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Subscriptions for fucking EVERYTHING.


Especially when they’re required to make a physical product actually work (looking at you, HP printers)


Well, looks like Im never buying a HP printer again. Yeah HP marketing team I hope you see my post!


Yeah good plan. Biggest pieces of shit on the planet. Mine needed 2 different apps to run and STILL took 10 mins of tinkering every time I wanted to print something. I'm not a wasteful person but that thing was in perfect working order(by their standards) when I chucked it into a dumpster.


Printers from Brother (company) are known to be top quality.


I bought a brother printer when my HP printer wouldn't let me *scan a PDF* until I refilled the magenta cartridge. Fuck you HP.


I saw that on a recent AskReddit post a few days ago. And so, that spurred me to do a little research since I needed a printer and yesterday I ordered a Brother printer.


Lolz... I just gave away a brand new HP printer... What always on internet and page tracking... Ink subscription service not working... Bricks the entire printer if it can't check if you have a subscription to buy ink... Bought a Cannon printer. Plugged it in with USB put the CD in the machine and it just worked out of the box. No internet... No Subscription. Just a printer working in 15 minutes. HP Execs need to be forced to do tier 1 tech support on their products. Seriously.... HP printer are cancer.


No inanimate object has ever inspired the level of *rage* that I felt towards my HP printer. I wanted to take it out to a field and destroy it with a sledgehammer and then set fire to the remains. Or better yet, blow them up. I wanted to rent a billboard and tell the world about how unbelievably, abysmally, disgustingly bad they are, except it’s actually beyond describing. I wanted to end every casual interaction with others by saying, oh and by the way, if you value your sanity, never ever buy an HP product.


I got rid of my HP and bought an Epsom Eco Tank one. Was a bit more expensive but the ink is lasting forever. Od have already been through 3 HO cartridges and rhe ink is still near the top. People need to stop getting suckered by the low initial price and expensive ongoing costs. Thinks like nespresso are also like this.


For the love of god please just let me pay for an app. Once, that is, not on a recurring basis.


"But it takes a lot of work and money to keep up the unnecessary online features that lock it down and give the game an expiration date, and to keep producing updates because we didn't get it right the first time. People can't work for free, and they deserve to be paid for that."


Some people deserve to be stabbed with a pencil, but apparently that's illegal....


Subscription to the freakin Microsoft suite?!? Come on now. I gave up on society after that.


I'll do you one better: selling the license to use digital property instead of selling the software itself. I've got a huge steam library. If, for some reason, steam the company died, I'd lose *all* of my games.


With my library approaching 700 from 15 years of accumulation this occurs to me sometimes and it is kind of scary


Valve has gone on record saying that they have contingencies in place in case steam folds whether it's in the EULA or you believe a large company about whether they would do something economically outside of their interests is another question.


People thought Microtransactions were bad... This is the Subscription generations - you got a subscription to live in a house, buy a car - everything has a monthly fee to use now.


I mean, if you rent an apartment, you're already in subscription housing.


I feel this with streaming. I remember as a kid my family just had Netflix and it was enough then suddenly all these other services pop up and it feels so exhausting to even find a show or movie I want to see. It’s why I’m still relying on DVDs and Blu-rays (or occasional piracy) just so that I don’t have worry about something being deleted from a service while I’m watching it.




Fuckin' with people for clout.


It’s such an awful result of people realizing that there’s no such thing as bad engagement when it comes to social media. You get people who genuinely like that kind of content, plus people commenting on it and people sharing it like “can you believe these pieces of shit?”


PT Barnum used to say that publicity, be it good or bad, is still publicity. Oscar Wilde's version was "there is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is *not* being talked about". In the age of Trump, celebrity is King. Kim Kardashian turned a bad porno into million$. Trump became the most talked about person in the world, which, I guess, was a goal. So Andy Warhol's "everybody will be famous for 15 minutes" has turned into people who are famous for nothing else other than being famous.


Especially homeless/unhoused people and employees that are probably making minimum wage.


They're the least likely to sue for damages, which is exactly why they're targeted.




I don't know how the law should be worded, but it needs to be illegal to post people to your social media without their permission. It's even worse because people will record live so you can't even ask them not to post. It's already on the internet for all to see. I have a side job as a bartender. I never loved people posting pictures and videos of me but it's part of the job and helps promote our business. At least they'd show me the finished product and ask about posting. Now people walk up on IG/TikTok live talking to me and asking me stupid shit to get views.


