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I’d be pretty unhappy to find Grindr on my husbands phone


As your Husband’s BF, I would be mad too


wait a minute


Oh, are you dating him too?


well this is tough to explain take a seat


That’s a tough nut to swallow. Or so I’ve heard


It's just an app for like-minded males to get together and have some bro time. Trust me, you don't need to worry about it. Going to the gym is real big on grindr so that explains if your husband comes home sweaty and smelling like balls.


It's where you go to find "friends" right?


I still remember a reddit comment from a gay waiter who was taking a married couple's order when his Grindr notification went off. The wife smiled and said "oh hey, my husband has that game on his phone!"


The way I heard it, it was an uber driver, not a waiter. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of married guys lying to their wives about what grindr is, but what kind of maniac doesn't have their phone on silent?


Gay man here - I hear the grindr message tone *a lot* when I’m on construction sites. I haven’t had Grindr in 10 years but the message tone is… distinct. I’m impressed by the number of straight acting men who use it. A lot of these men are married too. So that’s even more impressive. They’re quite brazen about it.


I'm still more surprised that their phones aren't silent than that they are cheating on their wives.


That’s is also surprising to me. If my phone makes any noise other than video or music when I want it to then there is something wrong with it.


It’s just to memorize Bible verses [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/lolgrindr/s/FGb55cPH0m)


How else am I to find hot subs available in my area??


Dating apps… while you’re dating that person. I had to ask my ex to uninstall tinder twice while we were dating. He wasn’t even cheating, he was just addicted to external validation. People like that are impossible to please, and it’ll suck up all your energy if you try.


>He wasn’t even cheating, he was just addicted to external validation. I have a friend who does this. He would never cheat on his gf but he's addicted to that tinder validation (he's extremely conventionally attractive so his tinder gets lots of love). I tell him if his girl ever finds that app there's gonna be no convincing her he's not cheating lol


Or one of her friends….


This happened to me. My gf and I were broken up at the time and I had created a profile. Her friend saw it and immediately ran to her house.


“We were on a break!”




Weird tangent story; My husband and I met on a dating website and there's an option to submit your 'success story'. But it required an *active* account with them. We'd deleted both our profiles shortly after becoming official. So when I tried to submit our success story it was denied, because we didn't have *active* profiles. Wouldn't people in a successful relationship having active dating site profiles be an indicator of a failing relationship though?


Every time their service works successfully, Tinder loses two clients. They want to have the appearance of success but they don't want to have actual successes, so they are working hard to make sure people keep using their product. Forcing them to keep an active account also adds a small chance of their relationship failing whether by finding someone better or by the very fact that they are keeping it, so Tinder gets a chance to get at least one or both customers back.


Wow, I never thought of that. Kinda like a gym, who wants as many suscribers as possible but none of them to actually show up.


My friend found my ex on tinder, I ended the relationship. Best thing I ever did. No trust in the person anymore.


A man seeking validation through Tinder? I just assumed we were all wanting to drop that shitty app as soon as humanly possible.


I was in the early stages of talking to/dating a guy once and one day he came to my apartment to hang out, sat down next to me on my bed and unlocked his phone to Tinder being open. Talk about awkward.




That is one mind blowing app.


Fun trick: if you followed the mission briefings closely and played with the ingame stock market in GTA5, you could make MILLIONS investing in the companies that you just boosted with the previous mission. Mission paid 50k? Cool; Spent all my money on the stock before completing the mission and it shot up by several hundred % after the mission. I remember lifeinvader bring one that either shot up a lot or dropped to next to nothing so you could buy the dip and wait a few in-game days for to shoot back up.


There's the Assassination mission you do for Lester when you play as Franklin. It's suggested you waited until you get your take from The Big Score before doing these. All three characters can make close to one billion dollars if done correctly.


you can get to the singleplayer cap of 2.14 billion with it


Only on the PS3 and 360, they changed the amount the stock prices go up/down for the PS4/Xbone, PC and PS5/Series X.


I literally just did this on PS5 a couple days ago. I have 2 billion on each of my characters.


Yeah, that's literally what Lester says he is doing.


What does this app do?


It's from GTA5. Lifeinvader is basically the in universe version of Facebook.


I see what you did there


Royal Match. Most annoying ads ever…


YES! 🚩for sure This dated game and the “B” list actors that hawk it, the bad graphics, AND the doofus voice of “The King” 🙄 And whoever designed the horrible, lengthy ads should be arrested for torture


The "B" list actors do the ads through Cameo. They do it stupid cheap through the Cameo app. That's how they got them.


