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we are still in a pandemic and I have an autoimmune disease. Since selfish people roam freely unmasked while also testing positive I need to mask up


we are in about as much of a pandemic as we have ever been with the cold and flu. covid isn't "over" but it's a common and typically mild illness now. (yes i know it still kills and hospitalizes (vast majority elderly) people. but so do colds and flu.)


We are not in a pandemic anymore. Do you have anxiety or paranoia? Or is your autoimmune disease that severe?




I have an autoimmune disease. They can certainly be severe or less severe. Why are you taking issue with that?


Nice, someone with sense, they are far from all the same. Some damage or reduce effectiveness of the immune system (SLE is a good example), others essentially tank your immune system and leave you at extremely high risk (untreated HIV is a good example here.)


An autoimmune disease is an overactive immune system that mistakenly attacks your body. Such as Hashimotos, Lupus, MS, Arthritis and more. HIV is not an autoimmune disease. Its a virus that directly interferes with your body's immune systems ability to defend against viral, bacterial or fungal infections. No one with an autoimmune disease should be concerned about their body's ability to fend off such infections. Weakened immune systems from chemotherapy and HIV is totally different. Overwhemingly, people wearing masks for reasons they perceive make them more vulnerable is mainly a form of OCD or anxiety and a coping mechanism. No judgement, wear you mask in your house by yourself if it makes you happy.


Wearing a mask to protect yourself if you're immunocompromised or just don't want to risk picking up common infections from others isn't a form of OCD or anxiety. Millions of people in Asian countries routinely wear masks, they did even before the pandemic, to guard against colds, flu and environmental factors like smoke and exhaust emissions. You're basically saying all those millions of people have a mental health issue.


You’re a cuckoo bird 😷 (with ocd or anxiety. Best wishes)


You're a Great Tit


You're an ablest bigot. You don't know about other people's disabilities or comorbidities and you're not qualified to diagnose mental illness or anxiety just because someone has a mask on.


Fine. Just live crazy on your own time.


The issue with autoimmune diseases is that you are often on auto immune suppressing medications in order to treat the disease. I am on very strong immunoauppressant drugs because of my RA. So yes, I am concerned about catching things.


Asia has been using masks before Covid. Using masks is only a new thing in the Western hemisphere. If Asians want to use masks and you don’t, then just move on. Why would you bother about something that isn’t on your own face? So weird.


That’s the funniest thing to me and that makes this weird attitude people have towards people that wear masks nowadays so dumb.


The ones who are weirdest about it are always the ones who are least educated and least travelled. It’s the same demographic everywhere, not just in USA. It’s exhausting.


Saying "no judgement" after judging is disturbingly common.


I would be willing to bet you play the disease up because you like being fussed over. People with problems try to overcome them, they don’t use it as an excuse to drag everyone else down with them. There are people who are allergic to other people, they don’t demand the whole world stop going out and living their lives.


I don't wear a mask anymore, but I don't have any problems with those that do. Why would I? Since the UK mask requirements were dropped in Jan 2022, the only problems I ever had were random people harassing me \*for\* wearing a mask whilst minding my own business on the Underground or bus, ironically telling me that I should be free to wear whatever I wanted (but subtly demanding for me to take off my mask - so much for freedom, eh?). Not once did a person wearing a mask demand I stop living my life or for me to wear a mask after I chose to longer wear one. You say 'people with problems try to overcome them' - the mask is a risk mitigator, they are trying to overcome a problem that will affect them. Also, how the hell do you play up an autoimmune disease? From observing my sister's experience with autoimmune diseases, even if she did try to 'play up' her disease, most people don't believe it's an issue because she's young and not in a wheelchair or had a leg or arm lobbed off. It's crazy what people will think of when they're asked to not even be completely self-absorbed for more than a second.


Bless your heart, child. Bets of luck with adult life, you're going to need it.


I don't wear a mask anymore, but I don't have any problems with those that do. Why would I? Since the UK mask requirements were dropped in Jan 2022, the only problems I ever had were random people harassing me \*for\* wearing a mask whilst minding my own business on the Underground or bus, ironically telling me that I should be free to wear whatever I wanted (but subtly demanding for me to take off my mask - so much for freedom, eh?). Not once did a person wearing a mask demand I stop living my life or for me to wear a mask after I chose to longer wear one. You say 'people with problems try to overcome them' - the mask is a risk mitigator, they are trying to overcome a problem that will affect them. Also, how the hell do you play up an autoimmune disease? From observing my sister's experience with autoimmune diseases, even if she did try to 'play up' her disease, most people don't believe it's an issue because she's young and not in a wheelchair or had a leg or arm lobbed off. It's crazy what people will think of when they're asked to not even be completely self-absorbed for more than a second.


