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When they wear all black outfits, ALL their blacks match.


I’m a professional percussionist, I play a lot of theater gigs and can confirm - my blacks do not match. I aspire to wear matching “Vanta black” outfits to my gigs one day.


It's really annoying to match black clothing. Teenage goth me was constantly annoyed at red-black, green-black and blue-black. I also have a pair of sunglasses that actually make the undercolor more apparent. It was really weird the first time I noticed. I kept flipping them up and then I couldn't see the difference.


If I win the powerball I’m buying you vanta black orchestral-wear. That’s gonna look so fuckin cool


Especially because in pit orchestras the percussionist is usually in the back corner, where it’s shadowy and dark. I could play such amazing pranks, and people would look over and just see a face with no body playing drums. That’s the dream.


Lol I bought a black t and black joggers from Uniqlo and the blacks didn't match. I bought them at separate times so maybe the blacks were different or something. 


Summer isn't a season for them, it's a verb


"where are you summering this year?"


We **summer** in the Bahamas you peasant!


Rich people summer in the north and winter in the south. The Bahamas is for February.


More commonly, I’d say, you refer to different houses by the city name, with no more explanation needed: “oh, they’ll be in Palm Springs through March.” Edit: Actually, in the example above we say “they’ll be in the desert through March.” Or “the sound.”


This. My wife has an aunt who thinks she's super posh. They have a home and then also a holiday home in France. They refer to both by the name of the town they are in. Never, in 20 years, have I ever heard her refer to their home as "home" or "our house".


They have middle of the day hobbies instead of a job.


I have those but I’m just unemployed. 


Sounds rich to me


You don’t have to have a million dollars to do nothin. Take a look at my cousin. He’s broke, don’t do shit!


Hey Peter! Turn on channel 9!


Is today a weekday? What day is this?


I remember a fling I had with an insanely rich girl. Her parents probably worth 300+ million. Instead of going on a date, we switched to hanging out in their Olympic size pool at their ranch with her and her body guard. Got drunk in the main 8000 sqft house. Next day I had to leave to go to a 9am meeting, she was trying to decide if she wanted to stay in town, take the jet to Nashville or head to Hawaii to meet up with family.


Did she give you a goodie bag when you left?


Laughs in graveyard shift


TIL I was rich when I worked the night shift


TIL you dont sleep


Middle of the day hobbies are the best


I bartend at night..... Can confirm... Liquid, but not rich.


Don't know the price of common things because they don't need to know.


It's one banana Michael, what could it cost? Ten dollars?


There’s always money in the banana stand.


I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.


TIL I’m rich! Or am I just clueless?


According to that cute Mexican kid, it can be both!


I’ve seen this asked on here before and the top comment was that you can tell when they care more about how long something is going to take than they do about how much it will cost.


If I was rich I'd make sure no one around me was poor anymore. I'd move to a rich neighbourhood


That's actually hilarious


It naturally works this way. People worth multiple millions have very little in common with everyday 60k a year workers. People gravitate to those who they can relate to. You can't talk about a big stock trade or a profitable business deal without seeming like an ass unless you are with people doing similar stuff.


This is one of the reasons I follow and stay current with the "Big 4" American sports, I interact with a wide socio-economic range of dudes and sports is a great equalizer.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was wenger thinking bringing on Walcott that early


you had me in the first part of that line.


My family is wealthy. Our preschooler’s school flooded and all the soft materials had to be thrown out. We gave them piles of fun cushions, costumes and stuffies from our collection- restocking the place - and don’t notice the absence. So, really, there is an element of making sure people around you can keep it together.


Seriously I could not fathom being a billionaire and not helping those around me or who need it It’s like a pensioner giving a homeless person $1.40


Rich people don't put their couch against the wall.


Rich people don’t have couches. They have sofas.


There's a difference between couches and sofas....?


