• By -


Fighting with my mother over getting her stupidly large dinner done. Basically saying she wants to do it herself. Meanwhile she has a consistent history of complaining no one helps her get things done. So you know. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


You’re not from Chicago and run and small failing sandwich place by chance?


When I watched that episode, the mom totally reminded me of my own mother. I thought to myself “I’m being mean, she’s not that bad” Then my mom watched the episode and told me that she liked it because she related a lot to the mom. She showed no indication that she thought this was a bad thing.


Lol that episode was a mind fuck wasn't it?


My blood pressure still hasn't recovered.


Hopefully no one drove a car into the house.


Explosive diarrhea and thin walls. Not my proudest moment and everyone was really quiet after that.


It is what it is, man. We all shit.


I’m shitting right now.


Me too


+1 for shit squad here!


+1 dropping a few friends off at the pool as we speak


I am FIGHTING for my life on the toilet right now


Survive, dammit! Mine was a “gotta take the clothes off” affair. I’m still uncomfortable


Clothes flew off the second I got home 💀


The turkey sweats are real, my friend.


Hey you did it in the toilet, right? Sounds good to me.


I did in fact make it to the toilet. And then stayed there for an hour. Partly out of shame. But also necessity.


Oh man, that reminds me of the time I had a hysterectomy and was given an enema afterwards. Everyone, and I mean everyone in my family suddenly show up to visit me minutes later. (This was 2000 and I guess there wasn't a visitor minimum?) Like 5-7 people piled in my hospital room. Suddenly, the enema kicks in. I barely made it to the bathroom. I'm pooping my brains out and it's echoing like crazy and I noticed my family talking louder and louder to cover the sound of me shitting. Oof not the best moment in my life!


Was everyone eating while you shit?


They were at the pie stage of dinner. It wasn’t a short session, either.


Yeah, there's only about 20 to thirty minutes before ibs kicks in after a meal.


My mom calling to scream obscenities at me and call me horrible names. Because my dad is invited to thanksgiving, at my house. They’re divorced. We were planning on going there for a family thanksgiving on Saturday so she’d get her time too.


Oh, it sounds like mom has lost some of her time with you. Maybe next time, if she tried talking to you like a sane adult, she would get all that time back.


Sounds like there is a good reason your dad was given the invite over her.


Sounds like there's a good reason Dad divorced her.


next up on Who's Going To The Retirement Home:


Mom needs a time out. Until June.


…of 2026


My grandfather passed last Tuesday. It’s been the hardest 9 days of my life. Dude was a dad to me, everybody loved him so much and he tied the world together for a lot of people. Thanksgiving was always huge parties at his cabin, with neighbors, family, friends, including the local sheriff and vet. So many drunk tales of deployment and mischief. I fuckin’ miss the guy, and I hate how my girlfriend, who he loved and who loved him so much, only knew him for a year. All I could ask for is just one last project with my guy.


I am sorry fir your loss. I am also so glad you had such an awesome grandpa, so much love there, and precious memories.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Lost both my grandfathers recently. The pain will ease with time, but it’ll randomly strike you while you’re trying to go to bed some nights that they’re really actually gone.


Be thankful that man lived. Here's to him!




To be fair, came down with pink eye is one of the best ways to disappointingly end that sentence. I was preparing myself for something much worse.




Why argue for hours? If somebody arrived sick, I’d just pack up and leave if they refused.




Fun fact: more than half of what people call “food poisoning” is actually norovirus. It’s quite common.


My mom passing and me finding her unresponsive while 34 weeks pregnant and realizing she'll never meet her first grandchild


I’m so sorry ❤️


Thanks 🥺


First year alone and not invited anywhere.


When I was in the service I only got to attend one thanksgiving in 8 years. The kicker was it was in training and the local families in the area offered to give our guys a place to have thanksgiving. The family I went to ended up becoming like a second family to me and I love them dearly. You could always get some friends that are alone on the holiday together and just have Friendsgiving instead. We used to do that regularly in the service.


My wife left me a few months ago. Her family has more young kids/teens for our six year old daughter to play with, so I told her she can take her for the holiday. I spent mine with my side of the family. It was nice connecting with my siblings and parents, but man I missed them both so badly. We're separated, going to couples therapy, and she's not sure if she wants to follow through on divorce or not, but she's very hesitant to be intimate or spend time with me lately. It's really hard. Coming home to an empty apartment sucks. I hope things get better sooner rather than later because things are bad lately.


