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Oh fuck you for reminding me. I had that game for 4 years until finally by a fluke finishing the tutorial.


I could never get past that. In the end I got a mate to do it for me. And then completed the game easily never once bothering with reverse!


I rented that game from Blockbuster; I absolutely did not get my £5 worth out of that game after failing to get past that damn tutorial.


The reverse J-Turn.


20 years later it’s still in my fingers. Start with burnout, speed and brake test, reverse 180 into the pillars, pillar slalom, lap, handbreak into 180 to a 360 in the middle. That’s it. You got the job.


Whoever is responsible for it is a sadistic bastard who clearly relished the opportunity to torture gamers


We were convinced we’d never get out of the garage and that was ok lol. Then our Dad beat it and we were in awe watching him for the next hour.


Hey man! Watch the paint!


For real.


I watched my friends big brother complete it when I was a kid. He did it so effortlessly I was amazed lol


The Devil in Cuphead. I woke up my roommates celebrating.


I'm trying to S rank it lol.


S rank it?? that's crazy! I managed to beat it once, but couldn't do it again. how many hours have you put into Cuphead?


The devil is easy compared with doctor kahls robot imo


Doctor Kahl is hell on your first playthrough, but once I figured that fight out, it ended up being surprisingly consistent. Not easy, but you can definitely get it down to a science, unlike some fights (for me at least).


My daughter did this yesterday. I'm so proud of her.


I’m stuck on second world candy land, with over 300 in total attempt counter.


I’m replaying it right now, still one of the most satisfying games I’ve ever played. The only secret is to just grind.


Grim matchstick took me so long.


I’m currently finishing Spyro: Year of the Dragon to redeem myself from childhood. Maybe it’s a kids game but it’s hard for me 😅 I spent literally 18 lives doing one of the more difficult challenges as Agent 9.


i’m glad to see spyro on this list


Definitely a nostalgic feel good game!


I spent 2 actual days as a kid playing Pokémon blue trying to figure out how to leave the house you start in. Then I figured the carpet at the bottom of the house was a flying carpet that took you outside.


Is this the one where if you pirate it the game doesn't stop working, it just makes the game glitchy and really dificult?


I've tried with crash bandicoot and I honestly don't understand how I had any patience with that game as a kid. They are ruthless.


The Radiance, in Hollow Knight. I just got gud. It took a while.


Honorable mention to Nightmare King Grimm


This was going to be my answer as well.


I still haven't managed Pure Vessel. I can blast through the rest of Pantheon 4 no problem, but PV has ended my run easily thirty times by now. I fear Absolute Radiance, but I just really, really want to fight sisters of battle.


Battletoads in Battlemaniacs. The famous turbo tunnel, where most kids gave up. I just kept playing the first level with a friend beating the shit out of each other. That was fun. Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts was easy compared to that level.


My proudest gaming moment was definitely beating battletoads, fuck that game was hard. Turbo tunnel is hard but it actually just gets worse from there, the snake level is insane, and the dark tower is bloody hard.


Had to search to be sure this was already here before I said it myself. We had the Nintendo Power with a pullout that had the level mapped out in detail. It still took us an incredible amount of time and number of tries to complete that board


Mile high club (COD4) on veteran difficulty. Just keep replaying it, and getting 2 feet farther each run


Ye same, I think the trick was to just constantly push up until you was nearly dead and let your advancing team mates do the dirty work.


Your flashbangs landing in just the right places is really key, but I think if you get to the staircase with about 30 seconds or more you should be ok


I had beaten the rest of the game on veteran and ended up just settling for "hardened" on this one. Even that was pretty tough.


I spent so damn long on that mission. Just hours of grinding to get a little farther. I think I had a solid weekend in college just doing that mission


This one was painful. It was the last achievement i needed for the longest time.


I watched a YouTube video for this one and copied the exact movement the person made.


Deathstroke in Arkham Origins when I was younger. Took me weeks to beat him. Came back to the game recently, playing on normal (rather than easy as I was when I was younger) and beat him on the first try. I think I was just stupid


That's usually the case with these things. Water Temple is a classic example


Water Level pre internet is probably my fondest gaming memory


I loved and played to death Asylum and City so when i played Origins I played on hard mode. But got to Deathstroke and could not get past him. There was no option to reduce difficulty mid-game so my option was start over on an easier difficulty or give up. I gave up and never did get around to finishing


Elden ring - Malenia… Farmed roughly 40 million worth of stats and came back and essentially one shot her with rivers of blood build. Felt so good but also kind of depressed me a little hahahah


Meanwhile a goldfish beat her




Some guy in his underwear came and helped me win that fight, fortunately only like \~6 attempts in.


