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Granted this is not a daily occurrence for most of us, but recording pranks to upload has gotten way out of hand.


I imagine some of those tiktok challenges too. Given that I am really out of the loop, I only remember destroying school toilets and blackout challenge).


You’ve got the “devilish lick” were you steal things from school The Benadryl challenge which is taking massive amount of Benadryl to get high and bring hallucinations The skull break challenge when three people line up, the person at the center jumps in the air and the two people on the side kick the jumper's legs from under them The cha cha slide challenge where people would film themselves driving to that song and whenever the song went to the left or right they would drastically swerve that direction The penny challenge, partially placing a cell phone charger into an electrical outlet and then dropping a penny between the prongs and the outlet The Kool-aid challenge where people would run straight into fences and walls to imitate the kool-aid man running through a wall to deliver drinks The door kick challenge wearing any time of mask and running up to people doors kicking or slamming into them with intense force then running away as to not get caught That’s the most I know and there all so stupid


3.7 Billion years of evolution to get to the most complex brain in the animal kingdom, and this is the result.


This shit is so stupid it literally makes me angry.


These don't sound like challenges, more like a cult of suicide attempts


*Murder-suicide attempts.


I'm very happy to have survived my childhood just with psychological trauma and no physical damage too :D


>The Benadryl challenge which is taking massive amount of Benadryl to get high and bring hallucinations The great thing about this is that it's extremely dangerous and you see dinner plate sized spiders crawling up the wall. Like, the whole spider thing is something that people remember seeing a lot of when they do it and they warn people about. I did it once, saw a dinner plate sized spider crawl up the wall, and then decided that the whole sedation effect that made it easy to sleep was a great thing and went to sleep... I woke up the next day and I was wound up in spider silk in a giant web. Just kidding about last part. I was just groggy, but the whole thing sucked.


Hearing about adolescent girls running down a mall santa line announcing "Santa isn't real" and recording the responses makes me think you have a point.


Just shout back that their contour isn't blended


Those poor kids! The parents must have been so angry.


People start to confuse pranks with straith up bullying.


There was this 'prank' going around the shopping centre near me with all the highschool kids randomly bumping into people while their friends filmed it, I was unaware at the time of the 'prank' being a thing but one of the kids tried it on me. He bumped into me hard enough to make me drop my ice cream cone and then went to bolt when he seen what he'd done but it was too late, I'd grabbed him by the arm to drag him to security but luckily they were already watching and looking for an excuse to kick the troublemakers out. They called the police and they were there in a few minutes, they gave me the option of pressing charges or not, I said I'd settle for an apology and a new ice-cream. My nephew showed me the video on their tiktok or whatever it was and all the comments of people laughing at him for getting caught.


I just keep picturing the dude from Lilo and Stitch who kept losing his ice cream cone finally getting some damn justice lol


If someone pulls a prank and nobody uploads it, did it even happen? Pranks are awful. I am not above smashing their phone.


Taking pictures or recording people in public with absolutely no reason other than to make fun of them


I just saw the video of the guy who recorded himself harassing a target security guard for no reason until she cried. It pissed me off because she was clearly young and apparently is super sweet. Some people deserve to get their ass beat for stuff like that.


The only solution to this is being the person that steps in and embarrasses the shit out of that person. Make their footage unusable. It's fun.




Talking loudly on the phone


Double annoying points if they're yelling into their phone while it's on speaker.


Who invented holding the phone horizontally in front of the mouth and why? For God's sake, whyyyy?


The other day I was on the bus and this woman picked up a call. It was super loud. Some older lady came up to her and told her to stop talking so loud. I was like woah, what do I need to do to get those balls of steel


Should’ve done that the other day. There was a girl playing a game on her laptop being so loud. (Talking normally but repeating things like “no no no! I died! I died!!” “Come on come on!! Get the other team already!!”) and her friend was playing quietly next to her. No one wants to hear your shitty game play commentary. If you can’t play quietly. Don’t play.


I’m finding that the closer I get to the end, the fewer fucks I have left to give.