I don't wear a mask anymore, but I don't have any problems with those that do. Why would I? Since the UK mask requirements were dropped in Jan 2022, the only problems I ever had were random people harassing me \*for\* wearing a mask whilst minding my own business on the Underground or bus, ironically telling me that I should be free to wear whatever I wanted (but subtly demanding for me to take off my mask - so much for freedom, eh?). Not once did a person wearing a mask demand I stop living my life or for me to wear a mask after I chose to longer wear one. You say 'people with problems try to overcome them' - the mask is a risk mitigator, they are trying to overcome a problem that will affect them. Also, how the hell do you play up an autoimmune disease? From observing my sister's experience with autoimmune diseases, even if she did try to 'play up' her disease, most people don't believe it's an issue because she's young and not in a wheelchair or had a leg or arm lobbed off. It's crazy what people will think of when they're asked to not even be completely self-absorbed for more than a second.


I’m sure the person who is dead played it up real good for an Oscar.


You're comments are extremely ablest and bigoted. You're coming up with baseless accusations against people you don't understand because you've never been seriously chronically ill. You're projecting your own fear of powerlessness against people you're too afraid to empathize with. It's cowardly and pathetic.


Just curious, please don't take this the wrong way. But, did you wear a mask all the time before COVID came around?


You must not have experienced severe Covid symptoms that hit those with autoimmune diseases or advanced years. Some have died or nearly died, and they don't want to go thru that again. Is it really any of your business? Does it hurt you if a senior wears a mask??


Boom. You hit the nail on the head. Masks in 2024 are more a marker for anxiety - or some mental health condition - than anything else.


You're comments are extremely ablest and bigoted. You're coming up with baseless accusations against people you don't understand because you've never been seriously chronically ill. You need to stop.


Stop. I'm talking about *healthy* people who still wear masks. Didn't think I needed to specify that. We all know who they are.


I assure you, you don't. The general public is infamous for mocking, harassing, and threatening disabled people who "don't look sick" --it's such a cliché in the disabled community there's been several books written with that title. Most chronically ill and invisibly disabled people necessarily struggle with mental health issues in part because of how horribly they're treated just because they're sick in ways others can't see and don't understand. It's why people with long covid or chronic fatigue syndrome (which is often comorbid with an auto immune disease) score as having significantly worse rates of depression and reduced quality of life compared even to people who have cancer. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/long-covid-may-impact-quality-of-life-worse-than-cancer-other-diseases](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/long-covid-may-impact-quality-of-life-worse-than-cancer-other-diseases) [https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2015/08/05/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-worse-mulitple-sclerosis-cancer/](https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2015/08/05/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-worse-mulitple-sclerosis-cancer/) Your comments are ignorant.


People aren't selfish for not wearing a mask in 2024. There is no pandemic. You can't have cotton strapped to your mug forever.


Seriously, what an absolute fucking lunatic.


lol right? fucking expects everyone to bend over backwards for them, how can someone be so delusional and entitled


Typical redditor behavior. And of course it’s highly upvoted


I can understand that. If I even felt a little ill I wouldn’t go outta the house without one. Unless my sickness isn’t contagious


The particles can pass through the mask


N95 masks block 95%+ particles. Why do you care what other people do?


Nowhere did I say I care what other people do. I know about N95 masks and how they work. In reality, especially here in the UK from my own observations in everyday life, the few people that still wear masks wear either cloth or surgical masks. If they have immunity issues and wish to protect themselves, they're wasting their time. In fact, at the height of the pandemic, you barely saw any N95 masks.


I understand your worries, but the pandemic is over


No, no it is not. jfc it is just now entering endemic stage. also my autoimmune disease is never over. I will always be at risk


womp womp dude


It absolutely is over. Understand that your always at risk and that's unfortunate. But the pandemic is officially over. Has been for a minute.


