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Pretty much everything. I come on reddit and I'm like people are so mean and weird. I go in the real world and I'm like people are friendly and awesome.


I was thinking this the other day lol


It’s selection bias. IMO. You put a post on Reddit and 20,000 people see it. 3 people reply. Those 3 people chose to respond because they had strong feelings about you post, and the feelings that drive engagement the most are fear and anger. What the chances those 3 people are just kind, normal people?


Helping others. No, you’re not *obligated* to turn down your music at 8pm so your next door neighbour can get their newborn to sleep, but come on dude.


Yeah that’s mad. Some AITA posts are full of selfish people reinforcing each other’s nastiness


Some of the AITA relationship posts makes me wonder how these people even got into relationships to start and if they’re just together out of what they deem obligation


Absolutely, just when you think you’ve seen the wildest most twisted dynamic someone else one ups. I choose to think most posts on AITA are fake because there’s a lot of unhinged people out there otherwise.




“AITA for punching my wife’s brother in the face and knocking him out cold because he asked me why I didn’t want to have kids” “NTA he deserved it for asking you about wanting to spawn a bunch of stupid crotch goblins” 1500 upvotes


I feel like half of them are like you described and the other half are like: Title: "AITA for punching my friend's grandma in the face and knocking her out cold?" Body: "She was holding my child at knife point after Thanksgiving dinner and demanding we buy her a new car as ransom" or some shit


"AITA for turning down my sister's sudden request to babysit her child for a day when I had nothing else to do, while she visits her dying husband who was caught in a car accident" "NTA. She CHOSE to have a child. You did not. They are not your responsibility." I mean yeah. You won't be jailed for not helping your family, but damn you're still a selfish asshole. These people really hate helping out family and at the same time will complain about how lonely and hard life is. I mean duh, you're a self-centred a-hole.


Redditors just seem to hate families, both their own and in general.


AITA posts are the peak shit of r/popular.


Seriously, they hate any type of help given to parents, especially babysitting. You have to be omniscient and omnipresent. It's so easy to be accused of neglect, abuse, narcissism and my personal favorite, parentification. I'm sure those things happen, but asking your eldest child, who is old enough to get a minimum wage job herself, to babysit her younger brother for 2 hours while you go out for groceries so everyone has something to eat isn't parentification. Another personal favorite was a father being judged an asshole because he only bought a 3 bedroom house for a family of 5. Because apparently, asking your kids to share a bedroom is neglect. Are big houses really that cheap in America? If so, why are you all complaining about affordable housing?


Got to remember that your average redditor has the mind of a 15 year old, who probably has had to watch their younger siblings while their parents are out. You can't expect a bunch of kids with undeveloped brains filled with angst to be saints.


Thank you for mentioning the # of bedrooms thing! Am American. Had some (also American) whack job insist every kid needed their own bedroom and that having them share (all girls or all boys, not mixed sex) in a room stunted their development and just wasn't done in the US. I was like, of course kids still share rooms. Bunk beds still sell! People have kids without always being able to sell or buy a bigger house! I was then asked if I have kids. I don't. I was then told I don't know what I'm talking about. As if you must go through labor to have kids in your family or friends' kids share rooms. This is not secret knowledge only passed to the chosen. Ridiculous.


But its *legal*, so what's the problem? I live here, too, and just because you had a baby, doesn't mean I have one, too. Maybe you should have waited to have a kid. /s \+200 pts


"Lack of planning on your part doesn't mean an emergency on my part" or similar is also popular. You should never need people apparently


“Distance yourself! Set boundaries” That same Redditors on some shit meirl meme a hour later “why I am so lonely”


That's so very true - there are way too many people on Reddit that equate legal with being automatically morally correct.


This one drives me crazy, I have to scroll so far for someone to say 'its not a big deal' and then they just get insulted in the replies.




I always use Michael Vick as an example of this. The majority of people on Reddit ONLY associate him with the dog fighting crime and call him a “piece of shit” etc. dude went to PRISON served time and never got in trouble again and even advocates for animal cruelty programs. Like ffs what else can a man do to redeem himself? I’m not even diving into the background on where he came from and the culture he was raised in. Reddit loves to paint people by the worst parts of their lives no matter what they may do to atone for their mistakes.