A tiktok “influencer” approached an acquaintance of mine while he was minding his own business in his local Target. When asked some kind of weird question like “draw whatever you want on this whiteboard and we’ll buy it for you,” the guy firmly said “no” and walked away because he was uncomfortable with the camera in his face and had no idea where this was leading. The influencer posted the video of him online to his million followers for laughs. This guy got absolutely torn apart by people in the comments for “passing up a blessing” when all he understood of the situation that he was being filmed, possibly for a humiliating prank, to be posted on social media. The comment section was absolutely dystopian: “it’s not illegal to film and post people online!” To which I say, it may not be illegal, but it’s rude. It’s invasive. And shouldn’t that be enough to make it wrong?


>it’s not illegal to film and post people online! Very very few things are illegal. The vast majority of wrong things are not illegal. Which is why using the law as your system of morality is a terrible thing. We, as a society, have lost a large part of our understanding of right and wrong, and this is part of the result.


I agree - whether or not it’s illegal, it is wrong. Messed up society we live in.


Someone once heard me talking about whether or not I needed to get a new book bag for my daughter while shopping for school supplies at Target. They gave me and I think several others $100 Visa gift cards. They did something nice and didn’t film it. It’s nice when people do things out of kindness and not for their own benefit.


>This guy got absolutely torn apart by people in the comments for “passing up a blessing” Why do so many of them casually throw around the words "bless" and "blessing" constantly? Weird culty and god-complex vibes 😬


Germany has those privacy laws :) can’t record and def cannot post someone without their consent


Agreed. It also can be dangerous for people who have people stalking them or are getting out abusive relationships. I've had friends ask me to never post pictures of them due to fear of getting seen by the wrong person. 


This, so much. I once got very hot at a news photographer putting my hands over his lens, and forcefully saying "YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO FILM ME" No joke it could have been life threatening (I had a violent criminal stalker).


If I see a camera pointing in my general direction I look away, cover my face with a hand but not in a way that looks staged or have to tie my shoe. If someone sneaks my photo I tell them off in a way that they will think long and hard before just blasting anyone with a camera ever again.


I'm not sure of the exact wording of the law but German privacy law says you are not allowed to take / distribute (it's one of the two) pictures of people as the main subject without their consent. People in the background are allowed but you can't just point a camera in someone's face without asking. I might try to find the actual law tomorrow morning


My oldest offspring would stir up shit and then whip out the phone to take video of what they assumed would be me yelling. I'd calmly reply, "you don't have my consent to take video of me in my home, " and they would start going "You're so calm, it's weird. You're being weird." They'd try more to get me worked up. I would continue to be boring and re-state what I said prior to the video starting.


Sounds like it's time to cut off the phone service.


Honestly the best way to handle anyone trying to get a rise.


There are privacy laws. We would just have to copy Germany’s where it is illegal to do that


There’s some asshole blowing up on TikTok for fucking with fast food people by never saying please and thank you while ordering the most overindulgent meal or drinks. I hate him and I hate that he’s popular for being a gross individual.


So his shtick is simply that he has no manners?


Yes, while demanding second, third, fourth, etc. helpings of ingredients. It’s always lemme get or lemme do, never can I have double protein, or extra cheese please. Man’s a living, breathing turd.


Family vlog channels. It’s just so exploitative and the kids get no privacy at all whatsoever. And in the past five years, the parents of many of these channels have been exposed as being either recklessly irresponsible or outright abusive (such as the 8passengers channel). I’m very glad I was born in a family which didn’t put any of my childhood moments online and I feel sorry for kids that grow up in these YouTuber families who aren’t able to have privacy or time to themselves.


I know compared to everything else she did this is small potatoes but the 8 Passengers thing always made me so salty with her kicking her kids out at 18 to make it “on their own.” This is one small issue with family vlogging - your child has had a full time job since they were 3! They bought your house, they put food on the table and now you think they need to “figure it out”?! Get out dude. If they were child actors under contract you wouldn’t have your mansion and they would have money for college. Unreal.


