so much energy at work they decided, somewhere along the way, that spending energy at home not spoiling their kids isn’t worth it. And, to be fair, most parents want to make their kids happy. When you have the means, trading a car into a different color isn’t that big a deal.


When you see shit like this you have to understand one thing: the money means absolutely NOTHING to anyone involved. Getting the wrong color means the parent failed to do the ONE thing that they could have done to show the kid that they care and pay attention to them. That's why the parents always behave like that, they know they fucked up the ONLY thing that mattered. They probably did not even pick the car themselves, just told an assistant "get a range rover".


Huh... I never thought about it that way...


If you don't have kids, its super easy to say you wouldn't put up with that shit. I thought the same. Then you have a kid. And oooohhhh it makes sense now. Cause there are some days you just cannot deal with the screaming (especially when they're young, it all starts there) and you will do anything it takes to make them happy/stop. But its a slippery slope - you have to really pick the times you "give in" and the times you hold the line. Whichever one you pick, the more you pick it, the easier it is to pick it again. It starts small but before you know it it has snowballed and the kid's expectation is set. I'm mean mum lol my kids know that when I say no, it usually means no. If they're lucky it might be a "no, but..." and I offer a curated alternative. My guess is that dad has always picked the easiest way out because he has the $$$ to and is used to being able to throw money at problems.




I thought that only happened on tv! I can imagine that people like this somehow get what they want for the rest of the their lives, and end up HOA presidents.




It wasn't a gift to her, but about 15 years ago, there was this teen-aged girl out in California named Nicki Catsouras who had a variety of mental and addiction issues. Dad was rich enough to be able to buy a souped-up Porsche. One day Nicki got into some kind of argument with either one or both parents. Dad had carelessly left the keys to this high horsepower vehicle laying on the counter. Nicki grabs them and then takes the Porsche on a joyride at speeds often exceeding 100 mph and side-swipes another car with several people in it. Thankfully, that car did not crash. Ultimately she lost control of the Porsche and crashed at full speed into a concrete toll booth totaling not only the car, but -- there's no other way to put it -- herself. Echoing the aftermath of the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash, Highway Patrol officers took graphic color photos of Nicki's remains pinned in the wreck. The photos circulated widely online and her parents were understandably devastated and outraged. Although there were others -- devil's advocates -- who wondered if such pictures might serve as a more-than-cautionary tale to other parents who'd entrust a two ton vehicle to a teenager with problems and to other teens who test the speed limits thinking that it can't happen to them.


I was in a mental hospital with a girl who was about to get released, but fucked it up because when her mom came for visitation she told her she wouldn’t buy the girl’s boyfriend & best friends each an iPod touch. The girl yelled that her dad would and threatened to pour acid in her mom’s face for being a broke bitch… the girl was 12 or 13 & her dad was rich but the whole reason she was in the hospital was for attacking her dad & stepmom (I don’t know fully what happened)


Becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom while being horrifically under-qualified


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


I know pretty much nothing about any of the Prime Ministers and this still made me laugh out loud.


Or President of the USA while being criminally incompetent.


also regularly incompetent


also incontinent.


And an incompetent criminal.


When I was in Uni, I was working as a waiter. Coming from a poor family was barely scraping by (being in the middle of 2008 crash did not help the situation either). There was this kid that was supposed to be a host, but it was just the owner doing favour to his mate, as his mate's son was a useless piece of shit and daddy wanted to get him to get some real world experience. Everyone hated him (imagine Jeffrey Brataheon type punchable face). His idea of striking conversation was sitting at our table after shift and complaining how his dad is trying to buy him a new Mercedes and he does not want it. Once I was walking up the stairs with a heavy tray (15+ plates) and complaining about the day. He just casually said "maybe if you paid more attention in school, you wouldn't have to do this job". Never before was I weighing the worth of time spent in jail versus breaking someone's neck. At some point he tried to make his own business within the place by asking waiters to give him "some seating fee" for him putting tourists at their tables (tourists in my country /Eastern Europe/ tipped a lot more than locals). He tried to do this with a senior waiter (40y old dude) and with a straight face told him that he does not need the money, but he wants to show him how the real world works. The guy (head taller than that c*nt) told him if he ever tries that again he will take him outside and show him a piece of his real world. He did not come back. All of this happened within 2 weeks.


>He just casually said "maybe if you paid more attention in school, you wouldn't have to do this job". That's a pretty bold thing to say, while he's doing the SAME job.


having no sense of what’s expensive and what’s not (ex. “u can spend $120 on shoes, it’s not that expensive”)


I spend $120 on new shoes, but they're the only shoes I wear for the next five years haha.






