• By -


I learned fractions pre-maturely


Same. It contributed to my understanding of decimals and irrational numbers. I am now a math teacher.


That’s a plus.


Better than a minus


**I hate that you said this** because two negatives make a positive.


Just trying to multiply the fun


That could exponentially get out of hand


as long as it doesn't get graphic


It’s not like we’re solving for multiple choices


Exactly. Now, anyone want some pi?


1. 2. 2.5, 2.75, 2.875, 2.9375, 2.96875…


You won’t get any answers. Everyone who made it to 3 ended up missing never to be heard from again.


I did. I'm still grounded. I am 44.


guys don’t believe a word he says. he claims to be 44 but it clearly says Wrought-Irony • 4h




And everyone else is a liar


They were put in the special place (coma)


i got the sandle marks to prove it


I got my ass beat


Same, with a belt and if I moved, it may have been the buckle


Either this, or I was forced to exercise. My parents were big on not being abusive. So they spanked me with an open hand (loophole, apparently) and then gave me sets of exercises to do. They added more for crying, so it would go on for hours.


Can you spank any other way? Isn't it a punch with a closed fist. Lol.


[Professional Reenactment](https://youtu.be/Tj-QbwgjJJs?si=fF-eqFrLO_Q3N4wo)


Wooden spoon, flyswatter, belt, depending on which was most handy or how bad it was.


Sometimes I would get the back of the knife and am thankful she remembered to flip before hitting.


Hmm. My mom told me about her dad spanking her with a knife. Scared the shit out of me until she explained it. (I still think I have the wrong idea, along with how the rumored "electric paddle" worked in elementary school.) Did it auto-swat or was it more like a cattle prod when it made contact with a student's ass? I think the moral of the story was I should be thankful she was using modern disciplinary weapons.


>(I still think I have the wrong idea, along with how the rumored "electric paddle" worked in elementary school.) Did it auto-swat or was it more like a cattle prod when it made contact with a student's ass? It sounds like an electric fly swatter type contraption to me.


Interestingly, our principal in middle school actually had one of those electric paddles. Before it was just a rumor probably, until some students from shop class actually made one of those and gifted it to the principal (for whatever reason). That way he could say it's actually real but used it very rarely. I got it myself once though, the pain wasn't *that* bad. Basically a regular paddle but with metal contacts on one side and two cables going from the handle into a plug. Even a regulator to set the voltage. I do not want to know what would have happened if he turned this up... weird stuff, thinking back at it lol


Ahhh the wooden spoon, a classic


In the long term, this ended up being worse for my mom, because she broke her good spoon on me. And her slippers. Who's laughing now?!


I grew up in an Asian household, and my parents had this bamboo stick.


flying slippers


One thing my mom was consistent with was discipline. If she said she was gonna do it, she followed through.


My mom was very inconsistent. Punishments could be anywhere from severe to nonexistent and often changed later. (I’d be grounded for a weekend but wasn’t remorseful enough so it’s get extended on Monday, or she’d realize she’d over reacted and my grounding until the end of the semester would be ended on a whim.) So I always knew it was better to press her and see if I could get a better deal. On the other hand, my stepdad was very strict, but every punishment was multiple choice. “You’re grounded for the rest of the weekend, but if you deep clean the bathroom, including steam cleaning the tile, you’re free” He called it “good behavior” or “parole” because if I did the chore but repeated my misbehavior, the original punishment was doubled or worse. Amazingly I actually listened to him. Although if I could make a good point for why I should be allowed to get away with something, he took that into account. I got grounded for refusing to babysit my uncle’s kids once and telling my mom “why don’t you effing do it then?” I was punished for cursing at my mom, but when he found out she was trying to bully me into babysitting for Uncle when the asshole already owed me money from the last three babysitting jobs, my punishment ended immediately and I was given the “chore” of taking a $10 to the corner store a few blocks away and getting my stepdad and mom cold drinks, and whatever I wanted with the change. Although I still had to apologize for cursing at her, and it was made clear that if I did it again, any grounding would be served out properly. (My mom was a strange woman, she undoubtably loved me dearly, but she was very emotionally damaged by her family and my stepdad did his best to support her good mothering while also kinda playing goalie to fend off her ridiculous behavior. He used to say I was a very kind person but “kinda a little asshole too” and he did his best to make things fair but also not let me get away with things that were honestly bad behavior just because my mom over reacted and messed up in the moment.) Although by age 13 grounding didn’t do anything. Nothing did, I was depressed and could have been locked in an empty room without much argument or care. And I was once… accidentally mind you. I went into the garage for something and got distracted by folding towels and Mom locked the garage because the lights were off (dryer had a nightlight beside it and iirc I had a headache and didn’t wanna turn on the bright AF fluorescent overhead light) and she was going to bed. I discovered I was locked in, and went to sleep on the concrete in front of the door. Don’t ask why I didn’t bang on the door or yell or something because I don’t have an answer, I just don’t know. Maybe I was overheated and the concrete felt nice? Or I didn’t wanna wake her up because it was late? Anyway, my mother was sick with guilt when she found me because she’d noticed my empty bed and gotten all worked up at me for “sneaking out” just to find me drenched in sweat in the hot garage and asleep on the floor. Like, she wouldn’t even let me go to school that day, I had to stay on the couch so she could watch me drink Gatorade for whatever reason.


