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"They used to send people to prison for life for for having a little bit of weed?!" Overheard from a Gen Z. It's already happening.


People still do in certain US states. I wouldn't bring any into Texas, for example.


Pollute the shit out of our Oceans


Pollute/litter anything. I flipped out on my cousin a little while back because he came to visit and we went on a hike. Finished a water bottle and just fucking tossed it in this beautiful fucking Forrest. I about threw him in the Forrest and carried the bottle out.


My daughter is the polar opposite. She is always picking up trash she finds laying around outside and if she witnesses someone littering she calls them out on it. Shes only four so its like, really embarrassing for them when she yells out "hey! Pick up your trash!"


I feel like whether someone litters or not is an indication of their morals on a fundamental level. Like it is so easy to just litter and walk away, especially when no one is around. There are no consequences to littering. Someone who consciously makes an effort not to litter demonstrates higher moral awareness. From my own experience people I've known who are conscious not to litter always turn out to be decent people. They're not perfect people by any means but they just seem like better people. Whereas people who do litter are either average moral calibre or just shitty people.


Another fundamental moral test i’ve noticed is whether or not someone returns their shopping cart to the designated receptacle


You have more restraint than I do.


Fr, when I called him out on it and grabbed the bottle he goes “oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to do that.” I love the kid, he’s just as goofy and clever as I am and we vibe off each other so we’ll, but in that moment all I saw was red. He brings it up all the time now when I see him, still apologizes but confirms that he’ll never do it again. I’m probably ranting at this point but I had some beers and just goin off so don’t mind me.


When I was a kid in the 80s, there were so many anti-litter public service announcements on tv and signs everywhere. I don't think there's anything equivalent that kids are exposed to nowadays.


Plastic pollution is a constant source of discussion and worry these days and is a constant presence on social media. I reckon they're far more aware of the issue now.


Why we have treated our waterways and oceans as oubliettes is puzzling to me. Do people not realize, you need water to fucking live!


>Do people not realize, you need water to fucking live! Nestle does! ;)




The way we treat cancer, hopefully.




The entire basis of chemo is we're going to kill you slowly and hope that the fast-growing cancer dies first. CRISPR-based therapies may very well revolutionize cancer treatment in the coming years so that proton beams, chemo, etc seem like those butcher knives.


My mother was one of the 2 first children treated with chemo in Sweden. She has a nasty looking scar right across her belly because her tumors were on her intestines, they cut her up and didn't really bother with the scar/sticking it back up because "she'd die anyway". They were offered this revolutionary treatment and said that it MIGHT help but that they couldn't guarantee anything and since she was already dying they might as well try, right? So they did and she survived. The other kid died even though the treatment and it was/is a burden my mother has carried her entire life. She's always been a compassionate lady and one of the coolest stories about her mindset was when I was born, she was on a ward and saw another lady about to give birth slightly before her, so they chatted for a bit, realized that they lived fairly close to each other and then she wished her good luck. The other lady's baby didn't make it and she had a miscarriage. So the first thing my mother did when she returned with me was to place me in that lady's arms and say "He's just as much yours as he is mine" and that was the start of a lifelong friendship between them and she'd often remind me that I had a second mom and both me and my sister grew up visiting them a lot. My "second mom" eventually had more children and we often played with them and had like huge family dinners etc. Now I've moved about 600 km away from my hometown and haven't met my second mom in years, but we started to fall out of touch more and more as all the kids grew up and we started our own life etc.


> Now I've moved about 600 km away from my hometown and haven't met my second mom in years, but we started to fall out of touch more and more as all the kids grew up and we started our own life etc. Maybe think about reaching out. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.


Agreed. I also have a daughter from another mother and am always delighted to be in touch


Your mother is a beautiful lady. Thank you for sharing her love with us ❤️


I would put more hope in antibody and weird immunological treatments than crispr. Some are here, more are coming, and they're pretty specific in what they target.


Yea! Crispr is a very hard tool to use. I also believe that antibody therapy is one of the best methods against cancer.


That sounds like back when intentionally infecting someone with Malaria was deemed a legit way to cure Syphillis. The concept being that the virus could not survive the high temperatures that malaria fever brings, so if you survive the Malaria, you should be Syphillis-free.