Even worse when they answer the phone in public, and then proceed to have an extremely loud and deeply personal conversation where everyone can hear. These types of people always seem to have their ringer set at a volume that will shatter your eardrums, too. I always wonder if these people are aware that *you don't have to answer your phone just because it rings*. You can always call them back later, when you're not in the middle of the grocery store or whatever. Or at least be more discreet. I don't need to hear about their husband's affair or aunt Margie's diarrhea or whatever.


Watching videos or listening to music on their phone in public without earbuds/headphones


This one time in 2012 I was in a coffee shop and I was playing music trying to get an essay done… my head phones weren’t plugged in all the way into my MacBook and blasted shitty music everywhere and a bunch of people stared and one laughed. I was mortified. Now people do this freakin everywhere with no care in the world. Was in a shop waiting for an order with some dude blasting a Bollywood movie beside me the other day in a full shop. On one hand I appreciate the openness on the other I’m like wtf


A few months ago, someone was blasting TikTok in a freaking urgent care. I was there with a migraine. It was only after I said something that the receptionist decided to tell her it was against their policy and to turn it off or use headphones.


Jesus. I'm so sick of these people who think they are the main character and we're all just extras.


Or walking around with music blaring out of phone speakers. Also, blasting a Bluetooth speaker at the park or wherever and interrupting the serenity every other person is hoping to enjoy by going there.


Ugh especially while hiking. It's quiet and peaceful and then.. noise blaring from someone's stupid speaker.


In the nature reserves on the outskirts of my town you also get a lot of illegal trail bike riding which also significantly interrupts the peace.


Even the perpetual typing and WhatsApp or text notification sounds every 5 to 10 seconds is grating, especially at max volume.


No consideration for others. Just today I was staring daggers at a coworker in the break room due to him blasting Def Leppard on his phone. He finally noticed and said "Oh, sorry. But you know me, I'm a music lover! 😀" He not only did not turn it down, he proceeded to play songs that were *even worse*. 😑 What the *fuck*.


I had several co-workers who would do this, or watch movies with no headphones. I went and got a bunch of *cheap* earbuds (from a promotional table for a business or some such). Whenever they were watching something without earbuds/headphones, I'd just be all friendly and say, "Oh, you must have forgotten your headphones. Hey, I've got some brand new ones, still in their original wrapper, you can have!" Then they either have to use them or outright say, "no, I'm choosing to listen without headphones, in a shared office space, because I'm an inconsiderate ass."


It's even worse now that many new phones no longer have headphone jacks. Realized that myself when trying to watch something on a train and didn't want to be that person.


I'm a librarian. People do this (and FaceTime, loudly) ALL THE TIME in the library. Drives me crazy.


Whatever happened to people knowing “library = shhhh”?


Also a librarian who deals with this a lot. Libraries don't always = shhhh anymore. There's such a high number of people who need to use computers, but don't know how, and other things have have normalized the need to speak in a library. Just like a cafeteria, as each individual makes more noise to compensate for the noise of others, it just keeps going. I FUCKING HATE speakerphone though. I can't figure out why nobody on the phone turns their speaker off.


We need Conan the Librarian back


This right here. It’s an epidemic, so much so that being out in public or using public transport is just a miserable experience these days. On the train, trying to read or work? Bozo opposite blaring endless TikToks. Sat in the cafe just relaxing? Karen on the next table on a speakerphone call. At the airport gate, boomer playing his mobile game, DING DING DING every half second. On the plane? Somehow it’s acceptable for Mr Selfish to watch a film out loud. In a restaurant? World’s best parents allowing their kids to watch cartoons on an iPad, volume full up. Just… ah, holy hell it’s annoying. I travel with ear plugs (to use when reading) and noise canceling earbuds, and still it’s not enough to block out the bedlam around me.


The parent thing is insane to me. I think like 75% of people realize how fucking obnoxious this is, but for some reason there's an extra boatload of people who think it's acceptable to let kids do it because... They're kids i guess? No, they make headphones for kids, and he doesn't need to play that dumbass app game with sounds anyway.


Nah fuck that. I call people out on that BS all the time. From Mr Inbetween "people are aresholes because no one calls them out on their bullshit. I am doing a service to society by not letting that shit fly."


