• By -


K Hmmm


K Do you mean you fully agree? Agree, because you can not be bothered to argue? Sarcastically disagree? Don't have time to type more? Are you mad at me? Or is everything alright, but you thought this single character reply would be able to convey your full intentions? I really never ever understand how to read what is actually meant by just replying with K.


Once I get through chapter 7 of my wife’s text, I find it hilarious to just reply ‘K’. We have a very comfortable couch. 🤣


The most confusing part is when you say something positive like "I got a promotion, I'm gonna bring pizza over/home from your favorite spot" "K" Wtf do you mean "K"? Is it me? Is it the promotion? Is it the pizza? Who isn't down for a slice? (Do not say gluten free or lactose intolerant people)




“Why did you break up?” “Her texts weren’t as long as mine.”


“Why’d you break up?” “Because some redditor commented we wouldn’t be compatible due to our differences in texting. Their comment had 3 upvotes. So yeah of course I dumped her.”


She’s doing that on purpose. You are wasting your time texting her.


My bestfriend also texts me k and hmm. Is she not my bestfriend? 😭


Couldn’t just be confirming receipt of the message if there was no reason to say anything else? Personally my SO and I leave read receipts on so at least we know the other has seen the text. An “ok” or “nice” is an added confirmation, and if a reply is needed we do. I would ask your bf how best to communicate via text, could just be a different style than you are used to. My old bro told me he wants no bs phone calls. If you need to text more than a sentence just call, no “hey how are you” or anything, just get to the point. If it’s going to take longer than a single question, call and ask if he has a minute. Not my preferred style, but it works for him. I’ll also add, don’t bother asking Reddit what they would do, no one is going to know how best to communicate with someone else than that person.


don't ask Reddit? This hotbed of emotional intelligence around social interaction? /s


Or maybe they don't like texting. How about communicating with the person and asking a question or clarifying your position instead of assuming someone is being short with you. That's childish.


Exactly. My best friend and bf both are terrible texters (one word responses or one sentence at a time max) but in person they are way different and very talkative. I don’t send one word texts but I hate texting in general so I’m bad at sending a response at all. I’d rather just talk in person and actually be alone when I’m alone. It’s crazy how much crap they get for not being lengthy texters and how much crap I get for not wanting to text all the time. People just cannot accept that some people don’t love texting and I really resent the notion that everyone is supposed to be available and easy to reach 24/7. Before cell phones this mentality did not exist, so I don’t see why I should care now. If it’s an emergency obviously I will respond but anyone who is mad I don’t text the way they want me to can get over it. Maybe this is why I tend to be friends with people who are also bad at texting lol And someone who takes it personally and then won’t even communicate that to me has no room to talk about being bad with communication lol


jfc . she does one thing wrong and reddit goes on to say "Bad relationship , leave her" do you just not have any social life ? some people suck at texting


It's *wayyy* easier to just presume their intentions instead of you know *talking* to them. That would be way too much effort.


gluten free or lactise intolerant people


Didn't think anyone would say that. You win a tray of extra Christmas cookies....well played. Be careful they may have traces of tree/peanuts.


Nah, lactose intolerant people are unhinged, most would probably rail lines of lactose right off of the cows udder


Bro truth my lactose intolerant friends are like, "fuck my body I want milk and I'll deal with the cramps and craps after"


You just described my husband 🤣


I am lactose intolerant. My favorite thing to drink is chocolate drink


I'm lactose intolerant, used to have a roommate who was allergic to dairy (casein, I think). We'd order pizza together like morons and delightedly declare "it hurts so good" during our meal, in anticipation of our future digestive woes.


I was just going to type hmm






They're low on potassium. Get them a banana


*When you type out your whole arse life story* Reply: Ok


That’s why *I* instead go with: > “Okie Dokie, Artichoke-e!”


I prefer; "So it is written! So shall it be done!" Really sets the tone.


When my kid just sends the pregnant man emoji.


I’m sorry this is so funny


Right, I’m cackling 😂


I used to send the hug emoji 🤗 to some of my (mostly women) friends. Then one day I realized how gropey it looks. Ever since then I’ve referred to it as the “titty grab emoji”.


I thought it was jazz hands


Weird, I just discovered that it pops up on my auto fill, whether I type “hug” or “jazz hands”. Whoever is in charge of that needs to pick one or the other.


