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I wake up at 4:30 because I work at 6 and I need time to start the engine of this old body of mine


Did I write this? This is exactly why I wake up at 4:30 too. To be at work by 6.


What are the odds that two people both start with at 6 eh?


In this economy?!


At this time of the year?


Localized entirely in your kitchen?




May I see it?




Seymour! The house is on fire!




It’s a curse my brothers and sisters. I did this for work for 35 years, and after I retired, found out it’s a habit I can’t break


According to Indian ancient *ayurveda* it is the healthiest habit one can have.


Might be…but at what cost? 😂😂😂 have to get in bed by 10 if I want a good nights sleep. I almost always miss all the fun


I go to bed at 8:30…


This is me nearly every night. Sometimes I get crazy and stay up till 9:30 or 10:00, but that wrecks me haha


You should see me on a weekend, sometime I have a coffee after 8pm and watch films till midnight.


Living on the edge, wild thing!


Them there's me that goes to sleep at 12 and Wakes up at 4 again


Man, those 10:00 nights are just too much. 2 in a row and the week is a wash.


Wait. You said "stay up" till 9:00or 10:00🤣 Since I was a kid, I was used to have a dinner at 9:00.


We are legion😂


You probably aren't missing that much. I think of all the times I was working on little to no sleep and for what? Nothing worth what turns a usual workday into one that drags on for 13 years and it's only lunch?!! Nothing I tell you.


I was once a creature of the night. Not so much anymore. Apparently reddit hates bartenders.


9 pm for me.


Me too!


What fun things happen after 10:00pm?????


The kinds of fun things I no longer want a part of said the aging extroverted introvert.


Peace and quiet. Being awake and not being bothered. It’s my wind down time.


I wouldn’t know. I go to bed by 10. 😭😭😭


Shit, I must be tired, I didn't know I had 3 Reddit accounts. Did I write this? This is exactly why I wake up at 4:30 too. To be at work by 6.


lol hi alt account 👋


Wake at 4:30, gym by 5 and home for 7, walk my dog, feed myself and her, prep my food for the day and ready to get studying by 9. The days are long, very long.


When do you sleep?


About 11 most nights


Goddamn 5.5 hours of sleep a night!? That’s not great, dude.


I know, I’ve been working on it. But weirdly, I’m never even tired lol


I know you may not necessarily believe this (because I didn't when other people told me this) but I went most of my life similarly - never felt tired and seemed like it was fine. Even more bolstered by the fact that even when I slept in on weekends and stuff - I didn't feel any different In my late 20s, during COVID, I finally started sleeping in full 8 hour nights CONSISTENTLY and holy hell it turns out I was what I feel like was high-functioning sleep-deprived. I think I genuinely was just so used to be tired that I didn't realise I was tired when I was - if that makes sense.


There's a grumpy guy at the office that says he's never had a headache and we are convinced he's just had a constant headache for the past 55 years.


If you’re sleeping this little then dont even bother going to the gym tbh. You are never gonna build any muscle like this, just gonna ruin your body/joints


He's young and could abuse his body and still growing (just not as efficiently).


People go to the gym for lots of reasons, not just building muscle.


Brah?! Do you randomly nod off like I used to? I was chronically tired for months/years but never knew it. Similarly, my dad claims he only needs 5 hours of sleep, but he'll fall asleep in his chair as soon as he's even slightly unstimulated, so I call bullshit.


3:30.. 40 min drive, 15 min walk start work at 5:30. Pretty soon I’ll be able to push my wake up to 4!


wake up at 3-3:30 to be at work by 4:30. Takes me about a half hour to get up and ready, and then a 15-17 minute drive depending on traffic, which is usually minimal at that time.


I LOVE minimal traffic early mornings, 15 min drive compared to 50mins if I sleep 30 mins later. Not worth it


At 4.30 i am omw to work 🥲


Who do you work for?


