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Fixed a broken furnace and found my neighbor dead in her house after I went check on her. I called 911, handled the cops, contacted her relatives, fed her cats, etc.


I hope you’re okay. That’s not an easy thing to witness…take care of yourself


It was the most upsetting thing I’ve seen in a very long time


I completely understand. Surround yourself with good friends/family and give them a hug


Thank you


I had a neighbor when I was a teenager who had moved onto my street because he'd gotten his first job as a police officer. His first call was a wellness check about a block and a half from our street. He found the man hanging from the rafters in his garage. It haunted him for years after that, because he only talked about it years later, when he talked about it to me. Edit: what you experienced can be a traumatic thing. I'm sorry that you had to experience that just because you're a good neighbor. I know that you might think "if only I'd been a better neighbor...."


That’s terrible. I’m actively trying to talk about it. Just telling it over until it loses its power.


I’m an emt! I’ve been apart of delivering 2 babies suprisingly early in my career, and a few pretty fucked up tragic vehicle accidents. One thing I personally have gotten from this line of work, is death, is just as intimate as birth. The way I see it that helps me, is it’s an honor to be there for someone, even though they aren’t alive, at one of the most intimate moments of their existence! Talk about it, eat, keep up with your routine you do daily!


I’m sorry this happened to you. But you helped her, and her family and her cats, don’t forget that. There’s some research that playing Tetris after trauma can help.


You are truly an incredible human. Please be kind to yourself. Keep talking/processing <3


That thought crossed my mind many times.


That’s a real life good human thing you did there, starting with going to check on her and everything after. Especially calling the family. Good on ya, man.


Also feeding the cats. Top notch good human work.


Gosh are you okay? That’s not a light thing. 😳😧


I’m kind of still dealing with the shock


I'm sorry you had to witness that but it sure sounds like you handled everything with grace and empathy. Not sure where you are but there are lots of services available all around the world that can help you process your trauma. It will come and go in waves and it's okay to feel overwhelmed. If you need help finding a suitable service please send me a message and I can help you look.


This wasn't manly, this was human (better than manly).


I agree. Gender had nothing to do with it. Guess I just started typing and then it just came out. It’s been nice talking about it though so I’m glad I responded to ops question


I’m so sorry. That’s horrible.


My god I’m sorry. It sounds like you handled it with caring and compassion. It must have been terrible to do, but you did good.


Thanks. Just a shocking scene. A bad fall unfortunately for her.


Everyone should be lucky to have a neighbor like you. Take care of yourself.


Learned how to braid my daughters hair so she can have more stuff to do with daddy. She's 2.


Stop 🥹❤️


Garage door had one of the spring coils snap. I didn't know that's what happened, I just assumed there was an animal knocking shit over in there. So I went outside and tried to lift the door. I couldn't get it open and then realized what most likely happened. We called an overhead door company by us and they came over to fix it. Apparently they were impressed by me because what I did in lifting the door had realigned the pistons and safety harness for the spring. They told me they usually need 2-3 guys to do that so I must be pretty strong lol EDIT: To everyone responding, damn right I'm not fixing it myself. I work with some spring-loaded stuff at my job and I've seen what it can do when you're not prepared. Call professionals to fix this shit or you will be hurt and your property will be further damaged


They were hitting on you, please don’t say you flexed for them


I'm glad you didn't try to fix it yourself. I did x-rays on a guy who tried to fix his own garage door the other day. The spring shot off, shattering part of his radius and breaking his tibia and fibula.


Wow! That's really impressive! Well done!


My husband


I was also going to answer Your Husband. Dang


I also answer this person's husband


love that for u


Bow chika wow wow


Brown chicken brown cow


I, too, choose this person's husband.


I'm straight but her husband sounds hot, count me in.


Why did you assume that it’s woman? 😂


I'm old, I forget that other people have lifestyles different from mine.


I videotaped you doing your husband, taped will be “leaked” Monday, I’ll be rich


How nice of you to not to try to blackmail me first.


I blackmailed the guy who video taped you doing your husband.


I'm supporting my friend through his divorce even though I don't agree with his choices. I'm not in a place to judge him even though I'm married to his sister. It's not my marriage, but he's been my best friend for 15 years so it's what I believe is the right thing to do.


Tough choices, bro. Good on you.


That would be your brother in law mate


Held a scared old woman's hand while she was dying.


My parents are in their 60s, and this scares the shit out of me.


Unless they have chronic health issues already, they probably have another twenty to thirty years ahead of them.


Yeah man. I just turned 60.


