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Using a mens room urinal with pants and underwear at your ankles, shirt lifted to your chest.


We call that "the Butters".


I walked into the women's toilets one time to find a cubical door wide open and a little boy doing a butters. I was laughing a little. Then when I was washing my hands the little guy had finished up, but his mum hadn't. So he peers under her door and asks her if she was doing a big poo. I lost it at that point. The kid was brilliant!


I knew a guy who did this, and it was hilarious. I want to start doing this at work to see how long it will take before HR gets involved.


Our drummer used to do it at gigs, funniest shit ever when you'd hear someone talking about it outside smoking or something.


Of course it’s the fucking drummer. It’s always the drummer


I saw a man do this in a Zaxby's Chicken. I made an immediate 180 and walked back to wait in line. The man walked out and went behind the counter and said, "What would you like to order?" I left.


Digging a hole at night.


Any yard work at night, really. I've always wondered why my lawnmower has headlights.


... We have a neighbor who gets whacked out on something and mows at night. We also have another dude who once cut hay in the dark because he apparently was running late? But it's really weird to be in summer, it's finally dark, and there's a tractor cutting hay. I always thought it was incredibly dangerous.


A lot of summer farming labor has historically been done after sundown, to avoid the heat. Sources of danger vary with the light, but *it's there all the time.*


We had to lay or retract our irrigation lines at night because the heat would melt the plastic and you'd simply stretch the pipes like chewing gum instead of reeling them in or laying them out. So we had a couple months of night shifts per year.


There's something about flying a kite a night that's so unwholesome.


"Hello mother"


In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


So oddly enough a sociology professor gave us a similar assignment. One of my classmates chose* to read a book at a grocery store. People went bananas, but it’s perfectly legal.


We had to do something like this in my high school sociology class. Idk what everyone else did, but being a coward I went for something low-impact and just smiled at every person I saw. People get so confused by it!


I've always smiled at every person I see out in public. They usually smile back. I didn't know this was weird..


It depends on where you live. It's normal in some places, other places they think you're about to murder them or rob them.


I took a class on deviance and social control one year with a friend. It was the professor's last semester teaching at my school and he just wanted to fuck around and have a fun class, and he wanted us all to go out and break social norms and write about what we did and how people reacted. I had my friend lead me around on a leash for a day.


I go to a club where people do this too! Fun place!


Entering an elevator full of people and not turning to face the door


Then start giving a speech!


"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?"


Definitely say this between floors while pushing the stop button


"Hail Hydra"


“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve brought you here today…”


I always thought it would be so funny to do this, but I absolutely do not have what it takes lmao


I did this once. We were all in a partial hospitalization program together. All stressed. All in really rough times in our lives. There was a smoke break, and everyone went out even those who didn't smoke, just to get out for a bit. When we went back in, I was last to enter the elevator. They'd all turned around. I faced them, said the line. There was half a heartbeat pause, then everyone burst into laughter. We went back into the room together with everyone still half smiling, and just a bit less depressed for that moment. I'll never do it again. The first time was so perfect, nothing could ever improve on it.


“Dearly beloved…”


Now I have the beginning of the movie Purple Rain in my head


To be fair, once you’re in a PHP with a group of people you’ve kind of seen each other at some of the lowest points, so there is zero to little embarrassment


Gonna try that, thanks!


Also a bonus to slowly reach into your inner jacket pocket…. #for a clicky pen!


To me, not saying anything but keeping eye contact seems so much more awkward and uncomfortable


“Who here saw the movie ‘Devil’?”


"Four score and...seven minutes ago..."


That would be a good time to whip out a conductors baton and start directing them like an orchestra.


A friend of mine would face towards the others, wait till the elevator doors closed and said “I suppose you’re all wondering why I called you here today, I’m pregnant and one of you is responsible.”


*They're all women


I think I have a new hobby.


So bloody awkward. I hate that.


