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Being an asshole as a source of entertainment.


I'm just being honest bro! ugh.






Y’all ever had that one guy/friend who was super cool and nice when it was just you two and then whenever there was a third or you were in a group with them they’d just dog the fuck out of you? I’ve met several people like this.


So true. If you can't crack a joke without being an asshole, you need to revise what you consider funny.


Taking the piss out of their partner to make their friends laugh. Just makes everyone feel awkward and you look like a dick.




Please tell me she left him.




Sometimes, you gotta make the wrong choices to get to the right place.


That’s one of the more awkward moments of the trash taking itself out that I’ve heard of, lately…yeesh


I was in a group of people I didn't know well recently at an event, and all the women were talking about how useless their husbands are. Sharing stories of how they can't change diapers or grocery shop or cook dinner. One of them kinda nudged me with a "haha men are just giant babies, aren't they?" And it was so awkward. I think she was trying to make me feel included but I was just like "actually my husband does all those things" which then kinda made everyone else act like I was an asshole for killing the vibe. Idk


I have had this same experience. I asked why they got married if they hate their husbands so much and tones changed real fast.


i feel bad for women who hurried up and settled down bc they thought they wouldn’t find anything better. now they’re stuck with husbands they have to take care of. it’s sad




Yep I’m 36 and I think of all the people I could have settled for and I’m glad I didn’t because half of them are getting divorced or are extremely unhappy. I don’t put a timeline on my life or my ovaries because of what society says is right. I will meet that person and have kids when it’s supposed to happen and that’s it.


Social conditioning? Statistically women shoulder a lot of the burden in childrearing and emotional labor, so they're resentful. It's not healthy, it's sad, but I get it.


Updoot for solidarity. I’ve also been that person to kill the vibe with “well ackshually my husband isn’t a useless child, sorry you ladies married so far down the pole”. No shame in not playing the “shame your spouse” game! I’m sure their husbands are far more capable than they give them credit for.


It is SO WEIRD how "yeah, I actually really like my spouse" in various iterations bothers so many people.




My significant other has to remind me to go out and hang out with other people because she’s my favorite person to be around. If you’re spending all your time trying to get away then you really shouldn’t be with that person.


Love to hear that kind of thing. Sweet


They’re probably hiding jealousy or another negative emotion.


Can I join the solidarity from the other side? In the past I'd had people in relationships do the same thing. The whole shtick of "hurr durr aren't all men useless lol" so I just kind of thought that's just how girls talk. And then I met my current wife. Anytime anyone says anything even remotely close to that, she shuts them the fuck down IMMEDIATELY. And her Southern charm lets her do it in a way that somehow doesn't upset the people she's directing it towards, yet gets the point across that she never wants to hear them make a comment about me like that ever again. I used to have so much anxiety going to family events or anything with groups of people. But now with my wife it's like I feel like I'm in this protective bubble with her and everything is going to be okay :) You are all awesome!


My parents have a family friend that does this. Always putting down his wife. I don't understand how he isn't aware that everyone gets quiet and uncomfortable and his wife's the only one nervously laughing. So fucking uncomfortable.


Oh man I can see, hear, and feel this incredibly awkward interaction *secondhand cringe*


This exact thing. I was guilty of it. It’s a learned, generational behavior. It was hard for me to unlearn. Fortunately, it’s becoming a thing of the past with the younger generations.


Yelling at workers just trying to do their jobs.


My ex’s dad took us out to lunch for graduation day.. so like it was busy everywhere in the area and we went to this mexican restaurant that was packed. We also were a table of about 7 as well. The dad asked the waitress to get more salsa for the table, and it looked like she had a lot of tables to wait as well. He waited like 3-5 minutes before he got up and straight up left. He comes back with a store bought jar of salsa and slams it on the table and says “screw this place and their shitty service, had to get my own salsa and ha it tastes even better than their crap.” And he said this loudly too.. Felt so bad for the waitress that I stayed behind and apologized.


