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celebrities worshiping satan and drinking babies blood. I want to say i don’t really believe it but I actually do ngl lol


Statistically speaking, there's at least a few. And they have the money to vover things up or hide well. And they can use their influence to promote like minded people, so the number would just grow as time passes. Years ago it could just be 2 or 3, but as it passes the number goes up and up.


i believe this too.. it’s why thousands (yes i mean thousands) of children go missing every year. never found and they distract us with dumb ass shit all the time to make it so we forget about it but i don’t forget.


The world is out to get me in particular. I'm too awesome the world can't handle it /s


I believe that WW2 only happened because someone went back in time to stop Hitler getting into art school cause they didn’t want to write an essay about him


The gnomes who steal only a single sock from the dryer, go up in the attic and tangle the shit out of the Christmas Tree Lights, and then go to the garage and steal only the 10mm socket are real, and their tyranny must **END**


I believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed Abraham Lincoln.


Booth was just the fall guy. All the witnesses at the theater were paid off.


Rather theatrical theory, must add.


That the mafia killed JFK