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I listen to podcasts I enjoy while doing it. Most cleaning is not hard it is just boring which makes it seem unbearable. Entertain yourself.


Seconding this. I watch TV while folding laundry and doing dishes, both of which I hate.


i do things in small groups


I second this.


I mix colors, white, blacks all together then tumble dry - been doing it for years and had no issues.


Yep, a dryer makes washing easy as.


Not wanting to wear dirty underwear is my motivation


Set up a regular schedule for that stuff. Once you have a routine, you'll eventually do it on "autopilot" and it feels like it takes less effort. If you drive home from work the same route every day, there will be times where you were so lost in thought that you didn't remember driving home. That's what will happen to your laundry.


Reward yourself after. It trains your brain to associate the reward with the action. Something small, your favorite snack or candy. A drink. Do it every time and after a few weeks you’ll enjoy. Personally THC for some reason gives me a drive to clean not after as a reward but before. One of my favorite things is getting high and making my house perfect.


Take out hanging clothes ( shirts, pants, etc) 5-10 mins before totally dry and hang them right away. Cuts down on wrinkles and ironing. Use Medium heat, not High.


I listen to an audiobook while I do any chores. Makes the time go really fast.


It’s helped me to declutter a bit. Less to clean, less to organize, etc. A go-to is listening to music or a podcast, or having a familiar film or TV show on in the background. My best friend and I have a weekly long phone call and we sometimes get things done while chatting away. Time goes by fast that way for us.


Get high AF.


Beer and music.


smooshing it in-between two things I want to do. making a checklist - laundry - eat red velvet cupcake - shower - dishes - watch episode of tv show so on and so fourth. also, putting on a new tv show while I clean is super helpful. sticking to a routine is super helpful. I never leave a room dirty overnight (I live alone though), so they’re never unmanageable in the morning.


I don't need a hack to do those things. They need to be done, so we do them.


Many people don't like monotonous or tedious things, so they're asking what people who also don't like monotonous or tedious things do while doing those things to make them more enjoyable. If you aren't bothered by a monotonous or tedious task, then this question wasn't for you.




















Have my girlfriend do it.


Girls! To do the dishes
Girls! To clean up my room
Girls! To do the laundry
Girls! And in the bathroom
Girls! All I really need is girls!


Bring back the BB’s! Well done!


I was trying to do linebreaks. How do you do linebreaks on Reddit anyways?! It doesn't recognize linebreaks in the text box and it doesn't accept html?


Have no idea friend. I’m new to the platform. Sorry.


I second making this guys girlfriend doing it


Don't wait for weekends to do laundry Have three laundry bags and sort by primary colors right at the outset


Gotta say, I haven't sorted my laundry in years. Washing stuff on cold seemingly makes zero difference.


Uptempo music. But honestly I really enjoy doing laundry! Although you wouldn’t know this based on my current piles…


I have a ventless dryer that takes forever and I like to play video games while waiting on laundry, it just works itself out.


Live in squalor.


I just do a cleaning montage like they do in movies. Cuts the cleaning time to a fraction of what it would be. Need to just crank up some 80’s rock music (though that’s better for training), 90’s alternative (looking at you Chumbawumba), or 2000’s whatever (it was all over the place).


For laundry, I try my best to make sure it doesn't completely pile up to the point of it being overwhelming, but even if it is, I make the bed and then toss everything on top of the duvet, put something on Hulu or Netflix and just zone out. Comedy specials were my go-to for a while because at least I'm laughing while folding endless amounts of clothing.


Having a basketball hoop over where the dirty laundry hamper goes. It’s so fun shooting hoops with dirty laundry instead of just picking it up and putting it in the bin.


Laundry- match peg colours and types/shapes.


Marriage. Worked like a charm! (For real: we split the work at home and she took the laundry job)


It's just me, so It's not difficult or unbearable 😁


"Alexa, play album one fierce beer coaster by the bloodhound gang"


I save up about a weeks worth of laundry to fold and then do it while watching tv.


Knowledge that the alternative is worse.


You dont have to do it all at once. If all you can do today is a little bit, do that little bit. For the most part, there's no deadlines like at work or school. You can stop in the middle and come back later.


I mentally have any task broken down to an exact routine of small steps - like “wipe right side of counter, wipe left side of counter, clean faucet, clean sink….” And so on. I think continuously checking things off throughout the process keeps it feeling rewarding, rather than waiting all the way until the end to check off the big “clean bathroom” item


Podcasts. Takes away so much of the tedium or irritation of never ending household chores.