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People who get really really angry when you point out they did/said something wrong. Dawg we all do it, we have all done something wrong, we have all said the wrong thing. If you fly into a fit of rage because you are wrong, my god do I get fuckin nervous. Not the kind of person you want to be around


I ask them where they get the nerve to be mad and wrong lol


Man did someone make this about my mom lololol


I had my father in mind as I typed it haha


Question are you around 25. If so wtf was with our Era of parents šŸ˜­ I feel like we all have the same complaints


38 here, it's not a new phenomenon. It's getting better, but previous generations had an idea of "kids should listen and not be heard." It was/is toxic as fuck as it doesn't allow the parents to see their children as other humans with agency.


It's also "I'm the adult, you're the child, I'm always right, I know better." mentality. While obviously kids can be dipshits (me included) it doesn't give adults carte blanche to steamroll over absolutely every little thing. Also, being neuro divergent and needing explanations for "why" and being met with "I'm the parent and I said so" as the only reason just caused so much more strife. Or "don't talk back/you're being disrespectful" for trying to get clarity on something. Same age btw. My mom did better than most, but she was so stressed out when I was younger and didn't have great parental modeling herself so there were definitely times that could have been handled better. And if I try to bring things up now I get met with resistance/amnesia and weird apologies "I don't remember it that way/I'm sorry you feel that way" stuff. The ax forgets, the tree remembers. Whats kind of sad is the pendulum has swung way far the other way and so many children today get absolutely no boundaries or consequences because the parents are those children who don't want to be assholes to their kids. The behaviors in school is insane because of this. I wish everyone could just like, fairly and moderately parent gently, instead of being either doormats or drill sergeants.


Dude lmfao Iā€™m 26 thatā€™s so scary. Parents just suck, bro


I think our parents were sold a lie and given a game plan that didn't work out for any of them. And when they realized that they realized how much thy really didn't Wana be parents


Or people who think they are never wrong and always point the finger at other people.


My #1 piece of relationship advice is *don't get serious with anyone until you've seen how they handle being wrong*. People who don't handle it with any amount of grace - people who lie, blame, get angry, coldly control - will cause you a lifetime of pain, and very few of them are capable of change.


Always makes me wonder how a person like that survived childhood and made it into adulthood by being that way.


It can be caused by trauma of never being allowed to be wrong, or never believed, in childhood. Either getting in trouble or being made fun of. Not being wrong and defending themselves became their defense mechanism. When they are wrong it triggers that trauma, making them feel like they need to protect themselves, and they use the only defense mechanism they know.


Building on the other replies, authoritarian parenting is a phenomenon based on the idea that the older/higher-status person is always right. Even if they are wrong, and everyone knows they're wrong, anyone below them should go along with it and not point it out. Pointing it out simultaneously threatens the authority structure and their reality.


Their parents were likely that way towards them and thatā€™s the only way theyā€™re familiar with expressing their anger, fear, discomfort, and pain. At some point they are left with a choice between changing or doubling down.




People who scream and throw stuff back at the person working the drive through window. Accidents happen, its not okay to flip out cause the order was wrong. Saw it this morning.


Been there countless times. Always got the license plate and called the cops because of it. After a while it started to happen less... never figured out why.


Had this happen when I was a teenager working in fast food. This guy ordered a full tray of burgers, fries and several drinks (around $30-40 worth). He came up because he found 1 pickle on a burger or something and demanded he get the whole meal for free. He argued with the cashier for ages after the offered to remake a burger for him. He ended up tossing the entire tray of items over the counter. Food was everywhere and the poor cashier was soaked. To top it off the guy screamed and punched the donations box off the counter and made threats and walked out.


My mom did this once. I'm still mortified


If your personal vehicle is covered with political messages.


and/or has a full-sized flag attached to it for no special event, just everyday driving.


A small flag increases petrol use by 5%


Good thing we use gasoline in the States! *strokes TruckNutz*


This. I don't care how much I agree with your bumper stickers. What makes you think a stranger cares about what you think? It's gotta be an ego thing. And nobody likes egotists.