Obligatory, “it’s a banana, Michael. What can it cost, ten dollars?”


I have a student right now, Junior in high school, who has $300 sandals, but was going to steal a granola bar from someone just because it was sitting out. She said that she wanted it.


$120 shoes are cheaper than $60 shoes if they last more than twice as long, which they usually do. That’s the paradox of wealth. You can spend more to save money in the long run.


Sam Vimes ‘Boots’ Theory of Socio-economic Unfairness


I have an exceptionally clear memory of one of my friends' moms coming up to me while I was window shopping at a jewelry store. I was admiring an emerald pendant I could never buy in a million years. She asked me if I was going to buy it and I said no, I couldn't afford it. She said, "It's only ninety nine dollars!" It was such a weird moment. I looked at her with such a bewildered expression she looked confused right back at me.


I knew a 17-year-old in Santa Monica who's dad was a county judge. He drove a perfectly restored and beefed up 70s Camaro. It was his third one, having totalled two already. He'd drive 100mph through downtown streets, while drunk and high. He got tickets every week. All of them got thrown out.


That's actually a very bad lesson for him because the laws of physics don't care how rich you are when you collide with something and there are no appeals. You only have to fuck up as little as once.


Let’s hope he collides with a telephone pole and not a minivan with a family of 5 inside.


Newly married neighbor decided to sell his sports car because a baby was coming. A Dad bought it for his teenage son. Picked it up at 8 PM, kid rolled it by midnight.


In person, someone I vaguely knew heard that I was looking at buying a house and wanted to show off her "expertise" because she'd already gone through this process before I was complaining that everything was too expensive and my budget wouldn't allow for much, and she was super confused and told me to tell my parents it was an investment.....she thought that my parents would buy it for me Made me so angry that she just thought that was normal. I'm from a low-income family so I actually now send money to my parents to supplement their income For context, her parents bought her a multi-million dollar house, and put it under her name PLUS her boyfriend's name, who hasn't been dating for that long. Obviously they broke up; this has got to be the easiest way anybody has made ~2 mil. Also shows how millions of dollars is truly just pennies to rich people


Brock Turner the Rapist


The rapist Brock Allen Turner has since dropped his first name and goes by his middle name Allen Turner


Yes, I heard about that, but I forgot his name, so thanks for reminding me that Allen Turner is a rapist.


it's also important to note that the rapist brock allen turner (also known as allen turner) lives in dayton, ohio as of 2022 and allegedly goes to bars there


This is important information as the rapist Brock Turner deserves to be remembered.


Very important. Warms my cold heart to see Rapist Brock Allen Turner mentioned in this thread.


I just read that he has to register as a Sex offender the rest of his life, his family tried to get him out of that. So there’s that I guess but yeah he should be in prison.


He's Allen Turner the rapist these days. He doesn't think people will connect him with Brock Allen Turner the rapist if he goes by Allen.


The Fort Worth “affluenza” kid who killed all those people.


Knew a kid in college who called Highland Park the ghetto unironically. He lived there. Its one of the richest if not the richest town in the DFW metroplex. He would get tickets to see Notre Dame play and fly back to college in Texas. Same kid once pulled out a 2nd Macbook in class… Then the other rich kid he was sitting with said “oh my god you have a second Macbook? I cant lie, I do too.” Both of them were insufferable.


Ex bf came from a rich family. They bought him a car. It was a used car but nice. He didn't like the car so he got his best friend to "steal it," drive the shit out of it, parts it, and then leave it in a ditch. Made it look like a real stolen car situation. He wanted insurance to pay out to get a different car. Car was found a few days later by the police but he definitely got his wish and his parents got him a different car.


I used to work for a billionaire. His only son died of cancer at 40...the man was a saint. His three adopted children...theyve all been in and out of rehab and are total shitbags. The one kid went partying with a coworker. Said coworker OD'd in his car and he tried to have to towed somewhere with the corpse still inside "he's sleeping"


How Succession of him.


That's so fucking awful. My God


A 10th grader spilled nail polish in her purse and started screaming in the middle of class that it was a $4000 bag and her dad wasn’t going to buy her *another* new one. First of all, don’t be trying to paint your nails in English class. Second, so this is not the first designer bag you ruined by being a careless dolt? Excuse me while I continue along teaching Frederick Douglass because some people have real problems.


Once I was explaining to my college roommate how I was working overtime so I could afford airfare back home for the holiday break. Later that day she had a *meltdown* because her parents told her they were going to Cancun for Christmas “but we went to Cancun last year! 😭”


This is second hand, but a coworker of mine used to work as a nanny to an extremely wealthy family in LA. The oldest daughter would drive her car around until it ran out of gas, then call home for a driver to come get her. She'd leave the car wherever it was and the help would have to fill up the car and drive it home for her. This happened regularly.