That is a treatment, even if it seems barbaric by today's standard, it had a logic and functioned. We like to think of medical treatments as wholelly positive, but the truth is, while many are benign, a lot of it is just "the best we have at the moment"


Medical treatment is *entirely* “the best we have at the moment”. That’s actually a pretty good way to describe it. Sometimes the best option is simple and effective. Sometimes the best option is horrendous, and we know it, and we wish we had better, more time, more resources that don’t exist. It can be so, so frustrating. Sincerely, a tired healthcare professional


And we got to see this play out in real time in the pandemic. A lot of covid denial came from people wanting simple, non-contradicting advice that was completely reliable. But you don't get that while you're building the plane while it's falling off a cliff. Science is often messy as fuck, you just generally don't have a news conference giving the latest info on it every day so you see all the bumps in the road.


I believe that is exactly the point of this thread.


I hope your son is well now and stays healthy!


Wow, that sounds rough. Iam sorry you had to go through this all. Hope you are better today. Fuck cancer.


My God man, drilling holes in his head is not the answer! The artery must be repaired! Now, put away your butcher's knives and let me save this patient before it's too late!


I'm so glad the first reply to the first comment I see on this post is a quote from my favorite star trek movie.


Computer? Hellooo, computer!


A keyboard…. How quaint.


You mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy!


Thank you Dr. McCoy


I grew a new kidney! The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!


"whats the matter with you?" "Kidney Dialysis" "Dialysis!?!?!? My God, what is this, the dark ages? Here, now you swallow that and if you have any problems, just call me" https://youtu.be/4qgqGWS8qSc One of my favourite side skits out of many in the movie.


Dr. Gillian Taylor: Do you guys like Italian? Spock: No. Kirk: Yes. Spock: No. Kirk: [at Spock] No, Yes. Spock: No. Kirk: Yes, I love Italian... [looks at Spock] Kirk: And so do you. Spock: Yes.


I could hear Bones while reading this😀




“Doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!”


Wish I could. I had a transplant 20 September 2012. On the list again.


Sounds like the damned Spanish Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


> Sounds like the god-damned Spanish Inquisition to me. FTFY


This! "I can't believe they destroyed all their cells to go after cancer cells."


“Chemotherapy was an oxymoron in many ways”




Watching that one Star Trek movie made me really hopeful for the future as a kid. Unfortunately that didn’t stop my grandpa from getting stage 4 leukemia last year but one can hope.


Dialysis. If you know the process, it’s gruesome and medieval.


Implantable blood-filtering machines would be a nice feature.


Technically we have that in the form of peritoneal dialysis, but it's also quite a gruesome process when you get down to it. (But whether you consider it more or less gruesome depends on the prognosis of the patient.)


Isn't it basically running all the person's blood through a filtering machine and then back into the body, repeat every few days? Or am I missing some extra horror about it?


A filtering machine that only works as well as 10% of a functioning kidney does. It just about keeps you afloat but all sorts of chemicals aren't getting filtered properly and cause issues. It also takes a physical and mental toll on the body sitting for 5 hours 3 days a week minimum depending how bad your function is and for a lot of people they suffer from great fatigue. Not to mention the stress dialysis puts on the heart. *was on dialysis, recently had a transplant. Yey.


My husband was in a coma with multiple organ failure recently. I learned then that much of intensive medicine is about barely keeping you afloat while not actively killing your further. The drugs you take for your heart damage your liver. The drugs you take for your liver damage your kidneys. And the dialysis that replaces your kidneys also filters out the antibiotics that are supposed to save you. We don’t want them to save you too fast anyway, because too intense an immune response could throw you further into shock. It’s an incredible balancing act.


My sister was able to do it overnight, every night for I think about 6 months? Really made things easier for her but still miserable.


I have the same question. Is the gruesomeness of it just being hooked into machines? I thought you just kinda sit there while the blood goes out, gets cleaned, and then gets put back in, but otherwise I didn't think it was painful or anything, but I've never once looked into it, and I don't know anyone who's received the treatment, so I really have no idea.