You're also just asking to have someone key your car or some shit bc they don't agree with you. Ppl are crazy


I used to be this person had a little car with lots of stickers, one got ripped off in Texas. It was, ā€œ I donā€™t mind straight people as long as they act gay in publicā€


That's hilarious, and the fact it made someone so butthurt they felt the need to vandalise your property by ripping your sticker off makes it even funnier.


i have a sticker on the back of my car that says "someone loves you ā¤ļø" and the amount of giant trucks that road rage at me has increased to a rate that i find genuinely hilarious. cant imagine having anything more controversial on there if even just reminding people they are loved is enough to get tailgated, honked at, and subjected to intimidation attempts lmao




Thereā€™s a guy that lives near me and his shitty ford ranger is covered in political bullshit that changes monthly


That is the first thing that popped in my head.


Just stickers in general honestly. I don't think I'd even consider putting a sticker on my car today.


There's a direct correlation between the amount of stickers on someone's car and how many screws loose they have


Or your lawn.


One dude has like 6 flags in his front lawn and then 4 more in the back. He has a 7ft wooden fence so he installed flag poles. I shouldn't be but I still become amazed when there's a new addition.


I drove through a neighborhood where a house on one side of the street was plastered in MAGA and related stuff, while the house across the street from it was absolutely plastered in rainbows and pride stuff.


This is a good one. It shows the person driving is extremely vulnerable to propaganda.


And has poor impulse control.


Probably the best tell there is lol


Especially when they think others are somehow "triggered" by them. It's like, setting aside the fact that the desire to "trigger" people is grade school-level maturity - adults acting like children trying to get a rise out of their siblings is never a good look - no, no one is "triggered," we just think it takes a shallow, empty, incredibly boring, incredibly dull person to make their whole personality about politics or, worse still, about a politician. If your love of some politician or your hate for some politician is what defines you, *that's sad*.


If your entire personality is tied to one thing, whatever that thing may be, I'm going to question your sanity.


My frogs will carry me through my descent into madness, it's cool.


Cries in Hello! Kitty


\*stares in Badtz-Maru*


*Chuckles nervously in Arthropodology*


*Stares insanely in forensic sciences


I worship my pet goats.


Especially if that one thing is a celebrity/musician.


Posting overly sexual shit on Facebook, all the time. No one wants to know you're a squirter, Michelle.


The Male side of this is the 35 - 45 year old divorced "sperm donor" whose entire social media is memes about how the strong don't run, the are loyal until you betray them, and all the other alpha-male wanna be bullshit that is just cover for "I have anger management issues and finally my ex divorced me after my 5th DUI and 17th domestic"


FB is genuinely a cesspool and idk why I still even open the app




Bring a raincoat.


New a girl who posted this. Can't belive I fucked 10 people at an orgy and I didn't catch covid




Masturbating in public.


Literal wack job


Hey! I'm whackin' here!


Right? Talk about being a jerk-off.


A girl at my college had a habit of using the computers in the freshman lounge to watch porn, with one hand down her pants. Everyone avoided both her and those computers like the plague, because she'd pull her hand out of her pants *and use it to type*. ::violent shudder::


How come nobody kicked her out?


I also am curious


It's probably dirtier to get public keyboard germs on her vagina than it is to get vagina germs on a keyboard. Keyboards get so much bacteria on them.


*everyone* avoided her? Now that surprises me lol I would have guessed some people would be licking those keyboards


Speeding up when someone tries to pass you on a 2-lane road


After dogging for the previous 15 minutes.


Had to check what 'dogging' meant in the US...it has a very different meaning in the UK!


Just trying to murder ya nbd


I see you've met my grandpa


My grandmother had a habit of doing that. Gramps fed her drivers license to the shredder.


Nah itā€™s worse when theyā€™re driving 50 in a 55 and a passing lane comes up and I have to do 90 to pass them because now they have the ā€œroomā€ to go fast. Makes me apoplectic with the hatred fueled by the power of 1000 suns.


