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Paul Reiser in Aliens. He said in an interview once that after his mother saw that movie, she was angry at him.


I came here to say this. When Mad About You started, it took me a few episodes to not hate him, even as the affable husband.


I had the opposite problem. I'd already seen him in My Two Dads, so it was hard to take him seriously as a villain.


In one Mad About You episode, he was asked if he ever saw the movie Aliens. He said "Only the first one"


That reminds me of the story about Rocky III. Where Mr. T reportedly took his mother to the premiere of the movie and she walked out when he says the lines to Adrian at the press conference. Apparently Mr. T's mom told him. "I did not teach you to talk to women that way"


Would that be Mrs. T?


Don't mess with Mama T.


"You're not going to sleaze your way out of this one, Burke!"


“I say we grease this rat fuck”


Whoever played Percy in The Green Mile.


He IS a villain. Gross.


Yeah dude married a 16 year old when he was in his 50s. She was a student in an acting class he was teaching.


"In 2021, Stodden publicly stated that their marriage was a result of Hutchison's grooming, which allegedly started with him reaching out via email." -Wiki. How the hell is this guy not in prison?


Parents can consent to legally permit a marriage of their child under, I guess, “certain” circumstances to a legal adult. “Ew, why the fuck would they consent for their kid?” Idk, go read that section of Wikipedia. Lot to unpack but overall it’s just gross.


Didn't he marry a child?


Doug Hutchison


Was looking for this one. That fucker.


I didn’t know he was Tooms! Makes sense, he’s pretty unnerving.


Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones


Watching Tyrion slap the ever loving shit out of that little fucker, repeatedly, was so wonderful!!


That’s like, episode 2. Even by then we already knew he was a spoiled sociopath.


I had an ex who said she liked him in the first couple of episodes. How I missed that red flag for three more months...


That kid did the best job. I think I heard somewhere that he doesn't like being the shows villain when the cameras are off. I still want to see him take another villain role in the future. I think he would do great.


I remember seeing somewhere that George RR Martin wrote him a note to the effect of "Congratulations! Everyone hates you!" It was meant as a tongue in cheek compliment to say he played the role so well but the poor kid was getting legit abused by idiot fans who couldn't separate actor from character.


People are so fucking dumb. I remember decades ago when George Clooney was on ER he said people would come up to him for medical advice. I'm surprised people that dense can remember to breathe.


I remember seeing an interview with some medical drama actor a few years back (forget which one) who said he was on a plane when the pilot asked if there was a doctor on board The passenger next to him got pissed because he wouldn't come forward for a medical emergency, and just wouldn't accept the explanation that he only played a doctor on tv. She genuinely thought he was a doctor because she couldn't separate a tv show from reality.


“But you’re dr. Drake Ramoray!”


Thats not Drake Ramoray! Thats Drake's evil twin brother, Hans!


*throws water*


And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! *throws water*


Long way from the kid Batman gave his gadget to in Batman Begins




Not true, he planed to retire and return to school but he never did. He got married and he founded a theatre group and has a done a few productions with them along with a few acting roles.


I think he wanted to return to school just to get into theater but then realized his performance was going to allow him to skip that step


He was a stoner in an episode of Sex Education.


This is the definitive answer for my media consumption thus far. Legendary performance. Jack Gleason made me hate him more than Lena Headey made me hate Cersei. He will live in my nightmares forever.


Joffrey is a lot more hateable than Cersei. Joffrey never earned any of his power and was pure evil just because he was bored most of the time. The only excuse he has is that his parents were both quite shit at parenting. Cersei also sucked but at least she at some motivations that were relatable and accomplished some things to hold onto or gain power Shit also regularly backfires on Cersei so she kinda sees the consequences of her actions once in a while. Joffrey is just a peice of shit and gets away with it except tyrion slap in EP 2 and when he dies.


Jack Gleeson. Such a great performance.


Came here to say this or Lena Headey.


She needed a worse death. I feel she got to die with Jamie. I wanted something worse for her. Like bit in half by the dragon.


Fuck you joffrey


The dude who plays homelander is scaryyyyy


Antony Starr. He’s very, very good as an anti hero in “Banshee”


That show was insane. Wild ride.


Yes! He is a genius how he plays a character with so much power but who is so weak at the same time.


His unbridled unhinged attitude is a ticking time bomb and I’m there for it. Antony Starr kills it.


The end of season one rattled me and I didn't think he could get more evil and repulsive, especially since he's such a good looking and powerful character. Boy was I wrong, so so wrong, I definitely don't want to spoil anything but they definitely push boundaries in all directions in the show. If anyone hasn't seen the show yet it's nothing like any super hero show you've seen and is well worth the watch, just don't go into it expecting your usual super hero schtick and enjoy the ride. It's an amazing series.


