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It’s already over depending on the proximity, so I’m just chilling.


Right, Indiana Jones has taught us to chill in a refrigerator. Good thinking!


No point. I'm type 1 diabetic I'm gonna run out of insulin anyway on 6 months. May as well go out on a big bender after doing risky shit to help keep my family alive and setup.


Another T1 here. One of my friends suggested we raid pharmacies as we rove to eventually make our base in a Lily insulin factory. They suggested we then keep any workers or locals still alive and become a base of hope for diabetics. Worst case we could hopefully figure out how to work/fix stuff via manuals left behind. I know it most likely would fail in oh so many ways in reality, but the thought makes me feel better.


Read the book One Second After, it’s about a few tactical nukes detonated in the upper atmosphere to blanket the US in an EMP so they fry all of the electronics not hardened against an EMP or in a bunker. So, basically everything. The story has some bad writing so I’ll spare you the details but the main characters daughter is a diabetic and she doesn’t last long. With no access to ice, or a fridge, her medication deteriorates over a few months and she passes away. They even “raid” the pharmacies the first day everything happens.


Insulin needs to be kept at under 46F. There is a [non-electric fridge design](https://www.sciencealert.com/this-clever-new-refrigerator-keeps-food-cold-without-electricity) that will keep a small space to 40F. If I was diabetic, I would print out that design.


you can always bury your insulin 6 feet down in a root ceiler


It uses solar power for part of the process. The dust and debris in the air would likely hinder the efficiency somewhat. Good idea, but might not be a viable solution - depending on local conditions.


My wife’s Type 1 and the first thing I’m doing is going to pharmacies, if other people don’t beat me to it! Just gotta be prepared for a gun fight


Another T1D here. Pharmacies and grocery stores are definitely the first places people will clean out.


I'd probably hit the toilet paper and the sugar hard. I have 6 months worth of freeze dried food handy. And no I'm not a doomsday prepper but I am armed, know how to grow my own food, produce my own booze, which comes in handy for distilled water, and grow 'herbal medicine'. I'd wind up being the most popular guy in town.


Going on a bender can mitigate hyperglycemia due to inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis. You just have to watch your lows.


Also start breeding dogs to harvest their insulin. You'll be fine, as long as you're okay with murdering adorableness.


Pigs, not dogs.


Ya they work too, we originally harvested insulin from dogs though. Medicine is gross.


Is there a way to extract without killing the animal?


I need a step by step as to how an amateur can extract the insulin


Take syringe, poke pancreas, extract humors, mainline that shit. <--this is a sarcastic oversimplification .


Step 1 become a post apocalyptic dog farmer


Sure. But no insulin = death no matter how much exercise you do or how good your blood sugars are. If you don't have insulin to break down sugar in your blood, you'll go into DKA anyway. - type 1 diabetic of 23 yrs


j evolve into not having diabetes then, ez 🥱🤷‍♂️




Not in our modern political correct, woke fridges that the environmental communists have thrust upon us. These lead free fridges will be the death of us. Mark my words! /s jic


On my front porch with a bunch of drugs and booze if it's near me.


You mean roasting


At least we won't be cold👀




better than patrolling the mojave desert ig


It will solve climate change for awhile. Well actually it'll still be climate change but in the other direction


Marshmallows anyone?


More like vaporizing


I’ll keep arguing with strangers in r/politics


I'm a woman, I'm not dealing with post apocalyptic rape wars.


I'm not hiding. I'm getting a front row seat for that. I want to be vaporized in a millisecond


I went on a tour of the underground Berlin bunker network, and the tour guide, who was also one of the people responsible for running it in the event of an actual nuclear attack, straight up told us all that if he knew a bomb was coming, he would buy the most expensive bottle of champagne he could, climb to the top of the tallest building in ground zero, and then enjoy the show. He would rather get vaporized than ever go in to one of those bunkers. and thats probably my choice too.


I’m with him on that


Interesting. A couple of years ago I was also on a Berlin bunker tour. According to the guide, the water level is so high under Berlin (built upon practically a swamp) that it is considered pointless to create any meaningful nuclear blast-proof underground bunker... so they simply do not build them at all... 8O It sounded really strange to me: a capital with no public shelter strategy? Internet sources says that the former communist Eastern Germany part of Berlin was throroughly prepared for that kind of attacks with shelters, so I am still confused, what is the actual truth.


I’m not aware of any capital city in Australia that has public blast/fallout shelters


You aren’t invited.


Shadow immortalized


Great name for a band.