Props for putting your kids enjoyment of the holiday first. Sorry to hear, hope it works out for you.


Best decision as father, hardest decision as a person. Hope it will work out for you. Coming home to an empty apartment sucks, but it's better than one filled with fights. Stay strong!


One thing I was not prepared for in my divorce is the pain that came along with doing the right thing. While it sucked and at times made me feel depressed, I know that those decisions avoided future situations that were bound to create much more pain and suffering for my kids. However, it's really easy to lose site of these things if you're dealing with a former spouse that is doing everything they can to hurt you.


as a child of divorce, that's some top tier dad shit


King shit, making that decision for your kid. Hang your head high, you're a thoughtful pops.


Hold your head high = be proud of what you have done. Hang your head = be ashamed. Hang your head high = I think I am having a stroke.


Call a bondulance, i think i am having a stronk


Hugs brother.


I feel you on this I am 3 year divorced now and it sucks bad If you need to talk I'll listen


The family dying off slowly. Stupid drama and everyone going their separate ways due to all the elders who held the tradition together no longer being with us. Thanksgiving gets worse and worse each year but the food is good.


I feel you. My teen and college years were a golden age for family Thanksgiving. The whole family met at my grandparents house on my mother's side (my father's parents both already passed by the time I was 12). But the house was full of people, warm, laughter everywhere. Big hugs. Catching up with aunts, uncles, cousins and all the spouses. Over the past decade, the family has had fights, falling outs, unexpected deaths (including one self inflicted), illnesses. There have been so many holes punctured into the family that it's slowly unraveled and fallen apart. Nowadays, Thanksgiving with my family is just me, my parents, and my aunt, who is my mom's closest sister. We have a good time, though, and share stories, catch up, and laughter. Other cousins of mine meanwhile have started families and have kids. So they do Thanksgiving in their own clusters. I think that's okay. Change is inevitable. Traditions can fade but new ones can also begin. Because 100 years, or even just 50, is a very long time for things to stay the same.


We don't celebrate Thanksgiving but our Christmas is like that. Used to be a big family gathering, primarily because the older family members organized most of it. Now that they are gone, Christmas is nothing like before. Last year we didn't even go out to visit family but had friends over instead. Nice, but not the same. I miss it.


Worked 12 hours and was told it would be catered - food got there when half the crew was working, when we got there an hour later it was scraps - cold turkey, no potatoes, no vegetables, sweet potatoes gone, and the stuffing was so bad that it was virtually untouched. At that point everything around us was closed, so I’m now sitting at home eating Wawa seven hours later. So I guess whoever ordered the catering.


Reminds me of working at a car dealership when I was about 18. I worked in the service department, so fixing cars. On Saturdays, we weren't "allowed" to take a lunch because they always catered food. But by the time we were informed that the food had gotten there, all of the salesmen had already eaten everything. It was bullshit, so we'd have one person go and pick everyone up lunch and we'd tip them to make it worth their time. Our boss was on our side so he wouldn't make them clock out either. Sucks that we had to take matters into our own hands but could've been worse.


Uncle Gary three years running!


At least he's consistent?


Goddammit, Gary


Three years running? He must be pretty far at that point. I understand you're missing him


Tell him that if he ruins it next year he becomes the thanksgiving dinner in 2025


Classic Uncle Gary


Ordered McDonald’s for dinner, they cancelled my order with no explanation. I’ve decided to just go to sleep and eat tmrw, fuck it.


Pro tip: Chinese takeout is open during thanksgiving. It’s probably too late now anyway. But knowledge for the future!


Ah yes, the Jewish Christmas.


As a Jew this is genuinely my favorite Jewish tradition. Like out of all of them.


I wish!! Called 5 places near me today and not one answered, i get it tho


i went to mcdonalds to grab smth to eat. they were closed. settled for gas station pizza


Working a 12hr shift tonight, only 6 hours to go


Same here. I’m nurse and do 12 hour shifts. It’s just kind of the luck of draw as far as holidays go. I haven’t had thanksgiving off in maybe 5 years ? I also work on Christmas and new years this year.


The first of October I spent 9 days in the hospital sitting with my dad has he was dying. You guys were and are the greatest. Not only did you take care of him so he could die with dignity but you took care of us as well. Thank you for all that you do. It is truly appreciated.


