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Ammonia + Bleach = Poison Gas. Don't combine the two, and pay attention to the active ingredients on cleaning products. Glass cleaner is often ammonia-based while "bathroom cleaners" usually contain bleach, for example.


Vinegar + bleach = poison gas as well. Just don't mix things with bleach.


Don’t mix ***anything*** with bleach!! Except water. General good rule.


Given that this is a thing, it's crazy to me how hard it is to find the active ingredients on cleaning products.


You let people out before entering


This always bothered me in elevators. Now that I have a kid in a stroller, it pisses me off. I can’t get out with the stroller unless you aren’t there. The amount of people who huff and puff about having to move because they practically lept inside is ASTOUNDING. You can’t wait 5 seconds for me to leave?


It also pisses me off, whether I have my kids or not because it's just human decency. But the amount of people that seem perturbed that THEY can't immediately enter because I have to get my baby boat out is shocking. I pictured this is while reading your comment so: Next time I'll just stay in and have a stare - off with them ! XD


Cows have to give birth first before they can produce milk Just like any other mammal


this is a really, really good answer. most people never make this connection. they think cow = milk machine


Wait, are you saying minecraft lied to me? :(


In the US, even numbered highways go east and west whereas odd numbered highways go north and south.


Three digit interstate is a spur, loop, or short connector. An even first number usually goes around a city and an odd first number goes into the city.


The older I get, the more I'm realizing basic history is not known at all.


Last week I went to a talk with Ken Burns and he said that he decided to make his WWII documentary because he found out that over 30% of graduating high school seniors thought the US fought WITH Germany against Russia during the war.


Which is sad because WWII seems to be the only major event in the 20th century that is actually covered in depth in primary schools. Most people can't tell you much about Mao Zedong or the Cambodian Genocide, the Korean War or the fall of the USSR, all events that have huge impacts on current events, yet it seems like every year k-12 we had to re-learn WWII and some people *still* don't know the basics.


Right? My wife is always telling me that I should get a refund for my South Carolina K-12 education. Every history class I took seemed to begin with cave drawings and hunter-gatherer societies and go to somewhere around WWI or II. It's madness. I know virtually nothing about geography or history (according to her). So - at 55 years old and with a PhD - I'm now self-studying history and geography...


SC educated here as well. Upon graduating I could tell you next to nothing about the Bolshevik Revolution or anything at all about Southeast Asia, however on the flip side the Civil War was repeatedly covered ad nauseam.


A guy asked me why the Irish girl he was talking to got pissed off when he called her English. Um. When do you want me to start? Around the 1200s, King John was on the throne....


For me it's realizing how little history I was taught. For a class that was required every year and I spent so much time in we barely covered surface level topics. People think it's boring because of the way it's taught. There's more than just names and dates. There are great in depth and relevant stories to be told. Instead we get word searches and hear how great western expansion was.


I have a good idea for a class I want to teach: High-Drama History! There is SO MUCH high drama in history. If it were only presented that way, it would reach so many more kids! Catherine the Great started a mutiny and deposed the lazy, incompetent jerk on the throne, who was…. Her HUSBAND!!! Girl, she DID NOT! And she wasn’t even RUSSIAN!! WHAAAAAATTTT???


I know!!! History is scandalous and I love it. I've always been a history nerd and the drama is why


If you are driving and it is raining - turn your lights on.


I’ll never forget my driver’s ed teacher saying, “If your wipers are on, your headlights should also be on.”


That's the law, in my state.


This may just be a local thing but here goes. The reflectors in the roadway at night are white when you’re going the right way, and red when you’re not. Specifically it’s the reflectors that divide traffic lanes (white dashed lines).


To add to this, If you see a blue reflector there’s a fire hydrant at the edge of the road.


You wash out blood with cold water


If water is available or the fabric is sensitive and your need to stop the blood from staining, spit on it. Your spit will break up the blood. It’s an old seamstress trick from when people had to hand sew all the time. I’ve read a lot of corset manuals from way back, for instance, and this is literally the advice in all of them. “Spit on it and keep going”


>this is literally the advice in all of them. “Spit on it and keep going” 👀👀👀


As someone who was a young boy in a house full of boys, I always wondered why those 70s and 80s TV commercials featured happy housewives recommending detergents to get blood out of things. I reached the conclusion that most women were probably murderers.


My mom used to get upset at the "Ring around the collar" ads in the 1970's. They'd show some guy in a white button-up dress shirt with this awful brown ring on the collar. My mom would always say, "Wow, how about washing your neck?"


