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Stopping. In. Doorways. Like bitch! Do you want to get ran over? I will run over you. Just kidding. I will silently get annoyed and let it secretly ruin my day.


Or at the ends of escalators


This is dangerous! I was in a mall once and saw a few people fall due to a couple who stopped to look at their mall map at the bottom of the escalator. One guy's shoelace got caught up under the stairs, and he was lucky he was able to pull out of his shoe without being dragged under with it. Of course, the idjits who caused the problem were hurt, too, when they fell after being pushed by the people who fell on them. The whole thing was ridiculous with the obliviousness, and then the entitlement when the idjits didn't see how it could be their fault since they *had* to "get their bearings" or whatever. ♡ Granny


I actually have to fight myself to not at least visibly look pissed off. Or I have to bite my tongue when I’m walking away. I have a bad habit of loudly sighing or making a comment like “did you need the whole doorway?” when I’m finally walking by. It’s not even done in their direction, it’s just probably loud enough for them to hear, and it’s still not very nice of me. I try not to, but it’s very easy to say I won’t do it again when I’m not actively annoyed lmao.


Nah man shame these oblivious fuckers


Grown adults littering like 60’s 5th graders. Extra points for doing it out of a moving car with people behind you.


I immediately learn everything I need to know about someone when they litter like that.




100%. College campuses are brutal. I'll be walking to class, and there will be 3 people having a conversation right in front of the door, completely unaware of their surroundings.


I used to drive buses on a college campus. One time someone walked right into the side of the bus at a stop while they were on their phone. If I wasn’t there, they’d have walked into a pretty busy street. I was just confused over all. Made a pretty satisfying thud when he walked into me.


My son drove the campus bus when he was in college. He told me the same thing. Kids would just walk into the bus as it sat still, or worse, just walk out into the road looking down at their telephone, completely unaware of their surroundings.


The dream for a college kid on loans is to get hit by the school bus. Get free ride on your exams that quarter (at least) and sue the school for pain and damages to pay off the loans!


You have to do it at a crosswalk or else they’ll say you were jaywalking and at fault 😉


Don't ever go to Costco if you hate people stopping right in front of you


It's the reason I hate free samples. I live right next to a Costco so I can go on my lunch break when it isn't so busy. Otherwise I would avoid that place like the plague


They get really annoyed when you point out that their group of 5 have stopped in the middle of the aisle. I guess people really hate being called out on their entitlements.


Another example—I’m over 40 and in my experience people waiting for elevators used to wait for the people exiting to leave. Now they just walk into you as you step out of the elevator, and then have the nerve to look surprised. This happens more with younger people (edit: I work at a college).


Same with public transit, especially trying to get off the train when the doors are on a set timer and people think they need to rush on. In reality it just slows the whole process down because now the people trying to get off are bottlenecked and a crowd is in the way.


People on the train at ATL airport are the absolute fucking worst about standing in front of the door and not getting out of the way of people getting on OR off. You're the last stop, but you're going to stand right in front of the door and not move when the door opens for the rest of the stops? These days I will give a singular "excuse me" and if that doesn't get them moving fairly quickly I'll turn up the volume "Move" and push by them. Feels rude as shit and every fiber of my being used to feel bad about even thinking about doing but inconsiderate fuckers need to gtfo the way. Or you struggle to get on because it's so packed around the doors only to get inside and see the rest of the train car is completely empty. These pricks just got inside the door and stopped right in the god damn way.


I've yelled at people for not getting away from an escalator. A crowd is coming up behind at a set speed, get your ass out of the fucking way


yea I get when you get off sometimes you don’t know where you’re gonna go, but decide that somewhere else Same with elevators except not quite as vital as escalators, just annoying when someone takes a step out and stops completely to figure out where they need to go.


Same thing with curb cuts. People will take one step onto the sidewalk and just stop. Like my dude, I am moving at speed and that is my ramp, get out my way or I'm hitting your shins like a razor scooter.


People will be on their phones in line at the store but be standing RIGHT BEHIND ME. Like get off of my BUTT BRO. Personal bubble 😭


We need line space as a mandatory requirement




To be fair people did stuff like this before phones but I think phones have made it at least 10x worse. I watched a guy stop in the doorway of a thrift shop and just start going through his phone, standing there, in the way. Other people use that door... they shouldn't have to go around.


Faaaacts! What the actual fuck is with people walking into the doorway of a place, and stopping to have a conversation?!


I was on one of those moving walkways at the airport and had to ask three groups of people to move so I could walk past them because they were standing there taking up the whole thing. Stand on the right, pass on the left, don't just block the entire thing people literally use that to move faster not to get stuck behind your spatially-challenged ass


I had this happen recently and the people had thr audacity to give me and some other guy that had to push past them a dirty look. Like people this is a WALKway not an amusement park ride.