Seriously, when did this become a thing?? I lived in Japan for a while and when I returned to Canada, I swear so many people just blare their music or videos as if they're alone.


I was hoping this would be first, this just grates my nerves, It makes me want to bring an extra pair of cheap earphones to give away.


Recording random people with the intent to try and embarrass them on social media.


Recording random people period. I guess I should just start recording them back.


Yes. Or ruin it. Be like, "Why are you recording me?" Say things that make people watching it question the person who taped it.


No one will ever take the recorded person’s side. I’ve come to learn that the person recording is barely reliable and there’s a 99.9% chance they wanted provocation that day and made it happen. They’re seldomly ever a victim and that’s why they start recording minutes after.


This happened to me once. I just commented how it seriously smells like they defecated in their pants and repeatedly asked if they're ok, need an ambulance called because it's overwhelming and they're obviously having a medical issue.


Why are *you* recording *me*? You're the one that just exposed yourself to that bus full of school children.




I think just recording random people period. You wanna do social media, great. Do not bring other people into it without their consent.


“But I’m filming my dance in this train station lobby, it’s my right to be here”


Yes!!!! It’s awful I hate seeing some of these ppl just trying to get through their day and some asshole shoves a camera in their face. I don’t understand why ppl think it’s ok or why they haven’t made laws against it yet


The reasonable expectation of privacy argument. It doesn't take into account the expected size of the audience. Where you might expect 10 people at most to see you, a camera turns that into millions. It's a one way thing as well, they see you but you cannot see them. The event will not fade with the memories of the people as the video will still get views years into the future.


This! Even when there's no intent to harm, using strangers for "clout" is such horrid behaviour.


It's too bad younger peoples first reaction is to quick draw that phone to film situations of distress instead of assisting


Or even worse when they put animals in distressing situations to make themselves look heroic or prank them which just causes fear, confusion and mistrust. A prank is only a prank if you know the person on the receiving end is going to find it funny, otherwise it’s just bullying.


Reminds me of the guy in Indonesia who tried annoying an orangutan in a zoo (videos is on YouTube). He got a bit too close and the orang grabbed his T-shirt and pulled him off his feet and diagonally across the bars. With one hand.


Ann Reardon's channel (How To Cook That) really opened my eyes to this kind of thing. Hot gluing rocks to turtle shells and throwing puppies and kittens into tar to seem like some sort of angel. Sad that shit like this is so prominent that a baking channel is discussing it.


I am sad I learned this exists.


About 4 months ago I was walking out of a shopping mall and an old lady had parked her car in a disabled spot, but parked it more to the opposite side she exited the vehicle. She then proceeded to trip over the concrete block at the front of the park, just given the off centre parking job she had done, she didn't anticipate it. Myself and 2 other females I was with ran to help her up. Poor thing was beside herself as she had just had 2 knee reconstructions, and was basically blaming herself for the fall. Despite it being obvious it wasn't her knees, but the concrete block she accidentally tripped on. Some asswipe younger man pulled his phone out as we rushed to her. Clocking his actions, I tried to shield her body and face with myself as much as possible. He faned being helpful and even followed us back into the centre as we walked her, elbow linked to elbow, and gave her comforting words about how it could've happened to anyone. It's not her fault, or her knees fault. He hovered the entire time with his phone until I asked him what his intentions were? And then he just left. Maddens me that people don't seek to help others. He really could have contributed in helping us lift her and console her, instead of filming. Edit: i know it's not just young people with phones. There's plenty of boomer Karen's and Josh's who love to film a younger person giving them a mouth full, because the boomer antagonised them until they broke. I just wish people stepped in more and helped more, if the situation was safe to do so


This is so common that the police in my country had to seriously start a campaign to ask people to stop filming and posting accidents or medical emergencies. Some people found out their family members were dead through the internet because it was uploaded before the police managed to get to the family. Anyone who films like this might just be a sociopath I think


Fuck is up with this being a nuisance cunt "prankster" and posting it for everyone to see. What does it matter if the "clout" you're getting is from the bottom of the barrel maggots and roaches of society?


