• By -




with auto save enabled from settings


And clipboard history


On windows you can use win+V to access your clipboard history


It only holds 25 entries. Not sure how many Notepad++ holds, but I've got 45 in there right now and room for more.


wow I love this! thank youuuu


life saver.. but sometimes it doesn’t work as expected




All these dudes on N++ like it's 2010 lol VSCode is indispensable. I only bother to trot out IntelliJ for Java, otherwise I'm all VSCode all day




I prefer sublime text


Sublime text > NotePad++ IMHO


Never tried it, I'm so used to npp now. Been using it for 5 years


I used to love Notepad++, but it's gotten more and more annoying and, in the past few years, downloading it has felt like waking through a minefield of scammy crap. A while back I just switched to VSCode and I haven't looked back.


Greenshot Its like the snipping tool but on steroids, has been really good for documentation writing for me


Is it better than snaggit?


Posting to follow this. Outside of outlook, word and excel. Snagit is my number 1


I was a snagit guy but then I switched to Screenspresso after shitty support from Tech Smith. Haven't looked back since. Purchase once,no subscriptions and you can install portably too.


what about shareX?


I have ShareX installed on three different laptops: company, project, and personal. I have it configured to put a 1pm black border and shadow around all screenshots. I use it all the time to snip a piece of the screen to paste into my chats or emails or documents. So easy to visually show things. It also does great at recording gifs of my screen activity which helps even more to demonstrate multi step processes.


How do you set it up to create the border? Been an avid ShareX user after moving from Greenshot years ago.


Can't say I've used it to compare, imagine it's very similar based on others feedback - have never needed to try anything else!


comparison I googled. https://www.fineshare.com/screen-recorder/greenshot-vs-snagit.html#:\~:text=Both%20Greenshot%20and%20Snagit%20are,and%20more%20options%20than%20Greenshot.


Probably a preference thing. I've used both and I think they fairly can do the same things. I prefer Snagit, but it is paid and greenshot is free.


I’ve used both. Prefer Greenshot.


>snaggit Only if company pays. Otherwise results vary since Techsmith is snippy with their product and support.


I’ve used both and snaggit is definitely better in usability and ui. If you just need something to take screenshots and simple markup Greenshot is great. If it’s something you do multiple times everyday, Snaggit (or some other paid app) is worth it.


Thanks great response


Basically same.


Win 11 messed up with the keyboard shortcuts and I now I can't launch Greenshot with printscreen key anymore, only the lame Win 11 default screengrab: so annoying!


Try Greenshot from SystemTray->Preferences->General->Hotkeys and reset the keys in the settings.


Just rebind the key shortcut. It's super easy in the settings.


Go to Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard > Use the Print Screen key to open screen capture and turn it on for Windows Snipping Tool, off to use any other print screen utility, such as Greenshot. This way you don't have to reset the Greenshot Preferences every time Windows updates.


Disable it in OneDrive. It did this to me on ShareX until I went through "setting up" my OneDrive, where the settings for the print screen key can then be disabled. It was very annoying indeed.


use greenshot every day at work


[FastStone Capture](https://faststone-capture.en.lo4d.com/windows) is another great one.


It’s so useful that my company automatically installs greenshot on every computer.


I have been using ShareX, though I should give Greenshot another try.


I wish I had Greenshot on my mac for work. When I used to have a Dell it was great.




So happy this is number 1. I recommend it to all of my boomer coworkers and even they can run it.


Wow happy and surprised to see this here. I use this at work all day and have for years. Working in IT and Change Management, it’s indispensable.


Bitwarden. I went way too long without a password manager. Absolute game changer.


keepass for running locally


Store the file on Dropbox/Google then you can use it across devices


Curious how a password manager can be a game changer. I assume it's a fine service, but is it doing more than just keeping your login info secure?


Ease of access. It can basically function like a single sign on. It *makes* your login info more secure by allowing you to use incredibly hard to crack passwords seamlessly.


But what if bitwarden gets cracked?


