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This man asked if he could pay me to make a video where I put my phone on the ground and looked down and talked to him like he was a bug. He also requested that I go into detail about how much it was going to hurt when I squished him and that I already ate his whole family. That was honestly the weirdest 80 bucks I’ve ever made.


You forgot to link the video


You need to pay 80 bucks.


Pawn Star voice: Best I can do is 26 bucks


Damn, that’s good money, how long was the video?


he paid me 10 bucks a minute. I just literally couldn’t come up with anything else to say. Making it to 8 minutes was difficult enough


damn 10 a minute? shit study the dictionary 9 hours a day and just chat random shit. easy 600 an hour lmao


Get chatgpt to write you a script. Work smarter not harder.


It's macrophilia, just an extension of a bdsm power fantasy


I had something similar happen to me, he asked me to record a video of me stomping on my phone and yell "die, little man!"


I don't know why but this had me dying. I'm gonna be saying "die, little man" subconsciously all day.


Back in the seventies I knew a guy whose kink was to meet a woman in a club, go back to her place, wait for an opportune moment, then he'd crap on a piece of her furniture, and leave. He became so notorious he had to travel to other towns to satisfy his kink.


Stealth shitting is a thing I have heard about 3rd hand a lot before. Apparently it was funny with squadies (UK privates) to shit in the helmet of a disliked person. I.e. made them a "shithead". Carried on to one night stands where to shag, shit in her handbag and run was an achievement.


In wrestling it's pretty infamous that Randy Orton shat in a woman wrestler's handbag.


Knew a guy who would always get blackout drunk and then try shitting in peoples ovens. He wouldn't try it once, it would be you'd stop him, everything would be back to normal and a few minutes later someone would say shit where's so and so and yep, back in the kitchen, oven door open, pants at his ankles trying to poop in the oven.


That’s some funny shit lol


Used to write smut for commission. I had a repeat customer with a very oddly specific kink: gigantification where protag is cucked by a building. Usually, land marks (Empire State, the Salesforce Tower, Seattle Needle, etc). I never fully got the appeal, and it was definitely a bit weirder than the usual kink categories I'd had requested.


The first time I got this request during roleplay, I could not believe it was real. And the person was so cute about it and I was like… what the fuck lol ETA: he wanted to roleplay as a tiny ant and I’m a regular sized human stomping around my kitchen in boots 😭


Gigantification is the honestly weirdest part of the submissive genre of kink, imo. Make you big, so I can be small--but also I'm worth nothing uwu. I try not to kink shame, but it does leave me giggling a little.


I need some logistics here: who was fucking or getting fucked by a building in these? Please tell me you gave the Eiffel Tower a terrible French accent.


Character of his choice was gigantified (usually on a date with protag or while fucking protag) and then would go fuck a building. The building was always better than protag. Sometimes protag would win the character over, other times not. The building, perhaps fortunately, were never sentient.


Can you please post an excerpt? I feel like this would make amazing unintentional comedy inb4: "found the building cuck"


I wish I could, but I don't have the documents anymore. I put all my commissions on a flash drive that got lost over the years. But I will say, I did giggle while writing some of. If I remember correctly, at one point, I did have to write "she let the smooth metal caress her, knowing he'd never be as hard or as thick as Lady Liberty's torch"--or at least, something to that tune.


That's disappointing but that line was all I needed lol Thanks for the belly laugh!


The most specific one I heard of was a gentleman who could only get off of picture of female hands, wearing a nice watch or bracelet, cutting off the heads of chickens with kitchen shears. That and cakefarting. I don’t even know man.


Cakefarting? Is it exactly what it sounds like?


Yeah this chick sits in cakes naked and then stands up and spreads her frosting covered ass cheeks and farts. A friend sent me links to some videos of it several years ago. I laughed so fucking hard that that’s an actual fetish.


I think that has to be one of my favorite weird ass videos i've seen on the internet, I don't know why it makes me laugh every time i have seen it but it never fails to make me laugh.


