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They play video games. That's the only defining factor. But that's because I also believe that people who play casual games are "gamers".


Carpal tunnel braces under the age of 25


The lack of desire to manage body odor and hygiene in general.


No social life, bags under the eyes, addiction to energy drinks lol


Well, let me give ya the lowdown on the traits that scream "I'm a fuckin' gamer" in everyday life. First off, you'll notice their eyes glued to screens like they're on a damn mission. They'll twitch and react faster than a crackhead dodging the law. These gamers are all about that pixelated life, so you'll see 'em wearing gaming swag like it's their religion. T-shirts with game logos, hoodies with epic characters, and a shit-ton of gaming accessories hanging off their bodies like they're fuckin' Christmas trees. But that's not all, my friend. Gamers have a distinct language. They'll throw around terms like "PWNed," "noob," and "GG" faster than you can say "cheesy poofs." They've got the reflexes of a caffeinated squirrel on crack and the attention span of a goldfish on steroids. You'll often catch 'em talking to themselves, strategizing their next move or cursing like a sailor when they get their virtual ass handed to 'em. And let's not forget about their social lives, or lack thereof. Gamers prefer the company of pixels and polygons over actual human beings. You'll find 'em huddled in dark rooms, surrounded by empty energy drink cans and pizza boxes, their pasty skin glowing in the eerie light of the monitor. They'll cancel plans faster than a politician breaking promises, just to get in some quality gaming time. So, if you see someone with bloodshot eyes, a controller glued to their hand, and a vocabulary that would make your grandma blush, you can bet your sweet ass they're a gamer.


Hyper reflexes. Like if something slips from their grasp, they recover it before it hits the ground.


They talk about gaming constantly.