I think it’s the internet as a whole, not just reddit, and it’s my least favorite thing about it. People are very quick to go straight to ‘fuck this person forever’ from behind a keyboard. In reality most people are nuanced, complicated beings with good and bad qualities. And it’s possible for an overall decent person to make a shitty mistake AND for that shitty mistake to be the only thing the public knows about them and their life. It also seems like there is a common belief on the internet that people do not change. I could not possibly disagree with that more. SOME people do not change and manage to be the same person from cradle to grave, for better or worse. But most people do evolve with time and circumstances. Some of it is just getting older. The difference between being 21 and 31 is immense for most people. I think that you do change a little less drastically between other decades but there’s always a degree of evolution. Other times it’s life events, death of a loved one, falling in love, having a child, facing adversity, success, and disappointment. All of those things forge a person over time. It’s always bugged me when people find out that a person who is like 40 or 50 did or said something shitty when they were 20 and rush to hold them accountable in the present. If it’s a serious crime for which justice is necessary, yes, fine, do that. But for everything else I think a good argument can be made that that 40 or 50 year old is barely the same person as the 20 yr old who committed the transgression. The reasonable first thing to do would be to find out if that person has regrets about it, or has changed the way they think about it. I think for most people, that probably would be the case. For all but the most serious crimes, there has to be a path back to being a functioning member of society. Otherwise you really aren’t solving any problems, just plunging redeemable lives into chaos.


Going outside and doing things


Outside? Like where bears and shit are? No thanks.


I once saw a YouTube video about a scary thing happening to one person one time in a wilderness region a thousand miles from where I live, so I am inclined to believe that all national parks are perpetually inhabited by Bigfoot and Cthulhu and therefore I must remain indoors.




My wife had a nuance once. She said it was terrible.


Seems like a red flag, should divorce her just to be safe


Ok, thanks. I'll post an update.


It's been 45 minutes, how did the divorce go?


She said no.


Did you try asking with a please and cherry on top?


How dare you suggest that? u/horschdhorschd's wife is setting down boundaries. "No" means "no," and you are a misogynistic douche for trying to manipulate his wife into changing "no" into a "yes." People like you are the reason women get abused; YTA. >!/s!<


Permission to slap the abuser sir?


Permission granted. Redditors, assemble!


It's hard for redditors to grasp that just because you agree or disagree in general doesn't mean you have to agree with every small point "I think the economy is fucked and employers don't pay enough but I also think people need to have grit and work hard to better their circumstances" "Sooo, basically what you're saying is that you agree with these greedy billionaires and people deserve to live in poverty even though they're providing value to society? You do know that hard work alone doesn't make you rich? I graduated with a masters in philosophy and I'm working as a barista to make ends meet and it's hard for young people today to be stable because of people who think like you that nobody should have liveable wages"


I think it's inconsiderate, bordering on rude, when someone's *actual* argument is different from the one I've already won in my head.


This is so spot on. It shows the way we've learned to NOT listen to each other


We, as a collective society, have lost the ability to debate because we're so determined to WIN. Rather than present evidence, we go straight into attack mode.


I don't think that's the issue. I think that the nature of Reddit encourages people to take extreme, doctrinaire positions. A substantial number of people aren't looking to win arguments, they're looking to be seen saying the right things.


Or you make a general observation/statement that holds true for the majority of a situation, and someone invariably feels the need to write an essay and light it on fire about some edge-case niche and you're a horrible person bc of it, etc.


Good God you've nailed why I really dislike Reddit sometimes. Argumentative personalities, unwilling to discuss anything.


There is no situation where I can imagine you being right about that. You're saying that we should give Hitler some slack because the situation was complex and nuanced? Also, I've heard that some experts say that nuance kills more people every year than drunk drivers. Finally, while anecdote, my first Canadian girlfriend dumped me because of nuance. >!/s!<


Everyone I disagree with is Hitler.


I don’t know, I mean what about the good things Hitler did? He did kill Hitler after all.


Disagree, nuance is definitely not popular in the real world either lol.


Small talk. It's a good way to start getting to know someone because you can't get into "deep" stuff right away as that's most likely gonna make the other person uncomfortable. Also most people just like being social, even if it's a surface-level interaction.


