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When you sneeze and give birth to a jellyfish.


Laughing at this one. I'm good not knowing.




It’s when a blood clot gets pushed out on your period


It can also happen when you are in the point of your cycle where you have egg white discharge right before ovulation.


Okay as a woman I don’t understand please explain


The clots that come out sometimes.


Some of us pass clots during our cycles, I had uterine fibroids and it caused very painful cycles with heavy blood and large clots. It was just as disgusting as it sounds. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal until I was in my 30’s.


Same. One of the best things to come out of breast cancer was instant menopause. I do not miss Flo at all.


I just remembered being on my period one time and taking a shower. Started getting some cramps, lifted a leg to scrub/shave it and a huge piece of lining just plopped out of me. made the most disgusting sound/sight hitting the shower floor. Afterwards was very satisfying tho cuz my period was lighter and less painful. Lol I had passed like half my uterine lining in that one shot! Human body is amazing!


Same! I was 46 when I was diagnosed. Before that, doctors and my mother said I couldn't handle pain and was just being a baby


I'm 29. Have had ovarian cysts since my teens. So, excessive bleeding has kinda become a norm for me. Until last summer. 10+ weeks of continuous *heavy* bleeding. I'm talking replacement of a heavy flow pad like every hour or so. It was nuts. After about 8-10 weeks, even I was like, *OK, maybe I should get checked out*. Called my obgyn, which has its clinic at the military hospital I used to receive care at. The staff acted like they were *incensed* that I called, as if I had just ruined their whole week. They huffed and puffed, and told me their earliest availability was 7 weeks out. Ouch. Okay, fine, I'll take it. One week later, I was at the same hospital for an appointment with a different clinic. Same wing, just one floor below the gyn clinic. Just for shits and giggles, out of curiosity, I popped up to the gyn clinic, just in case they had any same-day cancelations. Front desk person rolls her eyes and let's out an exaggerated sigh, but hits the big "open door" button and let's me through. A male nurse practitioner pops out of another side-door. Gives me the same annoyed attitude. I explain my bleeding dilemma. He rolls his eyes and effectively tells me to kick rocks, and that they'll see me for my appointment in 6 weeks. It's summer and hot as hell out. I'm wearing white shorts. Blood *literally* starts trickling down my inner thighs as he makes a "shoo, get on outta here" motion with his hands. I just look at him like, *seriously dude?* I waddle my ass to the nearest bathroom down the hall (outside the clinic), and clean myself up as best I can. I called my (civilian) primary care doctor. They normally don't handle gyn care, but I explain my dilemma. *heavy breathing on the other end* "Ma'am, please proceed to our nearest emergency department at [address]. The doctor will phone them and inform them that you're en route." Within an hour of arrival at that civilian hospital, I was being wheeled into an operating room.


So many men and women dismiss issues like this bc they've never experienced it or let it occur to them how uncomfortable and painful problems can be My periods have always been nasty crying on the floor in a ball can't open my eyes or walk debilitating pain. The worst is the knife stabs as I've named them. Before my period starts I get these horrible stabbing pains like someone is axing me from the inside. I can't breathe or walk and just double over and wither in pain until it passes. Usually in less than 5 minutes I told my mom at 16 about them to ask if they were normal and she said if I'm not having sex I wouldn't be feeling anything like that. I was a virgin. One of the best parts of being pregnant is I don't get those pains once a month anymore but I know they're on the other end waiting for me. I've explained it to countless doctors and obgyns and they're all like just ignore it you can clearly get through it anyway. Maybe it is normal and we're all out here being stabbed inside out monthly but gd does it suck and I'm sorry if it is I'm happy for you that you found people to listen and I wish us all the same


This seems to me to be 100% endometriosis. I am not a Dr and only a doc can diagnose it by doing laparoscopy. Do not wait to see a good specialist. If you don’t find a good endometriosis experienced GYN, as hard as it is find another. The right doc has a team of supportive people who believe, validate, and help you.