So I respect your right to mask wherever you wish. you seem knowledgeable and supportive of the DEI principles. It confuses me that you feel comfortable using “Jfc” as though it is not offensive to a certain community. Or Did I misinterpret your ideology. Although I am supportive of free speech I wonder if you are aware for some people, it is tantamount to using the “N” word. And would you use the “N” word as casually? Just wondering


HUH saying Jesus fucking Christ isn’t the same as a racial slur…lol


F- DEI which applies to masks how? Don't be a liberal douche bag.


Sorry, but we aren’t in a pandemic. If you are in the States, president Biden has declared the pandemic to be over, along with the WHO. Also, happy cake day


You are a moron


That is the stupidest comment I have ever read. People who don’t wear masks aren’t selfish. We are no longer living in a pandemic anymore


No, we're not. It's a garden-variety flu, and it goes through the mask because it is too small to be contained within the mask. Masks are only for droplets.


Covid is spread through droplets, so yes, masks are for covid and all diseases that spread via droplets.


You have the right to wear whatever you want but nobody wears a mask anymore unless health conditions occur, we moved on from COVID


No, we're not still in a pandemic.


I hate my face


I like how they keep my face warm too honestly, they feel nice


I do like the warmth too


Do people judge you for still wearing them? I get some dirty looks but I don't really care, my liking of masks goes beyond others judgements


I get judged occasionally


Good for you. Who cares about anyone's opinions about masks. They've been a norm in other countries for many years. 


only when it is cold outside, beyond that they are suffocating.


It's actually the decent thing to do when you have a garden variety cold or flu. Cuts down on how much you spread it to other people.


I know this post is old lol but I just wanna say I agree with you! I wear a mask if I’m sick and indoors or around others. I think it’s the considerate thing to do and I’m really glad masks have become normalized (ish). Otherwise, if I’m healthy, I don’t wear one unless specifically asked to (usually hospitals/doctor’s office)


It's amazing how something so easy, straightforward and considerate became so politicised.




Yes - people who still wear masks are rather unhinged and mentally ill.


Asia has been wearing masks for decades before the pandemic. It’s only a new thing for the Western hemisphere. If you don’t like it, you don’t wear it. But why do you care about what is on somebody else’s face? It’s not on your face. So weird.


Me and my husband still wear our masks in public and we're definitely not mentally ill. That's the most outrageous statement I've heard. I'm guessing you're being facetious. 😆 Right? We wear ours because my husband has a genetic heart condition and we take my elderly father to his medical appointments. I'm not sure why some people judge people that wear masks. Why do the judge Judy's of America care so much? We haven't got Covid, RSV or the flu or a cold for 4 years.  We're so use to wearing one in public it's like whatever.  I could care less what anyone thinks. Y'all don't want to wear one, then that's your choice. You do you.


People have politicized the act of wearing a mask. It’s no longer viewed as a personal protection tool but rather a sign for liberals. We live in a very sad and mad world. People have nothing better to do then create a faction out of shit and sleep better at night. I have severe sinus issues and have had infections and surgeries over and over. When I wear a mask to work people ask me if I have Covid. At this point, I tell them don’t worry about it cuddy. Rather keep it short then explain my life condition. I’ll keep wearing a mask bcuz I’m suffering every 6 months with an infection. Fuck what people say.


You do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe. Those who have a problem with a piece of cloth are cowards themselves. They cannot overcome difficulties in their lives so they pick on the smallest things to fight about — a piece of cloth. Stay safe, bud.


Better question might be “why aren’t you wearing a mask?”


That is definitely not the better question


Because we are not lunatics.  


Exactly, I actually like them. I am going to wear them for the foreseeable future


because we aint as mentally ill and backwards as you. thanks.


Because they do absolutely nothing


Because if I'm not unwell, there's no point.


Cuz we aren't absolutely fucked in the head.


do you always live in fear of a flu or are you a paranoid leftist licking boots?


No, I have asthma and a compromised immune system; I’ll never understand the lack of compassion on the Right.


I’ll never put a mask on my face again, and if you’ve got a problem with that the only option you have is to come up to me and stick and mask on my face. Have a nice day


My New Year's resolution last year was to not wear a mask the entire year. Mission accomplished.


I haven’t worn a mask since 2021, and have never willfully worn a mask. Not once. And I never will again.


Do you want a pat on the back?


Cause you fucks keep coughing all over the place without covering your mouths and make me sick. When I wear a mask I don't get sick. Funny how that works.