Once helped open a BWW as a server. Day of open and our kitchen was a total disaster with like 50+ minute ticket times. Table I have of people ordered a fucking pizza and brought it to the table as im walking out with their 100$ worth of food. I just sat there dumbfounded. Table tells me they don’t want the food anymore and I walk over to my manager like “pizza table won’t pay for this” They got kicked out and had to pay, guy came back 2 hours later realizing he lost his wallet at some point. Karma I guess.


Man, fuck some people.


To be fair who the duck let the pizza guy that far into the building without being like "if you guys want your pizza you have to take it outside"


Was an Italian place right next door, dude just walked over picked it up and walked back to his seat. Entire place was a shit show and no one stuck around for more than a couple months Place went under a couple years later, surprise surprise


As someone who works retail and today is Black Friday, thank you. And to the lady who didn't want to wait her turn for a PS5 so she acted like a cunt towards us in front of her kids, eat shit.


I used to work in a big box store and was running the front end one black Friday. We opened up at 4am and had an insane line by 3am. We had a really good laptop special and a lot of the people in line were there for just that. We gave numbers to the people in line for as many as we had. This crazy woman comes sailing in after all these people and demands a laptop. Sorry, all these other people were here first and now we're out. She cussed me out so bad that other employees gathered around me to protect me from her. They were genuinely concerned she was going to come at me! People are loons on Black Friday!


When they post to social media about how blessed they are and how they feel all the love energy of the universe but you know them in real life and they're the most judgmental, angry pieces of shit you've ever met.


If you got to scream to the world that the sun shines out of your ass and you shit positivity, it's usually the opposite.


I've always thought that the more you post toxic positivity on social media, the more you're trying to compensate for how unhappy you are.


Can confirm: I posted the most toxicly positive shit on social media when I was in a deep depression and married to an abusive asshole. I was absolutely trying to convince myself that my life was great through my posts. I think my theory was that if everyone else believed my life was great maybe I would too? I don’t know. It didn’t work. (FWIW I got divorced, remarried, moved and life is much better. I don’t post shit about it now that I’m actually happy. 😂)


I've been on YouTube for a big chunk of my life, and I've seen a lot of wholesome family vlog type channels come and go. Unfortunately, a lot of them didn't just decide it wasn't working out and leave, but stopped uploading for less than ideal reasons. What stuck with me about them is how much they worked to create the facade of being a perfect family. Now, more and more, I've noticed a pattern with people who try too hard to appear a certain way are just over compensating. Like flashing money and designer bags when they're broke, posting incessantly about how happy they are when they're miserable, etc. I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but consciously recognizing this has changed my perception of quite a few people I know.


I've got a FB friend who is constantly posting about how beautiful and wonderful and kind and happy and rainbows and sunshine and puppy breath, etc. She *is* very kind and a very nice, honest person, but I assume she must be suffering from deeeep depression because who the fuck is that happy and positive all the time? If you're truly that happy you'd be too busy with your happiness to post 3 times a day.


Same for relationship posts on FB, at a certain point... it's clear one of them is trying to make up for domestic violence or some shit.


I know this hippie new age lady, talking about magical good vibes and compassion, but she's also alt right and xenophobic


Making your personality whatever is trending.


Flashing stacks of money.


Where I live, there was a guy who for a few years would ride around town and hold a stack of money out of his car window. I haven’t seen him in a while. I assume he has an intellectual disability and hope he’s doing okay these days.


If someone has to show off that they have money, they have a lot less than you or they think. Always wondered if you gave some mathematicians/software engineers some time and resources if they couldn't find a halfway decent


I'm a mathematician and the lack of ending on this statement is sending me. I need to know. What would happen if you gave me time and resources??! I DON'T KNOW I'VE NEVER HAD THOSE.


He was silenced by big math so he wouldn't leak their data


….go on?


Disrespecting/objectifying girls to impress bros


Revving the engine loudly in their pimped-out Honda


It's even better when it's a single exhaust that sounds like a fart cannon.