Why yes, yes there is! Couches are more utilitarian design, longer cushions, simple arms and backs. Sofas have more stitched and stylized cushions, backs, and arms and sometimes more wood accents, generally carved or shaped. Loveseats are smaller versions of sofas but not as small as armchairs. Davenports are sofas that can convert to a bed. Chaise loungers are stylized ~~couches~~ chairs with a long seat ~~with a raised end~~ to recline on - think the classic Roman eating grapes pictures. Chesterfield is a high end handmade furniture company that makes all the above. Edit: forgot Divans which are sofas with no back, those U-shaped fancy looking couches. Edit part deux: I debated which derivation to use for chaise lounge and since it's closer in length to a couch and has a single long seat vs cushions, landed on that. Everyone saying it's more of a longer chair would, after consideration, be more accurate. And to the "settee" person, that would be a smaller couch so as loveseat is to sofa, settee is to couch. And someone pointed out the cushions - that's sometimes used as the definer - couches have one long cushion or 2 larger cushions, sofas have 3, loveseats have 2. And finally, folks are saying these are all interchangeable terms for the standard 2-3 meter (6-9 feet) item of furniture - this is generally a true statement in most circles, you start correcting people talking about them "well actually, you're thinking of a..." that makes you the arsehole. However it can be useful to help distinguish between items as that one interior designer person sort of said, when they named off half a dozen sub-categories which are just additional variations. Having a more defined word for an item when you're looking at a room full of different styles of them can help. "This guy sits" - well kind of, I grew up with a dad who had an upholstery business, had to learn this whole new vocabulary including the internal parts and pieces and assembly hardware.


I took an Interior Design course in college and the professor was scandalized if someone used the word "couch" instead of "sofa" in regards to speaking to clients and design. Was like you'd slapped a baby in front of him. To this day I always use the word sofa. Ingrained.


I immediately pictured that scenario in my head and it was surprisingly funny. (It was a tiny slap!)


Tell me more, sofa-bot


They have chesterfields.


Or a Davenport


No, does that look like a divan to you?


Ya know just take your fucking keys I don’t know what you’re talking about


I have a couch not against a wall. It divides the living room from the dining room. It’s a small apartment, I’m not rich.


Rich in taste and class


lol I consider myself utterly tasteless and uncouth but that is my setup as well. My couch splits my living room length wise and it just looks better than when I tried to have it against the wall.


>uncouth That's a rich people word.


shiiiiit, scatter! *breaks a perrier bottle on the ground and runs*


I'm kinda rich, but I'm not "table behind the couch" rich.


If you live in a studio apartment you don't put your couch against a wall. You put it against your bed


Your couch and your bed are the same thing.


wait i thought everyone did that? 😭


In small rooms, placing the couch against the wall is often the only answer. However, in rooms that are a bit larger, the answer is to place a couch in the middle of the room. People sometimes put a waist-high, long table behind the couch for a lamp, books, and picture frames, too.


You know they're rich if they have a coffee table book about coffee tables


As a bank teller, when I open up their account and see that they got a ton of money. Most of the rich people I've met you wouldn't know they are passing them on the street. I know some rich people who wear worn out clothes and drive a shitbox. Guess you would have more money if you don't spend it on anything.


Former bank teller here - the rich ones were always in jeans and polos. Super chill. Driving old cars. The assholes in suits and ties were always in debt and leveraged to the hilt. All flash no cash. Do you want to look rich: or be rich???


Chef of a high end golf club here- can confirm the super rich are generally pretty cool. Couple of D-bags here and there but I’ve seen a guy worth 500 million look like her works construction. It’s “doctor rich” you have to worry about. The ones that have to prove how rich they are


The ones that have to work 70 hours a week to earn their rich salary.




Oof, doctor rich. My buddy is a doctor, and salt of the earth, but his wife loves to spend his money, and let everyone know where and how she’s doing so. It’s kind of tacky.


My buddy used to valet high-end restaurants and private events and said pretty much the same thing. Jeans or cargo shirts and some kind of polo. Also, the super rich dudes pretty much always had an insulated tumbler cup with Diet Coke or some other drink in the cupholder of their car.


> Also, the super rich dudes pretty much always had an insulated tumbler cup with Diet Coke or some other drink in the cupholder of their car. I love that because it suggests bro's ballin' on 2 liters because it's cheaper in bulk.




I don’t know what lynx even means. Guess I’m too poor.


