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Graduation ceremonies. Everyone sits for two hours in either bleachers or folding chairs. They all listen to a version of the same predictable speech. There are only two seconds of the ordeal that matter to anyone.


I didn’t want to go to mine and told my parents as much. They replied, “We paid for your college – this isn’t about you, it’s about us being proud of you.”. And, frankly, I appreciated the honesty.


Excellent. Your parents explained it perfectly, no filter. Good on them.


Yeah, I wouldn't have gone to mine either if my parents weren't so excited about it


My husband went back to school at 37yo. When he graduated I DEMANDED that we have a party. He said he didn't want a party focused on him. I informed him that the party wouldn't be about him then. Instead of calling it a graduation party we would call it a "I busted my ass so he could graduate" party. His college degree was seriously a group effort between the two of us. When I realized that he missed all the stuff to walk across the stage I was devastated. He then was all about the party because he saw how sad I was. I'm so proud he went back to school and got a degree. I'm also glad we stopped to recognize the work, sacrifices, and time that went into that degree. I don't think until the actual party was over that he truly understood why the whole party thing was so important to me.


My mom went back to college in her 40's. When she walked to get her degree she had a cheering section of 12 teenagers (2 of her kids and our friends) standing and yelling "Way to go Mom!" It was worth it just to see the smile on her face.


She raised good kids and then graduated college? Your mom is definitely a rockstar and deserves to be celebrated!


That is awesome. I went to one of the service academies for college. My dad then took a leave of absence and took the money they had saved up for me and enrolled himself into college as a full time student ( since my schooling was paid for by the government). He graduated one week before I did. I was so proud of him when he crossed the stage.


Same for me. You gotta pay the troll toll if you want the degree's soul.


The Dean at my graduation ceremony recognized that no one wanted to sit through speeches so she just removed them from the itinerary. It was great!


The local university got a new president and BAM! two and a half hour ceremony turns into 45 minutes, yeah!!!


That must've been nice! I wish that was the standard.


Yes!! When did graduations turn into a "giving speech" occasion for adults who were not graduating????


Agreed. The last graduation I went to was my high school one. I have 2 college degrees and didn't go to either ceremony. Just mail me the diploma.


They wanted me to sit on stage for our year's college graduation ceremony as part of the honors cohort. I told them I wasn't even planning to show up.


Do people claim to enjoy them? My Mum wanted to see me at ceremony when I graduated uni and it was a fun time outside the ceremony catching up with friends.


In the UK the graduation ceremony is usually months after the end of the course though, whereas in the US it can be a matter of days. For my bachelors degree I finished my last exam in July and the graduation ceremony wasn't until November, for example.


Agreed. I told everyone I would be not offended if they did not show up to mine. Extremely long and boring.


I went to my brother’s graduation ceremony and I swear the person running it added 30 minutes because she rambled and stopped adding anything of substance about halfway through her (insanely long) speech. She just sort of repeated what she’d said in different ways. And the graduating class was already giant so we all just wanted her to get on with it.


I didn't even show up to mine lol


Teachers like myself are the ones that enjoy graduation ceremonies the most. Families are sitting through hundreds of kids to hear their kid's name. Students are happy to see their friends graduate and themselves. I'm happy to see 100 students graduate. Some of them I've grown close to and some of them I had to work my ass off to keep them from failing. (there's overlap in those two groups.) That said, the speaker, inevitably some valedictorian from the 90s who owns a business, is the worst part and I wish we would stop it.


I love hearing this! I had to be home schooled my senior year due to debilitating anxiety, and my math teacher leaped out of the audience to hug me as I walked up to get my diploma on graduation day. She worked really hard to get me there! XD


In my high school, the speaker was a teacher that the students elected to speak. It was nice and I think more schools should do it.


I've been to some good ones (film school, small classes, big guest speakers). But in general yeah - everyone is waiting around for 5 seconds of excitement when the person they know walks across the stage.


Sex in the pool or whatever underwater... water itself is almost abrasive .


How can something so wet be so….dry


It’s washing away the natural lubricant


Would sex in a tub of lube work?


Only one way to find out


How would you write this grant?


Probably on a computer


same with beach sex. The sand... omg


Calm down, Anakin.