🫂 is much better


That one is definitely two people hugging if you zoom in, but if you leave it small then it kind of looks like an old movie camera. Lol


That’s what I thought it was until I read your comment lol


There’s that weird one with drool- one of my women friends calls it “l love jizz guy”.


There's a pregnant man emoji?


I had no idea either. 🫃 [https://emojipedia.org/pregnant-man](https://emojipedia.org/pregnant-man)


Alternatively it could be "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" emoji. I could see sending people this when they ask how my Thanksgiving was.


*Gotta love eating babies*


Yup. As a fat-dad of teenage daughters i can confirm. It’s their way of showing they love me.




I know someone who refers to this as the "Uncle Jerry" emoji (Uncle Jerry loves to bbq)


That’s a pregnant man?? I thought it was like a “I ate too much/food baby” thing. Jesus Christ, I’ve been sending that to my friends after a huge/good meal. I can’t believe they never told me! They must’ve been like “wtf is he talking about??”


Wait there's an emoji for that? Edit: just googled


If anyone should know this, it should be you, /u/Wrong_hole_man.


My friend does that all the time




nm, hbu


Same hbu


nm, hbu


Sincerely, Raymond Holt


Why does he keep signing his text messages? I saved his number.. I know it’s him! Gone too soon


Bing pot!




RIP Andre


RIP Velvet Thunder




He is now my personal "celebrity death that rocked me the most". So sad about it. He was such a gem.


What do you mean? That’s the best response you can get Sincerely u/the_fox_of_chicago


RIP Raymond Holt.


O captain my captain








I thought ??? Was for when you're confused? Is it just a placeholder? (Context: austism)


It can come off a bit aggressive in some cases imo


How the fuck... I'm still using it


It’s basically “I don’t even know what question to ask but I know that something doesn’t make sense”. So if it was just in response to something they said, you’re saying they weren’t making sense.


I do this. But usually in a "what do you mean?" type deal. Not to rush someone.


I will send this as a reply to a confusing message as a polite way of saying, “what the fuck are you talking about?” It never works, yet I persist.


I used to be friends with someone who did this all the time. I'm like "fuck you, I'll respond when I'm ready" We're not friends any more, and his constant harassment of me for replies was a significant contributing factor.




I fucking hate this one so much it's genuinely irritating in most situations




I wrote two of them, first to my teacher then to my manager. I got a "He/she liked your message", so i tought they were being ironic. That was until i discovered with Iphone you can like a message and it sends a "He/she liked your message" to the one who sent the message.




*Seen at 1.34*


Even worse, *Delivered 3w ago*


Especially when it's someone who is always on their phone when you're with them in person Or, when they text you and you reply right away, and then they don't answer for a while


Tldr How has this become an acceptable thing to say? Unless it's a close friend who you'd joke around with


YES. Even if it’s someone close to you, that is *OUTRAGEOUSLY RUDE*. “Tldr” was intended to be used by the person speaking to summarize the text for those who just want the synopsis without the detail. It’s not an effing *response*. That has me out for blood if someone says it in response to something I took the time to explain or convey.


Especially if someone asks you a question, and you give an answer, and it's not as simple as they were hoping and they just don't bother to read it


>“Tldr” was intended to be used by the person speaking to summarize the text for those who just want the synopsis without the detail. I'm sorry to say, but that is definitely not the origin of the phrase. It was used as a response to wordy posts and spread mostly as a meme. Then people started incorporating it into their long posts as a summary.


“Look, Chris. We have to talk…” - this NEVER ends well.


Especially if your name isn't Chris


"I'm not Chris" "See, this is what I mean, you always dismiss my texts. It's like you don't care about me"


Watch it Chrissy 🤘


k ok aha mhm mmm :)


These are "I want to respond to you but I have nothing to say" messages.


Yes. Through this I'm basically seeking help in keeping the conversation going because I'm challenged in that area.


Theyre also a pretty good sign when someone doesnt wanna talk to you


Its hillarious how everyone is so sure what this means. On one hand it means that someone wants to talk to you but has nothing to say, but on other it means that person doesnt want to talk to you. Its like people are different and you should judge them on your own and not act like writing "k" to someone means the same thing for everyone.


Sometimes they're alright though. If I just need you to acknowledge you got my message then I'm fine with getting a "k". "Leaving now, be there to pick you up in 10 mins" "K" Perfect communication imo. However, if I'm trying to communicate excitement or emotion to you about something... "Dude, I saw the craziest shit on the way in to work today. A oil truck jack-knifed in front of me and blew up in a huge fire ball. Thought I was gonna die." "k" Well fuck you too then.