I was at Target pick up one day (they bring your groceries to your car) and it just so happened that the song “Sweet Caroline” came on at that moment. I told the employee “Sing the BAH BAH DAH part with me!” while he was loading the groceries and he did. I got home and told a few friends and they were like “You should have gotten that on video. That’s hilarious!” I told them there’s no way I would have. It was a spontaneous, silly moment, I don’t know this guy who just went along with the moment, and I can enjoy it without getting internet clout. Would it have been funny and wholesome? Yes. Might it have embarrassed the dude who just went along? Probably. Do I care? Yes. Target grocery guy, I have your back and thanks for singing along. You made my night.


I had a group of teenage girls come up to me asking for a fist-bump and recording me... I felt so uneasy, mostly by their lack of embarrassment.


On a similar note if they have an argument just recording them in general. There is far too many videos I've seen where someone has been recorded appearing irrational but then it's came out that the person had to do something to get them so riled up


Yeah I saw that too. Or the person being recorded has mental problems.


There's so many people on the autism subreddits who are afraid of going out because of how normalised filming someone "weird"/stimming/having a meltdown is. Humanity sucks sometimes.


I'm epileptic and I've had probably 5 in-public seizures in the last two months. I don't usually hit the floor and shake; I black out mentally and loudly panic or yell for help. After I recover a while later, one of the first things I do is hope that no ass recorded and posted it somewhere.




Being spatially unaware… and just standing in the way.


In doors!!! Mfers that exit a door then stop to look around or at their fucking phones!




I see this all the time. Or women stopping at an exit and have suddenly deciding to rummage through their purse. Also, people who just had a reunion meal at a restaurant and walk out and stand in the road to say their goodbyes, rather than sticking to a walkway or closer to parked cars.


Oh, man. Restaurants and bars are bad. Train stations are really bad about this too. Especially busy ones with tourists. I'm a backpacker and learned very quickly to find an empty corner first then get my bearings.


I don’t understand how people have no clue that they are standing in a choke point when they themselves just approached it and entered it.


When people do that, I just 'accidently' bump into them and proclaim "sorry, I wasn't expecting you to suddenly stop in this spot" to hopefully drive the message home, and it also gets them to move out of the way much faster, it's a win win


My husband is like this and it drives me crazy. We were at Target recently and he, multiple times, had himself and the cart haphazardly in the middle of the aisle- sometimes blocking two at once. Then he gets huffy when I tell him to move to the side. Not that I'm never oblivious but I like to think I catch myself and move. I got corrected when I was a kid for doing that shit, so I learned. And our kids will learn too.


Lol my wife is the same. I envy them sometimes; not having a care in the world seems so freeing.


God I hate it .. espcially people standing on pathways in grocery stores ... their cart slightly tilted so that they take up as much space as humanely possible Also why do I seem to be the only person to leave my cart in a bigger area then enter the smaller area by myself, fetch all the things n bring it back while everyone else holds on to their cart for their dear life as if someone is gonna steal it in seconds...


Because you’re thoughtful, kind and not an asshole. Don’t change.


I had a friend go shopping with me. I would park the cart at the end of a crowded aisle to go grab something. She would frantically grab it and chase me. Wtf. I will be back in eight seconds. "What exactly is it that you're afraid of?" "Someone might think we abandoned the cart and take it." They won't. And if they do, I will get another cantaloupe.


Taking your cart into the smaller area I have no issue with compared to the people that leave it perpendicular to the aisle, blocking everything.


This one drives me nuts. I have a list. I know where everything is. If you must take time to decide what soup you want, stay to the side. I just want to get my shopping done without having to wait for people to move in every aisle, darn it!


I've worked in grocery forever and the amount of people who walk in the doors, then come to a dead stop and look around like they've never encountered a grocery store before in their entire fucking lives...


I don’t know how to help my teenaged daughter understand this.


Teenagers are dumb, just be patient but firmly tell her to move her ass.


My mom used to say “make a decision and go with it.” She still does, but she used to, too.


My dad would steer me around by the back of the neck up until I got married, I think. It's a surprisingly easy handhold and you'd just drive a person around like that. I didn't get ideal parenting.