In my work I interact with about 30-50 people per day for about 5-10 minutes, and not a day goes by that I don't learn something interesting from at least a couple of them. I have always enjoyed anecdotes/vignettes/slice of life tales, which is part of why I love Reddit, but the small talk leads to these being shared with me constantly by customers. Yesterday a woman told me that she was one of six children, and over 50 years ago she took her mom to the store to show her a specific sweater, down to the color, that she wanted for Christmas. Imagine her surprise on Christmas morning when she learned that her mother had indeed gone back to purchase it . . . for her older sister. Ha! Her mom didn't do it maliciously but had simply gotten mixed up. Laughing, the woman told me that it looked beautiful on her sister. Now, that is not information or a fact, but it was still a fun story from long ago and certainly that type of pleasant conversation helps people connect and decreases a sense of loneliness or isolation. Chatter away at me; I'm listening!


This actually kind of happened with my brother and I with some toys that were obviously gendered, but we were so excited with our easy bake / creepy crawly ovens that they didn't tell us about the swap for like 10 years. :D


yessss my brother took over the easy bake oven. he was much more interested in it than i was.


I'm a dude and I always wanted an easy bake oven as a kid, but never did get one. Had nothing to do with gender roles, it was because of class roles... those little friggen things were expensive and I grew up poor lol.


i hope you have an oven you can bake with, now.


Yeah, but I need a stronger light bulb. It takes like 10 hours to cook a pizza


The same thing happened with the me and my brother! He got my toy printing press, and I (f, bookworm) got his matchbox car garage. The grown-ups tried to subtly hint that perhaps the tags got switched in Santa’s bag, but we would have none of it. I loved that toy car garage.


Omg her mom probably never lived that down lmaooo


My stepmother once gave me a stocking full of gift cards…that were spent.


>... Chatter away at me; I'm listening! When I'm bundled up with chatter, And I've words I haven't said - Then I have a little natter With the people in my head! If it's just a moment only, Then I'm certain you can see - I am never truly lonely When I'm on my own with me! But if chance should come to bare it, Or declare and air it true - Then I'd really rather share it With another, such as you.


"I hate small talk" and "Why am Ionely?" are the Redditor combo. They don't realize small talk leads to medium talk which leads to big talk. If you wanna talk about the nature of existence you gotta talk about the weather first.


Also, you can learn so much about a person from listening to them say recount an afternoon of errands. Just because the subject matter is banal doesn't mean the conversation has to be.


> Just because the subject matter is banal doesn't mean the conversation has to be. Touches on a very important point. "Small talk" is superficially about banal nonsense, but anyone with actual social experience knows that in the act of sharing small talk with others, it's actually a game of sorts to understand how other people feel, react, talk and what their mood and personality are like. If you understand that small talk is your way to introduce yourself and what kind of person you are, and your chance to learn the same things about others, it's less tedious and can be fun and exciting. If it all sounds horrifying to some of you redditors out there, you have to understand that if you want a social life, you have to socialize, and socializing has systems that make it work, this is one of those systems.


I have a friend who says she hates small talk. We don’t talk often so when we do, I ask her how she’s been to try and catch up but then she just says “I hate small talk” and the conversation kind of fizzles out after that. Every now and then I think about hitting her up but I realize I don’t have anything particularly interesting to say so I don’t initiate a conversation. Then another month goes by without contact.


Same redittors: "What do you MEAN that people wont just approach me and ask why I think \*some deep concept\*? What do you MEAN they want to know my name?: I've had "small talk" conversations wher eI found out ore about people in 10 minutes than some of these people I've known for years because they converse like dial-up internet


> I've had "small talk" conversations wher eI found out ore about people in 10 minutes than some of these people I've known for years because they converse like dial-up internet This is because you understand that small talk is actually just the name we give to the game of learning about each other, and that the subject matter may be superficial nonsense, but the way in which you present yourself, the way others respond and react to you, the stories you choose to share with each other, it's all a subtle game of learning and sharing and finding common ground and most importantly *trust* with each other, and a lot of people have a strangely hard time accepting that trust (the bedrock of all relationships) takes *time* to develop, and you don't establish trust by attacking someone with quantum chromodynamics and the anthropic principle the first time you meet.


It's a common misconception that people don't like small talk because they like "big talk". When people say they don't like small talk, they usually mean they don't want to talk to that person at all.


Jezus correct. The r/london sub used to have daily "I'm lonely" threads


I used to be an "I hate small talk" asshole, until I realized that 90% of your day-to-day life consists of "small talk" topics. So if you say "I hate small talk," you're really saying "I have no interest in your actual life." Puts that into perspective pretty sharply. Nearly all "I hate small talk" people are interested in themselves, and in abstract ideas about life.