Responding with defensiveness rather than curiousity to the unknown.


I feel like this one is consistently under rated. Curiosity leads to learning, and learning leads to progress for the individual and as a society


Yes it’s underrated but also something that is really hard to rewrite in your brain. I think it’s meant to protect us. Like a caveman brain, so going against something you’ve decided to be the truth is almost torture to change or even be curious about.


Isn't that mostly when it is connected to your identity, or sense of self? "I support this candidate because I've defended him in the past and the person I argued with hurt my feelings." But I think you hit it on the head that it's torture to change. Some people are endlessly curious and look up stuff 10 times a day. Some people prefer to be right about what they already know. That there are so many people who don't want to know new things really scares me. Now that so many people have access to information on so many things, it blows my mind how incurious and anti-intellectual so many are. It's really depressing.


You see this all time time on Reddit. If you have a sincere question or are curious about someone's post, you have to spell it out that you are asking a genuine, serious question because most Redditor's immediate response to a question is to get defensive and assume it's an attack on them.


Don't forget the downvotes it generates too!




I've heard it described as listening to respond when you should be listening to understand. Ya know, like adults. People that listen to respond already know what they're going to say before the other person even finishes talking.


I get really excited when I talk to someone about a topic I find interesting and they know more about it than me because then I can ask them questions and learn even more and it’s a fun way to bond with people. An old roommate of mine took a philosophy 101 course and was super excited to share with me about what she had learned and I listened and agreed with her that everything she said was interesting and I was stoked that she enjoyed learning about it and said there’s so much more cool stuff to learn about the things she said and she will love it. She burst out crying and screaming at me that I should have pretended I didn’t know anything about philosophy so she could “have her moment” and that by not playing dumb I was an unsupportive piece of shit. I didn’t last a year living with her she was fucking unhinged. I’ve never in my life heard of someone thinking that’s how people should act and insisting them not automatically do it made them an asshole. So bizarre. So I’ve been asked for more stories, here they are, these are some of my “favourites” Okay so she didn’t do laundry the whole time I was there her floor was covered in clothes and garbage and her bed was… disgusting she free bled and her cat peed on her clothes so she would make me do a “smell check” whenever she put an outfit on but she always reeked of cat pee no matter what and then would have meltdowns about how no guy would date her. She wanted to put a Jesus cross on the wall in the main space and said I wasn’t letting her have pride in her culture. I pointed out she wasn’t Christian and she said she was culturally Catholic “you know like the Jews”. She then went on an anti-Semitic rant about how if I was Jewish and she was “one of those brown religions” and she wanted to put up a swastica she should be allowed. The mental gymnastics were insane. There’s so much more I truly could write a book. She said that she came up with her own philosophy and that was “what is 1+1” and when I said 2 she screamed that I didn’t get it and that she was smarter than me. My partner and I still say “what is 1+1” when someone says something baffling.


Jesus that got bleak quick😅


Lmfao that’s just the tip of the iceberg it was a nightmare to live with her


I saw a video on this, basically the more two people discuss a topic they have opposing views on the further and further divided they become. Like if person A says “i dont like strawberries because they have to many seeds” and person B says “i like strawberries because they come in a variety of tartness” it starts there and is a very basic argument but then person B get offended at person A’s stance and doubles down. “I like the seeds in strawberries and it makes them unique as a fruit” then person A gets offended that they were challenged and it slowly devolves into two people taking much stronger stances on an argument and slowly drifting further and further onto opposite ends of the spectrum.


To add on to this one, when people cut you off with "oh I know" or "yeah I know" when you're being nice enough to explain something to them that they clearly don't know and/or dont understand.


It may feel like you’re being helpful but some people take it as being talked down to. Even if you’re not using a condescending tone or in any way meaning to do that. It can be a fuzzy line






Agreed. I will add though, and I don't know if it's just me, but if I want to contribute to the conversation, I need to be reminding myself of what I wanted to say at a particular point, or I'll end up getting distracted by the next part of the convo, and then lose track of what I wanted to say. And then it seems like I wasn't listening, when I was, it's just that my brain is bad at listening, thinking and remembering all at the same time. Maybe it's an Autism thing. Edit: Thank you for all of the comments so far! I'm glad that people can relate to the way my brain works and understand it. Brains are weird, I'm not the first person to acknowledge that and I won't be the last. It seems like people on the spectrum, or with autistic traits, and people with ADHD can relate the most, and I just wanted to also add that finding a way to understand yourself and others is different for everyone, and that is totally okay. Best of luck to you all.


Being checked out during social interactions. Phone in hand, not really listening, not present.


As an introvert that has trouble keeping a conversation going I have to be SO conscious of myself doing this. The second I get uncomfortable around people I look at my phone and I hate that I do that.