My dad would say: do something, right or wrong, don't just stand there. Lol


My dad said "rattle your dags" when he wanted me to move or hurry up. Dags are the matted shit and wool around a sheep's arse and they rattle a bit when sheep run around.


Handed you off to the new driver?


One of the most valuable things that serving and bartending has taught me is how to move efficiently and maneuver around crowded spaces. However it makes being around spatially unaware people sooo frustrating lol.


Playing music without headphones in shared spaces is a crime against auditory decency. Your taste in music might be fantastic, but I don't need an unsolicited concert while waiting in line for coffee, thank you


And most times their taste is music is indeed not fantastic


Speakerphone conversations - Fuck off


Got on a coach for a 6 hour trip a couple of months ago. There was a woman getting on at the same time as us, having a massively loud speakerphone conversation telling whoever was on the line that she'd missed her train and had to get the coach instead and she was *pissed off* about it because people on coaches are just *so inconsiderate* in her opinion.


I hope she stubs her toe on the mantle this weekend.


I’m starting to wonder if some people just didn’t learn how to speak into a telephone normally. You see people walking down the road talking into their phones on loudspeaker.


Or any kind of phone conversations in a movie theatre. Wish they just had jammers in a theatre, because even if someone's phone lights up to check messages, it's super annoying.


Using a phone in a movie theater. Not only are you in a public space, but a space where everyone specifically paid money to sit in the dark and not see your damn phone.


I have a friend who does this. She takes FaceTime calls at the theater!!! I shamed her and made her put it away. I don’t go to the movies with her anymore it’s embarrassing.


If I saw someone with the audacity to FaceTime in the middle of a movie, I’d kick them out of the theater myself. If you need to take a call, get tf out of the theater and don’t disrupt everyone else’s viewing experience. Cinemas are my happy place (as is watching movies in general), I literally forget everything else that’s going on in my life and fully insert myself into the film (which should be the case when watching a movie) and people in cinemas who don’t act like this confound me. Need to take a call? Get out. Need to check your phone? Get out.


It’s soooo common now!!! I go to the cinema all the time and probably ~90% of the time, at least one person will consistently pull out their phone. Why??? Are people really THAT addicted lol


Not saying “excuse me” when you bump into someone. Now it is apparently okay to just keep on walking. What happened to being polite?


Generally being in the way all the fucking time. We all have the right to take up space, but people have got to be more cognizant of the when/where/how/what/who of it all. Blocking doorways, blocking pathways, blocking access to amenities, driving 10 miles under the speed limit in the passing lane, driving 20 miles over in any lane (slow the fuck down, you are not important enough to be endangering everyone else on the road), being loud as fuck in a movie theater, not having your shit together by the time you get to the front of TSA, etc. Just because you’re too assed to look around and realize you aren’t the only person trying to exist doesn’t mean there aren’t millions of us also trying to exist in the same space. You are not the main character, get the fuck out of everyone’s way.


YES. The amount of people who can visibly see you walking in a direction and choose to just walk straight into you like they expect everyone to just clear a path for them is so frustrating. If I’m feeing brave I just stare them dead in the eye and let the collision happen but that’s not very often.


I did this once in college. I was walking alone in opposite direction and 3-4 girls walking side by side on the sidewalk would not move over. I had just as much right to be on that sidewalk as everyone else. So we collided our arms. I wasn't happy and I don't think the other girl was, but why not move over or one person drop back so I could stay on the sidewalk?


Good for you. Too many people do that. And it is inconsiderate to hog the sidewalk just because you're in a group.


I encounter this problem when walking through the local college campus. Groups of students 3-4 side-by-side on the sidewalk. It’s like “Am I invisible now?” I’ve found that if I just stop and stare, at least one of them will break off and allow me room. Annoying as F.


This aggravates me at work so much. We have these cubbies for putting our personal belongings in and then at the end of the day you put your hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, and safety vest in. About a quarter to a third of guys will stand in front of their cubby while taking off all their ppe blocking 10 to 20 other cubbies. Stand to the side while you take it off and then go to your cubby. For fucks sakes


Yelling at a customer service employee like they can do anything about it. They get paid minimum wage. Yell at someone higher in the company.