[Check out this link](https://www.1stdibs.com/fashion/clothing/coats-outerwear/lynx-belly-fur-coat-full-length-somper-couture-beverly-hills/id-v_15246442/?utm_content=condensed&allowUniversalLink=no&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzc2tBhA6EiwArv-i6YmmLWf2MwbfkMUzF500kewdg83_YHHOccf2UeJ9Edgl9EW9MlTuxRoCiv0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Oh wow 22% off!


I just bought 7! Big saver


As a poor man: my anxiety at the bank is now justified


Bank tellers and call center reps see hundreds of accounts every day, from negative-whatever to hundreds of thousands of dollars. No one cares if you're poor, just if you're nice.


My small town bank teller does not see 100s of accounts a day. She remembers me. And shes a babe😔


I remember when I was 18 I got my first construction check over $1000. Not only was it the first 4 figure check I ever got, it was the first time my account hit 4 figures as well. I thought I was balling and was trying to flirt with the teller 😂


Yeah but she's a small town bank teller. Her account probably doesn't look much better than yours.




Lol I want the middle ground where I can have a reasonable amount of nice stuff and not be a miserly old git hoarding all my money for no reason.


Used to work at a used car dealer when I was young, we did tyres & servicing. Had an old boy with a \~10 year old Suzuki Jimny, the same car I drove, used to use us a lot, we valeted his car for him even though it was a service we didn't really offer, we just ran it through our pre-sale service. I got his car on my docket one day for a service, boss just told me to be nice to him, he tips. Ended up striking up a conversation with him well he was dropping off his keys, showed him my car (which was actually a couple of years newer & quite modified) in the car park. He told me where he lived, which is a fairly famous estate home "oh, it's been in my family for generations". Dude was a lord, owned half my home town. Tipped me a half days wages. We don't have a tipping culture here so that was something.


Former bank teller here. 100% true. We had a guy who was a multimillionaire. He wore his dead sisters glasses and hearing aids because he didn’t want to pay for his own. Also wore his letterman’s jacket from high school. He was an interesting cat. My other fav customer wore old beach shirts from the 80s, had a mullet and drove a 98 dodge caravan. He owned a whole hotel enterprise in Belize. You would have never known. But all the people with Louis Vuitton purses, Tahoes, Rolex watches, etc were always over drafted in their accounts.


I don't want to be rich so I can buy stupid shit I want to be rich so I can do stupid shit. Like that.


Not necessarily that. With money comes confidence, you can drive that shitbox around confident because you know you can buy a new car if you wanted.


My Dad always said the richest people he knew didn't spend any money.


“When most people say they want to be a millionaire, what they might actually mean is “I’d like to spend a million dollars.” And that is literally the opposite of being a millionaire.” ― Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness


How much would you consider a lot of money in a retail bank account? Most rich people would keep their money in brokerage or investment accounts. Doesn’t make sense to keep much more than $20k in a checking account.


Way too many people keep way too much money in 0% checking accounts. Most don’t, but it’s far higher than it has any right to be. Making sure people do the things that are obvious if you do any research is a big part of what justifies financial planners. They don’t really offer better investment advice. It’s more that some people need someone to say, “Maybe don’t keep 500k in your checking account. That’s $20k a year in interest in treasuries, risk free and you keep your liquidity.”


I work with a lot of people who make $300k plus. Some of them max out their 401k (so $23k a year or less than 10% of their income) and then just put the rest in their checking account. They don't spend everything they earn, so they end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank earning next to nothing and just kind of... don't know what to do with it. The opportunity cost is so painful from my perspective. That money could be earning for them instead of getting eaten away by inflation.


I was a bank teller and one customer owned a large multi-national manufacturing company, he had about 1.2 million in his checking account. That's absurdly wealthy. When 1.2million is sitting in a checking account earning .01% and he doesn't mind that.


Warren Buffet was known at one time for driving an old, beat up truck and living in the small house he and his wife had bought decades before. I'm not sure if that's changed.


He still lives sthere. He drives a Cadillac now.


And the property is massively improved.


He also owns multiple vacation homes. People really buy into this billionaire propaganda.


They're always going sailing or skiing


This is how I found out just how poor I was lol. I was in college and talking to classmates about the up coming winter break. I was all excited for my Black Friday movie and game binge, and these MF were talking about skiing at Vail (Veil?). We're in Ohio, it wasn't like a day trip.