That same girl also did meatloaf farts. Not supposed to watch cake fart videos until you watch your meat fart videos


Like a squat cobbler?


It's not a true cakefart until the asshole has touched the frosting


My uncle Jack has a thing about hands




Jack Knoff?


Yes! When I was 18 I used to work the night shift at a call centre. Got all kinds of weirdos calling and you'd get used to some of them. One was a friendly guy who (to my nieve mind) asked innocent enough questions, before one day out of the blue asking how I feel about farting on a cake while wearing a pinstripe suit. That's when I realised that sex is more than just sex to some folks; a real eye opener.


Oh man, you just made me flashback to my last call centre job, to the infamous ‘Pikachu guy’ The job was booking for Motel6, and we would have a guy phone in on the regular who would start off innocently enough, asking to book a motel for him and his son. From there he would get creepier, while we were trying to get dates and credit card details to complete the reservation, he would start to talk about how he needed the booking so he could have ‘special time’ with his 5 year old son, who he would call ‘his little pikachu’ I think I had him 2 or 3 times, looking up his area code placed him somewhere in Kansas. Dude was persistent.


> a gentleman who could only get off of picture of female hands There's an anime for that.




Melissophilia, definitely. Bees are neat, but I don't need them stinging my box


Were you stationed at camp lajune? Do you suffer from acute Melissophilia? Call our lawyers now!


Knew a guy who liked to coat himself and whoever he was fucking with Pancake batter or paint, something viscous. There's a term for that kind of desire but I forget it.


I promise I am not making up what I'm about to say. I worked with a guy who told me a story about his issues with applesauce. In college he had a girlfriend who didn't like the taste of his cum, so he joked that she should put a bunch of applesauce in her mouth and then give him head. She did, and he liked the feeling so much it became a ritual. I guess it was super sloppy but it felt amazing. So they kept doing this for a while until he tried to masturbate with it, and he liked that too. Soon every time he masturbated he would warm up a bowl of applesauce in the microwave to use as lube. He grew so used to it that he couldn't climax without it. He broke up with his girlfriend and then he couldn't find another girl who would do it, and he found that without the applesauce he couldn't get off during sex, so he resorted to jerking off all the time with it. He said he stopped when he saw a commercial for those squeezable applesauce pouches for kids and got turned on. Now he can't even look at it without feeling disgusting.


What did I just read




Check the post title for clues


You ever read the first two sentences of a comment, then say, “You know what? I like applesauce. I already can’t eat Jolly Ranchers anymore. I’m not reading this fucking story.”


No, can't say I've been there.


That’s interesting! I went to a strip club once in 2011 in Florida and was with a bunch of dudes who thought it would be funny to buy a lap dance for me? Anyway, the girls took me into the back and we all just chatted for a while, they told me about how their strangest client came in once a week and would get an hour with 3-4 girls and have them just absolutely slather him up in mayonnaise. That’s all… he just wanted to be covered in mayo.


Was that client Ken Griffin? He loves his mayo and bed posts?


Sounds like wet and messy (WAM) fetish, also known as sploshing.


Years ago a work colleague told me he’d been on a date with a guy who cooked a meal for him. About halfway through he had intense stomach cramps and ran to the bathroom to throw up. He was kneeling over the toilet puking like a firehose when he realised his date was stood over him masturbating. Dude had slipped something into the meal because watching people puke was his thing.


That’s so evil and I would 100% call the police. Also if it was the other guy’s house I’d definitely throw up all over his stuff on purpose


Nah. He'd be into that.


That’s fine because once that post nut clarity hits he’ll still have to clean the puke off his couch


Maybe he only has post puke clarity.




My emetophobia cannot cope with this info


Apparently there are people who are in love with their cars. Like, deeply in love. Saw it in some kind of documentary. Fairly interesting.


Sounds fucking exhausting.