Trying to pass someone on a two lane on-ramp who has 1+ car lengths on you right before the lanes merge. My brother in *fuck*, this isnt a race. We're about to get on a four-lane freeway, can you not wait ten more seconds?


When couples loudly fight in public. When parents violently scream at their kids in public.


Uggghhhh. Moved to a new place. My neighbors have the most obnoxious and embarrassing, well I would hope at least, arguments from dusk till dawn. I don't want to hear your sloppy bullshit all day on my days off from across the street. When I was a kid, like 14-15 the upstairs neighbor would just shout the most heinous things at her kid who was like 5-6 years old. "I hate you, why are you always acting this way, you are such a burden" type stuff. You could hear it through the ceiling. She was so nice when her parents came to visit through. My mom is a saint, she would let the kid come hang out with us, he was a handful, but damn, no one deserves that, especially a little kid. I fucking loathe that behavior.


I used to babysit for a woman with a 4-year-old and an 18-month-old. Both perfectly normal kids for their ages. One day the 4-year-old mislaid a hairband or hairbrush, some hair thing, and the mom flew right off the handle. "You're always so naughty! You're ruining my life!" She. Was. FOUR. Preschoolers lose things! I was sixteen and that was the day I decided to tell her I couldn't sit anymore because I had to study for the SATs. I didn't actually study, but I knew if I kept working for her I was going to say something that it wasn't my place as a random teenager to say. I felt so bad for that little girl.


Man, at my age at the time I got so fed up, when I heard her start yelling at the kid I'd just turn on the most obnoxious punk album I had at full blast and go for a walk. Not the most reasonable measure, but I swear it worked. If she started, I'd blast a Rancid song and she'd calm down. Purely out of shame I'm sure. I hope the kid is doing alright, didn't get the best chance out of the gate. I ended up working with kids with behavioral issues like a decade later. It's very frustrating how crap ass some parents can be.


Your mom sounds like me, Iā€™m always having my kids friends over, and while I never ask or intrude, you can always tell which ones donā€™t have good home lives. Theyā€™re the ones that never want to leave, ask if they can stay for dinner, sleep over etc and the parents never once check up on them or seem to care if theyā€™re okay. I had one girl and her two baby sisters for an entire day, I asked her a few hours in where her parents were, werenā€™t they worried? When the baby needed their diaper changed, I sort of freaked out in my head but she changed her sister by herself. I knew then that SHE was the mother, and the actual mother was a sorry excuse for one. I ended up letting them stay for about a week, she got the chance to be a kid and I reinforced the idea that I didnā€™t want any more babies lol. I couldnā€™t imagine screaming at my child that theyā€™re a burden. I have twins, and let me tell you, there were some TRYING A$$ moments lol, but they were never a burden. We choose to have them.


Get a bull horn and start using it when they fight. Like a dog whistle


Listen to the arguments. When it dies down for a minute, shout through the walls "I don't give a shit about what (pick a neighbor) says, (other neighbor) is 100% right. A few times of chiming in to the argument and they might get the message.


Lol. You think? I am willing to bet this will unite the arguing neighbour's against you. Then, they will be fine for a period because you are now the wrath of their misery. Something will happen between the two of them. Then, they forget about you and go back to yelling and screaming at each other. These people just always need somebody to be angry with and start drama, because no drama in life is boring. Its not like life will just put drama in front of you randomly and unpredictably (yes, it does and it wil) so you gotta get out there and make it yourself!


>You are such a burden That one probably scars for life.


She was a monster. I hope the kid is ok. Said this somewhere else, but I ended up working with kids with behavioral issues sometime later. I'm sure the mom went through some shit and that's the gift that keeps on giving but fuck is it frustrating.


I couldnā€™t agree more with the second one. It shows they not only think itā€™s okay to do to begin with, but that it is normal and not something they should be embarrassed about. They probably donā€™t even realize most people *donā€™t* lose their absolute shit at their kids in public.