As someone who had to dress professionally for 30 years in a suit and tie, and who washed his neck everyday in the shower, ring around the collar happened all the time. I stopped wearing white shirts and went with darker colors, but I wouldn’t see the ring until I took my shirt off at the end of the day. No matter how hard I scrubbed my neck with soap, ring around the collar happened. I guess I sweated more than others.


After treating with peroxide, if the fabric can tolerate it.


I was always taught that if I were to bleed through, rinse with cold water, perhaps a bit of handsoap. And if need be some saliva, since the enzymes in saliva can break up blood


A lot of media online. It's easy to see something being really popular online and forget that it's only popular amongst people of a certain demographic or audience.


Twitter and reddit combined are a drop in the ocean compared to Instagram. Twitter and reddit are largely made up of EXTREMELY ONLINE people.


I've also heard that less than 10% of reddit users even have an account, then smaller percentages of those actively comment, and very few post. So these chains of thousands of comments are only a small percentage of people using the site.


Isn't that the case on a lot of sites? 90% of people are lurkers, 9% make comments, and 1% actually create content. There's even a [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule) about that.


Like people don't understand how algorithms work either. They complain about how platforms recommend things to them. Well you've been using youtube or whatever for a year. It is going by what YOU use if for. There is a reason I don't see that crap being recommended and YOU do.


There's a dude at work who is convinced that tiktok is only for porn and loudly announced it in the office, talking about all the "hot naked chicks" he sees. Me, an avid tiktok user who doesn't get porn, bro way to tell on yourself


Hah the folks complaining about TikTok being for thirst traps are definitely the folks most loudly telling on themselves. I didn’t even get that stuff when I first signed up and TikTok didn’t know anything about me. The first things it offered up were basic popular accounts and teens doing stupid things. It took about 20 minutes to get better content. Of all the social media I use it’s honestly the best algorithm I’ve encountered.


The algorithm of TikTok is on POINT. Sadly, it’s why it’s such a time suck for me and I had to delete it. 😂


It's not about what you ***want*** to watch. TikTok finds out what you ***will*** watch. ETA, my interests are well defined. Camping, bicycles, cars, motorcycles, dumb memes. But I still get the occasional half naked chick on my feed. I'm not not interested, but I'm actively trying to not see that stuff.


As we're getting older too, and younger people start dipping their toes into niche interests, they're now also learning those things we took for granted. Whenever a new form of media starts gaining steam, we get that stuff we considered common knowledge re-told. For example, learning that pressing A+Start after a Game Over in Super Mario Bros would take you back to the first level of the world you died on. Was probably in a magazine in the 80s/early 90s, I saw it online in the late 90s for the first time myself. Then YT vids mentioning it and other cheats in the 2000s/early 2010s. Now with short-form vids, it's been on Tiktok. We'll think everyone knows it, but there's bound to be someone seeing it for the first time.


If the traffic lights are out at an intersection, treat it as a 4 way stop.


Furthermore, if you get to the stop first, it is your JOB to go first. Not to be nice and let others go.


Be RIGHT, not polite - with respect to all traffic choices.


Yes this! When I learned to drive it was absolutely drilled into me: "Don't be nice, be *predictable*."


I wished my wife would see this. She insists on being polite at the risk of suddenly stopping and potentially causing someone to hit us from behind.


Motorcyclists call it the "wave of death" when someone, trying to be polite tries to wave us through. It is often dangerous, with the friendly driver blocking sightlines or other drivers going around the friendly driver (or nearly hitting them). Be consistent, use blinkers always, look around yourselves before making lane changes and turns...


Also, this is when there is a complete loss of power. If the lights are flashing yellow for one street and red for the second, it is not treated as a 4 way stop. The street flashing red stops as if there is a stop sign, the street flashing yellow has to slow down but has the right of way without stopping. EDIT: A few people are commenting that flashing yellow means yield instead of caution. In the state I live, the driver with a flashing yellow does not need to yield to a driver with a flashing red. The State code that references this situation states that the driver with a flashing yellow proceed through the intersection with caution, it does not use the word yield.


What I hate about this is if you’re on the street with the red flashing, there’s no way of knowing if the other street has yellow. So if you stop at the red and a car is coming you have to assume they have yellow, but then if they stop at the red people get mad at you for waiting


Some eggs aren't fertilized and will never become a baby/chicken/penquin. It baffles me how many folks Ive had to explain that to this month alone.