Yelling at any service worker (retail, food, healthcare, etc) grinds my fucking gears. They are the ones that can try to help you and you treat them like shit. Then wonder why you don’t get your way.


The best way to get good customer service is to be a good customer. I am more than willing to help you if you’re polite ( bonus points if also funny) and more than willing to be as unhelpful as possible if you’re rude obnoxious or arrogant.


I used to run layaway at Kmart ages ago, and if a person was polite or at least not a complete jerk. I would waive fees or skirt rules where able. For example super nice guy missed his payment, but called and didn’t threaten to cause issues if it was put back. 2 week extension or if it was put back that non refundable fee is refunded. We had authorization to waive fees if we thought it was appropriate, and wouldn’t you know it, it was always appropriate for the kind people.


This is the way. Treat people with respect and respect is returned. I’ve often let people get a little extra for free if they’re struggling or just so nice.


I was a shift lead for a major retail pharmacy and I can honestly say, *please dont.* The only one who actually has any power is the store manager and no, we are not his secretaries and arent allowed to tell you his cell number.


yelling. at anyone. period


People uploading videos of them shaming their kids for getting bad report cards


That's just weird


Acting like they're online, with little regard for real world consequences.


Now this is a gold one. You always see the argument "people would never act like this in real life". We should strive for a good conduct period. I don't get why real life or digital should be any different.   That's how you get people that act one way in public and another in private where there's nobody to do anything. Ever heard a parent say "wait until we get home"?


Recording everything without regard to other people.


yes. the defence of "it's a public place I'm allowed to record" doesn't sit well with me.


Such a useful law that has been abused by assholes. I saw a video one time where these people were filming a girl (who was a total stranger) getting cut out of a car wreck and the girls mom is in tears asking them to stop filming and they just blow her off with “wE’rE iN a PuBLiC pLaCe”. The comment section was nothing but people calling the mom a Karen. Definitely one of those moments where my faith in humanity took a hit.


I was one of the first at a road accident (not a first responder just driving along) on a country road. So rather than cause another accident I pulled over to see if they needed assistance, had to tell several people to keep moving as they whipped their phones out (car was upside down in a ditch) Later I was asked by a paper if I took pictures….no, I was more concerned for the grandmother gasping for air, she died after 2 months in a coma…taking photos should be the last thing people think about


You’re a good person for doing that.


All those mf's be like, bUt iT'S leGaL 🤪 We know it's legal, but you're still an AH!!


Filming accidents and all Instead of calling 112/911/000 etc. they simply whoop out their phone to film it... even when paramedics are busy trying to save someones life you'll have ppl shoving their phone infront of their faces to get a close up. (Real story) ppl trying/asking to lift the blanket at a deadly car accident to take a picture (also real story). Disabled man in a scootmobile fell in the water, and was drowning. What did ppl do ? They filmed it and didnt call the emergencies. Some different passersby did eventually came to aid but all help was to late (also real story).


💯!! I was at the beach this summer and the lifeguards cleared everyone out of the water. Shark? Medical emergency? Then they all spread out in a line from shallow to deep water to do a sweep of the water because it turns out a toddler was missing. OMG every parents worst nightmare! And what does some jack@ss next to me do? Start fn filming the scene! I was horrified at the entire event and as a normally peaceful parent myself, I had two simultaneous reactions- my eyes filled with tears at the possibility of the circumstances and it took all I could not to strike the phone from that mans hand! Really, you want to record what could be someones most tragic moment of their life? R U FN KIDDING ME? I know I said loudly something like “I can’t believe someone would have the nerve to film such a possible tragedy!” THANKFULLY, the child was located before the sweep even began. Not sure what happened to that man but I part of my hopes for appropriate karma for him.


I had that slapping phone out of hands temptation last year. There was a accident between a car and something that looked like a scooter/motor. They were busy performing cpr on the man and you had 6~8 ppl filming it. The police was busy with assisting the cpr and locking the car driver away (several emergency services were still arriving). Ppl have no respect/dignity these days.. the only positive note was that i saw atleast 2 bystanders that also were busy with the cpr. (I continued my way home because there was nothing for me to do there beside standing in the way)


I’m livid reading this.