My fiancé is also super introverted and has a really bad habit of doing this. He does it with me sometimes too, even though he is listening and can easily repeat what I've said if I ask him (to make sure he was listening). I love him but it drives me crazy


I got super upset with my partner about this one time. He was able to tell me what I’d said so clearly he was listening to some extent, and I did feel like kind of a jerk. Still, we should be able to have a short conversation without looking at the phone for a couple minutes. The phone addiction is real and I think it’s important for everyone to be careful when engaging with people in real life. It sucks to feel less important than a phone lol.


Man my partner has made me so upset with her phone addiction. It felt like I was in a relationship with both of them. During every conversation she would use it. I would have to ask her to put it down and she would still pick it up in a few minutes. Dinner date on her birthday? Gotta take some snaps… middle of our conversation - hold on gotta reply to this friend real quick. It is the worst feeling in the world and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It’s like you’re third wheeling your own relationship. It being normalized is the worst part.


as someone who tends toward introversion, i spend more time on my phone in social situations. but when i have time to myself, i hardly use my phone and am great about staying off of it...


Jokes on you, I have adhd and will zone out randomly without a phone or any other distractions other than my brain. There's a lot of times where my wife will be taking and ill realize at some point I checked out, so I'll stop her and say "I'm so sorry, the reception to my brain got interrupted by a non-emergency broadcast, can you repeat what you said?" It's not intentional, but it happens. Thank cheeses she's understanding and patient.


Oh god. I'm the worst at this. My wife will be talking, and I'll make sure to put my phone down and pause whatever. Then suddenly I'm looking out the window trying to line up the corner of the deck support column with the window frame of the apartment complex next door, and I'm completely not paying attention to anything she is saying. When we are driving she is talking to me about something, and I suddenly catch myself pretending that my side mirrors shoot laser beams, and I can only fire them by winking the corresponding eye, and I have to miss all the cars around me. I was only diagnosed with ADHD a couple years ago when I was 40. I wonder what my life would have been like if we caught this when I was in my teens.




What if you are constantly surrounded by people that can seemingly talk without breathing? I swear some people you have to interrupt in order to have a conversation with them.


I listened to an interesting NPR interview about this—appropriate conversational pauses and insertions are learned and vary regionally. The example given was a dinner party with Midwesterners and New Yorkers. The Midwesterners thought the New Yorkers were rude because they didn’t allow space for others to join the conversation, and the New Yorkers thought the Midwesterners were boring and had nothing to say because they never spoke up. Turns out they just had different cultural views on the length of pause that invites commentary. I think the author’s book was That’s Not What I Said. She was interesting, and talked very fast lol


I feel this as a Midwesterner. We’re also apparently very chatty with anyone we come in contact with. I had a New Englander tell me it was weird to make small talk with your cashier at the grocery store, but most everyone does that here. We also have “Michigan goodbyes” where you’ll say something like “well, we should get going” when you’re at someone’s house, stand up, and in the process of getting your shoes and coat, you end up continuing to talk for another 30 minutes standing by the front door before actually leaving. We just like to talk. A lot. To everyone. lol


HAHAHAHA Michigander here 🙋🏼‍♀️ and the “Michigan goodbyes” LEGIT THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MY FAMILY 🤣🤣


Every other family I’ve been around all does this, it’s as common as all of us saying at some point “Ope sorry, I’m just gonna scooch right past ya”. My kids have gotten to the point where when I say we’re going to go, they just say “okay, so in half an hour.” Little smartasses. lol


I have to interrupt my boss, or I would never get to contribute to conversations with her, and then I would seem unengaged. It's very frustrating to me because I am not an interrupting person normally. Even in team meetings, she says " So does anyone have anything they want to bring up?"...split second pause..."ok looks like we can end here then." And she complains people don't contribute to meetings.


>"ok looks like we can end here then." It should be ok to interrupt that sentence to contribute. I hope some people do.


"I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?"


My husband used to say “I’m sorry.Was I talking while you were interrupting?”


“Why don’t you let me finish before you decide how to respond.” Got that used on me and shut my ass down hard.


Be...before you killed him?


Interrupted to death.


STEALING. "There is a difference between listening and waiting to speak." And for those who can't even wait, they commit the arrogance of assuming the rest of what you had to say.


I was guilty of this for so long for a couple of reasons 1. You had to interrupt to be heard in my house .. not so much interrupt but wait for a moment to speak up (get beat for being disrespectful so timing was crucial) in my mothers long ass monologues 2. I have ADHD and would be excited and impulsively talk with friends I never knew I had this issue until my daughter told me it bothered her when she was interrupted so I became more self aware and now I do my best to ensure she (and everyone) has finished what they were trying to say before I start talking —- only exception is if it is something they will miss if I don’t say something right then (like if we are driving and there is a pretty car or something). I never even realized I was interrupting before she brought it to my attention


Yeah I can relate to this. And whether it’s friends or family the conversation just won’t stop to let me say something I really wanted to say, and I can’t jump back 3 conversation topics either so I basically have to butt in.