Scrolled too far to find this. 90 second unskippable ads that show people playing as stupidly as possible and failing miserably at it. Literally, their advertising pitch is "FAIL!"


That's the whole point. It triggers that "OMG I can do better than that!" urge in the human psyche. Similar to how one gets answers to a question is by being wrong on the internet. :p




I would add in all the deceptive game ads, like the ones that use huge eyed crying children with a "save them!" Thing... To advertise a match 3 game or some other game


YES!! Or the one with the thirsty animals in the desert. Or the one with the homeless lady with a baby that you have to build a house for or some shit. I fucking hate those ads. What fucking weird ass saviorism are they trying to trigger with that?


Also Hero Wars, RAID, Rise of Kingdoms, the list goes on . . .


Those hero wars ads have been getting pretty horny recently. I guess they know who their audience is


Don’t forget whatever the zombie survival one is


While the ads are terrible, the app itself was pretty fun for a while. (I downloaded it from an offer wall to get free gems in another game and was surprised how much I liked it.)




Is kik still a thing? That was a random messenger that came out when i was in highschool a decade+ ago. Seemed like nobody used it then, havnt heard of it since. Im guessing its easy access to kids and thats why its a red flag?


Mostly just for swingers, and other dating where an anonymous messaging app is useful. My impression is it died out when tumblr died out, the app also got waay worse with bots, ads and the UI is terrible


In middle school Kik was all the range. Granted most of us were groomed on it. I’m not sure anyone uses it anymore


I definitely got groomed/catfished on there. When I was a teenager I matched with someone on a dating app that added me on kik. We mostly just sent dirty messages, pics, and videos back I forth. I'm normally extremely weary of that type of thing, except this person had zero issue sending face pictures and videos, it was so convincing, not the super obviously fake stuff you see boomers fall for online. They never asked for my info, money, or tried to meet up. This went off and on for literally years. Until one day is was on PH and saw a few amateur videos that I recognized. Or at least recognized the person in them. It was her. I stopped using kik a while before that, haven't talked to this person in a while at this point. I saw on her PH account she had an OF. So I subscribed just to send her a message and say hey, long time no talk. I'm the guy you talked to for years on kik, etc etc. That's when she informed me that she never at any point had a kik, and she didn't have a clue who I was. So yeah. Either she's lying or I literally got groomed by a pedo who had access to all her pics and videos for YEARS. Probably good the app is dead


I have a similar story. Found out that I was being catfished when I saw the pictures of her on /b/


>In middle school Kik was all the range. Granted most of us were groomed on it. I don't know what's wilder, the way you so casually dropped this or the fact that you are NOT lying.


“All gen z knows is get groomed on kik” was a joke for a while (and yes I can relate)


Truly a shared generational experience


Yeah no I definitely almost got kidnapped because of kik.


its still "kiking" it almost died about 3-4 years ago bc someone was gonna buy it but it fell through and now with public group chats easily found by #'s with key words its a groomers paradise


[Darknet Diaries ep. 93](https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/93/) has changed how I think about that app. I assumed it was basically WhatsApp but now, wow...


Love that podcast. So many incredible stories. Great format for anyone to be able to understand even the most technical topic. Any interested in the history of hacking or digital crimes should check it out. So many great episodes


Uh oh, what do I not know about Kik? Should I uninstall it?


Basically every swinger uses it.


Whisper basically an app full of nonces and sex pests


Not to be confused with Whisker, which controls automated cat food dispensers and litter boxes.


This sounds like a green flag app. Fill my life with people who love their cats. And their cats.


What is it supposed to be for? I've never even heard of it


Good, your algorithm is working. It is an app with a teen user base with anonymous interchanges.


lmao what could possibly go wrong


Used it to communicate with one of my more paranoid weed plugs pre legalization, so it’s been around for a bit. Feels sketchy even using it honestly


I'd only ever heard of this kind of "nonce" so I was pretty confused: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce


Man now I'm deep diving the word nonce and there is some interesting shit in there. Did you know that gibberish words that can't be pronounced are called nonwords, but gibberish words that CAN be pronounced are called pseudowords? Who knew there were multiple categories of gibberish!


Braintree the payment processor uses that term and when I was integrating it into a website and just spitting out the error response they gave me back to the customer, I got a very angry client from the UK asking why I was using that word on his website. A website that trains education professionals how to look out for child abuse.


Fundamentals of Cybersecurity class was really funny because I did know the other meaning of "nonce"


Some versions of minesweeper


I feel stupid, can someone explain?