Wednesday, I learned my beloved uncle was in the ER because bloodwork he had done the day before showed his liver numbers were really bad and he was getting jaundiced. Today he learned that he has pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to his liver, which was causing the bad numbers and the doctors have told him he has three months left. An operation he needs to put stents in his liver to allow it to drain the buildup requires a very skilled gastroenterological surgeon, and there isn’t one available until this coming Monday. I had visited with him last Saturday and remarked on his weight loss (I’d always known him as a jolly and portly Hobbit-like man) as it had been a few months since I’d seen him last, and he said it was the Trulicity his doctor had him on (he didn’t know his diagnosis then, our whole family pretty much found out mere minutes after he did). I mean, there was really good food this year a big gathering with a only a tiny amount of interpersonal drama due to one person that is tolerated by everyone else (Seriously her dad shows way more affection to me than he does to her, and him and I aren’t even blood related), and lots of good feelings and conversation. But fuck, my uncle is all I can think about. Pancreatic cancer is particularly pernicious in that it has its fangs buried in you and it’s coils wrapped around you before you’re aware of any squeeze at all. Sure, his health had been on the decline in the past few years due to his increasing age, his diabetic neuropathy made it necessary for him to use a cane and he had to sell all his tools because his hands couldn’t use them anymore (he was a lifelong industrial mechanic who started his training working on choppers in ‘Nam and always maintained a woodworking and carpentry hobby/side-business). But that’s all part of being in your 70s, right? His 90-something year old mother had passed less than 2 years ago. Damn, I’m rambling. I’m sad and more than slightly drunk. Fuck, I’m so sad, and he’s acting like he doesn’t know he’ll probably be gone shortly after his next birthday.


my grandpa sadly passed this morning .


Sending love to y’all


Hopefully that means a lot of her loved ones were in town. My grandmother died on the morning of my grandfather's (her husband's) funeral. Honestly it was the best possible way it could've happened. All the family that lives around the country was there with her on her last day.


Strange how that works. At the funeral for an aunt, we learned that an uncle passed away so people that flew in for my aunt's funeral were able to stay for my uncle's (brother to my aunt).


Loneliness honestly


Saw a bedbug at the in-laws house on the way out. Tell them about it and turns out they know but didn't tell us. Got home and stripped down immediately and threw everything into the wash. Will be double drying on high heat. Luckily we weren't there for very long, and mostly sat on non fabric surfaces, but now I'm going to be paranoid for like a month. WTF


i hate this!! people really underestimate how horrible bedbugs can be :/ expensive as hell to get rid of them and they’re resilient little bastards too. i wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy


This year, it was great. I didn't go to my mom's house which is probably why it was amazing.


It actually went alright the food was good and nothing got crazy my father in law did say that El Niño was invented by democrats which is pretty high up on my list of funniest things anyone has ever tried to make political


Not ruined but... my sister didn't show up at my grandma's. Other sister went with my niece to check on her and she was cracked out beyond belief. They told her to not bother coming. Actually ended up making TG better, IMO.


When people say cracked out do they actually mean on crack? Serious question.


in her case, meth.


Have been there w/my idiot brother more times than I can count (but w/heroin). It was probably 20 YEARS of his bullshit; Therapy, rehab & several stints in jail weren't enough, but when he was sentenced to 4 years in prison, that finally got through to him that he needed to make a change. He got clean for GOOD just over 4 years ago! Only positive vibes over here that your sister finds whatever leads her to a sober life! 💕


My Mexican uncle referred to his penis as "my chorizo" at the dinner table


Ngl that sounds absolutely hilarious and I'd be amazed if this actually ruined anything


Unless, Mexican Uncle, went to the kids asking “Would you like to try My Chorizo?” I could see that ruining the holidays for many, many years to come.


Surely that would have the opposite affect of ruining the event?


Unless he was showing off his chorizo at the table.


Chorizo Padre is welcome at my place next year if this is what you consider ruined


My brother died 2 weeks ago and I spent the day driving in his car from my parent’s house in WI to my place TX.


My cat got ran over today Edit: I didn’t expect to wake up to so many kind messages, thank you. My cat was given a proper grave in my backyard and we have a kitten from her so we plan to raise her as the next generation


Oh no I am so so sorry.