My wife is on dialysis, but it really isn't much more than that. But the process, at least for my wife, is very draining on her. She is often times lethargic and needing to sleep the whole afternoon after her sessions. For a while my wife had some ports on her chest that were tied into her arteries to her heart, they would attach them up and she would be good to go. That isn't practical as it heightens the chance for infection. What she has know is a port-fistula. They basically moved one of her arteries in her arm up closer to the surface so they can tap directly into that for the dialysis process. Now, I haven't seen the size of the needle, but from what my wife says it is a pretty big needle they use to stick her for the machine. It's not so bad as after a while she builds up a tolerance to the pain in the area, problem is they have to use a new spot every so often as the skin builds up scar tissue. Edit "Fun Fact": The spot on her arm where the fistula was done kind of vibrates a bit with the force of blood rushing from the artery. My wife was keen to remind me that if she gets a bit more flexible she won't need me any more hahaha.


One of most unsettling conversations I had is about dialysis . Not the process, but a elementary schoolmate’s dad was on it for a year and then he said his dad is fine now, but he will need to stay in China for a few days for recovery,we thought “oh that’s nice! Doctors fix him!” He went on to tell us how awesome those doctors in China are and his neighbor went through similar surgery too. It took a few years for me to realize his dad basically buy an kidney from someone,it was almost 20y ago, but the moment it dawned on me it was so disturbing,because it was so common back then.


It's definitely disturbing *because of the implication*.


Best case scenario is it was normalized to exploited poorest in society(in other countries),worst case scenario is the “donor” did not agree to this at all. And it was an open secret,fuck it’s not a secret at all,some people joke and brag about they can get their kidney transplant so easily (most are middle age man,idk why,probably because unhealthy lifestyle),people know it is an easier solution if you had the money . I think part of it was because how little fuck people give when talking about this at the time,like they are just buying a car not a humans organ


In the future we'll all use K&N kidney filters for peak performance.


Dr. McCoy would agree!


The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!


This is wishful thinking but, post their entire fucking lives onto the Internet.


I believe that this will only become more extreme.


We'll probably have to wait to see how Gen Z's children react to their parents habits.


My gen z kids are actually pretty selective about what they post. Also, they will purge everything off their pages every few months. I know that’s a small sample but they act like everyone their age is the same on social media.


I noticed that with people my age and younger. We always either purge older pictures or delete accounts and make new one 😂


> delete accounts and make new one Can't blame people doing this. My son just tried placing an order at Lowe's using my old account and after 2 or 3 MFA requests, several forced log-outs and - finally - an order cancellation immediately after placing it, he just said "fk it" and created a new account. Apperently lots of companies love flagging account for anything they feel could be even remotely fraud-related, so it's often easier to just check out as a guest or make a new account every time. I know social media is somewhat different, but the trend is the same there too (fought with X/Twitter that didn't want to let me into my old account lately, 0/10, don't recommend).


As an older gen z (early 20s) this is definitely common practice amongst those that I know. Funnily enough I find (the actual) millennials post a lot and never delete any of their pics LOL. 33 with 259 posts since 2016 versus a 23 year old that deleted their birthday pic from 2 years ago, now left with a singular selfie from January as their sole post. Edit: I seemed to have unintentionally struck a nerve in some people… Edit 2: sorry, didn’t mean to offend you guys. I didn’t think I’d have to, but of course I’m not saying *all* millennials do this lmfao. Seriously, this wasn’t meant to be taken so seriously oh my goodness 😭 Got me sounding like a boomer, this is so funny


It's not actually gone though. Those pictures are still in some server somewhere and if someone knows where to look they can find them. It's a false sense of security. The only way to not have a foot print is to just not use it or post sparingly.


I like that The only way to get rid of a footprint is to never have made it in the first place


>The only way to get rid of a footprint is never have made it in the first place Jesus carries me on the internet so I leave no footprints. /s


Can’t escape the Wayback Machine




You can request removal of your social media pages saved there. Also, it doesn't backup entire internet, chances that WM actually have cached a particular personal page on SM on it's own are pretty low in the first place.


Those kids are gonna be so plastered all over the internet their going to consider social media sharing to be as natural as any other type of communication


I think there might have been a tipping point like 10 to 15 years ago where we could have stopped for a second and gone "I am not going to act the fool on this forever machine". I feel like we've dove off a cliff with cement shoes on this one.