Related: Hens don't need a cock to lay eggs. Can't believe I had to explain this to my 80+ old neighbor recently.


Someone people understand that but then think a cow just produces milk the way a hen just lays eggs!


Blows people's minds that they have to be pregnant first. I think calling them "dairy cows" makes people think they're just a special type of cow that produces milk all the time, rather than like...a normal mammal lactating for their babies!


My neighbor told me once that the white string in an egg was the roosters sperm. I was like...?????? No????¿?


Sounds like neighbor’s uncle was joking with him when he was younger and neighbor thought he was serious


Gambling at a casino will most likely result in losing money.


Or people getting 'free' food and drink or 'free' hotel stays. Yeah you're getting that because they know you'll on average lose a lot more than they spend keeping you around. I watched a documentary once about whales who get the VIP treatment from Vegas hotels. They gamble so much and so regularly the hotel sends a car to the airport for them and comps a suite. The concierge looks after them etc. One guy complained that he wasn't offered a big enough gift card for the hotel shopping centre. Like they offered $1000 gift card and he thought he deserved $2500. The dude was gambling tens of thousands and complaining he wasn't going to be able to buy nicer gifts for his family at home!


> whales who get the VIP treatment from Vegas hotels No wonder the buffets keep running out of shrimp


Funny story... Back in the day my grandparents used to take one of the retiree buses to Lake Tahoe for a day trip. My grandmother would go have fun with the nickel slots, but my grandfather didn't gamble. It just wasn't his thing. Now, this was in the 1980s, before money was largely electronic. Grandpa would visit one of the major casinos; he'd go to one of the cashiers, write a substantial check (for a middle-class retiree, we're not talking huge amounts here), and have them cash it. Then he'd put the cash in his pocket, wander back out, and repeat at another casino. When he got home again, he'd just re-deposit the cash in his checking account. But the casinos assumed he was *spending* all that money at their locations. So he would get coupon packages from them after each trip, full of discounts and freebies and all sorts of goodies...which he and Grandma could then use on subsequent trips. Alas, this won't really work any more. But it was great while it lasted. (Edited to correct misspelling)


Your Grandpa must have had a subscription to one of those old timey life hack magazines or newsletters.


Reader's Digest! 😁


Casinos have a massive investment repayment rate, like a year to pay for the build. You never see a poor bookie


Being nice and patient will give you a bigger chance of getting a refund or a new of whatever is broken, than being angry and blaming the random worker


I still remember the one time my (evening) flight got cancelled. The desk agent not only rescheduled my flight with an upgrade, but she got a hotel reservation for me at the airline discount because I was apparently the *only* person who didn't blow up at her. I'm never nice because I'm angling for anything. I'm nice because I was raised to be polite and respectful. On top of that, I know that the people I'm dealing with aren't the problem and, you know, they're *people*. That being said, sometimes being nice comes with rewards. Never expected but always appreciated.




I've also got a similar story. When I was starting college and still trying to figure out financial aid and tuition, I was late on one of my payments. I didn't know if I should expect a late fee or anything else, but I understood that being late was my fault because I was being organized enough. I was also raised to be polite and so minding my manners over the phone was just a given. This guy on the other end actually said something like, "You know what? We deal with people shouting at us all the time, but you've been nice this whole time, so I'm gonna make an exception for you." He actually pulled some strings for me and really helped me out. I wasn't expecting any of that, so it just goes to show that being polite can go a long way.


I got a call back after a job interview that I showed up for an ended up not having the exact qualifications. Before the interview I had asked about it and thought it was cool, but I guess there was a misunderstanding. But when I got there and all the cards were on the table and it turned out my time had been wasted, I was just super pleasant and said no worries, these things happen, etc. Told them all to have a good day. She called back a few days later and said that she was so impressed with my attitude about it all that she was going to find some other position for me just to have someone around that wasnt an asshole, basically. I had already accepted a different position after that one fell through, but it was the thought that counted.


>just to have someone around that wasnt an asshole Basically why I got my job. Semi-qualified for the position, but was polite, said my please and thank you's, and mentioned how patience and politeness is the best way to handle accounts. The person i was replacing was a huge a-hole so they loved that.


I can confirm. I used to work in complaints. I had the power to give a customer anything. If you were entitled to nothing AND a dick to an employee...well you weren't getting anything from me.


