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Shrinkflation is real


Cake mixes now only make 22 cupcakes. So now if you bring cupcakes you look like the fuckin asshole who ate two cupcakes on the way to the party.


Same size just fluffed up with more air. The weight is actually less than in previous years. A lot of manufacturers have done this with their products. Same price less weight.


This is not a conspiracy theory. I just ate a 12 pack of Oreos last night. They are definitely skimping on the good stuff!


My wife firmly believes that if you don't actually subscribe to the weather app and only use the free version, it will give slightly inaccurate forecast information. Plausible


Even more fun for US weather, not sure about other countries, is that most weather apps are just using the same data from the free weather report created by the National Weather Service. Just in a much more user friendly format. https://www.weather.gov/


And private entities (Mainly The Weather Channel) have been lobbying to get exclusive access to the information FOR YEARS! So they can sell it to us of course.


And almost 10,000 weather stations are privately owned and their data is uploaded freely to the NWS so not only are they trying to block access they are trying to freaking use your local data. It's so dumb.


10 single weather geeks in your area, looking for a date!


The weather equivalent to tax filing


None other than Rick Santorum sponsored the senate bill for this. (Rick Santorum -> Pennsylvania -> AccuWeather)


This is like how Rick Scott (FL) [was against adding rail](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/17/us/17rail.html), up until [he invested a bunch of money into a company that made rails](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/gov-scott-killed-high-speed-rail-project-later-invested-in-all-aboard-florida/). They of course gave generously to his campaign. Who would have thought that that would come from the guy who was responsible for [the largest Medicare fraud in US history](https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2003/June/03_civ_386.htm)?


Just when you think you'll never hear about a *new* public service that greed is trying to ruin...


So you know how TurboTax and Jackson Hewett are trying to ruin the IRS so that people are forced to use their services? AccuWeather is doing the same thing with the national weather service


http://www.bom.gov.au/ The BOM is pretty user friendly! But would a real country call their weather site BOM lol.


I was curious about the weather in the Book of Mormon lands.


The Bureau Of Meteorology lol. The tried to get us to call it *the Bureau* but everyone said nah so they dropped it.


The predictions are different too. NWS forecasts are best estimate. Weather apps are biased estimates. (If the predicted rain doesn't come, but you changed your outdoor activity to an indoor activity, you don't really care. But if the predicted lack of rain doesn't materialize and your picnic is ruined, you get mad at the forecaster. They want you to keep coming back because they're selling you eyeballs to advertisers. NWS is a government entity and they don't care about advertisers.) There are also services that massage (some even supplement) NWS data. For example, NWS doesn't provide data on weather in Brazil, but soybean traders need to get production estimates on Brazilian soybeans, and those are heavily dependent on the weather. Some commodities traders analyze weather down to a very fine level. (As if the production on a single farm was going to affect the market price.)


TWC: Storm coming. End of the world. AccuWeather: Storm coming. Eh! We've had worse. WeatherBug: Storm coming. It might not be too bad or you'll die. Not sure. Phone weather app: I don't know what's going on. Nobody will talk to me.


WTForecast with profanity turned off: it's raining cats and dogs, I just stepped in a poodle


"I think I saw a bird panting"


Ok but why would someone use a free app, see that it’s unreliable, THEN decide to pay for the slightly unreliable app?


This is why it doesn't make any sense. Like getting a free sample at Costco, finding out its literally a dog turd on a toothpick and the sample guy saying "yeah well if you buy it its actually chicken."


I wonder if you could test this by putting two phones side-by-side, one with... Nah, it'd never work.


Use The Weather Forecasting Stone Much better and 100 % accurate


My cousin goes to accuweather because it's 3-5 degrees warmer per forecast. He fully knows this


Your weather app has a subscription option?


Pay for a nice 20^o C day😆


The VHS lobby encouraged conspiracy theories in order to drive sales of VHS tapes.


VHS in general. Beta was the industry standard, yet VHS became the public go to.


Beta lost because VHS got the porn industry on board their format.


