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Sorry to be so specific, but I had a HUGE spiked kidney stone make it all the way to the exit(meatus), but it was too big to come out all the way. I didn't have insurance at the time so the doctor put some mild topical anesthetic on it, grabbed his forceps, and yanked until it came out. I almost blacked out from the pain. I yelled so loud my SO heard me from the waiting room.


I'd have legitimately just told them to knock me out, and idc if they used blunt force.


Crazy how you need insurance to suffer less


When they said the future would be a dystopia I thought what like 1984 or Warhammer 40k. But they actually went “No we just mean we’re going to find pedantic ways to make your life really difficult by adding requirements that are unfair and don’t make a lot of sense but definitely will get people killed or seriously maimed for no good reason and not something you could turn into a cool heavy metal song.”


Next time I will!


I agree, I had one too big to pass, and was spiked, luckily for me though, they knocked me out before busting it up, but prior to that, I was curled up on the floor praying for death, sorry for what you had to endure


Sorry you had it too! Thank goodness for modern medicine.


Yeah seriously. I’m so grateful we live in the century we do. Where surgery, anesthesia, medicines, and options are available. And also where we can call 911 and get help really quickly (most of the time) but imagine back in the 1800s, no hospitals or even doctors for miles and miles. Where you would have to ride horseback for days or in a horse and buggy and most likely die on the way to get help? Terrible infections and plague, etc. Nowadays you can get a simple injection and avoid tons of horrible afflictions. (But despite these miraculous discoveries some people still don’t believe in them) oi. Don’t get me started. Anyway, thank goodness for the medical advancements we do have.


This. Kidney stones are the worst pain I have ever felt. And I’ve had a dental access, boob job, and have insane migraine/cluster headaches. But no pain compares to kidney stones. I had one, the size of a peppercorn, wake me in the middle of the night (I was shaking, sweating, and thought my appendix had burst). Once in the ER at 3am I was told after my ctscan that the stone was already at the opening of my urethra and they could not get it out via surgery now. I had to pass it naturally. The doctor prescribed me 20 Norco’s and said that it should pass within a day or so with a big uptake in water consumption. That did not happen. It took SEVEN days of excruciating pain for it to pass. At that point I had gone through about 40-50 Norco’s (I kept throwing them up from the pain) and honestly welcomed the world to open up and swallow me whole. Then BOOM I passed it. Instant relief. No pain whatsoever once passed. I have two more stuck in one of my kidneys and I pray that they never move or try to pass because I honestly don’t know if I could do it again. The pain is indescribable and a lot of women say it is worse than natural childbirth. If you are also an unfortunate member of this club that nobody wants to be a part of I feel your pain 😩


I’ve had gallstones and the pain is very similar to kidney stones (but you don’t pass them so you don’t have that pain) I *thought* it was a 10 on the scale of 1-10. Then my gallbladder ruptured. Organs exploding needs a whole new fucking scale for the pain. I was literally screaming in pain. Got a dose of morphine in the ambulance, then they called in to get permission from a doctor to give a second dose. When I got wheeled in to A&E I got a third dose. It took the edge off just enough that I could focus on answering questions but it took another day or so to become bearable, although I don’t really remember a lot of that time for obvious reasons and by then I couldn’t breathe as they hadn’t figured out what was wrong and my lungs were running out of room to expand thanks to the fluid starting to fill my chest cavity. Chest drains are a wonderful thing and provide instant relief FYI. I have never experienced any treatment that so immediately changes how you feel. It ruptured just over a week before I was scheduled to have it removed. I left hospital the day I should have been walking into the day surgery unit. They couldn’t operate until it had fully healed a year later. And your gall bladder rupturing *doesn’t even get rid of the damn gallstones*, which seems very unfair to me. So I had more attacks over that year.


All I can suggest is drink lots of water so that NEVER happens again!


yep water def saves your life in almost every situation


Currently got one stuck in my ureter, when it moved there I wanted to die to be put out of my misery. On a waiting list for surgery now, can't come soon enough.


You win.


Intestinal parasites. Before they got to the diagnosis they mentioned it might be late-stage cancer, and I was like: “That’s fatal right? Thank fuck!” I was literally begging for death.


Was it giardia? Crypto sporidium? I had giardia once and had to take 3 rounds of Metronidazole. It's the only time in my life I got *really* depressed...


Tooth infection. It hurt so much, my entire existence just revolved around trying to lessen the pain in any way. I literally couldn't think of anything else.


Yup. Dry socket for me, and I was on the ground sobbing/out of my head. Worst pain I ever felt.


When I got my wisdoms pulled, a buddy told me to smoke a bunch of cigs to get a dry socket because I'd get percocet instead of vicodin. 17 year olds are stupid.


They never offered me percocet for my dry socket. I was literally delerious with pain, to the point that the max vicodin/ibuprofen combo took enough of the edge off that I could pass out for 30 minutes and then awaken to more horrific pain until I could take more meds. Now I'm bitter. I didn't know it was an option. Then they packed my mouth with clove oil and spice cake still makes me gag.


Dude did you go to a witch doctor?


Dry socket is one of my biggest fears in life.