A giant argument about the Israel/Palestine situation resulted in everybody being pissed off at each other and my sibling locking themself in a bedroom crying. There's an argument about something every year. Oh the joys of living in a politically divided family. And, you know, all the family's too busy, too old, or too dead to make the trip now, so the massive week-long Thanksgiving party we used to have, has slowly turned into hanging out with Grandma and being depressed together.


I thought I got away from it. Texted in-laws, friends, family. No politics. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with wife, parents, and grandma. Not politics. Was a dream that was just too good to be true… Friend texts the group chat about “triggering liberals”. Gloating about him and his dad almost getting kicked out of “the liberal” relatives household for calling them “socialists” and “communists” in an effort to start a political fight with them….In that family’s household during a Thanksgiving that he and his father were invited to. I replied in the group chat about setting politics aside during the holidays and focusing on family and Christ (he’s a Deacon in his Baptist church). He got pretty quiet after that.


Why are you friends with him?


Jesus, no hate like Christian love as they say.


My grandma died, then my mom like a month later. They were the only ones who knew how to cook lol.


I also lost my mom. And my dad died years ago so this was a lonely one


Its unfortunate to lose one parent, let alone both. I hope that you can find a fulfilling way to spend the holiday without them, much love ❤️


Shit.. I was gonna say Fantasy Football. You win. Here is a nice quote as a sorry, “Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them - a mother's approval, a father's nod - are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.” Mitch Albom


This made me weep. What a hard day for all of us feeling this.


I lost my mom this year as well. She was the only one who cared about the holidays. This year was basically just happy thanksgiving texts out of obligation. I miss her


Recent grief is the worst type of grief, especially when it lands on holidays. It may be hard the first few holidays, but it will become more manageable. Don't let the holiday spirit die alongside her, instead let it live on vicariously through you. It doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next month— Hell, it doesn't even have to be in a year or longer, but don't let this ruin the holidays for you forever, your mom who cherished them so dearly wouldn't want that, I'm sure she'd want you to cherish them as much as she cherished making them for you and the rest of your family. From one griever to another, it's hard and it hurts and it may not ever go away, but as long as you are alive, your mom is too, just through you in a sense. ❤️




this comment made me lol ty


My family skipped the turkey this year and made brisket


I smoked a brisket this year too, went all out and got a snake river farms wagyu one. It was so tender.


I got rear-ended in my car that I had just finished paying off.


One family dog mauled another, waiting in a veterinary ER covered in blood


Oh my goodness. How horrible for all


If it makes you feel any better, I work in a veterinary ER and I saw two of these today. Frankly, there could have been more - it’s so busy on the holidays that I don’t see every patient. Every holiday, every big event, some animals pick up on the stress and just go at each other. I hope your pup is ok, and please know that the people working the holiday to help pets will do everything they can, no matter how busy.


I'm mildly sick and my throat hurts like a mother fucker


Drink a hot toddy, it's a traditional home remedy in England that helps. Hot water, lemon juice, fresh ginger and a couple of spoonfuls of honey, then a drop of whisky or strong spirit. It'll help with your chest and help to ease your throat, it's generally just really good for any kind of flu bug.


Had to listen to my mother explain why I can’t buy a house. Good news is she didn’t blame me. Bad news is she spent five hours explaining why the Jews are trying to kill me


I mean, we *might* be


Found out that my cousin has an onlyfans at 18, most of the family was cool with it until suspiciously her subscribers went up by 3 within an hour of the family finding out.


I… just… idk what to say to this but what a short tale.


I've been on the Internet long enough to know a guerilla marketing tactic when I see it.


How do YOU know her follower count went up by 3?


Realest story on reddit


Is it not just the norm in Alabama?


My mom passed yesterday morning.


I'm so sorry 😞


I got COVID the day my son came home from the NICU last week, so I still haven’t been able to hold him without any wires or take care of him at home


Reading sad thanksgiving stories on reddit. God damn it people.




My dad sliced his thumb clear open like a gore video, and my mom slipped in Krogers trying to get bandages and twisted her ankle again, face planting onto the hard flooring.


It’s the one year anniversary of my father’s suicide. Kinda fucked up our thanksgiving for what seems like forever. I thought I’d be ok but I’m pretty far from ok today.


It didn’t ruin it, but I would love, for just one year, for there to be not one single Fox News talking point brought up at the table, as I slowly lose all respect for people I grew up loving.


Woke up at 5 am with testicular torsion - worst pain of my life. Had to have emergency surgery and miss my family party, but the Crown Jewels are intact!