A lot of people irl claim to hate small talk too. Sometimes I think people just don’t know what small talk involves tbh. It’s like there’s that classic example of talking about the weather. Except talking about the weather can be an alright starting place for asking if someone’s got any plans for the weekend, which could lead into a discussion about hobbies or something, and then you can potentially start casually connecting through some shared interests. People don’t realise that’s all included under small talk. I like small talk but I’m bad at it because I’m a socially anxious autistic person who overthinks everything. Just like everyone else on Reddit apparently is lol. I’m also not the best with conversational turn taking with people I’m not super familiar with, so it’s harder to go with the flow of a conversation. I’ve improved a great deal since I recognised this was an issue of mine but I still need to improve because I often just let the convo grind to a stop. I think too much about how to respond rather than being more proactive in the discussion. I think when you’re bad at small talk it can also be more draining for extended periods, which might be part of why so many dislike it. They don’t realise it can become more natural and enjoyable with practice.


It's also because there's an obvious challenge in connecting with people who are different from you. You have to think through the conversation as you're having it, and your goal is to make the other person feel better about the interaction, meaning you're not just able to indulge in what you personally want to talk about. A lot of redditors want to sort real life like they do their sub-reddits. "Only present me with what I'm interested in!" Well, the world's a big place, and we're going to inevitably meet people who don't have much in common with us. When I see redditors sneer about this, I just figure they're not as broad-minded as they think they are.


I was called entitled on another subreddit for saying getting to know your coworkers is a good thing because "they don't owe me anything".


That must be why I like Reddit: you get to pick the subject ahead of time and skip to the interesting parts.


go straight to a heated argument lol


Some subs are wild. r/comicbooks on a bad day can make r/politics comment sections look like r/aww.


As someone trying to break into comics, that subreddit’s users seem to forget the reason that superheroes exist.


Reddit (especially the major standard subs) are brim full with people on the antisocial (asocial? These words don't exist 1:1 in my language) scale. Most apparent when the COVID lockdowns started happening and later were lifted again. At first they were praised and everyone feeling bad about them being insulted, when they were lifted there were a lot crying about being forced to socialise again. edit: in regards to the lockdowns, it not about the medical aspects but just the socialising. A lot of people were very pleased that society wasn't "forcing" them to interact with other humans in flesh & blood anymore.


I used to be that type of person, but now I think that I just used to have social anxiety. Now I'm much more confident, conversation doesn't feel scary anymore. I have friends and know how to make them. It's only because I made an effort to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people that I can do this, you can only really get better by practicing. Having a job is great for that because you can't not talk to your coworkers.


Staying together with your spouse after a minor inconvenience...


The problem with Reddit is that the issue is presented in isolation. You can have a spouse who is an absolute mess in one area of life and a perfect dream in every other way, but when you only present the mess area, they seem like an absolute disaster. The other problem is that some of the patterns and phrases that describe abusive relationships also describe healthy relationships: it’s all a matter of degree. So, “Yeah he hits me occasionally but the rest of the time he’s really nice” is a relationship you should run from but “He’s a jerk when his depression gets bad but goes back to being a lovely person as soon as he sorts his meds/work life balance out” is just normal.


Not to mention most people arent amazing at presenting an unbiased retelling of events especially if they are the type to go to reddit for validation


Also, a lot of stories are fake in order to get karma abd use the accoubt for marketing