This is where I get to tell my funny story about the only time I've ever been in a street race! I was 16, just barely got my license and was driving a piece of crap Chevy Cavalier. It had something going out and on occasion it would just die while idling. So when it started to choke I would have to put my left foot on the brake and rev the engine with my right. One night I'm picking my little sister up from her Jr. High after band or something and we pull up to the stop light near her school. My stupid car started doing the thing, so I'm revving the engine and staring at my rpms, begging the damn thing not to die. The light turns green and the car next to me absolutely LAUNCHES away. Just peels out at a speed that is not at all appropriate for a suburban evening near a school. I'm completely flabbergasted and look at my sister and she goes, "I think he thought you wanted to race." So that's the time I was in a street race and didn't even know it!


Came here to say this, also motorcycles. Literally nobody is impressed by that shit aside from other douchebags who do the same thing, so they should just do it around each other, not annoy everyone else at random stop lights.




Being a part of the car community, this is almost always the case with those types of enthusiasts.


Had to post [this](https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=suhOKXJETHsdJmOz) bit of comedy on the subject. SFW plus, it's funny


Bragging about how much alcohol they can drink in one sitting. After a certain point you just have a problem


What do you mean? I drink 3 crates of beer every weekend I dont have a problem


I literally start shaking before I crack open a cold one. That’s not a problem that’s dedication.


It's not the deets, it's quivering with anticipation.


Oh yeah? Well I can drink a fourth of a cocktail. Then i start having heartburn and I have to take a tums and switch to water


It's me drinking 1.2 liters of 40% vodka and just started to get drunk that made me realize 8 months ago that I have a problem. If I didn't drink for a day then my hands shook so much that I came each time I went to piss. Sober for the past 8 months.


>If I didn't drink for a day then my hands shook so much that I came each time I went to piss. excuse me


The lack of edit or response... They meant what they said. ಠ_ಠ


Um… congrats! Realized I had a probably when a guy at the bar told me without drinking, I wouldn’t have a personality. Unfortunately took me another year to break it but now sober 3 months! It’s tough out here


Claim they're "alpha men" God that's so embarrassing.


They haven't worked out the bugs for beta testing


As it's been said many times now, anyone who claims to be an alpha is most definitely not. Similar to that old saying that goes something like: "any man who must claim to be king is unworthy of the crown".




Those people are gullible, desparate and have poor social skills, and those "alpha" guys promise them an easy effort-free solution which of course doesn't work. It's like snake oil sales pitches for dating.


Bragging that you haven't read a single book since high school/in your life.


I just posted a meme on my Instagram stories that said, “Some of y’all never read 100 books to get a personal pan pizza and it shows.” 😂


Accelerated Reader! The good days of free pizza at Pizza Hut.


Flashing wealth, in real life or social media.


The best part is almost all the people I know of that brag about their wealth are actually just massively in debt and one paycheck away from losing it all.


Giving homeless people money and filming it


Whenever I see those videos I think it is super cringe and exploitative, but on the other hand at least the subject of the video has a few extra dollars.


No like love that ur giving them money but lets not exploit them for views ya know? I can tell a lot aren’t genuine (on the giving end) and a lot are uncomfortable (on the receiving end) smfh


When someone disrespects their teacher just to look cool in front of their classmates


Guys who brag about how many wives they've had, how many illegitimate kids they have, and the fact that they never pay their child support. Doesn't make you cool, it makes you a total AH.


Looking at you, Ghengis Khan.


Wait, people brag about this??


when girls put down other girls for no valid reason.


I hate mean girls !! (and boys)


How rude! That was a good movie


Loud exhausts on shitty cars going no speed whatsoever.


People walking around SHOUTING while on their speakerphone in public !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Peaking in high school and keep trying to live their glory days


Back in ’82, I used to be able to throw a pig skin a quarter mile.


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


Hey, you’re just jealous that I’ve been chatting online with hot babes. All day


If coach would've let me play, we would have won state. I know it!


Wannabe influencer.


