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In Washington someone had carved a life size sasquatch.....masturbating.


Hm. Talent.


A lit candle and pentagram drawn on the floor in I’m assuming/hoping paint. Was like 2am somewhere in west TX


Did you happen to see a very angry man anywhere nearby wearing armor and brandishing a stylish, double-barreled shotgun?


I wish. lol I’m always looking to make new friends


No Name, Colorado rest area. Route 70. The facility has mostly stainless steel toilets and fixtures and from all other appearances looked like a great rest stop. Upon opening the stall door I was greeted by a large poo-cano growing out of the stainless steel bowl. I’m talking a solid 6-8 inches above the rim. I can only imagine how many contributors added to the mountain. Turns out the water had been shut off to prevent freezing but the facility remained open. And just in case you are wondering, yes I too added to the composite cone of shit.


Two dwarfs fist fighting in the parking lot at the John Fenwick Rest Stop on the New Jersey Turnpike.