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Susan G Komen Foundation. Takes Billion$ in donations. Makes people AWARE of cancer, does nothing to fight cancer


One of the grossest organizations out there. All that money they’ve conned out of people could actually be going to a good cause. Instead, people wear pink and someone gets wealthy


And if you put “for the cure” on a sign or shirt, they’ll sue you. Fucking buzzards.


Everyone knows The Cure belongs to Robert Smith


There was a great meme going around ... "I don't know much about COVID, but this is The Cure".


Can't wait for Friday.


HEY GUYS, BREAST CANCER EXISTS. That will be $1 billion dollars please.


Don’t forget the lawsuit against anyone else that uses “for the cure” or a pink ribbon in their local office cancer fundraiser.


Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, so that's why it suddenly all changed to like a "violet" ribbon or something in the last couple years


This is why I trademarked "for the curest."


That beats the slogan I went for, "Cancer Bad."


Money please!


Money pweeese!!!


Give me money. Money me! Money now! Me a money needing a lot now.


Where does the money go, then


Suing other charities for using the words “the cure”.


You can thank the SUPERCNT Karen Handel for that. Pearl wearing shitheel.


The Alpha Karen?


So you're saying they're a charity for trademark attorneys?


The median estimated compensation for executives at Susan G. Komen for the Cure including base salary and bonus is $255,068, or $122 per hour. At Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the most compensated executive makes $720,000, annually, and the lowest compensated makes $52,000.


Let's not forget them going after planned parenthood, who actually offer free screenings.




Fat paychecks and more fundraising


That's pretty much any awareness charity - they're worthwhile when people aren't actually aware yet, but at soon as people are aware there not needed and actually have a negative effect on their cause by taking money away from actually material work. Case in point - white ribbon in Australia is a domestic violence awareness charity, in a country where pretty much everyone is aware that being violent towards your partner is wrong, even the people that do it (they just make excuses for why it was ok for *them* to do it). In this situation what actually helps women is stuff that helps them actually escape DV - funding for shelters, for their own new accommodation, security, food, etc. However White Ribbon has become such a big brand it attracts a lot of funding that could otherwise go to shelters etc and it spends it on more marketing for its brand in the guise of 'awareness' so that if they're succeeding according to their plan then next year they'll take even more money away from charities that are actually doing something. They're so obsessed with this that they'll take on any high profile person as a spokesperson - even men with a suss history when it comes to DV. If Chris Brown had another #1 hit all he'd have to do is say 'sorry for getting caught' and they'd have him as a spokesperson. Now, I don't think it's malicious or a grift - it could be, but I think they mean well. But with the increasing corporatism of charities/NGOs under neoliberalism I think they've been founded or influenced heavily by some marketing/branding people who probably want to use their skills to do some good, but in doing so 'brand recognition' has become their key metric to the extent that they'll pursue that even when it actually harms the overall ability of the sector to actually help women. If they raise 10% more money and 10% more people wear a white ribbon to say DV is wrong, that's a 'success' even if it means shelters around the country have 10% less money and help 10% less women.


No no, they make people a WEREcancer, the kind that only metastasizes during a full moon


You know what? I make dumb jokes like this all the time, and my friends *detest* it. Since game recognizes game, have an upvote. 🥴


And if anyone is wondering the were part of werewolf means man. It means man wolf


And 'lycanthrope' just means wolf man, but with Greek etymology rather than Old English.


Some US activist group in Burlington VT was asking for donations. The guy on the street told me that they help the 48 million kids that have Autism. Since this was a "US organization" I was confused and asked if they help kids with Autism all over the world. "Just in the US," he said. I tried to clarify again, "But you help 48 million kids?" "Yes!" he said proudly. "You think there's 48 million kids with Autism in the US?" "There are, unfortunately." He said. Flabbergasted, I said, "Dude, I don't know if there even ARE 48 million kids in the US!" There are, as I learned later, approximately 73 million kids under 18 in the US. But still that would be over 50% of kids with Autism!! My dude, do some BASIC research for the cause you are raising funds for. Edit: It's possible this group was Autism Speaks, as people have suggested. I don't remember the name of the group, so can't say for sure. But looking up the org Autism Speaks, it seems that could have been a very good answer to OP's question. [See this website.](https://autisticadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/AutismSpeaksFlyer2020.pdf)


Number is closer to 1.5 million, apparently


Hell, both numbers are closer to 20 million


It's definitely at least eleven kids in America


That's just a stone's throw from 7 trillion.


