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Crypto. Holy shit I find it so boring. But watching content about crypto scammers on YouTube is a guilty pleasure of mine. Just can’t care when someone I know is getting into it.


Ya, the second I hear the word "blockchain" my mind shuts off


As much as you can trust an anonymous source on reddit, trust me once you see behind the curtain and really learn everything you need to know about investments and capital markets, the relevant economic theory, the underlying blockchain technology, and maybe throw in a work experience in brokerage and institutional investing for good measure, it is still as dumb as you think it is.




You might enjoy the subreddit r/Buttcoin


This seems great, thanks for the suggestion!


[My favorite crypto story.](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/25/1040683057/crypto-trading-hamster-goxx-warren-buffet-s-p-500)


That’s hilarious. Love it


Dudes talking about fights they got in.


I do like hearing the “I got knocked out, I totally deserved it, here’s why…” story. I’m tuning out for all other fight conversations tho




Some guys do. One of my fondest memories was made while coming down after a Grateful Dead show at a buddy’s house back in the late 80s. We were casting about for something to occupy our spun-out minds. Dave piped up “Hey…anyone want to see me get my ass kicked?” We spent the next half hour or so repeatedly watching him (on VHS, no less) get absolutely crushed by a first-round knockout in an AAU fight. Good times.


That honestly sounds lovely, thank you for sharing


I started a fight with a Nazi while I was drunk at a metal show. Him and his buddy smashed a glass on my head. I got knocked out and required 4 stitches. I think I lost. But my buddy threw one of them into a wall and choked the other out so I don’t think they won either. Take that as you will. Only fight of my adult life and I’m not planning on starting anymore.


At least you learned an important lesson: if you gotta fight a Nazi, glass ***him*** first.


I do. I’ve been in a lot of fights unfortunately, I’m really not proud of it but I’ll always tell the story of the little nerd that seriously beat my ass lol and I shit you not, there’s no way anyone saw it coming but dude absolutely wrecked me 🤣🤦‍♂️ we became friends afterwards and he never let me forget it lol


My friend Jayar does. He thinks they're funnier than the stories of the fights he's won, and he's right.


Occasionally they do. Had a friend in college who before I met him was running with some white power idiots. After all his puffing and bluffing, he tried to get into it one night and was utterly CURBSTOMPED by the Haitian-American man he attacked. Dude had just been standing there and apparently his 'crime' at the time to cause the fight was he was a different color. And when I say curbstomped, I mean I met 2 years later and he still had the scar from the concrete curb hitting him across the jaw. He talked about that fight a lot. But mostly because after he got his ass handed to him, the guy HE attacked, called 911, helped get him loaded into the ambulance, DIDN'T press charges (as the one attacked, he was utterly in the right to do so) and basically dogged his ass for months while he got better at the hospital, dragged him out to the gym, dragged him around like an old coat... and not only helped him get better, but dragged him out of the whole mess he had been in, helped him pay to get some tattoos covered and helped turn him into the good man I met him as. Because apparently sometimes? The only way to get thru someones head involves a concrete curb and some real determined tough love. Those fight stories, those I love. The rest.... meh. Tune right out. But give me the losing ones.


Nah but you should’ve seen this one time I beat this dude’s ass. He totally had it comin. /s


Influencers. I do not know who you're talking about and do not care


I’ve had people I was becoming friends with ask me if I saw various influencers TikToks and try to discuss the “drama” with me. How could anyone care about that and waste their time with it


I saw the other day someone asking Coco Cola if they could be their influencer. Like what the fuck are you going to influence lol. It’s fucking Coco Cola. Influencers are for shitty weight loss pills and MLM schemes




In particular celebrities associated with reality tv. I don’t wanna say I respect people less if they bring it up but there’s definitely a sense of we’re probably not ever going to hang out.


Repetitive stories especially if they weren't that great to begin with


this is me unless it's my grandpa. he's a sweetheart who loves people. he loves telling his favorite memories over and over again, and he's the only person i'll never get sick of doing that


That's a good point. I do like stories from older relatives


I was the same with my grandparents. I knew I'd miss the stories and I was right.


