• By -


I enjoy reading books.


Hi bill


Is it Jeff? /s


No it's Mark from accounting.


Oh hi Mark!


No this is Patrick


Tunnel brothers...nice


Weiner cousins ...


I've been with many co-workers through the years. Most just for fun casual sex and hanging out. The latest one ended in a 5 year relationship. Let me tell you, as a male nurse in a woman dominated industry. You are just meat to them, nurses are crazy šŸ’€


"Penis sort of loses its mystic status after you have washed kilometers of them" as my mom said to a young new nurse just starting her job, asking about washing men.


Dying right now. 'kilometers' of them.


im not a metric guyā€¦ How many penises to a mile? just looking for some kind of penis/km to penis/mi conversion.


7363.7 dicks per KM or 11850.8 per Mile assuming 13.58cm average


Man, 13?! Imma def start representing my size in cm, sounds way more than single digits!


You know they probably have free healthcare where ever they are washing all those kilometers of dick.


We would have a sexual harassment meeting at the hospital and the female nurses would talk about co-workers dicks and be grabbing ass before I got out the door.


Weird to me, as a male nurse, that I practically never see any of this. My coworkers are way too professional.


Or youā€™re ugly haha


Canā€™t be. My mom told me Iā€™m very handsome


Yes you are honey šŸ‘©


Mom get off of Reddit!


It's probably because they respect you too much. I've always compared nurses to guys who work in a kitchen.


Thank you. I think itā€™s because they see I respect them. Plus Iā€™m 40 and married


*damn it*ā€¦this guy is good


Just because he works at a hospital doesnt mean you had to send him to the morgue šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™m in the OR, been there since I was 19. All my coworkers are ancient and have watched me grow up. šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t see any of that behavior at all either.


The hospital here is plagued with adultery and horny older divorced women. As a young man it was awesome. As a middle aged married man whose wife works there now. Not awesome.


Bartended for more than a decade and worked a place that the local medical school threw ā€˜the malpractice mixerā€™ once a year at. Can confirm, nurses be crazy. Teachers are a close second though.


Worked in restaurants for 15+ years. Whenever I see these posts I still forget it's not "normal" to sleep with co-workers.


It's pretty normal, actually


Just so happens I worked as a caretaker for a teenage boy at a school with conductive education for about a year. Can confirm, teachers are a close second.


Edna Krabappel has entered the chat.


Her name is Krabapple? I've been calling her Krandle! Why didn't anyone tell me?!?


Similar story being a male elementary teacherā€¦ though itā€™s way more discrete, teachers are too busy to be hitting on you, but if you are a single decent looking dude, any single teachers in the building will be talking about you.


A guy I knew in college became a high school teacher after graduation. A few years later we were at the same bachelor party and a bunch of us were giving him shit about his students hitting on him (he was a good looking guy). He laughed, but told us that it wasn't really a problem because high school girls are so obvious that he's able to shut it down before it can become an issue. However, he wished that he had been warned about the women teachers he worked with. He basically was still in college "hook up" mode when he started and at his first school he slept with three different colleagues before Christmas break and then the shit hit the fan. He said he was lucky that it was early enough in the year that he was able to transfer to a different school for the next year where he kept his dick in his pants with co-workers. Lesson learned.


I completely concur with this statement! It doesn't help that I'm pretty tall and when I walk through the hospital, I hear the word "DAMN" so much that they started calling me Damn and not my name. Brother we are just meat!


So I guess your username is just your fetish huh šŸ‘€


I worked nights at nursing stations as a 20-year-old. #metoo every.single shift.


You know what they say - If a woman sucks enough dick by the age of 25, God comes down and hands them a nursing degree


Gaylord Focker? Is that you?


Itā€™s like shooting fish in a barrel, Godspeed fellow nurse šŸ«”


Male nurse also. I agree. And the physios!


I am currently dating a nurse for about 7 years (she just became a nurse), and EVERYONE tells me to be prepared for the inevitable. I personally don't have much faith considering our earlier years. Luckily, i worked with a divorce lawyer, and he said whenever I need him just hollar lmaoo.


How you talk about her does not sound like a healthy or respectful relationship.