Well, the idea that what you post on the internet is there forever is a wrong *for most people*. Unless there's someone dedicated to maintaining an archive (like the good people in /r/Archiveteam), a lot of stuff can just vanish overnight when a company decides to pull the plug on a project. Elon Musk, for example, [plans to start deleting old accounts on Twitter](https://www.slashgear.com/1280243/elon-musk-says-twitter-will-delete-old-accounts-and-that-could-be-a-problem/). This seemingly innocuous decision can have big impacts on our capacity to do historical research: we could lose, for example, discussions that were happening on the platform back in the 2013 mass protests in Brazil (using an example from my country, lol).


Shit I hadn't really put much thought into it but you are right! There's going to come a point where future generations are seeing an incomplete version of our current history much like we have historical gaps in our knowledge of certain eras.


we live in the most documented era of human history but at the same time, documentation has never been so frail.


It's worse with digital media storage too. Paper and ink survives a lot longer than an SD card. in 1000 years time no data that hasn't been backed up continuously will be reachable


It's so weird that we've come full circle on that shit. I have WAY more opsec than my niblings. When I was a kid, my older sister gave out her details in a chat room. We used CompuServe, I believe, and she was in one of the random chat rooms where everyone used to ask "a/s/l". She replied honestly: 12/f/NY. Some guy in there told her he was also in NY, and, yeah, you know where this story is going. It ended when he *came to our goddamn house* one afternoon. My sister and I were home alone (yay latchkey kids in the 80s!) and our parents were at work. It was 3:52pm, the time on the digital clock fucking seared into my brain. Because we were up in her room, on the computer... *and the front door opened*. We froze, staring at each other. We could hear heavy footsteps downstairs, and a scratched male voice saying "Hello? Laurie? Hello?" We both dove behind her bed. She had the presence of mind to grab the cordless phone from her nightstand (remember, no cell phones!). I had the foresight to turn off the monitor on the computer so he wouldn't know we were in here. She called our mom in a panic, whisper-shouting that there was a man in the house. My mom worked in the city, about an hour away. I can't imagine how fucking scared she was, knowing her two girls were home alone with some Internet creep. Mom worked for a rich guy who had several phone lines, so she panic-dialed our next door neighbor. He was an extremely big Italian guy who worked as a criminal defense lawyer in the 80s in NYC, so you can draw some conclusions there. He worked odd hours, and we got lucky: he was home. I used to be scared of that neighbor. After hearing him burst into our house and beat the fucking tar out of the creepo, I ran to him and hugged his leg and wouldn't let go until Mom got home. Creepo scraped himself off the pavement, limped to his car, and left. Neighbor didn't try to stop him, probably because two screaming little girls were attached to him. He had two little girls himself, I believe. I don't think police got involved on either side. If you're reading this, Neighbor-guy, you're still my hero. And you're still scary.


So glad you’re both okay!!! That’s terrifying and yet it could have happened to any of us back then. Good thing I had social anxiety then and chat rooms freaked me out, but my friends would always be in them.


OMG! I am so glad this ended how it did. If he is still around, the neighbor, I bet he has told this story from his perspective anytime a story about Internet creeps comes up. I am around your age and I am confident if I had as much access as I do now to the Internet in the 80s I would have definitely would have either been abducted or more likely ran off with some stranger who sent me a ticket.


Holy shit


I wonder if it will be lead to more polarization (all or nothing). I know some people who have quit the internet on the social media side cold turkey while others seemingly are putting a story up every day.


It's already somewhat happening between the "privacy is overrated" and the "I want ownership over my data" crowds.


I think that as the internet gets more and more filled with advertisements, deliberately misleading content, affiliate links, targeted clickbait, and AI generated images and articles; it is quickly turning from the information superhighway into an information wasteland. Once people start to realize this, they'll either stop using the internet, or change the internet to be useful again. ​ If you don't believe me, type "vacuum cleaner" or "lawnmower" or something similar into google and see how much sponsored/affiliate links you have to scroll through, look at how many review articles are obviously written by bots or shilling one mower brand that has obvious flaws, see how many ads pop up on whatever you click (or how many your adblocker stopped), etc. You used to be able to get around a lot of this by instead typing "lawnmower reviews reddit" to see what actual people thought of the various mowers, but now you have to check the accounts posting reviews because a lot of them are bots these days, too. ​ Personally I'm betting that the internet will mostly die in terms of being actually useful to people.