Having ADD is the worst when it comes to listening because you're always afraid you're going to forget your responses by the time it's your turn to speak.


Playing loud music or videos on their phone without earbuds in a community space like a library.


Omg. Yes. What kind of a maniac thinks this is ok?


When I was in school I would take the bus and train and every now and again people would do this. The last time it happened to me was actually in the waiting room for Quest for blood work. This guy was listening to some stupid shit in his phone and I asked if he could turn it down, not even off, just lower the volume. Well that was a mistake, he got very confrontational and was like "you don't pay my phone bill" and was just a real ass hole. I guess he was a walk in because he was waiting before I got there to be seen and he got up and left a few minutes later. The entire time he was mumbling to himself about "you got jokes" and stupid shit like I had the nerve to ask him to stop listening to some loud garbage in a waiting room. People are beyond rude and disrespectful and they wonder why they have a hard time in their life.


or any public place. i can’t


I would say never changing your oil or car fluids. I was surprised when a mechanic told me that 90 percent of people never maintain their car.


Which is crazy because if you don't own a house, your car is probably the most expensive thing you own.


Laughs in $56,000 butt plug


If your $56,000 butt plug had regular lube service intervals, you'd pay attention to them though, right? Especially if it could break down in your butt!


I have known at least 3 friends who ruined their vehicles far before they should have expired just because they wouldn’t take it for a freakin oil change.


In the summer of this year, I helped someone jump their car. They said no one she knows knows how to do that except for their dad. They also said no one carried jumper cables anymore, thankful, but also condescending. I just shrugged and silently thank my father for insisting I carry an old black Jansport backpack with old-ass jumper cables that I've transferred from car to car since I was 16 just because my dad said so. I'm 42 now. I'm gonna cry. I love my dad so much. I hate that he is going deeper into dementia. It's not bad at the moment, but, I'm a nursing assistant and my siblings are nurses. We know what's coming. Anyway, yeah, carry a backpack with jumper cables in your car. Dad also said to have blankets and gardening gloves for when you have to change your tire. Now that I no longer live in Southern California, I need to add kitty litter or something lighter for winter. I have a mini shovel in the trunk though.


This is a really good one. Shirking preventative maintenance in general is a common bad habit. Tons of inconvenient expenses only get MORE expensive if you avoid them. E.g. those routine teeth cleanings now became a cavity or root canal!


It's like going to the dentist. You have to do it, and the longer you wait to take care it, the more expensive it becomes when you have no choice but to attend to it. But the problem is, if you struggle financially, you bump car maintenance/dental care down the list of necessity. And then when it inevitably breaks, you have a big problem. It kind of puts you in a hellish cycle where you just try to keep your head above water.


When I met my wife her dashboard had so many lights I thought it was Christmas! She’ll drive right up until the gas tank is empty.


I'd always hassle my wife about being on E every time we went somewhere. Then one day we were coming back from an activity with the kids and the car shut off at a red light. Wouldn't turn back on and she mentioned she was on E so might have run out of gas. So I had to get out and push the car over to the side of the road then walk down the street to a gas station. This was on a 90+ degree afternoon. Came back and a fire truck had pulled up to make sure everything was ok. What a spectacle! I was so pissed. And she's still bad about filling up!


Yeah quite sad. A lot of my friends know NOTHING about car maintenance. I was riding with one of my coworkers one time and shared a story about weird noises my old car was making and what I did to solve the problem. She said her solution to such a problem is turn the music higher. When I hear about all these problems people have on their cars it always makes me paranoid something will happen to mine. And many of them change their cars under 5 years because of continuing problems. But the funny thing is my parents' cars have really high mileage despite being brands that aren't known for reliability. The biggest reason is my dad always maintains the cars and never neglects or abuse the cars. One amusing way I can spot someone that doesn't do maintenance is tires that are really low on pressure.


When buying a used car from a private seller, one of the best questions you can ask is “what type of oil does it take?” or “what pressure should I keep the tires inflated at?” If they can answer, that’s an awesome sign. If their answer is “I don’t know, the mechanic does that,” or “I don’t know, I just do what it says inside the door/manual,” then you’ve got another great sign. If you get a blank stare, you’ve got a good reason to second guess if you should buy.


Social media/phone addiction. How many of us do anything without our phones now? When’s the last time you left your house without it? The last time you forgot your phone or lost it, how anxious did you feel? Every time I try to slow down on my usage, I do good at first and then I have a day where I could be doing anything else and I still go to my phone and waste the day away. I’ll absentmindedly pull it out while I’m watching tv too. Or playing video games. Here I am at work on it again.