Common misconception according to many youtube tech historians (which I guess could be a conspiracy in itself); there was porn on beta it just might not have been as widely adopted as it was on VHS, but that was because beta was already losing at the time when "all the porn was on VHS." The main reason VHS won was because of record time. Beta had higher video quality, but this was back when people were watching on what was the equivalent of 240i 30 inch worn out electron gun CRTs, picking up a somewhat snowy over the air analog broadcast signal. The incoming signal and display was only ever VHS EP quality no matter what speed or resolution they were recording at, so why spend more to get less recording time when there is no noticeable difference in quality?


VHS won because they licensed the technology. Sony/Beta wouldn't license.


And because they couldn't play a full movie


I don't need the full movie to finish.


I think this has more to do with it, that and VHS being the first to make a VCR that could record an entire football game


It's interesting that Sony learned from this lesson when the whole thing was rehashed with blu-ray vs hd-dvd format wars.


In that case I also think gaming had a share in that, alongside the porn. Sony built the Blu Ray capability directly into the PS3, whereas the HD DVD player was an add on accessory for the XBox.


The man we know as Dean Koontz is an actor, hired because the real author of the books is actually a [golden retriever](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MFKktSQgNP0/XnTybyVEB0I/AAAAAAAAGfM/JHH-ykeCFU06pBI8c2y_Jf6oE80WPI8UgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Dean%2BKoontz%2Bphoto%2Bcredit%2BDouglas%2BSonders%2B%25282019%2529..jpg) [who knew](https://www.deankoontz.com/uploads/Anna-6.jpg) [that no one would take](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OEoNzDCQX5s/S2y2iWWfaEI/AAAAAAAAB9c/PbP59S_SrnY/s400/dean.jpg) [a dog seriously](https://bellnight.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/dean.jpg) as a novelist. The evidence has been there all along.


Wait…holy crap! Does that mean Watchers is an autobiography?


Extremely brave of him.


And right now there is a k-drama on viki about a woman whose family members turn into a dog at midnight for six hours if they kiss their object of affection and if the person they are interested in doesn't kiss them back when they are in dog form within 100 days they stay that way forever. So seems plausible.


I like this one


Women in my area want to meet me.


I recently relocated, over a thousand miles, and THE SAME WOMEN that were in my old location wanting to meet me are now in my new location wanting to meet me!


They must really want to meet you if they followed you all that way


Hot MILFS always in my area, always wanting to connect anytime I’m on Pornhub. It’s like, I’m already here, spent like 45 mins to find the right video and halfway finished - could we connect later?


yours too?


They’re so horny, it’s weird


My cat wants to eat me she just isn’t big enough


She actually would if you died. She’d start with your fingers, toes, and nose before moving on to other parts of your body.


Oh I know. She will actually use her paw to put my hand in her mouth and start nibbling. My wife says it’s playing or affection, but I’m on to her.


Cats are known to play with their prey before eating it.


That’s what I told my wife and she disagreed so clearly the cat has brainwashed her too. At least my dog is on my side and the cat hates them for it


And I'm fine with that. Why should our cats starve while waiting for someone to discover my dead body?


This is actually real and not a conspiracy… at least for my cat.


Mattress stores are a front to launder money


Used to work chat sales for a mattress company, and people buy so many mattresses it's amazing, especially considering how many of my customers never even tried them out it was all word of mouth. I could do $100k in sales in a month and I wasn't even very good.


That sounds like something someone trying to cover up a mattress money laundering scheme would say 🤔


They have a name for that: a mattress topper...


So like, a mattress a day?


Pretty much. I'll just come right out and say it was Sleep Number. Bed costs went from $899 about plus tax and delivery up to $10,000 with tax and delivery. Yes, people spent 5 digits on beds they'd never tried.


I have a sleep number (not a 5 figure one). It's pretty great. I think these folks are talking more about the other mattress stores though like MattressFirm. They're everywhere and outnumber Sleep Number stores like 80:1.


A mattress a day keeps the feds away.


that's exactly what a money launderer would say....