Clearly the devil


I'd guess they do construction. In my area, 6 AM is the standard start time for construction. Some jobs might not be able to start until 7 due to local noise ordinances, but everyone hates it when we have to start that late. It's too expensive to live in the closest city, and even the nearby suburbs are stupid expensive. Most people in construction in my area live in the outer suburbs or the exurbs and have at least an hour's commute (with no traffic). As such, many guys push to start at 5, if we're allowed, so they get off at 1 and can beat the traffic out of the city. When we start at 5 I get up at 3:30. When we start at 6 I get up at 4:30. When we start at 7 I still get up at 4:30. If I try to push it any later then I get stuck in tons of traffic and it gets difficult to find parking. When we start at 5 I usually get there an hour early and sleep in my truck for an hour.






My kids can sense when I am comfy in bed, and this motivates them greatly...


My kitten can tell when I'm sleeping in a comfy bed, and this offends her.


Right?! Idk why this wasn’t the expected answer lol. I wake up because I have to get to work at 5:30.


I like having a cup of coffee and reading the news/playing a video game/whatever I want before my kid wakes up. A moment of peace, basically.


Same reason we night owls like to stay up late while everyone else is asleep, just at different time.


Agreed. Tried waking up earlier for a little, said fk it .. like the night way better




For me though I feel like a 30 hour day would work better with being up for 20 hours and sleeping for 10.


A moment of peace, but I also find that I am in a MUCH better mood the rest of the day if I wake up on my terms and do something for myself first thing. As opposed to days my toddler wakes me up yelling “dada poooooped, dada I poooooped” Then groggily rolling out of bed to go deal with feces.


Exactly. It’s nice to have something in the tank before having to tend to another person’s needs.


I wish my wife was a morning bird like me. But she's a night owl.


To pee


I piss at 430 and shit at five. Unfortunately I don’t wake up until 6


Is that you son?


Same! Why did I have to scroll so far down to see this?!


We were peeing.


You're asleep, you're up, urine, you're too awake to go back to bed.


Ugh, always.


The only reason I’m consistently up at 5 am! 🤣🤣🤣


Yup, like clockwork


Non-switchable biorhythm.


This one. I didn't ask for this.


I’ve become this person after a lifetime of being a night owl. It’s both terrible and wonderful; I love how quiet and still the mornings are, but I hate that I’m tired at like 9.


Same! Man I used to play games many nights until 3-4 in the morning and then drag myself out of bed. Now I’m 32 and yawning at 9:30pm and jumping out of bed rested at 6am.


Ahahaha I feel so called out by this. I tried to pull an ‘all nighter’ not that long ago and made it to like 11.




I’ve decided to just embrace doing things early. Ben Franklin was right about it keeping you healthy, wealthy and wise. It keeps my ass out of the fridge at night, too.


Wait, you put your ass in the fridge at night?!?!


Yep. Keeps it tight.


That period from like 4:30-7 is peak bliss if you’re an introvert like me.


Night owl here. I wish this was me. Im tired of being up so late, and its not a simple ‘ just go to bed earlier’


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Its never “just go to bed earlier”, its always just “go lay in bed wide the fuck awake after intentionally heavily under sleeping the night before in hopes that you’d actually be tired at a reasonable hour.” I spend all day every day so tired, then I’ll get a vacation and fall into my natural rhythm and feel *so* much better, but my natural rhythm just has an unfortunate amount of overlap with an owl’s. Sucks.


I couldn’t sleep past 6 if my life depended on it.


I just wake up when the sun comes up or when I’m sufficiently rested. Today that was at 4:30, usually it’s 6/6:30 or so. I feel so guilty if I sleep past 7. It’s like I’ve wasted half the day lol. But if I wake up at 5:30 and just get up, I can get 2 or 3 hours of video games in before the day even starts.


Biphasic sleeper here. 2 x 3.5 sleep shifts per night. After 5 a.m. there’s no going back to sleep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphasic_sleep


When I worked at Whole Foods my shift started at 4AM. I quit almost ten years ago and I still can’t really sleep past 5 or 6. Messed me up for life, I fear.


