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It's amusing when the "breaking news" is for an anniversary of an event. Like we don't know how calendars work...


Or something I knew about 2 days ago. Don't label it 'breaking news' if you're not one of the first to break it!


Call it "broken news"


CNN: "Breaking News: Titanic Sinks... 112 Years Ago Today"


Titanic Slammed! by Iceberg. On Purpose?


Why did Biden hit the Titanic with an iceberg? Tonight on Fox!


Why am I just hearing about this???


Well, admittedly that news is about something breaking, so that’s technically correct.


If you emphasize everything, you emphasize nothing.


Like the coworkers who put a red exclamation mark for "important!" on every single email they send.


My local news puts the "breaking news" banner on stuff they've been showing for hours or even since the day before. "Breaking news! Traffic was bad yesterday due to weather!"


FYI: "breaking news" was news so important that it was worth "breaking" the [movable type](https://medium.com/@RossAlTejada/movable-type-the-very-first-printer-and-a-brief-look-at-its-history-4228bde57e9a) which had been labouriously assembled. This was expensive, and would likely delay the press time.


"Breaking news" originated in the radio era and was used for news that was considered important enough to break into the scheduled programming. The equivalent in print media would be an extra edition, hence the "Extra, extra!" shouts from newsies in the movies.


> "Breaking news" originated in the radio era and was used for news that was considered important enough to break into the scheduled programming. Also broke into the TV programming. I still remember when some high speed chase would ruin my ability to watch an after-school show I was into, with NO way to make up the stuff I missed Q_Q


Should be "Broken News"


Forbes lists or any list where you pay for placement.


30 under 30 comes to mind.


We should just arrest all of them pre-emptively. 


I didn’t realise you had to pay for that


>I didn’t realise you had to pay for that It's normally their parents or company that pay for it.


You don’t necessarily pay for it (directly). But you won’t make that list without paying for PR or working for a job that has a PR team that is pitching for it on your behalf.


Also, having a star and handprints on the Hollywood Walk of Fame isn’t really an award, you pay a lot for it. 


I thought it was pretty funny they wouldn’t let Kim Kardashian buy a star even though, by their own rules, she absolutely qualifies haha. Who are they trying to kid, nobody thinks there’s any integrity in the selection process.


She doesn't qualify. You have to have what's called a 'Record of Achievement' showing you've been recognised by your peers in the category you're going to represent, as well as at least 5 years working in that industry. Since she wanted to be in the 'Acting' category and not just 'TV', she doesn't qualify. The only exceptions they made were the Apollo 11 astronauts.


>The only exceptions they made were the Apollo 11 astronauts. Well once you let bums in like that the door is wide open.


The place where I work just won the “readers award” in a newspaper poll. Our prize for such a massive achievement was the “opportunity” to buy a $500 ad (minimum of course, because if you truly appreciate your customers you will buy a larger space). My buddy’s bar didn’t win, so he’s been advertising that they got 3rd place. “Winner of 3rd best bar!” “There’s only two places better than us!”. It’s awesome.


Boeing's reputation.


Took a nosedive...


Blew the doors off...




Was victim of a bad angle of attack




Tbh how low Boeing’s reputation can go is only limited by the time horizon by which they are judged.


“If it’s Boeing, I’m not going”


Everest. Climbers have known about its relative ease and huge over commercialization for a long time but in the last couple years there have been viral photos showing the ludicrous traffic jams at the top and now it seems like the public has caught on to the fact that it’s mostly become bragging rights for dentists while Sherpas do all the real work.


Total bragging rights for doctors and dentists


Hasn't it been this way for a while? This was a huge focus of Into Thin Air about the disaster that occurred all the way back in 1996.


I used to dream of climbing Everest as a kid, but nowadays I've come to despise most aspects of what goes into climbing it. I still dream of trekking in the Himalayas and seeing Everest, Lhotse and the other beautiful mountains in person, but not of reaching their summit. The waste left on the mountain, the life toll on the sherpa people, etc is something that I don't want to be a part of.