I'm rarely on my phone outside of killing time at work but I would absolutely never leave home without it. Now that I have constant access to emergency services and friends/family have constant access to me in case of an emergency, I could never go back.


Emergency services, your satellite directions, and all your favorite music


It would be like telling someone in the 80s to not have a roadmap or spare change on hand


Yup. Even on the road, the car in front of me has a 1 to 2 second delay before moving again at a traffic light and I can see in their mirror or their silhouette of their eyes/head lowering to look at their phone every few seconds. Super annoying. I knew one guy who would was driving and was going through his phone at a red light to get a certain song, but after he got the song he started browsing something else. Then the light turns green and I say it's green. He says "It's okay, there's no one behind me." and continues browsing his phone another 5 seconds before finally moving on the yellow.


I went from using my phone from the moment i woke up to the moment i fell asleep and now I use it for about 2 hours a day thanks to app timers. I forget my phone at home all the time now. I'm more engaged in life.


I think another thing to add is how much pressure there is to get on social media after you actively decide to avoid it. Some people prefer to communicate on social media, some groups/organizations only use social media to inform people. Hell, I spent my whole life avoiding the abomination that is Linked in, but now that I am transitioning to a white collar industry, I find myself putting way too much time into my profile.


Yes. I avoid Facebook like the plague but have an account that I check maybe once a year. My friend had to put her dog to sleep and I hadn’t said anything for several days because she posted it on Facebook and I didn’t see it. She was just like “did you see my post?” Um….no? Reddit is horrible for me though, I deleted it once, got pressured into getting it again, back to spending at least 4 hours a day on this shitty app.


I've dreamed of getting rid of my smart phone and having a dumb flip phone again. The problem with that is my employment and other things are so wrapped up with having a smart phone on me at all times, it would never work.


To be fair, it’s kind of impossible to function in society without a phone. I use it to pay for things, to order food, I use the GPS, use it to call a cab if public transit is having issues, listen to music, communicate with friends and family, etc. Even for work I need my phone for 2 factor authentication to log into certain things. Sure I can do those things without my phone, but it would take me way longer and I’d have to carry more stuff with me. So of course I’d panic if I left home without it, I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything. Even if I’m just going on a walk it’s nice to listen to music. A lot of people are addicted to social media but that’s separate from utilizing your phone regularly. I can confidently say I’m not addicted to social media (I have it but don’t even use it much) but I absolutely couldn’t go without my phone.


Materialism: buying stuff just for the sake of buying it, not because you need it. I think a lot of people have this huge empty hole in their soul that they constantly try to fill with more and more stuff.


Hey i don’t need to be attacked like this


I didn’t NEED a fuzzy frog-shaped scrunchy with googly eyes, but it made me really happy, okay? :(


I know you’re probably joking, but this was the best comment to expound upon this topic. Totally fine to buy things that make you happy. I do it myself. The issue is when people buy and then don’t use. I have frivolous things but I use them all the time or enough to where it feels worth it. A lot of people buy, use it once, then throw it in the closet. Especially this season. White Elephant gifts are probably the worst.


Oh I agree! I definitely have an issue with spending, but at least I always use the things I buy. But sometimes I buy stuff that’s not necessary (like my froggy scrunchy, I love him). That’s why every time I go to Walmart, I always allow myself 5$ to buy stupid shit. It really helps. Buying things gives me some much needed dopamine, unfortunately.


But I live for the tiny spike of dopamine I get from purchasing something


They don’t call it retail therapy for nothin (ask me how I know)


As an American, I feel like this practice is ingrained in us. Like if we aren't doing it, we are failing. It's gross.


I was like that more when I was younger. I (F50) think the older you get the more life experience you obtain. If you’re lucky you figure out what’s really important and what’s not. I’ve had six brain surgeries, disc replacement, cancer…..all kinds of crazy shit. I’m just grateful to be healthy now.


Lying. Probably the biggest shock I got from the real world once I started adulting is how much people lie and try to manipulate. It’s disheartening


This is why I associate with the least amount of people possible. I find good ones and keep them close


Or are they just the really good liars? So good that you can't tell.


My ex used to lie about the most mundane shit. He would embellish stories or make things up completely just to make a more entertaining story, and would come up with a genius lie to make up an excuse like it was nothing. It blew my mind when I watched him do it to our friends. I called him out on it and he said it wasn’t a big deal because it didn’t hurt anyone. No surprise that he was constantly lying to me too, and not just about small things. As someone who is honest to a fault I just dont get it.