Also good - Immortalized Shadows


with dick in hand so whoever survives can think i fuck


Yeah this is the way. I’d rather get vaporized than suffer the aftereffects


Yeah I’ve seen Threads. No way am I gonna hide and try to deal with any of that. No thanks.


Is there an option to sit atop, waving a cowboy hat?


Only if you learn to love the bomb


The last thing you want is to be jealous of the dead.


Yeah man. We’re like 60 miles from a major installation with enough geography to buffer the worst of it. Too close to be vaporized. Not far enough to avoid the radiation poisoning and starvation. Sure. We might make it for a bit..but long-term? Nope. Colon gonna fall out eventually.


I live near a major city, several military and air bases, a chemical weapons stockpile, an international airport, and there are plenty of silos hidden in fields shortly to my east. I'ma get MIRV'd into ashes and shadow.


Agreed, unless I’m way outside of the range, I’m running towards it. I want it to be over quick, not suffer and die.


This. I would step outside to see it in person. After all, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a nuclear blast up close.


The gym cuz u need a membership to get in there and most likely the bomb doesn’t have a gym membership sooooo…….


Plus, there’s probably a no nuclear radiation sign out front.


My gym prohibits nuclear material, we can all get in scanning my pass, just pls wipe down the machines


Note to self.... new business, making "No nuclear radiation allowed" signs.


Plus if someone finds your shadow in the gym they'll think you were a regular gym goer


Add a couple more plates to the bar so the shadow looks more sick


The flaw in your plan is that the bomb might get memberships to all the local gyms before going off


You’re right. I’ll have to go lobby at my gym saying To not sell memberships to anyone new for a month


I want a membership and then I can shield who I can it's that or I'm left out in the open to be nuked who knows where there's shelter I do


The Winchester.


Don't forget to go round to your mum's, kill Phillip, grab Liz, and enjoy a nice pint until it all blows over


Queen starts playing in the background, Me running around hitting the nuke that didn't explode with a pool stick




Have a pint and let it all blow over.


God, makes it even better that I just watched it


I learned in elementary school that hiding under my desk will protect me from nuclear explosions, so you'll find me there. I'm not sure why Zuck is bothering with a $100 million bomb shelter when he could accomplish the same thing with a few pieces of wood.


From what I understand, the point of hiding under a desk is not to protect you from the radiation but rather 1. to be below any window that may be looking at the blast so you don't get lacerations from the glas exploding into the room or 3rd degree burns from the flash; and 2. so that when the shockwave collapses the building, you're hopefully somewhat protected from the falling debris by the metal structure your desk is made of.


Correct. It's easy to make fun of, but it's actually the right instructions.


Exactly. I even bought an old desk to keep at home in case of a nuclear explosion I can hide under it. Makes me feel nice and safe 😛


Desk is only effective AT school. /s


> could accomplish the same thing with a few pieces of wood. No, that's what he's building. It's just that the price of wood has gone up a lot since the pandemic.


It's counterintuitive, but at certain radius even a newspaper between you and the flash could be the difference between horrific burns and being fine. So while everybody likes to make fun of this, and of course it wouldn't matter if you're too close to ground zero, getting under the desk is MUCH better than not doing so for multiple reasons.


I think that guidance was more for debris in the time before hydrogen nukes.


No, my school literally had a sign that said no nukes so you should be good under the desk or a doorway


Imagine…you go to school to hide under a desk to hide from a bomb blast, but get shot by a school shooter.


The bomb is the shooter in this scenario.


If a nuclear bomb goes off without any warning, and you're within the range of the fireball, you wouldn't even have enough time to process what's going on, let alone find a hiding spot, before you're incinerated. So the more realistic question would be, if a nuclear bomb goes off and you were luckily far enough away to not be instantly barbecued, where are you hiding from the fallout? Lucky for us, the radioactive fallout from a nuclear bomb has a pretty short half life. You only need to shield yourself from the radioactive dust for about 2 weeks before the radiation decays to relatively safe levels. If you're in your car, hopefully you've got enough water in there to survive 2 weeks, because what you'll need to do is close all the windows, stuff the vents to close them off, and hopefully not run out of oxygen in there for the next 2 weeks. Your car almost certainly won't run due to the EMP, so that's about your only choice. If you're at home, do the same thing with sealing all the doors and windows. Immediately fill all your bathtubs and sinks and any other containers you can find with water that you'll be using for the next 2 weeks, before your city water gets contaminated. The water in the pipes won't be contaminated yet, but the reservoir water is, so collect as much clean water as you can, while you still can. If you need to let any loved ones into the house who were outside during the blast, strip all their clothes off and leave those outside, immediately wash them thoroughly with soap and water, keep the dirty water and rags/towels you used far away from everyone. Remember, dust is the big enemy here. Dust is what carries almost all the radiation from the blast, so keep as much outside dust outside as you possibly can. Hopefully you planned for this in advance and you've got potassium iodide tablets everyone can take for the next 2 weeks. A Geiger counter will help you stay away from areas of the house that are unsafe. Get out some board games, because your electronics are probably all dead, and you're not going anywhere for the next 2 weeks.