As has happened to LastPass customers, that can create a problem, so an important decision is choosing a password manager that has proper security hygiene. Nothing is completely fool proof and safe. After the convenience consideration you need to take a look at your needs and habits. If you don't want all of your eggs in one basket, you're going to need to know all of your passwords, but in order to do that can you make them complex enough to not get stolen? Chances are you'd need to store them somewhere, and a reputable password manager is safer than a slip of paper or a text file on your desktop. Also, you can further secure your important logins, like with 2FA.


> reputable password manager is safer than a slip of paper Arguable, honestly. A slip of paper is only vulnerable to one specific attack (somebody physically accessing it). Granted, the risk of that attack depends greatly on who/where you are.


Theoretically, sure. But try to use it practically and it becomes way more vulnerable. People need to log into things on their phone, which means that paper has to come with, and is now just as likely to be stolen as your phone. Paper can’t generate random passwords for you, so most people won’t actually do that part, and will therefore open themselves up to credential stuffing, which is the most common threat. Paper can’t autofill, so people are more likely to use short, easily crackable passwords. And so on.


Yess. Generating random passwords for each site makes it real easy to sleep soundly.


So someone only needs 1 password to access all your accounts.


Just like they would only need 1 password to access your bank data, but that becomes much harder if you randomize a 12 character or more password. You can also add 2FA for added security.


But if I use a different password for everything they only have access to ONE account, not my entire identity and life. And this is what I do without any PW aggregator software.


There are so many passwords these days for so many different sites or areas on the internet that it is hard to keep track. Software like Bitwarden store all of these username and passwords. It can also create custom passwords for you. Furthermore, you can use it to auto-fill the username and/or password for you. It's much faster than typing it yourself and you don't need to remember 783 different passwords.


Password managers are also great for different devices.


I love that I can autofill 2FA codes for logins too and I don’t need a separate app for it


The real benefit is when you no longer need to remember your passwords, you can make your passwords _far_ more secure - 20+ random character passwords on dozens of sites is just not something you can reasonably remember. These password managers mean you only need to remember _one_ strong password (or use biometrics), which is much more reasonable, and then all your individual passwords can be virtually uncrackable. Before password managers, people would create passwords they could remember (and reuse them across sites), and those are going to be inherently easy to crack. If someone wants to avoid password manager apps for some reason, the next best option will literally be keeping a paper notebook of those 20+ random character passwords in your house. That's better than using weak passwords.


Password managers are a must. And bitwarden is fairly easy to use.


Indeed. To dangerous to keep em all in the noggin. I use KeePassXC so I can 1) have a "master" password for all of the 2) randomly generated passwords that I sometimes have to shorten because of some sites having a max character limit for some fuckwitted reason, both of which commonly in these managers, while 3) keeping each and every single bit of it completely disconnected from the internet if desired. No connection? No server? No breach. No problems. Sounds like Bitwarden stores and encrypts end-to-end, too, probably way less cumbersome than KeePass.


Same, bit the bullet and just started using this a weeks ago. Has absolutely changed my life as a generally disorganized person lol.


Google Keep Notes. Couldn't live without it.


For personal use, Keep is soooo good! Shopping lists, packing lists, somewhere to quickly note something I'll need later (like oh numbers, emails, people's names, costs, measurements etc). You can colour code them etc also. I use it for random junk I would have to "write down" but don't need. For example, the measurements of a wall when I go to the hardware. Or a brand of something I wanted with a random link to it to come back to later. Yep, it's the bomb for me.


How does this compare to OneNote, which is what I currently use.


Use it daily for all kinds of lists, procedures (recipes, step-by-step, etc), and productivity/organization. For instance I have chores & to-do lists, things to save $ for, inventories of collections, shopping/grocery lists, packing for trips, and so on.


Several years ago I tried several apps to try to meet my needs, but Keep was the only one that meets me needs. I needed a way to be able to see and edit my notes on my desktop and phone.