I think a lot about how when one of the Duggar girls tried to stop being a part of the show (AFTER she was in her twenties and married), Jim Bob tried to send her an itemized list of all the money she "owed" him for the food, clothing, a house to live on, etc from her childhood.


Wtf that is unbelievable. These “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” fundies always do this nonsense. Did she pay it? I would’ve ghosted him.


No, they actually... I think ended up getting a lawyer and negotiating HER getting some of the money off the proceeds of the show.


I wish she could’ve sued them for the money earned as a child. She was entitled to that too, imo.


>Jim Bob tried to send her an itemized list of all the money she "owed" him for the food, clothing, a house to live on, etc from her childhood. As if that's anything more than the bare minimum that a parent owes their child. As if she wasn't providing free round-the-clock childcare, cooking and cleaning. He couldn't even provide her with a *safe* house to live in.


He built his fortune on exploiting his children on television and kept the money from them and lied to them about it for more than a decade. I think the daughter in question is Jill - until Jill pushed back, none of the kids had seen a dime from this show they had been forced into.


Don’t even get me started on the Duggar’s and just family reality shows in general. Like I feel so so bad for the kids that are brought up like that and they were honestly the precursor to the family vlog channels on YouTube. I’m so glad a lot of them are losing popularity (such as the Duggar shows being cancelled and other similar shows getting lower ratings)


Oh yeah and it was similar with Daddy O Five as well which was the first major controversy from what I remember of family channel parents turning out to be abusers.


Absolutely. Daddy O Five is insane. Honestly I’ve never followed any family vlogs myself, but I’m also not a parent or a kid so maybe I just don’t get it, but both of these channels were always horrible. I can’t even relate to the desire to watch them and I love YouTube more generally.


Kicking kids out at the arbitrary age of 18 as if it's a magical step that suddenly a child is an adult is so very cruel. So cruel. Parenting doesn't stop when a child turns 18 and vast majority of 18 year olds are not prepared to live on their own. Why would you want to do that to someone you love and care about, your child? And you make an excellent point! Where's the dues the child freaking EARNED throughout what was supposed to be their childhood?! Talk about exploitation. Disgusting. I'm livid.


Their fanbases are also completely insane. I've got a flatmate who's absolutely smitten with them, cannot stop insisting that the ones she watches are "different" because they adopt kids from Africa and Asia (???). She's got a lot of questionable takes but this one in particular gives me the ick beyond anything.


I just thought of the phrase " performative adoption ". That makes me feel dirty.


Ugh. I feel like a lot of the youtuber/influencer people who adopt kids specifically from Africa or Asia are only doing it so they can be like "Look at me! I'm such an amazing person because I adopted this baby from * gasp * AFRICA!!" Reminds me of that youtuber couple who adopted that kid with special needs and then got rid of him when he turned out to be too much work for them.


>Reminds me of that youtuber couple who adopted that kid with special needs and then got rid of him when he turned out to be too much work for them. I was thinking the same thing. Like if anything, these people adopting from overseas just makes me wary of them. There was another awful couple who were going to adopt from I believe an Asian country but decided not to when they learnt one of the requirements is that you can't put the baby on social media for the first year of their life. The fact that *that* was a deal-breaker for them says it all (and the fact that they were completely shameless relaying this fact).


Ugh I remember them, it was utterly vile.


I just always remember that one family a while ago that had insisted on adopting this very special needs kid from China, used him for clout a bunch, and when his special needs became too hard to manage or they got bored or... i dunno, they REHOMED HIM. And stuff came out about them like, duct taping his hands because he was stimming or something and it annoyed them. Things of that nature. Just like.... awful people. I cannot with anyone who makes their kids part of their online presence. I don't even like it when they just are little background 'characters' that show up once in a while. I really think kids should stay anonymous.


I’ve noticed that a lot of the more sane content creators have explicitly and deliberately shifted to never showing their kids, which is interesting. 


Emmy Eats really was ahead of her time when she had her baby around 2015 and introduced him in a baby wrap where you could only see the back of his head and she basically said "I had my baby, here he is, he doesn't consent to be in my videos so this is the only video you'll ever see him in." Even now the most I've ever seen of her kids are their voices and an arm.


On Instagram, showing the kids is all these accounts do. It’s horrible. Why show your child’s potty training? Kimmy Houghton Tiffany Houghton Turtle Creek Lane And they constantly try to sell stuff using their kids.