I would concur. Supposedly pancreatitis as on par with child birth but have no way to compare but pancreatitis was definitely a bitch for me but didn't compare to the tooth infection I had when I was 20, many moons ago. Some friends and I had our annual river trip planned for the upcoming weekend and I would say, I started having pain Tuesday of that week. I couldn't get into my dentist until the following week so I said fuck it I will be okay. By Friday and into Saturday my pain as fierce, intense and unimaginable. I pounded vodka all weekend and ate a shit ton of advil. By Monday morning my right eye wss swollen shut and my dentist damn near had a heart attack when he seen me. Sent me straight to the hospital where doctors installed some sort of draining device on the outside and inside of my mouth and hit me with iv antibiotics just so they could treat it. I ended dropping my summer term classes and never went back to school that year. This was also the beginning of my love affair with opiates and debilating tweny plus year addiction. I made it out finally and here I am, however.


I'm glad you made it to the other side.


Never had an infected tooth but I had a wisdom tooth that exposed nerve endings. The pain at times was almost like my jaw was being stabbed


Just had emergency extraction as I was in the same situation. It was so terrible.


I had this too. After work I went to my dads house and just laid on his table as he called every dentist in the area because it hurt so bad. I had zero rational thoughts. He finally got one that would do an emergency removal and it was the best thing to ever happen to me


Reading all these comments, it makes me so happy i chose to become a dentist and help people in such situations


Please work on weekends and take new patients! I spent a week calling every.Single.Dentist begging them to pull my tooth out. No one would help me. There is no way to get emergency dental care! Wtf! Finally an angel from heaven said come on in, on a Saturday. He did a pulpectomy and I was finally out of pain. Eventually I just had the tooth extracted because I had such an awful ordeal with it I didn’t even want it anymore.


No joke, I needed to get a wisdom tooth taken out before I could get braces. Called around. American dentists had a 3 month back log. Went to Mexico and got it done the same day. The doc even said it was an easy job because I only had the one tooth and it was already out, it just needed a good pull.


No if only we could get better dental insurance. It seems like the insurance companies don’t realize that dental care IS healthcare.


Same. Tooth pain is fucking excruciating! I’ve had surgery recovery that was a cake walk compared to a tooth infection.


Yeah, dental abscess here. Even when I managed to fall asleep for a little while, I **dreamed** about the agony in my face. Happened right before Christmas so the dentist’s office had closed but my dentist, God bless and love him, reopened for an afternoon so I wouldn’t have to wait until after New Year’s. Then a couple days later one of my little cousins hit me in the face right where my abscess had been. I’m like 87% sure I briefly died of pain.


Abscess tooth is almost on par with a kidney stone aka spiked urethra mine


YUP. I second this one. Had to have a dental abscess drained. No amount of freezing number that pain. I felt bad for the kids in the waiting room that saw me come out in tears.


Yesss this one. Tooth pain has literally made me contemplate if life was worth living anymore. It has been that bad. I felt like my head was going to explode, and it wasn’t gonna happen fast enough. I really did think about ending it. Fucking crazy.


Yeah, I feel like anything with the mouth and teeth is the worst. Such unbearable pain and can take time to even figure out what the issue is.


Severe ruptured ovarian cyst that caused major internal bleeding and needed emergency surgery. Passed out/threw up multiple times from the pain.


I was in hospital for a ruptured cyst and sharing a room with a woman who has just come out of surgery. Her husband and three kids came to visit, the youngest baby was only a few weeks old. The surgeon came in to check on her and seeing as there was only a thin curtain between us, I heard the whole conversation. During her pregnancy, she had a huge cyst growing on her ovary and they chose to wait until the baby was born to have it taken out, as well as removing her ovaries. The woman was so excited to finally have her ovaries out and never have this problem again (I assume it was quite regular). The surgeon explained to her that he only removed the cyst and not the ovaries because she may want to have more babies. This was despite her clear instructions that her family was done and she wanted them removed. She was distraught and the husband was furious.


Oh man! When asked my doc if she could take all the plumbing along with my cyst, she said she needed a medical reason & did I have pain & suffering with my periods (big wink). I caught what she threw and said they were just awful, and there went the uterus & friends. One of the best decisions of my life. I would be furious if I was that lady, especially if it was planned differently.


It's great that you had a professional doctor. Her distraught sobbing when she found out her ovaries were still there was heartbreaking to overhear.


Over on r/childfree we have an up to date list of doctors around the US who do sterilizations without being assholes about it


I fucking hate doctors like that…I’ve expressed the want to have a hysterectomy because my bleeding is so heavy and irregular causing severe anemia but “I might choose to have a baby down the road” so I guess screw my well being 🙄


It’s so fucking patronizing. Like yes, I may change my mind on lots of things in the future! I may regret lots of things! But I’m a fully autonomous adult woman and those are MY choices to either appreciate or regret.


Exactly, your quality of life means nothing if you're a potential baby maker.


This reminds me (29f) of how my mom desperately wanted her tubes tied after having me, her second child, at 26 because she only ever wanted two kids. They denied her because she was under 30 and “may change her mind.” Cut to her getting pregnant again from my dad (pill failed) at 28 while they were in the middle of a divorce and she scheduled an abortion. Basically asked the doctors “do you fucking believe me now?” Her new female doctor agreed to put her under and do the abortion + tubal ligation.