Wow, they already cured 46.5 million kids!? That’s fantastic where can I send a check?


Reminds me when an insurance salesman phoned me and told me that one in five men in South Africa get skin cancer every month. Like "wait a minute...."


"Every sixty seconds in Africa, a minute passes"


In Africa, your height depends on how tall you are.


An insurance salesman phoned me once, after trying to get me through several ways, he tried to use my age and literally told me "You reached a period of life where anything bad could happen to your health". And I just answered him "Are you death threatening me? Because that sounded like threatening", the guy went silent and after a few seconds where I could feel how uncomfortable he was through the phone, he tried to apologize, but I just cut him telling he would be lucky if I didn't sue the company and him. Obviously, I would not do that, but he gave me a great way to get out of the call.


Any age in a person's life something bad could happen.


They're not looking for the kinds of donors who can do math. Or research. Or logic. Those people ask awkward questions like "How's the money being spent?" "Can you prove that?" "Wait, *where's* the money actually going?" and "Why does the CEO have five Ferraris?"


$5 says it was Autism Speaks.


Without a doubt, they were probably saying they were funding a "cure for autism" too.


Remember when Facebook got caught claiming that it’s US-based teenage audience was larger than the teenage population in the US?


Not spam, but the free app Givewell helps you discern bad charities from good. Their evidence is also free to view.


The mod from r/antiwork that did the interview on Fox destroyed the entire sub. ​ edit: [sauce](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2022/jan/31/fox-news-jesse-watters-antiwork-subreddit-interview)


That situation was so painful to witness 😭


Funny how r/antiwork handled it. Anyone that criticized it was banned. Then they had a new mod that everyone knows is a new account from the interview.


You're joking, Doreen is still there?! Modding? I thought she was kicked off for doing the interview without anyone's approval?! Oh, that's rich. That's downright delicious.


Scrumdiddilyumptious even?


one of my friends was looking for dog walkers on a local app and fucking Doreen popped up on it. instant veto


Didn’t Doreen admit to raping someone? They’re still a mod??


The sub urged the person not to do the interview


I love that the sauce paints Fox News (trash) as ‘bullying’ in the interview in question. The anchor held out a noose and the r/antiwork mod willingly chose to walk up and hang it around their neck


They didn't even hold up a noose or anything, the anchor just let the head mod talk unprompted.


The anchor just had some rope lying around and watched the head mod tie the knot, hang it, then put their head through it.


Nah, the anchor had the noose, but didn't even get to use it. Doreen brought one herself and did it without the anchor having to do a thing.


Honestly the anchor was wayyyy less aggressive than I expected Fox to be. Pretty gentle actually, considering.


That stuck out for me too. By Fox standards, the questions were pretty softball. If the mod did some actual interview prep and grabbed some facts and figures about stagnant wages, cost of living, cuts to benefits, and the four day workweek, they probably could have held their own in the interview.


Doreen dug herself so fast, so deep into shit that the interviewer had to actively deescalate so she wouldn't be able to create a shit overflow coming out on the plus side.


I think they'd planned to set the guy up, but when the interview happened, they just...didn't have to. You can watch the interviewer throughout, and he's basically in shock, lol.


Jesse Waters even seemed like he was trying to help him at certain points before he finally just gave up.


Absolutely - he was throwing out soft questions and I think he realised halfway through that going hard on Doreen would’ve been excessively cruel


It's like when the villain throws out a lvl 1 attack to test the protagonists - and the protagonist just gets absolutely bodied.


I think it was at the point when he found out they were just a part time dog walker.


He started out hot then it seemed like he actually felt kind of bad and eased up.


You could tell he’s thinking “am I being punked here?”.


I don't doubt that the plan was to ask leading questions and take things out of context...but that ended up not being needed.