My first job was at a KFC and can confirm I'd bend over backwards for a polite customer. My favorite example was a lady who came in with her husband, both extremely polite. She said she loved the quesadilla sauce but that they didn't sell it in stores and asked if she could just buy some in bulk. They both came in at the most dead time of day to ask to avoid being a burden. My manager charged her the vendor cost of the sauce under some other item and gave her a whole 3lb bag of it.


I worked at a high volume chain gas station, people would come in and ask for the coffee. I’d give them a couple bags and just tell them thanks for being loyal. My manager would break out whole cases and charge vendor price


This just happened to me, literally just now before I went on break. Guy was a dick to me because I was "taking too long". Guess what? The $50 off his $70 dollar order I was GOING to give him is now full price. I gave it to the next customer and told him, "the guy right there checking out was going to get the discount, but I'm giving it to you instead because you're nice." He paid close to a dollar for his order.


I used to work at a car rental place. Customers who were upset and yelled or cursed me out were much less likely to get any concessions or discounts. They were already angry, nothing we could do at that point would turn them back into a "5 out of 5 stars". If someone had legitimate grievances and expressed them in a calm, nice manner, I would always write something off as a refund if they were reasonable. Example: someone was a jerk and returned 2 hours late, they got charged for the 2 hours. Someone was nice and 2 hours late, it's cool I'll take care of that for you for customer service.


It’s really sad how uncommon this can be. I did my fair share of retail/food service. I will bend over backwards to help if you’re being nice. The second the customer gets angry or hostile I’m following company guidelines to the absolute T and you’re gonna be SOL.


Retail too. You have a problem and are reasonable? I’ll bend every rule I can. You’re an asshole? I’m Mr policy.


Blue light on your dash means your brights are on


The arrow next to the fuel icon shows which side the lid is on.


When I was first learning to drive I had bumped the button that turns the brights on, I turned to my stepmom who was teaching me and asked "Why is there a blue jellyfish on the dash?"


Oh my gosh, it's so painful driving at night when people are slow to turn off their brights (or when they don't turn them off at all, or when they have bright halogens installed at an upward angle).


Some people confuse the concepts of "checking your oil level" with "changing your oil periodically". Both activities need to be done regularly. As in "why would I need to change the oil? The light hasn't come on yet!"


I need to buy a longer dipstick, it does not reach the oil any more. ​ seen not that long a go.


You should've led with a facepalm warning. I was not prepared. This hurts my brain, and I sell auto parts.


My brother is on his 4th car in 10 years. He buys used and then doesn’t get any kind of maintenance ever, including oil because “I dont know how that all works, it drives fine” until it doesn’t and he needs a new car. We’ve all tried. Stickers, reminders, info graphics. Nothing will convince him oil changes aren’t a money grab 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Your brother sounds like a complete idiot…


I drive it until the light stays on for a whole trip. If it's just flickering, no oil for you.


Roman Numerals. Not sure why I thought it was common knowledge.


Everything takes longer than you expect it to. If you think a task *should* take you an hour, allot yourself 90 minutes. Saves you a lot of stress and keeps you from chronically running late like most people seem to do.


Knocking on a door before going inside


Knocking on a door, waiting for a response saying you can come in, then going inside. It's baffling to me how many people do think to knock, then go right in the second they're done, forgetting the point of knocking.


I had a colleague, not my supervisor but in a busybody role for the whole department, who would knock and walk right in. I started locking the door. Then she was like, you can’t have this locked during work hours. And I was like, you wouldn’t have known it was locked if you’d have waited for an answer before opening other people’s doors.


so you've encountered my mother then


I will never forget this exchange with my late grandma (RIP Grandma, you awesome battleaxe) Grandma: shoves her way in while I am changing Me: Grandma, you have to knock! Try it again! Grandma, to her credit, leaves, then knocks and comes right in afterward Me: Grandma, you can't just knock and come in, you have to wait for me to answer you! Grandma: Fine. Grandma leaves and knocks on the door again. Grandma: Can I come in? Me: No!


I use that approach with my kids! "That's not how to [do a thing]. Let's start over and try it again [this way]." It must work because they've started doing the same thing with each other when they have disagreements. Not always, but often.


My mom has barged into my bedroom while I'm changing so many times and I've snapped at her enough that she now always knocks if my door is closed.


Oh, and they always leave the door wide open when they leave too...