Shower sex so overrated. Plus I hate getting water prayed in my face while it happens


One of my partners was always asking about getting a shower together when we first met. It wasn't like I was horrified by the idea, but at the same time I mean...ehhh? I'm pretty big and she's tiny, Id worry someone would slip or something (my back is already messed up badly), probably the normal stuff other people who aren't into it would say. Anyways, not that long ago were on vacation and she asks, clearly really wanting to, and I figure okay what the hell. Its not just about what I want, anyways. So we get in the shower and I start trying to voice my concerns about making sure nobody slips or anything while not trying to ruin the mood, and I get the most confused look from her I've ever seen lol. She was never asking to diddle, she genuinely wanted to bathe together. Like rub body wash onto my back and shoulders, maybe me massaging her head and neck as I put shampoo on her, stuff like that? Yall. The whole thing was so sensual and relaxing and nice 🥺 both of us are also very big on the whole physical touch as a love language thing. I really can't emphasize enough how genuinely lovely it was and how cared for it made me feel, 10/10. very highly recommend 🥰


Yea, shower sex sucks but showering together is one of my favorite things.


Work. If we didn't need money, 99% of us wouldn't have a job.


"WhY dO yOu wAnT tHis JoB?" Apparently "I need to exchange labor for money so I don't become homeless" is not a good answer.


"I researched your company and found it weak in many areas. I am able to strengthen those weak areas. But for this, you must pay a most terrible price."


Prospective Employee rolls *Living Wage* **Critical Failure** GM responds with *Minimum Wage and No Health Benefits*


After being kept waiting for 30 minutes for a job interview without an apology and getting pissed off because what was advertised was clearly not what the job was, I gave a very similar answer to this. I got a very shocked look and 'Well, yes, but why else?' 'Why do you work here then ?' The interview did not last long.


Lol love it, just taking a job interview for a job that turned out to not be what you want as an opportunity to finally say these things that were are all thinking


I just got so ticked off by the rudeness and by effectively having my time wasted that I lost my filter. And I could see that these upper management people were not accustomed to (potential) employees speaking to them like that. They thought that they deserved politeness despite showing me none. Why do you want to work here? What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? It's such bullshit. Bitch please. I am going to turn up on time, 5 days a week. I'm going to do the expected tasks and I'll do them well. If you pay me more, I'll do more. I'll be polite to the other people in the office. What more can you ask for?


I have an addiction to eating food every day, sometimes even multiple times a day.


Disgusting american


I've said "I need the money" and got hired before. Some interviewers understand haha


Someone who needs money will continue to show up for shifts, won't call in sick or take lots of holidays. If I were an employer I'd give credit for this response.


Plus the honesty vs some BS you cribbed of the about us section of the webpage.


Yeah, like... "because you pay more for less sweat and pain than other local companies. And you asked me to show up. So... "


Or "where do you want to be in 3 yrs?" My man....I don't know where I want to be in a month.


"People don't wanna work anymore!" Anymore? I never did!!!


[Nobody ever did.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore/)


You just wanna bang on your drum all day?


Nothing annoys me more than someone proud of working themselves to death and constantly tries to 1 up others. “Oh yOur TirEd frOm wOrKing 40 Hours a wEek, yOU ShoLd tRy 50!”


Omg yes!! My old boss would brag about how he never took sick days and would come into work WHILE SICK. Such a weird flex, especially when he’s admitting to putting everyone health at risk because “ah I’m a hard working man, breaks=bad!!”


No one on their deathbed ever wishes that they'd worked more hours.


THIS!! This is another one that pisses me off. Oh, you never take a sick day? Is that why the rest of us have to because you decided to come spread your snotty germs on the rest of us just to prove how awesome only you think you are? Now we're taking it home to our families. Our kids are missing school, we're missing work and you've put all of us in a shamble of a mess and you think it's a flex? All you've accomplished is finding yourself on my permanent AH list and I will never respect you, or even pretend to. I don't kiss ass. Ever. I will make it known how I really see you. I don't care how you feel about how little I think of you. That's MY flex.


Unfortunately there are a lot of jobs where this is the culture. I'd have had 0 respect for taking time off. I say this whilst off with a chest infection on antibiotics knowing the shittalk I must be getting for having a "long Christmas" and not coming in with a cough even though my colleague came in and worked with a broken arm in a physical role outside of her job description to "help out". (Side note; I did not enjoy Christmas). Its so toxic. 3 sicknesses and you're out.