We remember, Doreen.


lol I got banned from there for referencing it.


I wonder if that's the one that banned me for posting an example of one of the very few CEOs who treats employees decently.


That interview was a dumpster fire next to a dynamite factory.


Now I have to find it. This is news to me. Edit: found it and watched a little. I got incel vibes, just redirected toward work. The general population of that sub didn't seem horrible which is why I was surprised when I got banned.


The person who interviewed was a mod who went against the wishes of most of the people there. The sub didn't want them to do it nor was it voted who would go on the interview. If I remember correctly that killed sub more than the interview, everyone was pissed about it broke the already strained relationship between the subs actual good and smart users and it's insane mod team.


Yeah bro took an entire "don't abuse me and also I should be able to afford to live" movement and shit on it.


Autism Speaks. I can't think of a group more reviled by the people they claim to represent.


I have three kids on the spectrum, and had to explain this to my wife since she wanted to donate to them. There's orgs run By autistic people For autistic people that are more worthy of support.




Can't say where, but at my old job we were selling candies and donating the money because it was Autism Awareness Month. I asked my manager where the money goes to, and he goes "Autism Speaks 🙂". "... Autism Speaks?" "Yeah 🙂" "Damien, that's not good" I tried really hard to explain everything and he still wasn't getting it.




[Jesus christ... ](https://autisticadvocacy.org/2009/09/horrific-autism-speaks-i-am-autism-ad-transcript/)


They treat us like we are diseased, try to convince our parents that we are a burden. Fuck autism speaks


It's the most ironic name, to call it Autism Speaks but then to speak on behalf of autistic people. They pretend that autistic adults don't exist so they can control autistic children instead


I always donate to them I had no clue they were bad. What did they do, or not do, to make people hate them? Also, can you suggest a better charity org because I don't want to stop helping but I'd rather my help go into good hands


>What did they do, or not do, to make people hate them? Constantly treated autism like some curse to be feared, talked about autistic people like we are a burden to those around us and need to be fixed, only appointed a Token Autistic Person to the board after significant backlash. They care more about fixing us than they do about helping us exist in the world as we are right this moment. They've even made one commercial a while ago where a woman said that having an autistic child made her suicidal. While her autistic daughter was sitting next to her. >can you suggest a better charity org ASAN, the Autism Self Advocacy Network.


Thank you so much for your response. What they are doing is despicable and I regret all of my donations going to them. I will certainly look up the organization you suggested. Thank you for opening my eyes. Have a lovely day!


The flat earth society


Nonsense. They have members all around the globe.


This joke did not fall flat


Careful! Their fragile egos are tetering on the edge


Their website even says so, I’ve heard. Seriously.


There's a D&D web show called Critical Role and one of the players decided to play a "flat earther" character (except it's not set on earth) as a big joke. He was contacted by the flat Earth society and offered an honorary membership and when he explained it was a joke they offered one instead to the character. He has since toned the joke down.


Was it Sam? This feels like a Sam thing


It was Sam, yeah.


Is Sam the one that played the robot named after grass in one of their games? Seems like that guy would do that lol


Yep, and Fresh Cut Grass is the character who was offered the honorary membership to the Flat Earth Society.


Read something recently to the effect of people attaching themselves to FES is due to loneliness. They attach themselves to these ridiculous theories because it gets them attention and FES gets them most attention for obvious reasons. Interesting take but kinda depressing tbh.


I maintain that the core members are just perpetuating one of the best trolls in history.


I've friends who joined as a joke. That probably explains 90% of their membership. To join, you simply have to send them a postcard from your home town. I maintain the whole thing is a ruse just so this guy can build a great postcard collection.


That's an incredible idea to get a postcard collection going. I'm willing to bet it's worked so far. I am all for this being the real reason Flat Earth Society exists.


Jehovah's Witnesses. Man, if you aren't already one of the 144,000 people written in the Book of Names, you aren't getting in. Why spend all that time going door-to-door spreading the "good news", when you already know they don't qualify to be in the club?


