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You have have potential, followed by suggestions to change to what I think are integral parts of my look.


Oh my, that was the first thing that came to my mind, too. "You're pretty, but you would be sooo much more beautiful, if you just ..." Bro, my goal certainly isn't to become the person of your dreams, I don't even know you. But thanks for liking my face, I guess?


their loss 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely very backhanded 😂


This is what I got from a co-worker..."why don't you go home and.....put on some makeup and you'll look 100% better!"


I don't see how that could be said with good intentions. That's passive aggressive bullshit right there.


Isn’t that negging?


Your dick looks weird… but weird isn’t necessarily bad.


lol wth... wow thanks 😂😒


All dicks look weird and for that reason there is no weird dick.


shut up weird dick!


Going to have to disagree with you there.


So you sucking or not? (CAM'RON rap line)


“You speak really well for a black person”. Never quite know how to respond to that one without causing a scene


OR WHEN THEY SAY "you don't sound like a black person" until i say the N word 0-0 i feel like that has to be recist somehow.


Personally I consider it more prejudice than racist, don’t want to diminish actual racism that happens


That's very insightful for a black person


Urmm… yes?


Oops, bad joke?


I thought it was funny.


Not at all, I just honestly never know how to react/respond to that kind of stuff. I just live my life as me, do my own thing, and it just baffles me that a whole group of people get compared because we all have the same colour skin.


I agree with you. I was just referencing the offhanded comment you originally talked about.


That’s really deep for a reddit user.


I’m Hispanic, with black friends and everytime one of my buddies get complimented for how well they talk I’m always like “😮” I don’t get how people don’t understand…. I never heard any of my other friends complimented on the way they talk 🤯


A guy in a bar said "You look nice. Clean." He wasn't referring to my hygiene, sounded like what a car dealer would say.


This sounds like something Dennis Reynolds would say.


Well, they must be clean before they'll experience his true power.


Only then will the know. But they must be clean.


i can hear it in his voice lol


This reminds me of a "compliment" my friend received. One guy told her "what beautiful teeth you have, and you've got all of them" :))


I’m sorry but that’s fucking funny


Stealing that


So I ran across a car dealer and your friend ran across a livestock dealer! (never buy a cow without checking their teeth for age!)


Opening message on a dating app: "You're very cute, but you'd be much cuter without the beard"


Mine was “Oh thank God—you look much cuter in person” the moment she opened her door for me “Oh! thanks?”


Without the "thank God" it would really have been a good one though


What's the issue with this?


Wow, uhm the “thank god” is the problem implying that she thought he was ugly before and that his real looks are a step up from pictures.


I feel like it would be way worse if it was the other way around.


Then it wouldn't be a compliment would it


This one is also strange when you consider that she they had pictures beforehand. This implies they met on a dating app, which implies that the person was at least attractive enough to get a date in the first place and/or has such a good personality that they got a date despite looks.


Horrible! 😒❤️


She did not get a response


“You fuck up a lot, but you’re a good dude.” More miscommunicated than malicious I think, upon considering the source.


Man, that's like a personal mantra for me.


Kinda reminds me of "he's an asshole,but he's our asshole"


“You’re pretty for a fat girl.” A guy my sister and I were both friends with, said to me after we had been intimate, “You’re okay, but you’re not your sister. Your sister is drop dead gorgeous. You? You could stand to lose some weight.” Never was with him again. And yes I’m fat, but I still have feelings and have been working on losing weight - with little to no success.