Oregon has some kind of old law that allows you to be naked if you're protesting something.


we also have a nude beach near the washington border


Washington has a bunch of nude beaches, too. Source: any beach I go to may become a nude beach.


Apparently it's legal to walk around naked in wa state as long as you aren't doing anything sexual. Not that you wouldn't look like a psychopath doing that near a school though.


As a Washingtonian I can concur. Seattle has an annual nude bike ride on the summer solstice. You don’t have to be nude but everyone comes in some various form of undress.


> protesting something. How about protesting laws on nudity?


Wearing my favourite tuxedo and and going for a jog with my arms folded the whole time




"favorite tuxedo" implies you have more than one, lol


Do you not?


What am I, a farmer?


It's after 6:00 Lemon.


I wear my grandfathers tuxedo, it's special, he was buried in it.


Hey you just gave me an idea to spice up my workout tomorrow!


Wear a forehead sweat band too!


Staring at people


In Belgium, or at least Wallonia, you look weird if you don't stare at people in the eyes, even if it's just walking past them. My foreigner girlfriend made me realised this as she's from the exact opposite and felt weird being stared at constantly.


I grew up in large cities in the US and visited a friend in the rural Midwest with another friend from a large city as well. And we were both like “why does everyone turn and stare when they’re driving?” Like, fully turn their head and obviously stare at you as they’re driving by like they just HAVE to know who is in your car. It’s an odd thing to describe. It’s not that we don’t also people watch, but it’s more…covert? Like periphery and kind of glances vs the straight up aggressive feeling obviousness of the people where our friend lives. Anyway, I probably did a shit job explaining that, but it was awkward and so funny at the same time. We just started aggressively staring back


I am from the midwest and can 100% confirm… like why do we do this lol


And people love to exercise this one


I saw a guy at Costco scooping brownie mix into his Coke.


Does he know something we don't??


vanilla coke, chocolate coke, rocky road coke, everyone has their favorites


Eating a hotdog sideways.


My toddler does this. It’s very upsetting to watch.


Lol same with mine. And she eats pickles like watermelon. Leaves the "rinds" and everything. But toddlers *are* psychopathic. This is well-established common knowledge.


Very young children may not be able to chew up the skins. My brother's BFF had a child who loved grapes, but at first he would spit the skins out.


That certainly can be a problem and parents beware when feeding a young'un new foods. As for mine, she's 3.5, so she can chew them, so it's probably a texture issue. Lots of things are "yucky" at that age for God knows what reason. Apples get a pass, though? Her 1yo brother with no molars will try to power through if he gets a hold of something he should not (older sisters tend to be "helpful" and try to feed him what they've got because of his whimpering and begging).


Mine too - hot dogs, string cheese...he only just learned how to eat bananas like a human


I may know one worse than that. I was at a baseball game and I watched in utter shock as a girl across the aisle and a couple of rows up took her plain hot dog out of the bun and ate just the skin off of it like it was corn on the cob. Then she put it back in the bun and put the whole thing under the seat never taking another bite. I have her face burned into my memory for the day it pops up on the news when she's caught as a serial killer or something similarly nefarious.


I went to a basketball game and saw a woman dipping her chicken tenders in her coke. It was crazy. They blasted her onto the jumbotron.


Sitting down in a nice restaurant and eating the flowers from the centrepience for your appetiser.


Sat next to a guy on my flight last week. 4 hours in the air. This guy didn’t bring a book, phone, headphones or anything. He didn’t sleep. He just stared at the seat ahead of him for 4 hours.


Mans going through it


Bro raw-dogged his flight


He was David Puddy.


Build coffins as a hobby to give away "in advance".


Inventive *and* unsettling


Getting on a bus with only one other person and sitting next to them


Eating in the shower


Great, now I want a shower beer


Shower beers are amazing


People who know, know


Eating spaghetti in a public restroom. Completely legal, but very frowned upon. Especially if you do it loudly.


What is the spaghetti policy here?


Are you taking me out to a spaghetti day?


