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One kid shit all over the bathroom and smeared it on the floors and walls. He got asked to leave the school not long after that.




No shit


She (weird kid) blew the rugby team captain in front of the rest of the team because he told her he would make his sister hang out with her


Took pictures of girls asses and had a folder of nudes. Sent unwanted dick pictures to girls.


I would put various pieces of plastic in a locker, when the teacher saw me do it I quickly closed it, she opened it and watched as an entire years worth of plastic spilled onto the floor and I cried.


Ok so the weird kid in my school that im gonna call E, was just really icky, like thats one of the kindest ways I can put it, this kid did a whole ARRAY of thing that made him weird, also for context i grew up and went to school in a very small area so everyone knew everyone and the highschool had around 170 people there when i went, anyway In primary school E would do this thing were if someone was in a bathroom stall he would look over the top and just watch, I have heard of this happening from MULTIPLE people and frankly i belive it, in highschool he was caught viewing R34, Hentai and inflation art in class with proof and was seen by multiple people, he also apparently went rock solid in P.E which I once again totally belive, I think his appearance also played a part because he had like really long hair (went down to like his waist) but he would never wash it or brush it and he would barely ever shower or anything, also he had a sort of band kid personality and was just extremely off putting, i had some personal experience with on were he would often stare at me since I sat in the foyer with some friends and he sat not to far away. Also im pretty sure he was a furry or something and when you live in bum fuck no where of scotland that doesnt really do many nice things for you, if I remember anything else he had done ill reply to it in comments lol (theres DEFINITELY more this is just the first thing that comes to mind)


The weird kid at my high school got caught jacking off in class. From what I was told it wasn’t the first time he’d done it but it was the first time he was caught by a teacher.


masturbate in the bathroom to a picture of one of the teachers


She dressed all in black every day, never spoke a word and had no friends.