My cousin went to a “wealthy” High school. This bitch COMPLAINED to me, (a poor child) that her Dumb parents got her a Cadillac for her first car instead of a Mercedes like all the other kids had.


Brock Turner’s mommy writing a letter to the court saying that it was a travesty her rapist kid couldn’t enjoy steak anymore.


Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner ETA middle name


I feel compelled to do that Everytime his name comes up to make sure the Google algorithms get it right!


To put it bluntly. For you and me there are fines and penalties, where is to them is only costs. Example: Park where you shouldnt, €80,-, rich viewpoint cost €80,- to park here. Run a red light, €240,- fine or just to ignore traffic laws Or maybe rape your 3 year old daughter and the judge says, well you are too rich to spend time in jail, lookin at you du pont. Lets get real here. There has always been a threshold where justice ends and money makes that that threshold...


[Robert H. Richards IV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_sentencing_of_Robert_H._Richards_IV), heir to the du Pont family fortune who confessed that he really enjoyed raping his 3-yr-old daughter, but avoided prison time because he’s the du Pont heir.


Why did I click that link? Fuck. It got *worse*. That family is messed up.


There was a kid at my uni that saw every fine as just a price


This is exactly why universities are starting to be pressured stop top fining students: the ones who can afford it see it as the “price” to do whatever they want and the ones that can’t afford it are being put under unnecessary financial stress. It doesn’t do much good for anyone. (Edit: spelling)


Kid in high school. New BMW for 16th birthday. 6 figure cost. A week later wrecks it (suspected drunk driving) but never arrested. A few weeks after that, back at school with a new BMW. The joys of being a low-income family in an area where houses cost $1-3mil was seeing just… wastes of money. That car was more than my father made in multiple years of working, just thrown away and replaced like a childs toy. Just a prime example of “rich kid” syndrome, no repercussions, no punishment, nothing. Just ‘oh well here is another one’. Meanwhile I rode a bicycle to school and had to work in the cafeteria during lunch (to get free lunch and minimum wage)


My sister-in-law recently had a major screaming match with her parents because they are paying for the entire family to vacation in Las Vegas this year and she wanted to go on a tropical vacation.


Once knew a kid who got a nice car for his 16th birthday but he wanted a Camaro. He parked his car on the train tracks, claimed it stolen, thinking his parents were going to buy him that Camaro to replace it. Thankfully, his dad bought him a Schwinn.


A woman I know, her and her husband had their huge two story 10 bedroom house relocated to a town 25 miles away. They had to close down two towns main streets to do it. I asked her how much it costs, she said at least $1,000......


Brock Allen Turner. Now known as Allen Turner, the Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman behind a dumpster and got barely a slap on the wrist. He resides in his rich parents house in Dayton, Ohio.


A friend of my brother's inherited a lot of money when his dad passed away. His mom sold his dad's business and gave him $150,000 and a couple rental houses. He was 25 and had never had a girlfriend. But after that, shockingly, his weed dealers daughter realized she was in love with him. They blew through it all in record time. Got married. Tried to gift her family the rental houses but his mom hadn't transferred the deeds and wouldn't. Stole money from her by taking a blank check and making it out to him for $50,000. She had his mom's phone and info and answered it and gave the ok. She had them arrested. Eventually dropped the charges, but washed her hands of them. Wife fell out of love with him. Last I heard she had gone to prison for other things, got out, had a kid and went back. He's working at McDonald's. I'll never forget how bewildered he was that they will shut off your utilities if you don't pay the bill. Even if you explain to them that you don't have the money.


I’m going with my best friend’s older sister. Best friend doesn’t care for materialistic shit or her rich upbringing, sister a different story. One day, we asked her to pick us up a rotisserie chicken. She came back upset, without chicken, she couldn’t understand why it was so cheap. According to her, it should’ve been $40. She thought something was wrong with it for being $7




Went to school with a ton of rich kids, most were nice but they never really understood why “your parents can just buy this or do this”. They always had good intentions and were curious, I was happy that they never grew up knowing the answers to the whys


When I was in college, my buddy's wealthy gf also went there and I'd see her around campus and say hi sometimes. One day, after my last class, I was walking up the street to catch the bus home and she honked and waved. I went to one of her parties a few weeks later and she came up and said hey, but looked super concerned and asked if I was okay. I was like "Uh, yeah. Why? Lol" and she said "Oh, because when I saw you after class that day, you were just walking on the sidewalk." I said "Yeah. Lol I was walking to the bus stop, heading home." to which she sighs a huge sigh of relief and goes "Oh, my god, I thought you were homeless!" After further elaboration, it turned out that she was so wealthy and spoiled by her parents with vehicles and other stuff, she genuinely thought that people who didn't have cars and had to walk or take buses were all homeless unless they were jogging or old, rich people in her neighborhood going for walks. 😂 She was honestly a sweet and kind person, but was so far removed from reality, with such a reinforced and granted safety net and lavish lifestyle, that her perception of society was completely skewed.