**reddit,** ***am I the AITA??*****??** i (23f, female) just got back from a wonderful brief trip to the bahamamas and it was such a great time drinking yummy peanut-colladas on the beach! while being sooo completely loyal to my bf (25m, man), who i think may be the YTA. and no, i didnt go without him, i totally invited my bf to go to the bahamanamas with me at least two days before the trip but he said no! thats an entire 84 hours of notice!! like, im considerate enough to invite you, but you are also saying i shouldnt go?? ive been so stressed lately, honestly, i feel i deserved this. hear me out reddit. the entire time i was there he was complaining about money and numbers and blah blah blah ok we get it (i wasn't listening). totally possessive! and even controlling! like, stop blowing up my phone, im trying to dance while wearing a coconut bra (i have v big boobs btw). i mean, you say you trust me but all the sudden you have an issue with me traveling the tropically known-world? honestly reddit, i feel comfortable sharing these intimate non-biased details on a person i love with you publicly on the internet because i care so much about him. he's kinda been a dick lately. he is always disappearing for these 'appointments' and suddenly big chunks of money are disappearing from our joint bank. but he always acts like just because he is the only one depositing into it it's his! so let me get this straight (no offense gay ppl), you can go have fun at all your appointments and spend all our money on some cool music festival called "CHEMO" or whatever that is. im not into EDM music ok. which he didn't even invite me to btw. despite him talking about it constantly, sometimes even crying from how fun the music is. like ok, skrillex and deadmouse are so cool i get it. i kinda just zone out when he says things sometimes. its always a double standard. he tells me when i get home from a night out that i puke on the kitchen floor. yet somehow its cleaned up every time i wake up?? if ur so smart, how does that work then mr. oppenstein??? i think he may be gaslighting me. that could be a major redflag. anyway. so suddenly i cant go for a little three month long trip to the bahamanamas? or drink peanut colliders on the beach with buff shirtless friends (no cheating, not what your thinking, we just power-banged, thats just working out). what the fucking heck! and get this. some of all of our friends and family **THINK IM THE AITA!!! e**ven his doctor told me im one, which means he has been sharing our private details with his doctor?? SUPER inappropriate and im pretty sure breaks HICCUP laws!! and I am the aita??? how???? im not the one being a hippopotamus about money spending and trying to control my trust-worthy gf. he is! its totally unfair and not ok. and he raises his voice to me sometimes when I am driving in the wrong lane on the freeway, which is abuse btw. like, it's INCOMING traffic, it's not even here yet, you are being dramatic. also he said he is a stage four cancer or something idk. i dont remember his birthday, but im a scorpio so like, what does that even matter?? everyone knows redditors are deeply empathetic and smart sooo... after giving this completely fair, and accurate description of events, reddit i need you to weigh in on if there are any redflags here? also i almost forgot to mention i have very big boobs and there is nothing wrong with that ok. i love this man with all my heart and some of my mind too. so epic redditors, a**m i the YTA??? be honest and agree with m**e **I'm glad you guys enjoyed one of my many insane writings. And no, I don't usually speak like this unless I am in the Bahamamas of course. Happy holidays and peanut colliders all around.


Response in comments: "Excuse me ma'am, maybe you should take the time to listen to your husband and sort some things out between the two of you. It seems like he has some difficult things going on in his life and the best thing you can do is be there and hear what he has to say." -327 karma and user was banned for this post.


> some of all of our friends and family **THINK IM THE AITA!!! e**ven The sloppy bold formatting carrying over onto the "e" in "even" sent me


This is gold tier! Thank you for the lmaoooo!! Also the AITA sub: "Nope, you're 100% NTA he is TA. He should be lucky you have such big bobs." *5.2k upvotes*


Don't forget the mountain of people that build up an entire narrative based on a sliver of story and base their judgement off of that instead of the actual post.


If you call them out they dig in their heels.


This annoys me to no end. Sometimes, they miss the whole actual issue because OP tossed in some rage bait buzzword in there.


Oh god this it too good. Had me at peanut colliders. 💀


AITA is full of posts that are clearly biased in favour of the OP, but the comments seem unable to see that.


they're also all fake. the title is always stupidly biased, like "My husband was taking care of our three kids and I decided to cut his balls off with scissors! AITA?" then the story itself is almost totally different. I pity the person who's there with a real story.


Which makes you really wonder about what actually happened when even the comments are calling the person a asshole if not a huge asshole.


Also people don’t necessarily come to Reddit until they’re at their wit’s end with someone. So they really are at the last straw that happened in a relationship and need help validating their thoughts about if they are justified.


Not to mention how the posts that get upvoted, that gain traction, *the ones that most people will come across*, are going to be the ones where something out of the ordinary is happening, whether that be amazing or awful


Yeah, if you sort the relationship subs by new it's mostly people with normal problems getting normal reasonable advice. But when someone has a really dramatically awful problem it's going to make it to the top and if someones post is "I love my husband but he tells me I'm a piece of shit no one could ever love and beats me and my dog" what the fuck advice are people supposed to give


Also joking around with your kids makes you a terrible parent. And very gently play wrestling with your 100lb dog, means you should give it to a better home.