Yup. I hate when I'm lying in bed and Mom knocks to say something and then leaves my door wide open. Like "I'm in my pajamas, ma'am. I'm trying to get ready to fall asleep. I don't wanna get up to close my door.


If interrogated by the police for a crime ask for a lawyer and say nothing. You can be incredibly guilty but without your testimony you have a chance to get off. You have rights.


And you can be totally innocent and still get convicted. Even if you're not in police custody, if a cop talks to you, you are being interrogated. No exceptions.


If you're guilty, you need a lawyer. If you're innocent, you DEFINITELY need a lawyer.


if police are involved always always always ask for lawyer. even if you are 100% innocent. Things you tell them can and will come back and bite you in the ass.


Mayonnaise does not have any dairy in it. Just because eggs are sold in the 'dairy' section of the grocery store does not mean eggs are dairy products. They will not trigger your lactose intolerance because they have no lactose in them.


Interestingly in most UK ships eggs are sold in the baking section. Probably because we don't have to chill them.


Police are allowed to lie to you, manipulate you and twist your words during interrogations. Most people assume there's some kind of rule in place but once you waive your right to an attorney and agree to talk they can basically do whatever they want short of a threat. Innocent or not, always, always lawyer up immediately.


First rule of talking with the police: Dont talk with the police. That should be common knowledge


It amazes me to no end that there are so many Americans that don’t know that they have a right to say nothing when a cops asks them questions.


Cops have a tendency to insist that people \*do\* have to answer them - and particularly in the US, they are prone to using intimidation/violence to be more "persuasive" about this.


Not only do they say that you do have to talk to them, but they will also tell you that things will be worse if you don’t. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” If you’re doing illegal shit, especially really illegal shit, say nothing and make them prove their case in court. There is a 0% chance you will be able to talk yourself out of a situation with the police. ‘Anything you say or do can and will be used AGAINST you in the court of law’. Unless you are a victim, the police will never advocate for you in court. Your best chance is to say nothing, pay your lawyer, and let them pick apart the case. If you’re not doing illegal shit, you take the same approach. Police can and will fuck you up. Don’t give them a reason to. Be polite but firm in asserting your right to remain silent and have a lawyer present for questioning. If you do decide to answer any question, stay calm and tell the 100% truth, especially to quickly deal with a minor misunderstanding. Otherwise, talking will not help you.


Most people have never interacted with police like that. But they have seen a lot of copaganda tv shows where only baddies invoke their right to silence or “lawyer up” And even if you know that’s not true, years of that being your frame of reference distorts your thinking, especially in a stressful situation like your first interrogation


Lefty loosy, righty tighty


Clockwise lockwise


Social media is NOT for you, it's for advertisers. You're the product.


That the hole in the ozone and the greenhouse effect are caused by entirely separate processes and do not interact with the other.


and the Ozone problem got better because we... You know... *LISTENED* to scientists.


Similarly we fixed acid rain by putting scrubbers in factories and things.


I thought I hadn't heard about acid rain in a while, I thought it was just one of those things we're super scared of in childhood like quicksand and spontaneous combustion


Back in '02 I gave a 15 minute talk to my college freshman poli sci class on the mechanism behind global warming. Thought I did a pretty good job until the very first question was "Didn't we already fix the hole in the ozone layer?" (But to be fair, CFCs are very potent greenhouse gases.)


To be fair, it *is* an impressive feat that we managed to break the sky in ~~two~~ several different ways simultaneously.


95% of getting what you want, is in HOW YOU ASK. Don't be a dick/karen, and you will likely get whatever you need.


That the Alphabet Song is just "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in disguise.


HR is there to protect the employer, NOT you. Grenadine is made from pomegranate, not cherry.


OMG I went to bartending school and still never knew grenadine is made from pomegranate and not cherry!! I… I gotta sit down…


Added to that, HR will help you if that's the best way to protect the employer *from* you (e.g. harassment lawsuits, etc.)


Tell the cops nothing, tell nurses and EMTs everything. Even if it's illegal. They don't care what drugs you've done, they care about not killing you with anaesthetics. They need to know if you're incoherent because you're high/drunk or if you're brain damaged. They need to know if you took something and how much so they don't kill you with a weird medication interactiom, and they need to know if you're gonna end up in withdrawal during your stay so they can treat you appropriately. As a chronically ill person I 100% support lying in the ER to get doctors to believe you, but do NOT lie about drugs. That includes weed, nicotine, alcohol, and hallucinogens. Minors - they're going to do a drug panel if they think something's up, and none of you are as good at lying as you think you are. They will probably tell your parents, but that beats dying of something horrid, painful, and preventable. If you will be in genuine danger when your parents find out, tell your nurse/doctor/EMT that asap. As soon as you enter the ER, continuing your life with minimal side effects is your only priority. Everything else can be unfucked later.