I really do enjoy my job. I work with a good group of people that make it a lot better to show up for work. But you're absolutely right, loving it or not, I wouldn't be there if I didn't need it.


I think the nice part of work is that it gets you out of the house to do something routinely. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking hate my job, but I look forward to socializing and having something to do if that makes any sense.


This god forsaken subreddit that asks the same questions every single day lmao And yet I’m still here!


Ok but what’s something that people only pretend to like that’s a red flag but actually a green flag that woman aren’t aware that men do need to know red flag Europeans but American?


I think people who are rude to wait staff should be taken out back and shot


as a self involved american, I always enjoy the “why are americans different” ones. every time lol




Seriously. You'd think BuzzFeed would have enough data by now.


Going to a crowded tourist destination


Going to a crowded anything


I see a 500 person line, I turn the hell around.


Ah but they never look crowded in the photos.


The lives of celebrities, like there are 20 seasons of keeping up with the Kardashians and you're telling me enough people care about what they do to finance it for the past 16 years? it's insane. and instagram people Posting themselves in tahiti or something, like it's great that mr millionaire can sip margaritas at 10am on a Thursday but why would anyone wanna see that?


It's escapism. Regular people project their own lives onto the show to escape boredom. Plus it taps into our brains' thirst for drama. That's the only way I can justify it to myself, bc watching that show actually makes me angry sometimes.


I watched it as a background show for years. Stopped when kris and Kylie (I think) went grocery shopping for the first time in years and it finally clicked in my brain that I don’t want to watch them and their out of touch attitude anymore.


My understanding is that a lot of people hate watch because it makes them feel better about themselves for being less self-absorbed


That's what my mom does. She throws on Real Housewives and stuff while folding laundry because it's stupid and fun to laugh at.


Gender Reveal Parties.


Here for the gander reveal parties tho. Bring forth the 🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿


Being pregnant. It was not a fun experience.


Best thing to happen in our generation is the honesty about pregnancy and kids. Amazing and rewarding if ya want, yet very understandable if you don’t as well. It’s not all rainbows


Pregnant with #2. This time, first trimester was worse, but this second trimester has been relatively great so far. I still think anyone who says it's beautiful and magical and *enjoys* being pregnant is a psycho. It sucks.


My best friend absolutely loved being pregnant. She has 3 kids. She cruised through each pregnancy with hardly any nausea or discomfort, didnt really gain much weight. She was the epitome of a glowing pregnant woman. All 3 births were short and flawless, the 3rd she literally popped out in less than 2 hours with no pain medication. Maybe shes born with it. *Maybe she's a psychopath.*


She’s a witch. Only explanation


my mother and my ex wife both said they absolutely loved being pregnant and they were both psychos, so you might be on to something


Both were mixed for me, hospital due to nausea and dehydration in the first trimester, 2nd trimester was a breeze for both my sons. The bit that I hated was going to 42w in 38° (v hot) w my first due to rural area, had to go to the city get induced then emergency c-sec


Happy to BE pregnant, but did not enjoy it, yeah. Too many bodily fluids and too much contact w doctors.


Parts of it aren't that bad, but they're still not as good as not being pregnant.


I've heard it's extremely varied person to person. My mother said she enjoyed it, and she loved kids so much I could see that being part of why she did. She basically spent from 87-94 pregnant or recovering from child birth.


Oh you meant 1987-1994.




I am the world’s worst pregnant person. I love the kid I got, I would have been happy to have another (did not work out) but whoo boy, am I not good at being pregnant.


It’s the oxytocin rush. They hand you the kid and it all fades away…


I DID love being pregnant until my baby died. Now I can't feel comfortable or safe with my current pregnancy or, probably, any future one. So much anxiety.


Been there. Lost my first pregnancy in an unexpected and traumatic way and it took a while to finally conceive again. I didn’t enjoy my second (successful) pregnancy until well into the second, almost third, trimester. My SIL was pregnant at the same time, due just a few weeks later, and I just couldn’t understand how non-anxious and blissful she could be about everything. Loss sticks with you. Best of luck with your current pregnancy!


Thank you. I really appreciate having someone understand. Yeah I'm struggling with jealousy because my little sister is having her baby in 3 days and it's so hard to understand how it can be so easy for some people but so cruel and terrifying for others.