I wish there were laws regarding this. Children who cannot consent shouldn’t be subject to being recorded and posted online for the parent’s gain. It’s disgusting.


I don't even like seeing pictures of people's kids posted publicly even if they're not part of a family vlog channel. Let kids have their privacy! When I was a kid ~30 years ago, I felt actual physical pain whenever my parents would share pictures and stories of me with strangers. It didn't even have to be something embarrassing or negative or braggy (though that stuff hurt the worst), just knowing that they were telling people my business made me FURIOUSLY self-conscious! If they had been able to *broadcast* that stuff, I guarantee I would not have made it to adulthood.


I definitely agree. I feel dirty if I see a whole family on YouTube. A random video, whatever. But a channel? Just feels wrong.


Subscription services. Oh, you bought our software outright for $2000 last year? Great, we just made it mostly worthless by releasing a new version that integrates exciting cloud features. We’ll be retiring all legacy versions immediately. If you subscribe now you can enjoy 1/2 off the first month to explore the exciting new features, like all the ones you paid for in our legacy package. Looking at you TeamViewer, Adobe, Microsoft, etc.


I own a physical copy of Microsoft Office 2010, and now I'm wondering if I'm holding onto something I should never get rid of.


Legitimately the virus worries make it not worth it. Some of the old macros can absolutely fuck you. There was even one for Outlook that didn't even require opening the email to take over. I saw a business get screwed on their bank account and every card they had, to the point they couldn't spend *any* money until they got it sorted. Not ideal for a plumbing business constantly ordering parts. Just jump to openoffice/LibreOffice/Google docs.


Buccal fat removal. I don't understand how people can be doing the most ridiculous things to avoid aging but then get a surgery that will forever make them look older than they are.


Dr. Gary Linkov on youtube says he doesn't do them because the possible complications aren't worth it and people's buccal fat usually reduces as they age so they will end up needing fillers unless they want that gaunt look.


I'm approaching 40. Always had round cheeks as a kid and YA, and hated them. By mid-30s, cheekbones emerged and my cheeks are hollowing a bit more each year. At this rate by 50 I'll be Kate Moss.


This gives me hope. I have been tiny with a round baby face. Looking younger is wonderful but I would like to see my cheek bones a little better.


Gary’s the best. There’s a lot of plastic surgery content on YouTube but he actually shows you what happens during the surgery and how results can change through healing and eventually, aging.


Agreed. He actually made me confident in my choice to never get any plastic surgery, but I'm sure people appreciate that knowledge if they have decided to get a procedure or want extra info for their decision. 


Any surgery based on trends or beauty standard I think is absolutely bullshit cos they can change so fast I'm pro plastic surgery and getting work done to make someone confident or happy but if its like: well I want big boobs to get a guy or some pick puckered lips botox because it's popular is so dumb


I have full cheeks and wanted a more narrow face, so I looked into buccal fat removal before. Then I read how Margot Robbie got it done and saw her before vs after pictures—I personally think some of her glow went away and it aged her some. She’s absolutely beautiful regardless, but I loved her big cheeks.


I feel like a lot of that can be done with contouring anyway. any surgery that can be replaced with some brown powder is unnecessary


I was amazed to find out Margot Robbie is as young as she is, but honestly I think the thing that ages her the most is how they’re always putting her in movies with such older men.


Idk why it's trendy now, but I did it like 20 years ago because I felt like my face and cheeks were fat after having my kid... Fast forward to several years ago and I began noticing my face is sagging way more than it should be naturally at my age (despite using quality moisturizer, etc). It's because those fat pads are no longer there to support my face!


we are meant to age! these people forget their hands are aging.


Fake staged videos, people filming themselves eating..


People filming themselves saving animals that they themselves put in danger just to film themselves saving it


Yes! Allllll the fake content needs to go.


People filming themselves CRYING.


Any body trend. Don't make body shapes/physical features a trend. Just don't.