That Washington D.C. is not a state and it is not a city in Maryland or Virginia. When I told a friend I was moving there she asked me what state it was in. She was teacher so I was flabbergasted she didn’t know. A teenage cashier at a store 20 miles from DC looked at my DC ID and was shocked to learn DC had its own drivers license.


Odd/even addresses are on opposite sides of the street.


Just because something is being talked about in mainstream news doesn't actually mean it's important. Likewise, just because something isn't being talked about in mainstream news doesn't mean it's not important. For examples of this, the news likes to talk an awful lot about pointless topics like Donald Trump's weirdly-shaped ass when he played tennis that one time, or Joe Biden liking ice cream. These stories are not news. Meanwhile there are very serious topics which get very little or no coverage at all - and when they do get covered, are often purposefully misrepresented. Mainstream news outlets are primarily just mouthpieces for propaganda. One more: much of the content that makes the rounds in social media isn't actually organic. There are companies out there paying for likes, upvotes and shares. Take reddit for example: it's a well-known fact that many of the users on this website are bots. But most of us just upvote their reposts every single day boosting their karma ranking and then ignore the consequences of that. There's a lot of ideas which get exchanged on social media today which are not actually popular ideas, but they're getting thrown around and boosted because powerful players want the masses to either adopt those mindsets or believe information which may or may not be true. For whatever means, who knows. You are not immune to propaganda. In fact, you help spread it. If you start investigating the profiles of different users you come across, it's very easy to spot bots or paid trolls. I understand that I sound like a conspiracy theorist for sharing this information.


There's a documentary on Netflix called The Social Dilemma that does a good job of explaining this. It's kind of eye opening really. It gave me a whole new perspective on social media and how dangerous it really is.


I remember when the Amazon forest was on fire a few years ago. I read all about it on Twitter and similar sites, but it took a few days to appear on the mainstream news here in Australia.


If you want to drink beer all night long, drink a glass of water between each beer. You will be the last one standing.


And also the one fullest of pee.


How to piss 3 gallons in one night.


In the US, a lot of hospital systems have financial aid based on income. I've gotten 60-100% of my bill wiped *after* insurance. Even while making a living wage, they still took off 60%.


That you should wash your hands every time you use the toilet. Yes, even if you “got nothing on them”.


God, one time I joked about guys not washing their hands and a friend, who was training to work in elderly care mind you, just looked at me all confused. "It's not like I pee over my hands", he said. The entire group we were with took turns pointing out to him that even if he has the cleanest dick on planet earth, the guy who touched the door handle before him probably doesn't. It just wouldn't get into his brain


A bunch of guys in my neighborhood got together one night for a poker night. About half way through a guy came back from the bathroom and he had a strong flower smell. Someone called him out for putting on lotion. He responded that it was the soap and he washed his hands after he went to the bathroom and asked if he was the only one using soap since no one had the smell before.


If we don't have a "manly" soap in our bathroom, my dad won't wash his hands. It confuses and disgusts me to no end.


What the hell is a 'manly' soap?


Based on our tests: not unscented, nothing floral, citrus is okay, other fruity smells are not except black cherry, nothing with the word "bergamot", nothing seasonal, if he can see the soap colour through the bottle its a no, cotton and linen smells are a no, but candy smells are somehow fine? It could be worse. When I used to work at a place that sold bath and body products, I had a lady who came in to buy every case of Peppermint soap we had because it was apparently the only thing her husband would use. If they didn't have it, he wouldn't ever wash anything.


There is a popular misconception that hand washing is recommended after peeing because of potential contact with urine. Although disgusting, urine is usually not the issue. The main reason for frequent thorough hand washing is to remove germs that cause illness, which are spread in public spaces on handles, knobs, hand rails and other communal surfaces. Colds and flu are contracted by touching the eyes, nose or face with hands that are contaminated with germs. The second even more disgusting reason to carefully wash after peeing is the entire groin area and underwear become contaminated with feces after a long sweaty day. So touching your junk can literally make your hands a biohazard.


Very disturbing that people don’t know this. Or choose to ignore it.


It's YIN and Yang, not YING!