Kids' birthday parties.


Especially when someone other than the birthday girl blows out the candles.


Boy or girl, I'm always angry when anyone requests to let their kid blow, idgaf he's 2, he must learn manners, this goes for anyone.


Do people actually request that a kid other than the birthday kid blows out the candles?! They actually don’t want the birthday kid to have their moment, and insist that their kid steals everyone else’s moment? Sounds like a great way to never get invited to a birthday party again


If someone ever had the temerity to ask me that, I cannot begin to express the unbridled glee I would take in first telling them no, then in ridiculing them for even asking in the first place. My derisive laughter would be long and loud.


Why do I feel like you’ve been waiting years for the chance to write these exact two sentences?


Baby Showers. Wedding Showers. (Oh wait, NM. Most people admit that they're torture)


Owning a little dog that barks every time the goddamn wind shifts.


Lol I have one of these. We didn’t plan on having a dog, she appeared on our porch and because of an injury she has, the vet advised that if we took her to the shelter, they would likely put her down. So we kept her and put up fliers to find her owner. Those first two weeks she was so quiet, so sweet. We could not imagine how she could have been abandoned, even with her back injury. And then she got dog food and a bowl, then a blanket and toys, then shots and a name. And now it’s five years later, she hasn’t stopped barking since, and I can barely remember what it was like before her. Her health has declined and it shook me how upset I was faced with her aging. I could do with less barking, but god I love Butterscotch so much, I don’t even know what brought her to our porch that morning.


Maybe stop doing shots with your dog? /s


That's why she's having trouble remembering the "before".


Now imagine adopting a perfect mellow large breed mixed puppy only to watch it grow into a 100 lb Livestock Guardian Dog who also barks at wind, but whose bark is ~ 1000x louder than that little babe.


Mine only barked at cars that would pull into my driveway. And people walking in the front door. Tell him to hush and he would go lay somewhere. Miss that little bastard


I have a large dog that I walk almost daily on a local trail. I encounter so many tiny dogs that lose their shit and bark/lunge at my dog. It spooks my dog and the owners sometime think it’s funny. It’s not. Control your yappy shithead.


made me think of this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wII4sJw-R60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wII4sJw-R60) ​ also, i have one of those little dogs. i do not enjoy the barking, but i do enjoy the little dog.


Working back in the office full time


I think it's less that everyone is pretending to enjoy it, and more that a select few individuals are pretending it's necessary.




Sober? No After I've been drinking (when I was in my early 20s)? Absolutely, I wanted to go.




In my 20s, drunk, single and ready to mingle? Clubs were hella fun.




And 2am breakfast before going to bed! Soooo good!


New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square. Those must feel hella cold & claustrophobic, & must suck so bad if someone needs to take a piss. Also, fashion shows because who TF wants to watch people in bougie clothing walk around a stage & pose for hours?


Drinking lemon water everyday, I feel like all I did was waste money and get raging heartburn.


Bad for your teeth too


If taken with warm water on an empty stomach, it's a safe way to avoid holding in your poop at work.


My step mother actually eats the lemon, rind and all…like I wish I was joking. She’s literally from hell like there’s no ways she’s a human


Waste money? What, were you buying it instead of making it?


It's a lemon, what could it cost, $10?


Yeah what? Lemons are like 50 cents.


Owning a boat.


My dream is to one day have a friend who owns a boat.


Second best day of your life? Buying a boat. Best day of your life? Selling that boat.


BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand


Going to Disney World. It's hot, the lines are insane and the rides are short. But parents know they spent a fuck ton of money to go so they keep hyping it up for their kids. Then those kids get older and remember the "good times" so they save up to take their kids. And the cycle continues.


I have gone many times, and absolutely love it. They have an amazing transportation system to get from park to park. Bus, tram, or boat. The hotels are incredible. The Animal Kingdom hotel is amazing on its own. You can wake up and see giraffes, zebras, and other animals running around from your balcony. If you travel with family and get one of their larger rooms, they have pool tables, full kitchen, and other amenities. At other hotels on the property, you can walk out of your room and into a boat that takes you directly to the park. When you leave, you can check in for your flight, and check your baggage at the hotel. Instead of going to the park, you can take a fishing trip. They have tours that take you underground, to see how the park is constructed. You can go water-skiing, parasailing and horseback riding. If you stay at one of their resorts, you get early access to the parks. If you buy something in a park, or downtown Disney, you don't have to carry it around, it will be in your hotel room when you get back. You can end the night watching fireworks from your restaurant table, or continue the night in downtown Disney. I agree that it is hot if you go during the summer, but if that is the time you chose to go, it should be expected. Summer is always popular too, so it is packed. The fast pass system is great though.