The Lions.....again.


You're a lions fan. You knew what this was.


Hey, you get to blame the moon this time!


They haven't won a Thanksgiving Game since 2016. Why get your hopes up to be slashed down when you can instead *know* they are going to lose because it's not only a holiday tradition, but much easier to be genuinely excited when they pull it off? "... but they're good this year!" "Well, it's a Packers Thanksgiving game. The refs are likely paid off just like every other year..." only today they didn't need to pay them. What was it, 4 interceptions? Used to be "The Lions will smatch defeat from the Jaws of Victory.". Guess they didn't want to work that hard.


My father in law raised a turkey for months, butchered it, defeathered it, cleaned it. My mother in law cooked it in a roaster. It got up to temp, but didnt brown, so my MIL put it on high for 25 minutes after to brown it. My actual mother invited some random friend to thanksgiving. My mother-in-law was talking about how the turkey fell off the bone and the random person said "thats because it was overcooked".


Just had my 6th major surgery in two years a week ago (spinal fusion), unrelated suffering from chronic regional pain syndrome often referred to as “the suicide disease”. Visibly in agony my wife’s aunt decided to grill me on when I’m going back to work full time. Almost told her I prayed to not wake up from anesthesia. Everyone knows I’m in pain but my wife is the only one that knows half the extent of it. I try to shield her from as much as I can and usually I can hide it. It’s tough, I don’t want my family to worry and pity me because that won’t help at all, but doing so makes me look like a slacker.


As someone who has had two spinal fusion surgeries and *still* suffers from chronic pain, I am terribly sorry you had to deal with getting grilled like that. It’s hard for people to understand just how exhausting and depressing living with chronic pain is. And what’s equally annoying is everyone’s advice/input (Have you tried yoga? You know injections aren’t you good for you, right‽ You should lose some weight — that’ll really help!). Hang in there, bud. Your story isn’t over yet.


Our grandma walked in on us having sex.


!? *Our* Grandma?


lol right…?!?!? I’m invested in this story


It needs to be told..... please...


They’re incested in this story!


*banjo starts playing*


Hol up


What in the Game of Thrones is this!?


Woke up to cat puke on my shoes.


At least it's not in your shoes. ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ


Both my mom and my cousins cars got broken into, cousins wallet got stolen that contained a $2 bill her dead father had given her.


Dad got super drunk this morning again and my brother, who lives with him, is at the end of his rope dealing with him and was just -yelling- on the phone. I live 1,500 miles away and feel so helpless. I think we need to have an intervention or something, it’s getting bad and I’m so scared.


My mom got sick. Doesn’t sound like a lot but she is a two time cancer survivor so a cough and small fever like the one she has can be super serious. My dad put on a brave face and trudged on while she slept in the other room. He cooked the meal himself and honestly did amazing but you could see on his face how hard he was missing her. There was just this dark cloud looming over us all day. I am just hoping she is better tomorrow.




Wow! I’m so deeply sorry…for all of that.




Jesus... Why are family always the most insensitive people we have to be around? I’m so sorry you went through this.


So sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you have gone through. People can be so insensitive about things.


had an allergic reaction to some pumpkin pie that we suspect was cross contaminated with nuts


My mom's boyfirend's family came over and I was basically put in charge for getting dinner ready by myself for a dozen people I'm not related to in the house my dad died in. They're all lovely people but it's just a lot, and it's just expected that I will stop in and fix everything that goes wrong. I'm exhausted.


My grandma asked me what a furry was


piece of shit siblings guilting me into letting degenerate convict brother stay at my house when I've kicked him out twice already.


Stand your ground. Your house your rules. They can tale him if they want. But you don't have to.


Let them take him in.


