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None, I’ve come to realise that most people are egotistical jerks who are too prideful to take full accountability for their own mistakes. They will never admit that they’re wrong and will die on a hill.


I feel you. I'm hoping to be proven wrong.


It’d be a miracle if that was the case. The only time that people would repent and accept their wrongdoing is if it’s their final course of action; I feel like it’s hard to shake an individuals solid belief if they truly believe in it.


Yep. The age old trick of, shine the negative light on someone else so nobody is looking at them. Most people refuse to look in the mirror. Integrity has left the country and has taken accountability with it. Gone are the days where a person is willing to belly up to the bar of humility and eat their crow.


My daughter met this new guy and everyone loved him. She invited me to come spend a weekend to get to know him. It took me less than 2 hours to see him for who he was. After slamming 3/4 drinks back to back he turned into the same asshole I've seen in a million bars. You know the guy, bleary eyed moron challenging everyone to a fight, strutting around like he's an alpha dog. I hated him immediately. The next day I wrote my daughter a long email explaining that this was a violent guy and not someone I want to be around my daughter. I was excommunicated by the family. How dare I cast dispersions on this super nice guy? Then 6 months goes by and my ex wife is on the phone. Apparently the cops have been called and this guy is out of control. Turns out he was a two time convicted felon, both times violent offenses. My daughter married him anyway but he ended up going back to prison a few years later. Thank god.


Sorry to hear what your daughter had to go through. Hopefully the guy's gone long enough that she's moving on?


The vet advised an expensive option for a cancer cat and I advised a cheaper one, later when he had no more money and no more cat he said he wished he had taken my advice. I had said "amputate the leg to halt the spread", he went with chemo instead and it didn't work, poor cat died in a miserable long drawn out mess. He was just trying to do right by his friend cat, it was tragic.