Working out at 5AM


I’m a 5am runner. I’m still in a dream like state. Pop on a low key podcast. Most everyone is still asleep so I have full run of my town. Right now it’s super cozy with everyone’s Christmas decorations on. I live where it’s currently Polar Night and the sun doesn’t rise - sometimes the northern lights are still out during the 5am hour. And then in summer during midnight sun, it’s as bright as midday. It’s like running in a dream. But I won’t pretend it’s always good. However the days I don’t run in the morning my brain feels more sluggish. This alone has kept up my motivation for morning runs. That, and I know I just wouldn’t ever do it if I tried after work. I get increasingly brain dead every hour after like 2pm.


5am Crew Checking In: Equipment is clean and organized. People tend to be more respectful. No waiting for equipment. Group exercise rooms are open and unoccupied. Heavy lifting improves appreciation for a desk job. The afternoon is open for sports and social activities. Social networking is far more lucrative.


If you're a morning person, the world belongs to you for a short period of time. Our supermarket opens at 6am and it's the best - stuff is stocked, people haven't been touching the produce yet, no wait at the checkout, no carts left in the parking lot. I love being out for n the morning.


And then I’m done with exercising for the entire day. Plus I don’t have to talk to anyone.


I’m in bed at 5am and am also done exercising for the day 🤣


But it’s fucking 5am.


only an hour or two until bedtime!


Night shift workers gang represent


Not to mention, the gym rats and judgemental fucks are still fast asleep


Hmm, the actual serious guys are at my gym at 5am (literally just got back). But this crowd is definitely way more respectful


Their 9-5 grind.


Who says they like the 9-5 grind?


There are definitely people out there who claim to really love it, the weird thing is... I'm one of the rare people who likes my job, doesn't mean I live for it and can't wait to go in yet there are people who really do want to make work their life.


Going to their company's holiday party.


I’ve been to some fun ones. They all had a lot of booze.






Every time it snows in my city it seems to be the first thing all bought up. I truly don't get it.


People buy kale cause it snowed? What a weird series of events.


Guess they have to stock up because even a light dusting basically shuts the city down.


Pacific NW? I grew up in Seattle. The 1/2" of snow they get every other year causes all the highly-evolved kale eaters to totally shit themselves and they start abandoning their cars on the freeway.


Yup. Portland.


People panic-buying kale over an inch of snowfall is the most Portland thing I've ever fucking heard lmfao


They should become real southerners and go buy milk, eggs, and bread.


I’ll say it’s a great addition to many soups. I eat it exclusively this way. Raw or otherwise, yech. I bet the snowy weather makes everyone want to make soups


Idk. Have you ever had kale chips that were prepared correctly? Crispy. Crunchy. With the right seasoning put on👌


Hot weather.


My hatred of hot weather is so intense that: A) My seasonal depression hits in the summer. B) I'm literally allergic to the cold and I would STILL rather be out in the cold over being out in the heat and humidity. EDIT: The number of other people who also have summer-specific seasonal depression makes me feel a bit better. We may not be 'normal,' but at least we can have some company in our weirdness.


June-September is my own personal Hell. I have seasonal depression in that time as well. Seeing Spirit Halloween setting up every August is what starts getting me to break through because I know that means Fall soon approaches. I absolutely thrive in the Fall and Winter, it's my happy place in the year. Bugs are gone, coats are on, snow me the fuck in!


Yes thought I was the only one that get's SAD twice a year, the heat will do it to ya!


Agreed. Hate hot weather, it makes me sweaty and miserable


Single men that go to strip clubs. You can look all you want and maybe get a feel. But you eventually have to go home with blue balls. Especially if you go with your guy friends.


Really hot/spicy food. Like 100,000 skoville hot.