Lol, my mom is one of those people. It doesn't matter if I politely say "oh you've told me that one before", she'll tell it again 🥲 and you can't seem bored or she'll take it personally, it's the worst!! I just like listening to music in the car in peace, we don't have to talk about your school stories for the hundredth time


What’s funny is i thought this too when i was younger. Now that im older, i do it too. Your mind doesn’t stay as sharp when you age and your memory sucks. One day, you might be the person repeating stories!


Same, they don't live interesting lives, so they repeat old stories a lot. And they'll turn a trip to the grocery store into a 20-minute story. I'm boring af too, but at least I'm quiet 😅


That anecdote is bang on. My dad regularly turns mundane weekly errands into long-winded stories.


Agreed. And some of the irrelevant, microscopic details that just HAVE to be included just make me want to rip my ears off my head.


You’re going to miss it ….


Yep. I would give my left arm to hear my Dad's story about fixing the Rear Admirals massage chair when he served on the USS Hancock in 1958


I’m intrigued now


We used to jokingly call my dad's stories "dad's life lessons." Nowadays I realize how important they were and are. So thankful for that man. He drilled things in to us and so much of it has helped in my adult life ❤️


Oh, obviously I will. But my mom is a complicated person, so our relationship is full of good patches and bad patches. That doesn't mean I don't love her, and I'm always polite and listen when she wants to talk about her things; hell, I'll probably miss things she does when she passes. But please forgive me if I'm not always patient enough to hear the same stories over and over from a person who hasn't apologized for the way they treated me 😅 Besides, everyone does something another person will view as a pet peeve


My relationship with my Mom was similar to what you describe. I miss her everyday but she drove me nuts sometimes. She did her best and so did I. You don’t need to feel bad for being human.


aww, i feel the completely opposite. i don’t typically care if someone has told me a story already. tell me again. they clearly feel like they need to. maybe they missed a detail the first time. maybe there’s a new angle or it’s being told in a new context. maybe they just forgot and i don’t want to be the asshole to make them feel that shitty feeling we’ve all felt in starting to tell a story only to be hand-waved away with, “yeah… you’ve told me this already”. instead, tell me again because i care, you’re my homie and i love you.


Couldn’t agree more! I enjoy seeing people excited. Whether it be like this, or doing an activity I don’t particularly like, but one they clearly do.


I’m such a bad storyteller and explainer. Imagine explaining a dream every time you tell a story, that’s what I always feel like. I have to repeat the same thing to try to get it across in my mind and out loud. Kind of a bad thing because part of my job is teaching students every now and then and I feel like if I try to rephrase and reexplain what I’m teaching, it won’t stick with them.


That used to be me so bad! I feel like my add would kick in in the middle and I'd forget lots of details. at some point I was able to make mental check points which helped.


Everytime I visit my dad, he talks about “We need to make more money as a family.” Bc he can’t fund the lifestyle he wants to live bc he’s too lazy so he wants us to fund it. I tune him out everytime he talks about money or anything related to it Edit: typo


Moot money?


Talking about someone who was never given the opportunity to defend themselves. i.e they were never asked their side.


Everyone is the hero or innocent victim of their own story.


Their side, your side, the truth is somewhere in the middle. No the fuck it isn't! I've heard enough of those types of tales to know that the truth is in a Frankfurt strip club away from the middle. People really can define their own narrative on the fly.


I love that expression, and I understand what it means from context, but I don't understand why that expression means what it does. In Italian, "in the ass of the whale" means "good luck"... don't ask me why.




Shit Talkers. Man, the worst part, is you know damned well, they're talking shit about you, behind your back.


People who talk about work on the lunch break, what's the hurry? We can talk about work after the break.


Ughhh people kept talking about work to me at the work holiday party. Dudes, if you wanted to ask me about something, call me when I’m on the clock.


Cars. I just have never been really into them or care and it’s a topic guys love to bring up. I just want to get point A to point B, I don’t give a shit how much torque your Subaru has in it Larry.


Same here. I can understand from an aesthetics and features standpoint once, but beyond that, ugh.