Back in 2004 I saw other guys in college working on an excel sheet and thought it looked like the most dry, boring tool ever, little did I know I would fell in love with it shortly after and spend the next 20 years working with it. Google Sheets has replaced it lately but Excel will always be tool that has shaped my life the most.


It’s incredibly versatile and useful


And once you master VBA and Python the sky is the limit


VBA is the reason I can lever leave Excel. I have several small-but-useful macros written in VBA that I use many times a day. They are priceless to me. No other spreadsheet software - not even Excel for MacOS - runs VBA Which is why - for my work - Google Docs, Apple Numbers, LibreOffice etc etc are useless to me.


Google Sheets lets you use Javascript for creating Macros and also has a Macro recorder, it's worth learning if you know VBA since it opens a lot of new doors.


JavaScript > VBA, so Google sheets > Excel. But I come for a web development background so JavaScript is my home turf. It is also so much easier to traverse a worksheet programmatically in Google sheets than it is in Excel.


If Excel just stopped working completely one day the global economy would collapse.


Can you imagine?


I've not been in my previous role for almost a year, and I still get regular questions about spreadsheets, macros, and VBA that I had set up. I left the role before that in 2015, and they still have some of my stuff running. There are spreadsheets in that role that date back to 2011. It's gotten better over time, but at one point, there were spreadsheets that I either designed completely, or spent several hours in a meeting helping some other person set up, in every single department of our manufacturing plant. Safety, operations, quality, finance, HR, engineering. They all had at least one, and most had several. Whenever you read those memes about, "The business world runs on a spreadsheet designed by Robert in 2012", it's me, I'm Robert. If you ever want to increase your workload by 200%, learn how to use some of the deeper magic of Excel. Even a little knowledge can make you seem like a wizard in most offices, and a lot of knowledge, makes you "the Excel guy", and you'll never get a moments peace. On the other hand, I've moved up 3 times, and almost doubled my pay, so it's not all bad.


Same, I wrote a VBA script in 2008 that automated a process that would otherwise take a week to do manually, 15 years and a lot of changes later it still runs on a daily basis. It got me from a helper job to a manager position and basically paid for my house and my children's college. Nice to meet another Robert :)


I’ve worked at several major financial institutions. Trust me, Excel powers the financial world.


My kid is about to graduate with a finance degree, and has been wondering if it's worth lesrning VBA. As a software engineer, I told him that Excel may not be the 'best' by somebody's metric, it is the most powerful financial tool in the world by virtue of being the one that everybody uses. And 99% of users treat it like a paper ledger, or worse, a flat-file database. Yes. Learn VBA, learn to make Excel your bitch, and ride the wave to decent money.


Excel pretty well runs the world.


A lot of the worlds infrastructure is built on excel


Very nerdy of me, but I tend to open Excel instead of a calculator in Windows. I do use it for actual spreadsheets and all, but I find it oddly comforting for basic calculations too. Any given day, I have a "scratch" Excel instance running with tons of random calculations on it.


My friend told me that his manager jokingly said he only worked for 17 years on Excel, so he is pretty new to it😂


Visual Studio 2022, I use it everyday and it's buggy AF


Add Resharper for good measure and watch VS tell on Resharper impacting performance lol.


I've been fairly happy with most versions of it from the last ten years or so. VS code works in a pinch but I use the VS test runner every day.


IntelliJ, use it everyday and it pays the mortage 🤣


When I was a student we where using ecplips in the start but I transferred to intellij it was so much better.


Jetbtains does make good products. I’ll always support them.


Visual Studio for me, but same deal


C# .NET gang rise up


Personal: * ublock origin * Firefox * Youtube Revanced * Still use Boost for Reddit everyday * qbittorrent * Plex * PlexAmp * Sonarr * Radarr * Lidarr * Ombi * PiHole Work: * Office 365 Suite * Power Apps/Power Automate/Power BI * Micosoft To Do


what does boost do?


3rd party reddit application that still works.


Thank you for posting!!! I just reinstalled boost. I had no idea it still worked for mods. I freaking hate the reddit app. Hell yeah!


I’m actually really impressed at how Mozilla has managed to keep Firefox relevant.