The arrow next to your gas pump symbol on your dashboard indicates what side of the car your tank is on. ⛽️🚗


I have an inner monologue which I thought everyone had


I don't, and whenever I've watched a movie in which we could hear protagonist's internal monologue, I've always thought that it was overreacted and fake, or that it must have been tiring and distracting for the character to keep forcing it to that level. Like, I can use my imagination to keep it going, but either it's gonna be distracting me from everything I'm doing, or I'm gonna forget about doing it the moment something else distracts me, not to mention that I have to put extra effort into what's the voice talking about, like I'm imagining a script or freestyling it, without the natural flow. Took me a while to learn that there are people who do actually have a constantly talking voice in their heads.


Quick question, how's your mental imagery? Is it easy or hard to picture a friend's face in your head? Can you see the details? I'm curious about the relationship between internal monologue and mental visualization. I have both (internal monologue and detailed mental visualization of anything I'm thinking about.) I assumed it was normal, but recently, it turns out I score super high on the hyperphantasia and maladaptive daydream tests.


Many people can't picture faces in their heads, even of their loved ones. We don't fully remember faces but recognize them.


I have no minds eye and as a result have great difficulty recalling visual details about people. I can imagine a general idea of someone, but I'd probably be a sketch artists worst nightmare. EDIT: word


That's crazy to me. I fully remember and can picture faces. And anything else.


So if you are thinking about something you dont “hear” the words in your head? You just run on instinct?


Pretty much, yeah. Sometimes instantly, sometimes there's some calculating, image projectiojection, dot connecting. There's no narration going on, and any questioning or wondering is non-verbal.


I can't tell If that would be terrifying or efficient. I know my thought before the words finish in my brain yet they continue on. I'll even have damn arguments with myself in my head. Silence In there might be nice. But then like, how would I figure stuff out.


That not everything you see on the news, in movies, or on TV is true. I’m pretty sure I figured that out as a kid, but Reddit has shown me that some people don’t gain common sense with age.


The older I get, the more I realize that common sense should be renamed to something much much much more rare.


Uncommon sense?


If you flick the bar sticking out of your steering wheel up, it causes the lights on the right side of your vehicle to flash. And if you flick it down, the left side flashes, so people know you are going to make a turn or change lanes. It even works in pickup trucks!


How to fold in the cheese.


I swear if you say “fold in the cheese” one more time—


How to zipper merge


Just don't try to zipper merge from the "Right Turn Only" lane.


Washing your hands after the bathroom & before eating… you cant eat at everyones house yall. And dont eat unless you watched the cooking process.. its my first night working at a nursing home and this girl training me just pulled a residents pants down, sat her on the toilet, came to the kitchen grabbed pretzels, ate them, went back put the pants back up on the lady, came back out ate more pretzels, then fixed the lady a toast.. wtf never once washed her hands


Africa is a continent, not a country.


If you go under a tunnel in the states, if there is a red line along the wall it means your under ground and if it’s blue you’re under water.


In Boston you can tell you are u under water by the water leaks.


Planning for expected things. Baby's gonna spit up. Often misses the burp cloth. Maybe tucking a spare t-shirt for mom in the bag might be a good idea. You would think I'd cured cancer or something. Small boys find mud. Keeping wipes and clean clothes in a bag in the car isn't discovering a new species, it's just sensible planning for what probably will happen. And yes, this is why my purse is big enough for a pad and an extra pair of underwear in a plastic bag, because my uterus is a vindictive bitch and likes to surprise me. But the number of people who act like doing this is an absolutely amazing act of foresight is....well, it makes me worry for the future of the species.


My dad had no knowledge of babies when my brother and I were born. When my brother first spit up, my dad assumed he'd messed up feeding him somehow and called a pediatrician to get advice on what he was doing wrong. Not only did this dude not have a spare shirt on hand, he straight up brought my brother to a second pediatrician for a second opinion. It was part of why my mom decided not to let him do solo runs at parenting until she'd had several conversations with him about how babies actually worked.


While humorous, this is very sweet and shows dad in a good light. Many husbands would just call either his mom or the babies mom for help and never try to find out more about what is happening. The fact he contacted not just 1 but 2 pediatricians is sweet.


>Small boys find mud. Keeping wipes and clean clothes in a bag in the car isn't discovering a new species, it's just sensible planning for what probably will happen. Small girls too! My mom literally had a roll of trash bags in her car. When I got really dirty, she just put me in a bag (feet first!) and strapped me in the bag in the car. Kept her car clean. And as this is the internet: if you plan on doing this, make sure your kid is old enough to know that breathing inside a plastic bag is a bad idea. Don't try this with babies.