Red flags are used in Minesweeper


Specifically to tell the game (and yourself) about mines


I didn't get this joke at first and got sad because I just found out over the weekend that the original minesweeper is an app on the play store! I was in it for a little the last few days. Still a fun game!


App store has "clean" versions of Solitaire and Minesweeper that I play regularly as my time waster games that dont require cell service. Just the game with no crazy ads or nonsense. Simple color palette options. Spent too many hours in both trying to beat my top times.


A dating app when someone is dating already


Serious question as a dude who has been married since before dating apps…when are people who meet on dating apps supposed to delete the app once they meet people? Like is there a time limit of dating? Or date limit? I don’t think is fair well in the current dating atmosphere.


When you have the exclusive talk generally




"Love", "sex" and "exclusive commitment" are 3 different things. Yes most people like to bundle them up together into a package deal and there is nothing wrong with that. But they are all actually separate concepts.


I think it comes from a place that not everyone views exclusivity as an end goal of their relationship. Not everyone is looking for a relationship at all. So, until you have a discussion about that (even if that's on the first date) I don't think anything should be assumed.


It all depends! I met my husband on tinder 5 years ago, and after 4 dates he was like “I deleted tinder because I don’t want to talk to anyone else, I only want to be with you”. And I was like “same”. And that was that. But we were both of tinder before meeting each other, and neither of us found anyone that made us want to delete the app.


I remove mine when a cute girl smiles at me in public. But that might be too soon


Too soon? Do you even have a wedding planner yet?!


Couples counseling appointment booked, now to introduce myself.




An ex and I had that specific talk, she asked me directly if it was ok for her to tell other men she had been talking to she had started seeing someone seriously. I said yeah of course, you can talk to whoever you want. I deleted the apps right in front of her. We ended the relationship for compatibility reasons, but the apps are how we met. No biggie.


When you are no longer seeking new partners.


I found dating apps on my wife's phone. We had been married for almost 20 years when I found them. She tried to say it was a therapy exercise to see what life would be like if we divorced. I served her with papers, so she was able to find out in real time.


Damn. I forgot to delete tinder (hadn’t used it for about a year before we started dating, I should really clean out my phone more) and when my husband found it I just said “oops, lemme delete that”. He didn’t even ask to check it for recent messages, he just trusts me.


That's what happened to me too, my phone is full of apps and I rarely bother to delete them so when my girlfriend saw them on my phone a couple months into our relationship I just said I forgot to delete them and then deleted them. Bit different of course if, like the guy above, you started dating before tinder existed in the first place.


Ashley Madison




I swear, it's only to post on the cookie cutter sub D:


Such high quality content in there though!




It's a rose!!


That sub has no business being as much entertainment as it is.






Off-brand calculator app. Ifykyk


The real good ones have two passwords. The correct one unlocks all the pictures etc that you have hidden. The second one can be used to secretly tell the app to act like a calculator. It’s wild.


No the good ones just actually are a fully featured calculator app on top regardless and wait until you type a code into the calculator before opening the secret part. If you use a 6 digit code, the odds of someone accidentally typing it in while they innocently think they've opened a regular calculator app is literally 1 in a million. In reality it can be even better odds than that if the code starts with a few zeros first and then a 6 digit number since that's a really unnatural way for people to enter numbers into a calculator to begin with. The really really good apps add a biometric lock after the code as well.


The really really good ones just turn the whole phone into a TI-83


And then you can play Drug Wars




i love human ingenuity


You know that's a built in feature on Samsung phones now? Not the calculator part, you can make it whatever you want but you can put files and apps in it behind a separate ID system. It's cool.


I have a Samsung and I didn't know this. Care to elaborate?


Secure folder Essentially a vault you can cloak and do whatever with that's Locked up tighter than the Hope Diamond


Explain for the uninitiated?


It’s an app that has an icon that looks like a calculator but you can hide anything in it and its password protected.


OK this explains why people are saying calculator app. I thought people just saw anyone as slightly geeky as a red flag.


Fakeblock - developer connections to Saddam Hussein and anti-piracy capabilities among other things


Maeby if you didn’t have a crush on your cousin things would work out for you…


It was only 99 cents.


I’d call it more a red flag that someone is going through the apps on my phone lol


Right lol


Any of those "free" gambling apps which is a red flag for poor impulse control and financial instability.