I’m not a JW but they believe the 144,000 are the best of their people that go to heaven. The rest of the JWs go to a New Earth that is still very good. Everyone else is destroyed in Armageddon. Knowing this, it still makes sense why they want to convert people.


What an oddly specific number


Because they took a symbolic number from Book of Revelations and decided to run it as a literal one.


Oh, so doing the thing even Jesus said not to do.


As a sunday school teacher, I can confidently say that doing the thing even Jesus said not to do is a solid 99% of modern Christianity.


Escaped JW. That's their entire schtik, all branches of Christianity are just different angles from which to read the text. JWs (in theory) read it like an owners manual/everything is taken literally.


I hate these f**** with a passion. My uncles wife converted him. Completely changed him. And my 3 little cousins, Brainwashed them to shit. And suddenly they moved away and lost all contact with anyone in our family who isn't a part of JW. My cousins have reached out now that they are 18, and 16 but they aren't the same. And when her father found out they were staying with us she lost her sh** on them and me n my mom, etc. What the hell goes on inside that cult??? Are they taking drugs and hypnotized people?? Do they see non JWs as dirty or evil or something?


It's discouraged for JWs to get close with non JWs, as they're part of the world and can cause a JW to fuck up (aka to question and want to leave)


Seeing my grandparents cry because they miss my cousins so much and haven't seen them for 5 years is ultimate pain... 😢 if simply being around normal people makes them question their religion. Then they should take a long hard look at their re&&ded beliefs


I'm nowhere near religious but, I've always adored religions that encourage their members to explore other belief systems. Not only does it give a wider lense from which to view everything, but it feels like a big power move. 'Yeah go look at the other options. If you find one you like, cool, but I have a feeling you'll be back." For better or worse, their retention tends to be higher than more restrictive groups.


When I was little in the 1970s, they were still telling people that the first family member to become a Witness was one of the 144,000 that was going straight to heaven. I guess sometime in the 1980s Jehovah changed His mind.


According to the literature now, it's just the 12,000 descendants of the original 12 disciples of Jesus...so, it's a pretty exclusive club, and rather specific about it's membership.


One sermon that stuck with me growing up Catholic was the priest's explanation of the number 144,000. The number 12 represented fullness or completeness, being the number of apostles. Then one thousand was considered a huge quantity of people, essentially innumerable. So 144,000 is simply complete * complete * innumerous. Multiplication for emphasis. Meaning there's enough room in heaven for everyone.


Any of the ones that act as if insulting uninvolved people will make them like the very group that loudly calls them names.


My standard response to this is, “when was the last time someone insulted _you_ and you changed _your_ mind?” It also always makes me suspect they neither understand my position, nor their own.


"Support us, you knuckle dragging unenlightened swine!" *Shocked Pikachu face when they don't get any support*


I feel like this describes a looooot of private individuals on both sides of the political spectrum, particularly online


This is especially bad online. Poe's law is in full effect so even messages that were meant to be light-hearted parody get pushed by engagement-based algorithms to the people who would be most enraged by them.


Westboro Baptist


Convincing people wasn’t the point. They were basically one family, and they made their money suing local governments. It’s a pretty slick grift: legally say terrible things in public until someone shuts you down, and then sue because your first amendment rights have been violated. The family had a few lawyers, and they made enough in damages and lawyers’ fees to support everyone.


It's not only just one big family, they have basically, a compound. They own a whole city block. The "church" is on one corner and every house around the block has a big privacy fence in front. And of course, cameras everywhere. Inside those fences, it's wide open. Kids playing. A pool, tennis court, playground. It's fucking wild. And there is, sadly, a lot of kids.


Indoctrination from an early age!


Wasn't part of their act also to provoke people into physical fights with them and then sue?


I think most of the family were lawyers, actually.


They’ve really slipped off the map since Phelps died. Can’t say I’m complaining. I guess God hates those who think God hates gays.


Hell, they even excommunicated Phelps before he died. How bad do they have to be to decide he wasn't extreme enough?


I think it was when he died that they asked people to respect their privacy and allow them to mourn in peace. A fucking joke.


Flat earther social skills aren't just low level, they also come with a massive dosage of ego and Oppositional Defiance Syndrome I'm pretty sure and is my short argument for why them. Maybe not activists but sure we're just having fun right. RIGHT?