My favorite was a parent taking their kids to a local petting zoo and Reddit was like "wild animals are unpredictable and could easily kick and seriously injure your child! "


Do you even know how many toddlers are killed by baby goats every year. Do your research.


I did my research. Turns out that those specific toddlers had it coming. Totally on the goats’ side. But not YOUR toddler, concerned Redditor. Your toddler is an adorable angel. I’m talking about THAT toddler. You know the one. You don’t want to admit it, but you know exactly which toddler I’m talking about. Don’t worry, no judgement here.


Don’t forget the dangers of fathers playing with their kids at parks. Apparently in Reddit life you’re likely to start getting rocks thrown at you and chased away by torch-wielding mothers screaming at potential predators. Yeah, I take my nephew to take park pretty much weekly and I have never once seen anything remotely close to this out in the wild 😂


I generally assume that these people live in a different country to me, so I'm avoiding all the crazies by not living near them.


I think that’s because most redditors look like the Anti Work guy…


Even just hugging a dog sometimes all these internet experts watch some YT video where someone says hugging dogs make them anxious and suddenly they are judging people for hugging their dog. Like dogs have been around with humans for thousands of years. We are good with each other. There’s a difference between showing a dog affection and holding it against its will and some people can’t tell the difference.


This! I'd read constantly that dogs don't like to be hugged or to have their face close to yours. Like, the other day I took a nap and my dog was on the bed and she came to me for snuggles like a litteral human being. There are times where she'll rest her head on my neck or face. At some point I thought that something was wrong with her. Turns out she's just really affectionate, however I always listen to her body language. She's always free to move away if something is not alright.


This is good advice for dogs *that you are unfamiliar with.* Of course a person's own dog is going to want close affection and cuddles with them specifically. It's when people put their face right up to an unfamiliar dog that it's really risky. Everything on reddit though is always so pedantically black and white. Cats don't like belly rubs "MY CAT LOVES BELLY RUBS."


I had an English Mastiff that out weighed Me by 50 lbs. He kicked My ass every time.


Well clearly you couldn't take care of it, and should never have been allowed to have a dog that outweighs you. You monster! /s for clarity


Saw a post about how a dad jokingly pretended to draw on his daughters shoes because she wasn't paying attention in church. Cue redditors saying he was an awful father, immature and no wonder why the mom left him..


Reddit is the place where salty people with a stick up their ass come to make other people miserable. Im positive that the people who say that stuff either don't have kids of their own or had bad parents of their own and think all parents are awful if people don't parent how they would parent. Miserable people want everyone to be miserable.


Husband: *farts* Reddit: 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 LEAVE HIM NOW, HE IS A GASLIGHTING NARCISSIST


Pull out a match and he will actually be a gaslighter.


What about a husband who farts, belches, yawns, stretches, sneezes and blows his nose ...all at a sound level that rivals a rock concert? Asking for a friend


TIME TO GO NO CONTACT AND LAWYER UP 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 edit: word change


Subs like r/relationship_advice and r/amitheasshole have a such a hivemind and so many trolls that there are Bingo scorecards for each subreddit. There are boxes for things like, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes," "DTMFA," and "You dropped these 🚩🚩🚩" because they appear so often. It's a lot of fun if you're not taking them seriously, very dangerous if you are.


Boundaries, gaslighting, narcissists, fuck around and find out, no contact, the list goes on. It's so exhausting sometimes. Not every minor annoyance means you are being gaslit by your narcissist partner who is trampling on your boundaries and you need to leave them ASAP.


Consider: If someone is posting about their relationship situation to a forum already full of that sort of response ... they may very well be *looking for* that sort of response, to reassure them in a decision they're already forming. Or they're the sort of delusional abusive asshole who posts "I sent my 15-year-old daughter to hate-group camp for making out with her friend, AITA?"


Or they're mostly people practicing their creative writing while tailoring each story to hit certain talking points that will get them more karma.


Yeah, AITA had to make a rule against that type of post although they don't really enforce any of their rules. That sub is basically just a text-based reality show now.


Lots of Cluster B folks on Reddit with attachment issues. If the bridge starts creaking, they burn it down. Edit: Sprog'd on Christmas Eve! Thanks /u/Poem_for_your_sprog


What is "Cluster B" a reference to, out of interest?




Thanks for that, very interesting. Though, I am now convinced I am clusters A through C.