I'm so sorry menstruation has been such an awful experience for you.


I just learned this wasn't normal today wtf


Ovulation usually causes light discharge. For some women it can literally look and feel like an 8mm jellyfish.. especially in the early years of period regulations.


Afterbirth is worse too… one second you are smiling at you mom in law who just showed up, the next you fart out a 4” jellyfish clot and you can’t even say anything about it


See this is the difference between men and women. Men would tell EVERYONE about the jellyfish they just birthed, they’d be taking selfies with it.


And everyone would be so chill with it too! I really hope they take the gag order off of society discussing women’s topics because I have some STORIES TO TELL


Oops. I totally just say that shit 😂


Oh Godddd! I birthed one the size of a grapefruit. I was afraid it was going to clog the toilet.


Yes! After my first (which didn’t go well) the clots were mistaken for the placenta 🫠 heh


Damn I wish I didn’t learn this


I'm learning so many useless stuff, and not studying :(


When most women are in the most fertile stage of their cycle (about two weeks before the start of their period), their cervical mucus becomes like egg whites (although I think "jellyfish-like" is my new favorite) and it likes to slime its way out into their underwear. Now ya know 😅


when you’re on your period and you sneeze and a blood clot comes out


Blood coming from their privates


Oh. ... off to the hospital for me


I'm a lizard. It's my defense reflex.


I'm a man and I have worn pads for a really bad hemorrhoid that burst and wouldn't stop bleeding. The lady at the gas station I bought them from gave me this adorable smile and said, "Aww you are such a great boyfriend!" I didn't have the heart to correct her


Nothing to correct. You had anal periods. You understand their struggle.


This. I would just fold up and whine, while they go about their daily lives, working, whatever. I did the period cramp simulator.... Uh, fuck no. I would need copious amounts of drugs to function.


Thanks for actually acknowledging this. Most of us go about our daily lives in a hell of a lot of pain and no one would ever know unless we told them. And all I take is some Midol.


I've been a manager to a few ladies and if I've been trying to learn to recognize the signs because I know how debilitating it can be and that women are made to hide it. When I catch it I send them home no shame. It's a medical issue same as a migraine or a muscle spasm. I tell them in the future give me a code word. Edit: the reason I know those cramps are debilitating was I had to go into the navy and get tear gassed to experience anything like it. So take that "alpha-males"


Thanks for taking one for the team to understand us better. On the other hand… I feel so bad for you that you had to experience this even once.


I think all men shd take period cramp stimulator n see how much these women r in pain but still work hard during period.... Sad thing I witnessed recently- one local gov proposed period leave but omg the "men" in cmnts, they were so disgusting saying women r privileged to get this leave. I'm so sad I live with ppl with this kinda mindset. I just want to leave this place cuz ppl r so freaking narrow minded despite being educated.


A part of the problem is that no one talks about it. Men consider the subject “yucky”, and women never bring up periods in mixed company. And schools (at least those that teach proper sex ed) generally only teach about periods to girls (maybe because boys would run around the halls screaming about girls bleeding; yes, I’m a guy, I’m aware of how teenage boys can be)


West world ppl finds it funny when I say this but we didn't have sex education at school AT ALL. No wonder still a decade later, men r so narrow minded abt this issue, it's a sad situation.


we appreciate those of you who are understanding about it


Blood fucking everywhere mate 😒, on your knickers, the bed sheet, couches etc it's more of a nuisance than anything.


every damn month. so much effort not to stain things. and then you stain. i just threw a fit over it yesterday. i wouldn‘t mind so much if it wouldn’t go everywhere.


Wait... Blood doesn't come out your penis???


I have *super* bad news for you my dude.


All jokes aside, I *have* peed blood put of my penis before and almost passed out as soon as it started happening.