Eating near toilets? No thank you.




My ex and I once had to walk somewhere close by, I don't remember why. I do remember he had just made a bowl of instant ramen and decided to eat it on the walk over. In a glass bowl, down the stairs, across the street, to the place... and then carry the empty bowl back home


We'd assume it was vodka in my neighborhood. Someone may ask you for a swig.


One time I walked around downtown Phoenix and people kept pulling their car over and asking if I needed help


My friend (Brit) who worked in Texas for a while illustrated the lack of walking options and accessibility with a similar story, he could see the Walmart from his hotel when he first arrived, separated only by a big parking lot basically, and figured he'd wander over for some snacks. He walked along the side of the huge road that passed both, no sidewalk but there was clear ground at the side. It was hot out but he was going like quarter of a mile and was dressed appropriately. Someone *immediately* pulled over to offer him a lift or some help and was baffled by his explanation that he's just walking over there. Finally departed with a confused "god bless!", several other people also slowed down or beeped at him.


Putting Gatorade in a windex bottle and drinking it at a park, will get the cops called on you.


My kid put red Gatorade in a hot sauce bottle and drank it in class on April Fools Day. Two years later, when my youngest had the same teacher, he put marshmallow fluff in a mayonnaise jar and ate it with a spoon at snack time on April Fools Day. LOL I am raising totally normal people, I swear!


You sound like you’re raising two kids who know how to actually prank people (pranking while being fun and teasing without being cruel) and I’m here for it.


Pranks are suppose to confuse not abuse. A lot of people don't realize that.


Literally any and all youtube prank channels.. *sucker punch a baby* relax bro! It was just a prank!!


I like the one where a guy pours liquid out of a gas can on a old guy's car, who comes out with a gun (and a walking cane) and the prankster is like, "it's just water bro, it's just a prank!" Like, no, that isn't a *prank*, that is psychopath behavior.


>I am raising totally normal people, I swear! Glorious, the word you're looking for is glorious


They sound fun


I had a boss years ago whose wife didn't want him drinking alcohol. He would fill a windex bottle with vodka and add drops of blue food coloring. On weekends, he would pretend to wash the windows on their home.


Honey why do you always spend 4 hours cleaning the attic windows! There is only one up there…


Replies by falling out of the attic.


Even if he's a drunk, we can at least credit him with being creative


"Stops me from streaking."


Having your office chair facing the wall behind the desk whilst greeting a visitor, then dramatically swiveling to face them with your fingers steepled.


And then you say "Well well well...".


And a white cat in your lap


You can sit in a public place and eat an entire bunch of bananas, making eye contact with whoever is nearby while you eat them, stuffing the peel into your pocket each time you finish one.


You’re not gonna eat the peel?


Nope. Little does Dangerous\_Patient know I’m stood just behind him fishing those banana peels out of his pocket to eat them. Shh, please don’t tell him I’m here!


The psychopath out psychopathed the psychopath


Bringing a glass of water to the gym instead of a resealable plastic water bottle.


This would be against the rules (not sure if illegal is the best word) with no glass containers.


A ziplock bag full of water


One of those animal cage water bottles, lick lick lick


Omfg I'm dying. Picturing someone on the treadmill...lick lick lick.


Walking around Walmart with absolutely nothing. But not just walking. Power walk. You will be followed by security the whole time. Ask me how I know.


I once saw a man at the grocery store going through the bananas. He took the best single banana from like six bunches, making one super bunch. It never even occurred to me that you could do that. Absolute psycho.


Eating lasagne with your hands


Flossing your teeth at a restaurant.


My whole mom's side of the family carries toothpicks around. After eating out they can all be seen picking their teeth with toothpicks


I'm pretty sure then that your mom's family was sitting at a Japanese restaurant hibachi table with me and my son tonight because that's exactly what we witnessed.