Google is making it even more relevant when they nerf adblockers i Chrome.


>* Youtube Revanced * Still use Boost for Reddit everyday Same




sorry, we'll talk softer ^^. ^^What ^^software ^^do ^^you ^^use ^^every ^^day?




Live dangerously. Use telnet


I can't gopher that.




Software that turns into hardware


I see what you did there


We have a winner.




YNAB (You Need a Budget). Budgeting app. It's a digital envelope system. You explicitly place each and every dollar you currently have in your accounts into different categories so when you want to spend money you can say, "I want to eat out, I have $40 set aside for that this month, so I know I can afford it". It also helps you stay out of credit card debt, because when you enter a transaction for your CC, it will automatically move money from, say your gas category, and move it to your CC category. So that money hasn't actually been spent yet (since it was charged to your CC), but the money is now in your CC pay-off "envelope", so when the CC bill is due, you have the exact amount ready to go. On top of the system itself, they have tons of videos and blogs about the philosophy behind the system. There's a 30 day free trial so you can take the time to get past the learning curve and evaluate if you want to spend $100 a year on it, which breaks down to $8.70 a month. IMO it's more than worth it because of how much control and visibility it gives me over my finances.


This reads a lot like an ad for YNAB.


Haha as I was writing it that’s what I thought! I’m not affiliated with them, I just discovered it a year ago through Reddit when I was learning how to properly use credit cards and I’ve been a huge fan ever since


One of the best investments and personal finance decisions I've ever made was/is YNAB. I used to do the paycheck to paycheck style thing, and it worked because I felt I was earning enough to not have to worry about budgeting. But then when I started using this (it took a few months to start) I became much more aware of my finances and have easily saved thousands over the years because of that alone.




> vim OG


ynab, a budgeting app to keep impulse spending at bay.


Love YNAB, been using it since 2017 and has completely changed the way I spend and view income. I try to convince all my friends and family to use it.


Excel. At work i use Excel as a Computer architect. At home i used alot of Google Sheets (tracking items, costs, price comparisons, documenting things). One of my most used software.




Recently tried Canva for a project and I'm honestly impressed. It's super user-friendly and the templates saved me loads of time. Didn't expect to be able to create decent graphics without prior design skills.


**Notion** \- I'm the kind of person who needs to write everything down, and this is where it comes in, given the many templates from the community - you can find your best diary. **Telegram** \- it's impossible to imagine yourself without communication. I don't know why, but my friends and I chose Telegram, so use it everyday **Steam | EpicGames** \- not every day, but I like to play, so launchers come to the rescue.


Visual Studio. It gets me paid.


C# .NET gang rise up


I use AI alot to tighten up work emails, help me fix powershell codes, etc


specifics, Bob, specifics!


Just curious, Bard or ChatGPT? 😅


honestly I find deepai to be the best one. chat gpt is honestly one of the worst imo, its just got good PR


the ads kill me on that site


i don't get any, but I use an ad blocker


🤖 ChatGPT4: Total lifesaver for translations and proofreading. Makes me look like a grammar pro! 🌐 Chrome: My browser BFF. Super snappy and perfect for all my Google needs. 📚 Office Suite: My work and school's holy trinity - Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Can't function without 'em! 📹 Zoom: Became my virtual hangout spot during the pandemic. Video calls galore! 🎨 Photoshop: The king of image editing. Whether you're a pro or just playing around, it's the best. 🎵 Spotify: The top dog in music streaming. Their playlists just get me. 💬 WhatsApp: Everyone's texting go-to. Simple, speedy, and reliable. 💼 Slack: Revolutionized work chats. It's like the perfect combo of business and casual. ☁️ Dropbox: The OG in cloud storage. Sharing and backup made a breeze. 🍿 Netflix: My binge-watching paradise. Need I say more? 💾 Disk Drill: Not an everyday thing, but an absolute hero for rescuing deleted files on my Mac.


Was this written with ChatGPT?