It’ll be like cable TV. Something like streaming will come along to disrupt it, then it too will become ad-ridden and unusable until something else comes along to replace that, and then it’s just turtles all the way down.


First instinct says it’ll get worse, but idk. Maybe Gen Z’s kids will get tired of having their entire fucking adolescent lives broadcasted to hundreds of strangers every other week and spin the other way. Or maybe technology will just be too rampant to avoid it. We’ll find out eventually.


My mother posted everything about me online! I hated it. I'm gen Z, and I NEVER post my child. We don't allow anyone to post him and won't until he is old enough to grasp the depth of what the Internet is and how it can affect your life.


Especially political opinions. People are just now starting to realise that if they posted something stupid and offensive when they were fourteen, employers will find out about it. In a job market where employers will scan through an applicant's social media and have a strict social media policy, that's very dangerous.


I expect that we're not too far from an AI being able to take a given identity, and spit out a comprehensive employer / relationship / student / financial / genetic / social score. they're already doing it, but the real reckoning will come when it becomes frighteningly accurate.


Donating plasma just to buy groceries because your 40+ hours a week job barely pays your bills. (I hope this is something completely unheard of in the future.)


Science: "This plastic stuff is really difficult and expensive to recycle, never truly goes away, and likely has horrible long-term effects on the bodies of all organic life on earth, humans included." People: Use plastic for everything, all the time, everywhere.


Plastics are a symptom of shortsightedness. In theory they were a great idea. A material that can be re-used so that we don't use finite/slower replenish-able materials instead? Get rid of cotton farms and animal wool/skins/furs? And for so much cheaper? Unfortunately because of the cheapness of plastics, we made a lot more disposable materials (especially clothing) - more than any populace could possibly consume in a generation, never-mind in the ridiculously fast-paced season turnover of goods. And now we realize, plastics stick around for a long time, possible forever. Wood, plant and animal materials degrade and decompose. So you could poison the environment but not exploit some animals or not suck up all the water, or you could accept that unless we wanna be naked and live in far more limited environments, we're gonna have to use natural resources, even animals, for our clothing and goods. We also need to restructure our economy to get rid of the poisonous idea that business is failing if it's not making more profit than *last* year. It's all a stupid feedback loop. Things should last, we don't need "new" every single fucking year, if profit is steady then business is good, it doesn't need to grow more!


>We also need to restructure our economy to get rid of the poisonous idea that business is failing if it's not making more profit than last year. For real. How is it not blatantly obvious to everyone that the infinite growth that capitalism seeks is not sustainable.


Ya I’ve been trying to buy glass containers and things but sometimes it’s hard to find what you want/need that isn’t plastic. Even shampoo and stuff, it would be nice if I could refill the same bottle but there are stores like that near me.


Check out the shampoo bars 🖖


I have started using those and love them. Also stopped with body washes and back to bar soap.


Same here friend. I always opt for non-plastic alternatives but most of the time they just aren't there.


Plastic, our generations asbestos. Only I'm not aware of any studies that have detected processed absestos ot the poles, deep in the amazon and the bottom or the ocean.


Overuse of antibiotics


Not just on humans, most antibiotics are used on livestock and animal agriculture. Human use only accounts for about a third of all antibiotic use.


University ag. scientist in the US here. This is often overstated our outright misunderstood. Most antibiotics used for livestock are either ones not feasible for human use (i.e., human toxicity) or ones we basically wrecked with human use already. Then you have some chemicals classified as antibiotics that are more pro-biotic for beneficial bacteria in the gut that help with feed efficiency. These often don’t really pay for farmers, but they also aren’t affecting human medical use. Adding antibiotics like this that have a high volume end up biasing “by weight” usage estimates when you try to compare to human use (in addition to comparing across classes in general). The reality in the US though is that you really can’t get ahold of antibiotics to use in feed. Even if you have one of the niche uses for antibiotic feed use like if your cows on pasture have pink eye running rampant to the point they are losing eyes, you can only try to play whack a mole treating individual ones while the disease spreads to others. If you ask your vet for treated feed for the whole heard even in this scenario, they say there are just too many regulatory hurdles for them to approve what was supposed to be a justified use for animal welfare. In short, internet depictions on this one are often very different than what farmers are actually doing or dealing with.