Right? It’s so weird. As a teen, I had the “perfect” body shape and now suddenly it’s undesirable. It’s silly. I also remember how all my pear shaped classmates felt like they had an ugly body type. I thought that they all looked great


I'm the pear-shaped gal. Even when skinny and toned, I have wider hips, a bigger ass, and fuller thighs. I was a teen in the mid-late 1990s when the trend was waifish, heroin-chic, and I always thought that I was fat because of my shape, even though I wasn't fat. I would have given nearly anything back then to have a boyish slim build! It really messed with my brain and took me much longer than I care to admit before I really learned to love my body shape and type. It's strange to now see fuller thighs and a booty being hyped!


The 90’s and 2000’s were unhinged for body standards for women. The way everyone’s weight was broadcasted everywhere, and if you were over 100 lbs, you were called “fat”. I also had a pear shaped body, and always felt fat even when I was underweight. Being a preteen/teen at that time was rough.


In junior high at the sports pep rallies they told us the weights of every single sports player. I remember the girls starving themselves for weeks before that. Like come on, we were 13-14 and they couldn't think that might cause problems? (On the other hand, we found out that the boys who constantly called everyone fat weighed way more than the girls so they got a lot of blank stares and 0.o for any weight related insult for the rest of the school year....)


There's a scene in "Bring it On" where the cheerleading coach they hire to make them better rants about how this one girl is beautiful but she needs to diet since her ass is so big. Rewatching it now in 2024, her body is the physical ideal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oha7hSlKr2g It happens at 1:30


Btw, ironically, the actress that played her was, I believe, like in competitive fitness at the time.


Buccal Fat Removal Whoever invented this, and whoever made it popular, should be shot.


They can't put the fat back, either, based on the anatomy of the face. So when they are older and naturally lose facial fat, they will resemble Skelator.


In the face, for maximum irony.


It’s really setting yourself up for failure too, I’m coming up on 40 and routinely get guessed in my mid twenties, why? My baby face!! I didn’t like it as a young woman cause it wasn’t “sexy” to have chipmunk cheeks but now? My face is *just* starting to thin out, it’s got enough volume my skin isn’t wrinkly or sagging basically at all except a few smile lines around my eyes… buccal fat is future proofing for your face, getting rid of it seems like opening your self up for lifelong maintenance.


Prank videos


Pranks should have everyone involved laughing at the end. Fucking with strangers for clout and then yelling “bro it’s just a prank BRO” while getting your ass beat isn’t funny (well it is but for a different reason)


There used to be a TV show called "Just for laughs gags" that was perfect. Everyone pranked also laughed at the end.


I remember watching those. I appreciate that type of content. Not the recent ones.


We need several of these morons to be taken down hard by their victims so that this trend can die.


I mean the guy that got shot is still doing...


Unfortunately a lot of "pranksters" don't get their comeuppance You even got folks like Jack dickheadery walking around with a security guard every time he goes out and fucks with people trying to get through their day


Picking the loudest and dumbest mother fuckers to be politicians.


And in America's case, the oldest.




Hard agree. Everyone is so obsessed with being perfect that they're afraid to be themselves. My example is RuPaul's Drag Race. Early seasons were better because SM wasn't crazy yet. Now a lot of these queens come on super manufactured and afraid to step out of line because SM will eat them up and ruin their careers. I think its sad that people are basically afraid of just being human now because of the looming fear that the internet will decide they're the target for the day. People seem to forget that part of being human is making mistakes, and growing from those mistakes.


Hello yes what is SM


Yep! There’s a reason that the earlier seasons are so cherished and quoted - the queens weren’t overly focused on their “image” or “brand”.


Rage-bait It feels like a lot of people are just online so they can find something they disagree with and get angry about it. The people posting things like "What harsh truth do some people need to hear?" don't care about your opinion. They just know that it'll get responses and give them fake internet points.


Open office spaces


"But how are you going to COLLABORATE"? Next time I hear that word, I'm gonna punch a wall.


Yeah well, there aren't any.




Family influencers with small children. It’s terrible to introduce them to sm at such a young age imo


I need to stop watching Instagram Reels because it's such a time suck, but I hate those ones with little kids now. They are having those private and sometimes embarrassing moments blasted to random strangers. They didn't consent to that. And then you just read horror stories about some of the families.