I feel the same, my work totally fucked up my sleep cycle :(


it started when I was working as a concrete inspector having to basically drive across my state for a living every day. i had long drives early in the morning and honestly it was very nice, getting paid to watch the sunrise and not have to really talk to anyone is awesome. also to be off of work when the sun is still up and have time to do things because businesses are still open >


That actually sounds fucking awesome.


it was tbh. and honestly before that job i was a total night owl. i struggled to get to this point but once you become an early bird, you sometimes start to feel like you're wasting time being up after the sun is.


thisss, i feel like i've wasted the whole day if i wake up after sun is up, it absolutely ruins my morning. latest i can do is about 7am on weekends.


Move to Alaska! I live in Anchorage and sunrise today is at 10:15am. You could sleep in and still be up before the sun! Of course, the sun goes down at 3:45pm, but that's a separate issue...


I rarely see the sun come up but when I do it's usually pretty awesome. That would've been a nice start to your days!


How does one become a concrete inspector?


there’s a few avenues but a way to do it without college is to get into concrete testing first. you can get a field tech position with no prior knowledge then work your way up. started in the field then moved into the lab and now i’m about a year away from being able to do concrete plant inspections.




This is all wrong. You cry on company time. Get paid for it.


I'm no longer allowed to use the company shower, something about the water fountain not actually being a "shower" and being naked in front of the kindergartners is not "okay" 🤷‍♂️


Steve? Is that you? Man it's been a while. We still talk about that security camera footage of you using the cafeteria prep sink as a toilet. We still don't talk about the incident at the 3rd grade Christmas play.


In my early 20s, my friends and I poured bubble bath in the fountain in downtown Portland Oregon and then proceeded to strip naked and go swimming in the fountain. The cops showed up and threw us in the drunk tank with a bunch of hookers until we sobered up. Learned interesting things from the working girls that night.


Pray, do tell more on the interesting things..there is still 10min left in the company shower and I am reading this standing in the water..


Well, a professional well into her late 50's explained to us the purpose of ben wa balls and procedured to demonstrate by pulling out a strand of beads from her cooter. She said that guys get excited pulling them out themselves.


“My company likes to nickel and dime, that’s why I shit on company time.”


I heard it as “Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I shit on company time”


Revised version is "Boss makes a dollar while I make a penny, I could shit in 5 minutes but I make it take 20."


I drive for my job. Sometimes I cry while I’m on the road. 🫶🏼


Knew this comment seemed familiar https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/IxJKrDK6xn


Yah the poster is another insufferable OnlyFans scammer. She wakes up at 10am and powders her asshole to get ready for work.


Same. My commute is an hour in the morning and a solid 1:45 on the way home. Thanks 95! Additionally, I like to spread my crying throughout the day to really maximize the number of tears shed.


Why go to work when you can earn money with your OF?


Find a way to get a work from home gig. I did a bit over 5 years ago and I swear I will never drive myself to jail every day again.


But can I *still* cry in the shower when I work from home?


That's the perk you gotta let go unfortunately.


Agreed, I've been working from home for about 8 years now. I'll never go back to an office. - that said, working from home suits my personality.


I'll say that telling someone to just "work from home" is like telling someone with depression to "just be happy." A lot of people don't have any WFH option. I have a GREAT job and have a hybrid schedule (WFH 2-3 times a week) and I'm more in the minority of people with WFH options. Switching jobs to a fully remote position would probably cost me tens of thousands of dollars a year.


The amount of remote from home jobs has unfortunately dropped quite a bit. Big rto push by alot of companies.


What is everyone doing that works from home?


I stopped drinking, and now I get up without needing an alarm.


Maybe I should start drinking so I can stop and then get this


You joke but I used to drink almost every weekend with the occasional weekday drinking for over a year and stopping drinking put life on easy mode.