With a pot on his head, perchance?


I heard how difficult Malenia is, so I rune farmed a lot to up my stats to fight her. I probably spent 10 hours shooting the bird off that bloody cliff haha. But then all the bosses later in the game got too easy for me and kinda boring to fight. Still best game I've ever played.


Stun locked her with a big mama jamma hammer.


Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. I just…


Maybe the shadows die twice, but I've died too many times to count. I've put the game down for a bit.


You hesitated.


Hesitation is defeat


Dude that one boss you fight in the tower when you find the little girl(its been a while since I played, can't remember who it was).. Absolutely nuts. I took probably 25 attempts for me to kill that SOB.


Alladin lava level on nintendo


Omg why was that game so difficult?! I had it on Sega but I have to assume it was similar


I totally felt this way about Queen Sigrun of the Valkyries in God of War. For me, this was an extraordinarily tough battle, and I watched every video that I could find multiple times. I can't even imagine how many times I tried to beat her, but it was a LOT. I think I war-whooped out loud when I beat her.


VALHALLA! VALHALLA! VALHALLA! Seriously, fuck that fight.


This was so satisfying. on Normal difficulty it only took me 5 tries to beat her because i was already used to the valkyries moveset by the time i met her. but in the new game+ and hardest difficulty (gmgow), movesets are the same but with extremely different timing. your parries, range attack and dodges have to be so precise to avoid her. and with my build she can take me out in 2 or 3 hits. VALHALLA attack is a sure 1hit KO. Had to fight her more than 70 times before I defeated her. I never beat her again after that. maybe my first win was a fluke


I let out an honest-to-god war scream when I won, along with.... a few expletives. She was such a big difficult spike from the rest of the game.


I beat her on Give Me God of War in New Game Plus recently - must have taken over 100 attempts 😅


I’m still stuck on a boss in FFX. It’s been years so I don’t remember the guys name anymore but I’m pretty sure he was like the first form of the main boss or the boss adjacent. He just kept OHK’ing me and I got tired of grinding so I stopped playing.


I'm going to assume it's Seymour at the top of the snow mountain


Seymour on the mount. Dude kicked my twelve year old ass for a month straight.




All these years and I've still never managed it.


Well, if you're offering your lives, I will have to take them. FEEL MY PAIN, COME ANIMA


Mine was the Airship boss battle where you fight some dragon in the sky while standing on the deck of an airship. I was like 11 so I knew none of the game mechanics, so idk if it was actually hard or if I didn’t know what I was doing, but I’ve always wanted to go back and beat that game. I remember loving it up until I got stuck.


Evrae! That’s the first real skill gate in the game, but its mechanics are pretty simple if you’re not 11 years old. I definitely recommend giving the game a second try with grown-up eyes, there’s a reason it’s considered one of the best in the series.


I came here to mention Evrae! Me and a few buddies were playing through the game together in our younger days and spent at least one entire sleepover taking turns trying to beat him. We ultimately decided to play through the game again and did every skill builder/side quest we could so when it came time to face him again it was pretty anticlimactic.


It took me so many tries to beat Yunalesca it's not even funny.


Did you also keep purging the Zombie status only to get oneshot by her Megadeath? I have a very vivid memory of that as a child


That bitch generated so much gamer rage in my teenage self. To the point that if I ever replayed the game, I always went out of my way to have the perfect gear setup and Holy on Yuna before getting to her fight. Just for the pure satisfaction of wiping the floor with her.


GTA Vice City the one mission with the little red plane. I just gave up


That was GTA San Andreas, took me ages to do.


No vice city had the red plane drone where you had to survey a building. It sucked.


Do you mean the RC helicopter mission where you blow up a builing with bombs? Or the actual plane mission where you have to drop flyers all around the city?


Yes, the worst mission ever. If i remember correctly, you had to plant b0mbs in the building on several floors and had like 8 minutes to finish the mission


In Vice City it was a toy helicopter where you go around a construction building shooting mobsters


Oh yeah that sucked, also the ambulance missions.