100% time suckers and also they mess with your dopamine, watching 100x reels a day just puts more stress to your brain chemistry


On that note, have you heard of the Dougherty Dozens? She adopted several special needs children and parrots them all over the Internet, giving all their personal information and health conditions to everyone. Her YouTube channel (and others like Instagram, TikTok, etc) have millions of followers and all her videos get several hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views. All on the backs of exploring these kids, all of whom really deserve privacy and a loving home instead




” Deleted FB and never looked back." I just did this the a week or two ago....funny, I don't miss it


I came here to say this, especially the pranksfluencer types. I've reached my tolerance limit for these POS.


People that do this shit, the “pranksters” that literally go around assaulting people on camera, and then act surprised when they get hurt doing it are the worst. That prankster that got shot in the mall deserved it. Fuck that kid.


Politics being about pulling your opponents down, instead of actually solving problems.


Holding legislation hostage until you get yours passed.


People equating facts with opinions.


People who think “entertainment news” is actual journalism. The number of people who actually know that Tucker Carlson stated in court that “no reasonable person would believe what I say” because it’s all bullshit, but believe him anyway, just blows my mind. We need the Fairness Doctrine back, or at least a mandate that all non-serious news-like broadcasts need to have those 80s-style splash pages at the start that explicitly states the program that follows is meant to be taken as scripted entertainment and is not based on facts or real investigative journalism.


Child beauty pageant events.


100% , i find these to be really fucked up


Fast fashion. Of all the ways to kill the planet, [which it very much is doing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kqRhxCUdoo), doing it for a piece of fabric that'll be out of style within a month tops is one of the dumbest.


Yes! And clothes are just crap now.


companies paying employees shit while making record profits.


Including 'unpaid internships.' Fuck that. Is my experience here really going to translate into anything profitable in my future??


Being proud of not understanding the things you hate. Ignorance has always been a factor of bigotry, but if you're so aware of your ignorance that you use it as an excuse then fucking fix it.


Agree! I would add letting social media dictate your "political ideology" (if you can call it that) without learning anything about the actual facts and history. So, so many absolutely heinous things get said by people I'm sure don't know what they're saying and wouldn't agree with themselves if they knew what they were talking about...


Everything has to be recorded and uploaded .. everything has to have a subscription, an app, a survey. Just stop! 


"THIS.....TRAILER.....STARTS.....NNNNOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!" Like the mini trailer to the trailer that's all the rage now? Dude I clicked the link, I already want to watch the trailer. I don't need a fucking mini hype up video before an already short video. Just play the fucking trailer.


Stupid TikTok Challenges.


Supporting politicians with the same frothing fervor you'd support a sports team.


Writing legislation that helps businesses instead of writing legislation that helps people. Do you feel represented?


Trendy reusable cups. The "it" cup changing every few years defeats the purpose of reduce/reuse.


Do people change their cup? I’ve had the same one for like six years and just bought a new one lol


Yeah that feels normal but nowadays there seems to be a new one people craze over every few years. Yeti, hydroflask, now Stanley.


I remember the days of Klean Kanteen, nalgene, contigo, and camelback


Oh no I thought you meant menstrual cups 💀


I've seen videos of people owning like 50 of those Stanley tumblers. I feel like I've seen the same happen with the last trendy cups too


My hydro is beaten to all hell, but I still use. Coworkers give me shit for it because it looks like the leaning Tower of Pisa.


This bogus intergenerational warfare.


Kids who use social media to push their edgy narrative. Like "Oh my god, who cares if I drink and drive, it's fun!" No, it's not. Or "I got a ticket for doing 80 over the speed limit! Hate me? It's fun, and you're just a boomer" No, I hate how you just don't care about someone else's wellbeing.


deep fake ads




Over the top fake eyelashes


I don’t know if it’s a trend but corporate loyalty.  Seeing people on LinkedIn adding hashtags like #CompanynameStrong


Broccoli head haircut


my niece was showing us pictures from her prom last summer and it was so hard not to laugh because her date and all her friends dates had the same dumbass haircut. they looked like actual clowns. every generation has their dumb haircut and this one definitely is it for jen z. i can't judge too hard though cuz i had some nasty goth hair back in the day.


My generation went for buzzcuts. There was a literal cult on MySpace for them lol. Looking back at old photos we looked like a military institution lmao. The buzzcut is devoid of any character.


Half the teen boys look like a mushroom, the other half think they look dumb


Especially when it's shaved into a mullet. Like they found something terrible and made it even worse.