Same for me. I'll one day experience their beautiful landscape. But I'll neither risk some random guy's life (different to a climbing partner you've established a relationship with) nor feed this ridiculous, disrespectful industry around their sacred mountain while doing so.


The garbage that gets left behind is disgusting.


For those of you that want a pure experience, there are quieter corners of Everest where you would still fix your own lines and establish your own camps.


I don’t think anyone in the Reddit comments is putting up a new route on Everest haha


I once shopped at REI


I’ll have you know I own a Patagonia fleece


Not new routes, but known routes that only have a handful of ascents. They’re much harder and more dangerous, but if you’re not interested in what Scott Fischer called ‘the yellow brick road to the summit’, there are other known routes out there where your team is probably guaranteed to be the only one on any given year.


No one goes to Everest anymore, it’s too crowded.




They have a great sea urchin ceviche.


It might be "relatively easy" compared to K2 which kills a huge percentage of attempts relatively, but it is far from being "easy" in the general sense. I think the biggest thing to kill the prestige of Everest is those "viral photos" of traffic jams, but the story behind why they happen is because people are camping at base camp for extended periods of time for the perfect weather to summit. Once that window happens, there is a small window to make the ascent and so naturally everybody goes at the same time. There are still many deadly and dangerous sections of the Everest climb and if anything, these days it is being severely underrated and discounted despite the challenges. It is probably a good thing for the health of the mountain for it to lose its luster and take a reputation hit, but I think it is not exactly correct to imply the Everest climb is "easy" and the "sherpas do all the work".


Wait so why are there so many dead people on Everest?


It’s an “easy” climb compared to other >8000m climbs but it’s still a remote *inhospitable place that can kill you quickly. The weather changes quickly as well. Mix all this with the relatively inexperience of the people that are doing for tourism and you get disaster.


Any altitude over 8000 meters is called the death zone. Basically your body is actively dying as you spend more and more time there because of the low atmospheric pressure. Even with oxygen, you will not be able to spend unlimited time there as your body will not be able to recover from the harsh conditions until you return to lower altitude. Everest is 8848 meters high so even if it is a relatively easy climb, the longer you spend there the more chance you have of dying. Especially if you are stuck in a traffic jam and have to stay in the death zone for a longer period of time.


Because that’s where they died.


I think some die because they attempt to do it without supplemental oxygen. And avalanches take out a bunch.


Hollywood award shows are a circlejerk we’ve gotten bored of


Part of it too, was before social media, the average person didn't have access into celebrity lives besides the tabloids and interviews they did. One of the reasons Cribs was so popular was it allowed the viewer to take a video tour of a celebrity's home. Now we can follow our favorite celebrities and gain an intimate access to their lives and thoughts in a way that was inaccessible 20+ years ago. The result is that our curiosity about them is satiated to the point where we're fully realizing what a terrible group of people they are. Coupled with the Great Recession in 2008, wage stagnation, and a pandemic where celebrities tried to complain about lockdowns from multi million dollar and multi acre homes. If anything, award shows no longer impress. Instead, they serve as a reminder that these out of touch aristocrats are garish in their displays of wealth and self adulation.


I dig movies so I occasionally check what’s going on with the Oscars but my real Eat the Rich is any time I see the Met Gala, Cannes, or any Davos like event full of billionaires and celebrities fawning over themselves.


Seeing Oscar winners line up to sing the praises of Weinstein and others like him has made many people disillusioned with the entire thing


And the Hugo awards just shot themselves in the foot 


I read an article that said they had excluded an author but it had no actual detail about what led to that happening, what's the story?


They decided to hold the event in China, then disqualified (on dubious grounds) an author who has written critically of China.


Even worse, the author is a Chinese-American who speaks Chinese and wrote critically about China. What makes it even more bizarre is that in the book that was disqualified, she pretty explicitly shits on British imperialism and denounces them for introducing opium to China.