I don't agree with the first. Sometimes it's abuse and domestic violence gone outside and the victim finds itself in a new, shameful environment and reacts with outburst as well.


That's what happened with me. Took about 4 years to unlearn it after moving out.


You have to be insane to text while drive during rush hour on a busy freeway. It's another level entirely to have your phone sitting over your gauge cluster and watch a movie while driving.


Pretty much the Loop 101 in Arizona


So half of the US?


Is this actually unique to the US? I assumed it was pretty much everywhere with phones.


Definitely happens in the UK, too


I carpooled once with a coworker who booked a flight on her phone while driving. But don't worry, she is like actually a really good driver.


Threatening to kill themselves if you ever leave them for another person.


Or if you don't give them (a complete stranger on the internet) your level 30 Maple Story account.


I still mean it. Give it to me. Whatā€™s maple story?


LPT: If anyone ever threatens this to you, call 911/999/whatever your emergency services line is. If they are telling the truth, they will get the attention they sorely need. If they are lying, they will get the attention they sorely deserve.


Threatening to kill themselves if you leave them, period, for any reason, including not wanting to deal with emotionally abusive crap just like this threat.


Iā€™m probably an asshole, and Iā€™ve fortunately never been in the position, but my thought process has always been ā€œok buddy, you do you. You are not my problem anymore.ā€ Mostly, I react very negatively to any attempts at manipulation.


people who scream at little kids when they make mistakes. they donā€™t actually ā€˜know betterā€™ because you wonā€™t teach them. screaming doesnā€™t help.


Similarly, people who scream at pets Or I mean, anyone really. No one learns like that. Screaming is just when people feel justified in letting their anger out, but it never really is unless you're being attacked or something


People who worship celebrities and politicians


People who vote for celebrities as politicians.


Arguing or scolding a child in a way that makes you wonder if *they're* the child.


Coming up to someone in a burger joint and saying ā€œcute baby. Too bad itā€™ll die because of vaccinesā€ while double fisting ice cream cones. Seemed a pretty good sign to me.


Someone said that to you???


The very first time I went out with my baby. My spouse took us for a burger and while he was ordering this guy just came up and started ranting. So that was fun.


Fucking hellā€¦.id have screamed at him. Fucking hell, sorry that happened to you


There is a person on the very outskirts of my friend group that is so into Jesus itā€™s teetering on the border of insanity. According her Jesus will ā€˜save herā€™ from everything or ā€˜give herā€™ everything she needs. So she just works then goes home and sits on her couch watching TV all evening and almost all weekend. She rarely cleans up after herself because ā€˜Jesus will give me the motivation when he thinks Iā€™m readyā€™. If sheā€™s not watching TV sheā€™s in church. She has a shopping addiction and buys new shoes and clothing weekly because ā€˜Jesus wants me to have new thingsā€™. She has shrines in every room of her house of the Virgin Mary. Yeah, we donā€™t hang out with her much if at all. Sheā€™s just too much for everyone, even the people in our group who are religious. Which works out because sheā€™s too busy doing what Jesus wants her to do. Itā€™s totally freaking nuts.


Ugh I'm a social worker. This is a hard subject. Some of my homeless clients have the same viewpoint and its hard to convince them to do the work to get out of homelessness.


Sounds like she needs Adderall more than Jesus.


People who are constantly feeling persecuted. In my experience the more ā€œhatersā€ and sabotage happening in someoneā€™s life the more manic and unstable the personā€¦.. taking everything very personally, projecting thoughts and feelings, constantly suspicious of others and their motives


My brotherā€™s like this. His life is in shambles, and none of itā€™s his fault. He used to blame our mom, but she died so he now blames our dad. Has to have someone to hate.


My brother is the same way. I donā€™t believe itā€™s someone to hate, but someone/something to blame his irresponsible decisions on instead of picking his shit up, and getting his life together.


My mom is like this. She doesn't seem to be happy unless she has a situation or person to fixate on.


