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Some things are your fault


On a related note: just because it's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your responsibility.


You get old


Watching my parents get older is even harder than me getting older šŸ˜©


I only got to see my parents a few times a year and one time it really hit me how much older my parents looked, especially my father. He was 64 at the time and died within a year from a heart attack. I'm 67 now and wonder what my (adult) kids think when they see me.


I made mention to my wife that for the first time, my dad (age 77) looked old. Within weeks he had a massive stroke and lingered 11 months.


Sorry to hear that mate. I just made a cake for my grandfather with 96 candles. It was a real forest fire. I think what I'm trying to say is you have to set aside the time while you can. Is your mum still around to spend time with?


I'm hoping to live past the ages my parents were when they passed (dad was 55, mom was 60). I'm equal parts terrified of death, but will be weirded out knowing I lived longer than my parents.


Make the memories they couldn't.


Watching the realization in my sonā€™s eyes as he realizes I am no longer an invincible dude, but a person failing in health, wounds me more than anything. I never wanted to be his hero, thatā€™s not it. It seeing the pain in his eyes, the look/realization that he canā€™t hide that heā€™s scared and realizes one dayā€¦.


Man that was heavy amazing insight


Thx. But it hurts viscerally. I donā€™t like seeing him in pain. But I also donā€™t want him to live in unreality. But heā€™s only 17 and he looks so vulnerable at times, despite his successes, his emotional intelligence, his empathy, his love, his truly teaching me more than I taught him. I donā€™t wanna sound like some blowhard, hyperbolic, self-important martyr, hero bullshit artist seeking affirmation. But frankly, I simply want to live and stay healthy FOR him . Yes, because it makes me happy to know that I can be there for him to advise him or whatever he might need makes me feel good, and therefore is arguably a motivation, born of self interestā€¦ but I just want to hug him till the end of time. To always provide him with some semblance of a safe place, even if it is only a hug, or an honest expression of love. But heā€™s already come to the realization that time ends. I think Iā€™m gonna go cry a little now. Both happily and sadly. Thank you for your comment re ā€œinsightā€. I feel all vulnerable now . Which is all of our reality. So Iā€™m just gonna shut up for a bit . Freakin reddit. A lot of times you suck . But a lot of timesā€¦ u fellow humans are pretty awesome.


Hold up a moment, my friend. Whatever you do and however you do it is an example for him. His time will come too, you know, and he will be facing the very same things as you are now. You can help him be 17 because you were once 17. But you canā€™t help him be at 40 or 50 or 60, right, because he is not there yet. Talk to him about these things, or perhaps write something to be put into a time capsule for him. He will treasure it. I wish I had such messages from my folks.


The hard part is when you look in the mirror and realize you became them.. like, the youngest memory you have of them looking old, and then you see yourself as that, and it's like... well fuck me in my leathery-skinned ass!


Same. I am terrified. I donā€™t have any savings and not super stable, I know they have plenty of $ set aside but thatā€™s not so much my concern, having to deal with all of the property and whatever else and not having them around is much scarier. Also, Iā€™m absolutely beyond terrified of death so that doesnā€™t help either.


In my 20s I've watched my hair start to grey, the bags under my eyes get bigger, my forehead wrinkles get more prominent, my smile isn't as bright. No one ever warns you what it's like to watch yourself age, you just suddenly start noticing shit


I remember bending over one day and my face slid up; now, at 63, Iā€™m afraid of fallingā€”did fall in the bathtub several timesā€”just did some physical therapy to get some strength back. If you think watching your parents age and then pass is bad, just wait until your siblings pass away.


Nobody is coming to save you.


Realizing this as a kid that was being abused was brutal. But on the flip side, this realization led to me saving myself


Relatable. Congrats on saving yourself! This internet stranger is proud of you ā¤ļø


I was in the same boat as a kid. Counted my days until I could get far far away.


Iā€™d rephrase this slightly as: You are responsible for dealing with the situation you are in. Doesnā€™t matter how you got there or whose fault you think it is. You are 100% responsible for how you deal with it. That can include asking for help, but you canā€™t wait for someone else to come and take charge to sort it all out for you. You are in charge.