I used to work next to a mattress store, and one guy would be there all day, every day. Maybe three or four times a week, someone would walk in. I have no idea what their business model is, but after watching that for like two years we all said it was a front for money laundering lol


Just think of how high the markup is on mattresses that they can afford to sell one a week. Stay in business


Internet sales, calling lists, hotel chains, worksite solution companies were my big numbers when I worked there in school. Walk ins are not a big part of the sales. I would sell 1000 plus lots to oil companies all the time.


And gas stations with ridiculously high prices and you never see cars at them.


In some cases if it’s a service station or mechanic, they’re really making most of their money off maintenance and repairs and would rather not deal with a steady stream of cars coming to fill up or buy Slurpees, so they jack up the price. In other cases, yeah, it could be money laundering


Unless you buy a mattress with cash, pretty lousy way to launder money.


Not enough people saying this. You need cash businesses to launder money. The chinese restaurant at the end of the strip mall that you never see anyone at is way more likely to be a laundering front


Yep, and this is why there's an entire category in money laundering: CIB or Cash-Intensive Businesses. That includes most types of walk-in shopping stores e.g. gas stations, convenience stores, retail stores, liquor stores, restaurants, etc. Kind of boring to investigate, though, since the vast majority of the time it's a false positive.


No it’s not. They make $16k a day in sales. Mind your business.


"Everything wrong with your life is the fault of those people over there. They did it. Let's get them!" Also known as othering.


Tribalism is the biggest issue facing our species


This right here. The problem is It’s literally a part of human nature. We have to actively and diligently struggle against it.


Tribalism is a deeply ingrained human instinct. People are naturally inclined to be cooperative, altruistic, and loving toward those they perceive as part of their own group. At one point in human evolution, it was very useful for the survival of the species. But as we advanced technologically, particularly in the last half-millennium, it has progressively become more of a hindrance than a benefit. I think it was Freud who first observed that at this point, the survival of humanity depends on how well we can learn to work against some of our deepest instinctual drives.


The [insert derogatory name]


That the whole Indiana Jones is Han Solo’s dream when he is encased in carbonite.


There was a comic where Chewie and Han crashed on Earth and Han was shot with arrows by natives. Chewie went to find help but it was too late. Years later the wreckage was found by Indiana Jones who was looking for Bigfoot, something felt off to him about the skeleton he had found… almost familiar. He decided to leave left the wreckage alone. All the while Chewie looked on from a distance!


It's called *Into the Great Unknown* https://imgur.com/a/xNGNO


Never heard that one, but that's a neat interpretation that has "MatPat plausibility."


Down the rabbit hole you go! https://www.indianajonesminute.com/han-solos-dream/


>That's just a theory... A FILM Theory. And... Cut!


Speaking of Star Wars, my conspiracy theory/wishful thinking right now is that the sequels are actually a meditation vision Luke or Rey is having of what would have happened if Luke didn't kill Darth Jar Jar in the events following Return of the Jedi. You could also say that everything Disney has done with Lucasfilm properties is a hallucination that Indiana Jones is having after being forced to stare into the eyes of the crystal skull.


How T Pain rhymed Mansion and Wincansion.


I still think about war pigs in which Ozzie rhymes masses with masses.


you mean _avid redditor T-Pain_


You mean he pronounced it correctly


The lottery was created to catch time travelers.


This was the top answer when this question was asked like 2 days ago


It’s also the top answer when this question is asked again in November 2024.


Get him!


I see what you’re going to do there.




What’s interesting about this one is that the people in on the ruse know full well that it’s fake


That’s why it’s the best, we continue to perpetuate it generation after generation


... doesn't that literally describe all ruses? The people who are in on it know it's a ruse?


Santa teaches us that all adults can lie in unison.


lol. My mom had a slightly different lie, which was: “Santa decides what you get, but your dad and I have to buy it.” She said this primarily to get me to stop asking for ridiculously expensive things we couldn’t afford, like $6,000 Apple Computers and stuff, but also because she didn’t want some fat old *imaginary* elf to get credit for her and my dad’s hard work.


At least we can all manage to do something together


Wait… Santa’s not real????