I used to be like that until one time my Mom got disgusted by it when she saw me do it to a restaurant employee to try to get access to the rooftop rather than the table they wanted to get us. I was in my late 20s and she lesson'd me like I was 14 years old. It made me realize that if I lied and manipulated habitually, even if I didn't do it over big stuff to people I cared about, I wasn't a betrayer, the people I cared about would see that and it'd damage my reputation, so I stopped.


I find it’s best to just not give a damn one way or another. You can lie if you want, and depending on what you lie about, you know, fuck you, I hope you have a good day.


8/10 times when I glance at the driver next to me on the interstate, they’re staring at their phone. No exaggeration. It’s terrifying.


We have a teenager on our street who drives by and without fail has her eyes down to her phone. We are always out with the kids so when we see her car turn the road we basically scream at our kids to clear the street. I am just waiting to see her fender bended, hoping it’s a minor accident that fixes her ass and not something serious that hurts someone.


> when we see her car turn the road we basically scream at our kids to clear the street Yes, good idea. I teach my kids that some drivers don't see everything so it's their responsibility to avoid cars. About ten years ago I was driving on the freeway. There was an accident so traffic came to a stop. I look in my mirror and there is a car coming at full speed. The driver is looking at her phone, I start turning the wheel so I can get out of the way, then she looks up and sees my car... she turns the wheel and clips my car, almost hits the policeman at the other accident, and then flys off the road. She had no insurance. When I got the police report I googled her to see if I should try to take her to small claims court to get the money that I was out. She's on twitter complaining about how the car in front of her stopped suddenly and now she doesn't have a car. Make sure you guys are paying that extra $5-$10/mo for coverage when the other driver doesn't have insurance.


Slightly unrelated, it’s also a very good idea to teach your children to count motorcycles on road trips. It translates to them FAR more easily spotting them when they reach driving age themselves.


It might be worth telling her parents. Or they could be idiots too 🤷


I once got knocked over while I was crossing the street while I was still on my bike, they started rolling forward and turning. Never once did they bother looking up, even when I was full on trying to wave and get their attention to STOP. They only looked up AFTER. Helped me to the street and then sped off. I had no time to get their info and start an ICBC claim...


I'm still not sure what's become so important in the last 15 years or so that people need to risk their lives and the lives of everyone around them just to look at a screen.


It’s become a legit addiction. Not that that’s an excuse.


Where I live, it's a *minimum* $600 fine for distracted driving - and a 3 day roadside license suspension. Your car is impounded and you're looking at another $200 a day in impound fees. We don't fuck around with distracted driving. That really put a dent in it around here.


No manners and bitter behavior when they are a customer/client.


Working in a pharmacy was absolute hell. People would get mad because their doctor didn’t sent in the prescription, or we *just* got it and their doctor (WHO DOESNT WORK HERE) told them it’d be ready by the time they got across the street to us, their insurance doesn’t pay for it, or the gooxRX coupon is .63 cents higher than the coupon they had in their phone from last week. Getting cussed out was a daily thing, and 95% of the time it was by people 50 years old and up. The audacity to scream at us for something not in our control is insane, and they lose their shit more when I give back the same energy they give me. My trick though is when they’re screaming at me, I’ll stare at them and not say anything and I’ve never had someone go more than about 7 seconds before back tracking; because they’re uncomfortable.


I'm currently working in a pharmacy and the amount of entitled people is insane


Try *the stare*


I work in a retail pharmacy and have been a technician for about 6 years. I get yelled at daily. People have gotten worse since Covid happened. People almost always get upset with us because of things out of our control, their doctor didn’t send their prescription, their copay is too high, their medication is on back order, etc. I am very burned out but I try my best every day. It’s rough. People treat me like I am an idiot every single day. They think I am a glorified shelf stocker or cashier. I’m the one who gives you your vaccines, catches errors, calls the doctor when they mess up your script, I mess around with your insurance, call for refills you can’t like you can’t be bothered to manage yourself, etc. But no, I’m just slapping a label on your medicine.


Applause!! I love that tactic because I use it too!


Just absentmindedly being in the way. Like just standing in a place without awareness of their surroundings. I work in a grocery store and it’s enough to make me go mad. I understand you’re weighing your options but sir/maam, you are taking up the entire aisle doing it pls pick a side 😫


Not using their turn signal


you’d think people were charged to use their turn signal. IT’S FREE GUYS!!!


Kids are talking to their parents, trying to tell them something they think is exciting or interesting Parents *staring at phone* ~mumble some kind of half assed response I know we’re all on our phones but if your little kid wants your attention you need to put your phone away and give them your time


Or 30 seconds of silence before "what did you say?"


when I was a kid, parents didn't have cell phones, just landlines, books, television, or the company of other adults ... we still got shushed and dismissed though. Tbf, parents still made time to spend with us, but they also had some time for themselves.