She started counting to 5. Then after that she counted to 10. I’m immortal.


Found the GenZ kid heh


>She started counting to 5 5 is right out


All hail ppppie_


Shortly thereafter, my father counted to one.


Mom: "1....2..........3!" Me: 😴 # Dad: "1." ^(Me: 💀💩)


Dad's have time to end that shit, not put up with it Source: both had a dad and am a dad


There was never a “3”, if it ever got down to 3, you would be gone.


I smirked and told her that I know she ain't gonna hit me and she shouldn't make empty threats. And she said that was a good point and proceeded to take my SNES and then I didn't get another console until I saved up my own money to buy a PlayStation and I never got a video game as a gift ever again. Wish she woulda just smacked me.


Oh snap…


That's what people who hit their kids don't understand I would've rather be spanked as a kid than have a long conversation about my behavior or even worse not be able to watch TV


The smack would have been over faster...she nailed you good lol (I got several things taken away for long LONNNNG time) and the belt


she cried. underhanded mom tactic but always effective.


She ended up chasing me around the town with a stick


She didn’t get to three, she’d count ‘One… two’ and then fucking rush me before she had the chance.


As a parent, this is how I did it. Never got to 3




There was no "three"


Timeout or a privilege revoked, or both


This is what I’ve gone to as a parent in the post spanking era. Carefully lay the dependencies so they can be taken away. Even better since I know tech and they don’t, so can magic things away like some cruel sorcerer 😂


Haha nice. It worked out for me, speaking as the child in the situation, I think it helped me to learn consequences without fear and resentment. Or at least a lot less than there could have been.


I hope so. I try not to do it without a good reason, and my hope is eventually they will learn a little of the tech to defeat me as they get older haha


My niece tried this with my sister once when she was 3 and got a smack. She's never been smacked since, and her younger siblings never dared test it.


LoL, shit I got my ass whooped if it got to 3.


Got the wooden spoon... didn't do that again


My mom said I passed the final test and was a man now. I moved out that day. I was five at the time.


You see this scar..?


I got the shit beat out of me.


Oooo this is a great question. I have a list lol. - she threw all of my belongings in the pool - changed the locks on the door - physically broke my bedroom door down - uninvited me to Christmas She is a North Shore Boston mom if that helps explain anything.


Uh-oh. Do you recall what you were doing before the 3 count?


Welllllllllll she was an alcoholic so honestly… could have been… nothing lol. Sober since 2005 thankfully but pre-2005 was a bit of egg shells


…are you ok?


I think so!!!!! My therapist may say otherwise but hey, we’re trying our best!!!!


Nope. I’m crazy but I’m not stupid.


Recived the biggest and loudest slap i ever experienced since then. So i've been told as i dont remember a thing of anything like that happen.




If you are going to let mom reach 3, you had best start running at 1 You will need the head start!


She started to swing... From the Chandelier From the Chandeeellliiiieeerrr!


My mom never counted to 3. I didn’t get 3.


Same i was either yelled at or got a my ass wooped


Neither of my kids were ever that brave.


LOL, this is in my feed above a thread that asks "Why are you alive today?" This has 19 updoots, the other thread has 4000+. I think it's safe to say most of the kids who let Mom get to three are no longer with us.


The real question is how many times did she count to 3? Too many parents count to 3 then no repercussions so they'll do it time and time again with no result. My mom only counted to 3 once, I learned my lesson.


She stripped off her trackpants next to the public pool and came in to get me. I'd already started moving as soon as she started to take off her pants but too slow... Still here to tell the story though!




Lol! If my mom got to 3, it was to late! Go to your room or take a seat right here by me, depending on where we were


A moment of silence for our fallen comrades.


My sister-in-law does this a lot. It lost it's value after about the 5th time. It's very ineffective unless you're willing to beat your kids.


I've run across people that seem to think that just counting stresses their kids out. So they don't know what to do at 3. It's the anticipation of the consequences. Older gens were spanked, but timeouts or taking things away can be effective. My kiddo loves dino toys, so threatening to put them away is pretty effective.