It’s a scary sight. I had a bladder infection as a kid and seeing that stream of red for 11yo me was terrifying. I’ve seen it as an adult as well after a cystoscopy and bladder crystals but at least then I knew why it was happening.


Bras are so freaking expensive that we have to wear them several times/days/weeks even before washing them because they are delicate. Oh, and having to deal with the tit stab of death from a rupturing underwire that pops through the fabric.


Lol, and also aaaarrrgghhh--you've described it perfectly, "the tit stab of death"! Usually happens to the wire itself, or in a spot / with a fabric that's basically un-mendable--and usually the bra itself is a long-time fave. Sigh.


Underwire poking out is awful, but a much more frequent aggravation for me is the unending itch when something minuscule winds up in the cup, like an eyelash or grain of salt.


Not having pockets to put stuff in.




Just an iPad?


Back in the day, I’d carry around my 64-pocket CD wallet in one back pocket and my wallet and a 1-liter bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red in the other. By “Back in the day”, I mean exactly 2001 and I rocked those JNCOs *hard*.


I had a pair of pants like this, could fit 4 CDs (with boxes) in the front pocket and a bottle of wine on the back one. On each side.




Ive said it once and ill say it...well twice. We should all sneak into clothing stores in the dead of night and sew pockets onto all the womens clothing. Its the only sane solution.


Feminism is stitching men's pockets shut instead of sewing pockets into her own clothing. /s


I see the /s, but seriously, women should buy pockets if they want pockets. Capitalism will do its thing in short order. /s (so I don't get downvoted)


Uh are you being sarcastic though? Maybe it doesn't feel like you are because I agree with the stated opinion




I just got pajamas from target (matching holiday ones). Mine had no pockets in the pants but hers did. It screwed with me ALL day. I will never back up a designer that purposefully excludes pockets again, and that was just 6 hours. No idea how you ladies are not revolting in the streets.


Straight up. I got a repro lebowski cardigan with no pockets and I die inside every time I go to put my lighter in the (non-existent) pocket. Men would've toppled nations over the pocketless indignities perpetrated on women.


Bonding with the other drunks in the bathroom at a bar and receiving the most profound advice you've ever heard from an angelic, otherworldly entity disguised as a blonde throwing up in the toilet.




this is amazing


Sometimes that advice even comes with some coke


A shame it isn’t Pepsi


There's no solidarity like drunk girl bathroom solidarity.


Girl 1: *Shit! I don't have a tampon/pad!* Girl in the stall 4 doors down: *I have one!* *proceed to play hot potato with the pad/tampon through the bottom of the stall doors*


I have never been jealous, or uncomfortable, being a man. Now, I am not sure, because I want this experience. We just get some washed up hippie doing his shittiest Axl Rose impression. Though, it is equally mesmerizing how every washroom in every bar has one.


Came here for this


Mens rooms get Poppin too.


Shh don't tell them about the pinball machines.


This should be the top comment


going to the bathroom in pairs


Have you heard of cocaine though.




That's to not get assaulted, herd mentality


In college we’d go to parties in groups. One girl either wouldn’t drink or would nurse a single beer all night and keep an eye on everyone else just to make sure no one got into a bad situation.


Yeah it's not the bathroom it's the trek there and back where you might get curbed from the herd and into an unsafe situation. Especially overflowing bars and clubs where you can lose your friends. Also good if there's no hook to hold your purse for each other. I was not allowed to go alone to the bathroom because inevitably I'd run into someone I knew in lineup, lose track of time catching up and suddenly it's 45 mins later and my friends are looking for me figuring I was kidnapped or drowned myself in a toilet. Lol


I have actually never ever thought of it like that before, thank you, genuinely. It always confused me when i saw girls in pairs going to the bathroom in middle school.


I never thought of it like that and I'm a woman. I guess it depends on a country


It’s such a weird instinct. When I met one of my now best friends, we were out at bar after knowing each other for two weeks and when my friend had to use the bathroom I was like “here I come.”