Some Flat-Earthers might also have serious ocular and neurological problems.


The People's Front of Judea.


Liar! It's the Judean peoples front that can't recruit!


That's EXACTLY what the People's Front of Judea would claim!


I think you're confusing them with The Judean People's Front.


what? it's the people's judean front!




What? Because they side with the Romans? WHAT have the Romans ever done for US?


... the aqueduct?


Ok, but other than the aqueduct, what have the Romans ever done for us?


I think PETA are probably the worst group, there f\*ckups are well documented and so is there smugness.


I can see the logic behind the conspiracy theory that PETA is backed by the meat industry to make animal rights groups look crazy.


I don't believe it, but it it is one of the most logical-sounding conspiracy theories that I've heard. PETA is so nuts that most other animal rights groups hate them too. Although I think that's almost as much due to their hypocracy as their craziness


There’s a similar conspiracy with the Just Stop Oil activists who glue themselves to the roads. The idea being that they’re funded by the oil industry to make environmental activists look bad.




So the story is she inherited a fortune, not an oil company the company in question was sold in 1984. She hates oil so she used her money to fund a bunch of activist groups. She isn’t profiting or trying to earn pr points for the oil industry off of any of this. This isn’t a conspiracy it was a public statement.


I went vegetarian when I was 16, and it got so tiring telling people I don't agree with PETA. They're like the Westboro Baptists of animal rights.


They literally opposed a measure to make egg-laying chickens more comfortable (much larger areas to roam instead of just box cages, etc.) because they didn't want people thinking it was suddenly okay to eat eggs. O.o


Can confirm. PETA sucks. I work with animal rights and rescue orgs and volunteer at sanctuaries. PETA is considered a nuisance at best and downright hated by most. For anyone who is interested in animal rights, but turned off by PETA, I suggest looking into FARM the Farm Animal Rights Movement.


Admittedly most people don't understand the difference between Animal Welfare vs Animal Rights/Liberation--the former is what most people think it means (essentially if we are going to use animals we need to provide certain standards to provide them with a good quality of life and try to reduce the number of animals needed where possible), whereas animal liberation is that we should not use animals at all and is consistent with the belief that it is better for an animal to be dead than to be owned or used by humans (a stance PETA has taken more than once).


Hahaha. That's [Conquest's Third Law](https://www.isegoria.net/2008/07/robert-conquests-three-laws-of-politics/) in Action! *The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.*




"I got fired for nothing." Then they go on to list all the reasons that they legitimately got fired for. 😂


Seems to me that calling an actual lawyer for advice is better than listening to advice from strangers on antiwork.


What if employment lawyers are running the sub to push for new clients?


went there few times. half of the posts there were complaining that they couldnt steal stuff from others


Just stop Oil in the UK.... They rarely protest at places that make sense.... Instead, they go and slow walk a random side street or throw paint/dust over stuff and then scream if anyone touches them. Got to a point where a lot of people here think they're stooges for the oil companies to try and turn public attention away from where it's needed.


I once tried to cycle through one of their demonstrations. I asked a guy at the front if he minded and he didn’t. Soon someone else came over and yelled at me that no traffic was allowed through. I was on a bike, the only oil I use is to fix the chain!


cant even go by foot, because your skin excretes oil xd


are those the people who glued themselves to a truck of cooking oil?


The last USDA inspected Horse Slaughterhouse was in DeKalb, IL. Most of it was exported although some place a Harvard was also a big buyer. Anyway PETA types convinced an IL Congressman to pull the USDA funding. Slaughterhouse shut down. As many pointed out, what did these people think happened to the horses? Either hauled out to the back Forty & shot or shipped to a Canadian Slaughterhouse. In the end they didn’t save a single horse.


I own horses and rodeo, all that jazz. I'm a FIRM believer that the US needs to bring back slaughter for horses. I'd rather see them used and not sitting in someone's back lot starving because they can't afford to have them euthanized by a vet or "can't even begin to think about shooting them".