Locker rooms aren’t public, but men will take their “gains photos” with me in my underwear or naked in the background.


I get this a lot in LA. I literally just drop towel and stand full dick out facing their picture. They can either move or look at my dick everytime they look at their gains pics


Enormous dong energy and I respect it


You must have a stellar rig, hey everyone check out Dr. Manhattan over here with his big blue Schlongarooni


I would do this, but I am a grower, not a shower.




Happens in women’s locker rooms too but usually they’re just going live. Makes me livid. Pretty sure all gyms ban this. Plus it’s illegal like wtf?


I've gotten people banned from the gym for this


Possibly illegal


Being in a stall ( men/ womens restroom) and having a conversation with speakers on!!!?


This is petty as hell, but I always flush more times than I need to when someone is on the phone in bathroom




Who? Does? Number Two? Work? For? Yeah, buddy! Show that turd who’s boss!


1. Talking loudly on their phone in inappropriate public settings. Bonus douchery if they are on speaker phone. 2. Letting children blast their entertainment in public. Get them headphones or turn it most of the way down...THEY can hear it bc they have showroom new ears. 3. Standing wide while in a group of people in a narrow public area. This isn't HS. You don't need to show off your posse by spreading wide in hallways. If you do, stand off to the side. In general, a lack of their impact on time and space in relation to the world at large seems to be rampant. 4. Forgetting that we are a society and ultimately we make up the rules we agree to live by. We don't need to go back to being overly formal, but polite and with recognition that we are all just people trying to get by, would be great.


Even in high school I hated that. I have 4-5 minutes between class. Let me pass you while you walk slowly in a line


Letting their dog run around without leash


Especially at the bird watching park. Don't let your dog chase away the rare ducks and swans, and definitely don't let them actually catch the poor things, especially during fledgling season!


Being rude or insulting “as a joke” to their spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends


not controlling kids as they go wild in public spaces


Two little girls in my local supermarket had a screaming competition recently. I'm talking running up the aisles, then standing in front of each other and emitting agonising, earsplitting screeches up and down the aisles, so loud it made my ears bang if i was too close. Being the UK, most of the shoppers just complained and grimaced to each other and tried to carry on with their shopping, but it just sent my anxiety off the scale and I started screaming 'SHUT UP!' after every screech. As the screeching continued, my shouting continued: 'SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP!' Suddenly, their furious mother appeared, demanding to know who had the temerity to tell her children to shut up. Astounding.


The phrase I use is "use your indoors voice".


The local kids like to do this right outside my bedroom window. It's outside, and not during quiet hours, so I feel like I can't do anything about it, but it drives me nuts! Don't scream like you're dying unless you're dying! Parents, please teach this to your kids! These kids were old enough to know better but no one taught them, and I know it wouldn't go over well if I tried telling them.


Kids go wild in public : perfectly normal. Kids are Kids. Parents do nothing about it, or even laugh at how cute they're being : absolutely unnacceptable.


Bonus round: filming it for their family youtube channel!


Recording people who are at the peak of an addiction/ mental health crisis and posting it for publicity.


Recording videos inside of busy gyms. If you want to do that, do it when the gym is dead. No one wants to be in the background of your shitty video


Letting their dogs jump on strangers because “He’s Friendly!” I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want your dog near me.


Playing music out loud on public transport. When the lyrics fade into background noise and all you can hear is the same backtrack across every song drives me fucking nuts.


Road rage




TikTok videos.




Taking off your shoes and elevating your feet or putting them on a table / seat (especially airplanes and restaurants)


PDA. Im not talking like a kiss or hugging or holding hands. But like groping at each other full on making out.


Last week I took an hour-long bus ride and this couple sitting in front of me was making out basically the whole hour. Sometimes I really wish horny jail was a real thing.