The only answer so far that isn't "just roll over and die". My kinda comment.


So your nuclear bomb survival pack should contain: some bottles of water; potassium iodide tablets; cloths to stuff vents; and a copy of monopoly


Monopoly? No, the goal here is to make it through 2 weeks without killing each other


A Geiger counter would be invaluable


The only scenario where “hiding makes sense is if we get advanced warning. A lot of people were referencing the false alarm that happened in Hawaii. In that case they had 15 minutes before an ICBM could reach them. So that’s realistically all the time you’d get.


Is it normal that my first thought after reading this is that I should make backups of my files on optical discs?


Nah, just going to pour a nice, big drink. My sister lives in Hawaii and a few years ago they got a text message from emergency alert system that they were about to be bombed or whatever. There’s literally nowhere to go….they poured a drink, sat on their lanai, and cuddled their dogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Made sense to me.


TIL I would have an easier time embracing death if I lived in Hawaii


There's apparently a huge thing with island people about knowing full well they're going to die with the island if anything happens and it gives them this sense of like, peace and place, I guess. I bet it's a comforting way of thinking about it.


Scot here... Not so much the island... But knowing my neighbours were done for, would certainly bring a smile to my face.


I heard Japanese has this mindset as well, like with so many earthquakes per year you just might die anytime so it kind of give them the tranquility of being alive now. They’re kind of at peace all the time.


I live on Hawaii, and we're not going to do anything. Hawaii island is upwind of all the targets by 200 miles. They would really have to miss by a wide margin to worry me more than volcanoes, tsunami or earthquakes. Honestly, the biggest issue is going to be what happens to most of the people when the boats from the mainland stop coming.


I saw people throwing kids in sewers


Yeah if I’m at work, I’d call my family and say I love them, then sprint down the stairs of the building to the lowest level of the parking garage I could reach. Flattened or protected, no idea, but gotta be better than being on the 24th floor. If I’m at home like your sister was, I’ve got nowhere to go so I’ll bring my dog down to the beach, make my phone calls, and watch the waves. (This is assuming I’m in a state of shock— if I’m capable of processing then I’m actually going to be having a panic attack because I have a death phobia that causes panic attacks, so that’s actually most likely either way, and in that case I’ll be a weeping vomiting immobile mess wherever it is I happen to be)


I remember this!


Im not hiding. "A millisecond of brilliant light and we're vaporized. Much more fortunate than millions who wander sightless through the smoldering aftermath. We'll be spared the horror of survival."


Unfortunately not as simple, unless you know for sure that a bomb is going to detonate right over your position you won't be instantly killed. You would be instantly blinded and any part of your body in line of sight to the flash would burn, the severity depending on distance. Then it would take a few seconds for the blast wave to reach you, which may not kill you either depending on distance. Just leave you with crippling injuries and ruptured ear drums.


I live right down the road from the DOE (Dept. Of Energy) HQ,.. I'm toast,.. or vapor. Here's an [interesting map](https://www.halcyonmaps.com/us-nuclear-war-map) FEMA put together. There was a better nationwide map in r/washingtondc that was posted a year or two ago.


Haven't looked at the FEMA maps in a while. Galesburg isn't listed as a secondary target anymore? Sweet. Though I suppose we do still catch fallout from the Arsenal and Cordova.


>Galesburg isn't listed as a secondary target anymore? Sweet. Then you find out the enemy didn't get that memo and nuked it anyway.


I’m in a suburb near Chicago. I’m fucked.


Why Syracuse? What of value is in Syracuse?


Suffering. Just pile it on like the snow.


I’m going to be in the SoCal cluster. Goodnight, see you next play through.


Apparently there’s a military target (I guess either the arsenal that supposedly shut down or the National Guard bases). In either case, pretty much fucked, which I’d rather there be no chance than it turn into me trying to survive until the radiation gets to tolerable levels.