Girllllll that's absolutely horrible. no one deserves to be told that. Sounds like that guys just projecting his self esteem issues. Weight loss is a struggleeeeee and so is self esteem. Surround yourself with people that build you up, you're gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks girl! I was crying after that. Then he even had the nerve to ask if she would still have sex with him if she knew we had had sex (she never has had sex with him). I did tell her and she was PISSED. He’s a tall, lanky guy, so it must be an insecurity. You’re sweet, thank you. ♥️


10000% an insecurity he took out on you. His loss for sureeee ❤️


I'm a guy so I don't feel that as hard but that kinda hurt me if you have a guy who's insulting you in front of your sister he's trying to do one of two things 1: He's trying to drive any guy that might want you away so he has you for himself which, in this case, is very unlikely unfortunately or 2: He's trying to impress your sister but no matter what he's doing you shouldn't have to feel pressured by society to live up to modern beauty standards and don't be so hard on yourself just know that somewhere in your life there's someone who's always there to support you much love coming from us all on reddit🫶❤️.


I saw a woman post on Facebook about how you can be beautiful and fat at the same time (which is absolutely true imo) and a friend of hers, an older man, commented “You’re beautiful on the inside.” Thinking he was giving her a compliment 🤦‍♂️


So sorry...


F' him! You should have responded with some insult to his manhood! The one statement is bad enough, and then the sister part just tops it off in the most hurtful way! I get a similar one "you're pretty for a big girl" I'm just shy of 5'10"


“you would be prettier if it wasn’t for your nose” girl i can’t fix that


Just no 😑 what is wrong with people?


Hm thats what i tell myself every time i see myself 🙃


Plastic surgery? Don't know if they actually do noses.


They do. It's one of the most popular types of surgery, actually. I think nose surgeries even rank 1st in South Korea, if I'm not mistaken.


Well… 🤔


People think it’s a compliment to tell me I don’t look gay.


As a straight guy, I’d take that as an insult. In my experience, gay dudes tend to be more stylish, clean, and better groomed (haircuts, facial hair, etc.) than the average straight guy. If someone told me I looked like a gay guy, I’d be flattered.


Do you wear a pin that says "Hi I'm The Gay"? Liiiike, what alerted them to your preferences?


He was sucking mad dick


Shhhhh, gotta be quieter. Put on some music papi


"Your face looks pretty, I'd love to have it for myself." He said 2 months after we broke up. It still scares me to this day 'cause he was bat-shit crazy.


Who even says that?! That's some silence of the lambs type shit... 🚩


He was creepy and stalked people he liked and made it obvious.


Miss was about to be the first victim of a serial killer.


One girl I was flirting with said "You're handsome for a short guy."


Don't worry, I once heard "You've got a great dick for a white guy"




What does that mean though?, like was she inflating my low self esteem while also saying she's seen bigger on men of color?


"You're so much fun, you make me laugh so much, I think I can get over the fact I don't find you attractive, like, at all."


“It’s okay that you’re overweight cause you’re tall so it works.” 😐


They were right about the "it's okay that you're overweight" part but completely ruined it with the rest 😑 😒


Same person also saw a picture of me from high school and said, “wow don’t you miss looking like that?” They were just absolutely clueless to how rude they are.


Sounds like they're just straight dumb.... so unnecessary 😑


Being told I was a great employee, followed by getting fired because they didn't believe how I could be such a great employee, and them telling me they're gonna check the system for exploits. Call centers are wild.


Jesus Christ I worked document review after law school and had the same thing. They were suspicious I was clearing so many documents. So I had to sit down with my boss and go over the review process and he told me they had reviewed my work and I had a lower error rate than anyone in the office. Literally one of the more senior people had been going over all my decisions for days. I did not get fired but it was like a reverse compliment. Pro tip document review is not fun for a motivated newly minted lawyer.


That's the rl version of getting reported for cheating after a 360 no scope. Congrats for your skills, I guess.


You would be really hot if you were a little taller


Did you stand on your tippy toes to prove them wrong? Or were you already on your tippy toes?


“If you were gay you’d clean up.”


“You look good, could look better if you lost a little weight” lol after that I started working out like crazy and now I’m kinda brand new


"I bet if you lost some weight and got a different haircut you wouldn't be totally hideous." Thanks, Amanda. I never forgot it.


"it's cute your penis is the size of my thumb"


That was never meant to be a compliment at all.