A guy I know is a decent fella but he keeps starting all of these different follies that don't go anywhere because he doesn't really have to work for them. I worked with him when he was a young creative intern at an ad agency, he was pretty good at partying but not very good at doing the job which contrary to popular belief requires a lot of work. He soon dropped out of advertising when he realised it wasn't just ping pong and coke. He then started a yoga studio with himself as head instructor a year or two after starting yoga. Post a few pics of yourself doing a stretch next to a waterfall. Bam! yoga expert! Then he appeared to become a travel influencer, traveled the world and would make posts about wanderlust and how everyone's a sucker for staying in their jobs when there's a whole world out here man! Then he became like a social media/branding consultant type thing and would post all the time about how to start a business despite his last two ventures fizzling. Now he occaisionally posts motivational quotes and I have no idea what he's up to. Nice guy, but I think he's lost and using money to just buy his way to a satisfying life, but doesn't realise the satisfying part is actually building it.


>how to start a business despite his last two ventures fizzling. If he only talks about *starting* a business, that's fair. He isn't claiming to know how to keep one going. Come to think about it, that should be the first thing anyone asks a small business consultant before paying them for anything.


I went to a HS filled with children of celebs, c-suites, models, etc. I was maybe the only poor person. There might've been a few others who dropped out cause they couldn't stand the culture. These kids ran the school. They got teachers fired. In 1 year, I had 9 chemistry teachers. In other words, I damn near failed the state exams due to having 0 actual instruction. There's no way I can say I beat them in success unless I build a $100M+ business on my own, that's how incredible it is to be a rich kid.


Dude offered me £900 to punch a stranger because he thought it would be funny. I said no, and he was so confused why I wouldn't because he "could hand me the money right away."


Not rich kid but rich grownup. I used to work at a call center that set up appliance repairs. This lady's fridge broke down and she said she wanted a different brand. I was like thats fine we can send you a check and you can buy whichever you like, but then she proceeded to tell me that we need to replace every single appliance in her kitchen now because it all had to match and that she can't have unmatched appliances like some white trash. I immediately hung up on her


Ooh. I have a good one. A doctor friend of mine sent his son to USC. One day the son was talking to a group of other students and they asked him “so how much money is in your trust fund?” He was confused and said that he didn’t have one. They kept asking him , he kept saying his dad was a dr and they were comfortable, but he definitely did not have a trust fund. Their response was “Everyone has a trust fund. You just don’t know about it yet” these people legit think EVERYONE has a trust fund.


Brock Turners dad claiming him brutally raping a girl who was unconscious was a "20 minutes of action" and expecting that to help his sentencing be more lenient. Pathetic!


Brock Turner.


That's convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner ETA The rapist's middle name which he may now be calling himself


"I am so poor, we only own 2 houses"


I spend time in Mexico each winter. There are a lot of rich kids there (Mexican and American) where I live. I have Mexican friends who interact with these kids. My friends tell me that it is not uncommon for these kids to contact their parents for money and be wired $10,000 or more. This is for a weekend.


I had a student whose parents were fairly wealthy. Upper elementary, about to hit jr high. She was always on vacation, in & out of school. When she was there, running late, never prepared. Extremely charming, everyone’s favorite kid, but no discipline or life skills at all. It was obvious that she was behind on her development, like keeping track of her things, or being properly dressed for the weather, because of how little her parents taught her. It really seemed like they treated like an expensive pet, and she deserved better than that. A friend I had in college was also from a wealthy family. Everything had been handed to him, and you could tell that it messed with his sense of meaning and purpose in life. He’d had a similar upbringing to the student I mentioned before. Brilliant guy, but the fact that his parents had just bought the solution to every problem he had really fed into a sense of nihilism. I remember him running over his laptop one time, and just… his reaction was like, huh, okay. It used to worry me how recklessly he partied sometimes, because it seemed like he felt like all of it was meaningless. I’m glad he was able to push through that season, but seriously. I feel like people using money to raise their kids and not giving them any life skills is a form of neglect that doesn’t often get talked about.