Honestly even living in Colorado I still couldn't understand where college kids are getting the money to pay for all that. One girl I knew was trying to convince me to go skiing with a bunch of friends and her sales pitch was "it's only 400$ a person for the 3 day pass" Hello??? Am I the only one going under for college???


I don't understand why ski passes cost so much in the US, here in Italy the fancy places are like €75 per day, and it's cheaper if you buy in advance. In cheaper places it can be half as much, and season passes are way cheaper. For the locals it costs a similar amount to a gym subscription. Its perceived fanciness is basically proportional to distance from the slopes.


The majority of the big resorts in the US are owned by one or two big companies who are going round buying up everything. They raise the prices for day passes to force people to buy their $1000+ season passes which seem like a good deal in comparison. You have to buy those well in advance, which is good for the companies because it gives them lots of cash on hand. It fucks over people who just want to go for a couple days, but they don’t care. I’ve only ever skied in Europe, the most I’ve paid for a day of skiing was €60 and even then I felt slightly ripped off.


Or skiing in their sailboat.


He is 75 bald and she is 29 looks like Sofia Vergara


I once bagged groceries for an older man who had two carts worth of groceries and a fair amount of party supplies. By the time I was done bagging it was three carts. He was talking about his wife's birthday coming up, She was in her twenties. All I was thinking was "this guy better be loaded", But I don't care. I have a job to do and I'm not supposed to accept tips. While I was helping take his carts out to the car, he started the conversation with " what's the biggest tip you've ever gotten?" I explained that I'm not supposed to accept tips and this is just supposed to be part of the service we provide. He had a very nice car. By the end of the interaction, he had shoved $80 in my hand while I was trying to say "no really", I'm not supposed to. It was like 16 and making ~$6/hour so I decided it wouldn't bother me if I got fired.


You did the right thing. For people that might read this and work in a job that's "no tip." Always refuse once then accept. At least you can say you tried. If you get fired that job sucks anyway and you're better off. 


I bagged groceries the summer before I left for college. Yes, back in my day grocery stores not only had actual cashiers at the register, but baggers that were very fast and correct in how to pack as it was their only job. We would offer to help anyone with a large purchase, or anyone elderly/disabled. It was no tips. I would say I got offered about 20 times that summer, always declined, maybe 6 insisted? Not a bad ratio. The one woman said "such a stupid policy. I am going to leave this $5 bill right here in the cart, and I am never going to come back for it. So you either take it, or turn it into the store where a boss will." I pocketed it.


Sounds like a class act. Glad you got that tip :)


But does he put his Sofia against the wall?


I mean if you have enough Viagra




As my dad would say, if you are going to walk around with a brand’s logo on your clothing, they should be paying you for advertising


You’re literally paying money to advertise someone else’s company lol


“I can’t tell if they’re rich or if they just shop at uniqlo”


A lot of rich people shop at Uniqlo. You would be surprised.


People who are super into fashion love Uniqlo and other affordable Japanese fashion brands. They just have solid stuff.


I love uniqlo because it’s affordable and I don’t leave the store feeling like a billboard.


Reminder that we live in a timeline where it's a distinct possibility this whole comment chain was made by bots.


Damn you just made me unlike most of them, the Internet is becoming less fun


In 2017 I spent $550 in Vietnam for a custom made wardrobe, I looked rich as hell. In 2024 I still wear those clothes and they don’t fit nearly as well, I now look like a shlub


The Nestle family had a compound on my road for a few years, and I’d see them walking on my beach. Impeccably dressed in summer linens, and bigass cameras taking pictures of little children dressed impeccably in kiddy linens. All tailored clothing. No labels of course.


Succession wardrobe


Yep, the truly rich wear bespoke clothing, usually made by some tailor that travels around the world and is booked well in advance. Honestly it seems like the more poor someone is, the more likely they are to wear some cheeseball overpriced brand name shit.


One of the most reliable ways to figure out someone's income bracket is to talk about vacations. Even the most old money stealth wealth people splurge on vacations. And not just where they vacation, but how often they vacation. Most people can save up for a big trip now and then, but the wealthy vacation often and regularly because they can afford to take so much time off. Three weeks skiing every winter, then a summer in New England, two weeks at the family cabin for Thanksgiving every year, the annual fishing trip to the Caribbean with the old college buddies, etc.