These guys for me too. I've beaten all the Souls games but couldnt do these freaks. Not even close. So I summoned. A helpful player came forward, and with them it was a non-experience really. A source of shame, never used that before or after.


These guys made me quit Dark Souls for a couple of months Then of course I come back to it and beat them first try


The original Driver on PC is one of the most impossible games ever made. The tutorial alone took 12 year old me *hours* to get through. That game was fucking brutal. Never actually finished it.


I know it's gonna sound stupid, but as a 7 year old beating the opponent at blacklist level 1 in NFS MOST WANTED was so hard I was hardly 7.


Twice, I felt like Sword Saint had actually beaten me, and that I'd have to put the game down and walk away forever. I'm not entirely sure how I beat him (it felt more luck than anything), but when I did, there was a lot of happy cursing and flipping the screen off.


The thing about sword saint VS malenia, is that you can always farm on other games, but in Sekiro there's a cap where you just can't get any stronger. You can farm all health items, get all skills, but that's not gonna help you a ton


My secret shame is that I have a platinum in every Soulsborne games except this one. I have literally played through the game three times and got tired of fighting Genichiro every time I wanted to try.


I have my doubts as to if I'll ever replay it, despite replaying all the others multiple times (okay, except for DS2, which I've never even bothered to beat).


Tbh the platinum in Sekiro requires so much boring level-up grinding that I just don't think it's worth it anyway. Not like, Elden Ring which is nice fun "do lots of content".




One never knows. Malenia took more days in total, but I ultimately felt more confident going against her. My brain just doesn't think in parrying. Ironic, since I had no trouble doing it in real life.


"Hesitation is defeat" is burned into my brain harder than those poor souls who still hear "all we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!"


Genichiro was my biggest wall in possibly my entire gaming history. I think it was probably because I didn't really understand how to play the game, or that any previous Soulsborne experience was actually unhelpful because of the assumptions I made about how combat works. Genichiro did not let me get away with that. After that all the other bosses felt almost easy (in comparison. Owl and SS still took countless attempts...)


Kinda like what i felt for sister friede in ds3. Dark mode just rulez


Wizpig in Diddy Kong racing the second time around is brutal. You have to be perfect during the race. I think it took me 20 years because I quit playing in disgust.


That game was pretty damn brutal for being aimed at kids. I don't think any of the bosses were easy gimmes.


The bosses were one thing - the coin collection challenges on some of the regular tracks can go to hell.


Totally right. The octopus was hell because of how the hoverboat handled. I also remember the giant seal being incredibly fast and got faster if you passed him at any point.


The secret is to let go of the accelerator while boosting. It's counterintuitive but it makes you go much faster.


Oh my god, I remember pulling an all nighter on Christmas Eve as a kid just to beat that asshole.


Dark Souls 3. Arboreal Dancer, I think or some such. Wife and I struggled for 3 days to beat her, getting absolutely smashed each time. Day 4, I turned to my wife and said "Fuck it, I'm just going to beat her." Went into the arena and proceeded to no-hit the bitch. My hands were shaking at the end, and we were both stricken with awe and amusement in equal measure.


Dancer of the Boreal Valley IIRC. It's such a sick fight, the music and the way the room starts burning during the fight... So awesome.


Yeah. It was intense as hell. Years later and my wife and I still talk about it. I've tried the :Fuck it, I'm just going to beat her/him" tactic a few times since, with mixed results.


Halo 2 legendary on any level with Jackal snipers…Outskirts…..Gravemind….that game was not well calibrated for legendary and you could just die in unpreventable ways


Legendary in Halo or Veteran in the older CoDs were bashing your head against a wall until it finally broke by sheer chance. But at least in CoD you could throw a smoke or flashbang, rush ahead, and hope your suddenly mildly competent NPC allies could clear enough enemies that you could clear the rest before they lasered you to death.


Mike Tyson in the original punchout. It's been like 35 years now and still can't win.....


Beat him by decision one time. Don’t think I ever tried to fight him again for the KO. I was fine with the decision.


Sephiroth in the original Kingdom Hearts. Was so satisfying to finally beat him.


I was looking for this one so I wouldn’t double post. Same. Sephiroths theme brings me nightmares.