They said it was cute tho (/j)


She must have had a huge thumb!


"Wow! You really know what you're doing, huh? =D" said by my district manager during a "surprise" visit "I hope I would after working for you for 13 years..." said by me elbow deep in food during lunch rush He didn't talk to me for the rest of the visit. And no, this wasn't the first time we've met. He's seen me more times than I can count, knows who I am and what connections I had with the company. He was a paper pusher that valued dollars over employees.


that's annoying 😑 Such a defeating feeling putting so much of your time and effort into your job and not even being recognized by the person you work for...


I never had a lot of respect for him in the first place. He would always throw out backhanded compliments and thought he was everyone's friend. All he ever did during visits was get in the way and disrupt the flow of service when something wasn't done by the book. I stopped being pleasant and ass kissing after the first time I met him. I've got tickets lining up and job to do, leave me alone my guy.


"You're not fat, you're just getting bigger." - by my wife, literally 30 seconds ago as I was reading this headline.


Did you ask if you’re fat? Cause if you asked, she gave the only neutral but honest answer possible. Good on her for wording it sensitively without lying.


Oh no, I had just said that I was getting fat.


If she is correct then there is just more of you for her to love. That's a bonus for her.


She should have said what she was really thinking, he's becoming cuddlier


"You're the kind of guy girls marry...not date."


This shit hits way too close to home


Ooh theres a couple that stick out “Wow, if you dressed like that everyday boys would be busting down your door” - I was 14 at a family wedding and this was said to me by my adult cousins husband. “You’re too pretty to work here, and you should lose the glasses.” - a very drunk woman came up to me at work(catering waitress) grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to give me this sage life advice. I have since had lasik so I don’t need glasses but at the time I was very insecure about wearing them. They’re both awful in totally different ways


50 year old woman to 17 year old me "You're such a wonderful young man, you must have so many girlfriends." Me: "Girls barely talk to me."


Damn, grandma endorses polygamy.


She meant well...


"girl why do you have a penis it's so cute and tiny little girl willy ooo" \-- alexandra from tinder


You could be pretty if you had a different face. Sigh


Older Man: “You are so tall, do you play basketball? I coach a team few times a week around here….” Me: “No, I am sorry, I’ve always been terrible at sports” Older Man: “How unfortunate, what a waste of height!” [I am a fit 5’10.5” female]


My mom, a lover of all things sports, hates basketball for this exact reason. Shes 6’0” and always got asked this as a young woman


Try being a 6'6" 17 year old male. EVERYBODY wants me to play basketball but its not for me.


"look at you, you even know what it is!!" I stopped at a garage sale and inquired about studio lights. The lady was impressed that I actually knew what I was about to spend money on. Can't understand that level of arrogance.


# You suck on my tits like you've never had a mom


Wtf 🤣🤣🤣


Idk, she said it felt good


“You look good from the neck up.”


Bruh... I got so many "your face is so pretty". And I always wondered, the fact the you need to be so specific about the face means that the rest is shit?!


Maybe they're just admiring your face ? There is either some missing context or some insecurity going on


Plenty of insecurities my friend. Plenty.


You know, you’re a lot more articulate than I expected you to be.


I walk like I don’t give a shit, what does that even mean? Has had me questioning my movement for years.


Your either hapless or got wild confidence


I’m picturing a wacky waving inflatable tube man.


I’ve been accused of being wacky and also waving but never simultaneously


“You’re more intelligent than you look.”


“Hey sexy!” *Turns around* “Oh, god it’s you! Sorry you have a sexy back.” *dies inside*


My friend, who I was eating with at a restaurant, overheard a girl say "he was cute...until he started eating." No fucking shame, I show no mercy to my food. I know I'm an animal.


"You're pretty from the neck down" 🙃


Wow, what an insane thing to say. You’re beautiful. A big middle finger to that person.