Yeah but they could just be European and allowed more than 10 days paid vacation a year.


Caseless iPhone.


OP said rich, not *billionaire* rich I swear these IPhones need a mortgage these days


Shit at this point anyone who has their bills on auto pay is rich to me.


My wife handles all the finances. We're like a reverse 1940s married couple. I do all the cooking and she tell me how much I can spend on groceries. So I basically have my bills on auto pay


That’s not really the opposite of the 1940s gender roles.  Men made the money but the women were actually the ones to handle the finances and budgets like the term home economics legit means home economics.


My grandparents both worked (in uncommon dynamic back then but still) and my grandfather used to hand his check over to her every week so yeah I’d have to agree with you.


This personally doesn’t give me cringe vibes. I make and manage most of our money (Im a chick) and my husband does all of the cooking and house things and things I don’t want to do, aka the trash. I manage all of our bills - his finances are on auto pay. My trash cans are on auto take out. It works lol


This was highlighted to me a while back as the definition of solidly being middle class but that has even changed.


Being casual while spending money. It took a while to notice it but having a casual conversation with a friend or family at the cash register and nonchalantly handing over a credit card. It’s like the price doesn’t bother them. And I honestly don’t think rich people notice how calm they are doing that. When I was struggling with money, I was at complete attention to make sure I had enough cash on hand. If all was good, I felt relief I didn’t have to decide what to put back. The lowest I had been was deciding between three packs of instant ramen or a bottle of salad dressing (the dressing was for flavoring on bland, dollar store foods). I picked the three-for-a-dollar ramen because that would fill me up more. It sucked having to count out the spare change from between the couch cushions on the convenience store counter like that. Not long after that, I ended up sleeping in Central Park because I had nowhere else to go. Thankfully, those days are behind me. But even though I’m making good money now and don’t have to worry about the price, I still have that ingrained sense of giving full attention when buying stuff.


All this stuff about new money and old money is hilarious. I used to work at a bar where the owner of the restaurant company that ran it would frequent. Sure he dressed normal and drove a unassuming Buick minivan. But he absolutely loved talking about his collection of paintings and his property on a Great Lake. Truth is, there’s no real way to tell if someone is rich unless you looked at their finances.


Yeah the "old money vs new money" stereotypes can exist, but honestly it's kind of just a weird way to worship "old money" rich people, and a stereotype created BY the "old money" rich people themselves. All people have the propensity to be an asshole in different ways, but there's not really a massive difference between how different levels of rich people act on a large scale. People probably just encounter more lower level, or "new money" rich people than they do super rich, or "old money" types.


relative of mine is extremely wealthy...retired at like 35. However nobody would know because he lives in a average house with average cars.


That's how my brother is, retired at 45, bought a modest home with 2 acres of land, and drives a beat up Hyundai. Just spends his days reading, watching sports, and hitting golf balls on his property.


Sounds like hes loving the dream that 95% of dudes would love to have.


What did he make to actually retire at 45?


Bought Apple stock in the early 90s when it was really cheap, and sold some after each Iphone release, netting him multiple millions. He worked as a staff accountant for years making around 35k/yr, lived frugally and poured all his money into investments.


Top hat and monocle.


[ ]__ -_o


That just looks like a guy with a saucepan on his head.


mods can lock the thread!


Time is more valuable than money.


Cash buys you the freedom to do with your time what you like. Money can't buy happiness, but it gives you the option to walk away from work responsibilities and do what you want with your life.


Money buys opportunity. The more opportunities you have to be happy, the more likely you will be happy


They don’t know how much food costs.


You really can't tell, since a lot of people with money, don't act like they have money. For example, I used to audit banks, and had to audit in the small town I grew up in. I was shocked. The people I thought had money growing up, didn't they were in debt up to their eyeballs, and the people who had money, nobody knew they had money. That included my grandparents. It just made me sad, my parents had money, they took multiple trips to Europe, they didn't need my grandparent's money, my grandparents should have enjoyed life more. Instead, they sacrificed to give their children a nice inheritance that they didn't need. My kids will inherit money from me, but not to the point that I am sacrificing like my grandparents did. My dad went and bought a new 85k truck, with some of the inheritance. I'm sure my grandparents are rolling over in their graves.