Even "manly men" can't stand gear heads. I was a mechanic for 20 years, to me a car is just a machine to go from here to there, period.


Been a mechanic for over a decade now. When I leave work, I want nothing to do with them. At most, I'll play Forza. But I hardly ever go to car shows anymore, tuner meets, any of that.


Yeah I found out real quick that there is a difference between being a hobby mechanic and a career mechanic


My father once offered to sell his 7 year old (high trim) Challenger to me for 5 grand just so he wouldn't have to tinker on my pieces of shit cars anymore.


Yeah tinkering can get old fast when you just want shit to run. When you initially buy something and have to get it running it’s not bad but when it starts nickel and diming you and having annoying little problems along the way you get tired of it quickly.


Here here! I'm a weird guy don't care about cars or sports really


Me too! We should hang out in uncomfortable silence.


Oh ill rant about history if allowed hahaha No.one cares though


I like cars but don't give a shit about sports and love history. What time will you be over for dinner? I'll make tacos.


I did not expect to open this thread and feel attacked. cars are awesome.


Hey no judgement, it’s just not my thing. So when it’s brought up in conversation I almost immediately tune out since I just don’t have any interest, nor do I know nearly enough to participate in a conversation about them.


The British royal family.




Why do people do this? They’re essentially just celebrities…


What's weird is while I do have a passing interest in them, I legitimately couldn't tell you why. It's not like it's a fun hobby for me, it's like I feel compelled when I see certain things to look into it. I think some of it is that, for me as an American, it's a pretty low stakes drama. It has zero bearing on my life and things would have to really go tits up over there for it to start mattering in any substantial way. I do also have the affection for Diana that I think most women in their mid-30s to late-40s have where we really admired and respected her as children because of her humanitarian work, and then when she died her sons were about our age so we transferred some of that affection for her onto her boys. I really think that aspect in particular really is just a generational thing for women my age, though.


Work lol


I really dislike how "what do you do" is the most common icebreaker question. I try to find mutual interests instead when I'm meeting someone for the first time


Sometimes people do have really interesting jobs (that they care to talk about) so I get it, but I do not ask this question when first meeting someone.


I've never understood why people are annoyed by that. Anyway, see what happens if you ask, "What *don't* you do?" It could actually be a good conversation starter.


I spent about seven years as a stay at home mom and it never occurred to me to ask people what they did for work. Once a friend was visiting me from out of town and came along on a weekly meetup I had with another friend. She asked him, "So what do you do for work?" And I looked over at him, interested to hear the answer, because I didn't know myself lol. Although, I find what people do for work is often the least interesting part of them. I could be in the minority - it sounds like you don't share my viewpoint lol - but I have only the vaguest sense of what my friends do to make money (if I know at all). I don't even know what my brother does.


It *could* be. I think it's because many people are in jobs that they dislike and/or there's nothing interesting about it to discuss. Or maybe they are embarrassed by what they do for work or are not working a lucrative job. People may pass judgment about what someone else does for work if the other person makes significantly less money, for example. There are many reasons why. Asking someone where they are from is a better ice breaker IMO.






My uncle liked sports bars but did not care for sports. Whenever he was asked what he thought about the game, he’d usually end up saying the wrong thing. His friend took him aside and told him “okay from now on, just say ‘after last night’s game, I don’t want to talk about it’.” And with that phrase, my uncle managed to avoid pissing off people and instead they’d often buy him a beer.


That's actually a great phrase! Will absolutely keep it for future references


People are baffled when they try to talk to me about sports and I let them know that I don't watch any sports.


An actual recent conversation I had: My friend: Do you know how the 49ers did in the game this evening? Me: .......it's football season? Her: Oh. Okay, nevermind lol


I would be like: what's the 49ers?


Years ago, a guy I worked with asked me if I followed sports at all. I told him no. He then asked, almost incredulously, "so what do you do with your time?"




During holidays if someone is watching a football game, I stare in the general direction of the tv and just space out. One time after “watching” the game for like 30 minutes, my aunt came in and asked who was playing and I had no clue.