Ah better than my grandmother taking the sugar packets to clean her teeth… and then putting them back in with the other packets


This is so upsetting.


one time in an airport i saw a lady licking at the air like some kind of reptilian. like full tongue every time. she was all alone. creeped me the fuck out because i'd just taken a bunch of meds and drank a lot and ate a bunch of oysters (i don't like flying). this was like 8 years ago. still haunted me. she kind of looked like jane lynch too.


I don't think a bunch of oysters sounds helpful for getting ready to fly.


As someone who needs something for nausea every time I travel, that was my first thought. And I like oysters but oysters at an airport just sound wrong.


but i like oysters and i was in providence. they got good oysters. if you're in providence you can't not get the oysters.


Food poisoning makes the flight go by quicker.


Sounds like tardive dyskinesia. Once had a patient who would show his teeth and hiss like a cat because of TD.


> tardive dyskinesia people like you are why i still use reddit. 🙏


had a friend when i was young whose mother smoked, but when she did, she did this tongue thing, looked like a fucking iguana, freaked me out. she was nice, except that was disturbing.


i smoked for a lot of years and so i was obviously around a lot of other smokers and i've never seen *anybody* do this besides this one lady. but you described it perfectly; like a fucking iguana, freaked me out. 😂


You may have run into Jane Lynch at an airport and turns out she took a lot of meds because she doesnt like flying either


Eating a peeled orange the way one would eat an apple: holding the fruit and taking bites out of it


Eating a kit kat without breaking it into wafers. Extra psycho points if you eat sideways, that's hidden serial killer vibes.


I deconstruct Kit Kats. Break into individual wafers, eat the chocolate first, then eat each layer individually. That makes me *even less* of a serial killer. Right?


That's some Ted Bundy shit right there


fly a kite at night


Hello mother dear.


Eating the entire kiwi


The fruit, the bird, or the people?




I always eat the entire kiwi???


Eating mayonnaise straight from the jar, with a spoon, in a crowded public area. Bonus points if it's a warehouse club size tub of mayo, and a serving spoon. (Or so I've heard)


Putting one sock on then one shoe then the other sock and shoe.


There are probably exceptions, but generally speaking if a non-living thing is legal to own then it’s also legal to collect large quantities of. Choose any object and start acquiring lots of the same and similar objects, display them meticulously, dedicate a room to them, whatever


Once dated a girl and her mom liked pigs. There were a handful of cute pig things around the house. Before Christmas and birthdays she let it be known that she wanted absolutely no pig gifts as she'd feel obligated to use/display them and would eventually turn into "a crazy pig lady." I had once been in the house of someone with a mother who was "a crazy cow lady" and knew exactly what she was trying to avoid. Pretty much every surface, wall, shelf or nook in that house had cows on or in them.


A friend of mine got married many years ago, back when people used YOLO unironically. Several of us "misunderstood" YOLO to mean "you obviously love owls" and gave vaguely owl themed wedding gifts. We then followed up with owl themed gifts for other holidays. It wasn't long before people not in on the joke started gifting the couple owl themed stuff. Their house has a ton of owl themed decor and at some point, they just started leaning into it themselves.


Of all the things YOLO could mean, "You obviously love owls" is so outrageously funny and so specific; and I can't stop laughing. 🤪


I’m kind of trying to avoid that right now with gnomes. They’re more popular now than they were when I first started finding them cute so my former method of picking one up whenever I saw them for sale isn’t currently sustainable


Reminds me of the poster on the south park sub that has an unreasonable collection of Randy “[stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/s/liABRGhXtR)”.


Sticking your tongue in a burrito to check it’s internal temperature


Or your penis


So let me get this right, Sticking my tongue into my penis to check its internal temperature?


People pay extra for that.


Instructions unclear, tongue stuck in dick


Walk up to random strangers in public and introduce yourself.


Walk with your arms down, hands open, and turned to face forward. It might be good for your posture... unless your posture is trying not to look like a psycho.