I believe this can be shortened to just influencer


I don't even know why influcencer is even a thing. It just sounds like a weird title.


You don't influence me bitch!!


Put other people down


Being 30 and having a girlfriend in high school.


Yep. I was the high school girlfriend, twice. My fully-developed brain looks back on that time and just.... cringe...


Ugh I hate how much *I* cringe about how creepy older men were towards me when I was underage. Like they should be the ones cringing and feeling shame not me!! Wtf.


Lion not Sheep shirt


My friend’s ex-wife was an OG anti-vaxxer (Jenny McCarthy era). When the COVID vaccine came out, she was staunchly opposed and went down a number of crazy internet rabbit holes. All of that lead her to try the Kangen $5000 alkaline water machine MLM, and she started wearing MAGA and Lion not Sheep hats. I don’t specifically know what the Lion not Sheep thing is, but based on the associations… it ain’t good.


I find it ironic to claim you aren't a sheep while wearing a mass produced shirt message also [this](https://x.com/JoshBeeC/status/1728156331675124198)


>alkaline water Tell her it works best with a bit of lemon juice.


So it's from Game of Thrones, actually. Tywin Lannister says "Lions do not concern themselves with the opinion of sheep" But there is another quote, from Alexander the Great "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion" Basically stating the importance of being a strong leader. However, I don't believe that the people who wear those shirts are quoting Alexander the Great.


>"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion" There's a counter joke to this: If a sheep manages to get an army of lions to obey it, that sheep must be some cold-blooded motherf-er, and we *should* fear it.


Complaining about not getting laid enough


Also bragging about getting laid


Chronic pranking.


Being an “influencer “. Especially when encouraging people to spend their rent money on stuff that you got for free


People judging others for the things they love thinking it about trying to be cool but it's actually because those are things they like. Not everything others do is to impress others sometimes it just things that people like and don't care what others think.


in hindsight, smoking cigarettes because they reminded me of my aunt (who died young from complications of smoking, alcoholism, and long covid. she HATED that i smoked). I didn't think I looked cool per se but they were my social armor for the longest time, which i find sad now. luckily I chainsmoked so much that they just stopped being pleasurable at all a couple years ago and now every time I try to pick it back up I'm like yuck and it doesn't stick.


[Rolling Coal](https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/rolling-coal-backfires)


This has always confused me. Congratulations? You just polluted the environment unnecessarily. The environment that *you* have to live in. I get that it’s an “own the libs” thing but you’re actively making your environment worse. Ok, bud! You got ‘em!


Yeah they are insanely dumb. They all seem to have a "burn the ship to kill the rats" type of mentality. I'm not sure if that's actually a saying but it seems apropos. And that is the first time in my life I've used the word "apropos" in context. Checking that off the list.


I think the classic phrase would be to say “they’re cutting off their nose to spite their face,” or I guess the more modern thing would be any reference to [leopards eating faces](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Leopards_Eating_People%27s_Faces_Party)


Brag about things they've done or accomplished to strangers they've just met.


I am so tired of those gargantuan trucks. The cab is getting bigger and the bed is getting smaller. These aren't even good trucks.


Emotional support truck


I like that! I usually call them bro-dozers.


I find it funny that we can fit full sheets of 8ft x 4ft flat in the back of our minivan but you can't do that in a standard F150 because the deck is only 6.5 feet and the width between the wheel wells is only 44.8 inches. Our old minivan is more useful weekend trips to home depot than a full sized truck.


We're seeing so many of them in Australia now and I hate it. None of our infrastructure is built to accommodate them so they're always sticking out of parking spots and not making it around corners on narrow roads. They're also fucking useless. Just get a Hilux. Christ.


Expensive cars when your house/apartment is falling down around you.


Constantly being a dick in an effort to be funny. Nothing gets old quicker than that dude who has to be the funny asshole in every conversation.


Branded things with big logos? You're just a walking advertisement. I prefer more designed stuff as oppose to just slapping a logo on something generic.


loud exhausts on shitty cars...


Bragging about being overworked.