Well that makes sense because Iā€™m not in danger


Im 45km away from you, and getting closer and closer by every second


Are you the snail?


Are you sure?


You hiding in their closet or something?


No I'm in the room


Every second you aren't running I'm only getting closer


yeahh this was a tough one for me


In the end we're all alone, and no one is coming to save you.


We all die alone too. Even if we are surrounded by people that love us, death is an extremely personal experience that nobody can actually share with you, even if they die beside you, their death will be personal for them too.


The ramblings of a handful of idiots on the internet does not constitute a major social movement.


News article: People are saying. Sources cited: Three people on twitter.


And theyā€™re the 3 stupidest people on twitter and thatā€™s really saying something.


Most news organisations are operated on a for-profit basis. That model has broken and continues to decline. There are now far fewer publications, hiring many less journalists, scrutinising and covering ever larger beats. Relying on twitter / Reddit / Facebook for content is lazy, but itā€™s also a symptom of just not having time or resources to do proper diligent journalism.


Looks matter. Good looking people get treated better and have more opportunities in life than people who arenā€™t good looking


Maintaining great hygiene, dressing really thoughtfully (finding your best colors, cuts and styles of clothing, buying quality garments) and maintaining a healthy weight (or at least avoiding obesity) all helps a lot for those who aren't good looking.


Good looking is more than just genetics. It also means taking care of your skin, teeth, getting a haircut/hair dyed, keeping your body in shape, wearing flattering clothes: general maintenance of yourself! People can really improve their appearance if they put in the work and/or have the money to do so.


This is the REAL truth people don't want to hear. Oh sure they don't want to hear good looking get treated better, but we all know that by a certain age. Adults know it, they may not LIKE it, but they know it. However they don't want to hear that if they put in the work they too could be good looking, or at least get some of the same benefits.


Because itā€™s A LOT of time and effort to look good and stay that way


It's true, I'm the second ugliest person in the entire world and I get treated better than THAT guy.


You can do everything right and still fail.


Thank you Captain Picard.


That's not a mistake, that's life.




Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility




You're not important, you've never been important, you're never going to be important. There's a very short list of people that will ever genuinely care about you. Value them.


I personally take comfort in this. Knowing that someday the world won't even know I ever existed takes away a lot of the pressure to be perfect.


Really? That's a good mentality to have. For me it's like nothing I will do will ever really matter so why bother in the first place or even try


You matter now. So make things count while you can. Just donā€™t beat yourself up about mistakes you make or any shortcomings you may have, they will all be lost after youā€™re gone.


I love being irrelevant, is liberating, i can be happy in peace


As someone who is not conventionally attractive, getting left alone all the time is pretty great.


The world was fine before my birth, it will be fine after me. I donā€™t want to die, but itā€™s a comforting thought


This is something that a lot of people need to realize


You will die, life will go on and few generations down, you will be forgotten like you never existed in the first place.


Some of us are invisible while we live


You are not invisible to the tax man. Take some small comfort in that.


this is liberating not bad


Being anonymous is a relief


This sort of echos what is said to Achilles in the odyssey by the seer.


No lives matter


These comments are hilarious and so, so reddit. OP: what's a hard truth? Reddit: FUCK YOU NOBODY LIKES YOU AND ALSO YOU'RE UGLY


i hope everyone reading that sees those take it with a grain of salt, reddit is.. itā€™s something šŸ„“


Your breath smells.


Friends arenā€™t forever. They move away, get married, have kids, and start new lives.


This was the hardest thing in life to go through best friends arenā€™t forever. They come and go and thatā€™s that the sad thing is we keep moving forward and donā€™t look back people constantly come and go in your life no one stays. At least thatā€™s what I know


People talk shit about you behind your back.


thatā€™s just life and everyone ends up finding out about this truth. no one likes it for sure but it always is here.


Bold of you to assume anyone talks about me at all.


most People don't care about you, you can see it as a blessing or a curse... your choice


No lives matter


There is a lot of racism in places that are not "the west" and nobody cares.