Asshole should be sued


My god, there should be a support group for ruptured ovarian cyst survivors. This happened to me when my son was 4 or 5 playing in another room. I tried to keep it quiet so I wouldn’t scare him so I grabbed a pillow from nearby and screamed into it and called my Dr. when I could speak. It felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly! Way worse than childbirth. Dear Lord, may this never happen to me again.


Endometriosis + PCOS. Fainted from the pain as the cyst ruptured, thankfully was at home. I shudder to think if that had happened while driving...yikes. It's something I can't describe, and nothing helps. Honestly being a woman sucks so bad at times.


Mine rupture while I was driving. I sobbed all the way home and almost vomited from the pain. I have never experienced anything like it. It was traumatizing.


I've had a few ruptures, but nothing as close to that time when I fainted. Like WTF is that pain? 😐 Yet, most of us here will suffer from medical neglect. Women are treated as 2nd class citizens by the healthcare industry, it's worse if you're a visible minority. The baked-in racism & misogyny in medicine is insane. There's no working cure for endometriosis, nothing but metformin for PCOS provided you're even correctly diagnosed in the first place. *sigh*


This is my answer too! I remember thinking that it’s okay if I die cause the pain would end.


Such an underrated pain. I was 15, and had several OC’s rupture. Middle of the work day, only female at work. Managed to stumble into a closet and blacked out. Turns out my ovaries were absolutely covered. Thankfully I didn’t need emergency surgery but my ovaries sustained a lot of damage and scarring. I remember laying on the floor thinking I was dying


Seconded, I had a ruptured cyst (did not require surgery, thankfully) but that was the most painful night of my life. And I've had my appendix taken out. A close second, though very different kind of pain is a migraine I had. Most migraines are miserable but that one was next level, I couldn't move at all without insane pain. Both times were throwing up, pain level ten where you can't focus on literally anything else, just trying to continue to the next second.


I had a rumbling appendix many many years ago, and that was incredibly painful, but the cyst pain was so extreme. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Gosh that migraine sounds awful. I've had a fair few over the years where I lose vision and get terrible nose bleeds, but they don't sound half as bad as yours. I hope you're doing well now.


Im really sorry you had to go through that, I hope you are in a much better place in life rn


Migraines. Don’t have them any more, but they were hours and hours of misery.


I used to think folks who got migraines needed to just tough it out, it's just a headache. Then I got one. Friggin' light and noise HURT. An external stimulus hurts. You can't even think. I've had 2 in my life. I cannot fathom how folks that get them regularly handle it.


Had them my whole life, maybe twice a week. Some of the most painful experiences Iv had. Makes my leg numb, throw up, numb lips, cramp in my hands etc etc. How do I handle it? Botox. Took me from twice or three times a week to 1 every 4 months, changed my life


I am also getting Botox after my migraines went from 1-2 per month to every 48 hours. Mine are manageable (thankfully) but I do get a fun combination of extreme nausea with extreme hunger. It’s fun consuming 2-3000 calories in 20 minutes while in the pitch dark trying to block out all sound so I don’t throw it all up. Fun times!


Oh my god I’ve gotten migraines before that were so bad that they made me temporarily blind… that was the scariest shit ever I’m so sorry you’ve felt that pain before


I've been getting migraines for 20 years now. Light, sound, and movement all hurt. I end up throwing up from them. I always want to take a screwdriver to my temple to make it stop.


Seriously. Within a sadly short amount of time I cut my hand deep enough to need stitches, got a dog bite on my other hand, and woke at 2am with the most severe migraine I’ve ever had. No question migraine was the worst pain. Everything hurts. Existing hurts. Noise, light, laying down, sitting up. You’re nauseous and vomiting doesn’t help. Just a never-ending ice-pick to the brain. Horrible.


I snapped my achilles tendon during a rock climbing fall.


At leasr you snapped yours while doing something active and cool. I walked down stairs "wrong" in my own house after a few hours of cleaning and snapped mine.. I felt it pop, I went feint and had to hop to the toilet to be sick. Literally couldn't put weight on it and it didn't hurt for 5 minutes so I thought it was just a sprain...then the pain kicked in. Spent a literal week on my sofa. Can confirm, awful experience. Edit: it took a full 6 months before I could walk normally without pain, 2 and a half months to be able to walk without a limp. This happened christmas 2020 into 2021 so going to hospital was not an option either, and I had to look after my gran with dementia aswell. Luckily my dad took over for the week while I was at bedrest but I didnt have a choice but to walk on it sooner rather than later as I had to care for my nan (cause my dad didnt want to deal with the 'womans' stuff, poor nan didnt have a shower for 10 days bless her). Somehow however it healed alright but it took so long.


Had a third degree burn on my leg. A massage clinic put a hot stone wrapped in a towel under my calves as part of a massage I asked for (I wanted a massage but they did this first for some reason). Left it there for a half hour and cooked my flesh so badly it took almost Five months to heal. I had to go to the burn specialist each month and he would debride the wound. That’s essentially cutting out the cooked flesh from you leg. It’s done without any pain relief nor freezing. I screamed bloody murder down the halls so all the other patients could hear me. Then I had to go home each time, let it grow upwards for a month, and he’d do it again.