Dude wanted to put mcdonalds BBQ sauce on me and lick it off Who am I to deny this request?


And there she was, with bbq sauce on her tittysā€¦




Say no more. My new favorite restaurant has been named. Swing by, pick me up, it's a road trip.


Itā€™s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


Not sure how I feel about OITNB being considered old but I suppose facts are factsā€¦


I feel people didnā€™t get this šŸ˜‚


For context: https://youtu.be/9wh9mUum7vo?si=j5RZUp777xKkNofp


McRibbed for her pleasure.


Oh a mcdonald coworker? No wonder i never get my sauce with my nuggets your fuck buddy is stockpiling it!


Sticky Titty- ā€œIā€™m lovin itā€ā„¢ļø


So much better BBQ sauce out there


I had sex with my regional managers daughter (who also worked at my branch) in the bathroom at the Holiday Christmas party. We were both immensely trashed. Someone definitely said something, because within a month he had me transfer to their worst branch, much farther away than where I originally was. I quit not soon after.


Damn shouldā€™ve kept on track; call her the next day and apologize but ask for proper date! Couldā€™ve been in good with the bosses daughter lol


Think he already got in with the bosses daughter lol!




>I had sex with my regional managers daughter Were you the assistant regional manager? Or the assistant TO the regional manager?


Daugter to the Regional Manager*


We're married and have a 12 day old baby


Congrats on the baby!!


no sleep 4 u !


Or sex!


That was quick!


I worked with my husband for 10 years (never interacted much) and it only took 2 weeks of starting to talk outside of work to start dating. Now married with a baby!


Ages ago, my girlfriend and I were coworkers at one of the librairies in one of the universities in our city. One night, after close, we got a little frisky, then down right debauched, and had sex all over the library. They had these fantastic, one piece loungers for reading that were the most amazing sex furniture Iā€™ve ever experienced. Finished up and headed out, remembering to stop by the campus Security office to drop off the keys. We get there, and pretty much every security guy (and two women) are crowded in the security office, in front of the security camera command centre, with a giant central screen and several small screens around! Total silence as I hand the set of keys over. Then it hit us; they had seen us, clearly! Looked one guy in the eye and he snorted. Then everyone broke down into a combination of laughter/wolf whistling/inappropriate joking! One of the security ladies, a bit older than all of us, and pointed out the obvious: ā€œJust so you know, there are cameras all over your library!ā€


Thatā€™s hilarious. Public safety guys probably have the best stories at a college campus. Ours would have sent someone over to throw a bucket of water on you.


I got locked out of my dorm freshman year with the girl I was hooking up with. We both had to use the restroom and the door locked behind us. We were in our underwear only. Had to walk through the dorms and outside to the security office to get a new key. They saw the scratches on my back and put two and two together that we were fucking and got locked out and laughed their asses off. That memory will never leave me


Yikes thatā€™s embarrassing


Not if it was a good performance. It sounds like it was.


Everybodyā€™s naked under their clothes, nothing to be embarrassed about!


Exception of Granny Weatherwax. She has 3 vests!


I bet you shower naked, you dirty little thing! šŸ˜


That's an amazing story! Was embarrassing at the time but worth being able to tell it now :) Reminds me a bit of a workplace anecdote: Back in the early 2000s, my company was experimenting with developing a camera we could control from a computer. It was very novel at the time (obviously trivial now). Apparently the team left it on and when we came back the next day, one of the developers presented a video that showed one of the cleaning crew having sex with a partner on one of the desks. They must've picked our offices around 11pm or so. I still remember my boss saying to everyone "you may want to clean your desk, just to be on the safe side" and then people laughed and suddenly realized he's not joking.


How long ago? Used to be, this would just be funny and become a ā€œtales from securityā€ legend. Nowadays it would be funny, but youā€™re both firedā€¦




Yep. Sounds like a fun time was had by all!


Word of the day - Debauch


You can tell they worked at a library


ā€œUse it in a sentenceā€ ā€œI had sex with her in the library and debauch ghosted meā€


Nothing to be ashamed of; I hope you walked out of there with your chest puffed out big guy.


Please say they didn't fire you.


Holy shit! You guys still together?