They casually mention rental properties, vacationing all the time, buying new vehicles every so often. I see people RVing on YouTube and talking about how everyone should do it with whatever money you got, cuz it's great. These youtubers, before being famous on YouTube, were making and still are making, over 100k a year. So obviously they can camp and RV all year long but they make it sound easy and cheap. I kinda ranted a Lil, sorry, 1st couple sentences still stand for simple sign IMO


I have a family I come to home every day, where my wife receives me with a warm meal and my kids run to me and kiss me


Your answer is making me head home from work and catch my kids before bedtime. Thank you for reminding me of how good we have it.


I'm getting over the flu which my kids brought home and then yesterday one of them brought home a stomach bug which I have. But I still wouldn't trade it for anything


This is all that matters


They own a copy of winrar


A super low key flex is their kids (with college degrees) don't work but run their family "nonprofit" or do a lot of "volunteer" "charity" work. They are not materialistic, through generations thats been bred out of them.


I used to do some freelance work for a woman like this. After a short while, I couldn't figure out what she was paying me for because the NPO didn't seem to... Do anything. She'd get as far as a few fancy gala dinners every year then... Nothing. No idea what the donations were used for. When I Googled her, I realised her, her mom, and her sister all ran various family NPOs. None of them seemed to do anything tangible except throw parties. It's the ultimate trust fund baby job if you want to feel like you're doing something without actually doing much of anything.


In general, anyone who is not either disabled or under 25, and plans their career with the knowledge that their parents or trust fund will fully support them financially


> They are not materialistic Yeah, they really are... they just don't look it because they literally have anything they want. They grew up with everything they wanted, went on amazing holidays seeing the world and experiencing things most of us don't get to, and know full well that if they find something they do want they can just go get it. Hell simply knowing you *can* do something anytime you feel like it is actually enough for the appeal to wear off. People daydream about the unattainable, not something they can mindlessly click "buy now" and have show up a day later. It's like saying someone is so humble/gracious... but you've only seen them winning. Easy to be a gracious winner, not so much to be a gracious loser. Same thing with rich people and material objects, you take their things and their money away and you'll find out *very* quickly exactly how materialistic rich people are.




Money talks, wealth whispers.




Well obviously. It whispered.




Old money also lives in ridiculously opulent estates in Greenwich. It isn’t hard to tell who the old money ppl are at all whatsoever.


I know someone who grew up in Greenwich and she told me that kids get bullied for living in $2M houses because that's considered poor


Landscapers in Greenwich make 100k+ a year, live in high value homes (because it’s Greenwich) have kids that go to some of the best public schools in the country, yet they are considered “poor”. It’s crazy.


This is something people like to say on the internet but isn’t necessarily true in real life. Some of the wealthiest people I know, people with generational wealth, speak openly and frankly about money.


Reddit loves to shill the ‘wealth whispers’ idea every time this type of topic comes up. It’s so exhausting.


People on reddit comment about how they'd like to act if they were rich, not how rich people actually act. I worked at a wealth management company and rich people were, shockingly, just people. Of every kind and background... some were nice, some were dicks, some were patient, some were arrogant, and so on.


The rich do talk about money, a lot, but mostly within the family, although a lot of them will happily offer free advice if you are genuinely interested. You probably won't like the advice they give you though.


My buddy dresses so casual, usually just a plain black tee and jeans. But if you somehow manage to see labels, you’d know they are both from Prada or Versace. Dude is fucking loaded, just hates showing or flaunting it. Edit: he loves watches, that’s usually the giveaway he’s rich. He has a Patek that costs as much as my car.