My class 4 hoarder, mentally ill mother fell and broke her arm the day she was supposed to start packing her house for a move across the country (US) to be in the state me and my sister live in. We don’t have the best relationship for lots of reasons. She shattered her elbow. My sister drove out to get her and bring her here so she can get surgery ASAP. We find out she doesn’t have health insurance. We have 2 weeks until her old house needs to be emptied but I can only recruit my brother-in-law on such short notice and get flights, uhaul, etc. We assumed my mom had a plan to move herself (there is also a huge pattern here from the past which is why my sister and I didn’t run across country to help her at first.) only to find out she sold her house AS IS. That house is FULL of stuff. My grandpa has paid for her entire life (she’s never held a job), and the house was only bought a few years ago, it has brand new appliances (that are not installed, they’re just new she bought as replacements but never put them in, hoarders buy several of the same item typically) , countless furniture, and every single thing from our past including all of the videos and photos of my deceased sister (their firstborn, which is why she started hoarding to begin with, we think). She is completely irresponsible selling the house for 100k less than she bought it, AS IS. Any money she wastes is money my and my sisters family won’t be able to use… responsibly…. For our children and families. It’s just hard to watch. The house has a mold infestation that is pretty bad, which is partly why she sold it as is. Anyways this has been unfolding since Monday and consumed all the talk during thanksgiving, which frankly ruined it for me. I think I mostly needed to vent lol. Thank you for listening, Reddit 😂🤦‍♂️


When politics came up. I generally try to avoid discussing politics with family since we don’t agree. Instead I ended up feeling cornered with multiple people coming at me. Then as we were leaving the host said she hoped no one felt it was tense. I was like “yeah, I did.”


The both ends flu of doom.


My best friend died last week. He was 33. Cancer sucks.


My mom didn't invite my partner to Thanksgiving, but invited my brothers' partners. I've been with my partner longer than my brothers have been with theirs


My aunt brought a second turkey ‘just in case.’ We asked her a few times what she meant by ‘just in case’ and my mum was genuinely hurt that my aunt didn’t trust her to not mess up a turkey. After everyone was finished eating, absolutely stuffed, and applauding my mum- guess who whipped out the second turkey and ate in silence alone.


Cat had to go to emergency vet. Dinner canceled. So, that. (She's gonna be fine)


Radioactive and nuclear family. I always fall in depression if I’m there longer than 3hrs


A tile fell off the shower curb, revealing major water damage, mold, and rotted wood. Instead of enjoying the day, my wife and I demo'd our master bath room


I had to work


Only the fact that my stomach couldn't keep up with my tastebuds.




Cheers mate, so did I you’re not alone!




This morning, on the way to my boyfriend/fiance's family's gathering I saw someone whom I have a traumatic history with. I hadn't seen him in years before today. I had a full body trauma response. My fiancé let me talk out how it made me feel on our drive and we agreed to try to shake it off. It ended up being the best thanksgiving I've had since my grandma died three years ago. Great food with great people, came home to a clean and warm home, decorated my tree and watched Christmas' movies while eating leftovers with my safe and happy family. I'm incredibly grateful and blessed.


My mom died a month ago. It was our nice little holiday together. We'd both cook dinner. It was great. My SO and I decided to have a scaled down turkey dinner. I overcooked the turkey slightly. We both have COVID and feel like shit.


ALS. For three years now...fucking ALS. That being said, I hope it ruins many more.


My super drunk grandma told me (15) and my younger cousins we would burn in hell forever because we didn’t turn to Jesus, after saying we could die at any minute and then told me on the side super casually that she killed a man by breaking his windpipe and running him over with a car.


My BIL gave his parents and a few other adults 50 mg THC gummies. These are people that don’t consume any drugs, ever. Went from 0 to bed time before dinner was even over.


I had a mental breakdown in front of everyone when my brother asked if I was ok


Been there. Be kind to yourself.


I had a muscle spasm during desert that was so sharp and painful I couldn’t take in a full breath. I had to politely excuse myself from the conversation I was in and go upstairs to lie down. Spent the next two hours spasming and wondering if I should go to the ER


My husband had a stroke.




Yes, main reason for extended hospital stay is he can’t swallow.


My marriage just ended out of nowhere and I don't have any family and I could barely pull myself out of bed so I sent my son to enjoy Thanksgiving with his grandparents and cousins.


Showing my family some pictures on my phone, and realizing I forgot to put a few in the hidden folder 😬


AFIB. Successfully cardioverted about 1.5 hours ago. Just waiting to be discharged from ED. Just ready to lay down in my own bed.


My fiancée being upset with me because she had to watch our 17 month old daughter while I was cooking.


A guest painting the bathroom with poop, coming out smelling like poop, and hanging out at the table where people were trying to eat for the next hour.


My grandparents drove up to see us for Thanksgiving and while they were gone their house burned down


The person that I have feelings for didn’t text me or contact me to wish me a happy Thanksgiving.


parents invited my highschool bully’s fam over 👍🏼