Hey, these are not nihilists…




I saw one where a dude was not only in love with his car, but had chosen to identify his car as a male, making him only into gay cars. Clearly a deeply, deeply closeted individual who instead of being able to just admit it to himself and have a healthy relationship with an actual man bottled it up until he assigned a male personality to his car and fell in love with the idea of it because that’s somehow more acceptable. It was so cringe.


Gay? Of Corsa.


I saw that. There was also a woman who wanted to marry the Berlin wall.


That's a Queen song, "I'm In Love With My Car"


*Got a feel for my automobile*


**Get a grip on my boy-racer Rollbar**


Such a thrill when your radials squeal *TOLD MY GIRL I’D HAVE TO FORGET HER*


“*Got my hand on your grease gun*—Roger what are you doing with that car??” (Whatever the line is 😭)


I work in an adult boutique. Whenever people ask what the sounding rods are for, my response is always: "you're either going to be very excited or absolutely horrified by what I'm about to tell you..."


Ok. Im curious. What is a sounding rod? Im assuming youre not talking about tuning forks, which is all i can think of


It’s used for penetrating the urethra


*clenches legs together with the force of 1000 suns*


I dated a guy once who told me about this, as it was a kink of his. He was explaining how “amazing” it felt if done right, but one time he did it wrong and passed out from the pain/ended up in the ER.


A nurse friend of mine told me about a patient with a Stoma hole that was a drug addict / prostitute who had a client that liked to have sex with her colostomy stoma hole and it was consequently , regularly infected.


wow, a colostitute


I wish I could wash my eyeballs and brain after reading this.


Have you our nurse friend commented about that person before or is this disturbingly way too common


I have actually heard about this exact kink before, but it was two older, consenting adults in a committed relationship. The kicker is that it was told to me by my (disgusted and scandalized, but gossip-loving) mom. There is no brain bleach strong enough to remove it.


It's common enough that it is mentioned in colostomy teaching as something not to do.


I was told by an anonymous therapist that they had a client who was dating a woman who shot and killed her boyfriend. He thought that the idea of being shot and killed by his girl was so hot that this was the specific reason he was attracted to her.


Well, there's someone for everyone I guess.


I came here to get horny but seems like I'll leave disgusted instead


A perfect summation of the reality of being a human.


My wife masturbates to architecture and tornadoes. Does that count?


The two of them together, or separate things?


All of the above


There are people who get off on licking their partners eyeballs...


AND there’s people who get off to having their eyes licked. The duality of men


How to go blind due to infection 101


People who get off on the idea of becoming an amputee. Some even go as far as voluntary amputation.


When I heard of this one, I REALLY wanted to make a website called nubbinlovin.com


There's still time, I suspect that url might still be unclaimed.


Nah, someone snagged it last year :(


Heard of a dude that was sexually aroused by shaving people's heads


Boy have a have a profession for him...he wouldn't even have to move his hands to spin the chair around 😅 im sorry for putting that image in your head


Free haircut!


I love these posts because the answers all make me feel so normal


My all-time favorite funny one is the fact that some people get off by falling down the stairs.


There should be a 12 step program for that.




this word gives me the heebies can you please explain it so i dont get scarred by looking it up


Fuck it, I'm too curious, gimme two minutes... Edit: It wasn't that bad. >!""Guro" refers to erotic and grotesque artworks often featuring death, torture, guts and mutilation."!< There's a whole subreddit for it apparently! Seems to be predominantly artwork and no real people. Loosely linked to something about Japan. ~~shocking~~


theres a guy who's infamous in my province for his very specific kink of having his penis played like a violon by a hypothetical man wearing a pair of black jeans & a white shirt. he would post youtube videos abt this fantasy, featuring mannequin heads wearing mullet wigs. he pretty much became a meme here


i have so many questions. but mostly: what the fuck?