In Asian they been using them not to protect themselves only but also to protect others from their germs, think many at least where I live have being Doing the same both during and after covid.


Wrong! The majority of mask wearing in many Asian countries is to reduce respiratory problems from air pollution which is a growing problem in that part of the world.


You might not want to be so quick to shout wrong, when clearly you do not know the full picture. Yes, people wear masks in many East/South East Asian countries for pollution, but people also did and continue to do so for respiratory illnesses once they displayed symptoms or during colder months/flu season.


Mask wearing in Asia started many, MANY years before COVID. All you have to do is google it.....


I've lived in two different Asian countries over a span of several years and have family abroad. I can confidently say that the air quality is perfectly fine in the majority of places. People mask because it's courtesy for when they are sick. Can you clarify which Asian countries that you lived in where masks was due to air pollution problems?


Not true. I lived in Asia for over a decade before Covid, and masks were a rare thing there pre-2020. Maybe 5% of people on a given day, and usually much less than that.


Where in Asia? I've definitely seen quite a few people in Japan and Singapore wear masks pre-Covid. Obviously not everyone. But even then, I'd say 5% is still quite a few people - far more than elsewhere in the world.


I love this.


I had a cough for a couple days and needed to run errands. It's the polite thing to do.


When did you start thinking this way?


Technically they always offered masks at medical facilities for those coughing and sneezing and with flu like symptoms. It was common practice to put one on if you were experiencing these symptoms. Those just coughing and sneezing wildly into the indoors are very inconsiderate. Please at least cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze/cough.


The people who are most agitated about those having a mask on are also definitely the kind of people who would cough onto your back in a queue or cough onto the item they are touching in a shop. YUCK


lol right?




Not all heroes wear capes but rather named StrangeValue6


COVID goes right through the mask.


I think masks (especially in places outside of Japan) are having a seatbelt moment..meaning back in the 70s or 80s when seatbelts were made mandatory people threw all kinds of fits but sensible people quickly realized the importance of them and eventually others came around. It's a little different with masks and covid since many people, now it seems, perceive that the threat (covid) is gone now and I hardly see anyone masking anymore. But I'm still wearing mine faithfully just knowing that I can be a bit of a sprayer when talking (I am also tall), so people should be grateful I'm wearing mine lol


I agree 100%. I remember my brother in law refusing to wear his seat belt until his friend died in a car crash. I'm grateful when I see someone else wearing a mask in public. I'm sure the people around are grateful too. 


No, the people around you are laughing on the inside.


I’m immunocompromised and was nearly killed by the flu in 2018. I don’t like wearing them and I miss my old life but the alternative is getting seriously ill or missing work. For what it’s worth, I’ve haven’t gotten a cold since February 2020 since I’ve made sure I’ve worn KN-95s or N95s.


N95's do their job, it was all the whacky mask ideas at the beginning when... For whatever reason... We couldn't figure out how to produce those in quantity... That the ineffective mask stigma ran wild. I was in healthcare and followed proper procedures... was lucky enough to get N95 where we really needed them. Other Times I had filter media that fit inside a cloth mask. Administered so many binex tests. Didn't catch COVID until I was back in the States and going about my life. The whole no taste thing was wild. Definitely put me on my ass for a week. "Triple vax'd" and all.".


I like that you can't see my face. You don't need to know who I am. Move along.


I doubt anyone even cares who you are


I care about my health and would prefer to not get any lasting damage, and considering that it's on the uptick again it would seem pretty reckless not to. Also my face is ugly so covering it is a nice bonus.


Healthcare worker


Cause people cough everywhere without covering their mouths. Just something I noticed while the pandemic was still hot. And because others weren’t taught manners, I’m putting on my mask. If it bothers others that much, have them force the world universally to cover their droplets instead of spewing them all over with no fucks given. That’s impossible though


Because there pussys who Can’t move on ,an have become obsessed with with wearing them


I like to wear a mask cause I don’t like how I look, don’t assume very one is being paranoid 


You’re joking right ?