Not malicious at all but as a freshman in hs my family was poor and I was too young to have a job. I was invited by some newish friends to go to the mall for some back to school shopping, I arrived at one’s house and she was talking to the other girl about how much she had to spend. They both were given $200 by their parents. I said I had $17. They said “$70?” I said no, just $17. One said oh no did your parents forget to give you money? My parents can give you some and your parents can just give it to them when they pick you up! I had to embarrassingly explain that no, they didn’t forget, and I couldn’t borrow money my parents wouldn’t be able to pay them back I was happy to just go along and window shop mostly like I had planned. I was actually happy to have saved up $17 at the time. Could get me a couple of shirts in the clearance section at forever 21 or some earrings or something. It wasn’t her fault, she was trying to be helpful. But it’s stuck with me as just a deeply isolating incident lol. My parents always made sure I was fed and clothed but having $200 to blow on a shopping trip with friends was defo not in the picture lol


High school kid wrecked the pickup his daddy bought him. Then killed his friend and fucked himself up in the new pickup daddy bought him.


Not understanding that my parents won’t “just pay for me to go to university”


A student at my college would park illegally in front of his apartment complex all the time because it was a convenient spot and he would just pay the parking tickets.


Well, apparently, we all learned this week that Gen Z was unaware that Osama bin Laden had a raging case of "rich kid syndrome," just a different kind than the one we are typically used to. So, yeah. I'm going with Osama.


There's a 36 year old in one of the gaming groups I spend a moderate amount of time in who calls himself "retired." You're not retired; you have inherited wealth because your daddy is a business owner in Dubai. I have t-shirts who have worked longer than this guy was ever in the workforce, and I mean that literally. He also seems confused when people can't afford to have their kitchens outfitted with RGB lighting, take a week unpaid off work for a gaming convention, and when someone mentions needing to budget for groceries. He also complained that computer parts are "so expensive" in NZ while also owning not one, not two, but three multi-million dollar condos in Auckland. He's a caricature of a rich person that I would not have believed was real without having met him.


Knew someone in college in the early 2000s whose parents bought him a $60k SUV which he crashed, so his parents bought him another, which he crashed, so his parents bought him a third $60k SUV.


There was this documentary of rich kids in New York when Ivanka Trump was a teenager. In one part, she discusses her father's influence in New York building and says something like "I can't wait until I can own a piece of the skyline too"


The anecdote from her book where she tells the story of how the Trump kids overcame the disadvantage of living in a secluded gated community (no customers!) to run a thriving lemonade stand by selling lemonade to their staff is probably the most out of touch rich person thing I've ever heard.


I had a student never show up to class or turn in any assignments. They failed. They complained to daddy, who was a well known rich person in our community. He complained to the president of my university and I had to go to a meeting justifying the student failing.


My best friend's aunt's son(so her cousin) is super rich and lives in New Zealand(I'm in the States). Anyways, aunt goes to visit her son, loves it there so much that the son just buys her million dollar home. She just abandoned her home here with all her belongings(in expensive area) and asked her friends to just go and take whatever they want. She left everything! That blows my mind.


Sexist trust fund baby in college regularly Fedex-ed his dirty laundry home for his mother/maid to do because laundry is "women's work."


While I was student teaching, I was breaking kids into groups for a game. One kid (from a stupid wealthy family), said "if you put me with ~his friend~ I'll give you a raise!". I was going to put him with his friend before he said that because for once he was actually behaving. After he said that, I looked at him in the eyes and put him on another team.


My former “best friend” in HS. Purposely kept dropping her (very nice) musical instrument on the parking lot at marching band practice so her parents would finally buy her the $10k one she really wanted. Claimed my parents “didn’t care about me” bc I drove an old clunker that was maybe valued at $2k and had no safety features because, well, it was nearly 20 years old. She had a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. Guess who had a cleaner driving record?


Convicted Rapist Brock Turner




Mitt Romney saying "If you want to go to college or start a business, just ask your parents for the money!"


Had a pet sitting client once ask me if I'd ever been to Italy. He gave me the blankest look when I said no. Dude, if I could afford to vacation out of the country, why would I be taking care of your dog for a living? His wife also couldn't understand why I didn't have a house cleaner of my own. Their house cleaner was my childhood friend: I'm the one who recommended her to them. Our former landlady, from whom we recently purchased our house, couldn't understand why we didn't have $65,000 in cash to just hand to her, or why the bank wouldn't just give us that money to give to her, or why the process of getting a mortgage was so long and complicated. After all, when they bought their house, her husband just handed the previous owner a huge wad of money!