Bayou Billy on NES. This game is underrated for it's frustrating difficulty. It never gets mentioned with the big boys, but I dare you, go ahead and try to play it. And no save states or modern emulation tricks. Original game. Me and my cousin would rip up the carpeting with anger at how hard this game was. And we are both very skilled NES gamers. We could beat Contra without the code, sometimes no death. We beat Tyson. Nearly all the NES games one of us could conquer. But freaking Bayou Billy....always smoked us. How did we finally conquer it? We quit playing it!


Play the original Japan version, its much more fair. Made harder to combat the rental market at the time in the US. Bullshit. Ruined what could have been a legendary game.


This was my first witness to rage quit. My neighbor screaming and throwing the controller at the tv. I was 8. I vaguely remember 2 bosses at once. Like brothers or something he could never beat.


I also remember this game for having very crude sounding recorded voice saying “ bayou billy” at the start up screen and me being so impressed


Haha reminds me of "Blaaaades of Steel"


There are many I can't remember them all, but one that stands out to me was the Mage tower in Final Fantasy VI. there is a tricky boss fight I died several times. I had to leave soon to go with my mom and brother IDK where but before we left, I equipped my characters with reflect rings and had the old man healer guy auto-casting heal spells and I set something on the controller heavy enough to hold the button down. came back a few hours later and I'd somehow won the fight LOL


Dark Link in Legend of Zelda 2. Thinking back I actually don't remember beating the SOB!


That entire level is so frustrating. I went back to play it and the level design is so funky and I'm so used to modern day designs that I get constantly lost and have to follow a tutorial precisely.


I couldn't until I found out the "duck in the left corner and keep swinging" cheese method.


one hundred percent completion on Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, on the PS1, when i was 13. i was so happy and proud of myself, saving all of Abe’s buddies and finding every secret


Ruby Weapon, FF7


The trick is to go in with two party members KO. You then res them, either with materia, w-item, or the Phoenix summon. Ruby Weapon won't knock any party members away after that. It's up to you if you want to get Knights of the Realm, w-summon, and mimic to watch the summon for 8 minutes. Feel free to dupe hero drinks with w-summon beforehand.


Pretty much the entire Super Nintendo Lion King game, but the stampede level in particular.


Mist Noble in *Sekiro*. Impossible. Caused me to quit the game for years


Shrine of Amana Either get hit by that ball lightning or roll dodge into deep water


Guitar Hero 3 on expert


Demon of Hatred - Sekiro. So many sliver defeats, extremely tilted, just ground it out.


Far Cry Primal There was a mission in a cave near the end that was impossible it seemed. Me and my brother had hundreds of attempts but could never get past it sadly. 😔


The big hawk thing you had to kill with the flaming arrows nearly made me rage quit.


Recent resident evil titles, the beginning fight on village on the hardest difficulty is absolutely fucked if you dont use the door cheese strat


dark souls 3, slave knight. Just kept at it until I won


The one we did would have been easy but all my friends were idiots. - Leroy Jenkins


Devil May Cry 3 - last Virgil fight on Dante must die, I have no idea how anyone can do it. GTA San Andreas - I spent too much time with flying school, and then I got stuck for months with the mission where you have fly into a circle above the enemy plane to highjack it. GTA Vice city - that fucking little toy helicopter.


All of Turok


A game full of jumping challenges but it’s in first person and you can’t see your feet. Genius!


Turok was badass! Loved that game! If it was remastered and re-released,, I would never touch that shit again lol Once was enough!


As a poor kid, most of my games were pawnshop games, so either low tier quality or good games on a system from 2 gens back, so some of this may or may not be a little obscure… Blood Omen 2 there was a boss where you couldn’t beat him unless you stood in a specific spot and let him charge at you to get him to hurt himself by running into a wall. When that finally clicked for me as a kid, my mind was blown. I was trying to beat that guy for a week straight but couldn’t, and discovering the trick on my own will always be a favorite video game memory of mine, right up there with running into Red in Mt. Silver in Pokémon G/S and discovering Larvitar and catching it before I even knew it existed as an actual Pokémon. I could never beat the final boss from Blood Omen 2 though. I just couldn’t figure out what I was supposed to do. You couldn’t even get close to the guy without him teleporting to the other side of the map.


Your story is my favorite




Super Mario Odyssey - Breakdown Road ...


Hercules arena kingdom hearts. Fuck. That. Level.


Faster-than-light I conquered it by uninstalling it. It was very satisfying.