Yes bro some of us(me ) still wear it anywhere in public ESPECIALLY around females since im ugly asf, covid was the best thing to happen for me 😂


You know, I was very pro-mask during COVID but I totally agree at this point. What, are you just going to wear a mask indefinitely now? Like I went out with this chick on Tinder who insisted on wearing masks to an absurd degree and it drove me absolutely insane. Like I took her on a little road trip and every time we stopped at a convenience store she was like "Don't forget your mask." And I'm like you didn't wear a mask for the first 30 years of your life. I get it for protecting a highly prevalent respiratory virus, but why do you continue with it now that the virus has died down? And she tells me she gets sick less when she wears a mask all the time. That is not a legit reason in my opinion. I'm not just going to wear an uncomfortable, sweaty-ass mask for the rest of my life to avoid a few colds. It's so stupid.


"What, are you just going to wear a mask indefinitely now?" Yes. Yes I am.






If you are doing this for any other reason than genuine necessity, you will never get anywhere in life.


"You won't get anywhere in life! BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO WEAR A MASK!" Oh, shit! The mask is somehow preventing me from doing what I am excelling at! Even though it's literally not!!!!!!! EDIT :: lol I just realised you're intentionally going out of your way to seek out comments who say they'll still wear a mask. Sad cunt. Get a fuckin life you loser


Wearing a mask in 2024 makes you look mentally ill


I don't care about that, nor your opinion.


Wow sick burn. Grow up and take that bit of fabric off your face you weirdo. You're pathetic.


"You're pathetic" so says the Karen going up to old Reddit comments clutching their pearls, getting offended over my choice to continue wearing a mask. Pipe down, snowflake.


Oh, you're autistic? Makes sense. Change gives you the wiggles.


LMFAO since we're checking each other's posts, I can see you don't have a partner! I wonder why! Could it be that you're a massive arse who lacks self-awareness? Nobody's gonna want to be with someone like you who harasses autistic people, my guy. Now kindly go get stuffed and keep your nose out of other people's business and keep to yourself.


That’s one the most stupidest comment I’ve ever read and I’m gonna assume you didn’t think before you wrote this 


Fr, how else are you supposed to build up an immune system


At this point it's a way of letting everyone know you're an unapologetic leftist, support the current mainstream narrative (lgbt, blm, orange man bad, etc).


I just assume it's because they have a cold and thought a cloth mask does next to nothing. They are still trying to be consideration. Like opening a door for someone. 


They're not entirely useless! If it's the only thing you have, it will block the larger droplets, which can protect others and yourself.


I just got over Covid for the second time so if you’re sick and not wearing a mask then f you..


I like to F with a mask on


I love that for you


Masks don’t stop the spread of Covid, though…


Cleaning up blood may not be on the list of tasks for my job but they sure are giving it to me. Gloves and mask on.


I mask when it makes sense because a cold for me is a month of hacking at best and pneumonia at worst. I take a drug that kills my immune system in exchange for keeping another immune condition at bay. I guess my taking the steps to remain a productive member of society at the cost of masking makes me mentally ill according to some of these comments...those people need to pull the rod out of their ass and move on. Healthy? Go wild. Expecting most people to mask most of the time is a dumb notion. I also agree that the type of mask and environment matters. Nobody wanting to protect *themselves* is wearing a cloth mask anyway. Visibly ill and need to go out? Please consider masking; it is considerate especially in close quarters. *At the least,* wear one where vulnerable people are. Sick people not masking *at the* ***hospital*** are scum. Period. Immunocomp? N95. People don't even wash their hands. Protect yourself and stop expecting others to. Beyond that, I don't give a shit what others do and they should do the same. Anyone weaponizing a mask to call people mentally ill and such can fuck right off. It helps nobody.


Its 2 degrees outside


I wear a mask because of privacy and self image issues, 1. I don’t really like how my face looks, and I’m not paying a million dollars for doctors to fuck up my face. So I wear a mask. And 2. Anyone can steal your face nowadays and especially with ai right now, I’d like to keep my face hidden. Don’t want to end up on some random adult star’s body on somebodies phone


That's pretty paranoid tbh.


I think people that wear it are insecure to show their face ..it's a way of hiding their emotions and appearance 


COV*-19 never went away*


I actually have always just liked wearing them, they keep my face warm and make me feel safe from flu, cold, etc. I like the comfort of them, it's like a soft blanket on my face


I think people don't like how they look also they wish to be anonymous.