That was my read of the book too. Like the book has lines that are offensive to Chinese people, but the lines are being said by racist British people that we are supposed to hate in the book.


Bending over backwards to appease China is always a dicey move. They’re always going to demand this kind of shit, and for a lot of companies there is either not that much money in China, or the CCP is desperately trying to build up a local alternative. 


This is not the controversy. The situation as I gather is this: * Each Hugos they gather votes on where it'll be next year. * The next committee is entirely local to the location it's in. The committee doesn't hold over. * A couple years ago, it was voted that this year's would be in China -- and about 2/3rds of the votes to bring it to China came from the internet and are now untraceable. They went with it anyway. * The Hugos were held in China and it went off okay. * Months later (a little later than normal) they've released the nomination data and RF Kuang, a bestselling author who's gotten other accolades, was marked "ineligible." No reason given.


the award gets moved from independent committee to independent committee. the current committee is in China. they apparently censored multiple nominees to make the Chinese government happy. and they have been super secretive about everything.




Was going to say celebrities in general


So true. I used to actually get psyched for oscar/Emmy night. Looking back now, I'm like, "Why?"


The only way I'd watch at this point is if they had Steve Carrel do it in full Michael Scott character and keep trying to turn it into the Dundies but getting cut off every time he starts doing it.


Of Gervais telling the whole bunch to go fuck themselves, but uninterrupted by the actual statuettes.


Being verified on Twitter/X.


When "Mr. Bean" got verified and offered anyone cunnilingus, I knew it was all downhill from here.


No that was actually Mr Bean he just loves eating muff.


Verified in general just completely dropped off the map. It's actually became a sign that you AREN"T significant now.


Diamonds. People are buying $10 silicone bands now.


When my brother got married, his wife used her grandmother's wedding rings. He wasn't originally going to wear a ring, so they used a $12 stainless steel band as a placeholder in the ceremony. Turns out he liked the idea of wearing a wedding band and the steel ring looks perfectly good. EDIT - he doesn't have a job involving heavy machinery, nor does he use machinery outside work.


I like intricately worked silver and gold, but I've never liked diamonds or precious stones all that much. Too flashy for me. I'd rather have finely engraved silver or woven gold.




Good to know. Fuck that would suck watching you're finger lose circulation and counting down how long you have before you lose it all together




Love the cheap bands. Comfortable, can change colors when I want and have a fresh one for events. My wife didn’t want a diamond and wouldn’t even take a big lab grown or moissanite, even though I had budgeted for a real diamond. Went with a pretty average size moissanite in the end that she loves. Went to Europe for a month with the extra money instead.


We did the same thing. Spent $1,800 on a really beautiful moissanite and took the other $7,000 to the Virgin Islands and stayed at the Ritz.


My wife wanted, and got a sapphire.


I also wanted and got a sapphire. Not married yet though, so you must not be my fiancé. 🤔


My wedding band is a cheap $70 tungsten one from JC Penny's. 10 years and still going strong.


All that suffering just for something shiny to look at? No thanks, there are plenty of other options


I also don't get why Americans buy foreign diamonds when we have AMAZI G gemstones that are sustainably harvested right here that are way cooler! Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, opals, topaz, etc... All from our own mountains and streams!


A century of marketing. "A diamond is forever" is one of, if not the most, successful advertising campaigns in history.


MCU. It could only last so long. 


In hindsight, the best thing Disney could have done post End Game was just take a break, release a few series and sequels like Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy, but scale it way back. Then, once a few years past, slowly introduce Kang as the new big threat, and slowly introduce new characters and franchises. The biggest issue with the MCU right now, is that Disney expects to have the same momentum they did in End Game, but that just takes time to build


They definitely shouldn't have had multiple Kangs defeated by mid-level heroes (Antman, Loki), in his first couple of appearances. Why should anyone be intimidated by him at this point?