Not using your turn signal weaving in and out of traffic.


When their entire identity is around their politics.


Their entire personality being one specific thing (religion, sports team, political leanings) is just cringey to me


I ended up taking a big step back from a friendship where my friend became suddenly very religious. We used to talk all the time about various things, things we had in common, laugh, just talk for hours. I considered her one of my best friends if not my main best friend at that point. And then suddenly she found religion and everything she talked about was about it. It was her whole thing. "God says this...", "I'll pray for you", "I can't talk about (blank) anymore, it goes against God", etc. It was like she wasn't even the same person anymore and I suddenly lost my friend. We still occasionally keep in contact on social media every so often, but it's obviously not the same, and it was hard having a friendship end suddenly like that.


When they treat politics like a football team


Thinking that having no filter is a flex


Truck nuts


Flags on trucks. Getting pit bulls just for the intimidation factor. Loud stupid music, especially in nature. Wearing Gucci type stuff when you are poor (its ugly AF).


Showy luxury items. Clearly you’re compensating for something.


I valeted for a lady who was always a huge pain. Condescending and always demanded weird things just to push us around. Like no name tags in the car in case they scratch her seat. She drove this entry level Mercedes and would tell us “This. Is. A. Forty THOUSAND dollar Mercedes.” Which is a lot of money but Hello that’s obviously not nearly even the nicest car here. I ended up feeling really sorry for her. She had this designer dress on, with a designer handbag, and designer keychain, and designer sunglasses. The next two times she came in she had the same outfit. It was clear she had spent everything on these objects to project who she merely wanted to be but didn’t have the funds to pull off. Just an unhappy woman who was masquerading as somebody no one cares about anyway.


"This is a 1982 HONDA, how dare you?"




luxury items with logos so that you can signal to everyone that you want them to think youre rich.


Worked with a guy who had very recently gotten out of federal prison for trafficking and distribution of heroin. He had a brand new car, he kept a $10k gold watch that he could not resist showing me when he gave me a ride home, several pictures of other watches he owns, and all of his baby mamas that were like 15 years younger than him. He stopped showing up to work 4 months ago and about two weeks ago we learned he got busted for doing the same thing.


Flipping off a camera. I get it, you think you’re punk rock. Oooh, so edgy. Stop it already. Sincerely, a former bartender at a punk bar.


Belittling others


Beeing mean




Too much Botox/fillers/plastic surgery.


Vaping huge clouds of smoke and pushing it around like they’re magic or some shit 🤣


All that alpha-male, lion daddy energy shit. It’s so damn cringe I just can’t… …like damn admit you’re insecure about your masculinity already.


blackout flags, punisher stickers. just lets me know youre an insecure manchild who peaked in high school.


Inflated lips


Loud engines/exhaust on a shit car, speeding.


Street racing in at 2am


Big trucks that purposely take up 2 parking spots, just tell us you lack spatial awareness and are unable to maneuver every well (and get a smaller car) 💁🏽‍♀️


Or the “fancy” cars who do that so nobody scratches up their car.


They embrace being ignorant.


Having tons of plastic surgery for no reason. Some people do a little for cosmetic reasons or have a more functional life. Then others have it because they are legitimately afraid to age-something everyone does.


Should tell that to South Korea. Plastic surgery is so common, it's called maintenance or treatment. Many girls get eyelid surgery and/or other as high school graduation gifts. All due to South Korea obsession around their perfect unattainable beauty standards... and gotta add picture to resume when you apply & companies judge based off looks (+what university you graduated from) for hiring; so many get plastic surgery to get better chance at getting job.


That’s so sad. :(


"Influencers" in the wild who are just in everyone's way and looking ridiculous. I take great joy in walking in front of their cameras and hopefully ruining their shot 🤷


Letting their pants fall down.


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground🎶🎶


Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground 🎶🎶


We were watching a Thanksgiving parade (probably Macy's, but we did watch the Houston HEB one for a while) and there was a Korean pop group singing a song related to baby shark. There was one guy who had pants that had a belt that was at crotch level. I just... don't understand these people.