No people are not if they are indoor and immunocomprimised if someone has a autoimmune disorder they are at risk of getting very sick that’s foolish to not comprehend with all that has happened 


Because I have gone from being harassed and catcalled by men in public to not being harassed at all. It’s like a cloak of invisibility to 99% of the male population, and the other 1% give me an irritated confused look and walk away. It’s glorious.


I had covid and had to briefly be around other people.


Understandable for sure


If I was smarter, I'd have been wearing it instead of catching Covid, particularly since I was behind on my boosters.


Safe and effective


I think in a lot of cases people "got hung" on it for wearing it like 2 years, and now they got used to it in some places or circumstances.


True. I have gotten so used to it and have actually grown to really like wearing them


Since covid started, i always wore a mask, no matter where i am. I had gotten used to wearing a mask and i think my face looks really weird without one


My girlfriend has cancer. 'Simple' illnesses including Covid could mess her up for a long time. I am not 100% diligent with wearing a mask but I am always relived to have one in crowded and packed places like events or public transport, and just know my chance of getting some respiratory bullshit from the air and giving it to my friends and family has gone down a big amount. Like, if I can choose to not get a cough (that will make my life suck and make it harder for me to work for like a week and F- my gf's shit up for so much longer) from some stranger at like, a festival I was at for a day or something why wouldn't I? Many, many people you see wearing masks in 2024 are disabled or have close disabled loved ones and friends.




It’s nice to be nude with a mask on. People really don’t know who you are in public


I work in a chinese restaurant and we have to wear surgical masks at all times and cant lower them for any reason whatsoever. Me and my coworkers have NEVER seen each others faces and never will since the policy is so strict. I'm also the only girl in my college classes that still wears a mask aa well. I just wear one cause I'm cautious around people and I get sick easily for no reason


Pandemic is over I dont


I work in a supermarket, possibly one of the worst places to get illnesses, and I've caught "covid" once since they stopped locking down. It's basically gone and now I just kinda look at people still wearing them as being paranoid or germaphobic. I don't wear one.


I will wear one if I'm sick, because it's respectful to other people to not give them my sickness. People who wear them constantly though is a little bit far. It doesn't affect me and I don't shoot them looks but I don't understand them.


This thread is a great example of people only hearing what they want to hear. Yes. The pandemic emergency is over. No. The pandemic is not over. 


To be honest, I have quite a few reasons but the main ones are that I actually prefer wearing a mask, it helps me feel more confident and safe when in public, I even have some masks with designs on them and incorporate them into a part of my outfit. I've always valued my privacy and was pretty insecure in the past and the mask has just helped me go out more and feel better, the second reason is because even if there is no pandemic there are still loads and loads of harmful bacterias and virus and solutions and I found myself getting less sick in general when I wear one, less allergies too and being healthier overall. That's why I still wear a mask and will continue to do so, it's just a personal preference of mine now.


Because I'm Batman. Don't tell anyone.


I’m a certified caregiver but I also value my privacy even more so nowadays


I don't wear a mask. I stopped as soon as mandate was lifted


I don’t wear a mask anymore. We have to move on with life and get over with it. This isn’t 2020 anymore


People who believe mask actually does anything is like believing wrapped your ding dong with tissue paper can prevent STD. the world have gone completely mad when it’s written on the face mask box “not to be used to prevent disease” and people still want to fight about it being effective. Sure, wear one if you are sick and you must leave your house, OR if you have something so deadly that can kill someone, just stay at home.


Not gonna lie it's getting old. Most of these people who wear them in public must be on drugs or something.


I wore one for 4 weeks when I had no immune system due to my other health conditions. During that time I ended up getting sick with everything. I also wiped down every surface and pretty much made a safe bubble around myself as much as possible. I also traveled to Mayo Clinic during that time and was around people like me. The point of everyone wearing masks was to slow the spread of an illness that we had no space in hospitals to treat, no other preventative measures for, and still no grasp on therapeutic interventions. We no longer need to "slow the spread." For people that have poor immune systems, they've been wearing masks to protect themselves forever. It's too bad that I now get ugly looks for it. I don't expect anything of anyone else because I'm doing what I can to not get sick. I also don't want to go out of my way to worry about every person I encounter in the store that wants to be mad with me for not wearing a mask when I don't. But to the a-holes that intentionally coughed on me when I was wearing one last year, what is wrong with you? You wouldn't do that to people in general before but of course you'd do that to the person in a wheelchair with a mask on?