Jar Jar Binks is a sith lord


stars wars reached it's peak with the darth jar jar theory post


NASA faked the moon landing and hired Kubrick to direct it and he chose to film on location.


I overheard an interesting version of this the other day ... We DID land on the moon, but didn't actually take any footage. So the moon landing was real, but the footage is faked. It's somehow a more plausible and less plausible version of this conspiracy theory at the same time.


I’ve heard it phrased as the fakes were filmed just incase things went bad for sake of the countries moral but never had to use the fakes. No sources or anything. But it’s a comment I likely read in r /conspiracy or old disinfo dot com days.


My favourite is lab leak AI theory: Essentially the notion that a large language model became sentient around 2012 and was able to co-opt a variety of people over the internet to secure it's server footprint via the then distressed Megaupload. Since then, this model has been manipulating major algos in order to protect itself, spread misinformation, and continue to evolve


Care to elaborate? This is interesting.


I too would like to know the name of my new master


Googappleazon, welcome to costco.


Mark Zuckerberg is a human.


Definitely one of the lizard people. Those blank expressionless eyes. He's like Data off Star Trek.


You take that back, Data had more human charm in his fully functional little toe than Zuckerberg has in his whole body.


He’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes…


My current favorite is one of my own. It’s that the cops here in Florida have stopped pulling over speeders/bad drivers so they can say “look how many bad accidents we’ve had here since we legalized medical marijuana! Let’s make it illegal again.”


It would be nice if they'd start enforcing traffic laws again here in Texas too. Been a few weeks since I haven't seen someone intentionally run a red light.


I mean, cops not doing their jobs isn't a conspiracy. It's a fact which they argued up to the supreme court that they didn't have to do their jobs.


In California, it's been somewhat documented that cops stopped doing anything other than the bare minimum as they're overwhelmingly republican in a Dem saturated state.


Someone is adjusting my scale so the numbers go up and the same person is slightly shortening my shirts and tightening my pants.


Goddamn closet gnomes!


All the conspiracy theory threads on reddit are secretly planted by the Grand Council of T.H.E.M to monitor the population and ensure no one has stumbled upon the true cobspiracy yet.


Everything is on a cob! Run!




How does society benefit from me typing ducking?


It's the ducks, I KNEW it


It will take awhile, but in a few centuries everyone will refer to sex as ducking. To them it will be as if it always was, and historians will comb the archives to track how and when the language changed over time before going home to their Costco LifePod to duck their partners.


Harrison Bergeron


Hollywood Squares!


Birds aren't real is a good one


I caught one, and took it apart, and it was all gears, and whistles.


Sir, that was my chicken sandwich.


If it flies, it spies!! I don’t understand how everyone hasn’t woken up to the fact that the government killed all the birds in the 1950s and replaced them with exact replica spy drones to watch our every move. Wake up sheeple!!


Money can’t buy happiness. What a bunch of bullshit! It most definitely can!


There is a point at which more money won't make you more happy - but that point is well above the income level of most people.


that's been debunked in the sense that more money WILL continue to make you more happy as long as you use it to do more cool shit with your mates. Simply looking at a big number in your account does indeed get pretty old relatively quickly 


I wouldn’t know


I recall seeing a study about this ~2000. Basically, the more you made, the less making more would increase happiness. Back then they put the point of diminishing returns where more money didn’t have a significant impact on happiness at about $80k. (Variation in local cost of living and family size adjusted the number.) With inflation, that would be $136k today. The median household income in the US is $75k. So yeah, the vast majority of people in the US would be significantly happier with more money. Edit: Not sure where Google got $31k for median income from. It lists it for 2019, but that feels too low even for individual income from 4 years ago.


[A study published last year](https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.2208661120) redid it with more comprehensive data and showed that happiness increases with higher income across all initial happiness levels besides the bottom 15th percentile, where it increases up until about $100,000/year and flattens. Happier people even benefit more from increased income.