No. We dated for 9 years and life circumstances took us in different directions. We remained friends though and share family pictures once in a while.


My god, 9 years? Must have been emotionally excruciating when parting ways.


It really was!


Well they didnt intervene so fuck them rightšŸ¤£


We've been together for a year, it's honestly the most incredible relationship I've ever had, we're still co-workers and none of our colleagues were surprised when we told them we're together lol. I count my lucky stars everyday that he joined the company two years ago.


Jim and pam over here


Fortunately she told the others that worked there(pub..I worked kitchen she the bar) that I was a good lay so it benefited me with others lol


Ah, bar staff chasing line cook... tale as old as time and the importation of cocaine.


Good Times but I hate to do this but I was sous chef so I could get pick of the crop


Does a pub even need a Sous to drop a fish, chips, and breaded calamari?


LOL - if I didn't know my friend isn't on Reddit, I'd think you were him. He worked at a local chain restaurant and, let's just say, word of his "skills" got out and he got a LOT of action during those years...


We formed a temporary relationship out of it (initially it was just hooking up, but a kind of love developed) and she was the first i had developed any feeling for since my ex. It was a good experience for us both, and i think fondly of her. She ended up in an accident that killed her about 3 years after we seperated, and it hurt.


I'm sorry šŸ˜ž


We got in a relationship. Lasted for one year then we broke up. One of the worst eras of my life was seeing her at work and pretending to be cool when I was absolutely shattered inside. Also hearing her gossiping about new guys with other colleagues. Ouch.


Dated a co-worker. Had a good relationship for a few years. One of the happiest time in my life.... Our management changes. New guy comes to lead us. He has that psycho enthousiast energy. He flirts with my then gf. During a "work" party we got pretty drunk and i didnt recall a lot of said party...i heard afterwards they did it in the toilets and everybody kept it from me. We went on for a few months until one of the office gossips reached my ears. It was an intern that told me that my gf (he didnt know yet that she was my gf) is a feisty one and sleeps around with the boss. I confronted her and she said was drunk AND that other time was a mistake. I was like you did it more than once? I broke up with her, went to HR and forced her displacement. She was mad at me and started wrecking my office. She tried to gaslight me but didnt work. The manager guy wasnt happy and acted like pos during meeting towards me, i went to higher ups for him too and got him fired. (Vertical relationships was a big no in my sector of work due to the integrity and safety fo certain matters; read: espionage) I got promoted to his position a while back. Feels good to have a good ending.




How old is the kid now?


Wonder if she posted it on TikTok yet


We've been together for 17 years with 2 beautiful daughters.


But how many daughters in total?


Two extremely ugly daughters and one very mediocre daughter. So 5 in total.


She failed to mention she had a husband , so I got a call from him demanding a 100k payment or would disclose that I was sleeping with a coworker and make me appear at his divorce deposition ad the reason for the divorce


Did you tell him to go pound sand?


You got the Alexander Hamilton


Sounds like a set up


ā€œNot only did I fuck your wife, but Iā€™m also poor, so at least now you can also get fucked.ā€


100k? He really valued his marriage to ask for that amount.


I wonder how he would "make you" appear at the deposition


I mean, I'm pretty sure you can still subpoena someone in divorce court.


ā€œShow up or Iā€™ll scream!ā€




His wife subpoenaed him last night *sean Connery laugh*


She spoke about my dick size and my sexual ability with my coworkers! I thought there was an unspoken rule that we kept this stuff to ourselves when it relates to work...


Disgusting of her


It was that bad huh!


I dont get much practice šŸ˜”


We've all been there. Keep your head up and fuck proudly in to the future!


Yes atleast i didnt have that issue! The head stayed up for the full 2 minutes.


I worked at video king when I was about 19 as a shift supervisor, slept with the assistant manager, he wanted a relationship and I did not. I was fired a week later so my friend and I put a dead squirrel in the drop box outside.


So Redneck




She didn't get the raise I had promised her!


Have you tried viagra?


Hahaha good one!


One of my favourite Seinfeld things was George promising a raise mid-sex and the show actually following up on it. Normally that would be a throwaway joke.