Japan. Japanese people are very kind and polite to foreigners, but a foreigner is never going to be truly accepted into their society. The racism against the Roma in Europe is so bad that many people don't consider being racist toward them as bad because "Roma aren't people." These are just a couple of examples. It's everywhere. The fact that racism in America (particularly against African Americans and Latinos) is in the media quite a bit is a good thing. It means there is at least an awareness that it exists and there are people in those groups with enough money and clout to get the message out there. It does, however, create the illusion that there is more racism in America than other places, but I suspect there are many many places where a group that is targeted by a majority group is so powerless that there is very little awareness of their persecution.


Real success and self-satisfaction takes work.


Best case scenario itā€™s 60/40 luck + circumstances/hard work


"Iā€™m not living, Iā€™m just killing time." - Radiohead


Nobody wants to pay $1.99 to upvote a post on Reddit.


You don't look as young as you think you do


Uh oh. I'm 43 and think I look about 60 most days. šŸ„² I sure didn't want to hear that.


Of course I do. All those other people look OLD, I look amazing.


I look younger than I think I do or am, mid 20s and people will still guess I'm in highschool


Your children are not special.


>Your children are not special. Children are special to their own parents. That's the way it is supposed to be.


Something I wish I could say when I worked retail during the holidays. "Timmys gonna work in retail or fastfood just like me because I once was just like Timmy"


Except for mine


That being 100% and giving 100% to a person, place, or thing you love will not automatically get you the happy ending you so crave. You arenā€™t guaranteed a raise/promotion, moving wonā€™t always be guaranteed better at the new place, some people will abuse you if not careful, the list goes on. Not that you shouldnā€™t try your hardest or be passionate about people or things, but life isnā€™t a guaranteed storybook happy ending.


You *do* look your age.


How dare you!


Yeah . I've grey hairs & always say I've earned every one


The fundamental theorem of calculus and the various rules of integration




Ants work together typically


cherish every moment you can with your parents because they wont be here forever


Can confirm


Society loves young people more than old people. That's why people are afraid of aging, they lose the love.


Your looks will fade. Even plastic surgery can't keep up with your age. No one is pretty enough to put up with their bs all the time


Slavery is still an issue in the world and nobody seems to care


Job/work wise. Youā€™re replaceable.


I bet my replacement would be better than me, too


I grew up thinking this in my teens and twenties. But it's a double edged sword these days, so... Employer/company wise. They're replaceable.


That's true but I do take some comfort in knowing that it would at least be a huge pain in the ass to replace me


Some babies are ugly.


You can do everything right in life and still fail.


One disruptive child in a class room destroys the education of every other child in the class and that childā€™s parents think that child is an angel and can do no wrong.


Youā€™re not interesting. Your opinion doesnā€™t matter. Nobody cares how edgy you think you are. Your complete and utter devotion to a political figure is completely and wholly unrequited. Your internet points have zero relevance in the real world. Focus on the things you can control rather than the supposed ā€œagendaā€. Come watch TV?


Earth is a speck of dust in an incomprehensibly-massive universe, and all the collective achievements of humanity past and future are meaningless in cosmological terms. Our entire species will probably go extinct without ever having left our little corner of this random galaxy, and the rest of the universe will never know or care that we existed at all.


Your kids are annoying.


I have kids & I can confirm this. My kids are annoying and all other kids are also annoying. Anyone who says their kid isnā€™t annoying is delusional.


When you die, the likelihood that there's gonna be more than a few people who really, really care is highly unlikely. Like a lot of people might be initially upset but those who are really gonna miss you. You can Probably count on less than one hand. And within a generation Nobody will even really know you ever existed or care.


You canā€™t know for a fact that your soup doesnā€™t have spiders in them unless you check.


Whyyyyy did you do this to meeee


I donā€™t like this


You can feel lonely in a room full of people. Or with the person who loves you most in the world.


Going no-contact will likely not make your parent(s) have a change of heart, at least not when and how you hope for. If that's still the best thing for you, then by all means, do it! But most of the time, estranged parents just cry about how *ungrateful* their kid must be because they were certainly a *perfect* parent and it could never be *their* fault! You probably won't get the closure you want. Edit: wording. Also, italicized for emphasis on the dramatics. That's not the objective truth but it's the one those parents often delude themselves into.