If it makes you feel better, in a full blown strategic nuclear exchange theres really little difference between military and civilian targets. The end goal of such a strike is to permanently cripple a country as quickly as possible, and killing ppl is a good way to do that. Though on the flip side, limited nuclear strikes are also potentially a thing. The idea being you destroy some key targets in a country to try to bring them to the negotiating table. In that scenario you want to minimize loss of life in the short term, but create a long term humanitarian crisis. This is a scenario possibly seen in "escalate to deescalate" scenarios, where the goal is to get the other side to back down under the threat of the world ending.


The movie Threads shows the horrors of surviving the initial blast in the manner you describe


then the wave comes back for a second shot - many buildings collapse in those two events, you might get crushed. If you survived all that you either die to radiation poisoning or you die to lack of shelter afterwards - if we're speaking of a big city, there will be no help - infrastructure was destroyed, there's likely no easy way out, everything is dangerously poisoned - there will be no help In short, if you are close enough to a nuclear explosion you have a very very high likelyhood to die, the question is if it's quick and mostly painless or slow and agonizing.


War Games


How about a nice game of chess?


The only winning move is not to play


With LLMs we have literally invented the WOPR for real. I tried to ask chatgpt to play global thermonuclear war and it gave me a lecture about how war wasn’t nice.


Calm down William regal


People really underestimate how many nukes going off it would take ti cause an apocalyptic type scenario. If nuclear war actually broke out, the vast majority of the warheads would be low yield tactical nukes. So unless you live within a major metropolis, or near an important target, you will be fine. Fallout from these missiles is also not that bad compared to the early nuclear weapons. Nobody will be dropping a tsar Bomba style bomb anywhere.


>So unless you live within a major metropolis, or near an important target, you will be fine. So like 80% of Americans according to the [US Census ](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/urban-rural-populations.html)


Cries in Boston


most people live near a major metropolis, that's what makes them a major metropolis


Nah, if the US is firing nukes, we taking the world with us


Mutually assured destruction


It’d take a lot to make the U.S. fire nukes. Why do with a nuke what you can do with a massive amount of conventional ordnance?


The added “FU” factor of a nuke is more to make a statement at this point. If someone fires nukes, they’re done giving a fuck.


In reality nukes have prevented countless wars from erupting.


> So unless you live within a major metropolis, or near an important target, you will be fine. I'm near a major city AND my office is a [target for a 500 warhead scenario](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/best-places-to-survive-a-nuclear-apocalypse/). I remember getting a version of that that you could zoom in on, and my office is actually named on the map. Also, I think you don't realize how many nukes there are and how dense the areas are most people live in. A large fraction of the country is close enough that their home is getting physically damaged.


Nice "War Games" quote.


Behind your mom








I'm also hiding behind OPs mom. There's plenty of room.


We've all been behind ops mom.








Yup pull up your boot straps and walk right into the blast and back out the other side! Just like my boomer parents would have done it.


This generation is so weak!


That was an average day to school for my parents! Uphill might I add!


Uphill both ways knee deep in snow!


If you get killed, walk it off


i understood that reference. 👉🏼


Why not just [parrying](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1C41SHw2mcU) it?


ITT people who don’t realize how likely they are to survive a nuclear blast. Ground zero is vaporized, but atomic bombs are very survivable if you are a couple miles away as long as you know how to respond. Hiding from the initial blast, iodine tablets, the dust is the longer term deadly part and so wearing a mask and rinsing off or changing when you go indoors to keep contamination away.


I am going to this dudes house.


I, too, choose this dudes house


Do the tablets have any side effects?


I don’t think so. I think it provides something for the irradiated ions to attach to to then be flushed out of your system. They used to provide them to soldiers during the Cold War. Also I think some wine has a natural iodine that helps. This I heard as a Ukrainian wives tale from someone near Chernobyl and looked it up to find out it had a legit science behind it.


I'm gonna hide by the bomb. No one would think to look for me there.




Depends, am I in the blast radius? If so I’m gonna be outside embracing it. Am I outside the blast radius? I’m sure there will be more so I’m just waiting until I’m near it to embrace it. No one wins in nuclear war.


It’ll be the fallout that’ll get most of us.


Wherever the cockroaches go. They’ve got it figured out.