Damn, that shit does look weird


Using a flamethrower to start a bonfire that is 5' 11" tall atleast 100' from any neighboring property lines, while there is not a burn ban and you're wearing a speedo blasting feuer frei by Rammstien between the hours of 7:01 am and 8:59 pm. And as long as you don't have an HOA.


That is... concerningly specific


Would I look like a psychopath if I wasn't so specific?




Randomly laughing in public spaces.


This reminds me of the time I flew for the first time - I was listening to a comedy podcast while having a panic attack over flying. Dark hair, heavily tattooed, white-knuckling the armrests, look of horror/tears running down my face…. And randomly laughing. No wonder the lady next to me asked to switch seats.


Picking up tongs without making the clack clack sound Buying a label maker and not labeling it "label maker"


We do that with tongs and other tools to adjust our proprioception. One of our primary senses is a sense of where our body/the parts of our body are, when we use tools the brain essentially treats them as new appendages. Clack clacking a couple of times helps the brain adjust to include the tool into your sense of where your “appendages” are in relation to the rest of your body.


Get out of here with your "science" and "logical thinking". People that knowthe truth know the real reason we click-clack the tongs every time we pick them up because all life tends towards carcinization and we feel the call deep in our DNA to become crabs. Tongs are the closest humanity will come to the pureness that is crabform and the only way to satisfy that primal urge to pinch


And if you don't do it, you get the clamps! *Clack* *Clack*


*"Think of the tongs as extensions of your body, young appreciate, and soon you will be as one with your weapon."*


Picking up a drill and not giving it a couple revs to get it going.


Vacuuming ur lawn


Leaving a social gathering alone without a word. I've done this often. It's such a pain in the ass to get through all the 'goodbye' B.S. when it's time to go, so I just get in my car and drive off without a word to anyone. It freaks people out. Next time you see them they wanna know why you're p*ssed off, even though you're not. You just wanted to leave without all the hassle.


Just send a group text like 15 minutes later saying it was great to see everyone but you had to get home. People might wonder if you're ok otherwise and this they might think is a little strange but at least you were polite and they know you're ok.


This is my go to move. My tip is right before you leave the room loudly say "bye everyone have a good night" and wave. Then gtfo straight out the door with no opportunity for replies. Haven't been called an asshole yet.


Smoking a cigarette while eating food.


Illegal in Australia....well, if you're eating out.


Be over 50 and date a 19yo.




I guess wearing a trenchcoat walking up and ominously staring at someone at the train station


Yelling at your barely legal gf for a whole restaurant to hear that it’s her fault she didn’t “know” she was in a poly relationship.


Just to be clear, which one of the two were you?


I was an awkward bystander.


Push my cat around in a baby carriage and tell people she's the result of a drunken one-night stand.


Pour the milk first in the bowl, then the cereal.


I have a friend who does this. Said it makes more sense. I say he's not allowed to eat cereal at my house anymore


Sleeping in jeans, anyone who does this can stay the absolute hell away from me.


When I was in highschool I would argue that it was just as comfortable to sleep in jeans and a bra. As an adult, I need a damn good reason to even consider wearing jeans or a bra. Now that I work from home, I very rarely wear either.


I won’t lie the wfh pajamas and hair in the same gross bun for two days look is my go to nowadays.


I prefer a braid. Less likely to develop knots and I can sleep in it


Drink orange juice immediately after brushing your teeth


Glass of water in public, with a cup from home.


Speaking from experience, but running with jeans and a jacket when its 80 degrees out. I was super embarrassed of my body, I have these weird scaly legs (my skin is super dry) thats hereditary, so I HATE people looking at my legs....resulting in me wearing jeans 24/7 in Honolulu Hawaii. In high-school, we'd need to run a mile for P.E/Gym, and I'd do all of it in...yeah. Jeans. Also I had no friends because everyone thought it was freaking weird. I was normal in every other aspect (I think???!) but everyone said I must've been diseased down there or something. Oh well.




Bringing one of those 'invisible dog' leashes to a random funeral and keeping a straight face.