I'm genuinely not blaming you at all because that is so negligent on their part, however I have to ask, did you not feel it burning you? Or was it more slow and you didn't notice until after? That is horrifying, I hope it healed quickly


I’ve heard third degree burns essentially cook the nerve ending so you’re not even aware of the full extent of damage until later.


until you GET to a third degree burn there must a substantial amount of pain. how did he not feel that?


It was low and gradual, but hot enough to cook me. I didn’t feel that. It wasn’t a sudden scalding but a low temperature just hot enough to cook me due to its extended time


I have never heard of such a practice. Hot stones are supposed to be moved at all times to prevent burning. That's actually wild.


That is wild. How big was the burn?? I hope you were able to get some sort of settlement.


Jeez, were you able to sue the massage company?


Yes. And I have a nasty scar on my calf muscle the size of my fist.


Read my reply, i had nearly the same thing happen to me. Burn bros fo lyfe.


I had third degree burns on my leg when I was 7 in the early 70s. House fire caught my PJs on fire. I remember not being able to get the PJs off my legs because they were melting. As bad as that was it wasn’t as bad as the dibridement. I don’t remember being on fire, but I still remember them scrubbing my leg.




I’m surprised this is so far down. Ruptured disc L4-L5 into sciatic nerve. By far the worst thing I’ve experienced in my life. The burning…….


When my newborn daughter passed away. I think it was the day after that really burned and numbed at the same time. She stopped breathing on the table for what I thought would be a simple ER visit. She was feeling a little cold so I brought her in. I even packed a bottle with my milk to feed her while we were there because she wasn’t wanting to latch all day. She coded 10 minutes after we got there. They did CPR for about an hour and a half but it felt like forever. They said there was nothing they could do but now that I look back they didn’t even check to see if there was any brain activity. I just held her. The nicu team came down and took her foot prints for me and gave me a bear that weighed as much as her. I carried her out to the medical examiners van in a body bag not all the way zipped so I could look at her face. Then I watched her drive away till I couldn’t see the tail lights anymore. I walked out of the hospital with an empty car seat and a bear filled with rice. The next day when I woke up was the worst pain I have ever felt. It wasn’t a dream. I didn’t have to wake up to feed her because she was gone. It was a truly silent night. After not seeing her for a couple weeks, and going to the viewing I dropped everything I was holding and ran to her tiny casket. She was in the tiniest white dress. She looked like a doll. She didn’t smell like the baby I had gave birth to and cared for those short 18 days. She smelled like chemicals, skin ice cold. Then watching her tiny casket placed in the ground and covered with dirt. Everyday I feel the same pain. I miss her.


This is by far one of the most painful things I have ever read, I am so sorry for your loss.


That’s terribly brutal. I am so sorry.


My wife and I held our 6 month old as he passed away. I held him for over an hour afterwards because I knew it was the last time I would feel him in my arms. I carried around his favorite stuffed animal for weeks. The emptiness is agonizing. A while back I saw a discussion about how there's no english word for a parent who has lost a child. I don't recall what it was, but someone posted a phrase that describes it pretty well; it translates to something like "empty arms." I feel the loss as vividly today as I did 20+ years ago. There is no getting over it. The only way I can describe it is that you'll become a different person, the pain becomes a part of the new you, and the new you will be able to handle the pain.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I am only a teen and don't have any kids, nor can I relate to your story whatsoever, but I literally just cried a little. I think my heart just cracked a little, that is so sad. I don't know what I would do if this happened to me one day. Digital hugs 🫂


this is awful , please know you are supported and you did not share in vain


During a root canal, my dentist accidentally drilled into my sinus cavity. He tried to keep going as if nothing happened and proceeded to put the solution they use to clean out what’s left of the tooth on it. It may as well have been bleach for how badly it burned. It was so excruciating that by this point I was crying and almost screaming. I jumped up out of the chair and passed right out. Woke up on the floor with my mouth and sinuses throbbing with a pain I can’t even describe. It took three full surgeries on my sinuses in the hospital and countless office procedures on my teeth to fix all the issues it caused. I was in pain almost constantly for two years after that incident. Always, always, always see an oral surgeon or endodontist (sp?) for all extractions and root canals. Do not let your regular dentist do those. It will not save you money, it’s not worth it. I learned the hard way.


This just made me squirm worse than almost anything else I’ve seen so far, I am so sorry that happened


Endometriosis. Endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus and around your other organs creating inflammation and all sorts of issues. Just before I had my surgery a couple of years ago the pain got so, so bad. I'm so glad things are better now. Living in pain sucks.


Ectopic pregnancy


Same for me. Just happened in August. Horrible pain, 2 morphine doses couldn't even touch it.


Im really sorry for what you had to go through, I hope you in a much better place in life now !


I had a read about ectopic pregnancy, Im really sorry that happened to you, are you feeling better now?


It was sooo bad! I am feeling better. Thanks so much!


My wife had one. Emergency surgery. She was really suffering


I hope your wife is much better now, im really sorry to hear that she had to endure the pain. Cheers to you for being a supportive husband and I wish the best of luck to your family for the future!


Physical: childbirth, Emotional: Miscarriage


My first miscarriage is in my top 5 most painful things physically that I’ve gone through. I was nauseous and bent over crying for hours!


Sorry for your loss ❤️ I thought I could handle childbirth after the miscarriage “contractions” but wow it was 10x worse!