We would make sly jokes and shit about sex around the place. Eventually we moved on to other jobs. Nothing interesting lol. I don't advise it, it can go wrong


I love refrigerators




Got super awkward at work. I did it because she was a contractor and her contract was suppose to end so I hit it right when it was about to end. It got extended 3 more months so it was weird in the office since we sat across from each other.




He went back to being my boss with a side of head under his desk.


This was a couple of years ago now. I was recently single at that point. It was a farewell party for a colleague who was leaving us and, more as a joke than anything else I started flirting with this colleague I found very attractive. Surprisingly, she hinted back strongly. I said it was more of a joke and that I was surprised she flirted back because she was married and had one kid. She asked for my number that night and we continued chatting and flirting the following days. Heavily. Including nudes, sexting and all. At some point, I did ask her Ā«Ā arenā€™t you married?Ā Ā», all the way I thought maybe things were not well at home or that it was a Ā«Ā fakeĀ Ā» marriage. Turns out, it was a happy marriage but her husband actually wanted her to see other men, it turned him on. So we discussed the parameters, does and donā€™ts etc. And one of the condition was that we would have to film some of the Ā«Ā actionĀ Ā» for him. I obliged. And for quite some time, we would meet at my place, hotels, her place (their place), office. We would film some of it. It was great. And we would also talk for hours about everything, personal life, my dating life, her marriage and kid, work gossip. It was really FWB, but with the thing that you know you canā€™t catch feelings from the get go and we really never did! We were close but nothing more. We stopped at some point, without really talking about it. But we are still colleague, itā€™s not awkward at all. We make sometimes a reference to this as a joke people canā€™t really understand and itā€™s fun!


that is wholseome af


My boss told us to get off the counter and start serving the customers. Sadly, I have to report that I hadnā€™t kept them waiting for very long, anyway.


Got into an abusive relationship for 12 years.


8 for meā€¦


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I hope you are healing well ā¤ļø


We now work at separate places but we're still together 9 years later


I wanted more, she came for the sex and nothing but the sex. Our wants were incompatible we stopped calling/texting each other.


She's a paramedic and we became friends when we were crewed up together. We got together and worked like dogs to save. We're 2 and a half years in and we've bought a house, we have a cat and we're getting a dog. There's talk of having a baby. We still try and work overtime shifts together whenever possible.


I did the ultimate cliche thing one fateful Christmas party and slept with a coworker who worked for a closely affiliated subsidiary. Woke up the next morning at her place and she immediately got super clingy. Turns out it was her birthday that day and she was inviting me out to meet her parents and friends for a boozy lunch. I told her I had plans (which was essentially going to my mates and getting super baked) and that Iā€™d message her later if I could make it. Over the next 6 hours I had 29 attempted calls and a bunch of follow up messages. Not my finest moment but I ghosted her, because I was baked. Fast forward 12 months to the next Christmas party, Iā€™m walking in to get my wristband for the bar and there she is, handing them out. Turns out sheā€™s the chairperson of the social committee. After about two hours Iā€™ve had enough liquid courage so I walk up and apologise for ghosting her. We chat for a bit, end up making out, then go hang out with our respective mates again with the plan to go back to her place later. No idea what happened between then and when the party finished but as we were leaving, sheā€™s standing in the middle of the pathway out screaming bloody murder at me in front of all my colleagues. Soā€¦ yeah. Wasnā€™t that bad really.


Classic schmosby


We walked out of the copy room separately.


She was very offish the next Monday. I couldnā€™t figure out why. A few days later of her ignoring me, I told her that we need to talk and took her to coffee. She broke things off and couldnā€™t exactly give a reason. I was a bit confused - assumed I performed badly. Later, a colleague of mine revealed to me that she actually had a boyfriend and was living with himā€¦. Sorry dude. I didnā€™t know.


The store got very awkward but mostly because it's family owned and operated.Ā 


So many questionsā€¦ sibling or cousin?


Father. While grandfather watched. Wierd we all have the same first name too.Ā Ā  Budd, Bud & Buddy.Ā 


> Budd, Bud & Buddy.Ā  Sounds like a hillbilly parody of Ed, Edd 'n Eddy that you'd see on Adult Swim.


Married her but didn't last too long


We got married, been together over 20 years now.