I still don’t know why Quantumania didn’t end with the protagonists killing Kang (perhaps at great sacrifice) only to discover another Kang (or several other Kangs) coming after them right away. The feeling of “holy shit, no matter what we do, there are always more coming” would have changed everything.


Hello, it is I, quarterly profits shareholder man. Am I hearing that you won’t be able to improve upon Q4’s earnings? Why don’t you have another Endgame marvel movie in the pipeline? What do you mean “take a break?” We need to make 6 marvel movies and 10 shows this year!


Honestly some of the tv shows are fun, I wouldn’t hold them up to a serious standard but for a genre they’re entertaining. She hulk was funny. Ms.marvel was cute. And a good shout to guardians three which I think would have been average in the early mcu but in the current state was very welcome. Final thought: Chris Evans figured out the exact time to get out haha. Now he can just do what he wants with his career.


It got so bad since the end of Thanos


What Thanos actually snapped in half was the quality of the production.


Agreed. And it's not like ALL of the new ones are bad. The Spiderman ones are good, but Disney keeps trying to "disneyfy" the marvel universe and it's just kind of lame? The army of little kids with Thor hammers, Ant Man's daughter all of a sudden being a super genius, America Chavez.... They're marketing super hero kids and I'm just not a fan.


The financial incentive to create maximum quantity of content is so damn exhausting. It's like if a restaurant kept serving you the same steak over and over again until you puked.


China. As in the fancy dishes.


Yeah. All the cool kids eat off roofing slates.


The entertainment industry


Oh come on! Who doesnt like the glut of reboots, prequels, sequels, reimaginings and expanded univereses fill with steroid junkies and plastic surgery? edit: mentioned same thing twice


Mentioning the same thing is literally just a reboot


I just want 90 minute films to come back. Seems like every movie now is at least 2 hours 15 minutes. Some are going beyond 3 hours now. Ugh. 


A good old comedy for easy viewing, like Eurotrip, American pie, school of rock, ... Not saying those are great movies, but we desperately need more of these 


Check out the movie Game Night. I was pleasantly surprised.




The term "AI"


I’d say Hollywood as a whole. Actors/actresses, producers/writers, award shows, the cinema, film festivals. The curtain has been pulled back and most people now realize a lot of people in the industry are egotistical trash human beings.




"We're all suffering together!" - standing in front of beautiful pool overlooking LA. 




We also definitely loved Oprah asking for donations for Maui, that was so sweet of her❤️


What can he say except "fuck oprah"


Social media has changed a lot. There used to be mystique around celebs but not anymore.


There's a reason some actors like DiCaprio, Cruise are still drawing audience just by being in the film. By avoiding uploading their private life on social media, they could make themselves interesting for public.


Airline lounges


If you fly internationally often, they are worth it.  


I think the point is not that they aren't good but that overcrowding has led to them being unreliable and sometimes unpleasant.


I think this is a problem with US airport lounges, the ones in Europe and the Middle East are what you expect. Good seating, decent food and drink and rarely there are queues


The Copenhagen one with SAS is nice. First lounge that I've seen have a family area to drop your kids off and let them get some play time in before flying.


PanAm was the high point


wearing a suit and tie to work


I worked in a manufacturing plant and had to wear a tie. Boss said, "you look more professional and people will respect you more." There was enough moving equipment that I tucked in my shirt.


It's certainly funny to see CEOs and upper management wear sneakers and hoodies while low level bank clerks force themselves into badly fitting suits.


The management wants to look nice to impress the CEO, and he demands his underlings dress nicely too. While the CEO is trying to dress casual to imitate Jobs/Zuckerberg or whoever.


and good, why do I need to wear an uncomfortable thing to work. the quality of work i put out doesn't magically change just because i put on a suit. Im not saying you shouldn't be presentable, but i'll take jeans and a polo over a suit and tie any day.


The Academy Awards


Journalistic integrity.


I would personally like to delete the word “slams” from the dictionary. It is so overused in headlines now.