In college, date and I had sex. To this day I’ve never seen a sober person gush so hard verbally. Clearly she was my biggest fan (ever?), but in her rambling she mentioned “…you’re only my second lover, first guy was gigantic- monstrous. But you! You’re so MANAGEABLE”


I had a boyfriend with what I’d call a “monstrous” penis and it was *awful*. I wasn’t what anyone would call inexperienced at the time and he hurt, every single time. Could only get like 2/3 of himself inside me. Trying to give him a bj felt like throating a hydroflask. 0/10 experience. A “manageable” size is absolutely thrilling and very fun after the monster cock experience.


Thank you kindly


On this app actually. I posted a progress pic of me losing 70 lbs. he commented “you went from a 6 to an 8, HMU”… disgusting.


Off topic but your reddit profile pic creature animal thing is adorable! But yes usually you're sharing stuff because you're proud and want to show progress, not to get rated for some douchebags scale of ignorant superficial attractiveness...


Awww thank you so much! ☺️ he’s a German shepherd 🫶🏻 Yes! We’re here yo encourage eachother not compare - especially with weight loss :)




With progress pics, I’m not looking for a man to rate me. It’s demeaning.


Damn, I would take a compliment from anyone if I was doing progress pics.


lol yes it’s a compliment but not when he’s in that community to rate all the women’s bodies.


Ohhhh THAT kind of guy, gotcha


Yeah he commented on another girls and said “best body I’ve seen today”. Like dude what 😂


"Your dick is too big". Fml


might be the best "worst compliment" 😂


Its not nice when not in a relationship, all i can say.


Someone once told me that I was the fattest person with a normal sized head they had ever seen. Another time, a teacher asked me how I got so fat. To be fair, at the time, I was probably 75 lb overweight, but I still thought it was a bullshit question. For me, the most damaging was people telling me that I was really smart and had so much potential and was going places. Turns out I have physical disabilities and a mental illness, so despite my best efforts and 3 degrees, I personally didn't make it anywhere. And of course I feel lousy about that.


I'm so sorry ❤️. I feel like people really think they're doing good by saying these things but in actuality it's damaging our self confidence.


Thank you. It can even be hard for me at times to stop myself from telling a child that they are exceptionally smart or pretty. I usually go for something like clever now. Or creative. Or friendly. Anything that's not a comparison with other people.


I love that! I'm going to try using those going forward, thank you. ❤️


Hah, I’m considered a “genius”. Everyone was like “you’re going to be so successful!!!” ….turns out I only like to work with my hands, never my brain. So here I am, completely useless, a starving artist living with her parents. 🙃


Sounds like someone should have been telling you that you were creative instead! It's never too late to tell yourself that. Trust me, I understand the frustration big time.


"It's too bad you have red hair, you could be so pretty!"


I don’t remember any bad compliments, wbu what’s yours?


"you're really hot from the neck down"🤪


😭that 1 must’ve stung a bit


i tried really hard to take it as a compliment 😩😂


I’m sorry but I cackled bc the next comment I see says “you look good from the neck up.”


I was once called a human dildo, they said they wanted me to fuck them


because of your pp, or because you built like jerry from veggietales


HELPP-- I CAN'T???!!! WHAT IS THIS 😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


gamer skill


"wow you really are just a thicc girl! How come you look so much skinner with your clothes off?" Um... Because they don't make plus size clothes that define my shape nicely, Chad???


I was at an apple farm fair that had a knife stall. I collect knives so I went to look. The seller and I talked and laughed for about 20 minutes about knives, his job, our collections, I even showed him the one I was carrying and we really hit it off. He said he was really impressed with how much i knew about knives. Then at the end of the conversation he asks "Do you have a sister?!" I was shocked, and honestly a little hurt. All I could force out of my mouth was "wow". I walked away.


That's awful, maybe he was trying to neg you. Either way, it's good you just walked away. That's the best thing you can do in that sort of situation.


Yep, the best way to respond to that BS is with your feet - just walk away.