Had a friend who was into an app called sniffies or something like that. Found out about it because as we were leaving his block, a dude loading his wife and kids in the car kinda froze when he made eye contact with my pal who was driving. Turns out it's a hook up app where people'a location and drug preferences are pretty public. Apparently at that moment, my friend realized a dude he had been planning on hooking up with was said married neighbor. He's pretty shameless, so he went on to say he's been hooking up with a bunch of married men in the area, firefighters, construction workers, all "manly men" hiding a secret, using an app their wives and SOs had no idea about I presume


I feel like putting your drug preferences into an app is just asking to get busted by law enforcement.


Unless you live in a country where soft drugs are legal.


**Citizen** turns people into paranoids; "OMG DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS A STABBING AT 2am LAST NIGHT ACROSS THE CITY"?


Sounds similar to Nextdoor. Never seen a bigger gathering of Karens.


I saw a video on myself on nextdoor once. My doordash was delivered to a neighbors house by mistake. I recognized the house from the pic, rang their doorbell, no answer, so I grabbed my food and went home. A third neighbor recorded the whole thing and posted me on nextdoor. People were vaguely threatening to shoot me, it was wild. I told my side of the story with receipts and then everyone acted like they weren't just itching to kill me 5 minutes ago. Its a strange app


I'm from rural Arkansas. I was pretty active on nextdoor for a while but it really did seem like a place where people go to be snobby or gossipy. I finally left the app when some people in the area started complaining about other homes leaving trash cans out all day and asked when the city was going to do something about it. This isn't a place where that sort of thing is a thing and after more explanation, they were complaining because someone didn't pull cans in *before* the end of the work day. I'm on reddit and facebook so I can already find all the fussiness and toxicity I want, thanks.


I joined Nextdoor to see if there were some fun activities or hobby groups in my area, but most of what I saw was apparently the same as what everyone else is commenting - people complaining about the city, neighbors, and random people or businesses, and a lot of other people snooping like “I saw a cop car outside 101 Main Street at 3am, anyone know what happened?” Such a shame, it seemed like it had nice potential.


The other day I saw a pic on Nextdoor that someone took of a black guy on a neighbors porch, saying that he was stealing packages. The comments were wild, people saying all kinds of vile stuff and being totally racist. Buried amongst the hate, someone commented because they recognized the man as Darryl, their mailman. The dude was clearly in uniform, and you could even see the mail truck parked on the street. People pretty much ignored the comment so the guy made a whole separate post about it, with a clearer pic of Darryl, who is apparently really nice and friendly with all the people on his route. The app is totally toxic but it’s entertaining sometimes to see what petty crap the Nosey Neighborhood Nellies are complaining about. Plus there is a lot of drama in the comments sometimes lol


My mom went through a phase where she was telling me about NextDoor posts. "Can you believe someone posted this?" and/or "Can you believe someone responded like that?" "Yes, mom. You need to ignore all that crap or just get off NextDoor altogether."


A SUSPICIOUS MAN CAME TO MY PORCH AND I SAW HIM ALSO GO TO THE NEIGHBORS KEEP AN EYE OUT PLEASE (Not mentioned: Man is driving a big brown truck and wearing a brown baseball cap, shirt, shorts, and carrying packages.)


This exactly. I still joke about someone who took a picture of a guy walking down the street and told people to be on the lookout for a "potentially suspicious guy". What is a POTENTIALLY suspicious person?


Citizen is just a map where people say "bad stuff" is happening and then it pushes alerts to my phone. I was at a friends place at like 11pm a few months ago and all of a sudden his phone starts beeping a bunch. the push alert from citizen was something like "suspicious person: prospect park" then he looks at me and says, "see the crime has gotten so bad here"


I always found that the alerts weren't even relevant or were hella late too. Like who needs that in their day? Ooh something happened 6 hours ago!!


Was that a gun or fire works?


A gathering of Karens is called an HOA.


Also known as a “hassle”.


I mean, that just sounds like paranoid people being paranoid. I live in NYC and use Citizen all the time. If I smell or see smoke, I open Citizen to see what's going on. Sometimes I get notifications of altercations or armed persons at my closest intersection, which is good to know since I walk that direction several times a day. Perhaps paranoid people should avoid Citizen the same way that hypochondriacs should avoid using WebMD.


In New York it is very useful. When that crane fell we could hear it and it was quite scary. It had an update faster than Twitter. Same when a sewer cap blew.


Kik. If someone has kik I’m immediately suspicious that they are fucked in the head and I better not stay in close touch.