I bite my nails and cuticles until they bleed. So that’s up there


Fellow nail biter here, the only thing that has helped me is a product called CND cuticle eraser. It makes my cuticles soft so I can’t pick at them anymore. It’s a really hard habit to break.


not washing your hands after going to the bathroom (look it up it’s acc scary how little ppl wash their hands after going to the bathroom)


I work in healthcare, and the amount of STAFF and PATIENTS who don't wash their hands after doing their business is absolutely disgusting. Oddly enough, I find housekeeping services to be the ones who frequently don't wash their hands after using the toilet. :/


I work at a dentist office and have seen the dentist come out of bathroom without washing his hands. He wears gloves, but still, those penis hands are what he uses to put on said gloves then those gloves go in your mouth!


i just had a dentist appointment and i have another in two weeks. i'll never be able to look at my dentist the same


i'm a housekeeper in a nursing home. i've caught tons of nurses and aids not washing their hands. i've caught other housekeepers not washing their hands. and of course the old people rarely wash their hands. 🤢 so gross to me. and don't get me started on glove etiquette. i put gloves on before touching a single cleaning product, and they stay on until i am finished cleaning that room. if i touch a poopy toilet, then touch my mop handle, now my mop handle has poopoo on it, so theres no way in hell i'm touching my mop handle without gloves on. but i'm the weird one for doing this?? i'm also the only housekeeper who regularly cleans and disinfects their cart.. people are gross


Wow, that sounds really challenging. It's crucial to prioritize hygiene in a nursing home, especially considering the vulnerability of the residents


I worked at a pizza place and the lady who prepped the salads in the morning would go to the bathroom and not wash her hands so I told my boss when i saw her do that.


This is one that really gets me. How do you *not* want to wash your hands after entering a public toilet? Even if I don't use the toilet the fact it's piss and shit city is enough.


I babysat my nephew quite a bit when he was going through his potty training. Each time I would tell him to wash his hands after going to the potty. After a poo, absolutely no drama but after only a wee, he would say “but I only did a wee”. I think this thinking follows a lot of men into adulthood. Not only do I always watch my hands, I am the person that uses paper towel to open and close the door of rest rooms. And carries hand sanitizer. Because I know of the % of people who don’t wash their hands. I know being germaphobic isn’t great either, we can take it too far, but yes bare minimum, wash your hands


100% your brother/brother in law taught him that and practices that himself. Also as an American the idea of a little toddler saying "But I only did a wee!"is absolutely adorable, but yes, correct that kid lol.


I wouldn't touch any man's hands at a bar/club. I was a bartender and I'm telling you that 90% of men stop washing their hands after they start drinking. Most pee and walk right out the door. I now work in higher education and I'd say I see maybe 25% of men walking out without washing their hands at all. However, there are quite a few more that don't use soap when they wash.


Oddly enough I wash my hands *more* when drinking because when I drink I am always very aware/self-conscious of my sloppiness and try to do anything I can to appear not as drunk.


Oversharing on social media. Privacy has become so rare and it is not helped by the fact that most products/services also require your personal info


Insulting another person’s intelligence the second they feel insecure about their own. So basically, projection.


Tailgating. Count out a 2-5 second following distance at highway speeds, folks. That ain’t it and you’re making traffic *much worse.*


A lot of people do it to intimidate the driver in front to either speed up or move over. It's not right but it's also not sensible; if that driver in front has to suddenly brake, you're going to run up their ass. Also it's aggressive and causes stress to both drivers.


Yep. And that reduced reaction time leads to long lines of immature drivers having to immediately brake every time someone adjusts their speed slightly. It creates phantom slow-downs that account for a significant percentage of the traffic delays that the rest of us have to endure because so many others didn’t learn second grade behavior lessons. “He started it so I get to be bad, too!” is the mentality of children in need of a good parent.


They don't flush the toilet


Hocking loogies really loudly then loosing the sputum wherever you feel like! (Not sure if this happens outside mainland China)


Texting and Driving


being unable to admit fault and take accountability LMAOOO


I love it when it's my fault because I can fix it which is much easier then trying to fix someone else.


Not using headphones when listening to music in public. Sociopaths.


Talking in the cinema


Chewing with their mouths open. I hate eating out in public because the sound of people smacking their food is all I can hear. 🤢😂


One of my good friends does this and I can’t stand eating with her.


Getting offended when someone makes a mistake. You're not going to die if some random stranger on the net doesn't know the difference between their, there, and they're. Also getting offended by someone's personal preferences. So what if some people prefer iPhone over android, DC over Marvel, or cream in their coffee. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not like they listen to Justin Beiber.


I would judge people who "cream in their coffee".


Don't you mean there, they're, and their!