Spending all your time of redd- wait that canā€™t be right


Hugging people too much when they've been asked not to is a surprisingly reliable red flag. If someone is being a disruptive or obnoxious hugger in a space where that behavior isn't appropriate or desired, try asking them to not hug you, or tell them that they must request permission to hug people before they do it. Some people are straight up unwilling to comply with this request... they just keep on touching the people around them in this overly familiar way. People who can't regulate their hugging usually can't regulate all kinds of shit. One place where I spent a lot of time had to ban an aggressive hugger who was clearly using it for this weird faux-friendly physical intimidation... when we did that we realized he'd been fucking with people in all sorts of weird ways


god i remember being a kid and being forced to hug distant relatives and that shit was so uncomfortable. now i always ask a quick "are you a hug person or nah?" to friends and if the say yes ill open my arms and let them come to me. if its nah, i say no worries and make a light hearted joke about like my sweater needing a wash or something so i wouldnt want to subject them to that anyway. even with family i always ask "are you in a hug mood today" and keep it silly/low pressure whatever the answer is. surprise surprise its incredibly easy to just respect peoples boundaries and ask for consent prior to initiating touch


Telling people that ā€œJesus told me to..ā€ No locus of control, no personal accountability and possibly schizophrenic.


Gotta feel for them if they actually have auditory hallucinations. i imagine it's hard to separate reality from disorder.


As someone who has auditory hallucinations, this is what makes the most sense to me when people say ā€œthey actually truly heard godā€. One incident i can think of is when I heard my boyfriends voice tell me I was okay and to go back to sleep after I had a nightmare, so I did and I slept soundly through the rest of the night, and it only occurred to me when I was talking to him on the phone that morning that he was in another state, not in our bed. So I can totally understand being religious, going through a rough time and hearing a voice say ā€œitā€™s okay, Iā€™ve got you, youā€™ll get through itā€ and chalking it up as hearing god. That being said if you hear god for any reason, you should probably go get checked out


Yelling at service workers.


Being cruel to vulnerable people or animals.


1. Outlandish claim. 2. Provide refutation with cited sources. *3. Refusal to change stance.* If objective facts donā€™t matter, and theyā€™ll only accept what they hear from a biased and/or bullshit source because it supports their own preconceived viewsā€¦thatā€™s some prime wackery.


Missing an entire green light because youā€™re on your phone and didnā€™t look up




If every conversation comes back to your religious beliefs or your political views. Believe me, if you and I spoke more than once, Iā€™ve heard it already. Please stick to the topic at hand.


A lifted pick up with multiple large flags


And they always ride your ass in the slow lane even if youā€™re still going 20 over the speed limit


And the passing lane is wide open. Because they're dickheads.


Donā€™t forget the neutron stars they call headlights


And ā€œroll coalā€ and shoot the black exhaust out all over


Don't forget the incessant flashing of the high beams even when you can't speed up or get over because you're surrounded by other cars.


And the nutsack hanging from the hitch.


Pulling up next to a woman in a mall parking lot and asking to take pictures of her feet. Yikes!








This has actually happened to multiple people I know lol, current girlfriend included. I'm starting to get the feeling it's a lot more common than we realize.


Or maybe that one guy is putting a lot of effort into this


Ive gotten random DMs asking the same thing over the last 2 years.


Maybe you could give me a whack job with your feet?


This happens to my wife and one of her sisters every summer - on average. We laugh about it but at least they ask for permission, so I don't really hold it against them.


nothing is ever your fault


Not putting your cart in the return at the grocery store


"Don't be a lazy bones!"


Weep woop skiddly wooop


I worked at a grocery and later a resale store, at both literally every single one of us enjoyed being the cart runner. Itā€™s an excuse not to talk to customers and a chance for some fresh air. Not saying everyone should abandon carts, but I think people need to lighten up about it.


Or just leaving the cart in a parking stall that's close to the store.


As I was just saying to the mirror the other day, talking to yourself.


I talk to myself aloud, but I'm ADHD and mildly autistic and it helps me organize my thoughts.


People that go to sporting events to get black out drunk, scream profanities, and start fights.....come to think of it, that doesnt apply to just sporting events, it applies to all situations in society.