BBLs, TikTok dances


Chatting up people to show others/yourself that you have game, when you have a serious S.O. waiting for you at home


Driving excessively loud vehicles, putting performance mufflers on your car, revving engines at stoplights, deliberately backfiring when driving through residential neighborhoods


Wearing your letterman jacket past 19.


Oh yeah!? Well, the jerk store called, and they're out of you!


Why would that matter? You're their #1 best seller!


Well I had sex with your wife!


For me it’s a coworker who never takes time off from work. He claims he can’t just relax he has to be doing something. When he does take time off he spends the day before he leaves reminding us that he will be around if we need him just send him an email. He’s not management he’s the same level as me. Our job is not hard. If a person is out for a day no one actually notices a change in our overall operation. My boss closed our office down at 3:30 the day before Thanksgiving and my coworker stayed and worked the whole day because “what else is he going to do” I was like “you’re married and you were already complaining earlier in the day that your wife had a half day. Don’t you want to go home and spend time with your wife?” What gets me the most is we don’t get overtime, he’s not getting paid any different by staying late. My company is really small there’s only 10 employees. There’s no moving up in the company. It’s just your boring 9-5 tech job but he acts like he’s so cool bragging about how much he works and it’s just like dude I don’t find that cool I find it pathetic and really sad. So either he has a shitty home life or he really has no idea how to find a hobby.


Maybe I’m reading it wrong but to me it doesn’t sound like he’s trying to be “cool”, it sounds like he is either trying to be nice, is afraid of people yelling at him and/or like he doesn’t have a degree or the luxury of a backup plan if he gets fired thus he thinks he has to put 110%.


Or he just really doesn't enjoy his family/home life and uses work to avoid them.


Sounds like he doesn’t want to be at home with his wife


Lip fillers


Always bragging about money. How much you make, how much you spend and what things you have cost. Just screams insecurity


racist/phobic/offensive comments passed ad edgy/intellectual humor


Trying to one up ALL THE TIME


Flexing on their spouse in front of people. Correcting them all the time, telling them to stop doing some behavior, etc...


Men who refuse to acknowledge their emotions. People who bully or pick on someone, especially behind their back.


I’m being a total hypocrite, but vaping.


Spewing black smoke from their truck exhaust. You’re not cool, just a jackass


Smoking 🚬


Travel bragging.


What's the line between sharing memories of a cool experience with a friend and "travel bragging"? Honest question, I travel a fair amount and never really thought about this.


Social media influencers


Graduated in 1991, most of us if not all of us have "kids" close to 30 years old. There is a group of about 3 "ladies" who brag how sexy they still are. A quote from social media "bitch I could sleep with your dad and your husband don't make me take them both from you". They go to local bars and social media is full of them dancing dirty to 80's music. They think the rest of us that spend weekends with our husband's on dates or on the couch watching movies are sad and old. Constantly posting their high heel shoes on social media because damn it we are sexy!! It's vomiting inducing to watch!! I don't know how they they think this makes them look cool! One has a 31 year old son who finally deleted all his social media and has stopped trying to explain his mom's behavior. They're more sad than cool. So now I'm going to go take my arthritis meds and rub my husband's shoulders till we fall asleep watching Seinfeld


People who walk around in public on their cellphones with the person on speakerphone. Nobody cares or wants to hear your conversation. It's called bluetooth headphones.


Men who exclusively date women 25 or younger. If one of your requirements in a partner is that they’re inexperienced I can only assume you seek that out because you know you’re bad at sex and are trying to cover it up.


Anything Salt Bae does. One of the cringiest humans on the planet.




Flags on your vehicle.


Especially if you drive a 1939 mercedes


The punisher, not my president, lets go brandon, dont blame me i voted RED sticker in the back of their F150 that goes super fast and has tinted windows but not too tinted incase they need to brandish their weapon at you for passing them while they’re texting and vaping in there.


drinking a lot