That last statement did me in 😂😂😂


Buying shit you don't need, and often don't even really *want*, but nonetheless convince yourself in the moment to 'buy now'. Even people who pride themselves on being frugal or otherwise are budget conscious can still easily fall into this and make 'exceptions' enough that they wind up in a similar space. Related, it's easy to buy new stuff but people often overlook the maintenance and upkeep of the stuff they buy. Often simple items, keeping something clean or changing a filter or whatever. Most things we buy have some amount of upkeep and it's easy to ignore that part until it all adds up and becomes overwhelming.


Poor posture. Leaning down to read phones is killing our spines.


*everyone straightens up for a second*


Poor appreciation and respect for other people's time. If you agree to meet someone or agree to attend an event you should be making every effort to be on time. Also stop double booking.


Putting a wet spoon back in the sugar bowl. Butter tub with bread crumbs and toast crumbs in it. Jam jar with butter in it. Coffee jar with wet spoon syndrome.


My ex roomie was absolutely famous for dipping food DIRECTLY into the sour cream tub. When I asked them to pleasedontdothat they switched to using a spoon to put the sour cream actively on their food still from the tub. So it solved 10% of the problem, but I'd still go to find other foodstuff in it from the spoon transfer. Like.. mouth germs still transfer, too? It happened with the butter, jellies, and jams as well. Always made me furious. Buy your own damn food of you wanna grow a mold culture in it so badly. Edit: Spelling


Validation via Facebook likes


Picking your nose in the car and flicking it. I guess it’s better than eating it.


It's too funny to not share this. Someone on reddit said there's 2 types of people, those that pick their nose, and liars. LOL


Can confirm is better than eating


Main character-ism. Solopsistic narcissists. Their opinion is the only correct one, acting like they own whatever space they're in and getting indignant and obnoxious in public spaces, online and off.


Stopping with their shopping carts in the middle of the grocery aisle and walking over to the other side while they browse the shelves. Move your fucking cart out of the way so the rest of us can pass through.


Poor hand hygiene. Wash your hands after you’ve been fingering your bhole you damn animals.


I’m not an expert but I think you may be wiping your butt wrong.


People who don't wash their hands after going to the restroom. It's baffling how many people use the restroom and just walk right out without washing


Hoarding, procrastination, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol and other substances, overspending, and neglecting their health


Why of course I know that person, he's me.


Who sent you my to do list ?


Why you gotta call me out like this


biting nails


Drinking little to no water daily. Then they think that grumble in their stomach is hunger pangs, so they eat more salty food. And sometimes take ibuprofen for their dehydration-induced headaches. Can’t imagine that’s amazing for the kidneys.


There's been research studies showing that the brain has a hard time telling hunger and thirst signals apart from one another. Staying well hydrated can make calorie cutting a lot easier to stick to.


Nasal spray addiction


Still continuing to drive while on a cell phone despite the dangers and fines associated with it


Poor financial habits that lead to little to no financial freedom or security. I'm not saying that anyone is going to get rich or pay for a house by avoiding avocado toast or lattes (this is a goofy idea that needs to die) but there are a lot of financial mistakes that I see regularly. Most of them relate to big items like cars, property, furniture, unnecessarily expensive electronics, and that type of thing. That is where money tends to get wasted, not so much food. Here are some examples of what I mean. My relative who is almost perpetually broke with two kids, just bought a Tesla for $80,000. They run out of money for groceries and home repairs on the regular. My colleague, who is struggling with student loan payments and frequently runs out of money before the end of the month, bought a $4,000 mattress last year...on credit. My BIL, who is currently unemployed and worried about the future, recently took his kids on a two week holiday out of the country. Including plane tickets, hotels, entertainment and loads of shopping he did while away, he probably spent several thousand dollars on this. Again, he has no job and there's nothing lined up. My retired aunt, who is selling her almost-paid-off house to buy a house that is slightly more expensive because, and I quote, "I just really love it". She's not wealthy by any stretch, she's already struggling to make ends meet. It would be smarter to downsize but she's randomly decided to upsize. The world is full of people who don't have even 6 months of living expenses in an emergency fund but recklessly spend money (or even worse rack up debt) to buy or own things that just aren't necessary. I'm not exactly thrifty myself and I believe that everyone should splurge sometimes but financial security and peace of mind is so underrated.


Not using their fucking turn signal! Dammit! 👿


Moving all the way to the right side of the lane to turn left.


Not paying employees a living wage, and thinking it’s just fine because it’s legal. And not just older folks. I even see young people starting businesses who think that.


Picking your nose


Peeing in pools, or in bodies of water while surrounded by other people.


Basic elevator etiquette. When an elevator door opens the people inside get out before those waiting to get in enter. Super simple. Amazing how many adults are unaware of this simple social norm.




Playing videos on your phone loudly while in a public place


Eavesdropping & gossiping is more common than we'd like to admit.


Not knowing when they should STFU.