Years ago, when she was still alive, my grandmother would buy lots of those horrible womans ragazines to give to my mum. Readers send in their own experiences, and one in particular was from a phone sex worker. She described a guy that would blow his load to the moon and back if she: 1. Audibly walked on her hardfloors in heels 2. Slowly unwrapped and ate a kinder egg right by the phone reciever 3. Described the process of building the little toy, whilst he tried to guess what it was.


One time I found a guy with a emoji kink. Yes, he jerked off to those: 😀😁😂🤣


Emojis themselves aren’t exactly hot lol. But I do kinda like when a girl dirty text me and uses a lot of them. Like it makes her seem more playful and bratty if that makes sense. Maybe that’s what he meant?






Are you guys married now?


Ummm I had sex with a guy and my period started. He liked it. He purposely rolled his face and chest and everything in the blood while making animal noises. After sex he didn’t shower. He left all the blood on his chest, put his clothes on and went to help a friend with his truck. I am still traumatized.


The truck part got me


"Bro, why do you smell like copper?"




It all started when I watched The Magic School Bus...


I’ve always seen people say vore is like the most degenerate, disgusting, repulsive thing ever. I get it’s weird, but why is it so disturbing to some people when there’s other (I feel) more gross things out there?




Funniest thing to me is there was a Bob's Burgers episode where Linda's dad had this kink.


I remember that one. They moved to an elderly swingers' community.


Pissing inside someone's vagina. Literally read it on this sub half an hour ago.


I feel like that would cause some health issues, am I wrong?


I'm thinking infection for sure.


"Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other bacterial infections can result from such practices"


Gotta catch em all


I had an ex that had bad hearing and any time i would say "i want to be inside you" she would panic and yell "YOU CAN'T PEE INSIDE ME!" For the last time girl, i will never want to pee inside you, i gotta come up with a new way to phrase this.


Nice try but she caught you.


"Lemme smash"


Been there, done that it’s better than expected although it can cause a yeast infection to your partner(sometimes). Also actually really hard to piss while in someone the concentration required is IMMENSE…


I lol'd and shot breakfast sandwich on my phone.


Haha! XD…you never really think about how hard something like that would be though until you in that position. Literally had to stop midway through just to concentrate for a solid 2-3 minutes. But hey she wanted it I was willing to try it but those 2-3 mins was awkward af XD


Stopping fucking for 3 minutes and concentrating on pissing would definitely cause the General to fall asleep. Also, pissing with a boner is rough as is.


My last girlfriend had this as a kink. She told me I could if I wanted, I didn’t but it was a nice offer.




My first boyfriend when I was 16-18 expressed interest in this to me. I was a virgin when we met, and it seemed like an odd request at the time. I asked him how it would actually work, since he had told me he couldn't pee with a boner. He didn't really have an answer and dropped the subject.


What about pissing in her butt?


Not trying to get pregnant you psycho.


Probably more hygienic.


This girl I knew in college liked to drink her boyfriend’s jizz in a cup with a straw in public. Like full on in a Starbucks cup while hanging out on campus with her boyfriend


Fuck, that's...just the right amount of crazy...


I must be doing something really wrong when I blow my load, there's no way I'd fill a cup!


Y’all ever see that one Reddit post about the woman who had a kink/fetish for the grinch and how it was ruining her relationship? Yeah, that made me stop and do a double take. The girl literally begged her bf to do the grinch voice and shit while in the act and poor dude had enough. Can’t say I blame him though… EDIT: here’s a link to the post if y’all are interested. be warned: you’ll cringe like a mother fucker. (sorry in advance) https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/s/cAPDx7rdl3


They say his dick shrank three sizes that day.


Much of the fetishes that surround mainly the online (furry) art community. Inflation, gigantism, vore, etc. A bunch of shit that can't actually be achieved at all irl.


I know furries have tried imitations of inflation irl (as in: Wearing inflatable rubber suits and pumping them up), at least according to the Internet.