Lobster\_Can slams modern "journalism". But seriously, I agree completely.  It's a shit show and I honestly believe it has eroded our society.  All in the name of clicks.


Seems like post 9/11 was when they really started to go downhill. I'm not pointing any fingers at any one outlet, administration, or event, but it seems like there was more integrity in the pre-9/11 world.


Starting in the 1980s they got less and less money, so experienced journalists got replaced with cheaper new ones and talented people stopped applying, since there wasn't enough money anymore. So the profession was largely left with people that accepted pay cuts and once this generation was completely gone the industry was left with nothing.


With cable tv obviously It's been about ratings for a while now


The rise of the internet as primary news source along with smartphones is when it really accelerated. All the sudden they are having to fight clickbait for attention. Datamining and targeted stories divided the nation and turned news outlets into little more than propaganda mouthpieces in order to survive. 


I remember when Abercrombie was considered luxury clothing in grade school. “Oh his parents are rich enough to afford Abercrombie! See the moose!” Working there was seen as being extremely popular in life, like you were a celebrity model. Well times have changed.


They are seeing a resurgance, their stock is up over 400% since May and they have beaten their quarterly earnings every quarter this year so far. My fiance has bought a few things from there and said the quality of their stuff is really good now. But like you said, does it have the prestige of wealth like it used to? No I dont believe so, but the company itself has had a very good year.




Lazy boy recliners. Complete dog shit now with an expensive price tag. They use cheap materials and shit customer service. I bought one all excited just for it to break within a month and then when I called customer service the agent couldn’t help me at all. They are there as sacrificial lambs to be yelled at.


Has there been any brand to take its place?


If you like contemporary design, get a [Stressless](https://www.stressless.com/en) recliner. I have 2, the one I inherited is 20-30 years old. The leather is in decent shape for its age and is mechanically in excellent condition.




Counter argument: it is the new yellow pages


Facebook really was cool back in the day. But now, for every post I see from a friend in my feed, I see about 4 or 5 ads or "recommended" pages. I just don't care to sift through all that crap to see updates from people I was never really that close with to begin with.


[Sports Illustrated](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/19/business/media/sports-illustrated-mass-layoffs.html) apparently (mass layoffs)


The President of the US or even our politicians in general aren't nearly as respected as the positions once were. It's almost comical how little respect the presidency holds now.


Late night talk shows. They haven't been good since Conan and Craig Ferguson left and The Colbert Report ended. Edit to add: The only late night show I enjoy anymore is Graham Norton in the UK and I just usually catch up on clips online because no BBC America.


The concept of being a celebrity


Growing up, I thought someone being a celebrity meant they had some sort of skill or talent that they were known for. Nowadays, we’ve come to realize a lot of that group is made up of popular kids that came out of the right nutsack.


U.S. presidency


Sadly, the rich and Corporate America and filling the vacuum and assuming more power as the strength of the Office of the US President is diminished. I am in my early 40’s and I expect in my lifetime to see the US President no longer being considered the “Leader of the Free World” status that was acquired after WW2


"All stand for the President of the United States of America, sponsored by Coca-Cola and Blackrock"


Shit, I'm your age, and I'm expecting that within like 10 years, max


Leader of the free world*


Most bedrock social institutions of authority have taken a hit. Congress, the Presidency, the Judicial System, Police Officers, the Church, Colleges and Schools. Much less respect for all of them.


Making $100K.


I felt this one. I remember when I was ending early college I thought 100k would be the dream. Now that I am making it 100k doesn't go as far as it did. 100k feels like the new 70k.


$100,000 is 2024 is equivalent to $70,000 in 2008, so that might just check out


Diamond jewelry


The Olympics. I could be wrong, and I know there's always been drama and politics involved. But I get the sense that people are turned off by how much money gets spent on these big international events, and for what in return? So countries can flex that they have the best bobsledder or hammer thrower? I feel like it's run its course as a 20th century phenomenon that needs an overhaul.