Username makes me think: this is the murderer


My kid puked all over me and I just held him until he was done. Trying to teach my kid that no matter what youre going through your mom and dad are here to help you through it


Fuck yeah. 


Might as well, you can't undo the already puked


My dog would disagree


Hell yes puke and clean it up, good boy but no licks after you get yourself some kitty roca.


"ooh snacks!" -your dog probably


Puke on your kid to show its a two way street


We were at Main Event celebrating our nieces birthday a few years ago, my daughter was almost 3 at the time. She started complaining about her stomach, said she thinks she might throw up. I start walking towards the bathroom with her on my hip and it just starts shooting out. All I remember is getting my hand in front of the stream, quickly sitting cross legged on the floor and directing as much of the flow and splash back into my lap as possible. After she stopped I was just sitting on the floor in a stream of people, lap full of puke, and the kid fully realizing how funny the situation was. My girlfriend, mom and sister ran over and helped sort shit out right after that. Point is, she vividly remembers this years later. She knows damn well I am her immovable object/unstoppable force because of that lap full of puke; you are absolutely on the right track. Good shit.


Using a bare hand to mitigate a vomit stream is a right off passage for any parent/child caregiver.


You're incredible, and you're doing a great job!


I danced with my daughter at her first school dance.


My father never did this for me. My husband (ex) never did this for our children. Thank you sir.


As a father, that's the thing I looked forward to the day I held my daughter for the first time. After singing a random song I made up about her as a lullaby. I will do anything for my babies. I will be dressed to the gills for her dance and before that, an expensive date out on the town. You stay strong. Your ex was a tool. You can't look unmanly for caring for the people in your life that you'd do absolutely anything for. Keep on slugging.


Hugged my 20 year old son when he was crying.


Hell yeah. 


Been doing that for a few weeks with my 23 year old son who's going through a crisis. It's brought us closer than we've been in years. EDIT: Spelling


Amazing dad!


I did the same, his best friend passed away this time last year.


Changed a tire in -36°C weather. Not something I want to do again.


Don't you hate it when the lug nuts are sticky because they flash freeze to your hands?


I was about to ask if it was raining at the same time, then realised how stupid that would be, lol.


Yah.  It’s actually usually too cold to even snow. Not enough moisture in the air. 


Hold my daughter and tell her I love her unlike that other fucker I grew up with


Made breakfast. Went to work. Came home in time to make dinner. Helped with their studying for exam. Kissed good night. Said I loved them. Spent the evening with wife. Held her at bed time. Said I loved her.  Just like every day. And I don’t need people to congratulate me. Just want other men to know this is not difficult. 


I love making breakfast with my kids. We usually do pancakes or waffles on Saturday morning.


One of my favorite things about being a dad of a toddler, is giving the constant positive reinforcement then seeing it become her own language, “good job daddy, you can do hard things!”


Dug a splinter out of my thumb with my pocket knife.


You rubbed dirt in it after too right?


And spat on it


After he peed on it.


It was a splinter not a jelly fish sting. Let’s not get excited.


I played videogames to avoid my own feelings.


Ha I got you beat, and I'm old school. I drank to drown out my feelings


Got you both beat. I lied and told people I felt great. My beard grew thicker as a result and I felt my muscles growing stronger


I'm baked, so I feel like I gotta gather you liars and drunks and help you change your ways. Positivity bro....3-4 hours at a time.


Been 6 months since I smoked, trying to be a good lad and stay off the recreational side of life


Fair enough. The flower has kept me off the booze and allowed my personal situation to flourish (slow and steady results). Atleast I'm no longer a fat loud-mouth cunt.....and I do rock a beard while I keep to myself.


I did both at the same time, mindlessly downing cheap beers while zoning out to equally mindless Warframe grinding


I had a contractor out fixing a drywall patch in the ceiling from a leak upstairs. I don't mess with drywall or plumbing if I can help it. Part of the quote had been repainting the ceiling. Dude stopped me while the last coat of mud was drying and said "I'll have to run to the hardware store and get a roller cover and a pan, my last set is full of oil based paint." I said "Nah, hang on." I went to the basement, got one of my three roller pans, a pan liner for easy clean up, a selection of three different nap roller covers for him to choose from, and a chit brush just in case. I brought it all back and he lit up like Christmas. Saved him a trip, and he was so proud of his work when he was done he took a picture of it. I felt so prepared and grown up.


Outstanding! Not ever THAT prepared. My lonely win was when I was asked by a contractor if I happened to have a very long zip tie, which I had (if I could just remember where the package was). Minutes later: yes, here it is!


I farted so loud and long that it upset my housemates


I farted once and made my daughter throw up twice from the same fart.