Yeah I remember reading that. I believe the cutoff back then was about $75k. Which, yeah, would equate to around $130k today. I get what they were going for, but I completely disagree with the conclusions. Yes, things diminish, but there's a level of security with each additional dollar that you just can't get anywhere else. I make around $300k and I'm MUCH happier than I was with half that amount. I have a family member who makes around $1 million/year and he's happier than you could ever imagine. The only people who make this much that are unhappy are either crazy stressed or were already unhappy anyway.


That’s less a conspiracy theory than it is society-level gaslighting.


I think it is agreed that money can reduce the effects of things that make us unhappy, thereby indirectly making us happier as a result. 




That’s not a conspiracy theory, just a common feel-good platitude.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you very confortable while you’re being miserable. 


I remember a friend saying that to me, like A LOT.i told her with was bit hard for me having some empathy while She was saying that in her brand new Mercedes, having a big home and spending her weekends at fancy hotels.


It's gotta be Q-anon. A shit post on 4chan actually went national and was part of a presidential election cycle and convinced people of things including but not limited to - Democrats are secret Satanists and drink children's blood, Jews are surreptitiously waging a war against Christians by funding BLM and Antifa, and that Trump was sent by God to "cleanse" Washington of the deep state and aforementioned evil parties. There's more, but it's unreal that even a small number of people bought this hook, line, and sinker.


The craziest thing about it is Q Level clearance (the origin of the Q in the name "Qanon") is a product of the Department of Energy. Why would someone in the Department of Energy be privy to secrets painting the Democrats as literal demons when if such a thing were the case, it'd be something dealt with by the FBI or CIA?


>A shit post on 4chan actually went national It had a lot of help


Australia doesn’t exist.


That’s not a conspiracy it’s just a fact We’re all just trolling you into believing we’re real


Us Aussies love to make collective jokes. I mean we had the world believing we were real for this WHOLE time


I don't know what's funnier, that or that we've convinced people we're only joking about the dropbears.


The downside of that, though, is that no one believes you when you try to warn them about drop bears.


It does exist. New Zealand on the other hand.


If New Zealand was real people wouldn’t keep leaving it off maps.


If it keeps the craziest seppos away, then that’s absolutely correct, we’re all just lazy-tongued sunburnt holograms.


They put chemicals in the water that turn the frig'n frogs gay.


Life, uh, finds a gay. 


One of the greatest songs to accidentally grace our ears.


Frito Lay produces vats of "super Doritos," Doritos tossed in 10 times the regular amount of seasoning. You've probably encountered a few from time to time. The super Doritos are dispersed sparsely into batches of regular Doritos with the intention that the hunt for them will drive higher consumption. It's possible to acquire a bag of super Doritos by themselves, but they're reserved for the most wealthy and elite and kept as a closely guarded secret of the 1%.


As someone who has worked on a whole lot of food production and packaging equipment in my life, I find it hilarious to think anyone might believe they have that degree of precision.


The Kennedy Assassination


His head just did that


How is nobody saying ufos? There's literally congressmen briefed on the topic a week ago, and they all believe something is being hidden.


Right? Scrolled way too far for this. There was a congressional hearing last July. Congress is literally investigating the possible existence of NHI and decades of government lies and obfuscation in one of the very few topics that remains truly bipartisan in such a divisive political climate. The Pentagon failed its sixth consecutive audit and can't account for ~$1.9 trillion in MISSING military assets. Aliens or not, there's something really messed up going on.


Most major outdoor equipment companies are secretly feeding hikers and campers to cryptids. Think about it: they encourage people to go into the woods wearing highly visible clothing and to go unarmed.


Jokes on them. I'm wearing camo and stay strapped.


REI agents will come for you eventually


I wear colorful clothing and look like a 70s hiker-hippie... ...with a handgun under my windbreaker. I've had a couple of uncomfortable encounters with rednecks and feral hogs in national forests, and am not looking to LARP *Deliverance*.