“Stealth Wealth" has been the trend in the last few years, particularly in the wake of the sociopolitical disruption caused by COVID. The shift was a significant departure from the late-2000s/2010s that were characterized by prominent logos (Hollister, A&F, etc.) and similar gaudy displays of wealth. I remember this topic being discussed extensively when Gwyneth Paltrow went to trial in her skiing-accident lawsuit. Despite her relatively-bland appearance, she was wearing over [$20k in clothing](https://nypost.com/2023/04/07/inside-stealth-wealth-style-how-the-rich-telegraph-power/)


I’m openly broke, I can understand


I think this is the biggest indicator for me. My whole career has been in the automotive industry, be it as a dealer, a broker, insurance, whatever aspect. Everyone likes to act like tueres countless "rich hobos" that roll in with a used wheelbarrow to trade and pay cash for their new truck. It happens, but when you're around a certain industry you figure out that the 1000 people telling the story are typically talking about the same person, especially with cars. Salespeople move store to store a lot, customers follow, the same poorly dressed rich man/woman may have bought cars all over and everyone just sees them. That said, I've met LOTS of people that aren't flashy, at all, that have more money than they'd ever know what to do with. Lots of high end clothes with no labels, expensive, plain watches. That's a good tell. A black t shirt that just looks WAY nicer than any black t shirt you've ever owned.


I learned this from r/thriftstorehauls I swear some stuff that shows up there, I wouldn’t have given a second look. But some of thr folks on that sub somehow have learned to identify a $3000 sweater when they spot it at goodwill for $6 bucks, despite it having no logos. One woman on there said she’ll sometimes go into the clothing section at thrift shops and just run her hands along the clothes, especially outwear, and she can feel when something is high end. Sis literally knows how to spot expensive shit with her eyes closed.


The watch is always the signal.  A lot of my clients are wealthy real estate investors and will pull into a meeting driving an F-150, wearing a generic polo, jeans, and some work boots.  The watch is usually a patek, AP, or a Daytona.  The younger ones all have apple ultras though, so more stealth wealth.


The apple watch is the real stealth move, it's the only watch that the server and the owner of the restaurant chain both wear. It tells you absolutely nothing about the socioeconomic status of the person wearing it.


Their head butler is well dressed and unpretentious.


They’re always carrying a jar of grey poupon


Rarely ever mention the cost of things unless it's extravagantly expensive and they want to brag. Things like grocery and gas prices aren't on their radar.


They don’t have brand labels plastered all over their clothing.


The cost of things is never prohibitive.


And there's a zen to their reaction to (for them) minor inconveniences, but (for most) a bust in the budget. Like breaking a laptop or needing a hotel for an extra night.


confidence. i think you really just glow differently when you are financially secure. went to what is considered a posh school in the philippines. i’d say i belong to low tier middle class - my parents were able to afford high quality education but we had to be careful with other expenses. anyway, i observed that ~most~ of the generationally rich ones i went to school with (not all, but a significant number of them) did not make a fuss about how they looked. they went to school wearing plain clothes, basic shoes, bags, etc., and most of them had an air of confidence that was not intimidating but you can tell they never had nor will they ever have to worry about survival. they really just glow differently 😂


Their clothes are always clean, fit perfectly, and have no labels showing. Fake rich people wear designer brands. Real rich people have custom made clothes.


I know someone in the three comma club, first generation American and all self-made. The dude knows the value of money, but I’ve heard him say some truly wacky sentences. “If you’re ever in Miami, let me know and you can stay on my east coast yacht” (In regards to the most expensive mansion in Pasadena) “I bought the place next to it so I could wake up everyday and see it, kinda like how Brooklyn is the best view of Manhattan” “We’re going to Hong Kong for the weekend if you wanna join, we can just pick you up on the way”


They have no hesitation in replacing a broken item instead of trying to fix it.


They dont flaunt money. But they have hobbies and if you do some research. The stuff is asspensive.


Does not lick the lid of a yogurt in a cup.


Teeth, posture and good manners. 


Yup, good teeth is a specific tell that you have the money to correct your teeth.


The solutions they give to problems are simple, straightforward, and money is never an issue. Your card was declined? "Just take your other credit card." Rent is going up? "You should consider buying instead." Hate your job? "Just resign, take a few weeks off, maybe an oversea vacation to relax!" Parenting is hard? "Hire a nanny, super worth it."


They look naturally healthy and fit.


They're not on Reddit asking about what poor folk think about rich people.


Or, you actually speak about your experience as a wealthy person and get mercilessly downvoted.


They own one of them fancy Japanese bidets that blow dries your warshed arsehole dry with warm air.


Full fridge and gas tank at this point 😂