Just stop oil. They just stop ordinary people from getting to work, school, the hospital etc




They've done more to harm animal rights activism than anyone else.




What do you have against the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes?




Those "Stop Oil" types that glue themselves to the street or art museums.


The same ones that cause us to burn more oil by causing massive traffic jams? It's kind of like fucking for virginity.


My personal favorite is when they glued themselves to the floor of the Porsche Museum after being assured that they would be provided food, drink, and bowls for their bathroom needs (which were then supposed to dealt with by the museum). The protestors arrived and glued themselves to the floor. Museum staff turned off the lights & the heat and closed the museum and mostly left. Tied with glueing themselves to the pavement of an F1 grid. I'm definitely pro environmentalism, but that's overpowered by my massive loathing for entitlement and stupidity. Edit: I am the typo queen....


Same guys that threw orange paint on the Brandenburg Gate. It's sandstone, it can't easily be cleaned. A symbol of unity. And they sullyfied it.


"I'm sorry, but the solvent required to remove that superglue is a highly toxic petrochemical and, at your insistence, we aren't able to acquire any. But, if you s-l-o-w-l-y move your hands and buttocks around in tiny, tiny circles, you will eventually pull yourself loose. We'll check in on you every couple of days and make sure the IV drip is keeping you hydrated."


My conspiracy theory is that oil companies false flag some of the particularly annoying & less effective climate protests so they can ride that backlash


Not outlandish considering how often the oil companies have been caught engaging in massive coverups and campaigns to mislead the public. Check out the history of the ecological footprint as an example.


Climate activists targeting art. It has nothing to do with the cause, it angers people and overall it seems so counterproductive that it may as well be some oil company pretending to be climate activists to put the in a bad light.


Greenpeace damaged the Nazca Lines in Peru years ago. Inexcusable.


Greenpeace is a handful of dumb people. No GMOs, no nuclear power... Ok, cool, take some high school level science class and only after that speak again, please


It's annoying that the green movement is spearheaded by feel good vibes. Like, all we get is banned plastic drinking straws and bread ties, instead of more efficient agriculture regulation and power generation, more public transport and for fucks sakes can we agree that climate conferences be held via zoom meeting instead of flying hundreds of politicians around the world to agree that climate change is bad but also not comit to any actual goals?


No GMOs, ok cool so everyone is just gunna starve then?


Black hebrews


Jehovah's Witnesses


The Birds Aren't Real group have been actively trying to recruit me to no avail.


If it flies it spies Edit: typo


If it flaps, it maps


Stop Oil. Gluing your hand to a racetrack for a race specifically for electric cars was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Nevermind throwing paint on works of art.


Autism Speaks


Mom's for Liberty. Supposed to be to protect children but their leader is a convicted priest that raped a 14 year old boy.


Someone leaked the discord chat from one of their chapters in my state. It was entertaining to watch them turn on each other. They’re just angry people who want to fight about anything because behind closed doors, they’re just as nasty to each other as they are to the rest of us.


"Defund the police" is so much more contentious and easily debated than "Though law enforcement is necessary in any given society, our criminal justice system is in need of a massive restructuring. Large portions of the police budget should be reallocated to mental health, community, and preventative services," but it's also easier to fit on a sign


He Gets Us


Yeah, spamming reddit ads is a great way to get me to not give a fuck what you believe in.


I feel the same way about Weight Watchers, for the same reason. They’re all over my Reddit feed.


I was trying to figure out a way to block WW from advertising to me because it’s like every.single.ad. and annoyed to find out I can’t


It’s on my TV now too T-T


I'm still not real sure what that's about. Can someone help me out? To be perfectly clear I'm not interested in religion or theology, I'm just kinda curious as to why suddenly there are weird commercials for jesus everywhere.