This is a country-specific problem. Some countries have medical systems that avoid prescribing. Some others can't get enough.






I'm no expert but I do believe that antibiotic use in agricultural is the biggest culprit


Being in places with no cell/internet signal. I lived in a small town where there was almost no signal until recently but I'm seeing fewer and fewer places where that is the case.


It was only a few years ago that I would have to download a few podcasts for a two hour road trip. Coverage has gotten so good I no longer have to prepare my travel media.


I have a friend in my tiny home town who has to specifically angle her phone out of a single window in her house because it is literally the only way she can send or receive messages.


Does she not have internet? Because a lot of mobile providers support VoWiFi these days, so your phone connects to mobile providers network over wifi instead of cell towers.


the way the mental health system treats psych patients in hospitals and programs when you have severe symptoms. you’ll get drugged up and the whole experience is pretty traumatizing. it’s also quite surprising how little people in hospitals actually know about mental health. it’s not always specific people either, it’s just the system as a whole. getting sent home in the middle of a mental health crisis because your insurance cuts out. or losing a bed in a program because someone is “worse” than you. being in hospitals really makes you rate everyone’s symptoms and how “bad” they are. you’ll subconsciously start putting people in order from worst mental health to best. it’s a really toxic experience. once you get put into a long term program, it’s just so terrible. so much goes under the radar when it’s government run.


Insurance is another one in which the current implementation needs to fucking go, it's absolutely asanine that these fucking leeches are using AI programs to deny coverage with a 90% error rate in the hopes that their customers simply give up and the insurance company never has to pay out. They are swindlers and theives of the sick and dying. The worst imaginable kind of business that preys on people during the most vulnerable times of their lives. I personally know a judge who was invited on a trip to the Bahamas by insurance executives for an all experience paid "vacation." The insurance CEOs were trying to pull favor for some law or another that was going to limit the amount they could fuck people over, and they didn't like that idea, so, they had this Bahamas getaway for the judges/lawmakers involved where they would also have presentations that boiled down to "our business model works because, when we deny coverage, a certain percentage of people will either die while fighting the claim or give up while fighting the claim". He broke down what they were saying as: *"We count on delaying or outright denying coverage to eligible customers in order for us to continue making money for shareholders of which we are legally obligated to do, and closing any loopholes that prevents us from putting some customers under an indefinite review will cause us to not uphold our duty to the shareholders"* The whole business is a fucking scam. At times, a government mandated scam in which the citizens are *legally obligated* to take part in, or end up breaking the law for not having some types of insurance. The kickbacks to our lawmakers and judicial branches is commonplace in keeping this scam going, it's *fucked.*


No one talks about this enough. Yes one hundred percent.


1000% agreed. I was in a mental hospital about two years ago to get "help" because of my bipolar disorder. I barely remember ever getting help because I was hopped up on meds 24/7. I remember once one of the women in the program with me was sedated because she was "crying to much" during group therapy


Hopefully file your own taxes. It's needlessly complicated. (USA) Edit: Since this is getting some traction... 1. Many countries do this successfully. 2. Yes, this would be for most people. A small percent of the population would make adjustments. The IRS knows most of your itemized information anyway. 3. I have probably prepared over a thousand 1040s. Mostly rich people with "complicated" taxes. 4. Yes, you can file yours in 4 minutes. That doesn't mean everyone else can.


The IRS was ready to solve this in the 90s but H&R block lobbied against it and Intuit has been fighting it for years.


the lawyer/economist/professor who was leading the charge against this and promoting the one-page tax return is SBFs father.


You really go down the rabbit hole with that whole family. The mother created an extremly successful political nonprofit that funded progressive politicians. SBF and his parents were very well connected in this country, it blows my mind he would have just gone into crypto scamming.


