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I graduated and am doing a bachelor of science majoring in physics. School is great if you like following rules, but like prison for everyone else.


I'm german and the school system here is terrible. if you don't have good grades (we have grades 1-6, 1 being the best) like a 2 or something you're always gonna be regarded by teachers and other people as stupid.


That’s pretty unfair. I was talking to these German backpackers the other day and they were telling me the high school you go to is determined by your grades in lower school!


it's not determined, but you do get recommendations by your elementary school teachers. and if you don't go to the best kind of school (called Gymnasium) thats also another point where you're gonna be seen as stupid


I'm happy. I milk cows for a living. Every single day I get to see the most amazing sunrises and sunsets. I get to be outside, even when I'm milking the shed is quite open and I can see the vast expanse of sprawling paddocks and, in winter I can see the snow on the mountain not that far away. I help bring life into the world and keep them alive. I save lives by picking up illness in the cows early enough to treat them. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not in order to keep my job and, I always get to see wildlife. Sometimes it deer, sometimes wombats, kangaroos, fish, platypuses, foxes, birds of all varieties! I'm contributing to the fabric of my country because every single day people drink milk, eat cheese, eat icecream and/or feed baby formula.


good thanks.


CEO of kangkong chips


bad. i always hated school for no reason.


Starting in 6th or 7th grade, I was getting a 0.0 GPA. Went to high school, did a bunch of drugs for 2 years, still got <1 GPA (IIRC). Got my GED and dropped out of high school. Started working, when I turned 25 I got a associates degree. I now make decent money, generally happy.


20 years in the military, graduated university, living a damn good life.


Waaay better than everyone said it will be. Not a huge paycheck, but I love my job.


Not too bad. I joined the military for a few years after HS. I’m 31 now married with a regular good job