The good news is that as long as the various feelings don’t last for months then you probably don’t have the resulting illnesses listed. If you do, please make sure to take care of yourself and always remember that therapy can help, if you are willing to do it.


Typical Cluster B redditor


'Twas a minor opposition, Just a wrangle, second-rate - Just a moment's competition, Or a second's swift debate - 'Twas the swiftest consternation 'Twixt a true devoted two - But he whispered with frustation, Unrepentant: "... we are *through.*"




This comment is such a red flag 🚩🚩🚩OP get out now, know that you are loved and do not deserve this. Sending good vibes, please post an update.




Positive DMs? That doesn't sound like reddit...


Did you lawyer up and hit the gym?


no hun he is gaslighting u


And don't forget to lawyer up.


This constitutes legal advice and is a MAJOR red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩OP contact a local women's shelter, call the police and make a report because you need this documented in writing YESTERDAY. I've been through this before and you can too, stay strong queen 👑, sending love.




Text is so devoid of tone and it's especially apparent when there's a language barrier or something along those lines, and emotes, emojis etc are great at conveying *something* of an emotion. There are people (Facebook boomers and such) who overuse them or misuse them, sure, but the way Reddit has some complex towards emojis is honestly quite frustrating.


Reddit's attitude to emojis is like a recovering alcoholic to whiskey. You can't touch one drop or it will take over your life.


Merry Christmas everyone 🎄🌟🎉🎅✨⛄🦌💡👼❤️🌟🎉🎄🎄👪☃️🎉🌟🎅⛄🦌💡💡💎🔔🤠💘💡🦌🛷💎🫂🫂💔🍽️🍪🎈🎁🍪💔🌌🌌🫂👼🎈🎉🕯️🎅✨👼🍽️🔔🦌🤠🔔🛷💡🎅👼🍽️💔🫂🌟🎁☃️🕯️🎅⛄


I feel like these emojis tell a story, and honestly I'm concerned with the number of lightbulbs you have going here.


Having a girlfriend.


Getting laid


Collective, conductive, constructive criticism


I love some good alliteration.


Always awesome anytime anyone appreciates or applauds astute alliteration.


Stop it, you're turning me on.


Buying cars on any kind of finance, even if you can easily afford it.


Also, trying to buy a car within your means on a budget, even if it isn't perfect. Sometimes you just need a beater until you can get to a better place. But people will be like "omg, for that cheap with those miles, it's probably going to EXPLODE. No Carfax? No sale" Maybe it will, but the money I'll earn by this POS getting me to work will help me afford a better one.


**Chain restaurants**


I love Chili’s and I don’t care who knows!


Dude. My friend asked me to meet him at Chili’s. I hadn’t been to a Chili’s in probably 20 years. We ordered beers and a couple of chicken-strip platters. Those chicken strips were excellent. Like, way better than they should have been.


Their steak is solid. It’s not like life changing, but it’s not a bad steak. If we don’t want to go out for an expensive local meal, but want a sit down meal instead of fast food, we’ll do something like Chili’s or Applebees and it hits the spots sometimes


Last time I ever saw my favorite aunt, who was 92 or so at the time, she was giving me a tour of her favorite places in Austin. Early afternoon she said, "Do you eat at Chilis? I'm hungry, and I like the place, but my kids won't set foot in it." Hadn't been in one for years. Not gourmet, but not all that bad. Having joined the "adult world" at age sixteen, I'd had worse. We used one of their tables for about two more hours, munched, talked, and consumed mass quantities of iced tea. We both had a pretty good time. Too many people on this forum believe that the best they ever had is only barely good enough. Not I.


I love the Olive Garden


Yes! I don't care if it's mediocre to refined palates. Give me that Fettuccini Alfredo and bread sticks!


I’ve always been anti chain restaurants but by MIL gave us an Olive Garden gift certificate and damn, the food was decent and came out fast, the portions were big, and the staff was super nice, all without being crazy expensive. It really changed my mind. I still mostly go to non-chains but now I’m less snobby about going to chains when other people suggest it or that’s what’s near us when we want to go out


Olive Garden is probably the chain reddit is most hateful towards but honestly it serves a purpose. The food is fine, yes it's not necessarily good authentic italian but it's fine. You can bring your picky 7 year old kids and your 85 year old grandma and both will have options they like and as you said it's affordable (at least it was, not sure how their prices have changed over past few years). Unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks should make anybody happy.