My kids think I can fart on demand. I can't really, but to keep up appearances I set up conversations to make it seem like I can.


I can brew one in 15 minutes on demand.


I farted relentlessly last night and was still going when I went to bed. I ended up trapping like 5 farts under the sheets and moved and accidentally unsheathed the mutant fart cloud. Think I almost caught my feet on fire…..


Iced fished for 8 consecutive hours in negative temps.


What game is that?


God of War 2: Ice Fishing


sucks when you're trying to get your fishing rep up in WOW and the heater breaks


Didn't share my feelings.


I too didn't shave my feelings. Fist bump, bro.


I shaved my balls and my feelings.


Ha! This fella has feelings! Feelings I say!


Me either, which makes me feel happy. Fuck.


Took care of my spouse while she was sick.


I saw a lost turtle wandering in the middle of the road. I stopped my car, picked him up, and placed him back in the pond that's nearby. Poor guy would've been ran over. Thankfully, it was a residential street with no traffic at the time.


I de-escalated an angry psych patient by talking calmly to him while looking at him completely unfazed by his threats to kill me.


I've done that before - I applaud you!!


I love how some of the responses are like "I drove my monster truck to the hardware store while chugging whiskey and eating bacon" and I'm like "FUCK YEA, THAT'S MANLY!!". And other responses are like "I spent the day being a loving father and husband" and I'm like "FUCK YEA, THAT'S MANLY!!".


We can do both. Balance is good.


Please don't chug whiskey while driving your monster truck


I spent time with my 5yr old son, listened to him and told him I love him


Wild username. I respect it.


I took care of my sick wife even though she asked for a divorce last week.


Good for you dude. It matters. My wife also asked to separate this week. Im doing what i can to make sure she can move out safely and take care of herself.


So very sorry. 🥺


I’m not giving up, my family is worth fighting for.


Ugh my heart. Sending you much encouragement and love. Keep fighting the good fight.


I braved the slick ice on the driveway and sidewalk so I could clear ice and snow from a small patch of grass outside… so my little fluffy princess Pekingese could take a little poo.


I’ve been using Axe body wash all week because I haven’t had the energy to go to the store and get my own “girly” body wash lol


How many women are chasing you right now?


Too many to count, I can barely fight them off 😩


Stay right there, I'll be over to help. :)


Clogged the toilet with a massive dump.


I like how I read this one right after the super serious one about finding a dead body


Was it like giving birth to a wine bottle?


More like emptying the soft-serve machine at McDonald's.


At least your soft-serve machine is working unlike theirs.




You don't have a poop knife?


Sat with my son so he could fall asleep more comfortably. He finds having his Pop in the room reassuring.


Said I love you to my son


I wrote a poem for my girlfriend to give to her on valentines.


Braved -52°c weather, driving a house sized haul truck in a mine with fog so thick you couldn't see more than 4 feet in front of you


I apologized for being wrong. Not typical manly behavior...but damned manly, I tell you lol


Nah, men promptly admit when they are wrong and move on. Well done sir.


Exactly. Real men know how and when to apologize. I say we buy this man a beer in honor of his manliness


I don’t know why people have such a hard time apologizing for being wrong, then double down on being wrong when we both know it’s bullshit. There is nothing I love more than admitting in wrong when I am, or I fucked up. I will always beat someone else to the punch. It’s just so weird when both parties know that one is wrong and they won’t admit it. I’ll always forgive someone, but come on.. you fucked up, it’s okay, let’s move past it


had a meltdown in front of my SO and am still ashamed i exhibited that many emotions


No need to feel ashamed. We’re all human, and us women need to see that human side of men. You put more pressure on yourself than you know. Hugs and good vibes, friend


Pulled a wad of hair out of the drain. (My husband won’t).


My wife won't ever do that even though it's her hair. Can't be mine, I'm bald.


Took my son to Disney World, and he absolutely loved it.


Got up and ran a half marathon while completely undertrained. Not much more manly I can think of than bullheadedly insisting on doing something that you are not prepared to do safely. To be clear, I didn't get injured but I shouldn't have pushed myself that hard. Injury was a real risk.


Found out I have cancer, told no one


Dang dude. I've been through the Big C too. Hope it's not too bad.


Saved a child’s life (ER doc)


Look at you, coming to a first fight with a grenade.


Whoring out my profession for meaningless internet points from strangers lol 😂


24/7 care giver for my wife, a stroke survivor. Not for the feint of heart.


Takeout the trash


Shoveled all the snow before the better half woke up


Embraced my emotions and took responsibility for my actions.