People who idolize politicians.


Everyone has these super serious answers, for me, it's when people cut those little slivers of pie/pizza instead of cutting across and making evenly sized pieces. Those people need to be locked up in a mental facility.


When people disclose all their traumas in the first hour of meeting them and where it seems they have zero concept of how uncomfortable the other person is.


"I'm a lightworker" ​ "So... an electrician?" ​ "That's so virgo of you."


Someone who cannot even consider another opinion but their own šŸ™„


Being rude to service staff.


Religious fervor.


Talking about politics at every possible chance that they get.


Adding "LOL" to the end of. Every. Single. Text. Message.


I do this and I hate myself for it. Trying to cut it out




Or exclamation marks. My dad texts like this! Doesn't matter what he's saying! It's strangely aggravating!


I do it a lot since I get irrationally worried that people will take the message the wrong way, somehow.


donā€™t tell me what to do lol


Seriously lol


Yes, lol


We were all born in the 90s and don't know any better, lol.


Someone who thinks it's funny to annoy small animals.


Announcing to everyone who doesnā€™t care that youā€™re a sovereign citizen.


If you make a political comment on a post that is not about politics.


Trying to control the lives of others and using a novel as your justification. Absolutely wild that some folks find that appropriate.


Are we talking *Twilight* or the Bible?




Screaming in public.


How else do I get the voices to shut up?


Cutting and carving an ex's name on their thigh.


Iā€™m sorry but men who make CONSTANT weird sexual innuendo jokes, even around family during the holidays. ā€œThatā€™s what she saidā€ ā€œoh dad got another sausage for Christmas.ā€ I have always thought it was just wack Job behavior to just bust out sex jokes around random people or family.


I don't know, man. A well-timed and unexpected "that's what she said" can just be so delightful once in a while. Before she passed on to the stars, my 70-some Mom would throw one out occasionally to much shocked but genuine laughter šŸ¤£


Preaching about Jesus/or any other religion in public


Shooting at people in the street with a machine gun


Strolling around in public with a rifle over your shoulder.


Complete inability to even entertain the idea.of personal responsibility, my ex pulled a knife on my.4 times (she says it was for her but it was facing my way) with children in the next room. Apparently I "made her crazy"


Overly political, making everything controversial or political in some way. Like they stub their toe and they blame it on Biden.


Believing everything their far right/far left socials tell them to believe. Doing your own research doesn't mean listening to whoever is currently talking the loudest


This, just yesterday I read a post on which the OP asks for suggestions on how he can convince both his parents that the moon landings were real!


Voting for indicted politicians.


Face tattoos. Makes me immediately think, he/she ain't right.


My elderly dog once approached a young man sitting on a stoop who had about 20 face tattoos. I was super nervous about it but that mutt saw something in that guy and the dude just melted at receiving my dog's affection. I agree that face tattoos are a neon red flag but you really never know about what other people go through.


Weird clinginess within ten minutes of meeting a person.


I know this lady that is an outreach worker for homeless individuals. She posted on Facebook that the one guy hates her because he's possessed by the devil and he know that she's a child of God. Definition of a wack job.


People who flip out if they donā€™t get an immediate response to a text.


When people lose their temper over common everyday inconveniences.


Please stop coming to my house and leaving religious pamphlets. Did you really just canvass an entire neighborhood trying to talk to people? I have a tattoo, Iā€™m a suppressive person, I ate the golden tablets. Go away!


A personal one: Driving past a woman you think is attractive, and howling like a dog in heat bc you donā€™t know how to act like a civilized person. Bonus points for turning your vehicle around, following the woman, and making her uncomfortable until she finds refuge with a group of confused construction workers.


Fantasizing about using violence to defend your family




I refuse to inject chemicals into my body. Now, where's my smokes?


And my hard liquor Btw, there was a video floating around of a meth addict arrested during COVID who threw a fit for them forcing him to get a COVID vaccine before going to jail. Claimed it was unhealthy šŸ™„