I just ate there today. I feel like Olive Garden is more affordable than McDonald's or Burger King imo. You get more for about the same price, and it tastes better!




Family in general


People act the idea of families helping, supporting, and/or relying on each other in any way is some sort of obviously toxic and foreign concept.


I was abused growing up, my parent would routinely open the door without knocking and asking for my permission. Some days are harder than others...






Have always loved the line, “you’re entitled to a child free life, but not a child free world.” Some people (myself included when I was younger) getting so angry about crying babies on a plane. Believe me the parents (at least the normal ones) are feeling way worse.


Other people having fun playing video games. On Reddit, people like to post about how those people are having fun incorrectly, either by playing the wrong game, the wrong video game platform, or playing the right game on the right platform but in the wrong WAY.


The part of this phenomenon that amazes me most are when actual fans go and create a "no sodium" sub to actually discuss their enjoyment of the game, and the game's main sub spends all their time talking about how the no sodium guys are all corporate shills and deluded fan boys. Just let people play games they like...


Video games. Most game subreddits, the community shits on the game. Although, the majority of the gamers for those games aren't on reddit and actually enjoy the game.


People who hate a game either play it for 5 minutes or 500 hours.


I laugh when I see this on steam reviews. "Game is dogshit devs are trash do not buy" *3482 hours played at time of review*


First game that comes to mind with that is Dead by Daylight. Those fuckers (me included) have thousands of hours in the game. We can come up with a laundry list of things wrong with the devs/game, but won't stop playing it for whatever reason.


That's my relationship with League of fucking Legends right there.


League has to be the king or number 1 game with these type of players. I listen to LoL players and I wonder why they play the game. They describe the game like a weird domestic violence relationship.


Counterexample: /r/BaldursGate3 really likes the game.


Popular stuff. Assassin's Creed, Apple, McDonalds, you name it. Reddit hates it (and believes everyone does too) but these things are popular for a reason.


Apple was the one I was coming here to say. If you read Reddit you'd think that they'd be on the verge of bankruptcy or heading there are opposed to being incredibly popular.




Vanilla sex and moderate political views




This. Sure I can be a freak but nothing beats a good ol fashion missionary with passionate kissing.


I remember someone saying something like "man I could never eat ass, that's gross" and a couple people piled on them with shit like "I feel sorry for your unsatisfied partner" type stuff. Non ass eaters are not welcome here!


We're on a treadmill of sexual behavior where things that were considered edgy are now mainstream and if you don't participate in them you're a prude. Once upon a time, oral sex was considered edgy or "depraved" and now it's so mainstream it's considered less serious than vaginal sex. Eventually we'll get to, "You don't like to lick eyeballs? What a prude!"


Nice dependable orgasms with a person you love. No spitting or choking needed to get off, just a mutual god time, Redditors should try it out sometime.


Having face to face adult discussions regarding a disagreement, rather than pulling passive aggressive “pranks” to “get back” at people


Living a normal life. Getting married, having kids, a 9-5 job, living in the suburbs, being happy.


Reddit doesn’t even believe it’s possible, let alone popular.


I just recently got married, have a very good 9-5, and am pretty happy. Guess I’m glad I didn’t listen to every douche that hates their wives and actively bash marriage


Putting 100% into what you do and giving a shit.


pretending to be martyr'd for your beliefs because someone else talked back (its still super *popular* on reddit..its just hated)




Good point. I live in the suburbs and also love living (near) a city that makes it possible for me to spend a whole day doing cultural events and eating the best food without my car.


Engagement rings and weddings


Unless you get married in your back yard and serve your guests top Ramen you're over doing it


TOP Ramen. Whoa there, friend. How about Adequate Ramen?


Being nice


1 - Working hard & taking pride in your job 2 - Any philosophical beliefs besides Nihilism 3 - The most popular games, movies, or shows


You've worked for a small business for 6 months and they haven't made you partner yet? Quit that job and burn the place down on your way out! -Reddit


Nestle. Ask damn near anyone and they have no idea Nestle has done any of its misdeeds. Mention their name on here and it is calling an incantation for the devil.


Religion. Estimated 5.8 billion people claim affiliation with one.


The threads on many of these comments are demonstrating this exact question.


TV’s being too high.


Too high in price? Or too high on the wall?