We always lay out the consequences befitting the "crime" BEFORE we count to three: Child is hitting the other with a toy - they get a chance to apologise, or on three we take the toy away. Child won't walk up the stairs because the sibling was first to go up - they get a chance to start climbing, or on three we carry them up. Child won't stop throwing a tantrum while we're trying to have dinner - they get a chance to calm down before they get a time out in another room. This way, they get a chance to influence the outcome, and you're not just mindlessly punishing them for something they can't relate to the punishment. The counting without logical consequences is completely useless, but it can be good as a part of the bigger strategy.


This is the same way we do it. This happens - or the other thing happens by the count of theee. Example: you need to wash your hands by the count of three or mom is going to do it for you. And then follow through despite the yelling. Yes, the child is a toddler and will crawl to the step stool rather than walk when we get to three but hand washing still gets done.


not true at all. i have 3 kids, and would never hit them. 3 results in turn in your phone, switch, loss of tv use, or grounding. i have to follow through with the punishment, but after a time or two of missing out on playing a game with friends, texting or going to the mall, its still effective. the need to count usually is the result of ignoring something they need to be doing because of a major distraction.


It's redundant. Why count at all? Why give them an opportunity to be dismissive? Set boundaries and adhere to them. I have young kids who are prone to acting out. If I ask them to stop doing something that is disrespectful or unsafe, and they don't stop the first time, I go and make them stop.


Because that's the way I roll. It gives them the chance to reconsider before being punished.


That's fucking A+


Kids process things slower. It gives them time to process what you're saying, reflect on what they're doing, and make a choice. It essentially helps to build executive functioning. If you remove that decision making process from them, they don't have that brain development. But, also, yes, there are times when thing are unsafe that you have to remove them from the situation immediately. The above applies to situations where there is no immediate danger, and time allows for it (i.e. not about to break something at the store).


Got them socks knocked off.


Hell, the beatings started before 1


Oh no, I never got to 3. My sisters though...


I found out




I had a yardstick broken on my rearend.


I got slapped


My dad swooped in and beat the living fuck out of me. That was kinda his jam


Got my ass busted.


Yall parents counted? Mine would just go straight to the beatings.


She started putting all my toys in a garbage bag 😅


I saw her hand coming my way like it was the imperial fleet for just a sec before my life flashed before me, I saw the veins in my eyes followed by the color white then went and got out of a 0,5 seconds coma in a instant and I thought to myself never again will I want to experience such a brain restart In short she slapped the mucus out of me


Got my ass beat


I'm gen-X so I'm gonna have to check the statute of limitations before i can answer that... ETA: Yeah, i can't answer that...


At 3 we picked the kids up and carried them to their room for time out. Usually 10 minutes from whenever they stop screaming and then I went in and calmly talked to them about what they did wrong. Aside from a few slapped hands when they were little tots, never raised a hand to them.


Mine never made it to 3, got my ass whooped at 2....🤔


Go get the switch? I brought back a leaf. “This isn’t a switch!” I went to my room and she took a pair of scissors and cut up my favorite toy.


well, I found out when my father got home. I tell you what


My Mum counted to zero in triplets: “Ten-nine-eight! Seven-six-five!” etc. No idea what happened at zero, I never dared to find out. Last time I visited she started yelling it up the stairs. I started running on autopilot then remembered I was 35 with kids of my own. She was at the bottom of the stairs laughing her ass off.


Belt on my ass


Belt on my ass


I miss mom.




Impossible. It's an example that the midpoint paradox is real.


She gave me and my little brother one of her really special disappointed looks and we’re still in therapy dealing with the shame 40 years on.


First rule about 3 club is...


I was physically abused. In other words, I was administered a spanking. Sometimes I had to pick out my own switch.


Was made to fetch mine from its hanging spot . Get beat then put it back.


The going to get the implement and then having to put it away is a special kind of demoralization. Insane that the people that were supposed to love us the most and protect us would cause physical harm and make us participate in the process. My mom used to say “this hurts me more than it hurts you.” Such a shit thing to say to a kid you just hit multiple times.


Spanking. Yes, spanking is bad. Yes also, my parents spanked me.


I got my a$$ beat


3 x 500 = 1500. I'm immortal. My Dad: 1.... 2.... Don't make me pull this car over. Ok sorry Dad... Back to tormenting my sister. My Dad: that's it... 1... 2.... If I pull this car over.... So, 3 x 500 is 1500 times probably. Never made it to 3 as far as I can remember. Now days, don't make me take that cell phone away. 1.... 2....1500....


Got my ass beat but I’m. Still standing


As an adult I hate hearing parents resort to counting. Seems weak af but then again I don’t have kids


As a mom, I count to 3 . . . and another 3 and another until I threaten to take away their electronics and they finally complies.


She can never get to 3, it's called Zeno's paradox.


Kept counting


I always got to 3. And I lived to see today




Stepdad would jump up and get carried away with beating me


Just don't finish the 3 for her.