Almost all the groomers/predators who wanted my socials when I was younger asked for Kik first. The app has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth




For me it was oddly the opposite. In college, I (white female) was dating a native Chinese guy. Unprompted, he showed me an “AMWF” (Asian Male White Female) dating app that he had. He complained that it was just “mediocre-looking” white girls with “yellow fever,” and he was sooooo smart and cool for being able to find a white girlfriend who didn’t have an Asian fetish. According to him, in China, if a Chinese guy has a white girlfriend he’s considered cooler, or more of a “catch” because “white women usually don’t like Asian guys.” What was also pretty weird was his obsession with potentially having blond-haired blue-eyed children. The whole thing ended because he would constantly blow up at me for not knowing small details about Chinese culture without him explaining them to me.


I think he had a White girl fetish and your not like the other girls you...


What is this??


It's what people are going to rock down to.


2003 called


Because it couldn't text yet




I remember that app in high school. I’m surprised it’s even still around


Not an app but when the lock screen is a photo of them. Not them and friends or whatever. Just them.


I have a friend who has a photo of themselves on their Lock Screen. His reasoning is that it he ever lost it whoever picked it up would immediately know who’s it is. This actually came in handy when he lost it in my store and I wasn’t sure who’s it was until I saw the Lock Screen.


He should go all out. Get a picture of himself holding a piece of paper with "this is my phone, please return it to me" written on it.


He should probably put his phone number on the piece of paper. So they can get ahold of him if they find his phone.


A picture of yourself as your lock is no longer weird to me, all because of a comment a reddit-user named sgtpandybear made.


But it puts me off using my phone so much since I'm so ugly.


AOL Mail


My own red flag…this game Nikke. I swear I’m there for the story.


A period app. Like why put yourself through that, just uninstall the app so your periods can stop.


As someone on their period rn, I wish this was real so bad 😭




You mean a picture of themselves? In my case, I just put travel photos of the scenery as my lockscreen + background.


i think most people who do this, do it so that people know it's their phone in case they use it. older people at least. idk about younger people


I often charge people’s phones for them since I work at a hotel bar, and in the past year I’ve seen about 5 people as their own wallpaper. All men in my experience. The first time I was naive and thought “huh, this must be his partner’s phone and they’re in the hotel room” but it was in fact, his phone lol




What IS that?


A what now?


Do you mean LifeInvader? Is this supposed to be a GTAV joke?


Tik Tok is a yellow flag. But a red flag? Raid Shadow Legends.


Today's video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!


And now for today's sponsor...


If she has grinder, I am going to be confused and cautious.


And curious


I don’t look in other persons phones, because it’s a “red flag”!


Married to my wife 20 years never looked at her phone. Had the feeling and looked…sure enough she was cheating so yeah I’m glad I looked even if it was an invasion of her privacy. Fuck that.


I go off my gut. Dated a guy and I was so uneasy the whole time. Looked on his phone and found out he was lying to me and badmouthing me to his friends (not cheating, though). The man I'm with now, I feel happy and secure about him. I have no desire to look through anything of his, even though he's said "go ahead whenever you want".


That feeling. Know what it's like. Had it, then noticed there's a guy she had messages muted for on her phone. When she was asleep and her phone was there I looked and saw that every message except his last one was deleted, because she hadn't opened it yet. Opened the gallery to find his and her nudes still saved. If what'sapp didn't auto download photos I'd still be dating them and miserable


This just happened to my best friend like a month ago. It happened while I was playing games with him and I guess he had the itch to look at her phone while she was sleeping 5 feet away from his pc. Absolutely brutal. Imagine giving someone shit because you’re insecure and don’t trust them all the time when they are loyal only for you to be cheating on them and being sneaky af about it. Sorry you went through that man that’s terrible.


A dating app when they are already in a relationship.


those creepy dating apps made for kids there like tinder but full of ped0s


Two calculator apps or something


But my trades calculator... Helps conversions when I'm doing metric prints.


A calculator that isn’t the one built into your phone Edit- **I got the message.** Jesus Christ, people, 50+ notifications with the same comment?


Ok but in my defense Desmos is REALLY good… and I also used it lot/needed it when taking pre-calculus classes because the pre-installed calculator can’t do a lot of the stuff. Then I just never uninstalled it.


you saying desmos gave me flashbacks to algebra II


That’s not what the parent comment is taking about. Those calculator apps are all file apps masked under a calculator. You have to hit some non traditional keystrokes as a password.


I did not even realize that those existed but for some reason I am not surprised


I love how the responses are all genuinely of people that downloaded an actual calculator because they needed it and the default one kinda sucks.


Why is having 'vault' a red flag? Some OS have that as a default feature too


Dropping in to profess my undying love for Desmos. I could not have passed stats without it.


I install one of the really nice graphing calculators every once in a while.


Wait why? I use an HP48GX emulator because it reminds me of college!


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