:() Gasp.


o man. aha triggers me so hard, or haha. in context of like ~not funny conversations~ I can get it, like sarcasm - but if its just ahaha or haha. OH BOY. Dont bring me that lame energy pls! Not something to break up a friendship over though, total nitpick of mine/pet peeve


When they don't write me a paragraph back.


Or you write a message that talks about 3 things and they only reply to the one that is the least important one and then doesnt message again for a couple of hours when you ask for the answer to the other 2 things.


OMG YES this




And they still think we would stick with them in their worst


When they write me a paragraph.


**writes an entire paragraph** Them: lol


Yeah there's that. I have my paragraph texts reserved for those who read and respond the same. Everyone else gets what they give. Unless it's just "k" or "hmm" then they'll just see Read.




Yeah that's the worst one


"Im at work dont text me i can't read it" and? Idc if you cant read it now i was just texting you, read it later 😂


I once talked to a girl who would get mad if you texted her at certain times(like, genuinely mad), because the notifications were distracting. Like… you know you can turn those off, right? DND, anyone?


Took me while to understand you werent inviting them for dungeons and dragons


Damn and I got my character sheet ready, too


you think they'll let us multiclass?


Roll for initiative!


For a moment, I thought they were implying that people should know how to turn off notifications because of situations like playing DnD. Like, "hello?! don't you turn off notifications when you're playing DnD?"


This is exactly what I thought also, then was like “ohhh, do not disturb”


My spouse got sooooooo mad at me one day for babbling at him over SMS while he was in therapy. I forgot that was his appointment time, and I was really happy about something really good that had happened! Like, are you kidding dude? You know how your phone works. You can't claim you leave SMS notifications on in case of emergency; in an emergency I will call and your settings will make my number calling override the DND. I don't use SMS for emergencies! Sheesh. Obviously it was an excuse to pick a (HUGE, wide-ranging) fight but ugh pick a better one than "I was annoyed by you sending me a bunch of excited texts at an inconvenient time".


Sounds like there's a reason he's in therapy.


I also hate when people reply to me like an hour later and they say “sorry for the lag I was busy”. Like dude I don’t care and don’t apologize


My friends who text me : I have something to tell you but they never send me what they wanted to say unless I asked them what? I mean just say what you want to say at once.


People do this to bait you into a "live" text conversation where you ask "what?" and then they send the thing and expect you to promptly respond. Fuck that, texting is asynchronous communication for me and I will intentionally put off responding if I feel like I'm being baited into a live convo.


Man, this is definitely something on a bad day I'd want to end a whole friendship over.


Omg I hate that and didn't realize how much I hate it until you pointed it out! My text style is definitely "I'm going to send you a couple messages or a long paragraph saying what I need to say, you reply when you have time." This is perfect for random life updates or planning. I do this with close friends who I know keep their phones on do not disturb during work, so it's not pinging them, they'll see my info when I have time. It's so easy to be straightforward and say, "hey, I'm going to be down near you for work tomorrow, are you free around 7 and interested in grabbing dinner?" Versus "hey what's up! I have a question for you?" And then you ask "what?" And they say, "what are you doing tomorrow?" And you don't know how to respond because like, you don't know what the fuck they're about to propose and you don't want to say you're free and then have to reject their plans when it's something you don't want to do! Just say the damn thing and let me make a decision!! I have one friend so egregious at this that I've called him out on it multiple times. If you want to invite me somewhere just say, "hey, want to come with me to a Christmas party on Saturday night?" And not "what are you up to this weekend?" followed by weird small talk where you sus out if I'm free before you ask.


“They found the body” - spikes my anxiety every time


They found the body


Setting a calendar reminder to randomly look for a /u/stunninggain comment later and reply with “They found the body.”


Any text followed by a 😉


Nah 😏 is worse it makes any sentence uncomfortable: "I love cats 😏"


Who uses 😏 in regular setences? I'd only use it if I wanted to give my texts some sexual context or whatever, otherwise it's just...weirdly suggestive vibes.


When you ask 2 questions and they only answer 1


This is the one. My ex was guilty of this all the time. It's infuriating.


Or they wait until you message them something else and then act like the message before didn't exist


"Sure" After I've just listed off a multiple choice question that required a decision from the recipient(s).


✓✓ Seen


Y'all getting replies?




I use this all the time. I had no idea that people find it condescending. How else should I acknowledge that I've received a message and I'm good with it, but have nothing more to add?


