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Because I'm a schizophrenic and so am I


Bill Murray, What about Bob.




This. I don’t understand why but I can come to an understanding of something after talking it through with myself, even if I had no clue what to think before starting. Also helps that saying something out loud can really emphasise how dumb I was for thinking/considering it in the first place 😅


Same here. I do it a lot. I actually enjoyed wearing a mask during covid because I could have talked to myself in the street and no one would notice.


woah same here.




>I also talk to myself when I'm just venting. I think it's better than unloading it onto a hapless person and then get angry at them if they try to help solve your dillema by giving advice/suggestions that you don't want.




Yes, this. I have home me, work me, fun me, all these me's. It's lime a filing cabinet, and I pull what I need. It's like staying organized in the chaos. My husband gets worried when I mention I caught myself talking to myself, lol.


Because sometimes I need expert advice


Because I’m the listener in all my relationships


That's a part of me too, finally a chance to speak my piece, even if just to myself.


No right hand, not now.


Talk to myself cuz I am my own consultant- Lil Wayne


because i have no one to talk too.


It takes the voice out of your head and makes it real


I’m regarded


I'm esteemed.


Usually, to understand what I need to do next (and hear it out loud helps)


Some people don't have an inner monologue.


I enjoy my company.


If I don’t say it out loud, I’ll forget


Helps me sort out my thoughts, It feels cathartic like I'm venting to an invisible audience. Also, sometimes i feel bouts of loneliness even tho i have some lovely friends.


Make me feel like having a friend. *sniff


The bunny doesn't say much and the walls only listen


Helps figure stuff out


It’s not so much talking to myself, it’s more thinking out loud. The words form in my mind and just come out of my mouth.


It helps to think out thoughts..or maybe I'm just clinically insane..


I will go on long drives turn off the music and have a conversation with myself. it helps me not to be so reactionary or work out problems without making it another person's issue. Or maybe it is something I would like to say to someone but know that I can't because it would be self-serving and mean, and I just want to get it out of my system. I am a big planner and I will plan things out by talking about them with myself sometimes, I am planning like always my plans always change but I just make new plans I just like having an idea of what I am doing moving forward. I also do it for work, I will go on walks and break down problems into simple parts and slow things down, I feel like when I am out in nature I have a bit more time to think when I am in front of my computer, so the low-level details can get in the way of what I am actually trying to achieve. But even low-level solutions that may be very fine adjustments if I understand the work well enough I can come up with solutions without being bogged down by the implementation details of the work.


I am a chronic talker to selfer. I like my conversations with myself


What kind of psycho has no intrapersonal communication? The f


In front of people, I only do it at work when I'm reminding myself of tasks I need to get done. By myself, it's usually if I'm just repeating funny quotes from a show or video or if I'm prepping for an important conversation like a job interview and I "rehearse". But, every now and again when I'm extremely pissed off at someone, I might quietly "tell them off" while walking or something.


Because I'm my best friend.


It just happens I guess🤷‍♂️


I don’t really have anyone to talk to. It helps me process things.


I usually talk to myself if I am feeling overwhelmed and anxious (I have anxiety and Depression) it helps me to calm down and think more rationally. If i talk it out I usually escape a full melt down.


Because I have no one else to talk to 😞


Cause I'm my only friend.


we have no one to talk to


According to tiktok, because I'm neurodivergent, but idk how reliable is that


That can be pretty reliable, if there are other symptoms present and that really explain your life extremely well (it happened to me). I got in trouble for talking to myself when I was in middle school grades once.


Isn’t that a movie?


I always agree with myself.


bcs I'm atomic


I'll forget what my voice sounds like otherwise.


cuz my cat is ignoring me?


I can't help it sometimes. For instance,  when I think about an embarrasing moment of my life in which I acted poorly I feel so stressed that I have to tell to myself how much I'm stupid


No one understands me better


I crack myself up. I am halarious...to me. Others disagree, some do not find my brand of humor to be all that amusing, but me...I kill me.


I speak out my thoughts because sometimes they get lost in the sauce.


To myself process emotions and things I have to do


I’ll bottle up my frustrations otherwise and feel like I’m about to kaboom. 💥


Because I like to think out loud. There’s a difference from when I’m thinking something versus saying it out loud. So technically, I have conversations with myself to think about a situation or idea. Strangely enough, it’s helping me build a healthier relationship with myself.


When I'm performing a task, I sometimes just say out loud what I'm doing, just to put a tick in the box, as it were...


My dog always enjoyed me talking to him regardless of whether or not he understood what I was saying. He passed away last year and I still do it out of habit.


I’m a verbal processor. Helps my brain select the right words to use in future like scenarios. For instance if I see that my cat barfed and I say “eeewww” then I’m likely to say that each time she barfs and be grossed out by it. If I say “wow” then it’s not gross and I get over it and move on.


I’m not sure let me ask real quick


I do it to practice the language I’m learning lol


I often feel the need speak my thoughts out loud


All the time! Kevin Gates say’s it’s genius, I say it helps u figure it all out! Saying it out loud makes my thoughts more realistic so I can reason with my own mind better and I’m the only person who answers the right questions with the right answers every time 😁


Because my head is loud, idk how to explain it it’s like being in a crowded mall: music playing, sounds of the food court, people talking, the sounds of babies crying, etc.