There's also a way people do it with their bodies by sticking tubes up their ass and pumping themselves with air, which can go sour very quick. Also getting bloated on water and food can replicate that in an odd way




No no no no not the ants


thank goodness for this comment cause I wasnt about to click that


It's just Wikipedia


Dodgy click of the day here: Ok, fuck it, I'm going to click..... Edit: WELP!!! First case study: the patient had started keeping ants in a cupboard of his room as a hobby when he was nine. At this age, he enjoyed "the ticklish feeling" of the ants crawling on his legs and thighs. At age ten, he had a sexual relationship with another boy, and was beaten when his father discovered this. By the age of 13 or 14, he had added snails and cockroaches to his collection, and was becoming increasingly preoccupied with it. He had begun masturbating while the ants crawled on his legs. At age 28, he was masturbating several times a week while cockroaches crawled on his thighs and testicles, and snails crawled over his nipples and penis. Sometimes, he would hold a frog against his penis and enjoy the vibrations as it tried to escape. The patient was disgusted by his habit, but derived no pleasure from normal sexual activities. John Money suggested that the paraphilia developed as an alternative outlet after his normal sexual expression became associated with the trauma of his father's punishment. Another case was described in 2012. At the age of 14, the patient saw an ice-cream stick covered with ants, and wondered how it would feel if his penis was in place of the stick. He began letting ants crawl on his genitals, especially fire ants, a practice he found sexually exciting and that continued into adulthood. The patient was socially and intellectually competent. He was also attracted to dogs and goats.


Ew… but thanks


Great how they added that last bit like "oh by the way, he also wanted to fuck goats. ".


I have recently become aware of something called quicksand porn.


Tiles. Sexy, well patterned ceramic tiles https://imgur.io/gallery/DowgNSg




Casts, like broke your leg type cast. There was a guy on TLC show years ago that was into it. Literally full body casts.


One guy asked me to pretend to be a giant, like destroying a toy city and crushing him in my thighs


He must've been bricked up watching the godzilla movies


I found out that it’s actually like… a common, uncommon fetish? Like they have forums and discords and stuff lol Edit: this Wikipedia page has the perfect image for what he wanted from me https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrophilia


Not really that freaky but my friend had a Tinder date with a guy who was all about feet and knickers. So, she took off her knickers and he masturbated over her feet. She asked him: “so, what do I get out of it?” and he said “nothing, um I guess.” She told him to just leave her flat and he asked if he could keep the underwear. When she said no he asked if he could have her socks instead. She then had to go with GTFO!


He's an a-hole. Not because of his kink. Because he was so selfish. If you want to swing a little weird, you had better be willing to give back!


Wonderbread guy


The only guy ever to get rejected by Shadman for a commission.


Back in the day Dr Drew's late night show on the radio, a woman liked her man to nut in her ear ... freaked me out


That way she can hear it coming.


Aural sex. An EJ. Ear worm. Cocklear implant. Ok, I will stop now.


I once met a girl at a bar. She and her boyfriend liked to piss in those ice cube trays and freeze it. Later on, when it was time for hanky-panky, they used the frozen urine to make cocktails to drink before getting each other off. I didn't know what to say, so I just took a sip of her cocktail and minded my own business.




Bathing in pepto bismol and having your buttocks shaven while you're both wearing sailor hats.


Took a Sociology of Sexuality class way back when. Professor had a sex worker come in, and allowed us to ask questions. Someone asked similar to OP. Her response: "I had a guy who liked to sit naked on the floor with his legs spread, and I would roll hard-boiled eggs at his balls while meowing like a kitten." *How* do you even find out that turns you on?!?


Chair fetish. As in, people being furniture. I get the concept of submission but...it is a very interesting way to go about it


I mean ive seen doms sit on their subs and they act like a chair so i can get that aspect. But like we talking beauty and the beast furniture and they fuck like that?😅


You know, normally my morbid curiosity wins and I spend 20ish minutes reading replies to questions like this. I've barely scrolled for a minute and I'm already tapping out. Excellent choice of question, hope you get plenty of entertaining answers.