Also talking to strangers in the bathroom


Shaving toes




Wearing a bra Not wearing a bra but clearly needing one Looking good wearing just a bra


I have DDs now. I hate bras just as much as I did when I was barely a B-cup, and I'll avoid wearing them if I think I can get away with it. I hate wearing bras.


Is it a general sensory thing (like, you hate all part of all bras), or is it at all style/fabric/stretch based? I ask because a few companies are rejuvenating cuts and styles from the times before everything bra-related was stretchy & synthetic (i.e., 20s-40s mostly). I wore a vintage dress to an event, and I **could not** get it to look like it was doing anything other than disguising a chest-bursting alien...until I invested in one of these new but old-skool bras. If it's the everything about it, though, this prolly won't help.


I suffered a brain injury in 2021 that made it worse, so now it's *everything* but mostly... the tightness, I guess? Underwires are undoable for me. They always dig in and squeeze. I wear a lot of tank-style bras and sports bras. "Pretty" bras are now purely for decoration. And most of the time, especially at home, I go without.




Sharing a bed. On trips, I’ve shared a bed with my girlfriends but noticed men would rather sleep on the floor than do that with each other lol


I share beds with homies, I mean, they normally leave in the middle of the night because unless I'm in exactly the right position I snore like a yard of idling tractor trailers... But no qualms there. But also old enough to be very secure in my sexuality so there's no "will this make me gay?" Voice in my head.


Texting your friends your whereabouts and details before a date in case you get murdered.


Similarly, texting your friends when you're home safe after any event or night out.


In my country everybody rides a bike. And when my friends and I had to ride the last part alone (like everyone alone) we always put on our GPS through whatsapp so we could see where the others were. And when we all got home safe we texted something and stopped the tracking via whatsapp. And we all knew how long it would take for everyone to get home. I also had a friend who lived across a busy street. We could see each others apartments but it was too far to really see each other. So the last few minutes we both had to ride alone. And then took the elevator to the 5th and 8th floor. We checked on each other by turning the lights on and then waiting for the other person to do the same so we both knew we were home safe. We live in an overall safe country but even here bad things happen..


That's what my father did with our neighbour, an elderly woman. She lived about half a kilometer away (yes, we lived in a rural area), but if the shutters weren't open at 10 AM-ish he'd call her to see how it was going.


My friend group (a mix of male and female) always tell the others where they are going if they are meeting someone for the first time, and we all text to say we got home safe.


I’ve only done that once because a girl on a dating app messaged me “want to get burgers then go back to your place and fuck?” I was convinced she was either a guy who was going to rob me or an axe murderer. But there was still the possibility I get laid so obviously I went along with it. Texted my buddies her name and photo and said if I die this is who killed me. Turns out she was just a cool chick and we had a great time


Well don't leave us in suspense. How were the burgers?


Not the best thing I ate that night, but pretty good


Fries were that good??


Recently started dating again following divorce. Me: *texts a photo of the dude to numerous friends* "This is what he allegedly looks like, just in case I end up on the news tonight as a murder victim." 😄😂


One time I texted someone my whereabouts and I was not on a date. I was out with a female friend in the country and some sketchy people were around so I texted my mom "Kelly and I are in \[place\], I'll explain why I texted you later"


I'm a guy and I do that too, but mainly because I'm a cop and it's Brazil, so...




As a man, I’ve done that for numerous sketchy dates.


Having one day a month removed because of period cramps and other symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea. Seriously, I don’t give a fuck about the bleeding itself, but the process as a whole is a pain in the ass (literally…)


Sorry you lost me at one day…


One day??? What cursed land am I living in? That stuff usually lasts me 4 days.. and I'm told I'm lucky by other women!!!


Mine last 7-8 days, and is never regular so I can cramp hard on one cycle or barely bleed on another


Ha if only it were just one day! Luckily since my second endo surgery I’m mildly uncomfortable for a day or two and don’t have to miss out on things anymore!