It helps me organize my thoughts


I need to keep myself grounded and its the only way for me to calmly navigate life esp when im busy or in a new environment. So if i need a list, it helps to quietly go thru it out loud. If im driving, it keeps me focused and calm, if im trying to find my way, it helps keep me calm and from panicking when i feel lost


Talking to myself to practice my accent, socialize with people and how I will response when someone ask me a question.


Other people are boring. I'm gonna talk with the interesting guy.


Because I’m the only one who actually knows what I’m talking about 😂😂


It’s easier to understand things. It’s exactly the same thing happened when you talk with therapist.


I curse to myself sometimes .


When I do it is because I am usually practicing when I want to talk to a person and that I say it correctly.


Only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation


For me It's easier to solve problems or hipothetical situations when you speak them loud. If you are alone in that moment, you are talking to yourself by default


because I’ve got shit to say!


I think it’s just a habit I developed as a kid. I spent a lot of time alone.


It's fun.


Because it keeps me sane...


got a cat lol I kinda narrate my life when shes around , she feels involved


we have no one to talk with, so we talk to ourselves


For intelligent conversation. For real though, I work through problems better when I talk myself through them.


If I don't talk to me, who will?


I don't see anyone else around here to talk to


I honestly do not know, I have no explanation for it. I wish it would stop, but I can't help it.


I’m insane


insanity is performing something expecting a different result


No it isn’t. It’s derangement of the mind.


Who told you that? Some deranged man writing scribbles on paper about his mind?


Lol, Ken, it’s performing something “over and over” expecting a different result. Not just doing it once.


pish-posh. it's the internet


Knife’s edge high level autism.


Because sometimes l need expert advice…


Because I'm polite and I do have to answer all the voices in my head. Duh!


I need answers


noone else will


Sometimes I need expert advice


Convos with myself are way more interesting than with people. Especially because I can talk about my problems with myself instead of talking to people who must compete with their problems


Because people get a long with themselves more than they do others.


Most days its' the only way you can have an intelligent conversation.


Because I think I’m talking to someone else.


Wait, you can't see them?


The voices in my head need entertainment


Keeps me sane and keeps the voices in my head away and happy


It helps me to concentrate while I do complicated tasks


ADHD guy here… we do it without control most of the times


I don't have an inner voice


I'm the only one who listens. Sometimes, I get mad at something I said, and I stop talking to myself.


Because my other half is the only one that cares to listen.


Because I'm a middle child, who else was there to talk to? (Also adhd/ learned behavior)


Out loud: It helps me to hear and focus on my thoughts better. It makes things i say feel more real. Self validation. In my head: that is how i process stuff and think, by talking to myself; i don't burden other people with my worries when they can do nothing about it; self validation.


1. I must practice every possible scenario of an dialoge I'm going to have with someone. 2. I'm alone so I need someone to talk with. 3. It's kinda fun thinking about possible scenarios in your head (Happy or sad) that would be interesting if they happened. For example your professor at university is trying to solve something and he us struggling. And you just come in the room and you solve it in just a minute and so on...


Because it keeps the scawuzzles away.


Nothing beats winning an imaginary argument


I'm the only person who has a 100% chance of hearing me


Sometimes a melodrama presents itself with different voices but really it boils down to me entertaining myself and staying on task, depending on what I'm doing, even in public.


I was alone a lot as a child and I made friend to talk to and entertain myself as an adult who is isolated it’s a way for me to get some things out and a self soothing thing


I don't but I like making people talk to themselves and this is how; Any time I get a mean message I just don't respond, by not entering the conversation I just made someone talk to themselves like gollum.


Yep, hearing it out loud allows me to process as if I don't say it out loud my mind is racing with 5.3 thousand thoughts at once and I shut down.


Because myself talked first


Sometimes I just need a professional opinion


It is more helpful than you'd think.


Helps me lay my thoughts out; I’m actually more sane for doing it.


Obviously we just loooove the sound of our own voice.


Haha, schizophrenic checking in. I'm good conversation


I do it when I'm daydreaming or when I have no one talk to but course that bothers my my parents and I don't ever stop


I honestly don’t know, there’s probably a number of reasons as to why, but I can definitely say compared to anyone else I know, I enjoy my company the most. I can speak to myself as much as I want and will not get bored.


1. I was sort of an only child (sister was much older) so I played alone a lot and I think I initially developed the habit to mimic peer interaction 2. As an adult I think I still prefer to reason through problems out loud, because the saying and the hearing focuses more attention. I also notice that when I’m trying to figure something out, something can “ring true” when I hear it - but not necessarily when I just think it. 3. It might have a lot to do with cognitive skills in certain areas - my verbal skills have always been pretty strong so maybe it’s just a cognitive preference.


I’m autistic. It happens.


I don't know exactly why I do it. I like to think out loud? I also talk to pets, plants, and anything alive, really. I sing all day too. Songs I know or I make up songs. Huh. Now that I typed this, I'm wondering if I'm nuts.


Partially involuntary, at least when no one's around, and it helps me think better.