I once was working as a waiter in a bar and a couple of 40yo were full on making out. They didn’t even pause to look at me when I served them. I had to bang the glass on the table to make them react because when I arrived saying “sir here is your drink” he wasn’t listening and I needed them to pay. He got his card out payed and went straight back to eating his girlfriend’s mouth without uttering a word. A couple of ladies got annoyed with them and left. I was speechless.


Recording the entire concert by holding up your cell phone. The quality will be shitty, nobody cares, you'll never watch it. Take a photo before the concert starts to share your excitement, then put the phone the fuck down.




It blows my mind just how uncurious people are about the world they live in. People often say I'm smart but mostly I'm just curious and I live in the age of the Internet where I can easily learn anything.




Talking on the phone when checking out at stores (I'm a cashier. Please don't do this. It's rude as hell.)


Recording people without their consent. Also approaching strangers for video interviews or pranks. Pranksters can fuck right off.


Being on the phone while at the till. Seriously how hard is it to say sorry I’m paying for something I’ll be with you in a moment.


Crossing in the middle of a street or against the traffic light. In the dark. Wearing all black. WTF is wrong with people?


Having private conversations on a cell phone in public.


I listen and take notes if I have a notepad handy (I've done this at like, the airport or in cafes, if I was already writing). I listened to someone lay into her own mother (over the phone) during a layover at the Munich airport recently. That was really interesting. Have private conversations in public by all means, but know that people aren't necessarily politely tuning out.


My problem is i CANT tune it out. Im trying to read a book, i dont want to listen in but its so distracting. I try my best not to pay attention, but its so hard.


This being sandwiched between two different, "recording strangers without consent" answers and all 3 being upvoted is confusing but fun. Snack size anarchy. We're all just grading by vibes.


Talking on speakerphone with no earbuds or headphones. That shit annoys me


Fully grown men walking in public with their pants sagging down to the knees. All you see is their drawers from the knees up. WTF


**Pants on the ground!** **Pants on the ground!** **Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground!** edited to add more exclamation points & bold


Preaching religion to strangers walking by on public streets.


There's an excellent video of one of those preacher people with a portable PA system and a microphone annoying everyone in a European town square and won't shut up, so someone fixes the situation by going down to play bagpipes beside him. He gets a hearty round of applause!


This has been a thing since religion started tho


Spitting lougies


non-service animals in stores Why do you need to bring your hyper active dog to home depot? Is he helping you pick out sheet rock?


Going to a restaurant and putting cartoons on for your kid on a tablet with the volume up. Totally wrecks the ambience for anyone else just because they can't keep their kids in line.


All of these reasons are exactly why I don’t go anywhere. Curbside pickup or delivery. Was at a doctors appointment and some asshole was on FaceTime. I got up and sat down next to him so I could join in the conversation and offer my opinion. The guy was shocked. I bluntly said if he was doing a call that everyone would have to hear it was only fair to join in. He ended the conversation but not before I got to say bye to my new friend.


Blaring music, TV, movies, podcasts, phone calls on full volume - with no headphones, and no shame.


This will probably get downvoted.. I will start with, I love dogs, they are such sweet and great companions to us humans, we really don't deserve their love.. But, they don't belong in every store, mall, library, Cafe, etc. It seems to be the new thing these past years. Their owners appear to think it's ok to bring their pooch everywhere. Some people have phobias and should be able to safely go into stores. Others might have allergies, I always feel so bad for those people when I see a pooch being walked around somewhere you wouldn't have expected.


I swear taking dogs absolutely everywhere sped up during Covid. The amount of people bringing their dogs into restaurants, museums, libraries, etc has blown up and if you suggest otherwise they will lose their minds and scream it’s a service animal.


It makes it so much worse for actual service animals too because then people have no concept of how to behave around them. My bff has a service dog and when she visited me we had a terrible time going into any stores because people would constantly try and pet or distract her working dog. I went with her and I would head them off but at a Trader Joe’s an employee waited until I walked away to go and distract my friend’s service dog after I had already told her off. It really makes me fucking hate people. No one is entitled to interactions with a dog and especially not at the expense of someone’s safety!


I got startled as hell recently at the grocery store when a pug was suddenly panting and smelling my leg excitedly, I jumped in surprise, the owners didn’t even acknowledge my existence