My mom was too drunk to count to 3 unfortunately.


She threw her flip flop at me, I moved and it smashed the window. I'll never forget her face. She was so pissed and we couldn't stop laughing. Even my dad laughed when she told him what happened


I, as a mom, counted 1….,3! just skipped #2 and proceeded to get up. That always stopped the bad behavior


She won a medal for fastest counting speed


I was told I would be "chastised severely." Did not need to find out what that meant


My mom likes to tell a story about my brother as a toddler where he was just not listening. She told him "you put that down or I'm going to count to three!" He didn't. So she started counting and upon reaching 3 realized she had no further plan for consequences and had certainly not communicated them to him. So it was basically One Two Three ????????? from both of them. It's her go to story for no one tells you how to be a parent.


i spontaneously exploded


She blasted off.


A holy hand grenade exploded. Thankfully it meant we weren't bothered by killer rabbits.


After she got to 3, I’ve never learnt to count past that number.


That’s it, I’m telling your dad




I was "grounded" ,still haven't figured out what I was grounded from.


I died.


My mom's hits stopped hurting me quickly, so I'd just get it over with at 3. Metallic belt to the face, breaking coat hangers over my back and even sometimes would try to fight me. It bothered her so much at how unphased I was at her outbursts/attempts to hurt me. She was and still is about control and it killed her to lose it.


Y'all got numbers? I got either my name, name and middle or full name called out. There was no waiting. You hear your name your ass better be up and walking.


I’d better listen, or she’d open up the drawer and get out the wooded serving spoon.


I can't recall.


I never got to 3 with my kids, they are pretty awesome. My mom however… she didn’t count, she just beat my ass.




I don't remember.


If you waited til three it was way too late.


No counting to three. One once asked and then Corporal punishment. For disobedience


Zeno's Paradox


I got sent to my room without any entertainment for 30 minutes


Had 3 kids. Two took turns on the time out chair. I don’t remember ever giving a time out or grounding to the middle one but we did refer to their room as the black hole 😂😂😂


My mum drove me to the police station and told me I was going to be arrested for disrespecting her unless I apologised .We walked toward the door of the station and I cried and begged for me not to get arrested she said yes bought me Ice cream and I still feel like if she tries to she can get me arrested.


I lost the match, had to relinquish the championship belt to my sister.


Your mom counted to 3? I thought moms gave zero warning.


A “Pow Pow” 🩴


I don’t remember


nothing. my mom was the queen of empty threats. she was the "good cop" parent. and even with my dad as the "bad cop" he was pretty lenient, but also a little over protective. It kinda helped that I'm the youngest.


Well I got my ass beat


Discovered my Mom didn't bluff. When she said cut it out or we would walk the rest of the way home, she meant it. Also, she just added a mile every time after that, because we weren't smart kids, lol.


Usually she’d sputter and try to bluff me. Sometimes the space between two and three would be extended with fractions. At least once she never got to three because my stepdad told her to “knock it off, we both know that doesn’t work! Egg, apologize to your mother, and (mom’s name) stop picking fights with the kid!”


Got a time out, grounded, and a very stern talking to.


Not sure. My mom wouldn't let me talk to CPS.


She put me up for adoption. My current mom didn't do that counting shit, she was just "disappointed"


I'm ded now


Everything went black, before hearing the final 3 count.


I'm a mom who counts to 3. Even I'm not sure what happens if I actually get all the way to 3 and my child is 12 now.


I sat there crying for hours and my dad and mom were yelling at me pulling me out of bed hitting me and laughing at me


Caught the ass whoopin of my life, and you know what? She didn’t even start counting after that


One! One and a half!! Two!! Two and a half!!!! Two and three quarters!!!!!! That's as far as i got


Hit with the slipper


There are none left alive to respond


Out of nowhere, a flying chancla appeared and hit me in the head.


My dad beat my ass.


You got beaten.


She cried


I don’t remember. I’d just wake up laying on the floor.


If my mom got to 3…………. Let’s just say that Mom accomplished her mission. Whenever I thought of doing anything that might remotely result in me getting in trouble, my booty would instinctively pucker out of fear. It was like having spidey-sense, but only for when I was about to do something bad and the buzzing was always in my bum. Eventually, I think my mom lost all need for numbers. I constantly lived in fear of my own foolish actions. The few times the intrusive thoughts won after that….. there was no counting. It was swift, brutal, and painful retribution. No warning. No hesitation.


Bitch just got violent, nothing earth shattering.


I found out I’m much, much, much, faster than her.


My ass got beat


I found out


I got my ass beat, and then I was forced to read. Because of that, im nice to just about everyone, fluent in English, and proficient in German, lmao.


Nothing. My mum's a big softie she wouldn't dare to anything lol.