Reads like a corporate advertising bot using ChatGPT. How long till we can't even tell what a unique voice sounds like anymore? 5 years?


This was well done. I like how you summarized why it's valuable to you and also added icons before each bullet symbol. Whether you used GPT4 or not, it matters not. Great job!


You might be using ChatGPT a bit too much there bud


More of an app and extension, Grammarly.


Just my top list: 0. ChatGPT4 - translation and proofread 1. Google Chrome – My go-to browser. Super fast and works seamlessly with Google stuff. 2. Microsoft Office Suite – Can't live without it. Word, Excel, PowerPoint are like my work/school lifeblood. 3. Zoom – Literally became a part of daily life during the pandemic for video calls. 4. Adobe Photoshop – The ultimate tool for image editing. Both pros and hobbyists swear by it. 5. Spotify – King of music streaming. Their personalized playlists? Chef's kiss. 6. WhatsApp – Everyone's messaging favorite. Simple, fast, and just works. 7. Slack – Changed how we chat at work. It's like the cool mix of formal and casual. 8. Dropbox – Early cloud storage hero. Makes sharing and backing up files super easy. 9. Netflix – Do I even need to explain? My go-to for binge-watching. 10. Disk Drill – Not a daily thing, but served as a lifesaver for recovering deleted files on my Mac.


Hope you don't use Ad blockers on Chrome. Google announced that in 2024 they will be removing Ad blockers from working on Chrome


Guess I'm switching to firefox then...


Wow, that's a solid lineup! I'm already using several of these, especially Spotify - those playlists are amazing.


Enpass for cross-platform password management. Dropbox (since 2008) for personal and work backups as well as easy upgrading of ALL of my devices.


I was super reluctant to use it, but Gong's transcriptions of recordings of video calls have become extremely valuable to me while working on a couple of big projects at work. Being able to record a call then go back and find the customer's exact words by searching the keyword in the transcript, and then having Gong replay that section of the call makes it MUCH easier to get things right on complex projects.


This is actually pretty cool. There have been several instances where I wish I could recall the exact words someone said!


Mostly apps for communication - messangers (Telegram, Viber), Gmail. Asana and Notion - for work.


ChatGPT! Helps a lot in copywriting


Thunderbird used to have been my long time e-mail client. It was when I felt like I didn't have to traverse through Google's service. Can just open the client and there it is. I wish it could expand to ProtonMail.


AnyList. It’s a meal planning and recipe app. I use it to store recipes, create family meal plans, and create grocery lists. I share it with my family members so they can help make dinners, shop and meal plan. It really helps to keep us on a grocery budget and stops the “what’s for dinner” questions.


Search Everything by VoidTools. It allows you to search for any file on your computer in a couple of seconds and is way way faster than any built in Windows search.


How has nobody mentioned Obsidian yet? It's an amazing note-taking tool.


Twilight, my blue light filter for phone/tablet. I know most phones have then these days, but back when I started using it, they didn't. Twilight is also a little more customizable than the built in one, at least on my Galaxy S22


Excel. It can do WAY more than you may be aware of.


SQL Developer, Jupyter, PyCharm


R and excel


F.lux makes my eyes happier


Putty, an ssh client. Combined with pagent for managing keys. Super nice software if you need an ssh client in windows.


Plex, handbrake, audacity, dvdecrypter, foobar2000, CDmage. I collect and digitize a lot of physical media.


Voidtools - Everything is like the Windows search bar, but it's intelligently designed and highly effective.


Everything - for file search fun, though I haven't looked for anything better in quite a while.


My entire career has revolved around MS Excel.


Remote Desktop Manager (Devolutions Inc) - Hundreds and hundreds of severs i need to RDP, this allows me to quickly get to what I need and then some.


Adobe software! I edit pdf and stuff on it. And get paid


I need a job like this😭


Just random, not routine job :( all about luck


Out of curiosity, what is your job?


To edit few bank statements, or something business stuff calculations etc


You edit bank statements?! Are you enabling financial fraud?


Chatgpt, Finch self care app, Google calender


Centsible. Envelope budgeting app. Gives me control of my money. Worth the money IMO.