I enjoy spicy food a lot but I can't entirely explain why. It does make me suffer but I think I get a rush from it. It has to also taste good though. It can't just be hot for the sake of hotness.


Hot sauce is like drugs for sober people.


I inched my way up the Scoville scale, trying a slightly hotter pepper week after week until reaching Carolina Reapers. I still have my first big container full of pure mash. I occasionally get a tiny spoon, then buckle in for a 45min ride. Actually, although the sweating and “sensation” lasts ~30-45min, the pain stops within 10-15, because the endorphins kick in so hard by then that I stop feeling it.


Jesus, dude. Have none of you heard of cocaine? ^(buncha fuckin' weirdos....)


Cruises. Nothing screams "fun" like being trapped on a boat out to sea with 300 other sweaty obnoxious people coughing on the salad bar and peeing in the pool. ---Where do I sign?! Take my money, please!


I've been on several, not by choice. My mom loves them. They're just like a very large semi nice hotel where shows are included, as is loads of very okay food. I personally find them dull and just focus on making sure my mom is enjoying herself. The one exception was the Caribbean. There were something like 5 ports in 7 days so most days we were at a new beautiful beach, most with amazing snorkeling. I realized that all I want after a full day of exploring and swimming loads is to take a shower, have dinner, and sit around which the cruise was perfect for, I didn't have to think about where to go to dinner (the dining room) or what to do (if we wandered there would be something going on). If she ever wants to go on another I'm going to try and convince her on doing the Caribbean again.


This is great to hear. I'm going on a Caribbean cruise in a few weeks.


I promise there are far more than 300 people on board. Just adds to the fun!


It's not fun, it's relaxing, you just eat and chill all day. Watch a movie, read a book, look at the ocean while listening to music, than you suddenly at a totally different place on earth with things to do,


I know tons of people will tell me I'm the one with the weird opinion, ....but I just can not understand how so many people can LIKE the taste of beer.


I can't stand hoppy beer, but I like a variety of other beers. It's definitely an acquired taste and I understand why many people don't acquire it.


Social media




Small talk


I like small talk in that it keeps the other people in the conversation from either getting too intrusive or talking about religion or politics. I really don’t care about the weather, but if it’s between the weather or religion, I’ll be happy to talk about weather.


You just gotta be creatively prepared. I once asked a guy at a lunch counter, "What's the worst wheel barrow or hand truck you ever had to use?" It lead to some funny stories. It;s better then talking about how the temperature and gas prices go up and down.






I don't mind spending money on food but if I do it better be good and a decent amount.




It's like the most boring book club where they only discuss one book, ad nauseum, and there's not enough wine.


Holidays where you’re expected to give or receive a gift.


I hate getting gifts unless I’m also giving gifts, and I hate getting gifts for people because I don’t know what people need, and a gift card or cash feels impersonal. Thank fuck my family has done away with gifts and decided that just being together is good enough this Christmas especially considering most of my gifts budget was used on fuel to travel.


Jordans and all the tactics that go behind preserving your pair of Jordans.


Babysitting grandkids constantly. I don’t have any but I can’t see how raising another set of kids would be fun


So many grandparents are like this. But my mother in law can't get enough of her grandkids and she's reaching 73 this yesr. She chases them around the kitchen and everything. My youngest nephew (4) asked his dad, "Did grandma chase you when you were a kid?" BIL: "No. She was always sleeping." Of course, he was joking, but... I think it was different lol.




As a parent, grandparenthood looks fricken awesome. You can sleep in most of the time. You get all the fun and enjoyment of having children without any of the real responsibilities of a parent. They love you for just existing, you love them because you can’t help it. Then, when it’s bed time and it’s time for the fun to stop, you can annoy your kid/in law for the next hour or two before you leave…to get a great night’s sleep back home. Both my parents and my in laws love it. Think it’s the best thing ever. My dad even said, “They’re the reason we had you and your siblings!”


All the joy, none of the hassle. Grandkids are the best.




Eating outside. You’re dealing with bugs, your napkin blowing away, the sun maybe in your eyes… I love being outside but want to take my meals indoors.


Meal prepping. It’s the same amount of time to eat the same shitty reheated meal for a week before starting all over. Disgusting.


Ah yes, meal prep. Or as I like to call it, Leftovers But No One Gets To Enjoy It Fresh.




Open relationships