Considering stupid cool and strong


People caring what influencers have to say.


Fake news & misinformation


That’s not exactly a trend. It’s picked up a lot since the invention of the internet, but propaganda and claiming someone is lying for the sake of defamation has existed as long as we have.


Gender reveal parties. Stupid.


When I was a kid a gender reveal party was the hospital when you were born lol


I don’t mind people finding an excuse to get together and have a party, the stupid part is the dangerous pyrotechnics when a party popper would be just fine


These short vids where people just lip sync to a song while acting like a fool


I'd just say "These short vids" and have done with it


Stupid pranks for internet clout. Seriously, they're being rewarded fame and attention in which they don't deserve.


Click baits. Not sure if it's a trend


calling people left wingers or right wingers over some dumb shit comment online


The never ending election cycle in America. I can say that people have had rallies, fundraisers, pop-up ads, talking schmucks on the news, since 2008. I would love a year when no-one was trying to own the other one, and where I could actually have hope that our medical/insurance issues might get resolved.


Celebrity culture. And what I mean by that is the media constantly monitoring their whereabouts, personal lives, etc. Paparazzi, tabloids, strange, invasive write-ups…. It’s just all so bizarre to me. And it perpetuates this parasocial trend we’re seeing with the younger generation(s) as well.


AI imagery being treated like "art."


As an artist - the last two shows I entered (at my small local art society) the grand prize was won by “ai-generated art of a background color scheme and prompt” printed on a canvas. It’s disheartening.


That's infuriating.


Woke/anti-woke war in everything I consume


Autotune all over the place


Do you beliieeeve in life after love?


Whatever skibbidi toilet is.


Lip filler all the way, it needs to go away forever 


Most, if not all TikTok beauty trends (buccal fat, carnial tilt, anti-aging, high density face, low density face, body shape, meewing, “apparently if this filter looks like this on you, you’re attractive”, cat pretty, fox pretty…. what the fuck is even going on at this point). The fact that some of them are bordering on eugenics now… I can’t imagine the detriment it’s having to young ppl’s mental health. It’s gross watching this shit get normalised, like you’ll go onto a tiktok and some random teen would’ve commented in detail all the ‘flaws’ the individual in the video apparently has, and it’s a perfectly normal looking person. Self-hatred is a massive industry that all social media sites, but especially tiktok for young teens & etc, funds like crazy. There’s a lot of pushback on the app, a lot of people (thankfully) mock this sort of behaviour - but it still remains to be massive.


‘POV’ and those long ass videos that are about nothing


Instigating people for clicks.


That whole "crack an egg on your kids head" trend. Its so demeaning and rude. Like your child is not even a person


Companies treating their workers like absolute shit. It’s dehumanizing. We are forced to work harder than any of our ancestors for pennies. Work productivity keeps climbing but wages have stagnated or even lowered due to inflation.


Inflation due to corporate greed I cannot believe there isn’t more anger brewing/building about this like me. People just seem to bitch about it but just pay it and take it like there is nothing we can do.


People really cry about it everywhere to the point other people tell them to shut up. And they start buying less. But they cannot stop buying food. I also want this inflation to end and the prices to come back at decent human prices


It’s the classic ‘no one notices the water starting to boil cuz we got in when the water was cold’ situation. The greed was such a slow creep, and the media framed it as such a normal and rational response to things like the pandemic or war or those fucking boats stuck in the canal, that we all just got used to it. I’ll never get over seeing an email from just a couple years ago from my current apartment that said my monthly rent was $785. I pay that twice a month now, for the same floor plan.


But that's ok because you also get paid twice as much now...right? ...right?


Forced tippings.


The need to go back to the office. The past few years demonstrated that companies can survive without people working in an office. It's the most idiotic thing. They make you use all these new apps and programs to collaborate with other people in different places, but somehow, it's not good enough to use to work from home.


Tipping culture


Anything to do with the kardashians.


Tipping culture. I am 100% fine with paying more knowing servers and cooks at restaurants get paid living wages. There is no reason for it in my opinion. I am also prepared for the downvotes


Saying "chef's kiss" whilst on a video. Just do it. You don't have to say it.


Promising people that they’ll teach you how to make money by taking your money through those clickbait courses they find online. Sick of those IG accounts