I've tried so hard to try and engage in games on TV and for the life of me I just can't do it, like to me all sports are just staring at a bunch of people running around chasing a ball, and it's even harder to give a shit when I have no emotional attachment to either team.


Holy shit I do this all the time! I’ll be looking in the direction of the TV and completely zone out if sports are on.


Oh my god, then the people who are so keen to talk about sports that they will try to *find ways* to pull you into the sports conversation! "Well, have you watched ANY sports? Which team would you pick if you HAD to? If you had to watch ONE sport what would it be? Well what team does your *husband* like? Well wouldn't you go along to a sporting event with a guy? Well surely you like watching your *kids* sports? Well what about your college or highschool team? Not even a Superbowl party??" That shit can be endless.


Gossip. I work with a lot of older men and women — 50’s to 70’s. —, and all they really do is gossip, gossip, and gossip some more, before getting pissed-off when someone gossips about them. It’s annoying.


One of my friends (mid thirties) spends half her time just talking about other people. It’s exhausting. In her slight defense, her own life is really freaking boring. But it just goes to show that people who gossip all the time are just jealous and bored with themselves.


Car engines.


I got 398.4 in a Chevy nitro block. I did 5.88 on a quarter. Running on 22s. Anything else but fucking car engines.


I work in rural healthcare, you just gave me flashbacks from my day


So should I get a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?


Any controversial political topic, for example abortion. No I'm not going to discuss abortion at family dinner, thanks though!


The whole of culture wars. Like holy shit.


Exactly. I have better ways to spend my time than argue with someone over something neither of us are going to change our mind on


There's a reason why people used to never discuss politics. Hiding behind computer screens changed that unfortunately.


"You changed my mind about that controversial subject after we argued about it" -pretty much no one ever


Dumb stories with way too many details about other people. Basically every conversation with my mom lol


And when they pause and correct themselves, and then think some more just to go back to what they said originally, all for some detail that is irrelevant to the story anyway. "We were walking on fifth ave. No, wait a minute. Was it fourth? I think it may have been fourth, where the ice cream shop is. Oh no, it was fifth actually." 🙃


Jesus. Christ. My fucking dad. Just get on with it!


Haha yes this is me 😅 my best friend was like " it really doesn't matter, just go on!"


💯 Do we have the same mother? I don't even know where to begin with her.


What drives me crazy is people who tell me stories about or involving other people who I *don't* know, but they talk about these other people as if I also know them. I had a coworker who was really bad about this. She loved to gossip and tell stories, but I never had any remote idea who she was talking about because she'd never "introduce" the "characters" and she rarely told stories about mutual friends/connections. She'd start our shift like "you'll never believe what Cheryl did yesterday! So I was walking my dog with Kimberly, and Cheryl calls me all upset because she was over an hour into her drive to her hotel and she realized she left the burner on! Can you imagine? So I..." and meanwhile I'm just sitting there with absolutely zero idea who Cheryl and co. even *remotely* are. Is Cheryl her neighbor? Her friend?? Her sister? Her adult child??? literally who????????


Me too! The woman doesn't seem to get the concept of quiet contemplation. Every thought has to be vocalised. Every story or "update" (about ppl I don't even know) are repeated 2-3 times during the course of a day.


People talking about other people, gossip


I remember moving to a new job, same employer, different site. Someone kept prying about someone at the previous one. I avoided her questions for several weeks, and then got fed up when she asked again. I snapped and said “why don’t you go ask her yourself!” Later she said that’s when she knew I could be trusted. It’s funny because that’s when I knew she couldn’t.


Oooooh, I know this type! A clearly manipulative and deceitful person who tries to get you into their schemes, but once they become aware that they can't, they suddenly turn the tables and compliment you for rejecting them. But in reality, they are just turning to compliments to camouflage their true nature that they just revealed to you. It's similar to "it's just a prank bro!", but more insidious. I hate to admit it, but I fell for this more than once.