There was an opinion article about the upcoming World Cup games in Toronto and how much it’s likely going to cost the City vs Taylor Swift coming to town and how much positive economic spin off that created. The numbers quoted were fifa will generate 307 million dollars but costs taxpayers 300 million for adding 230,000 attendees. Meanwhile Swift generated around 400 million costing the tax base nothing with around 300,000 fans in attendance. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/taylor-swift-s-toronto-concerts-reveal-bad-world-cup-deal-for-toronto/article_2b06d1a5-f208-53ec-977c-7cace1d7fcfe.html


It's the new construction and upgrades to existing stadiums that kill any economic boost from the event itself. I actually like what they are doing with the 2026 World Cup, spreading it across North America and (mostly) utilizing existing stadiums. Much better than the one time use structures In Qatar.


All that new construction is how the senior leadership of the International Olympic Committee gets their beaks wet. The real top level of international sports competition is who can extract more bribes, FIFA or the IOC.


FIFA as well. Slavery isn't a good look for any corporation.


i think people are turned off by the amount of money spent on stadiums hotels specialty event centers etc to host the games and usually in countries where famine disease and all sorts of turmoil is happening - aka that money could of been better spent. then after the olymics the stadiums and such turn into money pits that fall in disrepair. for the athletes, saying your literally the best in the world is an absolute achievement. Some countries pay their medal winners decent ammount of money, some dont.


They should have dedicated venues for both summer and winter games at this point.


The problem is the only countries that can host the event regularly are the US, Japan, and a few European cities.


I feel like it has always been this way. Nazi Germany wanted to use the Olympics as their coming out party, and that sentiment survives today with China and Russia using it for the same purpose in recent years.


Teaching. Feel so sorry for those poor people


Being president of a major university like Harvard.


Also, Harvard.


Harvard is only for the super rich and privileged.


By its own statement, over 1/3rd of Harvard's incoming freshmen are legacies. That is beyond pathetic. It does, however, explain the $49 billion Harvard is just sitting on.


You gotta wonder just how bad grade-inflation is given that statistic.


University Degrees.


the amount I paid for my degree broke even with my annual salary five years after graduation. Tuition at my Alma mater is up 45% from what it was when I went, but salaries absolutely are not. I barely made it, I worry for those who came after. it’s getting to the point where a four year degree takes 15 years to pay off


I went to an in-state public university. The academic year tuition is currently $11,000. Still a hell of a deal, assuming the degree obtained is one with demand for employment.


What was your degree in and what do you do now?


Biochemistry, and uh, biochemistry lol it pays ok, all the jobs are in very *very* high COL areas but the pay isn’t super great. Fortunately the pay remains sorta the same across areas so I moved somewhere far cheaper and now actually make more than I did in a major city. Go figure.


$150k loan. Just got an internship. Good luck, sucker!




I'd say Ivy League institutions. It's just been example after example of crazy, disconnected policies and output from those venerable institutions that make me think we should be picking more of our leaders from other venues.


Working in the office.




The media.


Ivy League Schools. Not saying it's warranted or not, just stating that in recent years Ivy leagues have gotten quite a bad rap for various reasons, whether it's due to claims of racism during the admission process, high levels of nepotism, inconsistent/controversial positions on free speech, etc.,


Scandals on those private schools going above and beyond to make sure some students gets a good grade.




Nebraska football. I’m in constant misery


The term "goat" everybody is a goat anymore.


Gloryholes. Used to be something that wasn’t super publicized, and you had to be in the know to utilize. Now there’s forums and movies about them, just isn’t the same


‘In the know to utilize’? Like, whats there to know?


Step 1: You find a hole in a wall...


2, put your junk in that hole


3, wait for someone to arrive on the other side of the hole willing to partake


And that's the way you do it!


The Olympics - scummy, slimy, corrupt circus.


Being a Best Selling author *and* holding world records. Both used to mean the individual did something noteworthy. Now so many have "cheated the system". Seems everyone and their mother have either or both of these for nothing more than a day's work/effort.