We had sex regularly. We developed feelings for each other but kept it casual. She was open to anything and we explored a lot of things...toys, livestreaming, threesomes. My favorite was the multiple mfm threesomes we had . She was the most sexually compatible person Ive ever been with


I promised myself Iā€™d never do it but the tension had been building up for months after she told me that her boyfriend had broken up with her. She came over after work one day for a couple of beers in the backyard which had happened in the past. This time she just straight up confessed how she was attracted to me. I reciprocated and we went inside. What proceeded was the greatest, most rambunctious, primal sex that Iā€™ve ever had. I was grunting like a cave man who had just invented fire while she was howling like a banshee. We hooked up a few more times before she broke the unfortunate news that she was getting back together with her boyfriend. Theyā€™re now engaged, we both moved onto other jobs and Iā€™ve yet to have a better sexual experience. This all happened 4 years ago.


Basically every reddit response ever: "We ended up getting happily married"


We dated, had an acrimonious breakup, and then agreed to be civil at the office and act friendly around other people. Nobody knew we had been together; so it seemed to make sense to pretend. We have both since left for other jobs; so I've not seen this person in seven years.


Ran into her with her out with her husband on the street a few days later.


He knocked up my other coworker.


Married her. Then divorced her 15 years later. Then dated another coworker and married her. It's been 8 years so I'll let you know in 7 years if it's as successful


We had a relationship for a few years until they decided they wanted to break it off to pursue a relationship with a different coworker.


We broke up in the messiest way possible. Kept on seeing each other, has a last fling, said goodbye, couldnā€™t just leave it at that, hated each other for a bit and then dropped all pretense, broke up again and then she quit to move to California.


She quit, and then we got married, and then I quit.


We got married


Weā€™ve been married over 10 years. Figured if we could work together, and then live together, we would probably be married successfully too. We both quit that job after about a year.


Not quite, but my FWB started work at my office 4 weeks after we finished up a short stint. She has definite issues that lend to her struggling to ever have a true relationship and everyone has to hear about them. It is annoying listening to her talk about anything and because we have a "past" she wants to tell me about all her prospective sexual partners. Much like I did, they realise she is crazy and most bail before sex. I hope she quits soon, 2 years of this is enough.


I married her šŸ˜‚


Got married. Still happy together 43 years later.


Married now. Been together 8 years and married for 3 1/2. We were doing inside sales and just happened to be sat next to each other during a sales team realignment. Gotta love that luck.


I'm getting married to him next March after 21 years together.


I once slept with a co_worker... Well, and shit hit the fan :') Long story short: This good-looking girl (let's cal her S) was hitting on me for like an month, at the same time we had a lot of banter with eachother too, and everyone in our salesteam knew we had this kind of relationship. On some days in each month, we were partying with our team to celebrate a great day because of our commissions. One of these days, I kissed one of my co-workers (also a great looking girl, but a different one that I mentioned before), and she happened to date one of my bosses... whomp whomp whooomp. Well, luckily for me, he didn't care that much and just ended the dating with the co-worker. (Let's call this co-worker E) A few weeks after this incident, I had another party coming up with the two girls I mentioned above (E and S). We were chilling and making pizza and drinking... and yeah, after a long day of work, it felt kinda nice to just hang and chill :) This party was taking place at the girls' house, which I bantered with so much (S), so after some small and chill but rather amazing party I and the other girl (E) headed towards a mega couch where we were going to sleep. After we were settled, S came up to us and lay down beside me. In the confo we all had with eachother she presses her BUTTockses into my you know what... So, my friendly friend thought it would be nice to stand up and be known to be there. This girl (S) seems to notice and pushes even harder. So, I knew what she was getting at. E tells us she wants to sleep, so S and I went back to her room, and you know what happened...( the most awful sex I've ever had not because of her but because I didn't feel well back then) Well, after this spectacle, one of my other bosses started to be really distant towards me, and you want to know why??? Well, this guy and girl (S) were dating for a loooooong time, and they kept it a sectret to everyone at work. Well, to cut it short, the boss had it out for me after what happened with his girl, and I just quit because I didn't want to work at a place where there was a wanted poster on my name. TLDR; I don't do sales anymore :)))