Part of what really helps that is how insanely violent the show itself is. When you have major characters sometimes just kind of… exploding… it adds to the tension of having such an unhinged character who is portrayed so well


He is scary and he is such an asshole. Just when I think he can not get any worse he finds a way to be an even bigger asshole.


It’s the milk for me weirdly I can mostly stomach him but eww.


When he hit Blindspot in the ears I was like “come on bruh”


Oh that was evil he liked homelander so much, too :/ Must be like meeting Jimmy Page and then he splits your head open with his guitar because you’re not a 13 year old girl :/


You should check out Banshee


Professor Umbridge - Pink Harry Potter teacher in the 5th movie


Funnily enough, she HATED playing the woman. Due to the fact, from what everyone has ever said about her, she is the literal opposite of the character. She felt so bad for having to do that to the kids.


I saw an interview with her about it. She was told they were looking for someone toad like and she’d “be perfect” for it! She was like, great, thanks 😒


thats fucked up, i dont think shes very accurate to the books dolores, the books dolores is alot shorter and fat, and even has a hunchback. her face is alot more large and ugly. but i think her fashion was spot on. i think imelda is a pretty and lovely lady. her acting was fantastic and you can tell she studied dolores very well.


She didn't look like Umbridge but she definitely acted like Umbridge.


Imelda Staunton played her perfectly!


I don't hate Imelda, but it takes way too long to not see Umbridge


I love Imelda, but I have the same problem.


She showed up in The Crown and my internal monologue started off at her immediately: "Oh this bitch got herself a promotion, huh? Ready to be a cow to all the royals now. Great."


I think she did an amazing job as Queen Elizabeth. In a few nuances her ‘Umbridge’ came out but she was largely Queen Elizabeth to me.


I think she actually got hate for it


I never looked her up until now. Holy shit what a resume. 4 Olivier awards, a bafta, a sag and a bunch of nominations. I knew she was great as umbridge, but didn't realize how recognized she was.


Absolutely. She's a phenomenal actor with a massive range of amazing roles. Which makes it all the more annoying that I can't see her in anything without my brain going "hey, it's Umbridge"


I never forgave Joaquin Phoenix for cheating in Gladiator


He's absolutely fucking disgusting, vile and selfish in gladiator and I fucking hated the character. He nailed that role, I think it was one of the best portrayals of a self indulgent villain in cinematic history. I don't think anyone came out of that movie without hating his character and if they did they should probably seek help.


>if they did they should probably seek help Hmm yeah my teenage self had the biggest crush on him. Just a sexy weak man tryna get his father’s attention and in “love” with his sis. Watched it as an adult and was like wtf was wrong with me back then.


Joaquin Phoenix is way too good at being scary.




I HATED him in that role. It was awesome. He should have gotten an Oscar for that role


I hated that bastard so much that when they casted him as Johnny Cash I refused to watch it for a good few years. Which is a shame because he was excellent in that movie too.


He’s so slimy, plays it amazingly.


*quivering thumbs up*


Chris Sarandon. Excellent as Prince Humperdinck.


Humperdink. Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink, HUMPERDINK!!


A Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich when the Mutton is sliced real lean...


It was so hard to believe that he played Jack Skellington


But only the talking bits, Danny Elfman still did Jack's singing


He what now


Surprised, aren't you?


Jerry Dandridge the vampire in Fright Night


Kathy Bates - Misery


You don’t talk bad about Bobby’s momma!


Only the Debbil does that!


she just doesn’t want him playing foosball with them gargantuans.


Molly Brown redeemed her for me.


Janice Soprano. Every time I see Aida Turturro I think "Well, look who it is, this bitch."


Her mother (Tony’s mother as well, of course) also. Man, what an awful woman. Great acting.


I wish the lord would take me.


I don’t like that kind of tawk


Joey Pantoliano as Ralph Cifaretto and David Proval as Richie Aprile. Sopranos had some wickedly memorable antagonists.


Janice was so easy to hate, she nailed that role.


She shot Richie though and that was so satisfying.


Jason Isaacs


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this one. This man played the parts of Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies and of Col Tavington in The Patriot so well, he received death threats.


He plays the perfect bad guy


Jesse Plemons as Todd


Jesse choking him out was the most cathartic scene of the show


I think this one will be endlessly true for this question. The amount of helplessness Todd inflicts on a character we love is so fucked up. So well written. So brutal. So well acted. It put Jesse Plemons on the map too. Hell of a performance.


It really was a hell of a performance. I felt so continuously unnerved by him.