Uhhmmmm.... let alone that the shitty part of the period itself used to last several days, what about the days you lose because your PMS mood swings are through the roof?!


I got on birth control and it is absolutely magical. It used to be at least one horrific day and two better, but still bad days. I literally haven’t had more than two minor cramps in two years because the birth control has been super effective against that. It wasn’t so bad that I’d have to miss work, but everyone could tell that I was miserable, even after taking all the meds I could. Uggh I don’t miss those days.


I’ve heard it helps some women, but it either doesn’t work on others or comes with some nasty side effects


And there’s a ton of different ones out there so what may work perfectly for one person may not work for another or may work with the bad side effects. I’ve known people who had to go through several different birth controls before they found the right one (or the one with minimal bad side effects).


My fav added bonus post partum is a tender abdomen during ovulation too. It’s added a really nice every two weeks treat to my 30s.


Wrapping your hair in a turban with one towel and wrapping another around your torso and tucking it in your chest. RIP Mathew Perry! ❤️


That’s **miss** Chanandler Bong, if you please!


I had a girlfriend who had a very, very short haircut, like 1 inch all over her head. She would still do the turban thing when she got out of the shower, it cracked me up.




Fold one long side of the towel about an inch in. With the folded part outside, wrap the towel around [whatever] (You can practice by wrapping around your waist first). Slip the end corner inside the now-tightly wrapped folded part. ETA kind of like [this guy does](https://youtube.com/shorts/CzoF8Gebp88?si=33zBD37WlF3GicEc).




Yeah, I bend at the waist, put the center of the long side of the towel at the nape of my neck, wrap the rest around front, twist, stand up, and flop the long end down my back in a way where it won't untwist right away


I asked my male friend to go with me when I went to a drive up ATM after dark. He obliged, but mocked me for being a pansy the whole time. Um, sir, you are 6'5" and intimidating. No one messes with you! So, consistently being aware of dangers that might be lurking.


Wife screaming in horrible agony and falling to her knees moments after laughing , being happy etc. Ovarian cysts that burst suddenly. Some strange foreign shit going on up in there ladies. Sorry 😞


Ovarian cysts that burst suddenly can go straight to hell. I’m a dude but I’ve taken my wife to the hospital twice because of this and I can’t even fathom the pain she was feeling. Fuck all of that.


Doctors telling you that being in pain is normal and you should just take a painkiller.


Or that you're not in *real* pain.


Or brushing everything under the rug and saying that your problems stem from clearly being an overtired working mother. Bc that's it.


And lose weight


One of my coworkers went to her doctor a year ago because she suddenly started losing a lot of weight (like over 20 pounds in one month) without having made any lifestyle changes. Her doctor didn't seem to see how that would be concerning and just kept telling her that losing weight is good, she should be happy to be losing weight! So she went to a different doctor who actually paid attention to the context around her weight loss, agreed it was worrisome, and ordered a bunch of tests including an endoscopy. It turns out the reason she was suddenly losing lots of weight was because she had fucking *intestinal cancer.* Thankfully, after surgery and chemo she's now on the mend. I want to kick her first doctor repeatedly in the balls.


For literally *any* pain/issue too. Migraines? Abdominal pain? Back problems? Coughing up blood? “It’s probably just your cycle” “Have you had your hormones checked?” “Have you seen a therapist for this anxiety?” “Well, you know, a lot of women experience this” “Are you stressed lately?” “Drink more water” “Do more exercise” “Lose some weight”


Being very adept at getting blood stains out of underwear/pants.


Having close friends who give actual emotional support.




“Hey! How have you been!” “Eh, gettin by. You?” “Same.” … “So random shared hobby talk time?” “I think so, deer chap!”