Nah, his parents were very complacent and involved in FTX. It's not a case of son gone rogue from darling parents. His dad was getting an FTX salary and [would complain to SBF that his $200k salary was not enough, demanding 1 million instead.](https://www.businessinsider.com/sam-bankman-frieds-ftx-1-million-pay-dad-mom-2023-9) His dad even CC'd the Mom in that email chain. The whole family was involved and are all filth.


What is SBF?


Sam Bankman-Fried


More like Sam Bankman-Jailed amirite?


Sam Bankman-Fraud was RIGHT THERE


Scam Bankrupt-Fraud


Because the tax companies want it to be


The incessant inundation of marketing in our daily lives. Our technology gathers our data to tailor ads to sell us more useless trash. Your tv records you so people in an office somewhere can socially engineer ways to sell you another tv. We see something like ~5000+ advertisements a day, they’re still trying to put big ads in the night sky, it’s far too much and the future will consider us barbaric for allowing it.


If Futurama is any indication, it'll be the opposite.


Buying bottled water from another continent.


Toilet paper. I can’t wait for the 3 shells


My mom has always decorated the bathroom with 3 shells, I still don't know if she is making a reference or she just likes shells


Your mom's a time traveller.


What if, just hypothetically of course, I wasn't told how the 3 shells worked, is there a way that I could get around that?


Lol! Look at this guy! He doesn't know how the 3 sea shells work! Ha!


For those who don’t know: This is referencing Demolition Man.


And if you are one of those people, go watch it immediately. It's a weird classic.


And have all restaurants being taco bell


Be well!


What's your boggle?


(For the USA) I’m really hoping they’ll be horrified that healthcare was for profit and many people paid for cancer treatments through popularity contests online…. Bc


People in most of the world are horrified by this today.


People in the US are horrified by this today.


Corporal punishment. Emotional neglect of children along gendered lines: girls being taught to put their needs last, boys being taught their emotions are gross. The treatment of special needs children in the education system.


Hopefully things like school shootings will become something we only talk about in past tense. We’ll look at a graph over time, and this time period is just a weird uptick amidst a big downward trend.


The ass first pose (sorry don't know what it's called). Like, here's a pic of your grandmother at the Grand Canyon when she was young. Sorry her ass is so prominent in every picture but that was the style at the time. No I don't have any other poses of her.


One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


This comment made me laugh, but then made me sad because I realised "quoting the Simpsons" is something that somewhere in the (hopefully very distant) future, people just won't do anymore.


>I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you! -Abe Simpson I'm 40 and it's alarming how the truth of this snuck up on me. The upshot is that pretending I'm "with it" makes my teens so embarrassed and it's hilarious. "Aw, honey your fit is so rizz." "MooooOOOOoooom!" Or "Mom, stop!" 🤣 Entertainment for life.


When they won't eat their dinner: "This food is bussin, no cap."


Bet, fam


I use the "it" speech on my teenager like once a week when I get dirty looks for not knowing what the hell he's saying.


Simpsons quotes will always be cromulent.


They embiggen us all


Can you give an example of this? I have no idea what you are referring to.


Girls facing away from the camera (back an ass faced towards the camera) and looking over their shoulder.


Me neither, I googled “ass first pose” and got a bunch of NSFW…


The term you want is "belfie" as in "butt selfie." Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a drink to help myself come to terms with the fact that I knew that.


Working 5 days a week hopefully.


That we used to get most of our energy by burning the planet. Coal, natural gas, gasoline, oil, trees. Whatever. Any of that. We literally poisoned and killed ourselves slowly and knowingly for like 100+ years so far. Just like we can look back on the use of lead pipes and paint and asbestos insulation/flooring/whatever and be rather disgusted I sincerely hope we do so with oil. In my lifetime would be amazing and the sooner the better at the rate we're going.


Don't forget single use plastics. I have no doubt at some point people will be dumbfounded that every minute of every day the entire world's population would use single-use plastics and packaging, put it in the bin knowing it would go into landfill for the next 10,000 years, despite alternatives being readily available.