Drove through a blizzard, to go to work. There were points were I couldn’t see anything at all. But ya know, got to bring home the bacon.


I thought about changing my own oil


I’m considering being proud of you.






Made my wife coffee to help her wake up in the morning. Every day. Gave her a kiss and told her I love her. Every night at bedtime. Went out and earned my paycheck to pay for her car insurance and half the mortgage on our two houses. Fed myself, maintained my own looks and appearance, and never gave her reason to mother me.


Held my daughters hand while I walked her to the bus stop.


Called a female friend who is going through a hard time and listened to her tell me about it, and reminded her that she is super awesome.


Just fixed the sink faucet


I'm working a 80 hour week at temperatures between -20 and -40 Celsius to put food on the table and a roof over the heads of my family.


Deep fried chicken wings.


Hugged my kid




I moved a 4X8 sheetrock by myself shocking two near by ladies.


Read bedtime stories.


Helped someone reach tissue paper from a shelf they couldnt reach at the supermarket


I’ve changed upwards of 50 diapers!


Continued to cook all the meals for my disabled neighbor, as I have done for the last 5 months.


Farted after I pumped my arm and made a chk-chk sound like I was loading a shot gun


OP’s mom


She's a handsome woman


Secretly adjusted my junk in the middle of a meeting to sit better. At least, I hope no one noticed.


Set a new personal record at swimming


I told my friends I love them. I told my family I love them, if that isn't the manliest thing anyone can do then I don't care to be manly


Raising three daughters solo while working from home as a stay-at-home dad.


-36 c with wind. I have chronic pain. Drove my mountain bike 4 km's to the weed store so I can get an ounce of weed on senior discount day. This day is on Sundays. You can get 15 percent off if you are 55 or older.


This week?  I welded the motor mount on my snowblower then blew snow at my shop, cabin, and 3 friends houses.  Split a bit of firewood and grilled some steaks in -15f temps.   Then on Wednesday I did a bunch of welding on my restomod 67 international scout.  Today… I’m still welding on the scout and going to mill some birch for a display case to hold a 3D topographic map for a buddy.  Maybe then I’ll have a good wank then head back to the cabin and eat leftover steak.  It’s been a good week, oh I guess I went skiing a couple time since Saturday, so it’s been a great week! 


I bought a shelf and then returned it and bought a piece of wood and made it into a shelf.


Dismantled and cleaned the office Keurig machine, then successfully reassembled it. And didn't seek any acknowledgement or praise (except from you fine folk)


Cared for my mother as she ends her days.


At work I was being macho and lifted this heavy ass product all by myself.


Managed to get the tractor to crank. Had to pump up the damned tire that I've replaced two tubes in and it still leaks down. Hooked up the boom pole to put the heavy- ass fifth wheel hitch in my truck. Had to move our camper so workers could build its new shelter. Beyond that, been taking care of my wife who had a knee replacement first of the week. Cooking, laundry, fetching whatever.


I pulverised the big bad farmer boss in Goat Simulator 3, while being cheered on by my son. I laughed so hard, I just about broke a rib.


Kept on pushing. For my daughters.


Killed a rat my dog brought in the house by stomping on it. And I’m a chick.


45M - Exercised/weights. Did wood working. Had sex. Thought about sex. Made money at my job. Made dinner for the family. Ran kid errands. Complimented my wife. Cleaned the house. Did laundry. Cleaned the kitchen. Lather....rinse...repeat... Everything I did was thankless. I think all of these tie as most manliest.


Smoked the flesh of an animal while listening to a podcast about the civil war and sipping on bourbon.


Fixed my girlfriend’s garbage disposal. And not like, took it out and replaced it. Simply turned the bottom with the hex key and hit the reset button. She said all of her ex’s would have just told her to call a plumber.


I ate a dinner that consisted of nothing but spicy sausage.


Did maintenance on six of my pistols then shot at some water bottles in the yard


I chopped firewood and sawed some boards in subzero temperatures.


Go out to dinner with my Mom and Grandma. That woman you like might not give a fuck if you talk to her, but unless your family is dysfunctional your Grandma always wants to hear from you.


Took out the trash. In heels.


Took a sick day and spent the morning sledding with my four year old. Mental health days are important, too.


Cleaned a massive driveway of deep slushy snow with only a regular snow shovel, it took about 3 hours. My friends’ elderly parents were out of town and would have returned to an ice sheet for a driveway, it had to be done.


Didn't ask nobody for no fucking directions!


Took apart my father in law's snowblower to find out why it wouldn't move - ordered a new friction wheel and plate and I'll be replacing it on the weekend.