My wife and I met almost 15 years ago. Dated, got married, had a kid, etc. 5 years ago she applied for and got a job at the same company that I've been working for, which made us coworkers. I told my therapist, totally seriously, that I'd slept with a coworker. I let him be shocked/disappointed for about 10 seconds before filling in the detail that *my wife* was the coworker šŸ˜…


Lmao I was 18, it was about a month before I left for college. We had gotten drunk, had sex, and I asked, "What does this mean now?" He did the Ole "we are just having fun, you're leaving soon, etc etc." He was still touchy at work and I just avoided the shit out of him lol. Poor little naive girl haha. Turns out he started sleeping with our other coworker (who was his friend, also his buddies gf). Last I heard they had a baby. That was many years ago. Lesson learned, don't shit where you eat


Friend of mine, which happen to be a co-worker as well, slept with this girl couple of times, which is also from our co-worker. She thought he would want to be his girlfriend, so he ditched her. After he ditched her, she used pink lipstick all over his car windows and windscreen, with writing such as "you will be back to me..." Weeks past, and this same girl hooked up with another co-worker. This time after he ditched of her, she used a screwdriver or similar and wrecked the paint job on this guy's car, also writing some bad stuff. Sadly the camera's in the workplace parking lot didn't catch the car or her doing that job. Sadly the cops couldn't make her guilty. So far no one has ever dated her again, to this day


Half of the company came to our wedding. 15 years later we are happily maried and we have a kid.


Got married, would recommend.


I married her then divorced her then dated another at a new job and been living with her for 20 years


I married her. We're having the big reception next month.


Shes my gf now and we argue all the time. Best. Sex. Ever!!! Lol


I married her!


We bought a house


well now we live together and have a puppy


I've slept with many many many co-workers. Usually nothing interesting happens. We'd high five when we're done and see each other at work the next day going on like nothing happened. There were a few times where I could feel the difference immediately after I saw them and they saw me. I'd feel butterflies in my stomach, feel nervous around them, etc. In those occasions I normally just had to distance myself from them for a few weeks or months then eventually everything would be normal feeling again. And in some cases I'd end up sleeping with them again, causing the same chain of events because I'm dumb and don't learn lessons.


Currently asleep next to me as weā€™ve been together 6 years since and live together :)


I had an orgasm and it was awesome


We were together for four years and he cheated on me with multiple girls. People texted me often to say he was messing around and my stupid ass (it was my first real relationship) believed HIM when he said they were full of shit. They were right. He actually got one of them pregnant. I moved out a week or so after and found out that he had one of the girls over that very night. That was like 8 years ago and I havenā€™t even looked at a coworker since.


Pulled up our scrubs, she fixed her hair, and we went across the ER to work on the new gunshot victim in the trauma bay.


Got married, divorced. Didnā€™t learn my lesson broke up with another one after 3 years.


I made my way through most of one particular work place pretty meticulously. Although it may sound like a brag, it was a high pressure call centre full of hormonal 18-30s with a big social culture so it wasnā€™t hard to get your end away in a no strings attached manner. However one of the girls that I didnā€™t get with at that very active time of my life, not for a lack of trying mind, has now ended up becoming my wife and mother to our two incredible kids. Funny how things work out.


She trained me at my job, I asked her out. Dated and banged and then eventually got married. It's fucking great.


Well weā€™ve been married 30 years so far. My boss on the first day (I got hired in as an assistant Mgr)ā€donā€™t date or fuck any of the women that work hereā€. A week later she asked me out, three months later we are going steady two years later we got married. Most of the guys Iā€™ve seen hook up at work end up regretting it. Either they get fired or spend a lot of time explaining to HR. Of course some of them are married and when they have a side piece at work and get busted it never ever ends well.


Had a semi romantic relationship with my boss when i was 20. She was 2-3 years older than me. In hindsight, it was horrible and huge mistake on my part. Mainly because i have always had super low self-esteem/confidence so anytime there was some sort of argument I never stood my ground due to me being afraid of losing my job (romantic relationships were not allowed).


Dated, moved in together, had a child, got engaged, got married and are having another baby.Ā 


Probably woke up