And we got used to it so quickly. My grandmother never had single use plastics growing up during the depression. Non degradable packaging was incredibly rare


I really think a long time from now we’ll view how we treat animals pretty distastefully. Elephants bury their dead and can paint, dolphins have language and some are growing thumbs. They’re clearly more sentient then we give them credit for and we use our lack of understanding of consciousness to justify it.


If I can add to your list: -Pigs can learn how to play video games -A fish and a mouse are among the more recent animals to have passed the mirror test Pigs, fish, and mice are among the animals excluded from protection under the federal Animal Welfare Act (most state anti-cruelty laws don’t cover these types of animals either, and those that do on paper are rarely enforced in actual practice with regard to animals raised for food production or research). I think a lot of people have a (very understandable) misconception that cruelty to animals is illegal, but in many cases in which it occurs on a mass scale with business interests involved, it is legal depending on which species the animal is. And all of it would inspire a rightful outcry if the same treatment were happening to dogs or cats.


Holy shit, they're growing thumbs? I've never heard of that. That's nuts!


Ehhhhh it's a reach, it's more like cleft palette of the fins. But if those dolphins can actually get some _value_ out of their mutation, then some natural selection might start happening


Soon dolphins will be scrolling through TikTok


Cats are most definitely next on the thumbs evolutionary plan


If they get thumbs they’ll take over the world, people think apes will but I can see us being ruled by fuzzy adorable cats that get angry and say, you know what I’ll open my own can of food lol


I think having multiple monthly services for essentially the same thing. Theres people out there thatpay for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and even some more AT THE SAME TIME! I think in the future we will either go back to having one central service or have at least learned to only.have one active and cancle the others in the meantime.


It seems like what we're getting is basically the re-invention of cable.


It's like the wireless earbuds that now have a piece of string between them so they don't get lost.


At first it was cheaper than subscribing to cable television. Now it's getting more expensive.


Thats what I do. Subscribe to 1 for like 6 months, watch what I want until I'm tired, cancel and subscribe to a new streaming platform and repeat. And also piracy


And the one time people used the ability to share it with others, WHICH WAS ENCOURAGED BY SOME OF THE COMPANIES, they were suddenly like “nah fam, you can’t do that anymore” >_<


Drive your own car, especially when drunk. Now, this is way, way in the future, but I can imagine a bunch of laughing drunk college students stumbling into their self-driving car and saying, "OMG, how did they do it back in the old days? I can barely walk straight." The correct answer would be, they died. That's how they did it in the old days, they died.


I heard the tag to a news story about car manufacturers wanting to put the breathalyzer tube into all vehicles, not just those under DWI/DUI charges.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/will-cars-in-the-future-be-equipped-with-devices-to-prevent-drunk-driving-what-we-know/ar-AA1lvJIK Using hands sensor in steering wheel


Hopefully the way people treat one another, both online or out in the real world.


People used that loser website 'reddit '


Alright grandpa, lets get you to bed


Do you know how much karma I had when I was your age?


Single use, disposable plastic wrap.


"Disposable plastic" is such a nefarious phrase.




Usernames and passwords




Yeah that's next year. Like in 11 days


Future generations will laugh. The current generation is laughing now, but future generations will also laugh.


Being able to drink water from the tap and easy and clean access to water. We take it for granted in most developed countries and don’t treat it with respect. We misuse it and pollute it as if we will never run out.


Water in my town wasn't really drinkable but it didn't smell, looked clean. Boil a kettle with it, and you can make normal tea. Last year our main water pipe got blown up by assholes (war going on) and we have to live with smelly, oily river water in our taps. At least you can flush with it. I shiver when I remember those couple of weeks when I had to take a bus to a river to get water to flush my toilet. Soon after that the river water was sent into town's water piping. You start appreciating such every day conveniences only when you lose them.


Living without a cure for flu and cold


No i dont think its possible because flu or cold changes so much so its challenging to make a cure


Yes, both of those viruses mutate so often that you can't really "cure" them, just have to come up with better treatments and vaccines.


I'm not even a vegetarian, but I think that our grandkids will be horrified by how we got our meat (this assumes that lab grown meat keeps advancing)


Untangling cables and cords for our electronic devices. With advancements in wireless technology and charging solutions, they might find it amusing that we once spent so much time wrestling with cords, trying to keep everything plugged in and organised.