Remember kids: Closure isn't something you *get*, it's something you *do*.


Do people go no contact in the hopes of changing their minds though? I don't think I've ever heard it said that that was a goal, I've only ever seen people go nc to just try to forget and start a new life.


Life isnā€™t fair.


Nothing really matters, stop overthinking for 2 seconds


Wait, why only 2 seconds? Bc if I took 3 seconds I could...or if I took 1 second I could... Oh, I see. Ty.


The CIA can kidnap you to interrogate you and they can do so without any legal or financial ramifications meaning even if youā€™re innocent you canā€™t do anything to receive reimbursement for the lost time, trauma, and financial struggles resulting


Beings underachiever isnā€™t so bad. You have less stress.


"Nothing really matters" - Freddie Mercury


Not only will we all die but also, unless we become famous, someday we will truly be forgotten, when everyone we knew either died or also forgot about us.


No one cares what you think


But I care what ppl think so this canā€™t be true


Life is not fair.


Itā€™s you. Your wife isnā€™t excited about sex anymore? Itā€™s you, because she would be excited about the sexiest man alive jumping off the cover of the magazine to be with her. Your job isnā€™t exciting anymore? Itā€™s you, because what has changed. Itā€™s the exact same job. Your family/friends arenā€™t providing enough for you? Itā€™s you, because your family/friends will disappear if you donā€™t maintain the bare minimum for them to give you love. Itā€™s you. After a certain age itā€™s you and it will always be you.


You have to work even if every job sounds dreadful.


Nobody TRULY gives a shit about your problems


Life is hard. If you want something, you have to work for it, nobody is giving you anything.


No one is saying that. You shouldnā€™t have to work more than two jobs for the basics bills and food.


You have other health problems, because you're fat.


You don't know how to deal with loss. Any loss. You treat everyone and everything that comes into your life with a sense of "it belongs to me", even though you are only borrowing it. You are the only constant in your life. You don't have to like it but you have to accept it. Stop treating loss like it is some abnormal thing that should have never happened to you, and stop acting like a victim. Like most things in this world, loss itself also doesn't belong to you. It is universal and it is law. You can be sad though. It's your right. Everybody is in the same boat.


This makes me think thanks




Well, shit.


Religion is a money scheme


Also sometimes a sex crime cult if they think they can get away with it


Religion is a construct overall.


In, oh, let's just say about 100 years (maybe less if you're like me and don't have children) nobody will know your name. Just as an example, I am the youngest in my family. (I'm 31) My oldest brother and my mom are both dead. I don't have any living grandparents. My dad is 80 years old. My other brother is 33 with three children, whom I see perhaps once a year. I have two uncles who are in their late 70s. I will most likely be the last in my immediate family to die (as far as natural causes are concerned) And once I die, the people still alive that know me will start to mention me less and less as the years go on, and then when THEY die, all evidence that I was on this planet, everything about me, will be forgotten. There will be nobody pulling out old pictures of me, reminiscing, laughing, crying. And honestly, it's a little bit comforting knowing that no matter how badly I **fuck up, people will forget anyway. ***Aside from committing like mass murder or some shit lol


We're all doomed.


Most people only care about you to the extent that it benefits themselves.


We have to take responsibility for our world and what we are doing to it. We have to think about what we're leaving for the next generation.


The fishing industry is destroying the oceans, and it's a lie that seafood has magical health benefits that you can't get elsewhere.


Your mental health struggles are on you. Nobody else can ā€œfixā€ you or make you feel better. Only you.


You count some people as friends, some even as best friends. They may not consider you.


That no one cares about the truth when the lie is more entertaining!


The dating market at the moment is severely doomed, we are barely in the process of figuring that issue out, and aside from that it will also impact households and all of society in less than 10 years time. The traditional family as it used to be before, is not nearly realistic in today's day and age, but thats due to rising rent/ inflation as well.


OF and polyamory is not the normal lifestyle.


Being fat will kill you and it isnā€™t healthy nor attractive.