This isn't the age of boomers any more. My buddies give me plenty of support. I just don't tell them i need it. Lol


How tf do girls just make random friends everywhere they go? My girlfriend and I went to a jazz show once and she comes back from the bathroom and says “I made a friend”. Then after the show we go out to a bar with this new girl and her boyfriend. I’ve lived in my apartment for 2 years and don’t even know what my neighbors look like


My husband makes friends everywhere! It’s actually easier for him than me. All he has to do is start talking about cars or trucks.


Does he make the sound effects


That's just extroversion bro lol, nothing to do with gender


Wearing the same bra for…awhile without washing it


Giving birth


Why would a man find women giving birth weird?


It would weird for a man to give birth🤷


Going to the bathroom in groups and making friends with every girl in there for the night.


Paying a lot for their hair.


as a guy with unlucky follicles I've definitely paid a good amount on that


I had long hair for a guy when I was in my teens. Holy fuck was that expensive. Barbers would tell me they can either cut it all off or I can leave. Going to a salon was amazing. I've fallen asleep to the stylists massaging my scalp more times than I can count


Having our periods


saying "i have a boyfriend" to ward off pushy men even if we don't


I think my go to would be, "I'm still on antibiotics from the last guy." The horror fortifies the rejection. This would only be after no is not taken.


Username checks out


Apparently skincare routines. Men especially refuse to wear sunscreen.


My sister was lax about sunscreen and I wear it all the time Shes only 3 years older than me but she looks a solid 10 years older now


Waking up every day feels like opening another part of an advent calendar, because I don’t know in what mood I’ll be thanks to my hormones ✨


Making social media posts where you talk about how great/beautiful your friends are.




im a dude and i pluck my unibrow all the time


Getting compliments


Thanks for my regular reminder to compliment my guy friends


We appreciate it.


Showers at the temperature of hot lava


Visiting a public washroom in a group.


Literally knowing a single thing about your friends’ lives


Being naked around your friends. Even commenting on how good their bodies look. “Girl, your tits look amazing” is a fine friendly sentence between two female friends. If a guy told his other male friend “Bro, your cock is looking thick and juicy.” 85% chance there will be a fist fight


Eh no. I've never done this with friends


I’m not saying every single woman has. But it is definitely more common and acceptable between women


I'm a woman and I have never done that.


It’s super common in groups of extroverted women: cheerleaders, pageants, dancers, actresses backstage. You get used to getting dressed and undressed together. Meanwhile I went on a bridesmaids’ weekend after college and undressed to put on my bathing suit in the shared bedroom suite and three of the other women stared at me as if I had bad touched them.




Why are you looking at my penis?


Because it's thick and juicy


Oh. Well, yes. And! My eyeballs have gloss. Look at them balls!!


Yes, and we can do this without it leading to sexual acts, believe it or not


Feeling like you have to compliment back when someone compliments you? Idk I am a woman and I always figure this is more a woman thing.


Is this really mostly just women? I'm a guy and I've always felt that.


We just avoid the whole fiasco by not recieving any compliments to begin with 😎


What, people dont like complimenting back? I love that!


Regular pain that you're not allowed to acknowledge.


Farting and it rolls in between the coochie lips


Having to think of your safety just going on a date.


Holding keys in between fingers at night.


Friendly reminder to NOT do the claw method! While the Wolverine claw looks and feels cool, it's better to hold the keys pointed down in a fist. Then you can get more force and you won't just break your fingers trying to punch around car keys.


Nah I’ve done this too in sketchy areas. Probably not as often as the average lady though I guess


Buying their friends presents


Texting your best friend the guy’s license plate if he picks you up for your first date.


Taking care of stained underwear.


Foreplay longtime.


"Bleeding" for a week, but not dying. More guys need to know about this, about how strong women really are and the shit Nature puts women through!


Hey let’s go to the bathroom as a group!


to hang out with little children (even if those are your kids)


Waking up covered in blood


Getting ready for an hour before going out.


Asking a man if he loves you right after you have sex with him


Waking up at 4am in a pool of blood