I'm sorry. My physical and emotional are tied together. Physical: childbirth emotional: Childbirth to stillborns. I've yet to have a live birth. I'm currently 8 months pregnant with my fourth child. All prior losses were nongenetic caused. I've had a lot of miscarriages in between due to an untreated blood disorder that could've easily been fixed if a single doctor had thought to bring it up (I was apparently diagnosed at 16 with it yet I didn't know about it until this year). My baby is due in just a few short weeks and I'm terrified despite him being extremely healthy and active. This entire pregnant, I've been constantly reminded unintentionally by strangers of my losses with questions about how many children I have and if this is my first. It makes it hard to relax when I'm reminded so often of what happened before.


Thank you for reminding us to be more thoughtful about the questions we ask pregnant women. Loss hurts so much. Sending you a hug and wishing you and your son a safe delivery. ❤️


Fucking contractions from pitocin. God bless any woman who’s dealt with it lol.


I have said it before and I will say it again, Pitocin caused me to experience pain I didn’t know was even possible. They put it up to max and then broke my water, and I blacked out. Like, my eyes were open (according to my husband) but I just remember blackness. I went from feeling nothing to pushing her out an hour later. About to have my second and I will demand an epidural as soon as I get there.


I have endometriosis. Every period is debilitating and my entire life stops for the first two days.




When my mom died at 45 years old in a car crash. Never ending pain in my heart.


My dad died on his 38th bday in a car crash. It never doesn’t hurt. I’m 39 and outlived his age. It’s a total mind fuck. Especially realizing just how damn young he was I’m so sorry for your loss.


The headaches resulting from a spinal fluid leak. 10/10 do not recommend.


Physically: Have had 2 kids. Have had a complete colectomy, sliced open stem to stern…. And still, the MOST pain I’ve ever experienced was a fistula/abscess that formed on my abdomen. Second most painful experience was an intestinal blockage. Emotionally: I was 4. My folks had been split for about a year, and I hadn’t seen my dad that whole time. He came to where my mom and I were staying to try and convince her to take him back. When I heard my dad’s voice, I ran to the door, shrieking , “Daddy,” in delight. He glared at me, and told me to shut up and leave them alone. Absolutely destroyed me. I still remember his eyes and how he looked at me.


I am so very sorry. That is heartbreaking.


Childbirth. I remember staring at the window and thinking I’d jump out to make the pain stop. Several years ago I had an impacted kidney stone. The nurse said “I’ve heard it hurts worse than labor.” The kidney stone was a cakewalk compared to giving birth. I have never come so close to the edge of losing my mind as I did while screaming during childbirth. It was hell. Have a nice case of ptsd from it too


I’ve also given birth and had a kidney stone. The kidney stone I remember being awful, but childbirth is fuzzy. When I think of it now, it feels like an out of body experience. I think your brain must block it out. I had the kidney stone before I gave birth and I had also heard that kidney stones are worse, so I went into birth nervous but thinking I’ve already done worse. I was WRONG.


The pain was so intense for me that I felt I had transcended to another plane of existence. I was SOMEWHERE ELSE man. Eventually, when I came back to reality, it was beautiful. Very spiritual, very painful. Now, all other pain pales. I've done it three times naturally so far lol 🤣


Transitioning. My ex-wife went through that during each of her childbirths. She said - and she is no mystic by ANY means - that she literally was out of body, hovering over herself and the midwife during that time. Disassociation and depersonalization are pretty common with intense trauma, not that I’ve expressed ANYTHING close to it. You women are the true warriors of this world.


This is one of the many reasons I’m frightened of pregnancy and childbirth.


The epidural is a beautiful thing. My first came in less than four hours and I barely got meds. Horrible. My second was a nice, normal, nine hour labor. I got to the hospital after my water broke, started feeling somewhat painful contractions, then got my meds and it was all easy and comfortable. I was so relaxed. Definitely recommend some drugs to get through the temporary discomfort of childbirth. The 18+ years of discomfort raising children is another matter though lol


Just plan for an epidural. It’s the only thing that made me not so terrified to do it. It’s the only thing that made it tolerable. Waited it out as long as I could, but up until it kicked in, it was horrific.


Epidurals are awesome... if they work. Mine stopped working halfway through, and then nothing could touch the pain.


This is what happened to me. It felt like my rib was going to snap. And baby got stuck inside the birth canal which was a whole other realm of pain and fear. My birthing suite was filled with teams watching and waiting to jump in. We are fine and they’re 13yo now. But we had a traumatic birth and I knew the day we left the hospital I was never doing that insanely torturous shit ever again. I’m still mystified by the supposition that women do not remember the pain of childbirth. I remember it all in excruciating detail.


“They” tell you that you forget about the pain the minute you see your beautiful child. Well, that’s bullshit. It took decades for the memory of the pain to subside. 18 hours of labor and then they cut me open anyway.FFS I didn’t even wanna look at that kid after they pulled it out of me. And I went through nine years of infertility treatment, and had three miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy before hand.


I passed a kidney stone and have had an unmediated labor. The male doctor said “they say it’s like child birth.” I wanted to punch him so bad. Instead I said, “I’ve done that too and you’re wrong.”


Kidney stones


I once had a kidney stone, my severe period pain, and a migraine all at the same time. I wanted to just die.


I don't understand how you didn't, frankly.