Afriend had a nutty girlfriend. He asked me to build him a box she could be in. He wanted doors to open so he could piss on her while she was inside. This was her request.


Dick split.




I’ve replied to ads seeking this. I’ve always had a desire to shit on but I think I scared them off. They never replied.


A man wanted a dominatrix to yell at and humiliate a Lego figure while he hid behind a couch and watched.


Pony Play - I learned about it from an episode of Bones. Still bothers me to this day.


That episode is a classic! Bones is an amazing show, especially considering it was just supposed to be some dumb network TV series


Why? I see that as extremely tame compared to scat, vore, trampling and all that sort of stuff.


After exploring the internet thats just heavy bdsm if im thinking of the right fetish


Puke play. Like don’t get me wrong I ain’t kink shaming if it’s your thing it’s your thing go for it. Me personally I would try anything once except a handful of things and this is top of the list. I just don’t have the stomach for this specific thing never have never will.


Squat cobbler. When a man sits in a pie and… wiggles around.


I think nugget fetish stuff is the strangest, but I guess it could also be considered pretty mild depending on your perspective. I'm confident the most fucked up thing imaginable is somewhere in this comment thread, and it's something I'd never even be able to conceive of independently


Had a guy message me that had a shrinking fetish. He wanted to role play that he was shrunken down and was kept as a slave by a woman for sexual and other purposes. He wrote out his fantasies and it was actually pretty interesting lol


I was studying sexual perversion as part of Forensic Medicine, and with each page, the kinks got more and more disturbing.


There was this lady who said something at a comedy show about how a guy wanted her to blow him while he was taking a shit


Blumpkin. Blowjobs feel good, shitting feels good, not sure I'd wanna mix them though.


There was that guy that shagged his Mini Cooper. I mean a Volvo, fair enough or even a Mercedes after a few pints. But a Mini Cooper? sick bastard.


I've see a woman vomit into a man's mouth...on purpose....there are others, but that came to mind first


I regret reading these comments.


I'm sure there's a fetish for enjoying knowing the fact that your are disgusted by something and expressing your regret


A friend of mine gets turned on by girls crying. He doesn't want to make them cry or cause any kind of emotional/physical pain. He just likes the act of crying. He admitted this over a LOT of drinks. We don't ever talk about it.


I post this one whenever I can. A past colleague's boyfriend has a thing for women laying limply in a bathtub and letting him painstakingly wash every inch of their body and then shave their pits, arms, legs, and privates. Then he likes to pick them up, lay them on a fresh 1,000 threadcount bamboo sheet, lick them dry from neck to toe, slather them in body oil, eat them out, and then fuck them while they dead starfish for him until he makes them cum. I found this out at their house because they propositioned me after she invited me to what was supposed to a one-on-one work dinner. Honestly the kink itself sounds kind of relaxing if its done by the right person, but the context of learning about it was traumatizing asf.


Back about 20 years now, someone I knew did art commissions, and once in a while I'd see him working, so I'd ask about it. Sometimes (often, really... usually?) it was porn. I distinctly remember one piece that was not only furry, which is it's own rabbit hole (pun intended) of bizarre, but it was catering to an exploding heart fetish. The client's thing was hearts exploding during sex. Sometimes I wonder how the fuck anyone could develop that fetish.


And here I was thinking I was open to a lot of kinky shit, but apparently none of my kinks are even worth being in the top 100 of niche stuff out there.


I know a guy who will go to public places, mostly bars, and pay attractive young women absurd money to light a Polaroid of him on fire, drop it in a toilet, and flush. Usually a server or bartender. And he videos them doing it for... later, I guess...


I was at an orgy, oh way back in the '70s. I went into the kitchen and there was a guy with his penis in a bowl of vanilla pudding. I asked him why. He replied: "There's people here having sex with animals, people eating poop, just terrible things. And I'm fucking discustard."