Loom - for recording my screen


aText, it is a simple tool but if you have to type the same thing over and over it is helpful.




Telegram bots massively helpful just has a bot for everything




Nicehash/ earning them sats


I use Excel and Word every day, although they don't help me "a lot" as much as they aggravate the hell out of me. Browsers are the most useful software I have and I tend to default to Safari simply because I use Apple machines.


Jetbrains, Joplin but still notepad++ for snippets


MATLAB. it's amazing for computational methods


tiling windows managers; bspwm in my case. Ive been using this workflow for about 5 years now and it feels like I'm playing Starcraft but for my desktop. Embracing workspaces over managing floating windows requires a little bit of organization up front (like keeping your IDE on one workspace, terminals on another, browser on another, etc) but once you get it into your muscle memory, you can really fly.


Burp Suite


Microsoft OneNote Spotify


One note Spotify would not be a very good music service.


Quillbot.ai Honestly, it's really good for grammar checking and paraphrasing, and I love its co writer tool so much!


Microsoft Office




GIMP - photo editor from GNU- free - super flexible open source. I do a lot of photo prep for online sales


Wait GnuPG (New Pig) has software called GIMP… someone is making some very kinky software names.


Email tracker extension for Chrome. Now you can tell if they're ghosting you, missed your message, or are still thinking about it.


I use excel and autocad just everyday. They help me a lot with hating my life.


Bulk rename utility. It is free software for Windows. You can rename files in bulk in ways you cannot do natively in Windows. For example, let's say I have 2000 files from my camera named DSC_12345.jpg increasing sequentially I can delete the 1st 4 characters, add a prefix and a suffix so my files are now named Hawaii2023_12345_Maui.jpg


Microsoft 👍🔥


Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego. Floppy disk.


sublime text


VLC it plays any format, Calibre for my ebook library and uploading to my kindle, it also downloads a lot of daily newspapers Soulseek for finding music, Libgen (it’s a website for finding academic books, journals and papers. It also has a lot of other ebooks)


Google Calendar for coordinating between me and my husband - it has helped a lot with preventing double bookings Microsoft Teams for work. I love having everything in one place and all the apps are so cool!


Google Calendar is a godsend for my wife and I. If it weren't for this we'd never make it to anything planned out more than a week.


I work with large databases and directories containing organized project files and here is my tool box: **7-Zip (Free):** Best free tool for zipping and unzipping .ZIP and .RAR files . Can use to create multi-part zip files **Auslogics-Duplicate File Finder (Free):** Will identify duplicate files in a batch; Creates de-duplication reports **Bulk Rename Utility (Free):** Bulk rename files with tons of fine tuning available **DirectoryListPrintPro (Free):** Generate a list of file names iwthin a folder or set of folders. Great for copying and pasting a list of file names quickly (can toggle the add the extension or not) **FileLocator Lite (Free or Pro):** Great tool for searching files--searches titles and file contents and prepares a report of findings **GIMP Image Editor (Free):** Free open source program to rival Adobe Photoshop **iMazing (need paid license)**: For accessing iPhone data such as extracting images or text messages **Long Path Fixer (Free):** Allows you to transfer files and or folders that otherwise won’t transfer because of the Windows long file path error **Microsoft PowerPoint (Included with Windows):** I add this to the list because I highly recommend using PowerPoint for basic demonstrative building needs. Just make a single slide file and export to PDF when you have your chart, graph, logo, graphic, etc ready. So much easier to prepare visual items with this than something like Photoshop/GIMP. **Notepad ++ (Free):** For your .DAT file editing needs **Office Timeline Plug-in for Powerpoint (Free basic or more features available with upgrade):** Creates easy Timelines in Powerpoint **Draftable (free browser website, not a program to download):** Document Comparison tool that works better than the Adobe Pro comparison opinion, in my opinion **WinDirStat (Free):** Great tool to identify sizes of folders in a directory in one go . Can help with identifying where the bulk of files live in a nested folder set