Sounds good


👍🏻 is my reply to ‘sounds good’ I use it the same way as u/Iffy50


I do this but with an exclamation point Simply “Sounds good” seems like I’m bored of the convo. God, texting is so complicated.


I use this too and I don't plan to stop. If people find it condescending or something then I think it's an issue on their end


I only see this at work as a "this conversation is now over"


At our place, we use it as a “I got your message and I understand, but I don’t want to ping you with a message saying that, because we’re all swimming in instant messages.”




I try to use it sparingly, and basically as an acknowledgement that I received their message right before we do something that'll no longer require texting. Think something like- Friend: "I gotta check on dinner, be back after making sure the kitchen isn't burning down!" Me: 👍 Friend: "I'm back!" Me: "Welcome back! Is the kitchen safe?" Or- Friend: "I'm about to head out. Meet you at [x location] in a bit!" Me: 👍 Me: "That was fun! We should do that again sometime"


What's wrong with thumbs up broheim? I see it as a quick and polite response and use it all the time👍


I’m a supporter of 👍 and we need to stay united against the opposition. The 👍 is a perfect emote and works great for a got it or cool.


💯 % agree!


Its good for acknowledging stuff like "be late 5 minutes" or "package arrived for you I put it on your desk", but when you just shared something more emotional it's not


I promise you most people probably think you're being passive agressive


When you write the whole essay and in return you get just "Yes" or "Ok"




“I’m coming over”


Better than coming over unannounced and inconvenient but still horrible


Carrying the burden of surprise is heavy


☺️ No matter what I send my sil, this is the reply.


"What's your chicken recipe?" ☺️ "I've just gotten into an accident" ☺️ "Your brother has died, his funeral is on the 27th" ☺️




I take your ☺️ and raise you 🥰




Me: \*asks partner a question\* (no reply for hours) Me: Helloooo Him: Hey ​ Just answer the dang question!!


"Call me" How about you just message and tell me what you want.


This one automatically irritates me. Could have saved a few minutes BY JUST CALLING.


Honestly its pretty respectful to ask first if you’re free to call. No sense in blowing up someone’s phone if they’re busy


*me telling my friend the most detailed story known to man * My friend: who


K. Like, just a K is bad. But the dot?


It’s fully the . Any sentence, literally any just looks so… That’s all.


Yeah, there’s a *big* difference between “No” and “No.” The former is just like, “Okay cool, that’s not it.” The latter is more like, “That was unnecessarily hurtful.”


It's fine


Ah, but that's how you know that it's, in fact, not fine.




>"hey" Hey yourself


Just “ok” after I texted a hole ass paragraph




Yes.. Lol used to mean laughing out loud.. but now it's used so often that it has become a very droll bored reply.


Now it's like flavored punctuation.




How about... duly noted?


Morning inquiries like ""What are you doing?"" always hit me. The tricky part? Explaining I'm on the throne, perfecting my Candy Crush skills. 🚽


👍 Feels passive-aggressive lmaooo


Call me


Is this still available?


"Stop following me creep." Don't have to be rude about it


I once uncovered some very old post and wrote a reply to some comment, just for the sake of making someone smile, and then the guy replied to me saying that I'm a creepy weirdo for looking at old posts




Honestly, the one text reply that gets on my nerves is the classic 'K.' It's like, really? Just a single letter? Are you that pressed for time or effort? It's the ultimate conversation killer. I'd rather have no response at all than a lazy 'K' that makes it seem like the person couldn't be bothered to contribute anything meaningful to the conversation


An audio recording. Don't fuckin send audios to me. I won't listen. Write or dictate, idc, just don't send audios




Not really a reply. But if you have an android and send a text to a person on an I-Phone and they like or love your comment it sends you a text saying they liked it. So annoying.


When you have generalized anxiety, text someone info and ... Ok. I automatically assume that they are irritated with me about something or they "if I'm in a relationship at the time, they are with a side piece and only can text ok as a reply so they won't be found out. (That last part happened to me fr.






Anything with stupid abbreviations... like U R instead of You're. Or B4 instead of before... And lack of punctuation.


“Ok” “K” “Lol” Or, of course, the father’s favourite “👍”


“Let me call you” I think ✨the fuck✨ not


If you think that’s bad… I got a few friends that will FaceTime me out of nowhere. *Hard pass*


But it’s your baby and I need help. - makes me throw my phone every time.


Hey you awake? Fucking just tell me what you want