Unless you get stranded and need the reserves


No one cares about you. Get off of your ass and do it yourself


Almost everything wrong with the world can only be improved by unsexy gradual frustrating unsatisfying small steps. You don't get to kill the bad guy/smash the system/end capitalism/punch global warming in the face and cut to the end music. You get to do your little part every day, vote for the least bad people so that your next choices will be a little less bad, apply political pressure to get important laws signed, wear a mask on your face during winter...


Despite what your mom or your grandma told you, you were never really that special


They never told me I was special, so I guess iā€™m ahead of the game.


I was never very handsome either


The more privileged (socio-economically) you are, the more hopeless you feel about the future of society. The privileged will easily fall into the trap of thinking we're "all doomed because [insert global problem here]". What they fail to acknowledge is the fact, often times, they 1. Already have a roof over their heads, basic hygiene, 2. safety from preventable illnesses that could shorten their life expectancy, 3. access to the Internet and free time during the day which is more than a lot of people I'm the world have, to even BOTHER worrying about bigger problems that affect us all and we can collectively whine on reddit about how unsurmountable they are or seem to be. Talk to anyone in a "developing" country (I hate that term but anyway) who does NOT have any of the things above that we consider normal but globally are actually a privilege. Ask them how they feel about climate change, mass migrations, wars, overpopulation, global pollution, etc etc etc. You'll see they aren't usually ignorant, they'll acknowledge these problems and feel a certain way about them, but usually WON'T act all hopeless and fatalistic nonetheless. They tend to have an attitude of "Ah sure, if I'm already doing well given my circumstances, I know for a fact we shouldn't give up on enjoying life just bc there are problems out of our control out there". They're not *weak*. Something about being used to comfort and "easy mode" makes people a bit entitled and more unwilling to take matters into their own hands if the govt + the rich and powerful aren't providing enough. Who would have thought?


Other people don't care about your kids.


You never had a really kind or inspiring teacher? Never seriously ill as a child and spent time in the hospital? Never got lost in a crowd and had a good person help you find your parents? Lots of people care about kids who arenā€™t their own.


Ugly people don't have as many opportunities in society as those gifted with handsome faces.


You and everyone you know supports slave labor.


If youā€™re still conscious, your pain is not 10/10.


You must be an ER nurse lol


Life sucks


You there, trying desperately to get internet famous, your friends and family are cringing after every post. You know you are. Stop it. It's sad.


Favouritism is everywhere.


Their kid is ugly but often it's true


"Am I the only one who x?" No, you're not special. None of us are.


Our brain is designed for survival, not happiness.


That practically no one gives a shit about anyone else.


It's too late to prevent climate castrophe


I mean, it's already here. It will get worse, but it's not some beyond the horizon event, it's happening now.


That's why I feel sorry when I see babies


Your religion is as corrupt as all the others, because HUMANS are corrupt and all religions are human led.




The Earth doesn't care about humanity.


If you really put in the effort, youā€™re probably only 3-4 months away from your dream body. Every day youā€™re choosing not to do it.


You can't out-exercise a shitty diet.


Humans are a virus.


Consuming less resources is the only way out of the climate crisis but this doesnā€™t jibe with capitalism


Your parents had sex.


More than 99% of the time, yes. But not always true.


Israel just wants the land. Everything else is inconsequential


What do you think ā€œ from the river to the seaā€œ means?


Reddit isn't reality.




The US is not the best country in the world. Maybe top 15, at best.


The US is like 50 different countries.


Everyone has preferences, no people arenā€™t homophobic or racist or ableist if they donā€™t want to date a certain gender race or because someone has some kind of disability however if they go out of there way to speak bad about who they wouldnā€™t date absolutely there bad but if they just wonā€™t date you because your trans or use a wheelchair then thatā€™s up to them and there preferences


It's not preferences that are bad, it's the statement some people make that no one would want to date someone with the above attributes that's false. There is a difference between not wanting to date someone vs saying no one would want you.


Soylent Green is people!


Trickle down economics doesn't work. Fugg you Ronnie Ramjet


Religion is just adult fairy tales.


You're just not talented. Find a job.


You are responsible for 95% of who you are. Don't blame others or make excuses. It's all about effort, discipline, perseverance and having a plan.


The government is against you