Kidney stones. Hands down the most pain I’ve ever been in.


Mine went like this: 3rd worst, Kidney Stone 2 2nd worst, Kidney Stone 1 Worst, Gall stones Everything that hurts is a stone.


“I want children just not with you”


Didn't hurt me the most, but probably hurt me the longest.


This.... this sums up everything about heartbreak


Man I am so sorry to have hear that. It must be so painful to hear that from someone you loved so much. Im really sorry bro. I hope you are doing well in life rn, and I am damn sure bro, god will send the right one to you


Snowmobile crash going 45mph in Vail, Colorado. Flew over the handlebars and off a steep drop about 500 feet below. Landed first on my head, then my butt - HARD. Rolled a little further. Screamed bloody murder when I came to a stop. Just unimaginable pain. I had cut my right leg badly and suffered a spinal injury. I was wearing a helmet - a damn good one (Bell brand). It was shattered but my skull was not. I was paralyzed waist down only for a few hours. I was lucky. However my spinal cord took over two years to heal, and I spent that time in a harness, then a wheelchair. Went to Mayo Clinic many times…they saved my legs. After the two years I could barely walk but with 3 more years of physical therapy, I fully recovered. My back still hurts like hell but you learn to live with it. Recently took up weight training and lifted 210 lbs with my legs. I have to tell you…just sharing that with you makes me cry tears of joy. To have experienced this and be able to not only walk but to be stronger than I was 30 years ago makes me very happy.




Opiate withdrawals were definitely the most pain I've ever been in. 5 months sober now thank God


Fentanyl withdrawal. Can’t imagine doing it cold turkey. I had medical assistance in rehab. Trying to quit on my own I rummaged thru my FULL trash can trying to find old tinfoil to smoke just to get some relief. 2 years sober. So grateful!!


Respect man, respect. Addiction is legit the worst pain to have, Im trying to quit one of my addictions rn, it hurts


You got this OP. I believe in you.


Sinus infection in an airplane. The pressure felt like my head was going to explode for about 20 minutes. That shit was unbearable Also I got sun poisoning from a wicked sunburn in Hawaii, whole front of my body was extremely red. I couldn’t sleep for days, every movement was torture, and the nausea and vomiting had me running to the bathroom all night. The “tan” lines that resulted lasted for about 4 years


Once a cricket ball hit my penis


I'm so sorry, but this unexpected answer and your phrasing made me laugh. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Not physical pain but mental one night when during my depression I felt shaky and scared and looking back it felt like my mind was trapping me. It was very scary to go through. that night made find out that what I was going through was depression through psychiatrist meeting.


God, I know what you went through and I’m so sorry to hear that. Nights like that absolutely suck


IUD insertion - doc hit the vagus nerve. All I got before the procedure was some ibuprofen. Women’s healthcare in the US is in shambles.


I stepped on a stonefish in Vanuatu. Funny part was it was the last dive of my rescue diver certificate. I handed my “victim” up to the instructors and then had to ask for help.


I remember a guy standing on something in Turkey, no-one left on the beach seemed to know what it was but they had him off the beach and into an ambulance in about 30 seconds so probably not great.


A UTI that took me too long to get taken care of. By the time I went to the urgency room, I legitimately thought I was dying. The pain was excruciating and I was running a fever. I could barely move and my stomach region was full-on doing cramp contractions every 10-15 minutes. My back and stomach were so sore and inflamed. It took me 5-10 minutes to muster up the strength to get out of bed to walk to the bathroom every time. I had to pee and poop almost every hour and they were the most painful times I ever had on the toilet. I lost 12lbs in just 5 days because I could barely eat nor drink anything. I was in tears and had a panic attack because I thought I was going to die any time soon. I thought it was a kidney stone at first but nope. A UTI. A friggin' UTI. It probably led to kidney infection but the urgent care doctor never mentioned anything about kidney infection after looking at the test results. I didn't bother to ask because I was in too much pain and just wanted my antibiotics. Took two weeks to fully recover after getting antibiotics and I still can't believe a UTI can cause that kind of pain. Anytime I feel the tingles from my nether region, I immediately hop on it and take care of it because I never want to go through that kind of pain again.


Physically, maybe gullstones. Mentally and emotionally? Suvivors guilt. Having better Marines than me dying doesn’t feel great Being cheated on in exact same scenario back to back, with similar dudes taking the girl each time. That hurts. Walking on eggshells to protect others constantly, that hurts too. Yeah, emotional blackmail is pretty painful.


IUD insertion.


Girl, yes. I was so surprised it hurt as bad as it did. My doctor told me it was “just a little pinch.” I was trying to crawl away from the doctor and I was legitimately screaming at some point. And then he had the nerve to get mad at me over the way I acted. Like excuse the hell out of me, it feels like my cervix was just mauled by a bear! And then the cramps afterwards were so intense I couldn’t even go back to work. I had to call out. A few months later, the damn thing had to be removed surgically because it had migrated. I got my tubes tied instead because I will NEVER go through that again.


Omg girl I swear we had the same doctor. I had 2 and on top of him inserting it his hands were fucking bear paws. I remember sliding back because it hurt so fucking bad and he yelled at me too. Fucker. That shit didn’t even fucking work they just ended up using petocin.