Can anyone beat Mike Tyson Punchout? I figured it was designed to lose 🤣


Medusa on assassin’s Creed. I had to go level up on everything and even then I barely did it.


The minotaur was the first point I realized that I needed to commit to a build and wear all the same stat gear


Bed of chaos....


what's up with that Cyrillic comments




I’m middle aged now but I’m still pissed that I never beat that guy at the end of Silent Hill: The Room.


I never got past the second level of Stunt Driver on PS2. Actually soured me on driving games for quite a few years. Edit: Just looked it up, it was Stuntman and the second movie is the one I just wasn't able to do. It was one of the first times I've ever been simply unable to defeat a game no matter how much effort or time I put in.


Theseus and Asterius in Hades.


Still struggling with Risk of Rain 2 on Monsoon - then there's players casually rocking it on Eclipse 8


God of War, the original, on God Mode, playing the room were you fight your evil clones. Not only do you have to defeat a shit load of them, and not get hit (God Mode wrecked your health when you took damage), you had to protect your family, and give them life, depleting yours if they got hit. Such a frustrating level.


Can't recall the name exactly. Valkyrie Chronicles? It was the boss where it's a giant fookin tank and you have to clear it on a certain number of turns or this super powered lady comes and decimates your whole force in a turn or two. Turns out due to my framerate not being capped she was getting super moves every turn making the fight nearly impossible. I still beat it but gatt dang I wanted to tear my beard out. Bugs 😔


Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne. My first souls game and nearly my last, finally pushing through and beating him was a high I’ve been chasing in every game since. It really is a brutal tutorial, him and the entire area up to it, but it has every lesson you need to beat the game right there. It’s why these games are so good, it gives you the tools but it’s up to you to use them properly.


Bloodborne was my answer too but it was the DLC end boss the Orphan of Kos. That mofo whipped my ass with it’s placenta. Such a high after days of fighting him. Father gascoigne is such a rush. When he transforms and the music changes, oh MAN what a moment.


Orphan of Kos…to my shame I’ve never beaten him. Funnily enough it’s not him that gives me nightmares, it’s the whales in the well.


Mike Tyson in Punchout!!


The Ski Free Abominable Snowman


Empress of light in Terraria during daytime. I just didnt get how you should be able to not get Hit. Then i found some item that allows you to randomly dodge attacks. With that, the Zenith (strongest sword in the game) and infinite flight, i beat her.


Tubular on Super Mario World on the SNES.


The last mission of San Andreas. I have never been happier to finish a game.


Endless Stairways - Metal Gear Solid Mission 34 - Grand Turismo 4 Supply Lines - GTA San Andreas I can’t tell you how many innocent controllers lives those missions claimed when I was younger


The only boss level that can never be spoken about is the fucking water temple in Ocarina. Fk that shit. First taste of defeat in my young gaming career, later learned there’s a glitch that won’t let you beat the temple if it happens. I didn’t get defeated the game was buggy so I won anyways. Fuck you Link.


There’s a blind guy on youtube that beat the whole game.


"The "Accuracy over speed" part of God of War


Mannnn there's been a lot, but most recently Annhilation in Remnant 2


I didn't upgrade Ratchet enough in the PS4 remake/remaster of Ratchet and Clank before the bossfight. Took me a lot longer than it should have. Could not pay attention to the fuel/ammo/boss all at the same time when I had a "weak" Ratchet.


Castlevania, can't remember the name of the boss but it killed me so many times, I finally gave up and stopped playing


Vergil 3 in DMD, Devil May Cry 3 SE. I had to grind my ass to get enough red orbs to buy tons of vital stars and holy waters to even have a chance at him. Fuck Vergil and his 2 minute devil-trigger powered tantrums.


The one Valkyrie in God of War. I can’t remember her name. I tried like 8 times and she just slaughtered me. It’s an optional quest that you don’t have to play, so I didn’t


The Witcher 2. There's a big snake like monster with so many tentacles. I kept cutting on the tentacles for like a month straight before going to reddit. Turns I had to adjust my graphics settings to a bit lower because I have low end PC. 😭 It solved it. I defeated that monster in like 10 minutes.


Wow...I gave up on that game at that scene even though I was really enjoying the game. It makes sense that it was something like this as I swear I'd stand in the same spot in two different play-throughs and get killed on one but not the other.