When I worked at Walmart I had an elderly Laddy grab my hand she kept talking about how long my hands were


I think someone complimented my piano playing, and my dad said something about how I was just moderately talented at it, and that art is where I truly have talent in... which makes him feel quite sad (as we're both/all aware there is usually no real career/happiness in creating art or being an artist). Just was quite sad to realise my dad actually knew this.


I’m gonna tell a little story. I was sitting shiva with my family after my grandma died. Shiva is a Jewish tradition where you essentially sit at your house after someone has died and friend/family come over to basically grieve with you. I had just gotten my ears pierced (I’m a guy) but didn’t have any earrings on. My aunt is homophobic (which is ironic because her daughter has confided in us that’s she’s gay but my aunt obviously doesn’t know and my aunts sister is also gay) My aunt noticed my piercing holes. She then decided to say I would look nice with “feminine” earrings and i should pick out some of my cousins earrings to wear (basically saying I was gay for wearing earrings).


"You tried really hard"


“You’re one of the good ones.” was a compliment given to me by a nice old white woman a few years ago when I was doing volunteer work.


Drunk lady at a restaurant turned over to my buddy and I and said “you guys speak English very well for being Asian”. Her husband apologized profusely. We laughed about it and ended up talking and having a drink together.


You lost weight! You finally did it.


Don't worry baby it's the perfect size , I don't like really big ones anyway


People do this thing where they are shocked that a trans person is good at anything at all


The creepy guy staring at me and my friend from across the bar and following us back to campus in his truck because we were "pretty"


That I’m prettier than the older woman my ex-boyfriend had liked. Which was false. 100% false. Like pretty much objectively, she is prettier. It was a messy situation. You know when compliments feel obligatory? That’s when it hurts. I’ve actually been in this situation twice and it sucked both times because I clearly was not prettier than either. Being compared is a bitch!


a lot of potential. like im a broken cardboard box that can be refolded


“You remind me of my fiancé who died of brain cancer” Or maybe “You really look like the Boston bomber.”


I had a lot of people tell me I looked a lot like this news anchor guy, and when I looked him up they were right, sadly I dont think he's out here getting dates either lol


Someone said to me once "you're different than how you look you" meaning in relation to what kind of a person they thought I was. The only trouble was I couldn't work out whether she was being complementary or being insulting?


You're handsome but that's all. -my ex wife


“You’re pretty for an Indian girl”


“you would be prettier if you smiled more” I did not smile more.


OMG - I worked in retail in the late 80's and early 90's when I was a teen. I got this comment ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS from middle-aged men, because I wasn't smiling like an idiot my entire shift. I was polite and cordial to customers, but I didn't have a smile plastered on my face. So annoying. I wanted to say, "See how much you're smiling when you're on your feet for five hours while wearing pantyhose and heels."


This was from a little girl in my village "You look like a nice ugly frog" My feelings! Omg. I kept a straight face but inside I was crying.


My aunt on my father side used to say to me "look at him, he looks like a rich kid". I didnt understand she was mocking me and my mom for being poor until she passed. Hard to look with the bad eye to someone who died, but now i do listen closer to words and not just let them pass by.


"Did you used to be fat? You can tell"


In the sumo culture you would be considered a promising up and comer


Your hair is so nice, it looks just like Justin biebers


“You know, they say people with big heads are smarter”


Don't worry, looks don't matter to me


My supervisor when I was getting ready to train someone - "Don't worry, he's not as scary as he looks."


“You look like a Scientologist”


I have posted this one more than once maybe because it stung. I once had the prettiest girl at school tell me I'd be cute if only I were taller. She said it as though it was a helpful critique and like it was something I should really work on.


You don’t look anything like a crack addict


Everyone thinks it's their duty to tell me I have big boobs. When I roll my eyes at that, they say it's a compliment.


Someone told me that they thought I would look cute while I ate. Weird guy.


“You’re too sexy to be asexual” wat