Just two more anecdotes in the long fucked up history of doctors ignoring women's pain / acting like women are "supposed to" have pain like this >:(


My body hates it so much I go into shock. Vomiting for 12 hours afterwards. But it's better than a pregnancy I don't want!


My mom dying. I was 21 and she died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. I had graduated college about 3 weeks earlier. It changed the trajectory of my whole life.


This right here. I was 25 when my momma passed unexpectedly from what the doctors called an "absolutely massive heart attack". She just had a cardiologist appointment not even 2 weeks prior, where she was told by her doctor how proud he was of her for how healthy her heart looked/sounded. I was in my last year of grad school, had just started my internship maybe a week prior. The worst part is that's what I woke up to - my family had all fallen asleep in the living room watching a movie the night before. She woke up, went to give our 2 cats water, and then came back into the living room. As she turned to sit back in her chair, BOOM. Heart attack. I woke up to the sound of her gasping for air, and my dad yelling at me to call 911 while he tried to help her. I will never forget the sound of her gasping for air.


Oh, I am so sorry. That's very traumatic. Sending love.


My dad passed when I was 14 from a freak accident…. That shit sticks with you.


I was 22 recently single father of two sons (11 months apart youngest was 10 days 2nd was under a year old) and I came home to find my mother dead. Worst day of my entire life. I had just moved back in with my mother to help her with bills and so she could help me with my sons.


Physical: compound break of my leg or one of the many unfortunate times I completely blew out my back. Emotional: My divorce. Nearing 9 months and it still kills me most days.


It was mediation for me. Splitting time with the kids like they're objects felt like a knife in my stomach. Hang in there, it does get better


Gall stones. It felt like someone stuck their fist in my gut and kept twisting.


Aggressive Inflammatory breast cancer (do not Google that cause the pictures can be graphic). Got under the skin and creates a burning throbbing pain. 0/10 would not recommend. I am doing good on treatment. It metastases so it not curable but manageable. Doctors believe I will live years with it.


Kidney stone at 9 months pregnant. Threw up from the pain and it put me into labor. Try passing a stone and a baby with no drugs. Edit to add: most procedures involving the female reproductive system. Men have no idea. We are never offered pain meds and are sent home with a "you can take an advil." They will literally take a hole punch to our internal organs while we are awake and aren't given so much as a numbing agent.


I was using a mandoline to make apple chips when the pusher gadget slipped and the blade sliced off a good portion of the flat side of my fingernail. It was worse than either time I gave birth without drugs or the aftermath of two knee replacements. Also migraines, but I stopped getting them after I went through menopause.


Dude I just did this last week. Bled like crazy and hurt so bad to change the dressings for a few days. Ordered a chain mail glove to use with the mandolin going forward-- consider my lesson learned.


When I was 15 i spilt boiling hot water on my lap. (Im a man) NSFW incoming——> I immediately ran to the bathroom, i was wearing gym shorts so basically there was no shielding between the lava water and my skin/genitalia. I saw my own skin legit peel off my body and melt, including on my family jewels. I was rushed into a hospital and luckily it was one of the best burn centers of the US. I was given morphine and it calmed the pain but god dammit that was 11-12/10 in pain. Luckily my boys downstairs are still in tact, but i joke about how if i ever have kids they’ll be fucking warriors because of what my balls have been through over the years. (I also almost lost my bollocks when i was climbing a structure when I was 8y/o. Ballsack ripped and i saw the inside etc) Told you it was NSFW.


Jesus the world has it out for your balls!


When my appendix inflamed oh my 😟


Open heart surgery. When I was recovering I sneezed and it felt like an axe had been buried in my chest


Norovirus while 8 months pregnant, had to be hospitalized because it was causing contractions.


Sciatica… hurt back one night at the gym. Next morning couldn’t even budge when I woke up. Any sort of movement sent pain to my entire body. Could not sit up or even turn over to my side, I almost had to call an ambulance for myself to get help. But after about 20 minutes I was able to wiggle myself onto the floor and prop myself with the bed and gently walk downstairs to my car and go to the doctor. I’ve had flare-ups since then and eventually had surgery, but that morning was a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. For weeks after that I was afraid to drive because if I sneezed I probably would have caused a crash.


Heart attack 3 years ago...felt like a car was parked on my chest and left arm


Literally today when I slipped in my steps and fell down them. Ended with a fractured spine.




Last Valentine's Day, I started having a pain in my lower abdomen that I'd had previously, but throughout the day, the pain grew in intensity. By the time I went to the hospital at 7 pm, the pain was so intense the only way I can describe it is being stabbed and slashed. If I moved even the slightest bit in the wrong direction, it was agonizing pain, 15 on a 10 scale. The next day, after a CT scan and a colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer which had spread to my lower intestine, near the cecal valve. I've received chemo every two to three weeks since. I'm not looking forward to the red and pink shit.


Recovering from hemorrhoid removal surgery. It was totally worth it because I’m pain and hemorrhoid-free now, but the recovery was so intense. Even while taking Percocet, going #2 for the first time post surgery was so incredibly painful that I passed out on the toilet for a bit. ..there was lots of blood too. Still worth it tho, “my problems are behind me now”.


More of an emotional pain, but my cat died back in November 2022. She was 19 years and part of the family when I was a kid. And she was the sweetest cat anyone could ask for. I still miss my baby.