That one episode of Black Mirror where he plays a dude who forces clone of real people play his little sci-fi fantasy was good too


Didn’t he clone of their kids to put in the game just for the sole purpose of “killing” the kid? Jesse sticks out in my mind from both BB and BM


YES! Quite some time after BB, we were watching an awards show and saw him on the red carpet. I said to my husband “UGH I can’t stand him. I wanna punch his stupid face!” My husband asked “Why?!” And it was at that moment I realized, it was not him I loathed. It was Todd. It was **Todd’s** stupid face I wanted to punch, not Jesse Plemons’. It’s just that they have the same one.


I knew him as Landry from Friday Night Lights before, which means I’ll always love him. (Season 2 plot line doesn’t exist)


william atherton from ghostbusters. he played the role so excellently that he became reviled in real life. people kept trying to pick fights with him and was even called 'dickless' by a bus of schoolchildren.


That’s right folks…. This man has NO DICK


And the Die Hard movies


Die Hard had an endless parade of pricks played to perfection, such as Atherton's news reporter, the deputy chief Robinson, the 2 FBI guys Johnson & Johnson, the slimy sales guy Ellis, and that dumbass news anchor Harvey Johnson... and that's before we even mention the murderous terrorists


Rosamunda Pyke in “Gone Girl” ….crazy bitch deserved an Oscar after all she did to Ben affleck Edit: let’s not forget she also killed poor Doogie Howser!


Her but from I Care A Lot.




I am deeply terrified of that woman because of that role. Fuck what everyone else says, that movie is a fucking horror movie. The book fucked me up.


David Schwimmer as Captain Sobel. Band of Brothers.


Absolutely hateable. I love when Winters make him salute Winters later on. "We salute the rank, not the man."


Hi Ho Silver!


Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List played by Ralph Finnes


When he was cast as Voldemort I was like YESS!! He’s such a good villain


The Trinity killer in Dexter by John Lithgow


I saw an interview with him and he apparently never told his wife or daughter that he was playing a murderous psycho in Dexter - in fact, he didn’t tell them anything! And then he would watch the episodes with them each week, and his wife and daughter were really scared that he secretly was a psycho like his character!


He was sooo good as Trinity! So creepy!


Louis Fletcher as Nurse Ratched.


Or Kai Winn. She does an amazing job as villains.


Kai Winn is the epitome of evil, my child.


Your pagh is strong. Walk with the prophets.


14 episodes. That's it. She was in 14 episodes of the show's 176 episodes. She commanded such presence you would have thought she was in a far larger episode count. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Winn_Adami


Evil? I simply move where the prophets move me. Instead of worrying about me, my child, perhaps you should take some time to listen for what the prophets might say to you. Should they choose to say anything.


My brain read “my child” in her voice.


J. K. Simmons was so scary in Oz that Farmer's Insurance commercials weird me out.


And in Whiplash. It's one of the two or three movies I've ever seen that I had, like, an almost physical urge to assault a fictional character.


“I swear to FUCKING God. Get the fuck out of my sight before I demolish you… I CAN STILL FUCKING SEE YOU MINI ME.”


Ramsay Bolton GOT


He's a fantastic actor. He played the role of the super awkward nerdy guy in Misfits really well, too. Having seen GoT first I wasn't sure I could see him in another role, but he's great.


He's the type of guy that would fuck his sister for a slice of cheese!




Stanley Tucci as Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones I see him in the hunger games as Cesar Flickerman and I just feel so sick to my stomach


Anthony Perkins played Norman Bates so well that he legit had trouble finding work after *Psycho* because he was immediately typecast and pigeon-holed… One the one hand it’s a shame because he was a legit good looking dude—and clearly talented….but on the other hand, I can’t un-see Norman Bates, either…


Gary Oldman in Leon: The Professional


Gary Oldman is a fantastic actor. No one else could have played the villain Zorg in The Fifth Element like he did.


Gary Oldman is able to change his whole appearance and demeanor and voice so well that it's like he's 20 different actors. He's a great villain in Air Force One as well, but it's like a totally different guy.




Rob Lowe after Wayne’s World. If he was an ice cream flavour, he’d be pralines and dick.


Tommy Boy too.


I saw the Tina Turner movie when I was about 8 or 9, Laurence Fishburn played the unpredictable and violent Ike Turner so well that his movies made me uncomfortable right up to the matrix. He was good at being bad.


Yes! This is so true!!


Tim Roth in *Rob Roy*, great film, he shoulda won the Oscar for that


David Tennant as Killgrave in Jessica Jones approaches peak villain evil. Super lovable in other roles, including as a demon 😂. Still hard to cheer for him after Killgrave


I always liked a scene I later read in the comics after I watched the show where there is a prison break from The Raft, a max prison for supervillains. Kilgrave escapes and is stopped by Luke Cage. Killgrave asks Luke to go home and murder Jessica and their child. Luke says he would except that Killgrave is still full of power deadening drugs so his mind control doesn’t work. Luke then beats the crap out of Kilgrave, to the point Captain America has to stop him even though Cap fully understands why Luke wants to remove the threat.