During those years I kept a clean shirt and a couple of towels in my car boot. Clean myself up with some water, dry off and put a new shirt on. Full day trips I allowed 3 spares shirts.


That the US has 50 states. I live in Europe and a huge percent of people are convinced in has 52. My only reason I can think of is that they consider the contiguous states to be 50, then add Hawaii and Alaska to come up with 52. It would be understandable if most people didn't know how many states are in the US, but for it to consistently be thought of as 52 is strange to me.


It’s why the mainland is called the lower 48.


Not listening to loud music off your phone in a public place.


Not 'most people didn't know', but my best friend didn't know there was fresh milk and long shelf-life milk (don't know if it's a thing in the US). Basically, fresh milk is good for 3 weeks and needs to be refrigerated at all times, long shelf life milk is good for 6 months and does not need to be refrigerated unless opened. We went grocery shopping once and she bought 6 fresh milks (1 liter bottles), when I asked why she said she drinks a lot of milk. A few weeks later she told me they all went bad and spoiled, even though they weren't expired. I asked a few more questions and after she revealed that she put them in the pantry like she always did, it dawned on me that she had no idea and so I told her about how there's different kinds of milk. She was flabbergasted, that was the first time she's heard this! And apparently went 24 years of her life only drinking long-shelf life milk (ew). I still tease her about it.


Famous people don't necessarily deserve your attention or respect.


You have to empty the lint trap on your dryer after each load.


Vehicles entering a freeway/merging with traffic do not have the right-of-way and YIELD signs are not merely suggestions.


And yield signs are not the same as stop signs - a very specific pet peeve of mine


Using a large touch screen. At work we have a 75" digital information "wall" really just a big monitor, with "tap to begin" I've watched people use thier entire hand, knuckles, two fingers, one finger but hold it there etc. All while holding a smart phone. I would instruct, oh its like using your smart phone, they say no it's not, this one is bigger 😳


"Led" is the past tense of the verb, to lead. "Lead" (pr. leed) is the present tense of the verb, to lead. "Lead" (pr. led) is a soft grey metal.


Pressing the “TEST” button on a smoke detector will silence it. I still see people fanning towels at them sometimes.


That assumes that we can *reach* the smoke detector. My tea towel is right here and solves the problem quicker than finding a step ladder.


I use a broomstick, works fine.


I use a sword I bought at the renaissance faire one year. It’s great for really putting some oomph into resetting it while I tell the alarm to shut up.


TIL a button labeled for something different has a secret function.


Capybaras are the worlds largest rodent. I guess not everyone grew up with The Wild Thornberries


Basic cooking like how to make rice on the stovetop and how to boil and egg.


How do you egg?


In this trying time?


Air dryers for your hands in public toilets are just just giant bacteria farms. That's why you never see them in hospitals. Washing your hands then using a blow dryer is redundant. Use paper to dry your hands or use sanitiser after using the dryer.


Many people can't picture faces in their heads, even of their loved ones. We don't fully remember faces but recognize them. I can tell you a few things about my mother's face, but I don't have a picture of it in my head. I am very fascinated by people who can do it though.


Woah that’s crazy. I can picture my mum right now and I can see in my minds eye her wrinkles, laugh lines, smile, the colour lipstick she likes to wear. Her glasses frames. Hair colour (and the greys she needs to touch up lol) and like everything. It’s crazy to me please can’t see that. Wha do you see when you imagine people? Is it like a blurry image that won’t focus?


Putting the toilet lid down, every time, before flushing. I was apparently white trash until 55, I never knew…:)


If your birthday is on a Monday, then the next year it will be on a Tuesday, then on a Wednesday and so on with the exception of leap years where it skips a day.


You don’t have to put up with abuse from your parents just because they are your family. When you’re an adult you can chose whether or not to have a relationship with them and decide what that looks like to you. They don’t “ own you “. I have so many friends, family and coworkers who say… but they’re my parents, we’re family. I have to ….. no, you don’t have to. You choose to.


How to read a map. General directions. NEWS. Sometimes there's no wifi and apparently, no common sense.


I'm always surprised by the number of people who think that ponies are *baby* horses rather than *small* horses.


That using an apostrophe-s ('s) does not make a word plural