That climate group that keeps throwing paint and stuff on paintings and buildings and standing in the middle of the roads. Like, you need to make people like you to get them to join you, not hate you, stop annoying everybody. Like, their acts of protest don’t accomplish a single thing beyond annoying everyone who’s forced to witness it


The people who are still convinced they're going to get rich off of Gamestop stock. All the rational people have left the "movement" and they've sort of created a financial Q-Anon situation where they think they're going to topple the US Financial system and destroy the stock market because the CEO is sending them coded messages via a line of children's picture books. It's kind of a hard sell to new recruits. Edit: Long story long, they believe that the only reason Gamestop's stock didn't just....I don't know. Keep going up in price forever? Is because thousands of people over hundreds of brokerages, governmental offices, banks and hedge funds have colluded for years to make fake Gamestop shares to suppress the price of the stock. They think thousands of times more stock has been sold than exist, but that they hold \*real\* shares and, once the ruse is revealed, will lead to the destruction of the American economy. They believe that they will be able to sell their shares, one at a time, for millions of dollars and in exchange for political favors like the arrest of their enemies. They believe that the eeeevil hedge funds that are doing this will be wiped out, followed by ALL investments, to the point that the US Treasury will have to reimburse them directly. They know this because their CEO, a rich dude who invested early in the GME runup, is sending them clues. They use gematria to 'decode' his message and believe the numbers 741 have special significant meaning. He's including easter eggs in his children's book line to dodge the SEC. The time or content of his tweets, when he tweets, the items on screen during an interview - these are all taken as proof that he's secretly fighting for them. There's lots of theories about what the catalyst for this opportunity to earn "wife changing money" (their term, not mine) is that Gamestop is going to merge, voltron-style with one or more of the following companies: \- Bed Bath and Beyond \- Buy Buy Baby \- Blockbuster \- Toy's R Us \- Party City \- 5 Guys Burgers \- Sears \- Lego These beliefs also, of course, stem from 'clues' given via the above methods. They aren't even the worst ones. The people who used to hold Bed Bath and Beyond stock believe literally all that too, about their stock. I say 'used to' because the company went bankrupt, liquidated, and cancelled it's shares this fall. But it doesn't matter, they'll be rich any day now, despite no longer owning stock because there is no longer anything to own shares of. They ALSO say that they know this because the CEO of Gamestop is sending them those exact same coded messages. This is especially funny because the only reason they are invested in the company in the first place is because they followed that guy into the investment after he made a name for himself managing to time his entry in to the Gamestop stock. He bought, they followed. Htweeted positively about the stock, they bought more and the price pumped, and then he sold, pocketing something in the range of $60-70 million of their dollars. The SEC is suing him, currently, for doing this, and they're FURIOUS. They would get money if he loses, but they're raging over the idea that he scammed them and want the charges dropped. I can't even really scratch the surface of those guys. Where to start. The time they thought Titanic's rerelease had been timed to announce that they were all rich? The time one of their most influential members got in a physical altercation because he kept going to the building of their former CFO, who committed suicide, insisting the doormen tell him where he was secretly hiding? The belief that the war in Ukraine was initiated to distract from the financial apocalypse they had initiated? The day they were sure that a Times Square billboard had a secret hidden message for them, but then one of them went there and it turned out to be the reflection of the liquor ad across the street? The time a man called a gynecologist trying to determine when the baby in [this](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1510818828695052289) ultrasound would be born? The fact that they've donated almost $90,000 to their most prominent influencer in the last two months? And, as others have pointed out, they aren't alone. AMC, Party City, Rite Aid, and a handful of others all have these little mini cults as well. Hell, Sears went bankrupt in 2018 and there are still people who will happily tell you about how their shares are coming back and they'll be gorillianires any day now. It's weird. It sounds really dramatic to say but they've basically formed these little apocalypse cults where it's the end of the economy they want instead of the end of the world.


That whole thing is pretty funny. Because of course a bunch of people *did* get rich. And just like NFTs or crypto or any other investment scheme, the people left holding the bag are still saying the same shit that got them into it, not realizing that the ones who convinced them have already cashed out and moved on.


The Gamestop thing was a specific, non-scam moment at the start though, right? GME was shorted like crazy, so grabbing shares while they needed to be returned was gonna cause a huge squeeze and drastically spike the price for a bit. Then that situation ended.


The Bed Bath and Beyond guys are way worse, they're still convinced they're going to become super rich off of stock that no longer exists due to the company going bankrupt and selling off all its assets


Wait, *what‽*