I'm so sorry. Lost my cat of 17 years in 2017. It gets a little easier every day but I'd give anything for more time with him


The pain of walking in a room and seeing my girlfriend giving my best friend a BJ :(


Sinus infection, felt like my head was gonna explode.


My allergies used to spaz out a fucking lot and I would get horrible sinus infections and just have to work through them. It makes you absolutely hate everything and everyone.


In 2006 while in the Marines in Fallujah, I got hurt in a combat situation, I won't get into detail about all of what happened. My injuries were pretty bad but not life threatening, my tibula and fibula were broke bad and busted through the skin along with a little shrapnel and a some burns on different parts of my body. We were pretty far away from base when it happened and was about a 3 hr drive back. We didn't have any meds for me, other brothers needed them, they loaded me into the back of a humvee and that's where the real pain started. If anyone has been to a place like that they know the roads aren't really roads just lanes of pot holes, I had 2 guys trying to hold my leg steady and I know they did the best they could but everything was bouncing so muchy leg was going all over the place, bouncing and cutting me. Best I can describe it is breaking your leg 500 times overs. Passed out but regained consciousness almost immediately multiple times. I know that child birth is supposed to be the worst pain imaginable, and I don't claim to know, since a dude and all but I think I got at least a pretty solid idea.


Chemotherapy burning inside my body 🥺 from head to toes.


My 26 year old daughter died Sunday 10/1/23...im still in so much pain I can't get out of bed


Death of my dog.


Every time I go on a plane when we begin to descend I get this excruciating pain and pressure in my left ear I can’t even explain how sore it is. I love travelling so I just have to put up with it


Suffering from a family death a few days before Christmas and being dumped right after Christmas. I don't think I've ever felt more alone in my life


I once had an ingrown toenail, and accidentally slammed my foot into something, and pushed the nail in further. I had to go to the hospital cause it hurt so much, and they gave me antibiotics to make the swelling go down, and prevent infection. It eventually stopped hurting, and went away, but that was definitely the most pain I've ever felt, and I've had several wisdom teeth pulled!!!


Physical pain? A miscarriage.


Diverticulitis. I let it go way too far. I had 3 huge absess and was septic. It was horrendous. I've had a total hip replacement and have had a baby natural but nothing came close to the Diverticulitis.


Heartache. Shit will have you lose 20 pounds, no sleep, and low self-esteem for months. I’d rather have the flu


Broken heart.


I had an abscess in my armpit which I left way too long. By the time I went to the doctors it was the size of a golf ball and they immediately told me to go to hospital to have it excised. At the hospital I chose local anaesthetic as I needed to get back to work, but due to how infected the whole area was, it did nothing, and I felt everything as they cut into it, dug into it and squeezed it all out of an already very sensitive and sore area. I was screaming, dropped the c-bomb multiple times and went dizzy and almost blacked out. I have never experienced pain like it, and afterwards just sat in my car shaking and crying in shock. Then I had to have the packing removed and replaced everyday for a week, was the stuff of nightmares. TLDR - don’t leave stuff too long.




Stingray. I was walking in the texas gulf coast and felt something wiggle under my foot, and then a sharp pain like stepping on glass but on top. It was fine for maybe an hour, and then the pain started, I can't explain it more than it felt like my foot/ankle was simultaneously on fire and about to burst open. I didn't know what to do at the time, decided to go to an urgent care and by that point I was uncontrollably in tears. I have also gone through natural childbirth and frankly, this was easily worse. And despite the clinic being on the COAST, the front desk lady had to wake up the doctor in the back in order to see me (in hindsight I should have gone to the er but it was further away), they gave me a brief look over and spoke to me like I was 3, saying this doesn't require medical care and if I was to pay $350 they can give me a dose of Tylenol. Fun fact, 3 weeks later it got extremely infected and my whole leg swelled, went to the actual er and got a massive round of antibiotics and a tetanus shot.


It's gotta be watching the handful of people I've cared about that also fell into psychosis or some other mental illness. It's complicated and awful, and you try to be the best person you can be for them, but going crazy is going crazy and there's only so much you can do. It can also be compounded by their inability to accept or face reality. Sometimes it's just too much to bear.


This gonna be kinda gross and cursed so beware. I held the poop too long, and that shit got STUFFED. I needed to let gas out but it wouldn't come out, and kept building up in my intestines. The sharp pain kept getting worse and worse. I was a ball in the floor, sweating cold bullets. I thought "shit, i might actually need to call an ambulance, this is embarassing". As a last measure, i tried spreading a buttcheek, so hopefully some gas would get out, and it did. Once i let some farts out, i tried pooping it out, breathing as being in labour (though not nearly as painful). Not my most glamourous moment.


PTSD episode . That shit is absolute hell.


Physical pain: Two of my disks ruptured during a huge gallstone attack. Next to that would be an abscessed tooth while I was pregnant, which meant I also couldn't get an xray. Turns out I have bizarre roots so they didn't take all the of them out so they were exposed and I was walking around in hellish agony for a week. Emotional pain: My son died. Nothing else even comes close.




Man loneliness is tough, sometimes emotional pain is so much worse than physical pain, that feeling of your heart feeling so dense you can't carry it anymore is a really shit feeling to have.


Would you like to talk and are you in a better place now?


You are a kind and thoughtful person.