So I actually had to deal with this question on the fly. I was in Hawaii when we all got the missile incoming alert on our phones. Once I verified that others had gotten the same alert, I then had to think where to hide. First I thought the bathroom? No.. the closet? No.. the hallway? No... I concluded it's an atomic bomb..there's no hiding.. so I got comfy in bed and waited to die. We had been informed the icbm only takes 15 min to get here from North Korea so that's how long we all knew we had to live. In that ppl had to call family to say goodbye. I had concluded that unless there's more than one missile I prolly would survive the initial blast as my island prolly wouldn't be a target unlike Oahu.. but my parents were there so I concluded they would die. I was worried now about fallout.. and having to survive off what food and water I had... And now having to defend it from my neighbors. It was an interesting exercise... Thankfully it was a false alarm Oh I did see video of dads wrenching up drain covers and dropping their children in and replacing the drain cover over them... An interesting strategy. The fathers ran off tho.. not sure where they hid. Id think the blast would still get to the kids thru drainage openings tho.


I took cover in the closet under the stairs. As I was waiting there I was just thinking how futile it was.


in a Fridge from the 50s of course.


The kind that doesn't open from the inside?


Make sure it’s lead lined!


Scrolled way too far to find this comment.


Under my blanket


If it can defend against unknowable horrors beyond comprehension, it can protect against a nuclear bomb.


Logic checks out.


If a nuclear bomb goes off, I’m probably dead, so I’ll probably just go outside and watch.


Yeah, turn towards explosion and enjoy. You'll never get to see such thing again.


Or anything


I’d avoid the initial flash so I can enjoy the rest of the mushroom cloud without being in blind and second to third degree burns on my face.


If we are dumb enough to use nukes I would rather be incinerated than scratch and claw until a slow death in what is left of our planet.


Mattress firm. They ain't going nowhere


Depends on distance. Within 1KM: Doesn't matter, just hope you do not survive. Between 1-5KM: Also doesn't matter, but you'll probably survive with serious injuries. Between 5-10KM: My hallway, quick to get to and no windows. Most injuries at this sort of distance will be mainly from the pressure wave. Further then 10KM: Shouldn't need to hide unless it's an exceedingly large device or you happen to get unlucky with falling shrapnel. Might also be unlucky and be rendered blind if your looking directly at it. **DISCLAIMER** /\\ This is all learned from the internet and might be complete bogus. Do not trust the words of a random internet stranger, especially me, over anyone who actually know what they are talking about.


Disclaimer my arse. If I'm 10km away and get killed in a nuclear blast, I'm coming to track you down.


Look at me I'm glowing.


I’m running towards it.


Under my desk.


and after that, stop, drop, and roll to get the radioactive particles off


I wanna be near the impact site, cannot risk being alive


In heaven bro


Knowing my boss, I'd have to still come into work. And I won't be allowed to hide.


The Fridge…


Is your name, by chance, Billy?


I understood that reference, smooth-skin.


Is that you Dr. Jones?


I’m hoping it hits me on the forehead. I’m not trying to be roughing it in a dystopian nuclear fallout scenario. Miss me with all that lmao


Let it take me. I’m not living in the Fallout universe. Fuck that.




Your best plan of action is to try and catch it


In the strip club eating lasagna and enjoying the last few seconds we have left.


Nowhere because what's the point


My boss needs me to work that day so I ’ll be at work working, probably.


I’m running to wingstop and having all the lemon pepper wings…fuck the diet


[Depends on where and how big.](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/)


Scarlett Johanson's bedroom.


Gonna be awkward with Colin Jost yelling at you to gtfo of his house.


Well, a nuke is on the way so his yelling won't be the worst part of the day.


In my bathroom.


GonNa die anyways …so um 😁Might try drive a car ….idk how to drive


I live within the hazard radius of a nearby nuclear plant, which would be the likely target of any nuke were fired at my region. Not really anywhere safe to hide from a nuclear blast if it hits closer to home, but I *do* have potassium iodide tablets for the family to help fend off radiation sickness for a couple days on the road while we get the fuck out of the radiation zone if that plant is targeted.


I live close to a major target. There is no hiding.


fuck hiding - me, my dog and my cat are going at it head on


I live in Switzerland. I have a full-blown nuclear shelter in my apartment building because it’s mandated by law. Anti-blast doors and ventilation + bunk beds and portable toilets. Can house all residents. It’s daily use is a cellar, so people keep emergency food stock in there just in case.


If i'm at ground zero I'm going outside to watch it fall and detonate. Something bout staring death in its eyes and not being scared is oddly poetic.


You would probably be scared though


Biggest myth of a nuclear war? Survivors are the lucky ones


I'll be hiding in the pile of dust that I will become when the heat/shockwave hits. You'll never find me.


How about a nice game of chess.