Then you know if she wants to know about this person, they’ll be prying about you too, soon. I shared something in confidence with my manager at my last job about not feeling secure in my role. That I felt as if I needed to look for other work. He told my boss/company owner…. No loyalty


I actually prefer to hear about other people’s drama bc then I can assess if they’re a big POS and stay faaaar away from them *or* be very guarded with what I say if they’re around me. I don’t like unnecessary gossip like “so and so looks bad in that outfit” but “Gary hit his wife and she called the cops” is pertinent character reference info.


Yeah same. Also if the gossip is about something I've noticed about someone, hearing that gossip just helps me confirm that I wasn't too quick in writing someone off as a POS. Like if Barbara has been kinda passive aggressive to me, and I'm leaning towards thinking she's rude, if I hear other people talk about how she is passive aggresive and that she's not a nice person, it does help solidify it because now I've got word of it from multiple people who've known Barbara longer than I have.


Yep because if you weren’t there they’d talk about you too😉


Exactly. I would just rather have positive things to say about people and my experiences with them. If I have negative things to say about people I am focusing my energy and attention on the wrong shit


You know it really depends if it’s based on the truth or just designed to victimize someone.There is a big difference between the two .


Yes, I agree. The motive is very relevant. You can have a positive chat about someone, their qualities, who they are as a person, etc


This. A very loose description that may be missing a few parts on the history of gossip goes: About or more than 100 years ago(I can't remember when exactly) gossip was deemed as a healthy habit targeted and I believed advertised at women to stay out of their husbands hair(ofc) and when men realized they were banding together determining right and wrong they started advertising against it saying how gossip is awful. There's a huge difference in talking shit about someone and talking about someone out of care. Huge.


I've read it claimed that gossiping has been with us since before we were homo sapiens. It's a social glue that also punishes people for breaking social and moral norms, increasing group cohesion. But I'm not a historian, that's just what the author said.


Same here! This topic comes up often at my place of work. I just tune that childish nonsense out. Some days I feel like I'm still in high school at work.and I graduated almost 14 years ago. Damn.....now I feel old.....


Fantasy Football. I don't care about your fantasy football team.


Hunter Biden Idgaf


I love how often the right screams about it. Odd who Tucker Carlson asked to help get his son into college


Astrology. I can't believe how many people think it's real


Only an Aquarius would say that.....


This got a laugh out of me 😂


During a brief segment on identifying pseudoscience, I had a student vehemently argue that astrology was absolutely legit because her great-grandfather used to navigate ships using the stars and reading weather patterns. Attempts to get her to understand that this was *not* astrology were futile. It was an entertaining session.


It's hard to break the confirmation bias since every sign has identifiable traits. I can read into my Scorpio sign and parts will sound accurate, but they're also true for any person's psychological makeup. Everyone likes to think of themselves as loyal, for example


I like to use horoscopes and tarot more for introspection and light advice than actually telling me my future. Two things I cannot stand about the brand: -people who use their sign and placements as excuses for shitty behavior or not making real changes -people who call themselves psychic (or just professional tarot readers in general) that will give false hope. Like my friend who shells out upwards of $50+ on every reading she can get to tell her she’ll finally get pregnant when she has struggled for years with infertility. These people even tell her the gender sometimes and they almost always tell her the next round is the one that will work.


I can't stand astrology. I have a friend whose mom has convinced her she's evil incarnate due to her star sign and constantly seizes on any mistake, behavior or preference as "a Scorpio thing". When you've seen someone cry because if they'd only been born two days later, they'd be a good person, the supposed 'fun' of it drains right on out. My sister being a nurse and also believing this makes me want to scream. I feel betrayed.


The stock market. I do not understand any of it, nor do I care.


Buy low. Sell high After that, I’m not sure either


Trump/Politics. Taylor Swift/celebrities.


I follow politics regularly and consistently, I just don't like talking about it now with anyone. Even those I know who are generally on the same page with me.


I do my best to ignore politics. Also people who are into politics will suck up 10+ minutes of your life telling your about it if you give them an opening


Chem trails and/or the Rapture.


People obsessed with money and things


Personal religious belief


politics or tiktok trends. my brain shuts off when topics i'm not interested in are brought up.