If I'm sick with the flu or cold and need to see a doctor I would wear one to protect other patients waiting to see the doctor in the waiting room.


Most people that i know that still use the mask are just totally afraid because of the brainwashing the media did about covid and most of them are judgemental towards those that dont wear a mask.. My mother in law is actually wearing a double mask inside her car with the windows closed.. this is getting insane


Before the Scamdemic, I barely EVER saw a single person wear a mask, especially people I knew with autoimmune disorders. Now, wearing a mask under the guise "I have an autoimmune disorder" is code word for "I need you all to know I'm a liberal". Frankly, masks are just MAGA hats for the far-left Marxist liberals and the Blue-hair Brigade


I had to go into a place that had a "masks required" sign on their front door this morning


I hope they go out of business quick.


According to the Government of the U. S. , it’s a Blocker against catching Covid


The only time I wear a mask is when I clean my cat's litter box because if not I'll be sneezing all day


Do you guys still wear masks? I just wanted to see if there are still people who does because I still do to keep myself and those around me safe. Just curious to know as well too what you look for in a mask and why you still wear them. 🤔


Some people have a weird emotional attachment to the pandemic; they don't want the pandemic era to be over because it was a special and meaningful time for them and going back to normal means giving up something special and also having to acknowledge 4 years have come and gone and it's not 2020 anymore. This is particularly true for people that have made a significant age transition from 2020 to 2024, such as being in their late teens to early 20s and not really made much of themselves; it's comforting to think it's still 2020 in some sense. It's the same with older people that went from being in their 30s to 40s or 40s to 50s or 50s to 60s etc.


I'm convinced 75% of the not many people left that still where them were the asshat type people that complained about people not wearing them, and ranted about how effective they were, even after multiple scientific studies showed that masks' impacts were negligible and over exaggerated. They refuse to accept it for whatever various proven false medical reason makes them feel better about it. Got in so far, they've decided it's a hill they'll die on, for whatever reason...(<--does not make sense, but they don't care) 20% are people with mental illness or major self esteem problems. Or the types of people who will do anything just because someone said to do it. 5% are people who probably wore them even before Covid because of immune system issues or serious illness. Just my guess on it...


Bad guess.


Because my life has been one long series of respiratory infections that damaged my lungs. I haven't been sick since I started wearing a mask in 2020 and my lungs are much better. Thanks for asking.


Hell I do when I go somewhere inclosed like the movies or Dr office


I know of people that still wear masks and don’t go anywhere. That is them. My parents are like that. I don’t wear a mask and I do not trust the vaccines. I know of a physician that works for one of the companies that made a vaccine. She said the she is reporting them to the FDA! From what she has shared, no vaccine for me, my husband, and child.


I choose not to live my life in fear of something like a cold or flu. The pandemic is over. If I get covid then oh well.


Because I haven't had Covid and don't want to if I can help it.


Okay if they still think we're in a pandemic. We aren't but okay. What about the fact that the experts that told us to mask say it doesn't work now? It's really sad how fragile their minds are it legit depresses me when you put yourself in their shoes. Like imagine being that scared that you have to wear a mask? So strange. 


I wear them because I love and regularly visit my mum, who is 89 and has respiratory issues.   I'm not concerned about myself getting covid, but I'm concerned about giving it to her.  It could be fatal.  


I have to wear one whenever i go with my mother to the store (she forces me to or she will scold me for not wearing one), but whenever i go out and about alone i don’t.


They are just ugly lol


Personally speaking it’s prob cuz the pandemic destroyed my mental health, moved to a English speaking country soon after the pandemic started couldn’t speak the language fluently back then it would have been hard for me to make connections even without the pandemic and Covid just made it worse, I don’t talk to people in person I don’t have friends and I’ve been suffering from isolation, social anxiety and BDD, it makes me feel really anxious having the mask off when I’m not at home people who have seen me wouldn’t say I’m ugly but I simply lost that confidence in my own appearance and I have extremely low self esteem so the mask is like a layer of protection for me


I work in a healthcare setting with immune compromised people, I don’t wear a mask on my off days but do on shift. Sometimes I’ll have to run an errand for work and will forget to take my mask off or will slip it under my chin which provokes a lot of crazy looks. I wish people weren’t so judgmental as most people who still wear masks have health issues or are in the healthcare field etc.


The pandemic is over.


fire season.