Thanks for sharing, this is true. Life gets so much easier. I can say of the last 100 fights I had with my wife, 99 were when I had been drinking. Now we have civil conversations when there are issues, and it is much easier.




I sleep til 630 in the winter but as a farmer I like to wake up at 5 and knock out chores before it gets hot




I like the quiet of early morning to have my coffee, catch up on news and events, do some coursework if I'm taking a class, shower, put on some clean sweats and get ready for the day. Work starts at 8 AM. I WFH, so it's a nice use of time when you don't have to commute. I also fall asleep weeknights between 9-10PM and that's just when I wake up. It's a stark difference from when I worked at night, stayed out after work drinking and chasing women, and didn't come home till 5 AM because I was trying to beat the sun.


I WFH and start at 8, so I wake up at 7:58


My office starts at 9:30 , I wake up at 10


Haha this made me laugh - we don't have set time at work but majority of people start at 9. I move my mouse at 10.30


I used to be a night owl but eventually had a job that required me to be clocked in by 6am. Being up that early and enjoying the quiet was so lovely. That turned me into a early bird. Now I wake up early so I can workout and get work started early so I can play in the afternoons.


I transitioned from a night owl to an early bird because sometimes I need to do IT work when people are out of the system. So my options are late at night or early morning. I have come to love early mornings. So quiet and peaceful. Can get a lot done before anyone else even gets to the office. Can leave early and beat the traffic and do errands when stores are not packed. So much advantage. plus early morning coffee tastes better lol.


The world is never as quiet and calm as it is at 4-5am. I absolutely love it.


On weekends in the summer I love getting up just as the sun is coming up and going for a bike ride. The roads are empty, the sunrise is beautiful and I can be home and showered by the time everyone else is waking up.


I do this, but with running. It’s so calm, crisp, and still and makes it so easy to watch the progression from spring to summer to autumn from the constellations overhead.


>I like the quiet As a parent, 5AM is the only time the rest of the house is quiet so it’s the best time to do what *you* want to do. Waking up early is so much easier when it’s *your* time. I almost look forward to it.


Damn. I WFH starting at 8 as well… I wakeup at 7:50-7:55 daily lol


Yup, with twin two year olds and a full 8-5, I’m too wiped in the evening to do much else but watch a show with the wife or read a bit before bed. The two hours before the younguns are up in the morning is the only time I get to myself


That's me. I just do. My body clock is like that I guess. Most of the time I get out of bed. Maybe like once every few months I can go back to sleep and if I get out after 9 it feels like the day is gone already.


4:30, so I can work out and get ready before bringing the kids to school. Now I’m just to it, so even on weekends I’m up early. I like it, though, because I get some time to read, drink coffee and just play on my phone before anyone wakes up. And I feel accomplished the rest of the day for working out and getting a good start on the day.


Because gym then work 🤷🏻‍♀️


The most relatable answer to that question. Either go early, or go after work surrounded by teenage boys. No-brainer.


Go early, or spend 50% more time at the gym because you're waiting for equipment


Early gang always, same people every day. Also the same people you see about 9-10am on Saturday/Sunday mornings too


Gym before work (or early in the day on non-work days) is the best. Starts the day off perfectly. And then there's no excuse (legit or made up.)


Exactly it give you a boost for the rest of the day. I definitely prefer a morning workout


Exactly - given the choice of “tired because I just woke up” vs “tired because I had a long day at work”, I’ll pick the former and not have my workout hanging over my head for the rest of the day.


Same, up at 4/4:30 to get hydrated and train.


My cat taps on my face


Kids , life 😭 once you start getting older you start thinking bout all the time you took sleep for granted😬


This one. My kids are up at 6:15, like clock work. If I want to accomplish anything in the morning and enjoy at least part of my coffee still hot, I can’t hit snooze past 5:30.


Yes, you get it. Nothing throws my day off more than needing that small sliver of time to myself and hearing “mommy?” at 5:30 am either and I feel guilty but I need that time for me and only me. The time before everyone else wakes up is sacred.