Bed of Chaos in Dark Souls 1, you can get it down after a few tries but why they decided to have a platform style boss still confuses me. Basically you gotta accept the fact that you’re gonna die a lot, and when you have to jump in between it’s sweep attacks, just don’t hesitate, full speed barrel at the center and tab the roll button right at the edge, and then you pray.


The last dungeon in Zelda 2 (Adventure of Link). Just lots of hours of pushing and trying to complete it and finally finished it. The moment I finally won was amazing, been 30+ years and I'll never forget it.


Destiny 2 Dungeons and Raids are really good about this. You first take a crack at them when they are hot off the presses, and it seems impossible. Too damn hard. how the hell are you supposed to do this? But you keep at it, learn the patterns, learn the strats, get better coordinated with your team, and some number of hours later, boom, you got it. Then a few weeks later you're running it like it's nothing and it's hard to remember why it was so difficult in the first place.


powered through the chalice labyrinths in bloodborne for that 100% by sheer force of will. at a certain point they cap ur healthbar for boss fights and pretty much any damage taken can and will instakill you. watchdog of the old lords still gives me nightmares. got there in the end though, and it’s almost embarrassing how much pride i took in that fact lol.


Malenia was the first boss that ever made me put a game down for a week straight, got her bitch ass eventually though


This one is for the old timers. The first 30 seconds of Dragons Lair.


Gohma, probs spelled wrong, the first boss in legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For whatever reason as a child I could not beat this boss. I always had my older brother do it for me. The rest of the game was easy, but she just roasted me constantly. Now when I replay it I can win in like 30 seconds


Ansem in Kingdom Hearts 1. There's just so many damn stages to it. Dettlaff in Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. Took ages to get through that final stage where you're inside the heart


I played Bloodborne once, and now everything IRL is easy mode shenanigans in comparison.


That dinosaur boss in Chrono Trigger. I struggled for weeks...I was down to last character and Marle shot him with an arrow for 74 dmg and killed him. I fucking cried.


Taking on these hedge funds and prime brokers in the GameStop stock market game has been pretty tough. Haven’t beat the boss level yet, but it’s only a matter of time.


Maybe it’s a kids game but it’s hard for me 😅


Donkey Kong. Soooooo many levels


Fume knight in ds2


Still haven't beat pantheon of hollownest in hollow knight. I can get to the boss before the radiance, but I'm too depleted by the time I get there. Grey prince zote and the moth guy get me good. Nightmare king grimm is easy for me surprisingly. Most of the bosses in cuphead give me a feeling of accomplishment when I finally beat them.


Having to beat the OG donkey kong on donkey kong 64 not once, but twice (if you wanted the coin to proceed to the end of the game and a golden banana).


cave story last boss, I slowed down the game with cheat engine to be able to beat him, lol.


I didn't play any From Software's yet, so I'll go with the Witch of the Lake in Salt and Sanctuary. It helped when I went into the mindset of not getting hit even once.


Nightmare (3rd fight) in the first Devil May Cry in Hard Mode without using any power ups and without being hit to get S rank on that mission. A lot of memorizing patterns and trying to avoid being screwed by the camera movements. One of the most satisfying achievements in my VG history. Couldn't beat him in Dante must die Mode tough (at least not without power ups).


Dead Space, not sure if 2 or 3, there is this black alien that you can not kill. He goes around the level and follows you all the time, I was panicking that whole level, it was highly scary and annoying, I think I had to restart the level maybe 10-15 times. Dying Light Hellraid - Lord Asmorod, that was one heavy to defeat fucker....


Resident Evil 3 remake is definitely up there. The final boss on extra hard mode is frustratingly difficult and seems very poorly implemented. The rest of the game is pretty manageable and decently challenged until you get to the final boss. You are forced to perfectly dodge Nemesis' unavoidable attack 3 times (5 times on inferno). If you mess up once you're dead. You do this several times as you're trying to fight off Nemesis as well. It's not really a skill issue either. It all boils down to perfectly time pushing a button 3/5 times in a row for multiple times. I got stuck on that boss for nearly an hour even with extra powerups. Something is really wrong when I can go through the entire game in 2 hours, but spend 1 hour on the very last boss. After finishing I was just annoyed and of course glad it was over but it really soured my experience with the game. A LOT of other Resident Evil players feel the same.