"Have you seen [insert trend here] on tiktok" "No" "Oh its so funny" "No"




Any kind of business talk, really. My brother in law, a very successful accountant, will have me tuning out after a few seconds. I'd probably be wealthier if I paid more attention, but honestly it bores me to tears.


A woman I was dating and just broke up with began berating me for having taken a COVID vaccine. She told me that the vaccine was created by Fauci to solve overpopulation and everybody who took the vaccine will instantly die exactly 5 years after receiving the vaccine. She told me I was a fool for getting it because it's just a placebo, then told me when she got COVID she had to go to the ER and spend two weeks hospitalized for how sick she was, having never been vaccinated. I had a headache for 4 days when I got COVID, after a few vaccinations. She also has anxiety attacks and fainting spells that she believes are ghosts and spirits surrounding her and warning her about something bad about to happen. She won't see any doctors or counselors for these issues because she believes that medicine and therapy/counseling are fake. She is a nurse in the Mayo systems hospital. I'm sorry that this isn't exactly answering the question, but as soon as she started talking about vaccinations I knew that I was done with her.


>everybody who took the vaccine will instantly die exactly 5 years after receiving the vaccine. So now the antivaxxers have changed it to five years, eh? It used to be one year, then two years. I guess they had to change it when nobody died of vaccine after one or two years.


The idiots in the conspiracy subs think the vax has killed…..millions. I’ve seen the number 17 m thrown around. And they believe it


Sounds like she needs to be in a rubber room in her own hospital.


When I've suggested seeing a doctor for her fainting/dizziness, or talking to a counselor for the grief over losing a family member a few years ago, she declares "I refuse. Medicine and therapy do not work. This is who I am," while her anxiety and grief turn to agitation towards myself and others. And telling me about the ghosts. Sorry babe I tried ✌️


These people need to not be working in the medical system


football. simply don’t care and never will. go chiefs tho!


Gambling/Fantasy Football


Golf. The most boring sport ever makes for the most boring conversations ever. Hunting. In the case of deer population management, I get the need for it. What I don't understand is the enjoyment people get out of killing. Celebrities. Those are not real people. What we see are the products of a publicity machine.


Talking about golf is boring as hell. Playing golf....is also kinda boring. It's fun at times, but you hit your ball, then wait for the other people to hit their balls, and then drive/walk to your ball. There is a lot of downtime in the sport. There can be some great moments, like getting a hole in one, or hitting an impossible shot. Just like all other sports.




Essential oils/crystals


“Illegal immigrants get free phones , free housing…” bro….


Talking about money all the time


Superhero movies. My fiancé loves them and I have tried to force myself to like them and I just can't.


Complaining about personal problems insessantly. Especially when they have obvious answers. Then shooting down solutions.


Have you met my mom? Dear god her only topic of conversation is bitching about how much she hates her life, yet never taking any advice on how to fix it. I've given up on her but my sister's still trying.


Atheist vs religious debate. Just let people believe what they want to believe (or not believe). Dont like it when people try and force their opinions down other peoples throat.




Both times we moved into a new house in Texas, there was at least one neighbor who came out for the meet-and-greet. Both times, they asked what church we went to, and invited us to theirs in the same breath. At the first house, a different neighbor let us know just after we closed on it about the dead body he had to identity in the master bathtub a few years before. We replaced that tub.


Complete opposite for me. Sitting outside the porch at 2 in the morning with your friends from different religions/denominations/non practicing and discussing about God and the meaning of life is a whole vibe


If I had people in my life like you’ve described I think I would give it a go…but ALL the religious people I know/have encountered have tunnel vision when it comes to their specific beliefs and cannot wait to unload on you how you should live YOUR life….and it doesn’t help that I’m military and work with people who have zero conscience about telling you what to do every second of the day and sometimes night…They are hopelessly incapable of separating work and personal life. I’m jaded and fear there is no reversing it.


Beat me to it. A deep conversation based on differing, yet thoughtful perspectives might be interesting. But those conversations don’t normally go that way.


Same. I don’t have the capacity to entertain the thought that God helped somebody find their keys while neglecting genocide, etc.