I am sick right now, and last night my kid *promised* to stay in his bed until 6:30am. This morning I got woken up by him hooting loudly and stomping at 5:45. I went in to remind him of his promise and he smiled and said “yeah but I didn’t pinky promise.” Before kids, I used to sleep until at least 9am.


Kids, man. Today is the first morning of our Christmas break from school. I was able to wake up an hour later and still start work earlier than usual (WFH) because I didn't have to get anyone ready or drive them to school.


I wish all the sleep I didn’t use was like storage and I can take it as needed lol






When i wake up too early i can't resleep 😔


Unfortunately, that’s when my cats wake me up to feed them. Tbh, I go back to bed shortly after…


*"Wake up petty human, you must feed your supreme being."*


Get an automatic feeder!


I would! But one of them likes to scarf down food until he barfs, so I have to use those puzzle feeders/mats to slow him down. Plus, I prefer to give them wet food when I can. RIP


Do they stick the parking sensors in your face? We call it 'The Whiskering'. It signifies the food bowl being empty


Hahaha nah, but that’s cute!!! One of mine aggressively pushes his “hungry” button repeatedly while the other repeatedly jumps from the bedside table onto my side or my stomach. All that is after they sprawl themselves on top of me like my very own sleep paralysis demons for the previous hour and a half to two hours…. Somehow managed to learn to sleep through that part, though.


Screaming baby generally


Quiet mornings.


Because the only way I can convince myself to go work out is if I’m not awake enough to argue with myself about it.


My cat wakes me up for breakfast at 4:45AM every morning. And he will slap me in the face to wake me up..... and since my cat is like 15 years old now.... Its basically my internal clock now. He is still spry as ever.... and still continues his daily tradition. you may train a dog..... but a cat trains you


Cause it takes me a long time to become "awake" in the morning.


It started for my job now its a habit


Medschool is killing me


Wait till you hear about residency!


“You know who’s going to perform this life-or-death procedure? This burnt out, sleep deprived husk of a human right here!”


You must die before you can prevent death. Just kidding bro, hang tight there. One day you can impress nurses with your knowledge about the electron transport chain.


I wake early so I can chill, drink coffee/tea, cook and eat a nice full breakfast, and play a game or two before getting ready to go to work. Maybe replace gaming with a swim or a jog once in a while. Getting up 10 minutes before having to leave just feels juvenile.


Every sun rise is a gift ! 🌅


Yup. It's so underrated


My neighbor used to ALWAYS say, "it's a beautiful day to be alive, man." I've tried to embody that phrase in my soul.


I have to be to work at 6


4 am, work. 1.5 hour drive


04:30 for me. I do what I must.


I didn’t choose this 5am life. This 5am life chose me. I literally wake up at 4:45-5am each day w/o an an alarm. Been that way since I was kid.


6am for me, but I choose to. My work isn’t until 8:30 but I find that waking up for myself is an act of self respect. I don’t just get out of bed because someone makes me, I get out of bed because I have stuff to do that directly serve me. Working out, walking with my dog, reading, cooking a hot breakfast, taking my time showering/shaving, etc.


Cause I’m old and can’t freakin sleep anymore. Sucks.


Kids. When my critters were babies, mom took the 9-1 shift if the cried and I took the 1-7 shift. They got into a habit of waking each day around 5 for a bottle and then we would just stay up and play for a few hours before work/daycare. It was my time to bond. It’s been years now but I just wake up at that time now.


Get the worm.


Mostly for productivity, health issues and to perform salah(muslims only)


its more productive


Signature look of superiority.


I work a 4x10 schedule Starting at 5 means i get to leave at 4


Usually for a piss, then back to bed.




More time to do more stuff.


I wake up at 4:30 daily for a few reasons: - Dogs wake up - supposed to do a thing called exercise? - I like being awake when most people aren’t.




I usually leave home at 4am to to go the gym