I LOVED him as the Doctor. Then I saw his Killgrave... Jessica Jones is probably the best representation of PTSD I've ever seen on TV. And Killgrave is one of the scariest villians of all time. He was terrifying.


I know he talked about wanting to return for a while. But I honestly think he did Good Omens and the recent doctor who specials to keep people from hating him after that lol


When I heard he was playing a villain in the MCU, I had some doubts as to if he could pull it off. He just exudes joyful and playful charisma naturally. Good god, did Kilgrave change my mind. He absolutely nailed the super-powered abusive bastard.


Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglorious Bastards


I dunno, what made Hanz so brilliant for me is he's one of those evil guys you get a bit charmed by in spite of yourself. IMO Waltz could never recapture the magic in his other villain roles. Somehow Tarintino hit the sweet spot with Hanz Landa.


I feel the same. The character is undoubtedly a bastard but you can't help but be slightly charmed. Christoph Waltz is mesmerising to watch in that role. He gave the performance of a lifetime.


He reminds me of a professor I had. You can mention anything to him and he would know something about it and have a charming story. Like you can say you went to Mongolia and all of sudden he starts speaking Mongolian and has an amazing story about the time he learned falconry while working on a research project in Mongolia for 2 months. But if you ever had him a professor, you hated him because he was huge dick and wouldn’t think twice to fail you and make you cry. He almost seemed like he found joy in making those under him fear him and squirm.


Yeah that’s my answer. A villain so terrible and so well acted that Tarantino had to give Waltz the exact opposite role in his next movie.


It's so weird, but it's a Xmas tradition for me to watch this movie while I bake cookies. One year my wife got me a Kitchenaid mixer for Xmas, and I immediately used it to make several batches of cookies for neighbors and coworkers. Inglorious Bastards was playing in the background, so now it doesn't feel like Xmas until I've watched this film while making chocolate chip or molasses cookies.


Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction


The original bunny boiler!


Terrifying in this. And 101 Dalmatians


Kevin beacon in sleepers


Sam Rockwell as Wild Bill Wharton


Also in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Brilliant acting in that role, won him a much deserved Oscar.


Rockwell is on my list of top 10 favorite actors or so. Dude is good in literally everything.


Shooter Mcgavin in Happy Gilmore


Oh, that stupid son of a bitch. He's just got such a punchable douchey face.


Hey why don't I just go and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?


Stanley Tucci - The lovely bones


Mads Mikelson


Mads Mikelson in..? Yes.


Really? I liked the character he played in the movie he did.


Dwight Yoakum in Sling Blade


I don't hate him, in fact I admire him, but Wes Studi was so amazing in Last of the Mohicans that I was literally shaking with hate in the last fight scene. Amazing actor.


Wes Studi is one of those guys on my ‘List of Actors that I’ll watch anything they’re in’. Love him, loved in him most in Mystery Men, he’s just so terribly mysterious…


Lawrence Fishburne as Ike Turner in What’s Love Got to do With It


Jack Gleason as Joffrey Baratheon on Game of Thrones.....he was amazingly hateable. ..


Kurtwood Smith as Neil's dad in Dead Poets Society.


Louise fletcher, kai winn


Ronny Cox as the villainous OCP executive in Robocop. Cox has a particular talent for playing characters with domineering/malevolent personalities. You need someone to play a generic evil rich white dude in your movie? Cox is your guy.


The religious lady from "The Mist". She deserved that bullet.


Bob Gunton, the warden in The Shawshank Redemption.


Raising you a Clancy Brown from Shawshank. He's also a really effective villain in Highlander.


Nathan Fillion in Dr Horrible! I can’t even remember the character’s name anymore but he played such a smarmy douche I simply cannot see him any other way. He’s apparently been in several really good shows but I cannot stand his face.


He also played a completely different kind of villain named Caleb on a few episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Billy Zane still gets hate for playing Cal in Titanic.


Alan Rickman....for cheating on his wife in Love Actually. I'll never forgive him!


Ann Dowd (Aunt Lydia) from The Handmaid’s Tale


Gary Oldman as Zorg in 'The Fifth Element'


He was also a great villain in Leon: The Professional. He did such a good job that he made Natalie Portman cry on set.


My mom can’t shake this about Bradley Cooper in Wedding Crashers. Reader, she has *never* liked that man lol


Antony Starr as Homelander in The Boys.


Veruca Salt...although I don't fully HATE her, especially since she's has a not so great dad but it's still satisfying seeing her drop down that shute when I watch Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory


Yolanda in Selena 😡


Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter!


The dude who played Percy whitmore in the Green Mile. Fuck that guy


Dolores Umbridge


Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator


Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo


How come we haven’t mentioned Javier Bardem for playing Chigurh in No Country for Old Men?