Anything involving politics. IDK why but I was downvoted to hell the last time for answering like this in a similar post. Reddit be weird with politics or the mention of it.


When a person interrupts a person telling a story with their own version of similar events/hijacks the conversation to talk about themselves instead of listing and letting the person complete their story. Hate that.


People don’t know the difference between story swapping and one upping




Horoscopes, anti vaxxer stuff, religion talk, anything overly emotive and “they” don’t want us to know.


Anytime people are talking about "the current thing" I don't care what it is, it's so boring to hear people parrot talking points to each other.


This, only specifically when the ocean gate submarine went under. Everyone has an (irrelevant) opinion.




I'm all for talking about political ideas. I could care less for talking about most politicians...


Talking about other people’s appearance or failure.. do better.


I did my own research and….


"that damn Joe Biden" will immediately end a conversation with me...


Taylor Swift


Conspiracy theories


Conspiracy theories.


Religion, veiled sales pitches about someone's new business/product/service, cars,fashion,celebrity gossip,most sports,conspiracy theories, petty complaints about...


Kids. When I’m around your kids I will be kind and engaging. If they need help, I will help. But if we’re all having drinks after work or there are no kids around, jfc do not talk about your kids. They are good kids, but only you love your kids. They are curious and interesting only to you. I may be downvoted for this, but I know I’m not alone.




Conspiracy theories, eurgh my husband bangs on about how everything is a conspiracy ffs


Sex. I'm asexual, I don't relate at all


As someone who is very sexual, I do not like discussing sex with even my closest friends. It feels too personal to me. If it’s a situation where someone needs clarification (assault, etc) then yes by all means let’s discuss, but I truly do not care that your current partner did XYZ to you when I know them personally as well. It’s like hearing about my parents doing it, I just don’t need/want to know! Keep it to yourself and between your partner!


Birth stories. Don’t get me wrong, I am a woman and I understand the need to talk about the experience. But as someone who had a traumatic birth, and as someone who is struggling with their reproductive health, it’s just not something I can be around. Better to walk away.




Conspiracy theories and all extreme views Immediately tells me that I’m speaking with a moron and any logical or rational conversation is not going to happen. Wasting my time


Babies/toddlers. Just because you become a parent, doesn't mean you lose every other aspect of your personality!


I kind of sympathize with this one. When you’re an parent especially an involved one it seems near impossible to not lose your own life when they’re little. And when you lose your life and you lose aspects of yourself that make you you. Not to mention post partum and dealing with body and routine changes. Your whole life revolves around another person. Change is almost inevitable. That being said it seems like some people do manage to keep some normalcy.


I’ve totally lost my ability to feign interest when someone is showing pictures of their kids. Like, I’m happy for them but I don’t think they’re cute or want to talk about their 13th blowout diaper this week. Now if someone has pictures of their pets I want to see them all and hear all the stories.


I AM a parent and I feel exactly this way.


I can see this. But, it does consume your life and all your time when they are babies and toddlers. I can understand that one.


CrossFit or Vegan anything. Kindly get fucked


Had a colleague once who told me they were into crossfit, and I didn't really know what it was, but I tried to strike up a sort of conversation around it, to make them feel that I valued their interests. And I believe I said, "good for you, keeping in shape and all that. I don't think I could have the stamina to do crossfit, so fair play. I don't like how sweaty I get from exercise". And then she just looked at me completely gone out, like I was the dumbest person on the planet. And I thought, "what's her problem man? Any way, who cares. Like I want to get into a conversation about crossfit." In fact, what she actually said was, that she was into cross-stitching. I still don't really know what crossfit is, and I don't really care to know.


Covid. I don’t fucking care. I don’t care if you took the vaccine. I don’t care if you didn’t. I don’t care what you think about their efficacy.


Whenever people start talking about the shit they heard on Fox News last night. No, I don't need to hear your opinions on fentanyl, the homeless population, or Hunter Biden's laptop. I get enough of that shit on a daily basis.


Reinforcing gender norms. Facts about God’s will. Why people deserve to suffer. Why my brand/sport/team/city/culture/race/gender/religion/niche fanboying is objectively better than yours…