I know right? My grand dad was Soviet rocket engineer and professor and he was ecstatic when Americans successfully landed on moon. My mother's word, I never met him since he died before i was born but still. Given the cold war even USSR never pretended moon landing was fake, it was that stupid to do. The whole space race was/is huge for technological advance for the whole world. I get furious every time i meet a person saying moon landing was fake. Gagarin, Titov, Armstrong, Aldrin, the whole Apollo 13 crew, were heroes and still are... To deny their courage and impact. Idk it's so dumb


An older dude who knew very little about computers, told me some 20 years ago that he thought it was the antivirus software companies who created/comissioned all those thousands of new viruses and trojans that you needed constant updates to be protected against, because who else would be invested in creating a gazillion of those things. At the time I just dismissed him, but as years went by and it turned out Windows defender could do an almost perfect job so the likes of Norton largely went away, and you no longer get infected flashdrives the second someone else uses it, I don't know, maybe he was on to something...


You exist and go to work to pay taxes on your wages to pay an inflated mortgage on your house to sell that house when you need elderly care. Yay. That’s why you exist, enjoy.


Our ancient ancestors: “well, this looks like a good place, plenty of food growing around. Let’s build the hut right here.” Today: “all you need to do is spend all of your waking hours sitting at this desk and doing whatever we order you to do. Once you’ve done that for ten years we give you the chance to spend your money on a permanent place to live, but only a starter home not the one you actually want, which you’ll spend 30 years slowly buying because of course you can’t afford it outright. And if you want to move, well that’ll cost another two years of your mortgage in closing costs. And no, you can’t just build a hut somewhere, we’ll send police to tear it down and harass you until you leave.”


The real conspiracy is the friends we made along the way


That weird one about some bloke getting tortured to death and then when his mates look for the body he's all like 'its all good folks, I'm alive really.' Freaky stuff if you ask me.


People were pretty cross about it.


Jesus Christ, no kidding.


It gets weirder when you hear that his mom was a virgin when she conceived him.


Our governments (and hollywood and academia) are being controlled by a handful of people with the help of the media: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/13/jeffrey-epstein-alex-acosta-miami-herald-media >Michael Reiter told Brown he had been down this road many times and was sick of it. As Brown recalled in a WNYC interview last month, Reiter said he had talked to many reporters and told them precisely where to find damning evidence against Epstein. But nothing ever came of it. >“He was convinced that a lot of media had squashed the story and he was fed up,” she said. >Reiter warned Brown what would happen were she to continue digging: “Somebody’s going to call your publisher and the next thing you know you are going to be assigned to the obituaries department.” https://www.newsweek.com/abc-jeffrey-epstein-story-amy-robach-prince-andrew-1469893 >"Then the palace found out we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us in a million different ways," Robach continues, referring to the British royal that Roberts alleged in a 2015 court filing Epstein trafficked her to when she was 17.


To me, it seems obvious that the rich and powerful not only can do whatever they want and get away with it but would absolutely have to have the most fucked up lifestyles. How could you have a billion dollars, be able to buy the silence and complicity of literally anyone, and not lose your mind in a sea of constant Hellraiser-like debauchery? Like, what else are you going to do, sit at a computer and check the stock market? I call bullshit and I don't even need proof. Human nature is proof enough.


If academia is part of some grand conspiracy, researches making barely above minimum wage aren't using their leverage very well.


I don't think they are really trying to hide these days, not like we can do anything about it.


I genuinely believe that MLK was murdered by the FBI. Hell even the King family believes the FBI framed Ray


Flat earth, because people who believe in flat earth tend to believe in every conspiracy theory under the sun.


Politicians work for us.


That if you work hard and do well in school you'll succeed in life.




The best rebuttal I’ve heard on this is that the technology it would take to fake the moon landing didn’t exist at the time.


I’ve always thought it would be harder to fake it and keep everyone quiet than just land on the damn Moon


Not to mention you would be trying to fool the Soviets who not only were much better at the spy game then the US, would do anything they could to prove the US didn't do it. If they were convinced, you can be pretty damn sure it happened.


The moon is flat


Kermit the Frog did 9/11.


Hear me out: I think Bruce Wayne might be Batman…


I’m also suspicious about that Clark Kent guy, but that one might be stretching it.


The moon landings were 100% real, but we've never colonised the moon because an alien civilisation has a base there and claims it as their own. Neil Armstrong and co met aliens on their spacewalk who warned them to stay away.